3 ;;; Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Mario Rodriguez Riotorto
5 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute
6 ;;; it and/or modify it under the terms of the
7 ;;; GNU General Public License as published by
8 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9 ;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it
12 ;;; will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
13 ;;; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
15 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details at
16 ;;; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
18 ;;; This is a maxima-vtk interface.
20 ;;; For examples, visit
21 ;;; http://tecnostats.net/Maxima/vtk
23 ;;; For questions, suggestions, bugs and the like, feel free
25 ;;; mario @@@ edu DOT xunta DOT es
31 (defvar *vtk-appenddata-counter
* 0)
32 (defvar *vtk-extract-counter
* 0)
33 (defvar *vtk-outline-counter
* 0)
34 (defvar *vtk-polydatamapper-counter
* 0)
35 (defvar *vtk-outlineactor-counter
* 0)
36 (defvar *vtk-textproperty-counter
* 0)
37 (defvar *vtk-cubeaxesactor2d-counter
* 0)
38 (defvar *vtk-camera-counter
* 0)
39 (defvar *vtk-renderer-counter
* 0)
40 (defvar *vtk-source-counter
* 0)
41 (defvar *vtk-mapper-counter
* 0)
42 (defvar *vtk-actor-counter
* 0)
43 (defvar *vtk-labelactor-counter
* 0)
44 (defvar *vtk-trans-counter
* 0)
45 (defvar *vtk-filter-counter
* 0)
46 (defvar *vtk-floatarray-counter
* 0)
47 (defvar *vtk-data-file-counter
* 0)
48 (defvar *vtk-points-counter
* 0)
49 (defvar *vtk-glyphpoints-counter
* 0)
50 (defvar *vtk-polydata-counter
* 0)
51 (defvar *vtk-cellarray-counter
* 0)
52 (defvar *vtk-solidsource-counter
* 0)
53 (defvar *vtk-triangle-counter
* 0)
54 (defvar *vtk-label-counter
* 0)
55 (defvar *vtk-chart-counter
* 0)
56 (defvar *vtk-table-counter
* 0)
57 (defvar *vtk-arrayX-counter
* 0)
58 (defvar *vtk-arrayY-counter
* 0)
59 (defvar *vtk-2dkey-counter
* 0)
60 (defvar *vtk-isolines-counter
* 0)
61 (defvar *lookup-tables
* nil
62 (defvar *unitscale-already-defined
* nil
63 (defparameter *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
* (make-hash-table))
65 (defun get-appenddata-name ()
66 (format nil
"appenddata~a" (incf *vtk-appenddata-counter
68 (defun get-extract-name ()
69 (format nil
"extract~a" (incf *vtk-extract-counter
71 (defun get-outline-name ()
72 (format nil
"outline~a" (incf *vtk-outline-counter
74 (defun get-outlineactor-name ()
75 (format nil
"outlineactor~a" (incf *vtk-outlineactor-counter
77 (defun get-textproperty-name ()
78 (format nil
"textproperty~a" (incf *vtk-textproperty-counter
80 (defun get-cubeaxesactor2d-name ()
81 (format nil
"cubeaxesactor2d~a" (incf *vtk-cubeaxesactor2d-counter
83 (defun get-camera-name ()
84 (format nil
"camera~a" (incf *vtk-camera-counter
86 (defun get-renderer-name ()
87 (format nil
"renderer~a" (incf *vtk-renderer-counter
89 (defun get-source-name ()
90 (format nil
"source~a" (incf *vtk-source-counter
92 (defun get-mapper-name ()
93 (format nil
"mapper~a" (incf *vtk-mapper-counter
95 (defun get-actor-name ()
96 (format nil
"actor~a" (incf *vtk-actor-counter
98 (defun get-labelactor-name ()
99 (format nil
"labelactor~a" (incf *vtk-labelactor-counter
101 (defun get-trans-name ()
102 (format nil
"trans~a" (incf *vtk-trans-counter
104 (defun get-filter-name ()
105 (format nil
"filter~a" (incf *vtk-filter-counter
107 (defun get-floatarray-name ()
108 (format nil
"floatarray~a" (incf *vtk-floatarray-counter
110 (defun get-data-file-name ()
111 (format nil
"data~a.vtk" (incf *vtk-data-file-counter
113 (defun get-points-name ()
114 (format nil
"points~a" (incf *vtk-points-counter
116 (defun get-glyphpoints-name ()
117 (format nil
"glyphpoints~a" (incf *vtk-glyphpoints-counter
119 (defun get-polydata-name ()
120 (format nil
"polydata~a" (incf *vtk-polydata-counter
122 (defun get-cellarray-name ()
123 (format nil
"cellarray~a" (incf *vtk-cellarray-counter
125 (defun get-polydatamapper-name ()
126 (format nil
"polydatamapper~a" (incf *vtk-polydatamapper-counter
128 (defun get-solidsource-name ()
129 (format nil
"solidsource~a" (incf *vtk-solidsource-counter
131 (defun get-triangle-name ()
132 (format nil
"triangle~a" (incf *vtk-triangle-counter
134 (defun get-label-name ()
135 (format nil
"label~a" (incf *vtk-label-counter
137 (defun get-chart-name ()
138 (format nil
"chart~a" (incf *vtk-chart-counter
140 (defun get-table-name ()
141 (format nil
"table~a" (incf *vtk-table-counter
143 (defun get-arrayX-name ()
144 (format nil
"arrayX~a" (incf *vtk-arrayX-counter
146 (defun get-arrayY-name ()
147 (format nil
"arrayY~a" (incf *vtk-arrayY-counter
149 (defun get-isolines-name ()
150 (format nil
"isolines~a" (incf *vtk-isolines-counter
152 (defun scenebounds ()
153 (let ((xrange (get-option '$xrange
154 (yrange (get-option '$yrange
155 (zrange (get-option '$zrange
160 (format nil
"mib[0]=~a~%mxb[1]=~a~%" (car xrange
) (cadr xrange
163 (format nil
"mib[2]=~a~%mxb[3]=~a~%" (car yrange
) (cadr yrange
166 (format nil
"mib[4]=~a~%mxb[5]=~a~%" (car zrange
) (cadr zrange
168 (format nil
169 "if sys.version_info[0] < 3:"
170 " trb = zip(*bounds)"
172 " trb = list(zip(*bounds))"
173 "mib = [min(i) for i in trb]"
174 "mxb = [max(i) for i in trb]"
175 "ranges = vtk.vtkBox()"
177 "ranges.SetBounds(mib[0],mxb[1],mib[2],mxb[3],mib[4],mxb[5])") ))
179 (defun vtkappendpolydata-code (an fe fl
180 (let ((str (make-array 0
181 :element-type
184 (when (> (hash-table-count *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
*) 0)
185 (format str
(format nil
"~V@{~a~:*~}~%" 18 "~a~%")
186 "def rescalearray( pts, arr ):"
189 " n = arr.GetNumberOfTuples()"
190 " for i in range(0, n):"
191 " v = pts.GetPoint(i)"
192 " f = arr.GetValue(i)"
193 " if (v[0] >= mib[0] and v[0] <= mxb[1] and"
194 " v[1] >= mib[2] and v[1] <= mxb[3] and"
195 " v[2] >= mib[4] and v[2] <= mxb[5]):"
201 " for i in range(0, n):"
202 " arr.SetValue(i, (arr.GetValue(i)-mini)/(maxi-mini))"
204 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkAppendPolyData()~%" an
205 (loop for n from fe to
* do
206 (format str
"~%extract~a.SetImplicitFunction(ranges)~%" n
207 (format str
"extract~a.SetInputConnection(filter~a.GetOutputPort())~%" n n
208 (format str
"mapper~a.SetInputConnection(extract~a.GetOutputPort())~%" n n
209 (when (gethash n
210 (format str
"~a" (gethash n
211 (remhash n
212 (format str
"actor~a.SetMapper(mapper~a)~%" n n
213 (format str
"~a.AddInputConnection(extract~a.GetOutputPort())~%" an n
214 (loop for n from fl to
* do
215 (format str
"~a.AddInputConnection(label~a.GetOutputPort())~%" an n
216 (format str
"~%~a.Update()~%~%" an
219 (defun vtkoutlinefilter-code (on an
221 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkOutlineFilter()~%" on
222 (format nil
"~a.SetInputConnection(~a.GetOutputPort())~%" on an
224 (defun vtkpolydatamapper-code (mn fn con
226 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()~%" mn
228 (format nil
"~a.SetInputConnection(~a.GetOutputPort())~%" mn fn
232 (defun vtkpolydatamapper-isoline-code (mn sn fn
234 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()~%" mn
235 (format nil
"~a.GetPointData().SetActiveScalars(\"name~a\")~%" sn fn
236 (format nil
"~a.ScalarVisibilityOn()~%" mn
) ))
238 (defun vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (en cell poin
240 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry()~%" en
242 (format nil
"~a.ExtractBoundaryCellsOn()~%" en
243 (format nil
"~a.ExtractBoundaryCellsOff()~%" en
245 (format nil
"~a.PassPointsOn()~%" en
246 (format nil
"~a.PassPointsOff()~%" en
)) ))
248 (defun vtktextproperty-code (tn)
250 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkTextProperty()~%" tn
251 (format nil
"~a.SetColor(0,0,0)~%" tn
253 (defun vtkcubeaxesActor2d-code (can adn tn
255 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkCubeAxesActor2D()~%" can
256 (format nil
"~a.SetInputConnection(~a.GetOutputPort())~%" can adn
257 (format nil
"~a.SetLabelFormat(\"%6.4g\")~%" can
258 (format nil
"~a.SetFlyModeToOuterEdges()~%" can
259 (format nil
"~a.SetFontFactor(0.8)~%" can
260 (format nil
"~a.SetAxisTitleTextProperty(~a)~%" can tn
261 (format nil
"~a.SetAxisLabelTextProperty(~a)~%" can tn
262 (format nil
"~a.SetXLabel(\"~a\")~%" can
(get-option '$xlabel
263 (format nil
"~a.SetYLabel(\"~a\")~%" can
(get-option '$ylabel
264 (format nil
"~a.SetZLabel(\"~a\")~%~%" can
(get-option '$zlabel
)) ))
266 (defun vtkrenderer3d-code (rn an on bgcol cn rv rh fa fl
267 (let* ((k 0.0174532925199433) ; %pi/180
270 (x (* ($sin rvk
) ($sin rhk
271 (y (- (* ($sin rvk
) ($cos rhk
273 (colist (hex-to-numeric-list bgcol
275 :element-type
278 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkCamera()~%" cn
279 (format str
"~a.SetPosition(~a,~a,~a)~%" cn x y z
280 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkRenderer()~%" rn
281 (format str
"~a.SetBackground(~a,~a,~a)~%" rn
(first colist
) (second colist
) (third colist
282 (loop for n from fa to
* do
283 (format str
"~a.AddActor(actor~a)~%" rn n
284 (loop for n from fl to
* do
285 (format str
"~a.AddActor(labelactor~a)~%" rn n
286 (format str
"~a.SetCamera(~a.GetActiveCamera())~%" an rn
287 (when (get-option '$axis_3d
288 (format str
"~a.AddActor(~a)~%" rn on
) ; add box
289 (format str
"~a.AddViewProp(~a)~%" rn an
)) ; add axes tics
290 (format str
"~a.SetActiveCamera(~a)~%" rn cn
291 (format str
"~a.ResetCamera()~%~%" rn
294 (defun vtkrenderer2d-code (cn rn
295 (let ((colist (hex-to-numeric-list (get-option '$background_color
296 (xrange (get-option '$xrange
297 (yrange (get-option '$yrange
299 :element-type
303 (format str
"~a.GetAxis(0).SetBehavior(1)~%" cn
304 (format str
"~a.GetAxis(0).SetRange(~a,~a)~%~%" cn
(first yrange
) (second yrange
)) )
306 (format str
"~a.GetAxis(1).SetBehavior(1)~%" cn
307 (format str
"~a.GetAxis(1).SetRange(~a,~a)~%~%" cn
(first xrange
) (second xrange
)) )
308 (format str
"scene~a=vtk.vtkContextScene()~%scene~a.AddItem(~a)~%" cn cn cn
309 (format str
"actor~a=vtk.vtkContextActor()~%actor~a.SetScene(scene~a)~%" cn cn cn
310 (format str
312 (if (> *vtk-2dkey-counter
* 0) 1 0))
313 (format str
"~a.GetAxis(0).SetTitle(\"~a\")~%" cn
(get-option '$ylabel
314 (format str
"~a.GetAxis(1).SetTitle(\"~a\")~%" cn
(get-option '$xlabel
315 (when (get-option '$logx
316 (format str
"~a.GetAxis(1).SetLogScale(1)~%" cn
317 (when (get-option '$logy
318 (format str
"~a.GetAxis(0).SetLogScale(1)~%" cn
319 (let ((pos (get-option '$key_pos
322 (setf pos
(rest (mfunction-call $split pos
325 (format str
328 ((string= vp
"top") 3)
329 ((string= vp
"center") 1)
330 ((string= vp
"bottom") 4)))
331 (format str
334 ((string= hp
"left") 0)
335 ((string= hp
"center") 1)
336 ((string= hp
"right") 2))) ))
337 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkRenderer()~%" rn
338 (format str
"~a.SetBackground(~a,~a,~a)~%" rn
(first colist
) (second colist
) (third colist
339 (format str
"~a.AddActor(actor~a)~%" rn cn
340 (format str
"scene~a.SetRenderer(~a)~%" cn rn
343 (defun vtkchartxy-code (cn)
344 (let ((str (make-array 0
345 :element-type
348 (format str
"~a = vtk.vtkChartXY()~%" cn
349 (format str
351 (case (first (get-option '$grid
354 (format str
356 (case (second (get-option '$grid
361 (defun vtkcellarray-code (cn pn celldim ind
362 (let ((str (make-array 0
363 :element-type
366 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkCellArray()~%" cn
367 (loop for c in ind do
368 (format str
"~a.InsertNextCell(~a)~%" cn
(length c
370 (format str
"~a.InsertCellPoint(~a)~%" cn i
)) )
371 (format str
376 (otherwise "SetPolys"))
380 (defun vtkfloatarray-code (fan sn values
(addarr t
381 (let ((n (length values
383 :element-type
386 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkFloatArray()~%" fan
387 (loop for k from
0 below n do
388 (format str
"~a.InsertNextValue(~a)~%" fan
(aref values k
389 (format str
"~a.SetName(\"name~a\")~%" fan fan
390 (format str
398 (defun vtkglyph3d-code (fn sn pdn
400 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkGlyph3D()~%" fn
401 (format nil
"~a.SetInputData(~a)~%" fn sn
402 (format nil
"~a.~a~%" fn pdn
403 (format nil
"~a.ScalingOff()~%" fn
405 (defun vtkpoints-code (pn sn x y z
408 :element-type
411 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkPoints()~%" pn
412 (format str
"~a.SetNumberOfPoints(~a)~%" pn n
413 (loop for k from
0 below n do
414 (format str
"~a.InsertPoint(~a,~a,~a,~a)~%" pn k
(aref x k
) (aref y k
) (aref z k
)) )
415 (when (not (null sn
416 (format str
"~a.SetPoints(~a)~%" sn pn
419 (defun vtktransform-code (tn)
420 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkTransform()~%" tn
422 (defun vtktransformfilter-code (fn sn tn
424 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkTransformFilter()~%" fn
425 (format nil
"~a.SetInputConnection(~a.GetOutputPort())~%" fn sn
426 (format nil
"~a.SetTransform(~a)~%" fn tn
) ))
428 (defun vtktransformpolydatafilter-code (fn sn tn ds
430 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkTransformPolyDataFilter()~%" fn
432 (format nil
"~a.SetInputData(~a)~%" fn sn
433 (format nil
"~a.SetInputConnection(~a.GetOutputPort())~%" fn sn
434 (format nil
"~a.SetTransform(~a)~%" fn tn
) ))
436 (defun vtkactor-code (an mn col op lw ws
437 (let ((colist (hex-to-numeric-list col
439 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkActor()~%" an
441 (format nil
"~a.SetMapper(~a)~%" an mn
443 (format nil
448 (format nil
"~a.GetProperty().SetOpacity(~a)~%" an op
449 (format nil
"~a.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(~a)~%" an lw
451 (format nil
"~a.GetProperty().EdgeVisibilityOn()~%~a.GetProperty().SetEdgeColor(0,0,0)~%" an an
452 (format nil
"~%")) )))
455 (defun vtkactor-isoline-code (an lw
457 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkActor()~%" an
458 (format nil
"# ~a.GetProperty().SetColor(1.0,0.0,0.0)~%" an
459 (format nil
"~a.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(~a)~%" an lw
) ))
462 (defun vtkactor-glyph-code (an col op
463 (let ((colist (hex-to-numeric-list col
465 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkActor()~%" an
466 (format nil
471 (format nil
"~a.GetProperty().SetOpacity(~a)~%" an op
) )))
473 (defun vtktubefilter-code (tn fn lt
475 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkTubeFilter()~%" tn
476 (format nil
"~a.SetInputConnection(~a.GetOutputPort())~%" tn fn
477 (format nil
"~a.SetNumberOfSides(~a)~%" tn
(- lt
478 (format nil
"~a.SetRadius(~a)~%" tn
(get-option '$line_width
)) ))
481 (defun vtkContourFilter-code (in fn
482 (let ((str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
483 (contours (get-option '$isolines_levels
484 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkContourFilter()~%" in
485 (format str
"~a.SetInputConnection(~a.GetOutputPort())~%" in fn
487 ((numberp contours
) ; number of isolines
488 (format str
"~a.GenerateValues(~a,~a.GetOutput().GetScalarRange())~%" in contours fn
489 ((and (stringp contours
490 (search "incremental" contours
)); list with min, step, max
491 (format str
"u = [~a]~%" (subseq contours
492 (format str
"~a.GenerateValues(int(round((u[2]-u[0]) / u[1])),u[0],u[2])~%" in
) )
493 (t ; set of user specified contour values
494 (format str
"u = [~a]~%" (subseq contours
495 (format str
"for i in range(0, len(u)):~%")
496 (format str
" ~a.SetValue(i,u[i])~%" in
) ))
500 (defun vtkrendererwindow-code (ns)
501 (let* ((dim (get-option '$dimensions
502 (ncol (get-option '$columns
504 :element-type
508 (alloc (reverse *allocations
510 nrow dx dy thisalloc
511 (setf nrow
(ceiling (/ (count nil alloc
) ncol
513 (setf dx
(/ 1.0 ncol
515 ; place scenes on the graphic window
516 (loop for counter from
1 to ns do
517 (setf thisalloc
(car alloc
518 (setf alloc
(cdr alloc
520 (thisalloc ; user defined scene allocation
521 (setf x1
(first thisalloc
522 y1
(second thisalloc
523 (setf x2
(+ x1
(third thisalloc
524 y2
(+ y1
(fourth thisalloc
525 (t ; automatic scene allocation
527 (setf x1
(* (mod (- nilcounter
1) ncol
) dx
529 y1
(* (- nrow
(ceiling nilcounter ncol
)) dy
531 (format str
"renderer~a.SetViewport(~a,~a,~a,~a)~%" counter x1 y1 x2 y2
532 (format str
533 (format str
"renWin.SetSize(~a,~a)~%" (car dim
) (cadr dim
534 (loop for k from
1 to ns do
535 (format str
"renWin.AddRenderer(renderer~a)~%" k
539 ; code for file output
540 (defun vtk-terminal ()
541 (let ((terminal (get-option '$terminal
542 (filename (get-option '$file_name
543 (offscreenterms '($png $pngcairo $jpg $eps $eps_color $tiff $pnm
547 ((member terminal offscreenterms
550 (setf extension
551 classformat
553 (setf extension
554 classformat
556 (setf extension
557 classformat
559 (setf extension
560 classformat
562 (setf extension
563 classformat
564 (format nil
565 "renWin.OffScreenRenderingOn()"
567 "w2if=vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter()"
568 "w2if.SetInput(renWin)"
569 "writer=vtk." classformat
570 "writer.SetInputConnection(w2if.GetOutputPort())"
571 "writer.SetFileName" filename extension
574 ((eq terminal
575 (format nil
576 "vrml=vtk.vtkVRMLExporter()"
577 "vrml.SetInput(renWin)"
578 "vrml.SetFileName" filename
583 (format nil
584 "obj=vtk.vtkOBJExporter()"
585 "obj.SetInput(renWin)"
586 "obj.SetFilePrefix" filename
589 ((eq terminal
590 (format nil
591 "iren=vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor()"
592 "iren.SetRenderWindow(renWin)"
594 "renderer1.ResetCamera()"
595 "renderer1.GetActiveCamera().Zoom(1.01)"
599 (format nil
600 "triangulator=vtk.vtkTriangleFilter()"
601 "triangulator.SetInputConnection(appenddata1.GetOutputPort())"
602 "stl=vtk.vtkSTLWriter()"
603 "stl.SetInputConnection(triangulator.GetOutputPort())"
604 "stl.SetFileName(\"" filename
608 (format nil
609 "triangulator=vtk.vtkTriangleFilter()"
610 "triangulator.SetInputConnection(appenddata1.GetOutputPort())"
611 "stl=vtk.vtkPLYWriter()"
612 "stl.SetInputConnection(triangulator.GetOutputPort())"
613 "stl.SetFileName(\"" filename
617 (merror "draw: unknown terminal for vtk")))))
620 ; Checks if lookup table is already created.
621 ; Returns its position number in *lookup-tables*
622 (defun lookup-table-exists (pal)
624 (setf pos
(position pal
* :test
630 ; Writes tcl code for color transform functions
631 (defun color-transform-function (c n f
637 (0 (setf expr
"x = 0"))
638 (1 (setf expr
"x = 0.5"))
639 (2 (setf expr
"x = 1"))
640 (3 (setf expr
"x = x"))
641 (4 (setf expr
"x = x*x"))
642 (5 (setf expr
"x = x*x*x"))
643 (6 (setf expr
"x = x*x*x*x"))
644 (7 (setf expr
"x = math.sqrt(x)"))
645 (8 (setf expr
"x = math.sqrt(math.sqrt(x))"))
646 (9 (setf expr
"x = math.sin(1.570796326794897*x)")) ; %pi/2
647 (10 (setf expr
"x = math.cos(1.570796326794897*x)"))
648 (11 (setf expr
"x = math.fabs(x-0.5)"))
649 (12 (setf expr
"x = (2.0*x-1.0)*(2.0*x-1.0)"))
650 (13 (setf expr
"x = math.sin(3.141592653589793*x)")) ; %pi
651 (14 (setf expr
"x = math.fabs(math.cos(3.141592653589793*x))"))
652 (15 (setf expr
"x = math.sin(6.283185307179586*x)")) ; 2*%pi
653 (16 (setf expr
"x = math.cos(6.283185307179586*x)"))
654 (17 (setf expr
"x = math.fabs(math.sin(6.283185307179586*x))"))
655 (18 (setf expr
"x = math.fabs(math.cos(6.283185307179586*x))"))
656 (19 (setf expr
"x = math.fabs(math.sin(12.56637061435917*x))")) ; 4*%pi
657 (20 (setf expr
"x = math.fabs(math.cos(12.56637061435917*x))"))
658 (21 (setf expr
"x = 3.0*x"))
659 (22 (setf expr
"x = 3.0*x-1.0"))
660 (23 (setf expr
"x = 3.0*x-2.0"))
661 (24 (setf expr
"x = math.fabs(3.0*x-1.0)"))
662 (25 (setf expr
"x = math.fabs(3.0*x-2.0)"))
663 (26 (setf expr
"x = 1.5*x-0.5"))
664 (27 (setf expr
"x = 1.5*x-1.0"))
665 (28 (setf expr
"x = math.fabs(1.5*x-0.5)"))
666 (29 (setf expr
"x = math.fabs(1.5*x-1.0)"))
667 (30 (setf expr
"x = interval(x,0.25,0.57)/0.32-0.78125"))
668 (31 (setf expr
"x = 2*interval(x,0.42,0.92)-0.84"))
669 (32 (setf expr
(concatenate 'string
670 (format nil
"if x <= 0.42:~%")
671 (format nil
" x = 4.0*x~%")
672 (format nil
" elif x <= 0.92:~%")
673 (format nil
" x = -2.0*x+1.84~%")
674 (format nil
" else:~%")
675 (format nil
" x = x/0.08-11.5"))))
676 (33 (setf expr
"x = math.fabs(2.0*x-0.5)"))
677 (34 (setf expr
"x = 2*x"))
678 (35 (setf expr
"x = 2.0*x-0.5"))
679 (36 (setf expr
"x = 2.0*x-1.0")))
681 (format nil
"def f~a~a (k):~%" c n
682 (format nil
" x = unitscale(k)~%" )
683 (format nil
" ~a~%" expr
684 (format nil
" return interval(x,0,1)~%~%")) ))
687 ; Creates lookup table. See info for option 'palette'.
688 ; Returns list with lookup table name and the string.
689 (defun check-lookup-table ()
690 (let ((palette (get-option '$palette
693 (cond ((equal palette
694 (setf palette
'(3 3 3)))
695 ((equal palette
696 (setf palette
'(7 5 15))) )
697 (setf lutn
(1+ (length *lookup-tables
698 (setf *lookup-tables
* (append *lookup-tables
* (list palette
699 (setf palette-name
(format nil
"lut~a" lutn
700 (cond ((and (listp palette
) ; build lookup table with transform functionsunitscale
701 (= (length palette
) 3)
702 (every #'(lambda (x) (and (integerp x
) (<= (abs x
) 36))) palette
) )
703 ; if *unitscale-already-defined* is null, write
704 ; tcl functions 'unitscale' and 'unitinterval'
705 (when (null *unitscale-already-defined
708 (format nil
"import math~%~%")
709 (format nil
"def unitscale (k):~%")
710 (format nil
" return k/255.0~%~%")
711 (format nil
"def interval (x,x0,x1):~%")
712 (format nil
" if x <= x0:~%")
713 (format nil
" return 0~%")
714 (format nil
" if x >= x1:~%")
715 (format nil
" return 1~%")
716 (format nil
" return x~%~%")))
717 (setf *unitscale-already-defined
* t
718 ; write tcl r-g-b transform functions
722 (color-transform-function "R" lutn
(car palette
723 (color-transform-function "G" lutn
(cadr palette
724 (color-transform-function "B" lutn
(caddr palette
725 ; create lookup table
729 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkLookupTable()~%" palette-name
730 (format nil
"~a.SetNumberOfColors(256)~%" palette-name
731 (format nil
"~a.Build()~%" palette-name
732 (format nil
"for i in range (0,256):~%")
733 (format nil
" ~a.SetTableValue(i,fR~a(i),fG~a(i),fB~a(i),1)~%~%"
734 palette-name lutn lutn lutn
735 (list palette-name lut
737 ((and (listp palette
) ; build user defined lookup table without transparency
738 (every #'(lambda (x) (and (listp x
) (= (length x
) 3))) palette
) )
742 (n (length palette
743 (with-output-to-string (stream)
744 (format stream
"~a=vtk.vtkLookupTable()~%" palette-name
745 (format stream
"~a.SetNumberOfColors(~a)~%" palette-name n
747 (setf triplete
(nth k palette
748 (format stream
749 palette-name k
(car triplete
) (cadr triplete
) (caddr triplete
751 ((and (listp palette
) ; build user defined lookup table with transparency
752 (every #'(lambda (x) (and (listp x
) (= (length x
) 4))) palette
) )
756 (n (length palette
757 (with-output-to-string (stream)
758 (format stream
"~a=vtk.vtkLookupTable()~%" palette-name
759 (format stream
"~a.SetNumberOfColors(~a)~%" palette-name n
761 (setf triplete
(nth k palette
762 (format stream
763 palette-name k
(car triplete
) (cadr triplete
) (caddr triplete
) (cadddr triplete
766 (defun build-surface-grid (nx ny
772 (setf poly
(cons (list (+ cont c
) (+ cont c
1) (+ cont nx c
1) (+ cont nx c
)) poly
780 ;; 3d: cone(center, radius, height, direction)
781 ;; -------------------------------------------
782 (defun vtk3d-cone (cen rad hei dir
783 (let ((color (get-option '$color
784 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
785 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
786 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
787 (capping (rest (get-option '$capping
788 (source-name (get-source-name))
789 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
790 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
791 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
792 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
798 (when (or (not ($listp fcen
799 (not (= ($length fcen
) 3))
800 (not (every #'floatp
(rest fcen
))) )
801 (merror "draw3d: cone center must be a list of three numbers"))
802 (when (or (not (floatp frad
804 (merror "draw3d: cone radius must be a number greater than zero"))
805 (when (or (not (floatp fhei
807 (merror "draw3d: cone height must be a number greater than zero"))
808 (when (or (not ($listp fdir
809 (not (= ($length fdir
) 3))
810 (not (every #'floatp
(rest fdir
))) )
811 (merror "draw3d: cone direction must be a list of three numbers"))
816 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkConeSource()~%" source-name
817 (format nil
"~a.SetHeight(~a)~%" source-name fhei
818 (format nil
"~a.SetRadius(~a)~%" source-name frad
819 (format nil
824 (format nil
829 (format nil
"~a.SetResolution(~a)~%" source-name
830 (format nil
"~a.SetCapping(~a)~%" source-name capn
831 (vtktransform-code trans-name
832 (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name nil
833 (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
834 (format nil
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" mapper-name
835 (vtkactor-code actor-name mapper-name color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
836 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
)) )))
840 ;; 3d: prism(center, n, edgepoint, height, direction)
841 ;; --------------------------------------------------
843 ; rotates point (x,y,z) rad radians around the line with unitary direction
844 ; vector (u,v,w) containing point (a,b,c)
845 (defun rotate (x y z a b c u v w rad
848 (* ($sin rad
) (+ (* -
1 c v
) (* b w
) (* -
1 w y
) (* v z
849 (* (+ 1 (* -
1 ($cos rad
850 (+ (* a
(+ (expt v
2) (expt w
851 (* -
1 u
(+ (* b v
) (* c w
) (* -
1 u x
) (* -
1 v y
) (* -
1 w z
853 (* ($sin rad
) (+ (* c u
) (* -
1 a w
) (* w x
) (* -
1 u z
854 (* (+ 1 (* -
1 ($cos rad
855 (+ (* b
(+ (expt u
2) (expt w
856 (* -
1 v
(+ (* a u
) (* c w
) (* -
1 u x
) (* -
1 v y
) (* -
1 w z
857 (+ (* ($sin rad
) (+ (* -
1 b u
) (* a v
) (* -
1 v x
) (* u y
859 (* (+ 1 (* -
1 ($cos rad
860 (+ (* c
(+ (expt u
2) (expt v
861 (* -
1 w
(+ (* a u
) (* b v
) (* -
1 u x
) (* -
1 v y
) (* -
1 w z
)))))) ))
863 (defun vtk3d-prism (cen n edgp hei dir
864 (let ((color (get-option '$color
865 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
866 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
867 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
868 (capping (rest (get-option '$capping
869 (source-name (get-source-name))
870 (points-name (get-points-name))
871 (cellarray-name (get-cellarray-name))
872 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
873 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
874 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
875 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
876 (str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
878 (fedgp ($float edgp
881 (ang (/ 6.283185307179586 n
)) ; = 2*%pi/n
885 dirmod c1 c2 c3 d1 d2 d3 p1 p2 p3 du1 du2 du3 v v1 v2 v3 x y z
886 (when (or (not ($listp fcen
887 (not (= ($length fcen
) 3))
888 (not (every #'floatp
(rest fcen
))) )
889 (merror "draw3d: prism center must be a list of three numbers"))
890 (when (or (not ($listp fedgp
891 (not (= ($length fedgp
) 3))
892 (not (every #'floatp
(rest fedgp
))) )
893 (merror "draw3d: point on prism edge must be a list of three numbers"))
894 (when (or (not (floatp fhei
896 (merror "draw3d: prism height must be a number greater than zero"))
897 (when (or (not ($listp fdir
898 (not (= ($length fdir
) 3))
899 (not (every #'floatp
(rest fdir
))) )
900 (merror "draw3d: cylinder direction must be a list of three numbers"))
901 ; direction vector with module = height/2
902 (setf c1
(cadr fcen
) c2
(caddr fcen
) c3
(cadddr fcen
903 p1
(cadr fedgp
) p2
(caddr fedgp
) p3
(cadddr fedgp
904 d1
(cadr fdir
) d2
(caddr fdir
) d3
(cadddr fdir
905 (setf dirmod
(sqrt (+ (* d1 d1
) (* d2 d2
) (* d3 d3
907 (setf d1
0 d2
0 d3
1 dirmod
908 (setf du1
(/ (* d1 fhei
) (* 2 dirmod
909 du2
(/ (* d2 fhei
) (* 2 dirmod
910 du3
(/ (* d3 fhei
) (* 2 dirmod
911 ; intersection between edge and perpendicular plane passing through center:
912 ; linsolve([d1*v1+d2*v2+d3*v3=d1*c1+d2*c2+d3*c3,
913 ; d2*v1-d1*v2 =d2*p1-d1*p2,
914 ; d3*v2-d2*v3=d3*p2-d2*p3], [v1,v2,v3]);
915 (let ((den (* dirmod dirmod
916 (setf v1
(/ (+ (* c1 d1 d1
) (* c2 d1 d2
) (* c3 d1 d3
) (* d2 d2 p1
) (* d3 d3 p1
) (* -
1 d1 d2 p2
) (* -
1 d1 d3 p3
918 v2
(/ (+ (* c1 d1 d2
) (* c2 d2 d2
) (* c3 d2 d3
) (* -
1 d1 d2 p1
) (* d1 d1 p2
) (* d3 d3 p2
) (* -
1 d2 d3 p3
920 v3
(/ (+ (* c1 d1 d3
) (* c2 d2 d3
) (* c3 d3 d3
) (* -
1 d1 d3 p1
) (* -
1 d2 d3 p2
) (* d1 d1 p3
) (* d2 d2 p3
922 ; rotate n times 2 pi/n and save the vertices of the lateral rectangles
923 (setf x
(make-array (* (+ 2 (count t capping
)) (+ n
1) ) :element-type
924 (setf y
(make-array (* (+ 2 (count t capping
)) (+ n
1) ) :element-type
925 (setf z
(make-array (* (+ 2 (count t capping
)) (+ n
1) ) :element-type
926 (loop for s from
0 to n do
928 (when (equal (second capping
) t
929 (setf (aref x
(incf xcount
)) (- c1 du1
930 (setf (aref y
(incf ycount
)) (- c2 du2
931 (setf (aref z
(incf zcount
)) (- c3 du3
932 (setf v
(rotate v1 v2 v3 c1 c2 c3
(/ d1 dirmod
) (/ d2 dirmod
) (/ d3 dirmod
) (* s ang
)) )
933 (setf (aref x
(incf xcount
)) (- (first v
) du1
934 (setf (aref y
(incf ycount
)) (- (second v
) du2
935 (setf (aref z
(incf zcount
)) (- (third v
) du3
936 (setf (aref x
(incf xcount
)) (+ (first v
) du1
937 (setf (aref y
(incf ycount
)) (+ (second v
) du2
938 (setf (aref z
(incf zcount
)) (+ (third v
) du3
940 (when (equal (first capping
) t
941 (setf (aref x
(incf xcount
)) (+ c1 du1
942 (setf (aref y
(incf ycount
)) (+ c2 du2
943 (setf (aref z
(incf zcount
)) (+ c3 du3
))) ) ; end loop
946 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyData()~%" source-name
947 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpoints-code points-name source-name x y z
948 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name source-name
949 (build-surface-grid (+ 2 (count t capping
)) (+ n
950 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransform-code trans-name
951 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name t
952 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
953 (format str
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" mapper-name
954 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkactor-code actor-name mapper-name color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
955 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
960 ;; 3d: cylinder(center, radius, height, direction)
961 ;; -----------------------------------------------
962 (defun vtk3d-cylinder (cen rad hei dir
963 (let ((color (get-option '$color
964 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
965 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
966 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
967 (capping (rest (get-option '$capping
968 (source-name (get-source-name))
969 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
970 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
971 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
972 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
977 capn dirmod xrot yrot zrot
978 (when (or (not ($listp fcen
979 (not (= ($length fcen
) 3))
980 (not (every #'floatp
(rest fcen
))) )
981 (merror "draw3d: cylinder center must be a list of three numbers"))
982 (when (or (not (floatp fhei
984 (merror "draw3d: cylinder height must be a number greater than zero"))
985 (when (or (not (floatp frad
987 (merror "draw3d: cylinder radius must be a number greater than zero"))
988 (when (or (not ($listp fdir
989 (not (= ($length fdir
) 3))
990 (not (every #'floatp
(rest fdir
))) )
991 (merror "draw3d: cylinder direction must be a list of three numbers"))
995 (setf dirmod
(sqrt (+ (* (cadr fdir
) (cadr fdir
996 (* (caddr fdir
) (caddr fdir
997 (* (cadddr fdir
) (cadddr fdir
1000 ; we use the same default direction used by cones,
1001 ; which is the positive X-direction
1005 ((= (caddr fdir
) 0.0)
1007 yrot
(* 57.29577951308232
1008 ($acos
(/ (cadddr fdir
1009 (sqrt (+ (* (cadr fdir
) (cadr fdir
1010 (* (cadddr fdir
) (cadddr fdir
)) )))))
1012 ((< (caddr fdir
) 0.0)
1013 (setf xrot
(* 57.29577951308232 ($asin
(/ (cadddr fdir
) dirmod
1015 zrot
(* 57.29577951308232 (+ -
3.141592653589793 (- ($atan
(/ (cadr fdir
) (caddr fdir
1017 (setf xrot
(* 57.29577951308232 ($asin
(/ (cadddr fdir
) dirmod
1019 zrot
(* 57.29577951308232 (- ($atan
(/ (cadr fdir
) (caddr fdir
))))))) )
1021 (concatenate 'string
1022 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkCylinderSource()~%" source-name
1023 (format nil
"~a.SetHeight(~a)~%" source-name fhei
1024 (format nil
"~a.SetRadius(~a)~%" source-name frad
1025 (format nil
"~a.SetResolution(~a)~%" source-name
1026 (format nil
"~a.SetCapping(~a)~%" source-name capn
1027 (vtktransform-code trans-name
1028 (format nil
1033 ; rotations are made in reverse order as indicated here
1034 (format nil
"~a.RotateZ(~a)~%" trans-name zrot
) ; azimuth
1035 (format nil
"~a.RotateY(~a)~%" trans-name yrot
1036 (format nil
"~a.RotateX(~a)~%" trans-name xrot
) ; elevation
1037 (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name nil
1038 (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
1039 (format nil
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" mapper-name
1040 (vtkactor-code actor-name mapper-name color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
1041 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
)) )))
1045 ;; 3d: cube(xlength, ylength, zlength, center)
1046 ;; -------------------------------------------
1047 (defun vtk3d-cube (xlen ylen zlen cen
1048 (let ((color (get-option '$color
1049 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
1050 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
1051 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
1052 (source-name (get-source-name))
1053 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
1054 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
1055 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
1056 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
1057 (fxlen ($float xlen
1058 (fylen ($float ylen
1059 (fzlen ($float zlen
1060 (fcen ($float cen
)) )
1061 (when (or (not (floatp fxlen
1063 (merror "draw3d: cube x-length must be a number greater than zero"))
1064 (when (or (not (floatp fylen
1066 (merror "draw3d: cube y-length must be a number greater than zero"))
1067 (when (or (not (floatp fzlen
1069 (merror "draw3d: cube z-length must be a number greater than zero"))
1070 (when (or (not ($listp fcen
1071 (not (= ($length fcen
) 3))
1072 (not (every #'floatp
(rest fcen
))) )
1073 (merror "draw3d: cube center must be a list of three floats"))
1075 (concatenate 'string
1076 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkCubeSource()~%" source-name
1077 (format nil
"~a.SetXLength(~a)~%" source-name fxlen
1078 (format nil
"~a.SetYLength(~a)~%" source-name fylen
1079 (format nil
"~a.SetZLength(~a)~%" source-name fzlen
1080 (format nil
1085 (vtktransform-code trans-name
1086 (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name nil
1087 (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
1088 (format nil
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" mapper-name
1089 (vtkactor-code actor-name mapper-name color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
1090 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
)) )))
1094 ;; 3d: sphere(center, radius)
1095 ;; --------------------------
1096 (defun vtk3d-sphere (cen rad
1097 (let ((color (get-option '$color
1098 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
1099 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
1100 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
1101 (source-name (get-source-name))
1102 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
1103 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
1104 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
1105 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
1107 (fcen ($float cen
)) )
1108 (when (or (not ($listp fcen
1109 (not (= ($length fcen
) 3))
1110 (not (every #'floatp
(rest fcen
))) )
1111 (merror "draw3d: sphere center must be a list of three numbers"))
1112 (when (or (not (floatp frad
1114 (merror "draw3d: sphere radius must be a number greater than zero"))
1117 (concatenate 'string
1118 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkSphereSource()~%" source-name
1119 (format nil
"~a.SetRadius(~a)~%" source-name frad
1120 (format nil
1125 (format nil
"~a.SetThetaResolution(~a)~%" source-name
1126 (format nil
"~a.SetPhiResolution(~a)~%" source-name
1127 (vtktransform-code trans-name
1128 (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name nil
1129 (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
1130 (format nil
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" mapper-name
1131 (vtkactor-code actor-name mapper-name color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
1132 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
)) )))
1136 ;; 3d: parallelogram(origin, point1, point2)
1137 ;; -----------------------------------------
1138 ;; The parallelogram is defined by one vertex and the two other adjacent vertices
1139 (defun vtk3d-parallelogram (ori p1 p2
1140 (let ((color (get-option '$color
1141 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
1142 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
1143 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
1144 (source-name (get-source-name))
1145 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
1146 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
1147 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
1148 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
1149 (str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
1150 (fori (map 'list
(rest ori
1151 (fp1 (map 'list
(rest p1
1152 (fp2 (map 'list
(rest p2
1153 xx yy zz a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2
1154 (when (notevery #'(lambda (z) (floatp z
1155 (append fori fp1 fp2
1156 (merror "vtk3d: arguments to parallelogram must be lists of floats"))
1159 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkPlaneSource()~%" source-name
1167 (format str
"~a.SetOrigin(~a,~a,~a)~%" source-name xx yy zz
1172 (if (and (= a1 xx
) (= b1 yy
) (= c1 zz
1173 (merror "vtk3d (parallelogram): three distinct vertices are needed.")
1177 (format str
"~a.SetPoint1(~a,~a,~a)~%" source-name xx yy zz
1182 (when (or (and (= a1 xx
) (= b1 yy
) (= c1 zz
1183 (and (= a2 xx
) (= b2 yy
) (= c2 zz
)) )
1184 (merror "vtk3d: we need three distinct vertices to draw a parallelogram.") )
1185 (format str
"~a.SetPoint2(~a,~a,~a)~%" source-name xx yy zz
1186 (format nil
"~a.SetXResolution(~a)~%" source-name
1187 (format str
"~a.SetYResolution(~a)~%" source-name
1188 (format str
"~a" (vtktransform-code trans-name
1189 (format str
"~a" (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name nil
1190 (format str
"~a" (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
1191 (format str
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" mapper-name
1192 (format str
"~a" (vtkactor-code actor-name mapper-name color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
1193 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
1198 ;; 3d: triangle(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3)
1199 ;; ---------------------------------------
1200 ;; The triangle is defined by three vertices
1201 (defun vtk3d-triangle (v1 v2 v3
1202 (let ((color (get-option '$color
1203 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
1204 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
1205 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
1206 (points-name (get-points-name))
1207 (triangle-name (get-triangle-name))
1208 (polydata-name (get-polydata-name))
1209 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
1210 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
1211 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
1212 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
1213 (str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
1214 (fv1 (map 'list
(rest v1
1215 (fv2 (map 'list
(rest v2
1216 (fv3 (map 'list
(rest v3
1218 (when (notevery #'(lambda (z) (floatp z
1219 (append fv1 fv2 fv3
1220 (merror "vtk3d (triangle): arguments must be lists of three numbers"))
1222 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkPoints()~%" points-name
1223 (format str
"~a.SetNumberOfPoints(3)~%" points-name
1228 (format str
"~a.InsertPoint(0,~a,~a,~a)~%" points-name xx yy zz
1233 (format str
"~a.InsertPoint(1,~a,~a,~a)~%" points-name xx yy zz
1238 (format str
"~a.InsertPoint(2,~a,~a,~a)~%" points-name xx yy zz
1239 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkTriangle()~%" triangle-name
1240 (format str
"~a.GetPointIds().SetId(0,0)~%" triangle-name
1241 (format str
"~a.GetPointIds().SetId(1,1)~%" triangle-name
1242 (format str
"~a.GetPointIds().SetId(2,2)~%" triangle-name
1243 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyData()~%" polydata-name
1244 (format str
"~a.Allocate(1,1)~%" polydata-name
1245 (format str
1249 (format str
"~a.SetPoints(~a)~%" polydata-name points-name
1250 (format str
"~a" (vtktransform-code trans-name
1251 (format str
"~a" (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name polydata-name trans-name t
1252 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()~%" mapper-name
1253 (format str
"~a.SetInputData(~a)~%" mapper-name polydata-name
1254 (format str
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" mapper-name
1255 (format str
"~a" (vtkactor-code actor-name mapper-name color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
1256 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
1261 ;; 3d: vector([x,y,z], [dx,dy,dz])
1262 ;; ---------------------------
1263 (defun vtk3d-vector (arg1 arg2
1264 (when (or (not ($listp arg1
1265 (not (= ($length arg1
) 3))
1267 (not (= ($length arg2
) 3)))
1268 (merror "vtk3d (vector): coordinates are not correct"))
1269 (let ((color (get-option '$color
1270 (head-length (get-option '$head_length
1271 (head-angle (get-option '$head_angle
1272 (line-width (get-option '$line_width
1273 (unit-vectors (get-option '$unit_vectors
1274 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
1275 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
1276 (source-name (get-source-name))
1277 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
1278 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
1279 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
1280 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
1281 (x ($float
(cadr arg1
1282 (y ($float
(caddr arg1
1283 (z ($float
(cadddr arg1
1284 (dx ($float
(cadr arg2
1285 (dy ($float
(caddr arg2
1286 (dz ($float
(cadddr arg2
1287 ndx ndy ndz radians tiplength module radius rotangle
1289 (setf module
(sqrt (+ (* dx dx
) (* dy dy
) (* dz dz
1290 (setf ndx
(/ dx module
1293 ; transform into unitary vector when unit_vectors=true
1297 (setf radians
(* head-angle
0.0174532925199433)) ; 0.017..=%pi/180
1298 (setf tiplength
(* head-length
($cos radians
1299 (setf radius
(* head-length
($sin radians
1302 (* 57.29577951308232 ; 57.29..=180/%pi
1303 ($float
(sqrt (+ (* ndz ndz
) (* ndy ndy
1304 ; check if rotation angle is obtuse
1306 (setf rotangle
(- 180.0 rotangle
1307 (when (and (= ndz
0.0) (= ndy
1312 (concatenate 'string
1313 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkArrowSource()~%" source-name
1314 (format nil
"~a.SetTipResolution(~a)~%" source-name
1315 (format nil
"~a.SetTipRadius(~a)~%" source-name
(/ radius module
1316 (format nil
"~a.SetTipLength(~a)~%" source-name
(/ tiplength module
1317 (format nil
"~a.SetShaftResolution(~a)~%" source-name
1318 (format nil
"~a.SetShaftRadius(~a)~%" source-name
(/ line-width module
1319 (vtktransform-code trans-name
1320 (format nil
"~a.Translate(~a,~a,~a)~%" trans-name x y z
1321 (format nil
"~a.RotateWXYZ(~a,~a,~a,~a)~%" trans-name rotangle
0 (- ndz
) ndy
1322 (format nil
"~a.Scale(~a,~a,~a)~%" trans-name module module module
1323 (vtktransformfilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name
1324 (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
1325 (format nil
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" mapper-name
1326 (vtkactor-code actor-name mapper-name color opacity line-width wiredsurface
1327 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
)) )))
1331 ;; 3D: points([[x1,y1,z1], [x2,y2,z2], [x3,y3,z3],...])
1332 ;; ----------------------------------------------------
1333 (defun vtk3d-points (arg)
1334 (let ((points-joined (get-option '$points_joined
1335 (point-type (get-option '$point_type
1336 (point-size ($float
(get-option '$point_size
1337 (line-type (get-option '$line_type
1338 (color (get-option '$color
1339 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
1340 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
1341 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
1342 (source-name (get-source-name))
1343 (points-name (get-points-name))
1344 (floatarray-name (get-floatarray-name))
1345 (tmp (mapcar #'rest
(rest arg
1347 (minscalar most-positive-double-float
1348 (maxscalar most-negative-double-float
1349 source-name2 points-name2 filter-name trans-name mapper-name actor-name polydata-name
1350 cellarray-name cellarray-name2 solidsource-name lookup-table-name glyphpoints-name
1351 newscalar slope scalars x y z ax ay az n
1353 (setf n
($length arg
1354 ; create array of points
1355 (setf x
(map 'list
(map 'list
#'first tmp
1356 y
(map 'list
(map 'list
#'second tmp
1357 z
(map 'list
(map 'list
#'third tmp
)) )
1359 (setf ax
(make-array n
:initial-contents x
1360 ay
(make-array n
:initial-contents y
1361 az
(make-array n
:initial-contents z
1363 ; check enhanced3d model
1364 (check-enhanced3d-model "points" '(0 1 3))
1365 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
1366 (setf scalars
(make-array n
1368 ((= *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 1)
1370 (setf newscalar
(funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* k
1371 (when (< newscalar minscalar
) (setf minscalar newscalar
1372 (when (> newscalar maxscalar
) (setf maxscalar newscalar
1373 (setf (aref scalars k
) newscalar
)) )
1374 ((= *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 3)
1376 (setf newscalar
(funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* (aref ax k
) (aref ay k
) (aref az k
1377 (when (< newscalar minscalar
) (setf minscalar newscalar
1378 (when (> newscalar maxscalar
) (setf maxscalar newscalar
1379 (setf (aref scalars k
) newscalar
1380 (if (< minscalar maxscalar
1381 (setf slope
(/ 1.0 (- maxscalar minscalar
1383 ; rescale array of scalars to interval [0,1]
1384 (loop for s from
0 below
(length scalars
) do
1385 (setf (aref scalars s
) (* slope
(- (aref scalars s
) minscalar
1386 (let ((lut (check-lookup-table)))
1387 (setf lookup-table-name
(car lut
1388 (setf output-string
(cadr lut
))) )
1392 (concatenate 'string
1394 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyData()~%" source-name
1395 (vtkpoints-code points-name source-name ax ay az
1396 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
1397 (vtkfloatarray-code floatarray-name source-name scalars nil
) )))
1398 (when points-joined
; true or impulses
1399 (setf trans-name
1400 filter-name
1401 mapper-name
1402 polydata-name
1403 cellarray-name
1404 actor-name
1406 (concatenate 'string
1409 ((eql points-joined
1410 (setf source-name2
1411 points-name2
1412 cellarray-name2
1413 (concatenate 'string
1414 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyData()~%" source-name2
1415 (let ((xx (make-array (* 2 n
) :element-type
1416 (yy (make-array (* 2 n
) :element-type
1417 (zz (make-array (* 2 n
) :element-type
1419 (loop for k from
0 below n do
1420 (setf (aref xx ind
) (aref ax k
1421 (aref yy ind
) (aref ay k
1424 (setf (aref xx ind
) (aref ax k
1425 (aref yy ind
) (aref ay k
1426 (aref zz ind
) (aref az k
1427 (setf ind
(1+ ind
)) )
1428 (vtkpoints-code points-name2 source-name2 xx yy zz
1429 (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name2 source-name2
1430 (loop for k from
0 below n collect
(list (* 2 k
) (+ (* 2 k
) 1))))
1431 (vtktransform-code trans-name
1434 ((< line-type
0) ; line type is a tube
1435 (concatenate 'string
1436 (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code "auxfiltertube" source-name2 trans-name t
1437 (vtktubefilter-code filter-name
"auxfiltertube" line-type
1438 (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
1440 (concatenate 'string
1441 (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name2 trans-name t
1442 (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
1444 (concatenate 'string
1445 (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name source-name
1 (list (loop for k from
0 below n collect k
1446 (vtktransform-code trans-name
1448 ((< line-type
0) ; line type is a tube
1449 (concatenate 'string
1450 (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code "auxfiltertube" source-name trans-name t
1451 (vtktubefilter-code filter-name
"auxfiltertube" line-type
1452 (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
1454 (concatenate 'string
1455 (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name t
1456 (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
))) ) ) ))
1458 (if (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
1459 (format nil
"~a.SetLookupTable(~a)~%" mapper-name lookup-table-name
1462 (format nil
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" mapper-name
1463 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkactor-code actor-name nil color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
1464 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
1466 (if (>= line-type
0) ; when line type is not a tube, set line pattern
1467 (format nil
1476 ; draw glyphs according to point-type
1478 ((and (>= point-type
1480 (setf glyphpoints-name
1481 polydata-name
1482 cellarray-name
1483 filter-name
1484 mapper-name
1485 actor-name
1486 color
(get-option '$color
1487 opacity
(get-option '$opacity
1488 linewidth
(get-option '$line_width
) )
1491 (concatenate 'string
1494 (0 (vtkpoints-code glyphpoints-name nil
1495 (make-array 1 :element-type
1496 (make-array 1 :element-type
1497 (make-array 1 :element-type
1498 (1 (vtkpoints-code glyphpoints-name nil
1499 (make-array 4 :element-type
1500 :initial-contents
(list (- point-size
) point-size
0.0 0.0))
1501 (make-array 4 :element-type
1502 :initial-contents
(list 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0))
1503 (make-array 4 :element-type
1504 :initial-contents
(list 0.0 0.0 (- point-size
) point-size
1505 (2 (vtkpoints-code glyphpoints-name nil
1506 (make-array 4 :element-type
1507 :initial-contents
(list point-size
(- point-size
) (- point-size
) point-size
1508 (make-array 4 :element-type
1509 :initial-contents
(list 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0))
1510 (make-array 4 :element-type
1511 :initial-contents
(list point-size
(- point-size
) point-size
(- point-size
1512 (3 (vtkpoints-code glyphpoints-name nil
1513 (make-array 8 :element-type
1514 :initial-contents
(list point-size
(- point-size
) (- point-size
) point-size
1515 (- point-size
) point-size
0.0 0.0))
1516 (make-array 8 :element-type
1517 :initial-contents
(list 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0))
1518 (make-array 8 :element-type
1519 :initial-contents
(list point-size
(- point-size
) point-size
(- point-size
1520 0.0 0.0 (- point-size
) point-size
1521 (4 (vtkpoints-code glyphpoints-name nil
1522 (make-array 4 :element-type
1523 :initial-contents
(list point-size
(- point-size
) (- point-size
) point-size
1524 (make-array 4 :element-type
1525 :initial-contents
(list 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0))
1526 (make-array 4 :element-type
1527 :initial-contents
(list point-size point-size
(- point-size
) (- point-size
1528 (5 (vtkpoints-code glyphpoints-name nil
1529 (make-array 4 :element-type
1530 :initial-contents
(list (- point-size
) point-size point-size
(- point-size
1531 (make-array 4 :element-type
1532 :initial-contents
(list 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0))
1533 (make-array 4 :element-type
1534 :initial-contents
(list point-size point-size
(- point-size
) (- point-size
1535 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyData()~%" polydata-name
1536 (format nil
"~a.SetPoints(~a)~%" polydata-name glyphpoints-name
1538 (0 (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name polydata-name
0 '((0))))
1539 ((1 2) (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name polydata-name
1 '((0 1) (2 3))))
1540 (3 (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name polydata-name
1 '((0 1) (2 3) (4 5) (6 7))))
1541 (4 (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name polydata-name
1 '((0 1) (1 2) (2 3) (3 0))))
1542 (5 (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name polydata-name
2 '((0 1 2 3))))
1544 (vtkglyph3d-code filter-name source-name
(format nil
"SetSourceData(~a)" polydata-name
1545 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
1546 (if (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
1547 (format nil
"~a.SetLookupTable(~a)~%" mapper-name lookup-table-name
1549 (format nil
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" mapper-name
1550 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkactor-code actor-name nil color opacity linewidth nil
1551 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) t t
)) )))
1553 ((and (>= point-type
1555 (setf solidsource-name
1556 filter-name
1557 mapper-name
1558 actor-name
1559 color
(get-option '$color
1560 opacity
(get-option '$opacity
) )
1562 (concatenate 'string
1566 (format nil
1569 (/ point-size
1571 (format nil
1579 (16 ; cylinder glyph
1580 (format nil
1587 (format nil
1593 (vtkglyph3d-code filter-name
1595 (format nil
"SetSourceConnection(~a.GetOutputPort())" solidsource-name
1596 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
1597 (if (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
1598 (format nil
"~a.SetLookupTable(~a)~%" mapper-name lookup-table-name
1600 (format nil
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" mapper-name
1601 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkactor-glyph-code actor-name color opacity
1602 (format nil
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) t t
)) )))
1604 (merror "vtk3d: not recognized point_type")))))
1608 ;; 2D: points([[x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3],...])
1609 ;; -------------------------------------------
1619 (defun vtk2d-points (arg1 &optional
(arg2 nil
1620 (let ((pointsjoined (get-option '$points_joined
1621 (pointtype (get-option '$point_type
1622 (pointsize ($float
(get-option '$point_size
1623 (linetype (get-option '$line_type
1624 (color (hex-to-numeric-list (get-option '$color
1625 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
1626 (key (get-option '$key
1627 (arrayX-name (get-arrayX-name))
1628 (arrayY-name (get-arrayY-name))
1629 (table-name (get-table-name))
1630 (str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
1633 (when (not (string= (string-trim " " key
) ""))
1634 (incf *vtk-2dkey-counter
*) )
1635 ; check type of input
1639 (every #'$listp
(rest arg1
))) ; xy format
1640 (setf tmp
(mapcar #'rest
(rest arg1
1641 (setf x
(map 'list
(map 'list
#'first tmp
1642 y
(map 'list
(map 'list
#'second tmp
))) )
1643 ((and ($matrixp arg1
1644 (= (length (cadr arg1
)) 3)
1645 (null arg2
)) ; two-column matrix
1646 (setf tmp
(mapcar #'rest
(rest arg1
1647 (setf x
(map 'list
(map 'list
#'first tmp
1648 y
(map 'list
(map 'list
#'second tmp
))) )
1651 (notany #'$listp
(rest arg1
))) ; y format
1652 (setf x
(loop for xx from
1 to
(length (rest arg1
)) collect
($float xx
1653 y
(map 'list
(rest arg1
1654 ((and ($matrixp arg1
1655 (= (length (cadr arg1
)) 2)
1656 (null arg2
)) ; one-column matrix
1657 (setf x
(loop for xx from
1 to
(length (rest arg1
)) collect
($float xx
1658 y
(map 'list
(map 'list
(rest arg1
1659 ((and ($matrixp arg1
1660 (= ($length arg1
) 1)
1661 (null arg2
)) ; one-row matrix
1662 (setf x
(loop for xx from
1 to
(length (cdadr arg1
)) collect
($float xx
1663 y
(map 'list
(cdadr arg1
1666 (= (length arg1
) (length arg2
))) ; xx yy format
1667 (setf x
(map 'list
(rest arg1
1668 y
(map 'list
(rest arg2
1669 ((and ($matrixp arg1
1670 (= ($length arg1
) 2)
1671 (null arg2
)) ; two-row matrix
1672 (setf x
(map 'list
(cdadr arg1
1673 y
(map 'list
(cdaddr arg1
1674 (t (merror "draw (points2d): incorrect input format")))
1677 (setf ax
(make-array n
:initial-contents x
1678 ay
(make-array n
:initial-contents y
1681 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkFloatArray()~%" arrayX-name
1682 (format str
"~a.SetName(\"~a\")~%" arrayX-name arrayX-name
1683 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkFloatArray()~%" arrayY-name
1684 (format str
"~a.SetName(\"~a\")~%" arrayY-name key
1685 (loop for i from
0 below n do
1686 (format str
"~a.InsertNextValue(~a)~%" arrayX-name
(aref ax i
1687 (format str
"~a.InsertNextValue(~a)~%" arrayY-name
(aref ay i
)) )
1688 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkTable()~%" table-name
1689 (format str
"~a.AddColumn(~a)~%" table-name arrayX-name
1690 (format str
"~a.AddColumn(~a)~%~%" table-name arrayY-name
1692 ((equal pointsjoined t
1693 (format str
"line = chart~a.AddPlot(~a)~%" *vtk-chart-counter
* 0)
1694 (format str
"line.SetInputData(~a,0,1)~%" table-name
1695 (format str
1696 (round (* 255 (first color
1697 (round (* 255 (second color
1698 (round (* 255 (third color
))) )
1699 (format str
"line.SetWidth(~a)~%" linewidth
1700 (format str
1701 (format str
1702 (format str
1703 (case linetype
; translate some gnuplot codes into vtk codes
1706 (otherwise linetype
) ) ))
1707 ((equal pointsjoined
1708 (let (tbl impx impy
1709 (loop for i from
0 below n do
1710 (setf tbl
1711 impx
1712 impy
1713 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkTable()~%" tbl
1714 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkFloatArray()~%" impx
1715 (format str
"~a.SetNumberOfTuples(2)~%" impx
1716 (format str
"~a.SetName(\"~a\")~%" impx impx
1717 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkFloatArray()~%" impy
1718 (format str
"~a.SetNumberOfTuples(2)~%" impy
1719 (format str
"~a.SetName(\"~a\")~%" impy impy
1720 (format str
"~a.InsertValue(0,~a.GetColumn(0).GetValue(~a))~%" impx table-name i
1721 (format str
"~a.InsertValue(1,~a.GetColumn(0).GetValue(~a))~%" impx table-name i
1722 (format str
"~a.InsertValue(0,~a.GetColumn(1).GetValue(~a))~%" impy table-name i
1723 (format str
"~a.InsertValue(1,0.0)~%" impy
1724 (format str
"~a.AddColumn(~a)~%" tbl impx
1725 (format str
"~a.AddColumn(~a)~%" tbl impy
1726 (format str
"line = chart~a.AddPlot(0)~%" *vtk-chart-counter
1727 (format str
"line.SetInputData(~a,0,1)~%" tbl
1728 (format str
1729 (round (* 255 (first color
1730 (round (* 255 (second color
1731 (round (* 255 (third color
))) )
1732 (format str
"line.SetWidth(~a)~%" linewidth
1733 (format str
"#line.SetLegendVisibility(0)~%~%") )) ) )
1734 (format str
"line = chart~a.AddPlot(~a)~%" *vtk-chart-counter
* 1)
1735 (format str
"line.SetInputData(~a,0,1)~%" table-name
1736 (format str
1737 (round (* 255 (first color
1738 (round (* 255 (second color
1739 (round (* 255 (third color
))) )
1740 (format str
"line.SetWidth(~a)~%" pointsize
1741 (format str
1742 (if (string= (string-trim " " key
) "")
1745 (format str
1758 ;; 3D: parametric(xfun,yfun,zfun,par1,parmin,parmax)
1759 ;; -------------------------------------------------
1760 (defun vtk3d-parametric (xfun yfun zfun par1 parmin parmax
1761 (let* ((nticks (get-option '$nticks
1762 (color (get-option '$color
1763 (line-type (get-option '$line_type
1764 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
1765 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
1766 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
1767 (source-name (get-source-name))
1768 (points-name (get-points-name))
1769 (cellarray-name (get-cellarray-name))
1770 (floatarray-name (get-floatarray-name))
1771 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
1772 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
1773 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
1774 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
1776 (tmin ($float parmin
1777 (tmax ($float parmax
1779 (eps (/ (- tmax tmin
) (- nticks
1780 (str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
1782 lookup-table-name scalars f1 f2 f3 x y z xx yy zz
1783 (check-enhanced3d-model "parametric" '(0 1 3 99))
1784 (when (= *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 99)
1785 (update-enhanced3d-expression (list '(mlist) par1
1787 (merror "vtk3d (parametric): illegal range"))
1788 (setq f1
(coerce-float-fun xfun
`((mlist) ,par1
1789 (setq f2
(coerce-float-fun yfun
`((mlist) ,par1
1790 (setq f3
(coerce-float-fun zfun
`((mlist) ,par1
1791 (setf x
(make-array nticks
1792 y
(make-array nticks
1793 z
(make-array nticks
1794 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
1795 (setf scalars
(make-array nticks
1797 (setf xx
(funcall f1 tt
1798 (setf yy
(funcall f2 tt
1799 (setf zz
(funcall f3 tt
1800 (case *draw-enhanced3d-type
1801 ((1 99) (setf (aref scalars k
) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* tt
1802 (3 (setf (aref scalars k
) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* xx yy zz
1804 (setf (aref x
(incf count
)) xx
1805 (setf (aref y count
) yy
1806 (setf (aref z count
) zz
1807 (setf tt
(+ tt eps
)) )
1808 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
1809 (let ((lut (check-lookup-table)))
1810 (setf lookup-table-name
(car lut
1811 (format str
"~a~%" (cadr lut
1814 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyData()~%" source-name
1815 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpoints-code points-name source-name x y z
1816 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name source-name
1817 (list (loop for k from
0 below nticks collect k
1818 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransform-code trans-name
1819 (if (< line-type
0) ; line type is a tube
1820 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code "auxfiltertube" source-name trans-name t
1821 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name t
) ) )
1823 ((< line-type
0) ; line type is a tube
1824 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktubefilter-code filter-name
"auxfiltertube" line-type
1825 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
1827 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name t
1828 (format str
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" mapper-name
1829 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkactor-code actor-name nil color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
1830 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
1831 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
1832 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkfloatarray-code floatarray-name source-name scalars nil
1833 (format str
"~a.SetLookupTable(~a)~%" mapper-name lookup-table-name
1834 (setf (gethash *vtk-extract-counter
* *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
1835 (format nil
"rescalearray(~a,~a)~%" points-name floatarray-name
)) )
1836 (when (>= line-type
0) ; when line type is not a tube, set line pattern
1837 (format str
1849 ;; 2D: parametric(xfun,yfun,par,parmin,parmax)
1850 ;; -----------------------------------
1857 (defun vtk2d-parametric (xfun yfun par parmin parmax
1858 (let* ((nticks (get-option '$nticks
1859 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
1860 (linetype (get-option '$line_type
1861 (color (hex-to-numeric-list (get-option '$color
1862 (key (get-option '$key
1863 (arrayX-name (get-arrayX-name))
1864 (arrayY-name (get-arrayY-name))
1865 (table-name (get-table-name))
1866 (tmin ($float parmin
1867 (tmax ($float parmax
1868 (str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
1870 (eps (/ (- tmax tmin
) (- ($float nticks
) 1)))
1871 (tt ($float parmin
1872 (*plot-realpart
* *plot-realpart
1873 result f1 f2 xx yy result-array
1876 (merror "draw2d (parametric): illegal range"))
1877 (when (not (string= (string-trim " " key
) ""))
1878 (incf *vtk-2dkey-counter
*) )
1879 (when (not (subsetp (append (rest ($listofvars xfun
)) (rest ($listofvars yfun
))) (list par
) :test
1880 (merror "draw2d (parametric): non defined variable"))
1881 (setq *plot-realpart
* (get-option '$draw_realpart
1882 (setq f1
(coerce-float-fun xfun
`((mlist) ,par
1883 (setq f2
(coerce-float-fun yfun
`((mlist) ,par
1886 do
(setf xx
(funcall f1 tt
1887 (setf yy
(funcall f2 tt
1891 when
(>= tt tmax
) do
1892 do
(setq tt
(+ tt eps
1893 (if (>= tt tmax
) (setq tt tmax
)) ))
1894 (setf result-array
(make-array (length result
) :initial-contents result
1897 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkFloatArray()~%" arrayX-name
1898 (format str
"~a.SetName(\"~a\")~%" arrayX-name arrayX-name
1899 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkFloatArray()~%" arrayY-name
1900 (format str
"~a.SetName(\"~a\")~%" arrayY-name key
1901 (loop for i from
0 below
(length result
) by
2 do
1902 (format str
"~a.InsertNextValue(~a)~%" arrayX-name
(aref result-array i
1903 (format str
"~a.InsertNextValue(~a)~%" arrayY-name
(aref result-array
(+ i
1))) )
1904 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkTable()~%" table-name
1905 (format str
"~a.AddColumn(~a)~%" table-name arrayX-name
1906 (format str
"~a.AddColumn(~a)~%" table-name arrayY-name
1907 (format str
"line=chart~a.AddPlot(0)~%" *vtk-chart-counter
1908 (format str
"line.SetInputData(~a,0,1)~%" table-name
1909 (format str
1910 (round (* 255 (first color
1911 (round (* 255 (second color
1912 (round (* 255 (third color
))) )
1913 (format str
"line.SetWidth(~a)~%" linewidth
1914 (format str
1915 (if (string= (string-trim " " key
) "")
1918 (format str
1919 (case linetype
; translate some gnuplot codes into vtk codes
1922 (otherwise linetype
) ) )
1927 ;; 2D: polar(radius,ang,minang,maxang)
1928 ;; -----------------------------------
1935 (defun vtk2d-polar (radius ang minang maxang
1936 (vtk2d-parametric `((mtimes simp
) ,radius
((%cos simp
) ,ang
1937 `((mtimes simp
) ,radius
((%sin simp
) ,ang
1938 ang minang maxang
) )
1942 ;; 3D: parametric_surface(xfun,yfun,zfun,par1,par1min,par1max,par2,par2min,par2max)
1943 ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1944 (defun vtk3d-parametric_surface (xfun yfun zfun par1 par1min par1max par2 par2min par2max
1945 (let* ((xu_grid (get-option '$xu_grid
1946 (yv_grid (get-option '$yv_grid
1947 (color (get-option '$color
1948 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
1949 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
1950 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
1951 (umin ($float par1min
1952 (umax ($float par1max
1953 (vmin ($float par2min
1954 (vmax ($float par2max
1955 (epsu (/ (- umax umin
) xu_grid
1956 (epsv (/ (- vmax vmin
) yv_grid
1957 (source-name (get-source-name))
1958 (points-name (get-points-name))
1959 (cellarray-name (get-cellarray-name))
1960 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
1961 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
1962 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
1963 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
1964 (str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
1971 (scalars nil
) ; used for coloring
1972 (scalars2 nil
) ; used for isolines
1976 floatarray-name mapper2-name filter2-name floatarray2-name lookup-table-name
1978 (check-enhanced3d-model "parametric_surface" '(0 2 3 99))
1979 (check-isolines-model "parametric_surface" '(0 2 3 99))
1980 (when (= *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 99)
1981 (update-enhanced3d-expression (list '(mlist) par1 par2
1982 (when (= *draw-isolines-type
* 99)
1983 (update-isolines-expression (list '(mlist) par1 par2
1984 (when (or (< umax umin
1986 (merror "vtk3d (parametric_surface): illegal range"))
1987 (setq f1
(coerce-float-fun xfun
`((mlist) ,par1
1988 (setq f2
(coerce-float-fun yfun
`((mlist) ,par1
1989 (setq f3
(coerce-float-fun zfun
`((mlist) ,par1
1990 (setf x
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
1991 y
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
1992 z
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
1993 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
1994 (setf scalars
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
1995 (when (> *draw-isolines-type
* 0)
1996 (setf scalars2
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
1997 (loop for j below ny
1998 initially
(setf vv vmin
2000 (loop for i below nx
2002 (setf xx
(funcall f1 uu vv
2003 (setf yy
(funcall f2 uu vv
2004 (setf zz
(funcall f3 uu vv
2005 ; geometric transformation
2007 (setf (aref x
(incf count
)) xx
2008 (setf (aref y count
) yy
2009 (setf (aref z count
) zz
2010 ; check texture model
2011 (case *draw-enhanced3d-type
2012 ((2 99) (setf (aref scalars
(incf scalars-count
)) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* uu vv
2013 (3 (setf (aref scalars
(incf scalars-count
)) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* xx yy zz
))) )
2014 ; check isolines model
2015 (case *draw-isolines-type
2016 ((2 99) (setf (aref scalars2
(incf scalars2-count
)) (funcall *draw-isolines-fun
* uu vv
2017 (3 (setf (aref scalars2
(incf scalars2-count
)) (funcall *draw-isolines-fun
* xx yy zz
))) )
2018 (setq uu
(+ uu epsu
2019 (setq vv
(+ vv epsv
2020 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2021 (let ((lut (check-lookup-table)))
2022 (setf lookup-table-name
(car lut
2023 (format str
"~a~%" (cadr lut
2026 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyData()~%" source-name
2027 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpoints-code points-name source-name x y z
2028 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name source-name
2 (build-surface-grid nx ny
2029 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransform-code trans-name
2030 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name t
2031 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name nil
2033 (format str
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" points-name
2034 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkactor-code actor-name nil color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
2035 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil t
2037 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2038 (format str
"~a.SetLookupTable(~a)~%" mapper-name lookup-table-name
2039 (format str
"~a.SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData()~%" mapper-name
2040 (format str
"~a.ScalarVisibilityOn()~%~%" mapper-name
2041 (setf floatarray-name
2042 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkfloatarray-code floatarray-name source-name scalars
2043 ; remove next string if we want isolines and solid color when enhanced3d is not active
2044 (format str
"~a.SelectColorArray(\"name~a\")~%" mapper-name floatarray-name
2045 (setf (gethash *vtk-extract-counter
* *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
2046 (format nil
"rescalearray(~a,~a)~%" points-name floatarray-name
)) )
2048 (when (> *draw-isolines-type
* 0)
2049 (setf floatarray2-name
2050 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkfloatarray-code floatarray2-name source-name scalars2
2051 (setf filter2-name
2052 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkContourFilter-code filter2-name filter-name
2053 (setf mapper2-name
2054 (format str
"~a" (vtkpolydatamapper-isoline-code mapper2-name source-name floatarray2-name
2055 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkactor-isoline-code (get-actor-name) linewidth
2056 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
2057 (setf (gethash *vtk-extract-counter
* *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
2058 (format nil
"rescalearray(~a,~a)~%" points-name floatarray2-name
)) )
2064 ;; spherical(radius,az,minazi,maxazi,zen,minzen,maxzen)
2065 ;; ----------------------------------------------------
2066 (defun vtk3d-spherical (radius azi minazi maxazi zen minzen maxzen
2067 (vtk3d-parametric_surface
2068 `((mtimes simp
) ,radius
((%sin simp
) ,zen
) ((%cos simp
) ,azi
2069 `((mtimes simp
) ,radius
((%sin simp
) ,zen
) ((%sin simp
) ,azi
2070 `((mtimes simp
) ,radius
((%cos simp
) ,zen
2076 ;; cylindrical(r,z,minz,maxz,azi,minazi,maxazi)
2077 ;; --------------------------------------------
2078 (defun vtk3d-cylindrical (r z minz maxz azi minazi maxazi
2079 (vtk3d-parametric_surface
2080 `((mtimes simp
) ,r
((%cos simp
) ,azi
2081 `((mtimes simp
) ,r
((%sin simp
) ,azi
2088 ;; 3D: explicit(fcn,par1,minval1,maxval1,par2,minval2,maxval2)
2089 ;; -----------------------------------------------------------
2090 (defun vtk3d-explicit (fcn par1 minval1 maxval1 par2 minval2 maxval2
2091 (let* ((xu_grid (get-option '$xu_grid
2092 (yv_grid (get-option '$yv_grid
2093 (color (get-option '$color
2094 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
2095 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
2096 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
2097 (fminval1 ($float minval1
2098 (fminval2 ($float minval2
2099 (fmaxval1 ($float maxval1
2100 (fmaxval2 ($float maxval2
2101 (epsx (/ (- fmaxval1 fminval1
) xu_grid
2102 (epsy (/ (- fmaxval2 fminval2
) yv_grid
2103 (source-name (get-source-name))
2104 (points-name (get-points-name))
2105 (cellarray-name (get-cellarray-name))
2106 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
2107 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
2108 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
2109 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
2110 (str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
2113 (scalars nil
) ; used for coloring
2114 (scalars2 nil
) ; used for isolines
2122 floatarray-name floatarray2-name mapper2-name filter2-name lookup-table-name
2124 (check-enhanced3d-model "explicit" '(0 2 3 99))
2125 (check-isolines-model "explicit" '(0 2 3 99))
2126 (when (= *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 99)
2127 (update-enhanced3d-expression (list '(mlist) par1 par2
2128 (when (= *draw-isolines-type
* 99)
2129 (update-isolines-expression (list '(mlist) par1 par2
2130 (setq fcn
(coerce-float-fun fcn
`((mlist) ,par1
2131 (setf x
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
2132 y
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
2133 z
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
2134 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2135 (setf scalars
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
2136 (when (> *draw-isolines-type
* 0)
2137 (setf scalars2
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
2138 (loop for j below ny
2139 initially
(setf vv fminval2
2140 do
(setf uu fminval1
2141 (loop for i below nx
2145 (setf zz
(funcall fcn xx yy
2146 ; geometric transformation
2148 (setf (aref x
(incf count
)) xx
2149 (setf (aref y count
) yy
2150 (setf (aref z count
) zz
2151 ; check texture model
2152 (case *draw-enhanced3d-type
2153 ((2 99) (setf (aref scalars
(incf scalars-count
)) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* xx yy
2154 (3 (setf (aref scalars
(incf scalars-count
)) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* xx yy zz
))) )
2155 ; check isolines model
2156 (case *draw-isolines-type
2157 ((2 99) (setf (aref scalars2
(incf scalars2-count
)) (funcall *draw-isolines-fun
* xx yy
2158 (3 (setf (aref scalars2
(incf scalars2-count
)) (funcall *draw-isolines-fun
* xx yy zz
))) )
2159 (setq uu
(+ uu epsx
2160 (setq vv
(+ vv epsy
2161 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2162 (let ((lut (check-lookup-table)))
2163 (setf lookup-table-name
(car lut
2164 (format str
"~a~%" (cadr lut
2167 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyData()~%" source-name
2168 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpoints-code points-name source-name x y z
2169 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name source-name
2 (build-surface-grid nx ny
2170 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransform-code trans-name
2171 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name t
2172 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name nil
2174 (format str
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" points-name
2175 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkactor-code actor-name nil color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
2176 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil t
2178 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2179 (format str
"~a.SetLookupTable(~a)~%" mapper-name lookup-table-name
2180 (format str
"~a.SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData()~%" mapper-name
2181 (format str
"~a.ScalarVisibilityOn()~%~%" mapper-name
2182 (setf floatarray-name
2183 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkfloatarray-code floatarray-name source-name scalars
2184 ; remove next string if we want isolines and solid color when enhanced3d is not active
2185 (format str
"~a.SelectColorArray(\"name~a\")~%" mapper-name floatarray-name
2186 (setf (gethash *vtk-extract-counter
* *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
2187 (format nil
"rescalearray(~a,~a)~%" points-name floatarray-name
)) )
2189 (when (> *draw-isolines-type
* 0)
2190 (setf floatarray2-name
2191 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkfloatarray-code floatarray2-name source-name scalars2
2192 (setf filter2-name
2193 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkContourFilter-code filter2-name filter-name
2194 (setf mapper2-name
2195 (format str
"~a" (vtkpolydatamapper-isoline-code mapper2-name source-name floatarray2-name
2196 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkactor-isoline-code (get-actor-name) linewidth
2197 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
2198 (setf (gethash *vtk-extract-counter
* *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
2199 (format nil
"rescalearray(~a,~a)~%" points-name floatarray2-name
)) )
2205 ;; 2D: explicit(fcn,var,minval,maxval)
2206 ;; -----------------------------------
2214 (defun vtk2d-explicit (fcn var minval maxval
2215 (let* ((nticks (get-option '$nticks
2216 (adaptdepth (get-option '$adapt_depth
2217 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
2218 (linetype (get-option '$line_type
2219 (color (hex-to-numeric-list (get-option '$color
2220 (fillcolor (hex-to-numeric-list (get-option '$fill_color
2221 (key (get-option '$key
2222 (xmin ($float minval
2223 (xmax ($float maxval
2224 (x-step (/ (- xmax xmin
) ($float nticks
) 2))
2225 (arrayX-name (get-arrayX-name))
2226 (arrayY-name (get-arrayY-name))
2227 (table-name (get-table-name))
2228 (str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
2229 (*plot-realpart
* *plot-realpart
2231 x-samples y-samples result result-array
2233 (merror "draw2d (explicit): illegal range"))
2234 (when (not (string= (string-trim " " key
) ""))
2235 (incf *vtk-2dkey-counter
*) )
2236 (when (get-option '$logx
2237 (setf xmin
(log xmin
2238 (setf xmax
(log xmax
2239 (setf x-step
(/ (- xmax xmin
) ($float nticks
) 2)))
2240 (setq *plot-realpart
* (get-option '$draw_realpart
2241 (setq fcn
(coerce-float-fun fcn
`((mlist) ,var
2243 (let ((y (if (get-option '$logx
2244 (funcall fcn
(exp x
2246 (if (and (get-option '$logy
2250 (merror "draw2d (explicit): logarithm of negative number"))
2252 (dotimes (k (1+ (* 2 nticks
2253 (let ((x (+ xmin
(* k x-step
2255 (push (fun x
) y-samples
2256 (setf x-samples
(nreverse x-samples
2257 (setf y-samples
(nreverse y-samples
2258 ;; For each region, adaptively plot it.
2259 (do ((x-start x-samples
(cddr x-start
2260 (x-mid (cdr x-samples
) (cddr x-mid
2261 (x-end (cddr x-samples
) (cddr x-end
2262 (y-start y-samples
(cddr y-start
2263 (y-mid (cdr y-samples
) (cddr y-mid
2264 (y-end (cddr y-samples
) (cddr y-end
2266 ;; The region is x-start to x-end, with mid-point x-mid.
2267 (let ((sublst (adaptive-plot #'fun
(car x-start
) (car x-mid
) (car x-end
2268 (car y-start
) (car y-mid
) (car y-end
2270 (when (notevery #'(lambda (x) (or (numberp x
) (eq x t
) )) sublst
2271 (let ((items sublst
) (item 'nil
2272 ;; Search for the item in sublist that is the undefined variable
2274 (when (not (or (numberp (car items
)) (eq (car items
) t
) ))
2275 (setq item
(car items
)) )
2276 (setq items
(cdr items
)) )
2277 (merror "draw2d (explicit): non defined variable in term ~M" item
) ) )
2278 (when (not (null result
2279 (setf sublst
(cddr sublst
2280 (do ((lst sublst
(cddr lst
2282 (setf result
(append result
2284 (if (and (get-option '$logx
2285 (numberp (first lst
2288 (if (and (get-option '$logy
2289 (numberp (second lst
2291 (second lst
2293 ((> *draw-transform-dimensions
* 0)
2294 ; With geometric transformation.
2295 ; When option filled_func in not nil,
2296 ; geometric transformation is ignored
2297 (setf result-array
(make-array (length result
2298 (setf xmin most-positive-double-float
2299 xmax most-negative-double-float
2300 (let (xold yold x y
(count -
2301 (do ((lis result
(cddr lis
2303 (setf xold
(first lis
2305 (setf x
(funcall *draw-transform-f1
* xold yold
2306 y
(funcall *draw-transform-f2
* xold yold
2307 (setf (aref result-array
(incf count
)) x
2308 (setf (aref result-array
(incf count
)) y
) ) ) )
2310 ; No geometric transformation invoked.
2311 (setf result-array
(make-array (length result
2312 :initial-contents result
2314 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkFloatArray()~%" arrayX-name
2315 (format str
"~a.SetName(\"~a\")~%" arrayX-name arrayX-name
2316 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkFloatArray()~%" arrayY-name
2317 (format str
"~a.SetName(\"~a\")~%" arrayY-name key
2318 (loop for i from
0 below
(length result
) by
2 do
2319 (when (not (equal (aref result-array
(+ i
1)) t
2320 ; in case of division by zero, do not insert next value.
2321 ; A vertical line will be plotted, which should be fixed.
2322 (format str
"~a.InsertNextValue(~a)~%" arrayX-name
(aref result-array i
2323 (format str
"~a.InsertNextValue(~a)~%" arrayY-name
(aref result-array
(+ i
1))) ) )
2324 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkTable()~%" table-name
2325 (format str
"~a.AddColumn(~a)~%" table-name arrayX-name
2326 (format str
"~a.AddColumn(~a)~%" table-name arrayY-name
2327 (format str
2329 (if (get-option '$filled_func
) 3 0))
2330 (format str
"line.SetInputData(~a,0,1)~%" table-name
2332 (if (get-option '$filled_func
2333 (setf col fillcolor
2335 (format str
2336 (round (* 255 (first col
2337 (round (* 255 (second col
2338 (round (* 255 (third col
))) ))
2339 (format str
"line.SetWidth(~a)~%" linewidth
2340 ; not present in 6.2
2341 ; (format str "line.SetLegendVisibility(~a)~%"
2342 ; (if (string= (string-trim " " key) "")
2345 (format str
2346 (case linetype
; translate some gnuplot codes into vtk codes
2349 (otherwise linetype
) ) )
2354 ;; 3d: elevation_grid(mat x0 y0 width height)
2355 ;; ------------------------------------------
2356 (defun vtk3d-elevation_grid (mat x0 y0 width height
2357 (let* ((fx0 ($float x0
2359 (fwidth ($float width
2360 (fheight ($float height
2361 (color (get-option '$color
2362 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
2363 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
2364 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
2365 (source-name (get-source-name))
2366 (points-name (get-points-name))
2367 (cellarray-name (get-cellarray-name))
2368 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
2369 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
2370 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
2371 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
2372 (str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
2374 (yi (+ fy0 fheight
2379 (scalars nil
) ; used for coloring
2380 (scalars2 nil
) ; used for isolines
2383 floatarray-name floatarray2-name mapper2-name filter2-name lookup-table-name
2385 (check-enhanced3d-model "elevation_grid" '(0 2 3))
2386 (check-isolines-model "elevation_grid" '(0 2 3))
2387 (when (null ($matrixp mat
2388 (merror "draw3d (elevation_grid): Argument not recognized"))
2389 (setf nx
(length (cdadr mat
2390 ny
(length (cdr mat
2391 (setf dx
(/ fwidth
(1- nx
2392 dy
(/ fheight
(1- ny
2393 (setf x
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
2394 y
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
2395 z
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
2396 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2397 (setf scalars
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
2398 (when (> *draw-isolines-type
* 0)
2399 (setf scalars2
(make-array (* nx ny
) :element-type
2400 (loop for row on
(cdr mat
) by
#'cdr do
2402 (loop for col on
(cdar row
) by
#'cdr do
2405 (setf zz
(car col
2406 ; geometric transformation
2408 (setf (aref x
(incf count
)) xx
2409 (setf (aref y count
) yy
2410 (setf (aref z count
) zz
2411 ; check texture model
2412 (case *draw-enhanced3d-type
2413 (2 (setf (aref scalars
(incf scalars-count
)) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* xx yy
2414 (3 (setf (aref scalars
(incf scalars-count
)) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* xx yy zz
2415 ; check isolines model
2416 (case *draw-isolines-type
2417 (2 (setf (aref scalars2
(incf scalars2-count
)) (funcall *draw-isolines-fun
* xx yy
2418 (3 (setf (aref scalars2
(incf scalars2-count
)) (funcall *draw-isolines-fun
* xx yy zz
))) )
2419 (setf xi
(+ xi dx
2420 (setf yi
(- yi dy
2421 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2422 (let ((lut (check-lookup-table)))
2423 (setf lookup-table-name
(car lut
2424 (format str
"~a~%" (cadr lut
2427 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyData()~%" source-name
2428 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpoints-code points-name source-name x y z
2429 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name source-name
2 (build-surface-grid nx ny
2430 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransform-code trans-name
2431 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name t
2432 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name nil
2434 (format str
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" points-name
2435 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkactor-code actor-name nil color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
2436 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil t
2438 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2439 (format str
"~a.SetLookupTable(~a)~%" mapper-name lookup-table-name
2440 (format str
"~a.SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData()~%" mapper-name
2441 (format str
"~a.ScalarVisibilityOn()~%~%" mapper-name
2442 (setf floatarray-name
2443 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkfloatarray-code floatarray-name source-name scalars
2444 ; remove next string if we want isolines and solid color when enhanced3d is not active
2445 (format str
"~a.SelectColorArray(\"name~a\")~%" mapper-name floatarray-name
2446 (setf (gethash *vtk-extract-counter
* *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
2447 (format nil
"rescalearray(~a,~a)~%" points-name floatarray-name
)) )
2449 (when (> *draw-isolines-type
* 0)
2450 (setf floatarray2-name
2451 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkfloatarray-code floatarray2-name source-name scalars2
2452 (setf filter2-name
2453 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkContourFilter-code filter2-name filter-name
2454 (setf mapper2-name
2455 (format str
"~a" (vtkpolydatamapper-isoline-code mapper2-name source-name floatarray2-name
2456 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkactor-isoline-code (get-actor-name) linewidth
2457 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
2458 (setf (gethash *vtk-extract-counter
* *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
2459 (format nil
"rescalearray(~a,~a)~%" points-name floatarray2-name
)) )
2465 ;; 3d: implicit(expr,x,xmin,xmax,y,ymin,ymax,z,zmin,zmax)
2466 ;; ------------------------------------------------------
2467 (defun build-surface-triangular-grid (ntri)
2472 (setf poly
(cons (list (incf cont
) (incf cont
) (incf cont
)) poly
2475 (defun vtk3d-implicit (expr par1 xmin xmax par2 ymin ymax par3 zmin zmax
2476 (let ((fxmin ($float xmin
2477 (fxmax ($float xmax
2478 (fymin ($float ymin
2479 (fymax ($float ymax
2480 (fzmin ($float zmin
2481 (fzmax ($float zmax
2482 (color (get-option '$color
2483 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
2484 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
2485 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
2486 (transform (get-option '$transform
2487 (source-name (get-source-name))
2488 (points-name (get-points-name))
2489 (cellarray-name (get-cellarray-name))
2490 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
2491 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
2492 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
2493 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
2494 (str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
2495 (scalars nil
) ; used for coloring
2496 (scalars2 nil
) ; used for isolines
2497 floatarray-name floatarray2-name mapper2-name filter2-name lookup-table-name
2498 vertices numvert xx yy zz x y z
2499 (check-enhanced3d-model "implicit" '(0 3 99))
2500 (check-isolines-model "implicit" '(0 3 99))
2501 (when (= *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 99)
2502 (update-enhanced3d-expression (list '(mlist) par1 par2 par3
2503 (when (= *draw-isolines-type
* 99)
2504 (update-isolines-expression (list '(mlist) par1 par2 par3
2505 (setf vertices
(find-triangles expr par1 fxmin fxmax par2 fymin fymax par3 fzmin fzmax
2506 (when (null vertices
2507 (merror "draw3d (implicit): no surface within these ranges"))
2508 (setf numvert
(length vertices
2509 (setf x
(make-array numvert
(map 'list
#'first vertices
2510 y
(make-array numvert
(map 'list
#'second vertices
2511 z
(make-array numvert
(map 'list
#'third vertices
2512 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2513 (setf scalars
(make-array numvert
2514 (when (> *draw-isolines-type
* 0)
2515 (setf scalars2
(make-array numvert
2516 (do ((nf 0 (1+ nf
2517 ((= nf numvert
) 'done
2518 (setf xx
(aref x nf
2521 ; geometric transformation
2522 (when (not (eq transform
2524 (setf (aref x nf
) xx
2525 (setf (aref y nf
) yy
2526 (setf (aref z nf
) zz
2527 ; check texture model
2528 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2529 (setf (aref scalars nf
) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* xx yy zz
2530 ; check isolines model
2531 (when (> *draw-isolines-type
* 0)
2532 (setf (aref scalars2 nf
) (funcall *draw-isolines-fun
* xx yy zz
))) )
2533 (let ((lut (check-lookup-table)))
2534 (setf lookup-table-name
(car lut
2535 (format str
"~a~%" (cadr lut
2538 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyData()~%" source-name
2539 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpoints-code points-name source-name x y z
2540 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name source-name
2 (build-surface-triangular-grid numvert
2541 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransform-code trans-name
2542 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name t
2543 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name nil
2545 (format str
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" points-name
2546 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkactor-code actor-name nil color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
2547 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil t
2549 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2550 (format str
"~a.SetLookupTable(~a)~%" mapper-name lookup-table-name
2551 (format str
"~a.SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData()~%" mapper-name
2552 (format str
"~a.ScalarVisibilityOn()~%~%" mapper-name
2553 (setf floatarray-name
2554 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkfloatarray-code floatarray-name source-name scalars
2555 ; remove next string if we want isolines and solid color when enhanced3d is not active
2556 (format str
"~a.SelectColorArray(\"name~a\")~%" mapper-name floatarray-name
2557 (setf (gethash *vtk-extract-counter
* *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
2558 (format nil
"rescalearray(~a,~a)~%" points-name floatarray-name
)) )
2560 (when (> *draw-isolines-type
* 0)
2561 (setf floatarray2-name
2562 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkfloatarray-code floatarray2-name source-name scalars2
2563 (setf filter2-name
2564 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkContourFilter-code filter2-name filter-name
2565 (setf mapper2-name
2566 (format str
"~a" (vtkpolydatamapper-isoline-code mapper2-name source-name floatarray2-name
2567 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkactor-isoline-code (get-actor-name) linewidth
2568 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
2569 (setf (gethash *vtk-extract-counter
* *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
2570 (format nil
"rescalearray(~a,~a)~%" points-name floatarray2-name
)) )
2576 ;; 3d: label([string1,x1,y1,z1],[string2,x2,y2,z2],...)
2577 ;; ----------------------------------------------------
2578 (defun vtk3d-label (&rest lab
2579 (let ((font-size (get-option '$font_size
2580 (colist (hex-to-numeric-list (get-option '$color
2587 (merror "vtk (label): no arguments in object labels"))
2588 ((or (notevery #'$listp lab
2589 (notevery #'(lambda (z) (= 4 ($length z
))) lab
2590 (merror "vtk3d (label): arguments must be lists of length 4"))
2593 (setf text
(format nil
"\"~a\"" ($first k
2594 fx
($second k
2595 fy
($third k
2596 fz
($fourth k
2597 (when (or (not (floatp fx
2600 (merror "vtk3d (label): non real 3d coordinates"))
2601 (setf labelactor-name
2602 label-name
2603 polydatamapper-name
2605 (concatenate 'string
2607 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkVectorText()~%" label-name
2608 (format nil
"~a.SetText(~a)~%" label-name text
2609 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()~%" polydatamapper-name
2610 (format nil
2613 (format nil
"~a.ScalarVisibilityOff()~%" polydatamapper-name
2614 (format nil
"~a=vtk.vtkFollower()~%" labelactor-name
2615 (format nil
"~a.SetMapper(~a)~%" labelactor-name polydatamapper-name
2616 (format nil
"~a.SetScale(~a,~a,~a)~%" labelactor-name font-size font-size font-size
2617 (format nil
"~a.AddPosition(~a,~a,~a)~%" labelactor-name fx fy fz
2618 (format nil
2627 ;; 3d: tube(xfun,yfun,zfun,rad,par,parmin,parmax)
2628 ;; ----------------------------------------------
2629 (defmacro vtk-check-tube-extreme
(ex cx cy cz
2630 `(when (equal (nth ,ex
(get-option '$capping
)) t
2634 (when (> *draw-transform-dimensions
* 0)
2635 (setf cxx
(funcall *draw-transform-f1
* ,cx
2636 cyy
(funcall *draw-transform-f2
* ,cx
2637 czz
(funcall *draw-transform-f3
* ,cx
2639 ; check texture model
2640 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2641 (case *draw-enhanced3d-type
2642 ((1 99) (setf (aref scalars
(incf scalars-count
)) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* tt
2643 (3 (setf (aref scalars
(incf scalars-count
)) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* cxx cyy czz
)))) )
2645 (setf (aref x
(incf count
)) cxx
2646 (setf (aref y count
) cyy
2647 (setf (aref z count
) czz
) ))))
2649 (defun vtk3d-tube (xfun yfun zfun rad par parmin parmax
2650 (let* ((ugrid (get-option '$xu_grid
2651 (vgrid (get-option '$yv_grid
2652 (color (get-option '$color
2653 (opacity (get-option '$opacity
2654 (linewidth (get-option '$line_width
2655 (wiredsurface (get-option '$wired_surface
2656 (capping (rest (get-option '$capping
2657 (tmin ($float parmin
2658 (tmax ($float parmax
2659 (vmax 6.283185307179586) ; = float(2*%pi)
2660 (teps (/ (- tmax tmin
) (- ugrid
2661 (veps (/ vmax
(- vgrid
2662 (nu (+ ugrid
(count t capping
2664 (source-name (get-source-name))
2665 (points-name (get-points-name))
2666 (cellarray-name (get-cellarray-name))
2667 (trans-name (get-trans-name))
2668 (filter-name (get-filter-name))
2669 (mapper-name (get-mapper-name))
2670 (actor-name (get-actor-name))
2671 (str (make-array 0 :element-type
:adjustable t
2673 (scalars nil
) ; used for coloring
2674 (scalars2 nil
) ; used for isolines
2680 xx yy zz module r vv rcos rsin
2682 uxold uyold uzold ttnext
2683 floatarray-name floatarray2-name mapper2-name filter2-name lookup-table-name
2686 (merror "draw3d (tube): illegal parametric range"))
2687 (when (not (subsetp (rest ($append
($listofvars xfun
) ($listofvars yfun
2688 ($listofvars zfun
) ($listofvars rad
2689 (list par
) :test
2690 (merror "draw3d (tube): non defined variable"))
2691 (check-enhanced3d-model "tube" '(0 1 3 99))
2692 (check-isolines-model "tube" '(0 1 3 99))
2693 (when (= *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 99)
2694 (update-enhanced3d-expression (list '(mlist) par
2695 (when (= *draw-isolines-type
* 99)
2696 (update-isolines-expression (list '(mlist) par
2697 (setq f1
(coerce-float-fun xfun
`((mlist) ,par
2698 (setq f2
(coerce-float-fun yfun
`((mlist) ,par
2699 (setq f3
(coerce-float-fun zfun
`((mlist) ,par
2700 (setf radius
(coerce-float-fun rad
`((mlist) ,par
2701 (setf x
(make-array (* nu nv
) :element-type
2702 y
(make-array (* nu nv
) :element-type
2703 z
(make-array (* nu nv
) :element-type
2704 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2705 (setf scalars
(make-array (* nu nv
) :element-type
2706 (when (> *draw-isolines-type
* 0)
2707 (setf scalars2
(make-array (* nu nv
) :element-type
2708 (loop for j from
0 below ugrid do
2709 (setf tt
(+ tmin
(* j teps
2710 ; calculate center and radius of circle
2712 ((= j
0) ; 1st circle
2713 (setf cx
(funcall f1 tt
2717 (vtk-check-tube-extreme 1 cx cy cz
2718 (setf nx
(- (funcall f1 ttnext
) cx
2719 ny
(- (funcall f2 ttnext
) cy
2720 nz
(- (funcall f3 ttnext
) cz
2721 (t ; all next circles
2725 (setf cx
(funcall f1 tt
2728 (setf nx
(- cx cxold
2731 (setf r
(funcall radius tt
2732 ; calculate the unitary normal vector
2733 (setf module
(sqrt (+ (* nx nx
) (* ny ny
) (* nz nz
2734 (setf nx
(/ nx module
2737 ; calculate unitary vector perpendicular to n=(nx,ny,nz)
2738 ; ux.nx+uy.ny+uz.nz=0 => ux=-t(ny+nz)/nx, uy=uz=t
2742 (setf ux
1.0 uy
0.0 uz
2744 (setf ux
0.0 uy
1.0 uz
2746 (setf ux
0.0 uy
0.0 uz
2747 (t ; all other cases
2748 (setf ux
(- (/ (+ ny nz
) nx
2751 (setf module
(sqrt (+ (* ux ux
) (* uy uy
) (* uz uz
2752 (setf ux
(/ ux module
2755 (when (and (> tt tmin
2756 (< (+ (* uxold ux
) (* uyold uy
) (* uzold uz
)) 0))
2763 ; vector v = n times u
2764 (setf vx
(- (* ny uz
) (* nz uy
2765 vy
(- (* nz ux
) (* nx uz
2766 vz
(- (* nx uy
) (* ny ux
2767 ; parametric equation of the circumference of radius
2768 ; r and centered at c=(cx,cy,cz):
2769 ; x(t) = c + r(cos(t)u + sin(t)v),
2770 ; for t in (0, 2*%pi)
2772 ; calculate points of one circumference
2773 (loop for i below vgrid do
2774 (setf rcos
(* r
(cos vv
2775 rsin
(* r
(sin vv
2776 (setf xx
(+ cx
(* rcos ux
) (* rsin vx
2777 yy
(+ cy
(* rcos uy
) (* rsin vy
2778 zz
(+ cz
(* rcos uz
) (* rsin vz
2779 ; geometric translation
2781 (setf (aref x
(incf count
)) xx
2782 (setf (aref y count
) yy
2783 (setf (aref z count
) zz
2784 ; check texture model
2785 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2786 (case *draw-enhanced3d-type
2787 ((1 99) (setf (aref scalars
(incf scalars-count
)) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* tt
2788 (3 (setf (aref scalars
(incf scalars-count
)) (funcall *draw-enhanced3d-fun
* xx yy zz
)))) )
2789 ; check isolines model
2790 (when (> *draw-isolines-type
* 0)
2791 (case *draw-isolines-type
2792 ((1 99) (setf (aref scalars2
(incf scalars2-count
)) (funcall *draw-isolines-fun
* tt
)) )
2793 (3 (setf (aref scalars2
(incf scalars2-count
)) (funcall *draw-isolines-fun
* xx yy zz
))) ))
2794 (setf vv
(+ vv veps
2795 (when (> vv vmax
) (setf vv vmax
)) ) ) ; end both loops
2796 (vtk-check-tube-extreme 2 cx cy cz
2797 (let ((lut (check-lookup-table)))
2798 (setf lookup-table-name
(car lut
2799 (format str
"~a~%" (cadr lut
2802 (format str
"~a=vtk.vtkPolyData()~%" source-name
2803 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpoints-code points-name source-name x y z
2804 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkcellarray-code cellarray-name source-name
2 (build-surface-grid nv nu
2805 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransform-code trans-name
2806 (format str
"~a~%" (vtktransformpolydatafilter-code filter-name source-name trans-name t
2807 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkpolydatamapper-code mapper-name filter-name nil
2809 (format str
"bounds.append(~a.GetBounds())~%" points-name
2810 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkactor-code actor-name nil color opacity linewidth wiredsurface
2811 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil t
2813 (when (> *draw-enhanced3d-type
* 0)
2814 (format str
"~a.SetLookupTable(~a)~%" mapper-name lookup-table-name
2815 (format str
"~a.SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData()~%" mapper-name
2816 (format str
"~a.ScalarVisibilityOn()~%~%" mapper-name
2817 (setf floatarray-name
2818 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkfloatarray-code floatarray-name source-name scalars
2819 ; remove next string if we want isolines and solid color when enhanced3d is not active
2820 (format str
"~a.SelectColorArray(\"name~a\")~%" mapper-name floatarray-name
2821 (setf (gethash *vtk-extract-counter
* *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
2822 (format nil
"rescalearray(~a,~a)~%" points-name floatarray-name
)) )
2824 (when (> *draw-isolines-type
* 0)
2825 (setf floatarray2-name
2826 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkfloatarray-code floatarray2-name source-name scalars2
2827 (setf filter2-name
2828 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkContourFilter-code filter2-name filter-name
2829 (setf mapper2-name
2830 (format str
"~a" (vtkpolydatamapper-isoline-code mapper2-name source-name floatarray2-name
2831 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkactor-isoline-code (get-actor-name) linewidth
2832 (format str
"~a~%" (vtkextractpolydatageometry-code (get-extract-name) nil nil
2833 (setf (gethash *vtk-extract-counter
* *enhanced3d-or-isolines-code
2834 (format nil
"rescalearray(~a,~a)~%" points-name floatarray2-name
)) )
2844 (defvar *vtk2d-graphic-objects
* (make-hash-table))
2846 ; table of 2d graphic objects
2847 (setf (gethash '$explicit
*) 'vtk2d-explicit
2848 (gethash '$parametric
*) 'vtk2d-parametric
2849 (gethash '$points
*) 'vtk2d-points
2850 (gethash '$polar
*) 'vtk2d-polar
2852 (defun make-vtk-scene-2d (args)
2854 (chart-name (get-chart-name))
2855 (renderer-name (get-renderer-name))
2858 (ini-local-option-variables)
2860 (setf largs
(listify-arguments args
2862 (cond ((equal ($op x
) "=")
2864 ($allocation
(update-allocation ($rhs x
2865 ($color
(update-color '$color
($rhs x
2866 ($fill_color
(update-color '$fill_color
($rhs x
2867 ($file_name
(update-string '$file_name
($rhs x
2868 ($font_size
(update-positive-float '$font_size
($rhs x
2869 ($head_angle
(update-positive-float '$head_angle
($rhs x
2870 ($head_length
(update-positive-float '$head_length
($rhs x
2871 ($background_color
(update-color '$background_color
($rhs x
2872 ($dimensions
(update-dimensions ($rhs x
2873 ($nticks
(update-positive-integer '$nticks
($rhs x
2874 ($line_width
(update-positive-float '$line_width
($rhs x
2875 ($line_type
(update-linestyle '$line_type
($rhs x
2876 ($key
(update-string '$key
($rhs x
2877 ($key_pos
(update-key_pos ($rhs x
2878 ($logx
(update-boolean-option '$logx
($rhs x
2879 ($logy
(update-boolean-option '$logy
($rhs x
2880 ($filled_func
(update-gr-option '$filled_func
($rhs x
2881 ($grid
(update-gr-option '$grid
($rhs x
2882 ($transform
(update-transform ($rhs x
2883 ($points_joined
(update-pointsjoined ($rhs x
2884 ($point_type
(update-pointtype ($rhs x
2885 ($point_size
(update-nonnegative-float '$point_size
($rhs x
2886 ($terminal
(update-terminal ($rhs x
2887 ($unit_vectors
(update-boolean-option '$unit_vectors
($rhs x
2888 ($xlabel
(update-string '$xlabel
($rhs x
2889 ($ylabel
(update-string '$ylabel
($rhs x
2891 ; options not yet implemented for 2D-vtk
2892 ; they are included here to avoid error messages
2893 ($xrange
(update-gr-option '$xrange
($rhs x
2894 ($yrange
(update-gr-option '$yrange
($rhs x
2896 (otherwise (merror "vtk2d: unknown option ~M " ($lhs x
2898 ((setf obj
(gethash (caar x
) *vtk2d-graphic-objects
2900 (concatenate 'string
2902 (apply obj
(rest x
2905 (merror "vtk2d: item ~M is not recognized" x
2907 (setf *allocations
* (cons (get-option '$allocation
) *allocations
2908 (concatenate 'string
2909 (vtkchartxy-code chart-name
2919 (defvar *vtk3d-graphic-objects
* (make-hash-table))
2921 ; table of 3d graphic objects
2922 (setf (gethash '$cone
*) 'vtk3d-cone
2923 (gethash '$cylinder
*) 'vtk3d-cylinder
2924 (gethash '$cube
*) 'vtk3d-cube
2925 (gethash '$prism
*) 'vtk3d-prism
2926 (gethash '$elevation_grid
*) 'vtk3d-elevation_grid
2927 (gethash '$implicit
*) 'vtk3d-implicit
2928 (gethash '$sphere
*) 'vtk3d-sphere
2929 (gethash '$parallelogram
*) 'vtk3d-parallelogram
2930 (gethash '$triangle
*) 'vtk3d-triangle
2931 (gethash '$vector
*) 'vtk3d-vector
2932 (gethash '$points
*) 'vtk3d-points
2933 (gethash '$parametric
*) 'vtk3d-parametric
2934 (gethash '$parametric_surface
*) 'vtk3d-parametric_surface
2935 (gethash '$spherical
*) 'vtk3d-spherical
2936 (gethash '$cylindrical
*) 'vtk3d-cylindrical
2937 (gethash '$explicit
*) 'vtk3d-explicit
2938 (gethash '$label
*) 'vtk3d-label
2939 (gethash '$tube
*) 'vtk3d-tube
2941 (defun make-vtk-scene-3d (args)
2943 (appenddata-name (get-appenddata-name))
2944 (outline-name (get-outline-name))
2945 (polydatamapper-name (get-polydatamapper-name))
2946 (outlineactor-name (get-outlineactor-name))
2947 (textproperty-name (get-textproperty-name))
2948 (cubeaxesactor2d-name (get-cubeaxesactor2d-name))
2949 (renderer-name (get-renderer-name))
2950 (camera-name (get-camera-name))
2951 (first-actor (+ *vtk-actor-counter
* 1))
2952 (first-labelactor (+ *vtk-labelactor-counter
* 1))
2953 (first-extract (+ *vtk-extract-counter
* 1))
2954 (first-label (+ *vtk-label-counter
* 1))
2957 (ini-local-option-variables)
2959 (setf largs
(listify-arguments args
2961 (cond ((equal ($op x
) "=")
2963 ($allocation
(update-allocation ($rhs x
2964 ($axis_3d
(update-boolean-option '$axis_3d
($rhs x
2965 ($background_color
(update-color '$background_color
($rhs x
2966 ($capping
(update-capping ($rhs x
2967 ($color
(update-color '$color
($rhs x
2968 ($isolines_color
(update-color '$isolines_color
($rhs x
2969 ($isolines_levels
(update-contour-isolines '$isolines_levels
($rhs x
2970 ($dimensions
(update-dimensions ($rhs x
2971 ($enhanced3d
(update-enhanced3d ($rhs x
2972 ($file_name
(update-string '$file_name
($rhs x
2973 ($font_size
(update-positive-float '$font_size
($rhs x
2974 ($head_angle
(update-positive-float '$head_angle
($rhs x
2975 ($head_length
(update-positive-float '$head_length
($rhs x
2976 ($isolines
(update-isolines ($rhs x
2977 ($line_type
(update-linestyle '$line_type
($rhs x
2978 ($line_width
(update-positive-float '$line_width
($rhs x
2979 ($nticks
(update-positive-integer '$nticks
($rhs x
2980 ($opacity
(update-opacity ($rhs x
2981 ($palette
(update-palette ($rhs x
2982 ($points_joined
(update-pointsjoined ($rhs x
2983 ($point_size
(update-nonnegative-float '$point_size
($rhs x
2984 ($point_type
(update-pointtype ($rhs x
2985 ($terminal
(update-terminal ($rhs x
2986 ($transform
(update-transform ($rhs x
2987 ($unit_vectors
(update-boolean-option '$unit_vectors
($rhs x
2988 ($view
(update-view ($rhs x
2989 ($wired_surface
(update-boolean-option '$wired_surface
($rhs x
2990 ($xu_grid
(update-positive-integer '$xu_grid
($rhs x
2991 ($yv_grid
(update-positive-integer '$yv_grid
($rhs x
2992 ($x_voxel
(update-positive-integer '$x_voxel
($rhs x
2993 ($y_voxel
(update-positive-integer '$y_voxel
($rhs x
2994 ($z_voxel
(update-positive-integer '$z_voxel
($rhs x
2995 ($xlabel
(update-string '$xlabel
($rhs x
2996 ($ylabel
(update-string '$ylabel
($rhs x
2997 ($zlabel
(update-string '$zlabel
($rhs x
2999 ; must be changed to script_file_name
3000 ($gnuplot_file_name
(update-string '$gnuplot_file_name
($rhs x
3002 ; options not yet implemented for 3D-vtk
3003 ; they are included here to avoid error messages
3004 ($surface_hide
(update-boolean-option '$surface_hide
($rhs x
3005 ($label_alignment
(update-string '$label_alignment
($rhs x
3006 ($label_orientation
(update-string '$label_orientation
($rhs x
3007 ($xrange
(update-gr-option '$xrange
($rhs x
3008 ($yrange
(update-gr-option '$yrange
($rhs x
3009 ($zrange
(update-gr-option '$zrange
($rhs x
3011 (otherwise (merror "vtk3d: unknown option ~M " ($lhs x
3013 ((setf obj
(gethash (caar x
) *vtk3d-graphic-objects
3015 (concatenate 'string
3017 (apply obj
(rest x
3020 (merror "vtk3d: item ~M is not recognized" x
3022 (setf *allocations
* (cons (get-option '$allocation
) *allocations
3023 (concatenate 'string
3025 (if (> *vtk-extract-counter
* 0)
3028 (vtkappendpolydata-code appenddata-name first-extract first-label
3029 (vtkoutlinefilter-code outline-name appenddata-name
3030 (vtkpolydatamapper-code polydatamapper-name outline-name t
3031 (vtkactor-code outlineactor-name polydatamapper-name
"#ff0000" 1 1 nil
3032 (vtktextproperty-code textproperty-name
3033 (vtkcubeaxesactor2d-code cubeaxesactor2d-name appenddata-name textproperty-name
3036 cubeaxesactor2d-name
3038 (get-option '$background_color
3040 (car (get-option '$view
3041 (cadr (get-option '$view
3043 first-labelactor
) )))
3047 (defun draw_vtk (&rest args
3052 (ini-global-options)
3053 (ini-local-option-variables)
3055 (setf *allocations
* nil
3056 (setf *vtk-appenddata-counter
* 0
3057 *vtk-extract-counter
* 0
3058 *vtk-outline-counter
* 0
3059 *vtk-polydatamapper-counter
* 0
3060 *vtk-outlineactor-counter
* 0
3061 *vtk-textproperty-counter
* 0
3062 *vtk-cubeaxesactor2d-counter
* 0
3063 *vtk-camera-counter
* 0
3064 *vtk-renderer-counter
* 0
3065 *vtk-source-counter
* 0
3066 *vtk-mapper-counter
* 0
3067 *vtk-actor-counter
* 0
3068 *vtk-labelactor-counter
* 0
3069 *vtk-trans-counter
* 0
3070 *vtk-filter-counter
* 0
3071 *vtk-data-file-counter
* 0
3072 *vtk-floatarray-counter
* 0
3073 *vtk-points-counter
* 0
3074 *vtk-glyphpoints-counter
* 0
3075 *vtk-polydata-counter
* 0
3076 *vtk-cellarray-counter
* 0
3077 *vtk-polydatamapper-counter
* 0
3078 *vtk-solidsource-counter
* 0
3079 *vtk-triangle-counter
* 0
3080 *vtk-label-counter
* 0
3081 *vtk-chart-counter
* 0
3082 *vtk-table-counter
* 0
3083 *vtk-arrayX-counter
* 0
3084 *vtk-arrayY-counter
* 0
3085 *vtk-2dkey-counter
* 0
3086 *vtk-isolines-counter
* 0
3088 *unitscale-already-defined
* nil
3089 (setf largs
(listify-arguments args
3091 (cond ((equal ($op x
) "=")
3093 ($terminal
(update-terminal ($rhs x
3094 ($columns
(update-positive-integer '$columns
($rhs x
3095 ($dimensions
(update-dimensions ($rhs x
3096 ($file_name
(update-string '$file_name
($rhs x
3097 ($background_color
(update-color '$background_color
($rhs x
3098 (otherwise (merror "draw: unknown global option ~M " ($lhs x
3099 ((equal (caar x
) '$gr3d
3100 (setf scenes
(append scenes
(list (funcall #'make-vtk-scene-3d
(rest x
3101 ((equal (caar x
) '$gr2d
3102 (setf scenes
(append scenes
(list (funcall #'make-vtk-scene-2d
(rest x
3104 (merror "draw: item ~M is not recognized" x
))) )
3106 ;; prepare script file
3107 (setf gfn
(plot-temp-file (format nil
"maxout~d.py" (getpid))))
3110 :direction
3111 (when (eql cmdstorage nil
3112 (merror "draw: Cannot create file '~a'. Probably maxima_tempdir doesn't point to a writable directory." gfn
3114 ;; pull in required packages
3115 (format cmdstorage
3116 "#!/usr/bin/env python"
3117 "# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-"
3123 (dolist (scn scenes
3124 (format cmdstorage
"~a" scn
) )
3126 ;; the renderer window
3127 (format cmdstorage
"~a" (vtkrendererwindow-code (length scenes
3128 (format cmdstorage
"~a" (vtk-terminal))
3130 ;; close script file
3133 #+(or windows win32 win64
3134 ($system
"vtkpython " gfn
3135 #-
(or windows win32 win64
3136 (if (member $draw_renderer
'($vtk $vtk6
3137 ($system
(format nil
"(python \"~a\")&" gfn
3138 ($system
(format nil
"(python3 \"~a\")&" gfn