Merge branch 'master' into bug-4403-remove-polyfill
[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / Tkmaxima / Adams.tcl
1 ############################################################
2 # Adams.tcl #
3 # Copyright William F. Schelter. All rights reserved. #
4 # #
5 # Modified by Jaime E. Villate #
6 # Time-stamp: "2024-03-16 20:45:39 villate" #
7 ############################################################
9 proc adamsMoulton {f g t0 x0 y0 h nsteps} {
10 set ans [rungeKutta $f $g $t0 $x0 $y0 $h 3]
11 catch {
12 set i 0
13 set h24 [expr {$h/24.0}]
14 foreach {t x y } $ans {
15 lappend listXff [xff [expr {$t0+$i*$h}] $x $y]
16 lappend listYff [yff [expr {$t0+$i*$h}] $x $y]
17 incr i
18 set xn $x
19 set yn $y}
20 set n [expr $nsteps -3]
21 while { [incr n -1] >= 0 } {
22 #puts "listXff = $listXff"
23 #puts "listYff = $listYff"
24 # adams - bashford formula:
25 set xp [expr {$xn + ($h24)*(55 *[lindex $listXff 3]-59*[lindex $listXff 2]+37*[lindex $listXff 1]-9*[lindex $listXff 0]) }]
26 set yp [expr {$yn + ($h24)*(55 *[lindex $listYff 3]-59*[lindex $listYff 2]+37*[lindex $listYff 1]-9*[lindex $listYff 0]) }]
27 #puts "i=$i,xp=$xp,yp=$yp"
28 # adams-moulton corrector-predictor:
29 # compute the yp = yn+1 value..
30 set t [expr {$t0+$i*$h}]
31 incr i
32 if { 1 } {
33 set xap [expr { $xn+($h24)*(9*[xff $t $xp $yp]+19*[lindex $listXff 3]-5*[lindex $listXff 2]+[lindex $listXff 1]) }]
34 set yap [expr { $yn+($h24)*(9*[yff $t $xp $yp]+19*[lindex $listYff 3]-5*[lindex $listYff 2]+[lindex $listYff 1]) }]
36 set xn $xap
37 set yn $yap
38 # puts "after correct:i=[expr $i -1],xn=$xn,yn=$yn"
39 # could repeat it, or check against previous to see if changes too much.
41 set listXff [lrange $listXff 1 end]
42 set listYff [lrange $listYff 1 end]
44 lappend listXff [xff $t $xn $yn]
45 lappend listYff [yff $t $xn $yn]
47 lappend ans $t $xn $yn
48 # puts "ans=$ans"}
49 #puts "adams:t=$t"
51 return $ans}
53 ## endsource adams.tcl