Merge branch 'master' into bug-4403-remove-polyfill
[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / Tkmaxima / Fonts.tcl
1 # -*-mode: tcl; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
3 # $Id: Fonts.tcl,v 1.8 2006-06-27 13:33:42 villate Exp $
6 # set font {Courier 8}
7 global maxima_priv fontCourier8 fixedFont fontSize
8 set maxima_priv(fixedFont) Courier
10 # Pick a default font size in pixels
11 set _screenheight [winfo screenheight .]
12 # if {$_screenheight < 500} {
13 # # for 640x480
14 # set _pixel 10
15 # set _point 8
16 # # Pick a default borderwidth which smaller
17 # set _bd 1
18 # } elseif {$_screenheight < 700} {
19 # # for 800x600
20 # set _pixel 12
21 # set _point 8
22 # } elseif {$_screenheight < 800} {
23 # # for 1024x768
24 # set _pixel 12
25 # set _point 8
26 # } elseif {$_screenheight < 1100} {
27 # # for 1200x1000
28 # set _pixel 14
29 # set _point 10
30 # } else {
31 # set _pixel 18
32 # set _point 12
33 # }
35 # ZW: this actually produces better result
36 set _pixel 10
37 set _point 8
38 set fontSize $_pixel
40 # setup defaults depending on the OS and Window Manager
41 # Really should do another version for mono
42 switch -exact -- $tcl_platform(platform) {
43 windows {
44 set _prop_default Tahoma
45 set _fixed_default {Courier New}
47 default {
48 set _prop_default {Bitstream Vera Sans}
49 set _fixed_default {Bitstream Vera Sans Mono}
52 # make sure these fonts are installed
53 set _allowed [string tolow [font families]]
54 foreach font [list $_prop_default "MS Sans Serif" Tahoma Arial Helvetica \
55 fixed system] {
56 if {[lsearch -exact $_allowed [string tolow $font]] > -1} {
57 set _prop_default $font
58 break
61 foreach font [list $_fixed_default Courier fixed system] {
62 if {[lsearch -exact $_allowed [string tolow $font]] > -1} {
63 set _fixed_default $font
64 break
67 set fontCourier8 [list $_fixed_default $_pixel]
68 set fixedFont [font create -family $_fixed_default -size $_pixel]
69 set buttonfont [font create -family $_prop_default -size $_pixel]
72 global maxima_default
73 set maxima_default(adjust) 0
74 # I think this is too crude and wont work with WM schemes
75 if {0} {
76 catch {
77 set width_ [expr {.9 * [winfo screenwidth .]}]
78 if { [winfo width .] >= 500 } {
79 set width_ [winfo width .]
81 set maxima_default(adjust) [expr {
82 $width_<= 640 ? -1 :
83 $width_<= 800 ? 0 :
84 1 } ]
85 unset width_
91 ######### font choosing utilities #########
92 global tcl_platform
93 global isFixedp
95 if { "$tcl_platform(platform)" == "unix" } {
96 array set isFixedp {
97 fixed 1 {fangsong ti} 1 {clearlyu alternate glyphs} 0 lucidatypewriter 1 charter 0 lucidabright 0 times 0 ming 1 {lucidux sans} 0 {open look glyph} 0 {song ti} 1 newspaper 0 helvetica 0 {open look cursor} 1 li 1 mincho 1 {clearlyu ligature} 0 {clearlyu pua} 0 {lucidux mono} 1 courier 1 clearlyu 0 utopia 0 lucida 0 nil 1 clean 1 terminal 1 kai 1 gothic 1 cursor 0 symbol 0 {clearlyu arabic extra} 0 {lucidux serif} 0 {new century schoolbook} 0 song 1
101 proc getFontFamilies { fixed } {
102 global isFixedp
103 foreach font [font families] {
104 if { ![info exists isFixedp($font)] } {
105 set isFixedp($font) [font metrics [list $font] -fixed]
107 if { $isFixedp($font) == $fixed } {
108 lappend answer $font
111 return [lsort $answer]