rtest4.mac: additional test cases for SF bug #2905: "Assigning variable twice yields...
[maxima.git] / share / combinatorics / combinatorics.lisp
1 ;;;; COMBINATORICS package for Maxima
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; Maxima functions to work with permutations.
4 ;;;; $cyclep : predicate function for cycles.
5 ;;;; $permp : predicate function for permutations.
6 ;;;; $permult : permutations product.
7 ;;;; $perm_inverse : inverse of a permutation.
8 ;;;; $permute : permutes a list according to a permutation.
9 ;;;; $apply_cycles : permutes a list according to a list of cycles.
10 ;;;; $perm_undecomp : converts a list of cycles into a permutation.
11 ;;;; $perm_cycles : decomposes a permutation into cycles.
12 ;;;; $perm_lex_rank : permutation's position in lexicographic order.
13 ;;;; $perm_lex_unrank : permutation's position in lexicographic order.
14 ;;;; $perm_length : minimum number of adjacent transpositions.
15 ;;;; $perm_decomp : minimum set of adjacent transpositions to get p.
16 ;;;; $perm_parity : parity of a permutation (0 or 1).
17 ;;;; $perms_lex : lexicographic list of all n-degree permutations
18 ;;;; or permutations within some ranks.
19 ;;;; $perm_lex_next : finds next permutation in lexicographic order.
20 ;;;; $perm_rank : permutation's position in Trotter-Johnson order.
21 ;;;; $perm_unrank : permutation's position in Trotter-Johnson order.
22 ;;;; $perms : n-degree permutations in mimimum-change order
23 ;;;; (Trotter-Johnson) or permutations within some ranks.
24 ;;;; $perm_next : finds next permutation in Trotter-Johnson order.
25 ;;;; $random_perm : generates a random permutation of degree n.
26 ;;;;
27 ;;;; NOTATION
28 ;;;; pm : a permutation as a maxima list
29 ;;;; pa : a permutation as a lisp array
30 ;;;; lpm : a lisp list of pm's (in reverse order)
31 ;;;; lmpm : a maxima list of pm's
32 ;;;; cm : a cycle as a maxima list
33 ;;;; ca : a cycle as a lisp array
34 ;;;; lcm : a lisp list of cycles as maxima lists
35 ;;;; lmcm : a maxima list of cycles as maxima lists
36 ;;;;
38 ;;;; Turn a pa into a pm:
39 ;;;; (concatenate 'list `((mlist simp)) pa)
40 ;;;;
41 ;;;; Turn an lpm into a maxima list
42 ;;;; `((mlist simp) ,@(nreverse lpm))
43 ;;;;
44 ;;;; MACROS
45 ;;;; Apply transposition [i,j] to a pa (i and j from 1 to n)
46 ;;;; (array-transposition pa i j)
47 ;;;;
48 ;;;; Apply transposition [i,i+1] to a pa (i from 1 to n-1)
49 ;;;; (array-adjacent-transposition pa i)
50 ;;;;
51 ;;;; Turn a pa into a pm and push it to the top of an lpm
52 ;;;; (push-array-mlist pa lpm)
53 ;;;;
54 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2017 Jaime Villate
55 ;;;;
56 ;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
57 ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
58 ;;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
59 ;;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
60 ;;;;
61 ;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
62 ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
64 ;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
65 ;;;;
66 ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
67 ;;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
68 ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
69 ;;;; MA 02110-1301, USA
71 (in-package :maxima)
72 (macsyma-module combinatorics)
74 (defmacro push-array-mlist (pa lpm)
75 `(push (concatenate (quote list) (quote ((mlist simp))) ,pa) ,lpm))
77 (defmacro array-adjacent-transposition (pa i)
78 `(rotatef (aref ,pa (1- ,i)) (aref ,pa ,i)))
80 (defmacro array-transposition (pa i j)
81 `(rotatef (aref ,pa (1- ,i)) (aref ,pa (1- ,j))))
83 ;;; $cyclep returns true if its argument is a maxima list of length n or
84 ;;; lower, whose elements are integers between 1 and n, without repetitions.
85 (defun $cyclep (cm n)
86 ;; a cycle must be a maxima list
87 (or (and (integerp n) (> n 1)) (return-from $cyclep nil))
88 (or ($listp cm) (return-from $cyclep nil))
89 (dolist (i (rest cm))
90 ;; cycle elements must be positive integers, less or equal to n
91 (or (and (integerp i) (plusp i) (<= i n)) (return-from $cyclep nil))
92 ;; and cannot be repeated
93 (or (< (count i (rest cm)) 2) (return-from $cyclep nil)))
96 ;;; $permp returns true if its argument is a maxima list of length n,
97 ;;; whose elements are the integers 1, 2, ...n, without repetitions.
98 (defun $permp (pm)
99 (or ($listp pm) (return-from $permp nil))
100 (let ((n ($length pm)))
101 ;; a permutation of degree n is also a valid cycle of degree n
102 ($cyclep pm n)))
104 (defun check-perm (pm caller)
105 (let ((s "~M: argument should be a permutation; found: ~M"))
106 (or ($permp pm) (merror (intl:gettext s) caller pm))))
108 (defun check-cycle (cm n caller)
109 (let ((s "~M: argument should be a cycle of degree ~M; found: ~M"))
110 (or ($cyclep cm n) (merror (intl:gettext s) caller n cm))))
112 (defun check-list-or-set (lsm caller)
113 (let ((s "~M: argument should be a list or set; found: ~M"))
114 (or ($listp lsm) ($setp lsm) (merror (intl:gettext s) caller lsm))))
116 (defun check-list (lm caller)
117 (let ((s "~M: argument should be a list; found: ~M"))
118 (or ($listp lm) (merror (intl:gettext s) caller lm))))
120 (defun check-list-length (lm n caller)
121 (let ((s "~M: argument should be a list of length ~M; found: ~M"))
122 (or (eql ($length lm) n) (merror (intl:gettext s) caller n lm))))
124 (defun check-pos-integer (n caller)
125 (let ((s "~M: argument must be a positive integer; found: ~M"))
126 (or (and (integerp n) (> n 0)) (merror (intl:gettext s) caller n))))
128 (defun check-integer-n1-n2 (r n1 n2 caller)
129 (let ((s "~M: argument must be an integer between ~M and ~M; found: ~M"))
130 (or (and (integerp r) (>= r n1) (<= r n2))
131 (merror (intl:gettext s) caller n1 n2 r))))
133 ;;; $permult multiplies permutation pm by the permutations in list lmpm
134 (defun $permult (pm &rest lmpm)
135 (check-perm pm "permult")
136 (let ((n ($length pm)) (rm (copy-list pm)))
137 ;; multiplies the current product, rm, by each of the permutations in lmpm
138 (dolist (qm lmpm)
139 (check-list-length qm n "permult")
140 (check-perm qm "permult")
141 ;; the new product, rm, is the current product, rm, times
142 ;; permutation qm: rm = [qm[rm[1]], qm[rm[2]], ..., qm[rm[n]]]
143 (loop for j from 1 to n do
144 (setf (nth j rm) (nth (nth j rm) qm))))
145 rm))
147 ;;; $perm_inverse computes the inverse of permutation p
148 (defun $perm_inverse (pm)
149 (check-perm pm "perm_inverse")
150 (let ((inverse (copy-list pm)))
151 ;; if the element pm[j] of the permutation is equal to i, then
152 ;; the element inverse[i] of the inverse should be equal to j.
153 (dotimes (j ($length pm))
154 (setf (nth (nth (1+ j) pm) inverse) (1+ j)))
155 inverse))
157 ;;; $permute permutes the elements of list (or set) lsm according
158 ;;; to the permutation pm
159 (defun $permute (pm lsm)
160 (check-perm pm "permute")
161 ; (check-list-or-set lsm "permute")
162 (check-list-length lsm ($length pm) "permute")
163 (let ((result nil))
164 (dolist (j (reverse (rest pm)))
165 (setq result (cons (nth j lsm) result)))
166 (cons (car lsm) result)))
168 ;;; $apply_cycles permutes the elements of list (or set) lsm according to the
169 ;;; list of cycles lmcm, applying the cycles on the end of the list first
170 (defun $apply_cycles (lmcm lsm)
171 (check-list lmcm "apply_cycles")
172 (check-list-or-set lsm "apply_cycles")
173 (let ((n ($length lsm)) (r (copy-list lsm)) m tmp)
174 ;; iterate the cycles, the last in the list first
175 (dolist (cm (reverse (rest lmcm)))
176 (check-cycle cm n "apply_cycles")
177 (setq m ($length cm))
178 (setq tmp (nth (nth 1 cm) r))
179 (loop for i from 1 to (1- m) do
180 (setf (nth (nth i cm) r) (nth (nth (1+ i) cm) r)))
181 (setf (nth (nth m cm) r) tmp))
184 ;;; $perm_undecomp converts a list of cycles into a permutation,
185 ;;; equal to their product, by applying $apply_cycles to [1, 2,..., n]
186 (defun $perm_undecomp (lmcm n)
187 (check-list lmcm "perm_undecomp")
188 (check-pos-integer n "perm_undecomp")
189 ($apply_cycles
190 lmcm `((mlist simp) ,@(loop for i from 1 to n collecting i))))
192 ;;; $perm_cycles decomposes permutation p into a product of canonical
193 ;;; cycles: with lower indices first.
194 (defun $perm_cycles (pm)
195 (check-perm pm "perm_cycles")
196 (let* (i j k cm (n ($length pm)) (result '((mlist simp)))
197 (v (make-array n :element-type 'bit :initial-element 1)))
198 ;; the i'th bit in bit array v equal to 1 means index i+1 has not been
199 ;; added to any cycles. The next cycle will then start where the first
200 ;; value of 1 is found in v
201 (while (position 1 v)
202 (setf i (position 1 v) (bit v i) 0)
203 ;; i= v index where a 1 was found. j=i+1 first index in the current
204 ;; cycle. k=next index in the current cycle
205 (setq j (1+ i) k j cm `((mlist simp) ,j))
206 ;; if p[k] is different from k, there's a non-trivial cycle
207 (while (/= (nth k pm) j)
208 (setf k (nth k pm) cm (append cm (list k)) (bit v (1- k)) 0))
209 ;; a trivial cycle with just one index (length 2) will not be saved
210 (and (> (length cm) 2) (setq result (append result (list cm)))))
211 result))
213 ;;; $perm_lex_rank finds the position of the given permutation in
214 ;;; the lexicographic ordering of permutations (from 1 to n!).
215 ;;; Algorithm 2.15: from Kreher & Stinson (1999). Combinatorial Algorithms.
216 (defun $perm_lex_rank (pm)
217 (check-perm pm "perm_lex_rank")
218 (let ((r 1) (n ($length pm)) (qm (copy-list pm)))
219 (loop for j from 1 to n do
220 (incf r (* (1- (nth j qm)) (factorial (- n j))))
221 (loop for i from (1+ j) to n do
222 (when (> (nth i qm) (nth j qm))
223 (setf (nth i qm) (1- (nth i qm))))))
226 ;;; $perm_length finds the minimum number of adjacent transpositions
227 ;;; necessary to write permutation p as a product of adjacent transpositions.
228 (defun $perm_length (pm)
229 (check-perm pm "perm_length")
230 (let ((d 0) (n ($length pm)) (qm (copy-list pm)))
231 (loop for j from 1 to n do
232 (incf d (* (1- (nth j qm))))
233 (loop for i from (1+ j) to n do
234 (when (> (nth i qm) (nth j qm))
235 (setf (nth i qm) (1- (nth i qm))))))
238 ;;; $perm_decomp finds the minimum set of adjacent transpositions
239 ;;; whose product equals permutation pm.
240 (defun $perm_decomp (pm)
241 (check-perm pm "perm_decomp")
242 (let (lcm (n ($length pm)) (qm (copy-list pm)))
243 (loop for j from 1 to (1- n) do
244 (when (>= (1- (nth j qm)) 1)
245 (loop for i from (+ (- (nth j qm) 2) j) downto j do
246 (setq lcm (cons `((mlist simp) ,i ,(1+ i)) lcm))))
247 (loop for k from (1+ j) to n do
248 (when (> (nth k qm) (nth j qm))
249 (setf (nth k qm) (1- (nth k qm))))))
250 (cons '(mlist simp) lcm)))
252 ;;; $perm_parity finds the parity of permutation p (0 or 1).
253 (defun $perm_parity (pm)
254 (check-perm pm "perm_parity")
255 (perm-parity ($length pm) (rest pm)))
257 ;;; perm-parity finds the parity of n first elements of p (lisp list)
258 ;;; Algorithm 2.19 from Kreher & Stinson (1999). Combinatorial Algorithms.
259 (defun perm-parity (n p)
260 (let (i (c 0) (a (make-array n :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0)))
261 (dotimes (j n)
262 (when (= (bit a j) 0)
263 (incf c)
264 (setf (bit a j) 1 i j)
265 (while (/= (1- (nth i p)) j)
266 (setf i (1- (nth i p)) (bit a i) 1))))
267 (mod (- n c) 2)))
269 ;;; $perms_lex returns a list of permutations of degree n in lexicographic order
270 (defun $perms_lex (n &optional r0 rf)
271 (check-pos-integer n "perms_lex")
272 (when r0 (check-integer-n1-n2 r0 1 (factorial n) "perms_lex"))
273 (when rf (check-integer-n1-n2 rf r0 (factorial n) "perms_lex"))
274 (let ((pa (make-array n :element-type 'fixnum)) lpm)
275 (if r0
276 (progn
277 (perm-lex-unrank n r0 pa)
278 (push-array-mlist pa lpm)
279 (when rf
280 (dotimes (j (- rf r0))
281 (perm-lex-next n pa)
282 (push-array-mlist pa lpm))))
283 (progn
284 (dotimes (i n) (setf (aref pa i) (1+ i)))
285 (push-array-mlist pa lpm)
286 (while (perm-lex-next n pa)
287 (push-array-mlist pa lpm))))
288 `((mlist simp) ,@(nreverse lpm))))
290 ;;; $perm_lex_next finds the next permutation in lexicographic order
291 (defun $perm_lex_next (pm)
292 (check-perm pm "perm_lex_next")
293 (let* ((n ($length pm)) (pa (make-array n :element-type 'fixnum)))
294 (dotimes (i n)
295 (setf (aref pa i) (nth (1+ i) pm)))
296 (unless (perm-lex-next n pa)
297 (return-from $perm_lex_next nil))
298 (concatenate 'list '((mlist simp)) pa)))
300 ;;; $perm_lex_unrank finds the n-degree permutation with lexicographic rank r
301 (defun $perm_lex_unrank (n r)
302 (check-pos-integer n "perm_lex_unrank")
303 (check-integer-n1-n2 r 1 (factorial n) "perm_lex_unrank")
304 (let ((pa (make-array n :element-type 'fixnum)))
305 (perm-lex-unrank n r pa)
306 (concatenate 'list `((mlist simp)) pa)))
308 ;;; perm-lex-next finds next permutation in the lexicographic order.
309 ;;; Based on Algorithm 2.14 from Kreher & Stinson (1999). Combinatorial
310 ;;; Algorithms.
311 (defun perm-lex-next (n pa)
312 (declare (type (simple-array fixnum *) pa))
313 (declare (type fixnum n))
314 (let ((i (1- n)) (j n))
315 (while (and (> i 0) (< (aref pa i) (aref pa (1- i))))
316 (decf i))
317 (when (= i 0) (return-from perm-lex-next nil))
318 (while (< (aref pa (1- j)) (aref pa (1- i)))
319 (decf j))
320 (array-transposition pa i j)
321 (dotimes (k (floor (/ (- n i) 2)))
322 (array-transposition pa (+ k i 1) (- n k)))
325 ;;; perm-lex-unrank finds the n-degree permutation of in position
326 ;;; r (from 1 to n!) in the lexicographic ordering of permutations.
327 ;;; Algorithm 2.16: from Kreher & Stinson (1999). Combinatorial Algorithms.
328 (defun perm-lex-unrank (n r pa)
329 (declare (type (simple-array fixnum *) pa))
330 (declare (type fixnum n))
331 (declare (type fixnum r))
332 (let (d)
333 (setf (aref pa (1- n)) 1)
334 (dotimes (j (1- n))
335 (setq d (/ (mod (1- r) (factorial (+ j 2))) (factorial (1+ j))))
336 (decf r (* d (factorial (1+ j))))
337 (setf (aref pa (- n j 2)) (1+ d))
338 (loop for i from (- n j 1) to (1- n) do
339 (when (> (aref pa i) d)
340 (setf (aref pa i) (1+ (aref pa i))))))
343 ;;; $perms returns a list of the permutations of order n
344 ;;; in Trotter-Johnson ordering, using a simpler algorithm
345 (defun $perms (n &optional r0 rf)
346 (check-pos-integer n "perms")
347 (when r0 (check-integer-n1-n2 r0 1 (factorial n) "perms"))
348 (when rf (check-integer-n1-n2 rf r0 (factorial n) "perms"))
349 (let ((pa (make-array n :element-type 'fixnum)) lpm)
350 (if r0
351 (progn
352 (perm-unrank n r0 pa)
353 (push-array-mlist pa lpm)
354 (when rf
355 (loop for r from r0 to (- rf 1) do
356 (array-adjacent-transposition pa (transposition-next n r))
357 (push-array-mlist pa lpm))))
358 (progn
359 (dotimes (i n) (setf (aref pa i) (1+ i)))
360 (push-array-mlist pa lpm)
361 (loop for r from 1 to (1- (factorial n)) do
362 (array-adjacent-transposition pa (transposition-next n r))
363 (push-array-mlist pa lpm))))
364 `((mlist simp) ,@(nreverse lpm))))
366 ;;; $perm_next finds the next permutation in Trotter-Johnson ordering
367 (defun $perm_next (pm)
368 (check-perm pm "perm_next")
369 (let ((n ($length pm)) (r ($perm_rank pm)) (qm (copy-list pm)) i)
370 (when (= r (factorial n)) (return-from $perm_next nil))
371 (setq i (transposition-next n r))
372 (rotatef (nth i qm) (nth (1+ i) qm))
373 qm))
375 ;;; $perm_unrank finds the n-degree permutation with Trotter-Johnson rank r
376 (defun $perm_unrank (n r)
377 (check-pos-integer n "perm_unrank")
378 (check-integer-n1-n2 r 1 (factorial n) "perm_unrank")
379 (let ((pa (make-array n :element-type 'fixnum)))
380 (perm-unrank n r pa)
381 (concatenate 'list `((mlist simp)) pa)))
383 ;;; $perm_rank finds the position of the given permutation in
384 ;;; the Trotter-Johnson ordering of permutations (from 1 to n!).
385 ;;; Algorithm 2.17: from Kreher & Stinson (1999). Combinatorial Algorithms.
386 (defun $perm_rank (pm)
387 (check-perm pm "perm_rank")
388 (let (i k (r 1) (n ($length pm)))
389 (loop for j from 2 to n do
390 (setq k 1 i 1)
391 (while (/= (nth i pm) j)
392 (and (< (nth i pm) j) (incf k))
393 (incf i))
394 (if (= (mod r 2) 1)
395 (setq r (- (+ (* j r) 1) k))
396 (setq r (+ (* j (1- r)) k))))
399 ;;; perm-unrank returns the n-degree permutation in position r
400 ;;; (from 1 to n!) in the Trotter-Johnson ordering of permutations.
401 ;;; Algorithm 2.18: from Kreher & Stinson (1999). Combinatorial Algorithms.
402 (defun perm-unrank (n r pa)
403 (declare (type (simple-array fixnum *) pa))
404 (declare (type fixnum n))
405 (declare (type fixnum r))
406 (let (r1 (r2 0) k)
407 (setf (aref pa 0) 1)
408 (loop for j from 2 to n do
409 (setq r1 (floor (/ (* (1- r) (factorial j)) (factorial n))))
410 (setq k (- r1 (* j r2)))
411 (if (= (mod r2 2) 0)
412 (progn
413 (loop for i from (1- j) downto (- j k) do
414 (setf (aref pa i) (aref pa (1- i))))
415 (setf (aref pa (- j k 1)) j))
416 (progn
417 (loop for i from (1- j) downto (1+ k) do
418 (setf (aref pa i) (aref pa (1- i))))
419 (setf (aref pa k) j)))
420 (setq r2 r1))))
422 ;;; transposition-next finds the first index of the adjacent transposition
423 ;;; to be applied to the n-degree permutation of Trotter-Johnson rank r, in
424 ;;; order to get the permutation of rank r+1 (r must be between 1 and n!-1)
425 (defun transposition-next (n r)
426 (let ((d 0) m k)
427 (setf (values m k) (floor r n))
428 (while (= k 0)
429 (setq r m)
430 (decf n)
431 (when (= (mod m 2) 1) (incf d))
432 (setf (values m k) (floor r n)))
433 (if (= (mod m 2) 0)
434 (+ (- n k) d)
435 (+ k d))))
437 ;;; $random_perm generates a random permutation of degree n, using algorithm
438 ;;; 5.4 from Reingold, Nievergelt and Deo. Combinatorial algorithms: theory and
439 ;;; practice. 1977
440 (defun $random_perm (n)
441 (check-pos-integer n "random_perm")
442 (let ((pm (cons '(mlist) (loop for i from 1 to n collecting i))))
443 (loop for i from n downto 2 do
444 (rotatef (nth i pm) (nth (1+ ($random i)) pm)))
445 pm))