1 ###### Plot3d.tcl #################################################
3 # Copyright (C) 1998 William F. Schelter
4 # For distribution under GNU public License. See COPYING.tcl
6 # Modified by Jaime E. Villate
7 # Time-stamp: "2024-03-20 14:40:38 villate
9 ###################################################################
13 {xradius
1 "Width in x direction of the x values" }
14 {yradius
1 "Height in y direction of the y values"}
16 {width
700 "Width of canvas in pixels"}
17 {height
500 "Height of canvas in pixels" }
18 {xcenter
0.0 {(xcenter
) is the origin of the window
19 {ycenter
0.0 "see xcenter"}
20 {zcenter
0.0 "see xcenter"}
21 {bbox
"" "xmin ymin xmax ymax zmin zmax overrides the -xcenter etc"}
22 {zradius auto
" Height in z direction of the z values"}
23 {az
30 "azimuth angle" }
24 {el
60 "elevation angle" }
26 {thetax
10.0 "ignored is obsolete: use az and el"}
27 {thetay
20.0 "ignored is obsolete: use az and el"}
28 {thetaz
30.0 "ignored is obsolete: use az and el"}
30 {flatten
1 "Flatten surface when zradius exceeded" }
31 {zfun
"" "a function of z to plot eg: x^2-y^2"}
32 {parameters
"" "List of parameters and values eg k=3,l=7"}
33 {sliders
"" "List of parameters ranges k=3:5,u"}
34 {data
"" "a data set of type { variable_grid xvec yvec zmatrix}
35 or {matrix_mesh xmat ymat zmat} or {grid {xmin xmax} {ymin ymax} zmatrix}"}
36 {nsteps
"10 10" "steps in x and y direction"}
37 {rotationcenter
"" "Origin about which rotation will be done"}
38 {windowname
".plot3d" "window name"}
39 {psfile
"" "A filename where the graph will be saved in PostScript."}
40 {nobox
0 "if not zero, do not draw the box around the plot."}
41 {hue
0.25 "Default hue value."}
42 {saturation
0.7 "Default saturation value."}
43 {value
0.8 "Default brightness value."}
44 {colorrange
0.5 "Range of colors used."}
45 {gradlist
{{0 "#00ff00"} {1 "#ff00ff"}} "Color gradient: List of values and colors."}
46 {ncolors
180 "Number of colors used."}
47 {colorscheme
"hue" "Coloring Scheme (hue, saturation, value, gray, gradient or 0)."}
48 {mesh_lines
"black" "Color for the meshes outline, or 0 for no outline."}
54 proc transformPoints
{ pts fun
} {
56 foreach { x y z
} $pts {
58 append ans
[$fun $x $y $z]
63 proc calculatePlot3d
{win fun nx ny
} {
64 global plot3dMeshes
65 set meshes plot3dMeshes
66 makeLocal
$win xradius xmin yradius ymin zradius zcenter flatten
68 set stepx
[expr { 2*$xradius / double
69 set stepy
[expr { 2*$yradius / double
($ny)} ]
74 # check if zradius is a number
75 set dotruncate
[expr ![catch {expr {$zradius + 1} }]]
77 if { $flatten } { set dotruncate
0 }
78 set zzmax
[expr {$zcenter + $zradius}]
79 set zzmin
[expr {$zcenter - $zradius}]
80 #puts "zzmax=$zzmax,$zzmin"
85 catch { unset $meshes }
87 for {set i
0} { $i <= $nx } { incr i
} {
88 set x
[expr { $xmin + $i * $stepx }]
89 for {set j
0} { $j <= $ny } { incr j
} {
90 set y
[expr { $ymin + $j *$stepy }]
91 if { [catch { set z
[$fun $x $y] }] } {
93 } elseif
{ $dotruncate && ($z > $zzmax ||
$z < $zzmin) } {
98 if { $z > $zzmax } { set z
$zzmax } elseif
99 $z < $zzmin } { set z
$zzmin }}
101 if { $z < $zmin } { set zmin
$z } elseif
102 $z > $zmax } { set zmax
$z }
103 if { $j != $ny && $i != $nx } {
104 set [set meshes
]($k) \
105 "$k [expr { $k+3 }] [expr { $k+3+($ny+1)*3 }] \
106 [expr { $k+($ny+1)*3 }]"} else {
107 # set plot3dMeshes($k) ""
111 append ans
" $x $y $z"
116 oset
$win points
119 oset
$win colorfun plot3dcolorFun
121 setupPlot3dColors
124 proc calculatePlot3data
{win fun nx ny
} {
125 # calculate the 3d data from function:
126 makeLocal
$win xradius xmin xmax ymax yradius ymin zradius zcenter flatten
128 set rowx
$xmin $xmax $nx]
129 set rowy
$ymin $ymax $ny]
133 if { [catch { set z
[$fun $x $y] }] } {
141 set silly
[list variable_grid
$rowx $rowy $matrix ]
142 return [list variable_grid
$rowx $rowy $matrix ]
146 proc addAxes
{ win
} {
147 #global plot3dPoints plot3dMeshes xradius yradius xcenter ycenter
148 global [oarray
$win] plot3dMeshes
150 makeLocal
$win xradius yradius xcenter ycenter points zmax zcenter zmin
151 set meshes plot3dMeshes
152 set ll
[llength $points]
154 # puts "oset $win axisstart $ll"
155 oset
$win axisstart
158 set xstep
[expr { 1.2 * $xradius/double
($nx2) }]
159 set ystep
[expr { 1.2 * $yradius/double
($ny2) }]
168 for { set i
0 } { $i < $nx2 } { incr i
} {
169 append ans
"[expr {$x0 +$i * $xstep}] $y0 $z0 "
170 lappend lmesh
[list $k [incr k
171 #set [set meshes]($k) "$k [incr k 3]"
173 append ans
"[expr {$x0 +$nx2 * $xstep}] $y0 $z0 "
175 # set plot3dMeshes($k) ""
177 for { set i
0 } { $i < $ny2 } { incr i
} {
178 append ans
"$x0 [expr {$y0 +$i * $ystep}] $z0 "
179 lappend lmesh
[list $k [incr k
180 #set [set meshes]($k) "$k [incr k 3]"
182 append ans
"$x0 [expr {$y0 +$ny2 * $ystep}] $z0 "
186 set zstep
[expr {1.2 * $zmax/double
187 if { $zstep < $ystep } { set zstep
$ystep }
189 for { set i
0 } { $i < $ny2 } { incr i
} {
190 append ans
"$x0 $y0 [expr {$z0 +$i * $zstep}] "
191 # puts "set [set meshes]($k) \"$k [incr k 3]\""
192 lappend lmesh
[list $k [incr k
193 # set [set meshes]($k) "$k [incr k 3]"
195 append ans
"$x0 $y0 [expr {$z0 +$nz2 * $zstep}] "
198 append [oloc
$win points
] $ans
204 proc addBbox
{ win
} {
205 global plot3dMeshes
206 makeLocal
$win xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax cmap
207 linkLocal
$win points lmesh
208 set ll
[llength $points]
209 append points
" $xmin $ymin $zmin \
217 foreach { a b
} { 0 1 0 2 2 3 3 1
220 set k
[expr {$a*3 + $ll}]
221 set l
[expr {$b*3 + $ll}]
222 # set plot3dMeshes${win}($k) [list $k $l]
223 lappend lmesh
[list $k $l]
225 lappend lmesh
[list $ll]
226 oset
$win $cmap,[list $ll [expr {$ll + 3}]] red
227 oset
$win $cmap,[list $ll [expr {$ll + 6}]] blue
228 oset
$win $cmap,[list $ll [expr {$ll + 12}]] green
230 oset
$win special
($ll) "drawOval [oget $win c] 3 -fill red -tags axis"
233 proc drawOval
{ c radius args
} {
234 set ll
[llength $args]
235 set x
[lindex $args [expr {$ll -2}]]
236 set y
[lindex $args [expr {$ll -1}]]
237 set rest
[lrange $args 0 [expr {$ll -3}]]
238 set com
[concat $c create oval
[expr {$x - $radius}] [expr {$y - $radius}] [expr {$x + $radius}] [expr {$y + $radius}] $rest]
241 proc plot3dcolorFun
{win z
} {
242 makeLocal
$win zmin zmax ncolors hue saturation value colorrange colorscheme gradlist
243 if { $z < $zmin ||
$z > $zmax } {return "none"}
244 set h
[expr { 360*$hue }]
245 if { ($value > 1) ||
($value < 0) } {
246 set value
[expr { $value - floor
($value) }]}
247 set tem
[expr {(double
(($z - $zmin)*$ncolors/($zmax - $zmin+.001))}]
248 switch -exact $colorscheme {
249 "hue" { return [hsv2rgb
[expr { 360*$tem+$h }] $saturation $value] }
250 "saturation" { return [hsv2rgb
$h [expr { $tem+$saturation }] $value] }
251 "value" { return [hsv2rgb
$h $saturation [expr {$tem+$value}]] }
252 "gray" { set g
[expr { round
( ($tem+$value)*255 ) } ]
253 return [format "\#%02x%02x%02x" $g $g $g] }
255 for {set i
0} {$i < [llength $gradlist]} {incr i
} {
256 if {$tem < [lindex $gradlist $i 0]} break}
258 return [lindex $gradlist 0 1]
260 set down
[lindex $gradlist [expr $i-1] 0]
261 set up
[lindex $gradlist $i 0]
262 return [interpolatecolor
[lindex $gradlist [expr $i-1] 1] [lindex $gradlist $i 1] [expr {($tem-$down)/($up-$down)}]]}
263 "0" { return "#ffffff" }}}
265 proc setupPlot3dColors
{ win first_mesh
} {
266 upvar #0 [oarray $win] wvar
267 # the default prefix for cmap
269 makeLocal
$win colorfun points lmesh
270 foreach tem
[lrange $lmesh $first_mesh end
] {
273 set z
[expr { ([lindex $points [expr { [lindex $tem 0] + 2 } ]] +
274 [lindex $points [expr { [lindex $tem 1] + 2 } ]] +
275 [lindex $points [expr { [lindex $tem 2] + 2 } ]] +
276 [lindex $points [expr { [lindex $tem 3] + 2 } ]])/
278 catch { set wvar
,[lindex $tem 0]) [$colorfun $win $z] }
283 proc calculateRotated
{ win
} {
284 set pideg
[expr {3.14159/180.0}]
285 linkLocal
$win scalemat
286 makeLocal
$win az el rotationcenter xradius zradius yradius
287 set rotmatrix
[expr {$az*$pideg }] [expr {$el*$pideg}] ]
289 # shrink by .2 on z axis
290 # set fac [expr {[vectorlength $xradius $yradius] / (sqrt(2) * $zradius)}]
292 set rotmatrix
[ matMul
$rotmatrix $scalemat]
293 set tem
$scalemat $rotationcenter]
295 mkMultLeftFun
$rotmatrix _rot
298 # puts "points=[oget $win points]"
299 if { $rotationcenter ne
"" } {
300 #puts "rotationcenter = $rotationcenter"
301 set constant
$tem - [eval $rot $rotationcenter]]
302 mkMultLeftFun
$rotmatrix _rot
$win $constant
305 foreach { x y z
} [oget
$win points
] {
306 if { [catch { append ans
" " [$rot $x $y $z] } ] } {
307 append ans
" nam nam nam " }
309 oset
$win rotatefun
310 oset
$win rotated
313 proc getOrderedMeshIndices
{ win
} {
314 # global plot3dMeshes$win
315 # set meshes plot3dMeshes$win
317 # puts "array names $meshes =[array names $meshes ]"
318 # get the list offset by 2, so the lindex indices grab the Z coordinate.
319 # without having to add 2.
320 set pts2
[lrange [oget
$win rotated
] 2 end
326 set z
[expr { ([lindex $pts2 [lindex $tem 0]] \
327 +[lindex $pts2 [lindex $tem 1]] \
328 + [lindex $pts2 [lindex $tem 2]] \
329 + [lindex $pts2 [lindex $tem 3]])/4.0 }]
330 } elseif
{ $k == 2 } {
331 set z
[expr { ([lindex $pts2 [lindex $tem 0]] \
332 +[lindex $pts2 [lindex $tem 1]])/2.0 }]
336 set z
[expr {$z + [lindex $pts2 $w] } ]
339 set z
[expr { $z/double
341 lappend ans
[list $z $i]
342 # append pp($z) "$i "
346 set lmesh
[lreplace $lmesh $i $i]
349 set ttem
[lsort -real -index 0 $ans]
352 lappend ans
[lindex $v 1]
354 oset
$win meshes
359 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
361 # set_xy_region_3d -- set up the bounds of the x and y coordinates
362 # of the projection of the surface on the xy plane and the part of the
363 # window that will be filled by that projection (fac, a number between
366 #----------------------------------------------------------------
368 proc set_xy_region_3d
{ win fac
} {
369 linkLocal
$win scalemat
370 makeLocal
$win xcenter ycenter xradius yradius xmin xmax ymin ymax zradius
371 set scalemat
[list [list [expr {1.5/($xradius)}] 0 0] \
372 [list 0 [expr {1.5/($yradius)}] 0] \
373 [list 0 0 [expr {1.5/($zradius)}]]]
375 oset
$win xmin
[expr {1.5*$xmin/($xradius)}]
376 oset
$win xmax
[expr {1.5*$xmax/($xradius)}]
377 oset
$win ymin
[expr {1.5*$ymin/($yradius)}]
378 oset
$win ymax
[expr {1.5*$ymax/($yradius)}]}
380 proc plot3d
{ args
} {
382 set win
-windowname $args]
383 if { "$win" == "" } {
384 set win
[getOptionDefault windowname
$plot3dOptions] }
386 mkPlot3d
$win {*}$args
387 # bind $win <Configure> {}
391 proc replot3d
{ win
} {
393 makeLocal
$win nsteps zfun data c
394 linkLocal
$win parameters sliders psfile nobox
396 oset
$win maintitle
"concat \"Plot of z = [oget $win zfun]\""
397 if { [llength $nsteps] == 1 } {
399 [set nsteps
[list [lindex $nsteps 0] [lindex $nsteps 0]]]
402 set sliders
[string trim
403 if { "$sliders" != "" && ![winfo exists
] } {
407 set zfun
[string trim
408 if { "$zfun" != "" } {
409 proc _xf
{ x y
} "return \[expr { [sparseWithParams $zfun {x y} $parameters ] } \]"
410 addOnePlot3d
$win [calculatePlot3data
$win _xf
[lindex $nsteps 0] [lindex $nsteps 1]]
411 # calculatePlot3d $win _xf [lindex $nsteps 0] [lindex $nsteps 1]
414 set data
[string trim
415 if { "$data" != "" } {
418 set ranges
[ plot3dGetDataRange
[list $data]]
419 linkLocal
$win zmin zmax
420 desetq
"zmin zmax" [lindex $ranges 2]
421 puts "ranges=$ranges"
422 set some
[lindex $ranges 0] [lindex $ranges 1] ""]
424 foreach {v k
} $some {
425 puts "oset $win [string range $v 1 end] $k"
426 oset
$win [string range
$v 1 end
] $k
430 addOnePlot3d
$win $data
437 set_xy_region_3d
$win 0.5
438 set_xy_transforms
439 # grab the bbox just as itself
442 if { [llength $lmesh] > 100 * $maxima_priv(speed
) } {
443 # if we judge that rotation would be too slow, we make a secondary list
444 # of meshes (random) including the bbox, and display those.
445 linkLocal
$win points lmeshBbox pointsBbox
446 set n
[llength $lmesh]
447 set lmeshBbox
[lrange $lmesh [expr {$n -13}] end
449 while { [incr i
] < ( 35*$maxima_priv(speed
)) } {
450 set j
[expr {round
()*($n-13))) }]
451 if { ![info exists temm
($j)] } {
452 lappend lmeshBbox
[lindex $lmesh $j ]
456 resetPtsForLmesh
458 oset
$win lastAnglesPlotted
461 # Create a PostScript file, if requested
462 if { $psfile != "" } {
463 set printOption
) $psfile
465 $c delete printoptions
466 eval [$win.menubar.
close cget
471 proc setView
{ win ignore
} {
473 foreach v
[after info] {
474 #puts "$v=<[after info $v]>"
475 if {[lindex [after info $v] 0] == "setView1" } {
479 after 2 setView1
482 proc setView1
{ win
} {
483 linkLocal
$win lastAnglesPlotted points
484 set new
[list [oget
$win az
] [oget
$win el
] ]
485 if { "$new" != "$lastAnglesPlotted" } {
487 calculateRotated
488 getOrderedMeshIndices
490 oset
$win lastAnglesPlotted
494 proc setQuick
{ win on
} {
495 linkLocal
$win lmesh points savedData cmap lmeshBbox pointsBbox
497 if { ![info exists savedData
] && [info exists lmeshBbox
] } {
498 set savedData
[list $lmesh $points $cmap]
500 set points
504 if { [info exists savedData
] } {
505 desetq
"lmesh points cmap" $savedData
507 oset
$win lastAnglesPlotted
513 # reduce the set of pointsBbox to include only those needed by lmeshBbox
514 proc resetPtsForLmesh
{ win
} {
515 upvar 1 lmeshBbox lmeshBbox
516 upvar 1 pointsBbox pointsBbox
517 upvar 1 points points
518 upvar #0 [oarray $win] wvar
520 foreach v
$lmeshBbox {
521 if { [llength $v] == 1 } {
526 if { [info exists tem
($w)] } {
532 [lindex $points $w] \
533 [lindex $points [expr {$w +1}]] \
534 [lindex $points [expr {$w +2}]]
535 catch {set wvar
,$k) $wvar(c1
542 if { [info exists wvar
,$v)] } {
543 set wvar
,$s) $wvar(c1
550 proc drawMeshes
{win canv
} {
552 # only delete afterwards, to avoid relinquishing the colors
553 $canv addtag oldpoly withtag poly
555 makeLocal
$win lmesh rotated cmap
556 upvar #0 [oarray $win] ar
557 proc _xf
{ x
} [info body rtosx
558 proc _yf
{ y
} [info body rtosy
559 foreach { x y z
} $rotated { lappend rotatedxy
$x] [_yf
$y] 0 }
561 foreach k
$win meshes
] {
562 #puts "drawOneMesh $win $canv $k"
563 #puts "drawOneMesh $win $canv $k"
564 set mesh
[lindex $lmesh $k]
566 catch { set col
$ar($cmap,[lindex $mesh 0]) }
567 drawOneMesh
$win $canv $k $mesh $col
574 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
575 # plot3dMeshes -- given K an index in plot3dPoints(points)
576 # if this is the index of a lower grid corner, return the other points.
577 # k takes values 0,3,6,9,... the values returned all have a 3 factor,
578 # and so are true lindex indices into the list of points.
579 # returns {} if this is not a mesh point.
582 # Side Effects: none... NOTE we should maybe cash this in an array.
584 #----------------------------------------------------------------
587 proc drawOneMesh
{ win canv k mesh color
} {
589 # k,k+1,k+1+nyp,k+nyp
590 makeLocal
$win mesh_lines
591 upvar 1 rotatedxy ptsxy
592 set n
[llength $mesh]
595 lappend coords
[lindex $ptsxy $kk] [lindex $ptsxy [expr {$kk + 1}]]
598 #puts "drawing $k,n=$n $coords, points $mesh "
600 #puts "<[lrange $points $a [expr {$a +2}]]> <[lrange $points $b [expr {$b +2}]]"
603 # catch { set color [oget $win $cmap,$mesh]}
605 eval $canv create line
$coords -tags [list [list axis mesh.
$k]] \
606 -fill $color -width 2
608 # puts "doing special $mesh, $coords"
609 catch { set tem
$win special
([lindex $mesh 0])]
610 eval [concat $tem $coords]
613 } elseif
{ [string length
$color] < 8 && $color != "none"} {
614 if { $mesh_lines != 0 } {
615 set outline
"-outline $mesh_lines"
619 eval $canv create polygon
$coords -tags [list [list poly mesh.
$k]] \
620 -fill $color $outline
625 proc makeFrame3d
{ win
} {
627 set w
$win 3d
629 catch { set top
[winfo parent
631 wm title
$top {Xmaxima
: plot3d
632 wm iconname
$top "plot3d"
637 proc mkPlot3d
{ win args
} {
638 global plot3dOptions printOption
$win] axisGray
639 getOptions
$plot3dOptions $args -usearray [oarray
640 setPrintOptions
641 set printOption
) ""
644 # catch { destroy $win }
646 oset
$win sliderCommand sliderCommandPlot3d
647 oset
$win noaxisticks
649 makeLocal
$win buttonFont c
650 [winfo parent
$c].position config
-text {}
656 proc doConfig3d
{ win
} {
657 desetq
"wb1 wb2" [doConfig
658 makeLocal
$win buttonFont
660 mkentry
$win zfun
] "z=f(x,y)" $buttonFont
661 mkentry
$win nsteps
] [mc
"Number of mesh grids"] $buttonFont
663 pack $wb1.zfun
664 pack $wb1.zfun
665 foreach w
{xradius yradius xcenter ycenter zcenter zradius parameters
} {
666 mkentry
$w [oloc
$win $w] $w $buttonFont
670 scale $wb1.rotxscale
-label [mc
"azimuth"] \
671 -orient horizontal
-length 150 -from -180 -to 180 -resolution 1 \
672 -command "setView $win" -variable [oloc
$win az
] -tickinterval 120 -font $buttonFont
674 scale $wb1.rotyscale
-label [mc
"elevation"] \
675 -orient horizontal
-length 150 -from -180 -to 180 -resolution 1 \
676 -command "setView $win" -variable [oloc
$win el
] -tickinterval 120 -font $buttonFont
679 # scale $wb1.rotzscale -label "thetaz" \
680 # -orient horizontal -length 150 -from -180 -to 180 \
681 # -command "setView $win" -variable [oloc $win thetaz] -tickinterval 120 -font $buttonFont
683 pack $wb1.rotxscale
688 proc showPosition3d
{ win x y
} {
691 set x
[$c canvasx
692 set y
[$c canvasy
693 set it
[ $c find closest
$x $y]
694 set tags
[$c gettags
695 if { [regexp {mesh
]([0-9]+)} $tags junk k
] } {
700 foreach {x1 y1
} [$c coords
$it] {
701 set d
[expr {($x1 - $x)*($x1 - $x)+($y1 - $y)*($y1 - $y)}]
702 if { $d < $min} { set at
$i ; set min
$d }
705 set mesh
[lindex [oget
$win lmesh
] $k]
706 set ll
[lindex $mesh $at]
707 set pt
[lrange [oget
$win points
] $ll [expr {$ll + 2}]]
709 catch { $win.position config
-text [eval [concat "format {(%.2f %.2f %.2f)}" $pt]] }
711 # oset $win position [format {(%.1f %.1f)} $x $y]
712 # oset $win position \
713 # "[format {(%.2f,%.2f)} [storx$win [$c canvasx $x]] [story$win [$c canvasy $y]]]"
719 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
721 # rotateRelative -- do a rotation indicated by a movement
722 # of dx,dy on the screen.
728 #----------------------------------------------------------------
731 proc rotateRelative
{ win x1 x2 y1 y2
} {
732 makeLocal
$win c az el rotatefun
733 set x1
[$c canvasx
734 set x2
[$c canvasx
735 set y1
[$c canvasy
736 set y2
[$c canvasy
737 set xx
[expr {$x2-$x1}]
738 set yy
[expr {($y2-$y1)}]
739 set res
[$rotatefun 0 0 1]
740 set res1
[$rotatefun 0 0 0]
741 set fac
[expr {([lindex $res 1] > [lindex $res1 1] ?
-1 : 1) }] ;
742 # puts "fac=$fac,[lindex $res 1],[lindex $res1 1]"
743 oset
$win az
[expr {round
($az + $fac * $xx /2.0) }]]
744 oset
$win el
[expr {round
($el - $yy /2.0) }]]
748 proc reduceMode360
{ n
} {
749 return [ expr fmod
753 proc setForRotate
{ win
} {
755 $c delete printrectangle
756 bind $c <Button-1
> "setQuick $win 1 ; doRotateScreen $win %x %y "
757 bind $c <ButtonRelease-1
> "setQuick $win 0 ; setView $win ignore"
759 proc doRotateScreen
{ win x y
} {
763 bind $c <B1-Motion
> "doRotateScreenMotion $win %x %y"
766 proc doRotateScreenMotion
{win x y
} {
767 makeLocal
$win lastx lasty
768 set dx
[expr {$x - $lastx}]
769 set dy
[expr {$y - $lasty}]
770 if { [vectorlength
$dx $dy] < 4 } { return }
771 rotateRelative
$win $lastx $x $lasty $y
774 # show values of azimuth and elevation angles
775 set az
$win az
776 set el
$win el
777 catch { $win.position config
-text [eval [concat "format {Azimuth: %.2f, Elevation: %.2f}" $az $el]] }
781 proc sliderCommandPlot3d
{ win var val
} {
782 linkLocal
$win recompute
784 updateParameters
$win $var $val
785 set com
"recomputePlot3d $win"
786 # allow for fast move of slider...
787 #mike FIXME: this is a wrong use of after cancel
792 proc recomputePlot3d
{ win
} {
793 linkLocal
$win recompute
794 if { [info exists recompute
] } {
801 while { $redo != $recompute } {
803 # puts "replot3d $win,[oget $win parameters]"
804 catch {replot3d
$win }
811 ## endsource plot3d.tcl