Merge branch 'master' into bug-4403-remove-polyfill
[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / Tkmaxima / Send-some.tcl
1 ############################################################
2 # Send-some.tcl #
3 # Copyright (C) 1998 William F. Schelter #
4 # For distribution under GNU public License. See COPYING. #
5 # #
6 # Time-stamp: "2024-03-25 20:06:43 villate" #
7 ############################################################
8 # Usage:
9 # catch {close $socket}
10 # source send-some.tcl ; openConnection $tohost $port $magic $program
11 # one linux14 do
12 # run-one.tcl octave 4448 billy1
13 # then from any machine do:
14 # can also open maxima at same time
15 # source send-some.tcl ; openConnection linux14 4448 billy1 octave
16 # then
17 # sendOneWait octave 2+3
18 # 5
19 # If you specified -debug when starting the server then you can
20 # evaluate tcl commands in the process controlling 'program'
21 # eg: sendCommand octave "list 1 1"
23 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
25 # myVwait -- this is a replacement for vwait which is missing from
26 # the plugin tcl. It is 'supposed' to be the same but in fact if it
27 # is a fileevent handler that is supposed to do the setting, then the
28 # fileevent handler might indeed get called continuously because the
29 # file becomes readable, and myVwait which was checking a variable that
30 # the handler set, never gets a chance to return, since the handler
31 # is called again and again. So Remove the handler when it is invoked.
32 # Note this uses tracing of the variable or array, and may interfere
33 # with other tracing.
34 # Results:
36 # Side Effects: waits till the variable is set if it was unset, or
37 # until its value is different.
39 #----------------------------------------------------------------
41 proc myVwait { var } {
42 global _waiting maxima_priv
43 set tem [split $var "(" ]
44 set variable [lindex $tem 0]
45 global $variable
46 lappend maxima_priv(myVwait) $variable
47 set index ""
48 if { [llength $tem ] > 1 } {
49 set index [lindex [split [lindex $tem 1] ")" ] 0]
52 set action "_myaction [list $index]"
53 trace variable $variable w $action
54 set _waiting 1
56 while { [set _waiting] } {
57 #puts "still waiting _waiting=$_waiting"
58 update
60 set maxima_priv(myVwait) [ ldelete $variable $maxima_priv(myVwait)]
61 trace vdelete $variable w $action
64 proc _myaction { ind name1 name2 op } {
65 global _waiting
66 # puts "action $ind $name1 $name2 $op"
67 if { "$ind" == "$name2" } {
69 global $name1
70 set _waiting 0
74 # proc myVwait { x args } {uplevel "#0" vwait $x }
75 if { "[info commands vwait]" == "vwait" } {
76 proc myVwait { x } {
77 global maxima_priv
78 # Fix for Tcl 8.5: linking unreachable global variables used to be ignored
79 # in Tcl 8.4 but in 8.5 it raises an error. The catch command should
80 # restore the Tcl 8.4 behavior. (villate, 20080513)
81 catch {global $x}
82 lappend maxima_priv(myVwait) $x
83 vwait $x
84 set maxima_priv(myVwait) [ ldelete $x $maxima_priv(myVwait)]
88 proc omDoInterrupt { win } {
89 foreach v [ $win tag names] {
90 if { [regexp "com:pdata\\((\[a-z_A-Z]*)," $v junk program] } {
91 set var [string range $v 4 end]
92 # puts "interrupt program=$program,$var"
93 after 10 uplevel "#0" set $var <interrupted>
94 catch { sendInterrupt $program }
100 proc omDoAbort { win } {
101 foreach v [ $win tag names] {
102 set var [string range $v 4 end]
103 if { [regexp "com:pdata\\((\[a-z_A-Z]*)," $v junk program] } {
104 set prog [programName $program]
105 if { "[info command abort_$prog]" != "" } {
106 abort_$prog $program
107 after 200 uplevel "#0" set $var <aborted>
109 cleanPdata $program
110 set var [string range $v 4 end]
111 # rputs "interrupt program=$program,$var"
112 after 200 uplevel "#0" set $var <aborted>
117 proc msleep { n } {
118 global Msleeping
119 set Msleeping 1
120 after $n "set Msleeping 0"
121 debugsend "waiting Msleeping.."
122 myVwait Msleeping
123 debugsend "..donewaiting Msleeping"
126 proc message { msg } {
127 global maxima_priv _debugSend
128 if { $_debugSend } { puts "setting message=<$msg>" }
129 catch { set maxima_priv(load_rate) $msg }
132 proc sendOne { program com } {
133 global pdata maxima_priv
134 incr pdata($program,currentExpr)
135 set socket $pdata($program,socket)
137 if { [eof $socket] } {
138 error [mc "connection closed"]
140 # puts "sending $program ([lindex [fconfigure $socket -peername] 1])"
141 message [concat [mc "sending"] "$program" [mc "on"] "[lindex [fconfigure $socket -peername] 1]"]
142 debugsend "sending.. {$com<$pdata($program,currentExpr)\|fayve>}"
143 set msg "$com<$pdata($program,currentExpr)\|fayve>\n"
144 proxyPuts $socket $msg
147 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
149 # sendOneDoCommand -- sends to PROGRAM the COMMAND and then
150 # when the result comes back it invokes the script CALLBACK with
151 # one argument appended: the global LOCATION where the result
152 # will be. [uplevel "#0" set $LOCATION] would retrieve it.
154 # Results: returns immediately the location that will be
155 # watched.
157 # Side Effects: CALLBACK is invoked later by tracing the
158 # result field
160 #----------------------------------------------------------------
162 proc sendOneDoCommand {program command callback } {
163 global pdata
165 if { ![assureProgram $program 5000 2] } { return "cant connect"}
166 set ii [expr {$pdata($program,currentExpr) + 1}]
167 catch { unset pdata($program,results,$ii)}
168 trace variable pdata($program,results,$ii) w \
169 [list invokeAndUntrace $callback]
170 sendOne $program $command
171 return pdata($program,results,$ii)
174 proc testit { program com } {
175 sendOneDoCommand $program $com "jimmy"
176 proc jimmy {s} { puts "<result is:[uplevel #0 set $s]>" ; flush stdout}
179 proc invokeAndUntrace { callback name1 name2 op args} {
180 #puts "callback:$callback $name1 $name2 $op, args=$args"
181 #puts "trace vdelete [set name1]($name2) w [list invokeAndUntrace $callback]"
182 trace vdelete [set name1]($name2) w [list invokeAndUntrace $callback]
183 lappend callback [set name1]($name2)
184 # puts "callback=$callback" ; flush stdout
185 if { [catch { eval $callback } errmsg ] } {
186 global errorInfo
187 # report the error in the background
188 set com [list error [concat [mc "had error in"] "$callback:[string range $errmsg 0 300].."] $errorInfo]
189 after 1 $com
193 proc sendOneWait { program com } {
194 global pdata
195 if { ![assureProgram $program 5000 2] } { return "cant connect"}
196 set ii [expr {$pdata($program,currentExpr) + 1}]
197 catch { unset pdata($program,results,$ii)}
198 sendOne $program $com
199 set i $pdata($program,currentExpr)
200 set socket $pdata($program,socket)
201 if { $ii != $i } { error "expected $ii got $i as expression number " }
202 debugsend "waiting for pdata($program,results,$i)"
203 myVwait pdata($program,results,$i)
204 debugsend "..done waiting for pdata($program,results,$i)"
205 return $pdata($program,results,$i)
208 proc closeConnection { program } {
209 global pdata
210 catch {
211 set sock $pdata($program,socket)
212 set pdata(input,$sock) ""
213 cleanPdata $program
214 close $sock
218 proc dtrace { } {
219 global _debugSend
220 if { $_debugSend } {
221 puts "at: [info level -1]"
222 if { [info level]>2 } {puts " from:[info level -2 ]"}
226 proc openConnection { tohost port magic program } {
227 global pdata
228 dtrace
229 set msg "magic: $magic\n"
230 set retries 2
231 message [concat [mc "connecting to"] "nmtp($port)://$tohost/$program"]
232 debugsend "openConnection { $tohost $port $magic $program }"
234 while { [incr retries -1] > 0 \
235 && [catch {set socket [openSocketAndSend $tohost $port $msg 1]}] } {
236 debugsend retries=$retries
237 msleep 400
239 if { $retries == 0 } { return 0}
240 message [concat [mc "connected to"] "nmtp//$tohost:$port/$program"]
241 set pdata($program,socket) $socket
242 set pdata($program,currentExpr) 0
243 set pdata(input,$socket) ""
244 catch { fconfigure $socket -blocking 0 }
245 fileevent $socket readable "getResults $program $socket"
246 return 1
249 proc sendInterrupt { program } {
250 global pdata interrupt_signal
251 set socket $pdata($program,socket)
252 maxStatus [mc "Sending socket interrupt"]
253 puts $socket $interrupt_signal
254 flush $socket
257 proc sendCommand { program c } {
258 global pdata
259 set socket $pdata($program,socket)
260 puts $socket "<command:$c>"
261 flush $socket
264 proc dumpInfo {program } {
265 sendCommand $program dumpInfo
268 proc getResults { program socket } {
269 # debugsend "enter:getResults"
270 global pdata next_command_available next_command results ii
271 if { [eof $socket] } {
272 close $socket ;
273 debugsend "closed $socket"
274 cleanPdata $program
275 return "<$program exitted>"
277 set s [read $socket]
278 if { "[string index $s 0]" != "" } {
279 set s [append pdata(input,$socket) $s]
280 while { [set inds [testForFayve $s]] != "" } {
281 set input $pdata(input,$socket)
282 # set next_command_available 1
283 debugsend "input=$input"
284 set gotback [string range $input 0 [expr {[lindex $inds 0] -1}]]
285 set index [lindex $inds 2]
286 set pdata($program,results,$index) $gotback
287 if { [string first "exitted>" $gotback] > 0 } {
288 close $socket
289 cleanPdata $program
292 debugsend "gotback{$index:$gotback}"
293 set s \
294 [string range $input [expr {1 + [lindex $inds 1]}] end ]
295 set pdata(input,$socket) $s
298 return ""
301 proc cleanPdata { program } {
302 global pdata
303 catch { close $pdata($program,socket) }
304 catch { unset pdata($program,socket) }
305 catch { unset pdata($program,preeval) }
306 catch {
307 foreach v [array names $program,results,*] {
308 unset pdata($v)
313 proc currentTextWinWidth { } {
314 set width 79
315 catch {
316 set t [oget [omPanel .] textwin]
317 set width [expr {round([winfo width $t]*1.0 / [font measure [$t cget -font] 0]) - 12 }]
319 return $width
322 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
324 # assureProgram --
326 # Results: return 2 if the program was already open, and 1 if it is just
327 # now opened. 0 if cant open it.
329 # Side Effects: program is started.
331 #----------------------------------------------------------------
333 proc assureProgram { program timeout tries } {
334 # puts "assure: program=$program"
335 global pdata
336 set MathServer { 4443 }
338 if { $tries <= 0 } { return 0}
340 if { [catch { set socket $pdata($program,socket) } ] \
341 || [catch { eof $socket}] \
342 || [eof $socket] \
343 || [catch { set s [read $socket]; append pdata(input,$socket) $s }] } {
344 cleanPdata $program
345 message [concat [mc "connecting"] "[lindex $MathServer 0]"]
346 set msg "OPEN [programName $program] MMTP/1.0\nLineLength: [currentTextWinWidth]\n\n\n"
347 if {[catch {openSocketAndSend [lindex $MathServer 0] \
348 [lindex $MathServer 1] "$msg\n"} sock] } {
349 error [concat [mc "Can't connect to"] "$MathServer." [mc "You can try another host by altering Base Program under the \"File\" menu."]]
352 set pdata($program,currentExpr) 0
353 fconfigure $sock -blocking 0
354 if { [eof $sock] } {return 0}
355 message [concat [mc"connected to"] "[lindex $MathServer 0]"]
356 debugsend $msg
357 set result ""
358 set pdata(waiting,$sock) 1
359 set script "close $sock ; debugsend {after closing} ; set pdata(waiting,$sock) -1"
360 debugsend "script=$script,timeout=$timeout"
361 set af [after $timeout $script ]
362 debugsend "after=$af"
363 while {1 } {
364 debugsend "waiting pdata(waiting,$sock)=$pdata(waiting,$sock)"
365 # puts "pdata=[array get pdata *$sock* ]"
366 fileevent $sock readable "if { [eof $sock] } {set pdata(waiting,$sock) -2} else { set pdata(waiting,$sock) 0 ;} ;fileevent $sock readable {} "
367 set pdata(waiting,$sock) 1
368 debugsend "waiting on pdata(waiting,$sock)"
369 myVwait pdata(waiting,$sock)
371 debugsend "..done now pdata(waiting,$sock)=$pdata(waiting,$sock)"
372 if { $pdata(waiting,$sock) < 0 } {
373 debugsend "timed out,$pdata(waiting,$sock)"
374 return 0
376 set me [read $sock]
377 if { "[string index $me 0]" == "" && [eof $sock] } {
378 debugsend "nothing there"
379 return 0
381 append result $me
382 debugsend "result=<$result>"
383 if { [regexp "RUNNING (\[^ \]+) MMTP\[^\n\]*\nHost: (\[^\n ]+)\nPort: (\[0-9\]+)\nMagic: (\[^\n \]+)\n" \
384 $result junk prog tohost port magic] } {
385 after cancel $af
386 debugsend "doing openConnection $tohost $port $magic $program"
387 close $sock
388 return [openConnection $tohost $port $magic $program]
391 } elseif { [eof $socket] } {
392 close $socket
393 unset pdata($program,socket)
394 return [assureProgram $program $timeout [expr {$tries -1}]]
395 } else {
396 # already open
397 return 2
401 # name may look like "maxima#1.2"
402 proc programName { name } {
403 set name [file tail $name]
404 return [lindex [split $name #] 0]
407 proc getMatch { s inds } {
408 return [string range $s [lindex $inds 0] [lindex $inds 1]]
411 proc testForFayve { input } {
412 set EOFexpr "|fayve>"
413 set ind [string first $EOFexpr $input]
414 if { $ind < 0 } { return "" } else {
415 regexp -indices {<([0-9]+)\|fayve>} $input all first
416 set n [getMatch $input $first]
417 return "$all $n"
421 #### the following is correct but just a fair bit slower.. ####
422 ##### because of all the arguments to be parsed for the other..
423 proc statServer1 {server {timeout 1000}} {
424 global statServer
425 set ans ""
426 if { ![catch { set s [eval socket $server]} ] } {
427 puts $s "STAT MMTP/1.0\n" ; flush $s
428 if { [readAllData $s -tovar statServer(data) \
429 -mimeheader statServer(header) -timeout $timeout ] > 0 } {
430 set head $statServer(header)
431 # puts "data=<$statServer(data)>"
432 set res $statServer(header)\n\n$statServer(data)
433 unset statServer
434 return $res
437 return ""
440 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
442 # needToDo -- Check if we have already done OPERATION for NAME into data
444 # Results: returns 0 if the data for name is not preloaded, and 1 otherwise
446 # Side Effects: adds NAME to those preloaded for PROGRAM if not there
448 #----------------------------------------------------------------
450 proc preeval { program name } {
451 global pdata
452 assureProgram $program 5000 2
453 if { ![info exists pdata($program,preeval)] || \
454 [lsearch $pdata($program,preeval) $name] < 0 } {
455 lappend pdata($program,preeval) $name
456 return 0
457 } else {
458 return 1
462 proc statServer {server {timeout 1000}} {
463 global statServer1_
464 set ans ""
465 if { ![catch { set s [eval socket $server]} ] } {
466 puts $s "STAT MMTP/1.0\n" ; flush $s
467 if { [readDataTilEof $s data $timeout ] } {
468 foreach v { jobs currentjobs } {
469 if { [regexp "\n$v: (\[^\n]*)\n" $data junk val] } {
470 lappend ans $v $val
475 return $ans
478 proc isAlive1 { s } {
479 global maxima_priv
480 if { [catch { read $s } ] } {
481 set maxima_priv(isalive) -1
482 } else {
483 set maxima_priv(isalive) 1
485 close $s
488 proc isAlive { server {timeout 1000} } {
489 global maxima_priv
491 if { [ catch { set s [eval socket -async $server] } ] } { return -1 }
492 set maxima_priv(isalive) 0
493 fconfigure $s -blocking 0
494 fileevent $s writable "isAlive1 $s"
495 set c1 "set maxima_priv(isalive) -2"
496 set after_id [after $timeout $c1]
497 myVwait maxima_priv(isalive)
498 catch { close $s}
499 after cancel $after_id
500 return $maxima_priv(isalive)
503 proc debugsend { s } {
504 global _debugSend
505 if { $_debugSend } {
507 puts $s
508 flush stdout