1 ############################################################
3 # Copyright (C) 1998 William F. Schelter #
4 # For distribution under GNU public License. See COPYING. #
6 # Modified by Jaime E. Villate #
7 # Time-stamp: "2024-04-11 16:35:46 villate" #
8 ############################################################
10 # Creates the browser if it doesn't exist
11 proc createBrowser
} {
12 global maxima_priv maxima_default
13 if {[winfo exists
$bname]} {
17 wm title
$bname [mc
: browser
18 OpenMathOpenUrl
) -toplevel $bname
19 set maxima_priv
) $bname
20 set Maxima_default
) 1
21 # Adds the menubar and the toolbar to the browser
22 vMAXAddBrowserMenu
24 # Creates the Maxima console
25 proc createConsole
} {
26 global maxima_priv maxima_default
27 # Makes the status panel....
30 set maxima_priv
) $st
31 label $st.rate
-width 35 -bd 1 -relief sunken
-justify left
32 -textvariable maxima_priv
) -anchor w
33 scale $st.
scale -showvalue 0 -length 200 -orient horizontal
34 pack $st.rate
-side left
-fill x
-expand 1 -anchor w
35 pack $st.
scale -side left
36 pack $st -side bottom
-fill x
-anchor w
37 set maxima_priv
) $st.rate
39 # Adds the toolbar to the Maxima console
42 pack $cname -expand 1 -fill both
-side top
45 oset
$w heightDesired
46 set maxima_priv
) $w
50 # oset $w program $program
52 if {[winfo exists
$w]} {catch { destroy $w }}
53 frame $cname.bottom
-height 2
54 $cname.bottom config
-cursor double_arrow
55 bind $cname.bottom
> "changeSize $w %Y"
56 pack $cname.bottom
-side bottom
-fill x
57 text $w -yscrollcommand "$cname.scroll set" \
58 -selectbackground yellow
-selectforeground blue
59 set maxima_priv
) input
61 scrollbar $cname.scroll
-command "$w yview"
62 pack $cname.scroll
-side right
-fill y
63 pack $cname.
text -expand 1 -fill both
-side left
64 $w mark
set lastStart end
65 $w mark gravity lastStart left
66 bind $w <Configure
> "resizeSubPlotWindows $w %w %h; resizeMaxima $w %w %h"
67 $w configure
-background white
68 $w configure
-foreground "#008600"
69 $w tag configure input
-foreground blue
70 $w tag configure output
-foreground black
71 $w tag configure mprompt
-foreground red
73 # binding order will be: window bindings, CNtext bindings,
74 # OpenMathText bindings and default bindings (usually Text . all)
75 # CNtext ans OpenMathText bindings are set up in Bindings.tcl
76 bindtags $w [linsert [bindtags $w] 1 CNtext OpenMathText
78 if {![regexp -- input
)] } {
79 append maxima_priv
) {|^input
80 set maxima_priv
) $cname.
81 vMAXSetCNTextBindings
82 wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW
[list maxExit
84 # Sets up the console size and font
85 $w configure
-height $maxima_default(iConsoleHeight
) \
86 -width $maxima_default(iConsoleWidth
87 font configure ConsoleFont
-family [lindex $maxima_default(ConsoleFont
) 0] \
88 -size [lindex $maxima_default(ConsoleFont
) 1]
89 $w configure
-font ConsoleFont
91 # Adds the menu bar to the Maxima console
92 vMAXAddSystemMenu
$cname $cname.
94 # Reads the history from previous runs
95 set histfile
96 if {[file isfile
$histfile]} {
97 if {[catch {uplevel "#0" [list source $histfile]} err
]} {
98 tk_messageBox -title Error
-icon error -message \
99 [mc
"Error sourcing %s\n%s" [file native
$histfile] $err]}}
102 # Updates the information in the status bar at the bottom of the console
103 proc maxStatus
} {
105 set maxima_priv
) $mess
106 $maxima_priv(cStatusLabel
) configure
-text $mess}