In documentation for lreduce and rreduce, supply second argument as an explicit list
[maxima.git] / share / logic / Ksimplifier.lisp
1 (defun is-adjacent (form1 form2)
2 "Checks if the two forms can be combined(are adjacent in the K-Map).
3 Example : (is-adjacent '(0 0 1 0) '(0 0 1 1)) -> t
4 (is-adjacent '(0 0 1 1) '(0 0 1 1)) -> nil"
5 (loop
6 for x on form1
7 for y on form2
8 do
9 (if (equal (car x) (car y))
10 nil
11 (if (equal (cdr x) (cdr y))
12 (if (or (equal (car x) 2) (equal (car y) 2))
13 (return-from is-adjacent nil)
14 (return-from is-adjacent t))
15 (return-from is-adjacent nil))))
16 (return-from is-adjacent nil))
18 (defun common-expression (minterm1 minterm2)
19 "Returns the common-expression obtained by combining 2 minterms.
20 Example : (common-expression '(1 1 0 1) '(1 1 1 1)) -> (1 1 2 1)"
21 (loop
22 for x in minterm1
23 for y in minterm2
24 collect
25 (if (equal x y)
27 2)))
29 (defun combine-neighbours (minterm minterms)
30 "Checks a minterm against a list of minterms to find adjacent pairs.
31 Returns a list l such that,
32 (car l) is a list of implicants formed by combining minterm with all possible neighbours in minterms.
33 (cadr l) is a list of all minterms covered in the implicants in the first list.
34 Example : (combine-neighbours '(0 0) '((0 1) (1 1))) -> (((0 2)) ((0 0) (0 1)))"
35 (let* ((pair_found nil)
36 (result (loop for minterm2 in minterms
37 if (is-adjacent minterm minterm2)
38 collect (progn
39 (setf pair_found t)
40 (common-expression minterm minterm2))
41 into comm_expr_ls and
42 collect minterm2 into to_remove
43 finally (return (list comm_expr_ls (cons minterm to_remove))))))
44 (if pair_found
45 result
46 (list (cons minterm nil) ()))))
49 (defun reduce-to-prime-implicants (numvar minterms)
50 "Reduces a list of minterms, corresponding to numvar number of boolean variables, to it's prime-implicants, collectively covering all minterms.
51 Returns a list of prime-impicants covering all minterms.
52 Example : (reduce-to-prime-implicants 2 '((0 0) (0 1) (1 0))) -> ((0 2) (2 0))"
53 (dotimes (counter numvar)
54 (setf minterms (loop for minterms-left on minterms as result = (combine-neighbours (car minterms-left) (cdr minterms-left))
55 append (car result) into implicants ; Add the returned list of combined minterms to "implicants" list
56 append (cadr result) into covered ; Add all the minterms covered in prime-implicants to list "covered"
57 finally (return
58 (remove-duplicates
59 (remove-if (lambda (implicant) (member implicant covered)) implicants) :test 'equal)))))
60 minterms)
62 (defun is-covered-by-implicant (minterm prime-implicant)
63 "Returns prime-implicant if minterm is covered in given prime-implicant, else return nil.
64 Example : (is-covered-by-implicant '(0 0 1 0) '(2 2 2 2)) -> (2 2 2 2)"
65 (if (every
66 (lambda (term) (not (null term)))
67 (mapcar (lambda (bit_minterm bit_prime_implicant)
68 (or
69 (equal bit_minterm bit_prime_implicant) ; Check if bit is same as in prime-implicant
70 (equal bit_prime_implicant 2))) ; OR check if bit is covered in prime-implicant
71 minterm prime-implicant))
72 prime-implicant
73 nil))
75 (defun is-covered-by-set-of-implicants (minterm prime-implicants)
76 "Returns list of prime-implicants covering the minterm.
77 Example : (is-covered-by-set-of-implicants '(0 0 1 0) '((0 0 2 0) (2 0 2 2) (2 2 0 2))) -> ((0 0 2 0) (2 0 2 2))"
78 (remove-if 'null (mapcar (lambda (prime_implicant) (is-covered-by-implicant minterm prime_implicant)) prime-implicants)))
80 (defun select-maximum-reduced-prime-implicants (implicant-by-minterms)
81 "Given a list of prime-implicants by minterms, returns a list of implicants by minterms having maximum level of reduction.
82 Example : (select-maximum-reduced-prime-implicants '(((1 0 2 2) (1 2 2 2) (2 0 2 2)) ((0 0 0 2) (0 0 2 2) (2 2 0 0))))
83 -> (((1 2 2 2) (2 0 2 2)) ((0 0 2 2) (2 2 0 0)))"
84 (mapcar
85 (lambda (minterms max-reduction) (remove-if (lambda (minterm) (/= (count 2 minterm) max-reduction)) minterms))
86 implicant-by-minterms
87 (mapcar (lambda (minterms) (apply #'max (cons 0 (mapcar (lambda (minterm) (count 2 minterm)) minterms)))) implicant-by-minterms)))
89 (defun reduce-to-minimum-cover (numvar minterms)
90 "numvar : number of boolean variables
91 minterms : list of minterms of the form (X X X X) where Xs are 0s or 1s.
92 Returns a list of prime-implicants which is the minimum cover of the given minterms
93 Example : (reduce-to-minimum-cover 2 '((0 0) (0 1) (1 0))) -> ((0 2) (2 0))"
94 (let* ((prime-implicants (reduce-to-prime-implicants numvar minterms))
95 (implicant-by-minterms (mapcar
96 (lambda (minterm)
97 (is-covered-by-set-of-implicants minterm prime-implicants))
98 minterms)))
99 (remove-duplicates (mapcar (lambda (minterms) (car minterms)) (select-maximum-reduced-prime-implicants implicant-by-minterms)))))
101 (defun decimal-to-binary (numvar number)
102 "numvar : number of bits
103 number : decimal number to be converted
104 Returns the binary representation of number in binary.
105 Example : (decimal-to-binary 2 3) -> (1 1)"
106 (loop
107 for x from (1- numvar) downto 0
108 if (>= number (expt 2 x))
109 collect (progn (setf number (- number (expt 2 x))) 1)
110 else
111 collect 0))
113 (defun maxima-expression (minimum-cover list-of-variables)
114 "minimum-cover : list of prime-implicants forming a minimum cover
115 list-of-variables : a sorted list of variable symbols in the input
116 Returns the maxima-expression corresponding to the given minimum-cover
117 Example : (maxima-expression '((0 2) (2 0)) '($x $y)) -> ((MOR SIMP) ((MNOT SIMP) $X) ((MNOT SIMP) $Y))"
118 (cons '(mor simp)
119 (mapcar
120 (lambda (prime-implicant)
121 (let* ((implicant-maxima-expr
122 (remove-if
123 'null (mapcar
124 (lambda (bit variable)
125 (cond ((equal bit 0) `((mnot simp) ,variable))
126 ((equal bit 1) variable)
127 ((equal bit 2) nil)))
128 prime-implicant
129 list-of-variables))))
130 (if (equal (list-length implicant-maxima-expr) 1)
131 (car implicant-maxima-expr)
132 (cons '(mand simp) implicant-maxima-expr))))
133 minimum-cover)))
135 (defun transform-to-intermediate (expr substitution-table)
136 (cond ((and (consp expr)
137 (consp (car expr))
138 (member (caar expr) '(mand mor mnot)))
139 `(,(car expr) ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) (transform-to-intermediate x substitution-table)) (cdr expr))))
140 ((and (consp expr)
141 (consp (car expr)))
142 (let ((sym (gensym)))
143 (setf (gethash sym substitution-table) expr)
144 sym))
145 (t expr)))
147 (defun substitute-intermediate (expr substitution-table)
148 (cond ((and (consp expr)
149 (consp (car expr)))
150 `(,(car expr) ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) (substitute-intermediate x substitution-table)) (cdr expr))))
151 ((atom expr) (if (nth-value 1 (gethash expr substitution-table))
152 (gethash expr substitution-table)
153 expr))))
155 (defun $logic_simplify (expr)
156 "Requisite : needs logic.lisp for charactristic_vector function and running maxima for listofvars function.
157 Given a logic expression, reduce it to it's simplest form using the method of K-Map reduction.
158 Example : logic_simplify(((not a) and (not b) and c) or ((not a) and b and c) or (a and (not b) and c) or (a and b and c) or ((not a) and b and (not c))); -> ((not a) and b) or c
159 logic_simplify(((not a) and b) or (a and b)) -> b"
160 (let* ((substitutions (make-hash-table))
161 (intermediate (transform-to-intermediate expr substitutions))
162 (characteristic-vector (cdr ($characteristic_vector intermediate)))
163 (list-of-variables (list-of-variables intermediate))
164 (numvar (list-length list-of-variables))
165 (list-of-minterms (loop
166 for bit in characteristic-vector
167 for counter from 0 to (1- (expt 2 numvar))
168 if bit collect (decimal-to-binary numvar counter)))
169 (minimum-cover (reduce-to-minimum-cover numvar list-of-minterms)))
170 (cond ((null minimum-cover) nil)
171 ((equal (car minimum-cover) (make-list numvar :initial-element 2)) t)
172 (t (let ((converted-expression (substitute-intermediate (maxima-expression minimum-cover list-of-variables) substitutions)))
173 (if (equal (list-length converted-expression) 2)
174 (cadr converted-expression)
175 converted-expression))))))