Merge branch 'master' into bug-4403-remove-polyfill
[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / Tkmaxima / Getdata1.tcl
1 ############################################################
2 # Getdata1.tcl #
3 # Copyright (C) 1998 William F. Schelter #
4 # For distribution under GNU public License. See COPYING. #
5 # #
6 # Time-stamp: "2021-04-04 10:23:33 villate" #
7 ############################################################
8 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
10 # readAllData -- read data from CHANNEL.
11 # Options: -tovar variable (store in this global variable)
12 # -mimeheader store in alist the mime values
13 # and oset $sock contentlength if
14 # -tochannel (store in channel)
15 # -timeout (for non action)
16 # -translation (for the sock)
17 # -chunksize size to do for each read between updating %
18 # -command a call back run on each chunk
19 # If -command is not specified, wait and return the result code.
20 # Value of -1 means a timeout, and value of >1 means success.
21 # If command is specified, call command each time data is read,
22 # with 1 argument appended, the result code.
23 # allowing no more than TIMEOUT millisconds between reads.
24 # We set up local variables for the $CHANNEL
25 # result
26 # bytesread (after the header if one specified)
27 # mimeheader (extracted)
28 # length (0 if not provied by mime header)
29 # COMMAND can access
30 # to examine the data read so far.
32 # Results: 1 on success, and -1 if it fails or times out.
34 # Side Effects: CHANNEL will be closed and the global variable VAR will
35 # be set..
37 #----------------------------------------------------------------
39 proc readAllData { sock args } {
40 global readAllData [oarray $sock] maxima_priv
42 array set [oarray $sock] {
43 timeout 5000
44 command ""
45 tochannel ""
46 translation binary
47 chunksize 2024
48 mimeheader ""
49 tovar ""
50 result ""
51 done 0
52 usecache 0
53 percent 0
54 bytesread 0
55 headervalue ""
56 contentlength -1
58 oset $sock begin [clock clicks]
59 foreach { key val } $args {
60 #puts " oset $sock [string range $key 1 end] $val"
61 oset $sock [string range $key 1 end] $val
64 #puts "locals:[array get [oarray $sock]]"
65 # puts "args=$args"
66 if { "[oget $sock translation]" != "" } {
67 fconfigure $sock -translation [oget $sock translation]
69 fconfigure $sock -blocking 0
71 catch {
72 $maxima_priv(cStatusWindow).scale \
73 config -variable [oloc $sock percent]
75 lappend [oloc $sock after] [after [oget $sock timeout] "oset $sock done -1"]
76 if { "[oget $sock mimeheader]" != "" } {
77 fileevent $sock readable "readMimeHeader $sock"
78 } else {
79 fileevent $sock readable "readAllData1 $sock"
82 if { "[oget $sock command]" == "" } {
83 oset $sock docommand 0
84 return [wrWaitRead $sock]
85 } else {
86 oset $sock docommand 1
87 # the command will do things and maybe caller will vwait..
88 return ""
92 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
94 # readMimeHeader -- read from SOCK until end of mime header.
95 # this is done as a fileevent. Store result in $sock local HEADERVALUE.
97 # Results: none
99 # Side Effects: data read, and the mime header decoded and stored.
101 #----------------------------------------------------------------
103 proc readMimeHeader { sock } {
104 global [oarray $sock]
105 set result ""
106 set ans ""
107 while { 1 } {
108 set n [gets $sock line]
109 if { $n < 0 } {
110 if { [eof $sock] } {
111 oset $sock done -1
112 close $sock
113 return
115 append [oloc $sock result] $result\n
116 break
118 if { $n <=1 && ($n==0 || "$line" == "\r") } {
119 # we are done the header
121 append [oloc $sock result] $result\n
122 regsub -all "\r" [oget $sock result] "" result
123 set lis [split $result \n]
124 foreach v $lis {
125 if { [regexp "^(\[^:]*):\[ \t]*(.*)\$" $v junk key val] } {
126 lappend ans [string tolower $key] $val
129 oset $sock headervalue $ans
130 oset $sock contentlength [assoc content-length $ans -1]
131 if { [oget $sock usecache] } {
132 set result [tryCache [oget $sock cachename] $ans]
133 if { "$result" != "" } {
134 oset $sock bytesread [string length $result]
135 wrFinishRead $sock
136 return
139 oset $sock percent 0
140 oset $sock bytesread 0
141 oset $sock result ""
142 #puts "mimeheader = <$ans>"
143 #puts "switching to readAllData1 $sock, [eof $sock]"
144 fileevent $sock readable "readAllData1 $sock"
145 #puts "doing readAllData1 $sock"
146 return
148 append result "$line\n"
152 proc readAllData1 { sock } {
153 #puts "readAllData1 $sock" ; flush stdout
154 global maxima_priv [oarray $sock]
156 makeLocal $sock timeout tovar tochannel docommand chunksize after contentlength begin
158 upvar #0 [oloc $sock bytesread] bytesread
159 #puts "readAllData1 $sock, bytes=$bytesread" ; flush stdout
160 if { [catch {
161 foreach v $after {after cancel $v}
162 while { 1 } {
163 if { "$tochannel" != "" } {
164 if { [eof $sock] } {
165 wrFinishRead $sock
166 return finished
167 } else {
168 set amt [expr { $contentlength >= 0 ? ($chunksize < $contentlength - $bytesread ? $chunksize : ($contentlength -$bytesread)) : $chunksize } ]
169 set chunksize $amt
170 set n [fcopy $sock $tochannel -size $chunksize]
172 } else {
173 set res [read $sock $chunksize]
174 set n [string length $res]
175 append [oloc $sock result] $res
177 incr bytesread $n
178 if { $n == 0 } {
179 if { [eof $sock] } {
180 wrFinishRead $sock
181 return finished
184 set maxima_priv(load_rate) "[expr {round ($bytesread * ($maxima_priv(clicks_per_second)*1.0 / ([clock clicks] - $begin)))}] bytes/sec"
186 if { $contentlength > 0 } {
187 oset $sock percent \
188 [expr {$bytesread * 100.0 / $contentlength }]
192 if { $docommand } {
193 catch { uplevel "#0" [oget $sock command] }
195 # puts "percent=[oget $sock percent],bytes=[oget $sock bytesread]"
197 if { $contentlength >= 0 && $bytesread >= $contentlength } {
198 wrFinishRead $sock
199 return finished
201 if { $n <= $chunksize } { break }
204 } errmsg ] } {
205 if { "$errmsg" == "finished" } {
206 return
207 } else {
208 global errorInfo ; error [concat [mc "error:"] "$errmsg , $errorInfo"]
211 lappend [oloc $sock after] \
212 [after $timeout "oset $sock done -1"]
215 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
217 # wrFinishRead -- run at the EOF. It will run the COMMAND one last
218 # time and look after setting the global variables with the result,
219 # closing the channel(s).
221 # Results: the $sock variable 'done', 1 for success, -1 for failure.
223 # Side Effects: many!
225 #----------------------------------------------------------------
227 proc wrFinishRead { sock } {
228 makeLocal $sock mimeheader contentlength tovar tochannel headervalue \
229 bytesread docommand
230 #puts "entering wrFinishRead" ; flush stdout
232 if { "$mimeheader" != "" } {
233 uplevel "#0" set $mimeheader \[oget $sock headervalue\]
235 if { "$tovar" != "" } {
236 uplevel "#0" set $tovar \[oget $sock result\]
237 } else {
238 catch { close $tochannel }
240 if { $contentlength < 0 || $bytesread >= $contentlength } {
241 oset $sock done 1
242 } else {
243 oset $sock done -1
245 catch { close $sock }
246 if { $docommand } {
247 catch { uplevel "#0" [oget $sock command] }
249 set res [oget $sock done]
250 #puts "wrFinishRead, tovar=$tovar,tochannel=$tochannel,res=$res,bytesread=$bytesread"
251 clearLocal $sock
252 oset $sock done $res
253 return $res
256 proc wrWaitRead { sock } {
257 #puts "entering wrWaitRead"
258 global [oarray $sock]
259 if { [oget $sock done] == 0 } {
260 myVwait [oloc $sock done]
262 #vwait [oloc $sock done]
263 set res [oget $sock done]
264 return $res
267 proc testit { addr usecommand args } {
268 if { [regexp {//([^/]+)(/.*)$} $addr junk server path] } {
269 set sock [socket $server 80]
270 #puts "server=$server"
271 # fconfigure $sock -translation binary
272 #puts "GET $path HTTP/1.0\n"
273 puts $sock "GET $path HTTP/1.0\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nAccept: text/html\n\nhi there" ;
274 flush $sock
275 proc _joe { sock } {
276 makeLocal $sock percent contentlength bytesread
277 puts "percent=$percent,contentlength=$contentlength,bytesread=$bytesread"
279 if { $usecommand } {
280 eval readAllData $sock -command [list "_joe $sock"] $args
281 wrWaitRead $sock
282 } else {
283 eval readAllData $sock $args
285 catch { close $sock }
289 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
291 # tryGetCache -- look up PATH (eg
292 # in the cache, and if you find success and a matching ETAG,
293 # then return the data in the file
295 # Results: The cached data in FILE or ""
297 # Side Effects: Will remove the file if the current etag differs.
299 #----------------------------------------------------------------
301 proc tryGetCache { path alist } {
302 global ws_Cache maxima_priv
303 set tem [ws_Cache($path)]
304 if { "$tem" != "" } {
305 set filename [file join $maxima_priv(cachedir) [lindex $tem 1]]
306 set etag [assoc etag $alist]
307 if { "$etag" != "" } {
308 if { "[lindex $tem 0]" == "$etag" } {
309 if { ! [catch {
310 set fi [open $filename r]
311 }] } {
312 fconfigure $fi -translation binary
313 set result [read $fi]
314 close $fi
315 return $result
317 } else {
318 # cache out of date.
319 if { [file exists $filename] } {
320 file delete $filename
321 return ""
329 proc saveInCache { path etag result} {
330 global ws_Cache maxima_priv
331 set cachedir $maxima_priv(cachedir)
332 # todo add a catch
333 set type [lindex [split [file tail $path] .] 1]
334 set count 0
335 while [ file exists [set tem [file join $cachedir $count$etag.$type]]] {
336 incr count
338 set fi [open $tem w]
339 #puts "writing $tem"
340 fconfigure $fi -translation binary
341 puts -nonewline $fi $result
342 close $fi
343 set ws_Cache($path) [list $etag [file tail $tem]]
344 set fi [open [cacheName index.dat] a]
345 puts $fi "[list [list $path]] {$ws_Cache($path)}"
346 close $fi
349 proc cleanCache { } {
350 global ws_Cache
351 catch {
352 foreach v [glob [cacheName *]] {
353 catch { file delete $v }
356 catch { unset ws_Cache }
359 proc cacheName { name } {
360 global maxima_priv
361 return [ file join $maxima_priv(cachedir) $name]
364 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
366 # readAndSyncCache -- read the cache index.dat
367 # and remove duplicates removing files, and if necessary save
368 # the file out. Normally this would be done at start up.
370 # Results:
372 # Side Effects:
374 #----------------------------------------------------------------
376 proc readAndSyncCache { } {
377 global maxima_priv ws_Cache
378 if { [catch { set fi [open [cacheName index.dat] r] } ] } {
379 return
381 set all [read $fi]
382 #puts "all=$all"
383 set lis [split $all \n]
384 #puts "lis=$lis"
385 set doWrite 0
386 foreach v $lis {
387 set key [lindex $v 0]
388 set val [lindex $v 1]
389 if { "$v" == ""} { continue}
390 if { [info exists ws_Cache($key)] } {
391 set doWrite 1
392 catch {file delete [cacheName [lindex $ws_Cache($key) 1] ] }
394 if { "$val" != "badvalue" } {
395 set ws_Cache($key) $val
398 close $fi
399 if { $doWrite} {
400 set fi [open [cacheName index.dat] w]
401 puts [concat [mc "writing"] "[cacheName index.dat]"]
402 foreach { key val } [array get ws_Cache *] {
403 puts $fi "[list [list $key]] {$val}"
405 close $fi