Merge branch 'master' into bug-4403-remove-polyfill
[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / Tkmaxima / NPlot3d.tcl
1 ############################################################
2 # #
3 # Copyright (C) 1998 William F. Schelter #
4 # For distribution under GNU public License. See COPYING. #
5 # #
6 # Time-stamp: "2024-04-03 19:04:26 villate" #
7 ############################################################
9 # source plotting.tcl ; source nplot3d.tcl ; catch { destroy .plot3d} ; plot3d -zfun "" -data $sample -xradius 10 -yradius 10
10 # newidea:
11 # { plot3d
12 # { gridequal {minx maxx} {miny maxy}
13 # {{z00 z01 z02 .. z0n } { z10 z11 z12 .. z1n} {.. } ...}
14 # { grid {x0 x1 xm} {y0 y1 yn } miny maxy}
15 # {{z00 z01 z02 .. z0n } { z10 z11 z12 .. z1n} {.. } ...}
16 # { xyzgrid {{x00 y00 z00 x01 y01 z01 .. x0 }{x0 x1 xm} {y0 y1 yn } miny maxy}
17 # {{z00 z01 z02 .. z0n } { z10 z11 z12 .. z1n} {.. } ...}
18 # tclMesh(2*[0,0,0,0,0;1,1,1,1,1]-1,2*[0,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0]-1,2*[0,0,1,1,0;0,0,1,1,0]-1)
20 # { gridequal {
22 # z00 z01 .. all belong to x=minx and y = miny,.... up y=maxy in n+1 steps
23 #{ grid {minx maxx} {miny maxy}
24 # {{z00 z01 z02 .. z0n } { z10 z11 z12 .. z1n} {.. } ...}
25 # }
26 # where a mesh(1) {z00 z01 z11 z10} above
30 # { mesh {{{x00 y00 z00 } { x01 y01 z01} { x02 y02 z02} ..}{{x10 y10 z10} {x11 y11 z11} ......} ..}}
31 # mesh(1) = P00 P01 P11 P10
33 set sample { variable_grid { 0 1 2 } { 3 4 5} { {21 111 2} {3 4 5 } {6 7 8 }}}
34 set sample { variable_grid { 0 1 2 } { 3 4 5} { {0 1 2} {3 4 5 } {6 7 8 }}}
35 set sample { matrix_mesh {{0 1} { 2 3 } {4 5 }} {{0 1} { 2 3 } {4 5 }} {{0 1} { 2 3 } {4 5 }} }
36 set sample { matrix_mesh {{0 1 2} {0 1 2 } {0 1 2 }} {{3 4 5} {3 4 5} {3 4 5}} { {0 1 2} {3 4 5 } {6 7 8 }}}
37 set sample1 { variable_grid { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 }
38 { 1 2 3 }
39 { { 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 }
40 { 0 0.68404 1.28558 1.73205 1.96962 1.96962 1.73205 1.28558 0.68404 2.44921e-16 }
41 { 0 1.36808 2.57115 3.4641 3.93923 3.93923 3.4641 2.57115 1.36808 4.89843e-16 }
45 set sample { matrix_mesh { { 0 0 0 0 0 }
46 { 1 1 1 1 1 }
47 } { { 0 1 1 0 0 }
48 { 0 1 1 0 0 }
49 } { { 0 0 1 1 0 }
50 { 0 0 1 1 0 }
54 proc fixupZ { } {
55 uplevel 1 {
56 if { [catch { expr $z + 0 } ] } {
57 set z nam
62 proc vectorLength { v } {
63 expr { sqrt(1.0 * [lindex $v 0]*[lindex $v 0] + [lindex $v 1]*[lindex $v 1] + [lindex $v 2]*[lindex $v 2]) }
66 proc normalizeToLengthOne { v } {
67 set norm [expr { sqrt(1.0 * [lindex $v 0]*[lindex $v 0] + [lindex $v 1]*[lindex $v 1] + [lindex $v 2]*[lindex $v 2]) }]
68 if { $norm != 0.0 } {
69 return [list [expr { [lindex $v 0] / $norm } ] \
70 [expr { [lindex $v 1] / $norm } ] \
71 [expr { [lindex $v 2] / $norm } ] ]
73 } else {
74 return "1.0 0.0 0.0 "
80 proc vectorCross { x1 x2 } {
81 list \
82 [expr { [lindex $x1 1]*[lindex $x2 2]- [lindex $x2 1]*[lindex $x1 2]}] \
83 [expr { [lindex $x1 2]*[lindex $x2 0]- [lindex $x2 2]*[lindex $x1 0] } ] \
84 [expr { [lindex $x1 0]*[lindex $x2 1]- [lindex $x2 0]*[lindex $x1 1] }]
87 proc linspace { a b n } {
88 if { $n < 2 } { error [mc "from %s to %s requires at least 2 points" $a $b ] }
89 set del [expr {($b - $a)*1.0/($n -1) }]
90 for { set i 0 } { $i < $n } { incr i } {
91 lappend ans [expr {$a + $del * $i}]
93 return $ans
97 proc addOnePlot3d { win data } {
98 upvar #0 plot3dMeshes$win meshes
99 #puts " adding meshes = plot3dMeshes$win"
100 #puts "data=$data"
101 linkLocal $win points zmax zmin zcenter zradius rotationcenter xradius yradius xmin xmax ymin ymax lmesh
102 makeLocal $win flatten
103 oset $win colorfun plot3dcolorFun
104 oset $win cmap c1
105 global plot3dOptions
106 catch { unset meshes }
107 set points ""
109 # check whether zradius is a number or "auto"
110 set dotruncate [expr ![catch {expr {$zradius + 1} }]]
111 if { $dotruncate } {
112 set zzmax [expr {$zcenter + $zradius}]
113 set zzmin [expr {$zcenter - $zradius}]
116 set k [llength $points]
117 set type [lindex $data 0]
118 # in general the data should be a list of plots..
119 if { [lsearch {grid mesh variable_grid matrix_mesh } $type ]>=0 } {
120 set alldata [list $data]
121 } else {set alldata $data}
122 set lmesh {}
123 set first_mesh 0
124 foreach data $alldata {
125 set type [lindex $data 0]
126 if { "$type" == "grid" } {
127 desetq "xmin xmax" [lindex $data 1]
128 desetq "ymin ymax" [lindex $data 2]
129 set pts [lindex $data 3]
131 set ncols [llength $pts]
132 set nrows [llength [lindex $pts 0]]
133 set data [list variable_grid [linspace $xmin $xmax $ncols] \
134 [linspace $ymin $ymax $nrows] \
135 $pts ]
136 set type "variable_grid"
138 if { "$type" == "variable_grid" } {
139 set first_mesh [llength $lmesh]
140 desetq "xrow yrow zmat" [lrange $data 1 end]
141 # puts "xrow=$xrow,yrow=$yrow,zmat=$zmat"
142 set nx [expr {[llength $xrow] -1}]
143 set ny [expr {[llength $yrow] -1}]
144 #puts "nx=$nx,ny=$ny"
145 # set xmin [lindex $xrow 0]
146 # set xmax [lindex $xrow $nx]
147 # set ymin [lindex $yrow 0]
148 # set ymax [lindex $yrow $ny]
149 desetq "xmin xmax" [minMax $xrow ""]
150 desetq "ymin ymax" [minMax $yrow ""]
151 desetq "zmin zmax" [matrixMinMax [list $zmat]]
152 if { $dotruncate } {
153 set zmax $zzmax
154 set zmin $zzmin
156 # puts "and now"
157 # dshow nx xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax
159 for {set j 0} { $j <= $ny } { incr j} {
160 set y [lindex $yrow $j]
161 set row [lindex $zmat $j]
162 for {set i 0} { $i <= $nx } { incr i} {
163 set x [lindex $xrow $i]
164 set z [lindex $row $i]
165 #puts "x=$x,y=$y,z=$z, at ($i,$j)"
166 fixupZ
167 if { $j != $ny && $i != $nx } {
168 lappend lmesh [list $k [expr { $k+3 }] \
169 [expr { $k+3+($nx+1)*3 }] \
170 [expr { $k+($nx+1)*3 }]]
172 incr k 3
173 lappend points $x $y $z
176 setupPlot3dColors $win $first_mesh
177 } elseif { "$type" == "matrix_mesh" } {
178 set first_mesh [llength $lmesh]
179 desetq "xmat ymat zmat" [lrange $data 1 end]
180 foreach v {x y z} {
181 desetq "${v}min ${v}max" [matrixMinMax [list [set ${v}mat]]]
183 if { $dotruncate } {
184 set zmax $zzmax
185 set zmin $zzmin
187 set nj [expr {[llength [lindex $xmat 0]] -1 }]
188 set ni [expr {[llength $xmat ] -1 }]
189 set i -1
190 set k [llength $points]
191 foreach rowx $xmat rowy $ymat rowz $zmat {
192 set j -1
193 incr i
194 if { [llength $rowx] != [llength $rowy] } {
195 error [concat [mc "mismatch"] "rowx:$rowx,rowy:$rowy"]
197 if { [llength $rowx] != [llength $rowz] } {
198 error [concat [mc "mismatch"] "rowx:$rowx,rowz:$rowz"]
200 foreach x $rowx y $rowy z $rowz {
201 incr j
202 if { $j != $nj && $i != $ni } {
203 #puts "tes=($i,$j) $x, $y, $z"
204 lappend lmesh [ list \
205 $k [expr { $k+3 } ] [expr { $k + 3 + ($nj+1)*3}] \
206 [expr { $k+($nj+1)*3 }] ]
208 incr k 3
209 lappend points $x $y $z
212 setupPlot3dColors $win $first_mesh
213 } elseif { 0 && "$type" == "mesh" } {
214 set first_mesh [llength $lmesh]
215 # walk thru compute the xmin, xmax, ymin , ymax...
216 # and then go thru setting up the mesh array..
217 # and maybe setting up the color map for these meshes..
219 # { mesh {{{x00 y00 z00 } { x01 y01 z01} { x02 y02 z02} ..}{{x10 y10 z10} {x11 y11 z11} ......} ..}}
220 # mesh(1) = P00 P01 P11 P10
221 set mdata [lindex $data 1]
222 set nx [llength $mdata]
223 set ny [llength [lindex $mdata 0]]
225 for {set i 0} { $i <= $nx } { incr i} {
226 set pts [lindex $mdata $i]
227 set j 0
228 foreach { x y z} $pts {
229 fixupZ $z
230 if { $j != $ny && $i != $nx } {
231 lappend lmesh [list
232 $k [expr { $k+3 }] [expr { $k+3+($ny+1)*3 }] \
233 [expr { $k+($ny+1)*3 }] ]
236 incr k 3
237 lappend points $x $y $z
238 incr j
240 setupPlot3dColors $win $first_mesh
241 } elseif { "[assq $type $plot3dOptions notthere]" != "notthere" } {
242 oset $win $type [lindex $data 1]
243 if { $type == "zradius" } {
244 # check whether zradius is a number or "auto"
245 set dotruncate [expr ![catch {expr {$zradius + 1} }]]
246 if { $dotruncate } {
247 set zzmax [expr {$zcenter + $zradius}]
248 set zzmin [expr {$zcenter - $zradius}]
252 if { $first_mesh != [llength $lmesh] } {
253 # set up the min/max values for the complete plot
254 foreach v { x y z } {
255 if { [info exists ${v}gmin] } {
256 if { [set ${v}min] < [set ${v}gmin] } {
257 set ${v}gmin [set ${v}min]
259 } else {
260 set ${v}gmin [set ${v}min]
262 if { [info exists ${v}gmax] } {
263 if { [set ${v}max] > [set ${v}gmax] } {
264 set ${v}gmax [set ${v}max]
266 } else {
267 set ${v}gmax [set ${v}max]
272 foreach v { x y z } {
273 set ${v}min [set ${v}gmin]
274 set ${v}max [set ${v}gmax]
275 set a [set ${v}min]
276 set b [set ${v}max]
277 if { $a == $b } {
278 set ${v}min [expr {$a -1}]
279 set ${v}max [expr {$a +1}]
281 set ${v}radius [expr {($b - $a)/2.0}]
282 set ${v}center [expr {($b + $a)/2.0}]
284 set rotationcenter [list [list [expr {.5*($xmax+$xmin)}]] \
285 [list [expr {.5*($ymax+$ymin)}]] \
286 [list [expr {.5*($zmax+$zmin)}]]]
288 #puts "meshes data=[array get meshes]"
289 #global plot3dMeshes.plot3d
290 #puts "array names plot3dMeshes.plot3d = [array names plot3dMeshes.plot3d]"
293 proc vectorDiff { x1 x2 } {
294 list [expr { [lindex $x1 0] - [lindex $x2 0] }] \
295 [expr { [lindex $x1 1] - [lindex $x2 1] }] \
296 [expr { [lindex $x1 2] - [lindex $x2 2] }]
300 proc oneCircle { old2 old1 pt radius nsides { angle 0 } } {
301 set dt [expr { 3.14159265358979323*2.0/($nsides-1.0) + $angle }]
302 for { set i 0 } { $i < $nsides } { incr i } {
303 set t [expr {$dt*$i }]
304 lappend ans [expr { $radius*([lindex $old2 0]*cos($t) + [lindex $old1 0] * sin($t)) + [lindex $pt 0] } ] \
305 [expr { $radius*([lindex $old2 1]*cos($t) + [lindex $old1 1] * sin($t)) + [lindex $pt 1] } ] \
306 [expr { $radius*([lindex $old2 2]*cos($t) + [lindex $old1 2] * sin($t)) + [lindex $pt 2] } ]
308 return $ans
311 proc curve3d { xfun yfun zfun trange } {
312 foreach u { x y z} {
313 set res [parseConvert [set ${u}fun] -variables t]
314 proc _${u}fun { t } [list expr [lindex [lindex $res 0] 0]]
318 proc tubeFromCurveData { pts nsides radius } {
319 set n [llength $pts] ;
320 set closed [ expr { [vectorLength [vectorDiff [lindex $pts 0] [lindex $pts end]]] < .02} ]
321 if { $closed } {
322 set f1 [expr {$n -2}]
323 set f2 1
324 } else {
325 set f1 0
326 set f2 1
328 set delta [vectorDiff [lindex $pts $f2] [lindex $pts $f1]]
329 if { [lindex $delta 0] == 0 && [lindex $delta 1] == 0 && [lindex $delta 2] == 0 } { set delta "0 0 1.0" }
330 set old ".6543654 0.0765456443 0.2965433"
331 set old1 [normalizeToLengthOne [vectorCross $delta $old]]
332 set n1 $old1
333 set n2 [normalizeToLengthOne [vectorCross $delta $old1]]
334 set first1 $n1 ; set first2 $n2
336 lappend ans [oneCircle $n2 old1 [lindex $pts 0]]
337 for { set j 1 } { $j < $n -1 } { incr j } {
338 set delta [vectorDiff [lindex $pts $j] [lindex $pts [expr {$j+1}]]]
339 if { [lindex $delta 0] == 0 && [lindex $delta 1] == 0 && [lindex $delta 2] == 0 } { set delta $old
341 set old $delta
342 set old1 [normalizeToLengthOne [vectorCross $delta $n1]]
343 set old2 [normalizeToLengthOne [vectorCross $delta $n2]]
344 set n2 $old1
345 set n1 $old2
346 lappend ans [oneCircle $n2 $n1 [lindex $pts $j] $radius $nsides]
348 if { $closed } {
349 set f2 1 ; set f1 [expr {$n -2}] ; set f3 0
350 } else {
351 set f1 [expr {$n -2}] ; set f2 [expr {$n-1}] ; set f3 $f2
354 set delta [vectorDiff [lindex $pts $f2] [lindex $pts $f1]]
355 if { [lindex $delta 0] == 0 && [lindex $delta 1] == 0 && \
356 [lindex $delta 2] == 0 } { set delta $old }
357 set old1 [normalizeToLengthOne [vectorCross delta $n1]]
358 set old2 [normalizeToLengthOne [vectorCross $n2 $delta]]
359 set n2 $old1 ; set n1 $old2
360 if { $closed } {
361 set angle [vangle $first1 $n1]
362 set n1 $first1 ; st n2 $first2;
364 lappend ans [oneCircle $n2 $n1 [lindex $pts $f3] $radius $nsides $angle]
365 return $ans
370 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
372 # vangle -- angle between two unit vectors
374 # Results: an angle
376 # Side Effects: none.
378 #----------------------------------------------------------------
380 proc vangle { x1 x2 } {
381 set dot [expr { [lindex $x1 0]*[lindex $x2 0] +\
382 [lindex $x1 1]*[lindex $x2 1] +\
383 [lindex $x1 2]*[lindex $x2 2]} ]
384 if { $dot >= 1 } { return 0.0 }
385 if { $dot <= -1.0 } { return 3.141592653589 }
386 return [expr { acos($dot) } ]
389 ## endsource nplot3d.tcl