1 ############################################################
3 # Copyright (C) 1998 William F. Schelter #
4 # For distribution under GNU public License. See COPYING. #
6 # Time-stamp: "2021-04-04 12:02:54 villate" #
7 ############################################################
9 # Old startup code - unused.
12 if { ![info exists dontstart
] } {
13 ## source "startup.tcl"
15 # try to fix up so that we dont write to stdout in the browser..
19 if { "[info command wm]" != "wm" } {
22 if { [info exists embed_args
)] ||
23 [info exists embed_args
)]} {
24 set ws_openMath
) 1
29 switch [llength $args] {
30 2 {_joel
[lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1]}
31 1 {append badout
32 3 {_joel
[lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2]}
36 # rename flush _flush1
38 # if { "$x" != "stdout" } {
45 set toeval
"OpenMathOpenUrl http://maxima.sourceforge.net/index.html"
48 if { "[lindex $argv 0]" != "" } {
50 after 7000 wm minsize .
0 0
51 set toeval
"OpenMathOpenUrl [lindex $argv 0]"
54 catch { set toeval
eval [getattr browserArgs
]] }
56 if { [catch { eval $toeval } err
] } {
57 if { [regexp "unreachable|couldn't open" $err]
58 && (1 ||
[catch { socket www.yahoo.com
80 } ])
59 && (![info exists ws_openMath
,http)] ||
60 [catch { eval socket $ws_openMath(proxy
,http) } ]) } {
61 if { 0 == [tk_dialog .jil
0 "Connection Problem:$err" "" 0 \
62 {Configure proxy server?
} {Connect Later
}] } {
65 } else {error "$toeval:\n error: $err" }