ChangeLog entry for bug #4356
[maxima.git] / share / numericalio / numericalio.lisp
1 ;; Copyright 2005 by Robert Dodier
3 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
6 ;; This program has NO WARRANTY, not even the implied warranty of
9 (in-package :maxima)
11 ;; Read functions:
13 ;; M: read_matrix (source, sep_ch_flag)
14 ;; read_matrix (source, M, sep_ch_flag)
15 ;; A : read_array (source, sep_ch_flag)
16 ;; read_array (source, A, sep_ch_flag)
17 ;; read_hashed_array (source, A, sep_ch_flag)
18 ;; L: read_nested_list (source, sep_ch_flag)
19 ;; L: read_list (source, sep_ch_flag)
20 ;; read_list (source, L, sep_ch_flag)
22 ;; read_binary_matrix (source, M)
23 ;; A : read_binary_array (source)
24 ;; read_binary_array (source, A)
25 ;; L: read_binary_list (source)
26 ;; read_binary_list (source, L)
28 ;; `source' is a file name or input stream.
30 ;; Write functions:
32 ;; `sink' is a file name or output stream.
34 ;; write_data (X, sink, sep_ch_flag)
35 ;; write_binary_data (X, sink)
37 ;; Helpers:
39 ;; byte_order_flag recognized values: msb, lsb
41 ;; assume_external_byte_order (byte_order_flag)
44 (defun $assume_external_byte_order (x)
45 (cond
46 ((eq x '$lsb)
47 (define-external-byte-order :lsb))
48 ((eq x '$msb)
49 (define-external-byte-order :msb))
51 (merror "assume_external_byte_order: unrecognized byte order flag: ~a" x))))
53 (defun lisp-or-declared-maxima-array-p (x)
54 (or (arrayp x) (mget x 'array)))
58 (defun $openw_binary (file)
59 (open
60 #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring file)
61 #-sbcl file
62 :direction :output
63 :if-exists :supersede
64 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
65 :if-does-not-exist :create))
67 (defun $opena_binary (file)
68 (open
69 #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring file)
70 #-sbcl file
71 :direction :output
72 :if-exists :append
73 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
74 :if-does-not-exist :create))
76 (defun $openr_binary (file) (open
77 #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring file)
78 #-sbcl file
79 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
81 ;; -------------------- read functions --------------------
83 ;; ---- functions to read a matrix
85 (defun $read_matrix (stream-or-filename &rest args)
86 (if ($matrixp (car args))
87 (let*
88 ((M (car args))
89 (sep-ch-flag (cadr args))
90 (nrow (length (cdr M)))
91 (ncol (if (> nrow 0) (length (cdadr M)) 0))
92 (L ($read_list stream-or-filename sep-ch-flag (* nrow ncol))))
94 (fill-matrix-from-list L M nrow ncol))
95 (let*
96 ((sep-ch-flag (car args))
97 (rows-list (cdr ($read_nested_list stream-or-filename sep-ch-flag)))
98 (rows-list-nonempty (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (= ($length x) 0)) rows-list)))
99 `(($matrix) ,@rows-list-nonempty))))
101 (defun $read_binary_matrix (stream-or-filename M)
102 (if ($matrixp M)
103 (let*
104 ((nrow (length (cdr M)))
105 (ncol (if (> nrow 0) (length (cdadr M)) 0))
106 (L ($read_binary_list stream-or-filename (* nrow ncol))))
108 (fill-matrix-from-list L M nrow ncol))
109 (merror "read_binary_matrix: expected a matrix, found ~a instead" (type-of M))))
111 (defun fill-matrix-from-list (L M nrow ncol)
112 (let ((k 0))
113 (dotimes (i nrow)
114 (let ((row (nth (1+ i) M)))
115 (dotimes (j ncol)
116 (setf (nth (1+ j) row) (nth (1+ k) L))
117 (setq k (1+ k))))))
120 ;; ---- functions to read a Lisp array or Maxima declared array
122 (defun $read_array (stream-or-filename &rest args)
123 (if (and args (lisp-or-declared-maxima-array-p (car args)))
124 (let
125 ((A (car args))
126 (sep-ch-flag (and (cdr args) (cadr args)))
127 (mode 'text))
128 (read-into-existing-array stream-or-filename A sep-ch-flag mode))
129 (let
130 ((sep-ch-flag (and args (car args)))
131 (mode 'text))
132 (read-and-return-new-array stream-or-filename sep-ch-flag mode))))
134 (defun $read_binary_array (file-name &rest args)
135 (if (car args)
136 (read-into-existing-array file-name (car args) nil 'binary)
137 (read-and-return-new-array file-name nil 'binary)))
139 (defun read-into-existing-array (file-name A sep-ch-flag mode)
140 (if (not (arrayp A))
141 (setq A (get (mget A 'array) 'array)))
142 (let*
143 ((dimensions (array-dimensions A))
144 (n (apply #'* dimensions)))
145 (read-into-existing-array-size-known file-name A sep-ch-flag mode n)
146 '$done))
148 (defun read-into-existing-array-size-known (stream-or-filename A sep-ch-flag mode n)
149 (if (streamp stream-or-filename)
150 (read-into-existing-array-size-known-from-stream stream-or-filename A sep-ch-flag mode n)
151 (let ((file-name (require-string stream-or-filename)))
152 (with-open-file
153 (in
154 #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring file-name)
155 #-sbcl file-name
156 :if-does-not-exist nil
157 :element-type (if (eq mode 'text) 'character '(unsigned-byte 8)))
158 (if (not (null in))
159 (read-into-existing-array-size-known-from-stream in A sep-ch-flag mode n)
160 (merror "read_array: no such file `~a'" file-name))))))
162 (defun read-into-existing-array-size-known-from-stream (in A sep-ch-flag mode n)
163 (let (x (sep-ch (get-input-sep-ch sep-ch-flag in)))
164 (if (eq mode 'text) (reset-for-parse-next-element))
165 (dotimes (i n)
166 (if (eq (setq x (if (eq mode 'text) (parse-next-element in sep-ch) (read-float-64 in))) 'eof)
167 (return A))
168 (setf (row-major-aref A i) x))))
170 (defun read-into-existing-array-size-unknown-from-stream (in A sep-ch mode)
171 (let (x)
172 (if (eq mode 'text) (reset-for-parse-next-element))
173 (loop
174 (if (eq (setq x (if (eq mode 'text) (parse-next-element in sep-ch) (read-float-64 in))) 'eof)
175 (return A))
176 (vector-push-extend x A))))
178 (defun read-and-return-new-array (stream-or-filename sep-ch-flag mode)
179 (if (streamp stream-or-filename)
180 (read-and-return-new-array-from-stream stream-or-filename sep-ch-flag mode)
181 (let ((file-name (require-string stream-or-filename)))
182 (with-open-file
184 #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring file-name)
185 #-sbcl file-name
186 :if-does-not-exist nil
187 :element-type (if (eq mode 'text) 'character '(unsigned-byte 8)))
188 (if (not (null in))
189 (read-and-return-new-array-from-stream in sep-ch-flag mode)
190 (merror "read_array: no such file `~a'" file-name))))))
192 (defun read-and-return-new-array-from-stream (in sep-ch-flag mode)
193 (let ((A (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t))
194 (sep-ch (if (eq mode 'text) (get-input-sep-ch sep-ch-flag in))))
195 (read-into-existing-array-size-unknown-from-stream in A sep-ch mode)))
197 ;; ---- functions to read a Maxima undeclared array
199 (defun $read_hashed_array (stream-or-filename A &optional sep-ch-flag)
200 (if (streamp stream-or-filename)
201 (read-hashed-array-from-stream stream-or-filename A sep-ch-flag)
202 (let ((file-name (require-string stream-or-filename)))
203 (with-open-file (in
204 #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring file-name)
205 #-sbcl file-name
206 :if-does-not-exist nil)
207 (if (not (null in))
208 (read-hashed-array-from-stream in A sep-ch-flag)
209 (merror "read_hashed_array no such file `~a'" file-name))))))
211 (defun read-hashed-array-from-stream (in A sep-ch-flag)
212 (let (key L (sep-ch (get-input-sep-ch sep-ch-flag in)))
213 (loop
214 (setq L (read-line in nil 'eof))
215 (if (eq L 'eof) (return))
216 (setq L (make-mlist-from-string L sep-ch))
217 (cond
218 ((> ($length L) 0)
219 (setq key ($first L))
220 (if (= ($length L) 1)
221 (arrstore (list (list A 'array) key) nil)
222 (arrstore (list (list A 'array) key) ($rest L)))))))
225 ;; ---- functions to read a list or nested list
227 (defun $read_nested_list (stream-or-filename &optional sep-ch-flag)
228 (if (streamp stream-or-filename)
229 (read-nested-list-from-stream stream-or-filename sep-ch-flag)
230 (let ((file-name (require-string stream-or-filename)))
231 (with-open-file (in
232 #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring file-name)
233 #-sbcl file-name
234 :if-does-not-exist nil)
235 (if (not (null in))
236 (read-nested-list-from-stream in sep-ch-flag)
237 (merror "read_nested_list: no such file `~a'" file-name))))))
239 (defun read-nested-list-from-stream (in sep-ch-flag)
240 (let (A L (sep-ch (get-input-sep-ch sep-ch-flag in)))
241 (loop
242 (setq L (read-line in nil 'eof))
243 (if (eq L 'eof)
244 (return (cons '(mlist simp) (nreverse A))))
245 (setq A (cons (make-mlist-from-string L sep-ch) A)))))
247 (defun $read_list (stream-or-filename &rest args)
248 (if ($listp (car args))
249 (let*
250 ((L (car args))
251 (sep-ch-flag (cadr args))
252 (n (or (caddr args) ($length L))))
253 (read-into-existing-list stream-or-filename L sep-ch-flag 'text n))
254 (if (integerp (car args))
255 (let ((n (car args)))
256 (read-list stream-or-filename nil 'text n))
257 (let ((sep-ch-flag (car args)) (n (cadr args)))
258 (read-list stream-or-filename sep-ch-flag 'text n)))))
260 (defun read-into-existing-list (stream-or-filename L sep-ch-flag mode n)
261 (if (streamp stream-or-filename)
262 (read-into-existing-list-from-stream stream-or-filename L sep-ch-flag mode n)
263 (let ((file-name (require-string stream-or-filename)))
264 (with-open-file
265 (in
266 #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring file-name)
267 #-sbcl file-name
268 :if-does-not-exist nil
269 :element-type (if (eq mode 'text) 'character '(unsigned-byte 8)))
270 (if (not (null in))
271 (read-into-existing-list-from-stream in L sep-ch-flag mode n)
272 (merror "read_list: no such file `~a'" file-name))))))
274 (defun read-into-existing-list-from-stream (in L sep-ch-flag mode n)
275 (let (x (sep-ch (if (eq mode 'text) (get-input-sep-ch sep-ch-flag in))))
276 (if (eq mode 'text) (reset-for-parse-next-element))
277 (dotimes (i n)
278 (if (eq (setq x (if (eq mode 'text) (parse-next-element in sep-ch) (read-float-64 in))) 'eof)
279 (return))
280 (setf (nth (1+ i) L) x))
283 (defun read-list (stream-or-filename sep-ch-flag mode n)
284 (if (streamp stream-or-filename)
285 (read-list-from-stream stream-or-filename sep-ch-flag mode n)
286 (let ((file-name (require-string stream-or-filename)))
287 (with-open-file
289 #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring file-name)
290 #-sbcl file-name
291 :if-does-not-exist nil
292 :element-type (if (eq mode 'text) 'character '(unsigned-byte 8)))
293 (if (not (null in))
294 (read-list-from-stream in sep-ch-flag mode n)
295 (merror "read_list: no such file `~a'" file-name))))))
297 (defun read-list-from-stream (in sep-ch-flag mode n)
298 (let (A x (sep-ch (if (eq mode 'text) (get-input-sep-ch sep-ch-flag in))))
299 (if (eq mode 'text) (reset-for-parse-next-element))
300 (loop
303 (and n (eql n 0))
304 (eq (setq x (if (eq mode 'text) (parse-next-element in sep-ch) (read-float-64 in)))
305 'eof))
306 (return (cons '(mlist simp) (nreverse A))))
307 (setq A (nconc (list x) A))
308 (if n (decf n)))))
310 (defun $read_binary_list (stream-or-filename &rest args)
311 (if ($listp (car args))
312 (let*
313 ((L (car args))
314 (n (or (cadr args) ($length L))))
315 (read-into-existing-list stream-or-filename L nil 'binary n))
316 (let ((n (car args)))
317 (read-list stream-or-filename nil 'binary n))))
319 (defun make-mlist-from-string (s sep-ch)
320 ; scan-one-token-g isn't happy with symbol at end of string.
321 (setq s (concatenate 'string s " "))
323 (with-input-from-string (*parse-stream* s)
324 (let ((token) (L) (LL) (sign) (found-token) (found-sep))
325 (loop
326 (setq token (scan-one-token-g t 'eof))
327 (cond
328 ((eq token 'eof)
329 (cond
330 ((not (null sign))
331 (format t "numericalio: trailing sign (~S) at end of line; strange, but just eat it.~%" sign)))
332 (cond
333 ((eql sep-ch #\space)
334 (return (cons '(mlist) LL)))
336 (if (or found-token found-sep)
337 (return (cons '(mlist) (appropriate-append L LL)))
338 ;; We reached EOF without encountering a token or a separator;
339 ;; this is an empty line.
340 (return '((mlist))))))))
341 (cond
342 ((or (eq token '$-) (eq token '$+))
343 (setq sign (cond ((eq token '$-) -1) (t 1))))
345 (cond
346 ((not (null sign))
347 (setq token (m* sign token))
348 (setq sign nil)))
349 (cond
350 ((eql sep-ch #\space)
351 (setq found-token token)
352 (setq LL (append LL (list token))))
354 (cond
355 ((eql token sep-ch)
356 (setq found-sep token)
357 (setq L (appropriate-append L LL))
358 (setq LL nil))
360 (setq found-token token)
361 (setq LL (append LL (list token)))))))))))))
363 (defun appropriate-append (L LL)
364 (cond
365 ((null LL) (append L '(nil)))
366 ((= (length LL) 1) (append L LL))
367 (t (append L (list (append '((mlist)) LL))))))
369 ;; ----- begin backwards compatibility stuff ... sigh -----
370 (defun $read_lisp_array (file-name A &optional sep-ch-flag)
371 ($read_array file-name A sep-ch-flag))
373 (defun $read_maxima_array (file-name A &optional sep-ch-flag)
374 ($read_array file-name A sep-ch-flag))
375 ;; ----- end backwards compatibility stuff ... sigh -----
377 ;; ---- read one element
379 (defvar newline-symbol (intern (coerce '(#\$ #\newline) 'string)))
380 (defvar whitespace-sans-newline (remove #\newline *whitespace-chars*))
382 (let (prev-token-sep-ch sign start-of-line)
384 (defun reset-for-parse-next-element ()
385 (setq prev-token-sep-ch nil)
386 (setq sign 1)
387 (setq start-of-line t))
389 (defun parse-next-element (in sep-ch)
390 (let
391 ((*parse-stream* in)
392 ;; Treat newline as a token, so leading/trailing separators can be detected,
393 ;; when separator is anything other than a space.
394 (*whitespace-chars* (if (eql sep-ch #\space) *whitespace-chars* whitespace-sans-newline))
395 token)
396 (loop
397 (setq token (scan-one-token-g t 'eof))
398 (cond
399 ((eq token newline-symbol)
400 (setq start-of-line t)
401 (when prev-token-sep-ch
402 (setq prev-token-sep-ch nil)
403 (return nil)))
404 ((eq token 'eof)
405 (if prev-token-sep-ch
406 (progn
407 (setq prev-token-sep-ch nil)
408 (return nil))
409 (return 'eof)))
410 ((and (eql token sep-ch) (not (eql sep-ch #\space))) ;; TEST FOR #\SPACE IS REDUNDANT
411 ;; We have a separator token.
412 ;; If the preceding token was also a separator,
413 ;; or we're at the start of a line, return NIL.
414 (if (or prev-token-sep-ch start-of-line)
415 (progn
416 (setq start-of-line nil)
417 (return nil))
418 (setq prev-token-sep-ch token)))
419 ((prog nil (setq start-of-line nil)))
420 ((prog nil (setq prev-token-sep-ch nil)))
421 ((member token '($- $+))
422 (setq sign (* sign (if (eq token '$-) -1 1))))
424 (let ((return-value (m* sign token)))
425 (setq sign 1)
426 (return return-value))))))))
429 ;; -------------------- write functions -------------------
431 (defun open-file-appropriately (file-name mode)
432 (open
433 #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring file-name)
434 #-sbcl file-name
435 :direction :output
436 :element-type (if (eq mode 'text) 'character '(unsigned-byte 8))
437 :if-exists (if (or (eq $file_output_append '$true) (eq $file_output_append t)) :append :supersede)
438 :if-does-not-exist :create))
440 (defun $write_data (X stream-or-filename &optional sep-ch-flag)
441 (write-data X stream-or-filename sep-ch-flag 'text))
443 (defun $write_binary_data (X stream-or-filename)
444 (write-data X stream-or-filename nil 'binary))
446 (defun write-data (X stream-or-filename sep-ch-flag mode)
447 (let
448 ((out
449 (if (streamp stream-or-filename)
450 stream-or-filename
451 (open-file-appropriately (require-string stream-or-filename) mode))))
452 (cond
453 (($matrixp X)
454 (write-matrix X out sep-ch-flag mode))
455 ((arrayp X)
456 (write-lisp-array X out sep-ch-flag mode))
457 ((mget X 'array)
458 (write-maxima-array X out sep-ch-flag mode))
459 ((mget X 'hashar)
460 (write-hashed-array X out sep-ch-flag mode))
461 (($listp X)
462 (write-list X out sep-ch-flag mode))
463 (t (merror "write_data: don't know what to do with a ~M" (type-of X))))
464 (if (streamp stream-or-filename)
465 (finish-output out)
466 (close out))
467 '$done))
469 (defun write-matrix (M out sep-ch-flag mode)
470 (let ((sep-ch (get-output-sep-ch sep-ch-flag out)))
471 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (write-list-lowlevel (cdr x) out sep-ch mode)) (cdr M))))
473 (defun write-lisp-array (A out sep-ch-flag mode)
474 (let ((sep-ch (get-output-sep-ch sep-ch-flag out)) (d (array-dimensions A)))
475 (write-lisp-array-helper A d '() out sep-ch mode)))
477 (defun write-lisp-array-helper (A d indices out sep-ch mode)
478 (cond ((equalp (length d) 1)
479 (let ((L '()))
480 (loop for i from 0 to (- (car d) 1) do
481 (let ((x (apply 'aref (append (list A) (reverse (cons i indices))))))
482 (setq L (cons x L))))
483 (write-list-lowlevel (reverse L) out sep-ch mode)))
485 (loop for i from 0 to (- (car d) 1) do
486 (write-lisp-array-helper A (cdr d) (cons i indices) out sep-ch mode)
487 (if (and (eq mode 'text) (> (length d) 2))
488 (terpri out))))))
490 (defun write-maxima-array (A out sep-ch-flag mode)
491 (write-lisp-array (symbol-array (mget A 'array)) out sep-ch-flag mode))
493 (defun write-hashed-array (A out sep-ch-flag mode)
494 (let
495 ((keys (cdddr (meval (list '($arrayinfo) A))))
496 (sep-ch (get-output-sep-ch sep-ch-flag out))
498 (loop
499 (if (not keys) (return))
500 (setq L ($arrayapply A (car keys)))
501 (cond ((listp L) (pop L))
502 (t (setq L (list L))))
503 (write-list-lowlevel (append (cdr (pop keys)) L) out sep-ch mode))))
505 (defun write-list (L out sep-ch-flag mode)
506 (let ((sep-ch (get-output-sep-ch sep-ch-flag out)))
507 (write-list-lowlevel (cdr L) out sep-ch mode)))
509 (defun write-list-lowlevel (L out sep-ch mode)
510 (setq sep-ch (cond ((symbolp sep-ch) (cadr (exploden sep-ch))) (t sep-ch)))
511 (cond
512 ((null L) (terpri out))
514 (loop
515 (if (not L) (return))
516 (let ((e (pop L)))
517 (cond (($listp e)
518 (write-list-lowlevel (cdr e) out sep-ch mode))
520 (cond
521 ((eq mode 'text)
522 (let
523 (($lispdisp t))
524 (declare (special $lispdisp))
525 (mgrind e out))
526 (cond
527 ((null L) (terpri out))
528 (t (write-char sep-ch out))))
529 ((eq mode 'binary)
530 (if ($numberp e)
531 (write-float ($float e) out)
532 (merror "write_data: encountered non-numeric data in binary output")))
534 (merror "write_data: unrecognized mode"))))))))))
536 (defun get-input-sep-ch (sep-ch-flag my-stream)
537 (cond
538 ((eq sep-ch-flag '$tab)
539 (format t "numericalio: separator flag ``tab'' not recognized for input; assume ``space'' instead.~%")
540 #\space)
541 (t (get-output-sep-ch sep-ch-flag my-stream))))
543 (defun get-output-sep-ch (sep-ch-flag my-stream)
544 (cond
545 ((eq sep-ch-flag '$space) #\space)
546 ((eq sep-ch-flag '$tab) #\tab)
547 ((or (eq sep-ch-flag '$comma) (eq sep-ch-flag '$csv)) '$\,) ; '$csv is backwards compatibility ... sigh
548 ((eq sep-ch-flag '$pipe) '$\|)
549 ((eq sep-ch-flag '$semicolon) '$\;)
551 ((stringp sep-ch-flag)
552 (if (/= (length sep-ch-flag) 1)
553 (progn (format t "numericalio: unrecognized separator; assume ``space''.~%")
554 #\space)
555 (let ((would-be-sep-ch (aref sep-ch-flag 0)))
556 (cond
557 ((eq would-be-sep-ch #\space) #\space)
558 ((eq would-be-sep-ch #\tab) #\tab)
559 ((eq would-be-sep-ch #\,) '$\,)
560 ((eq would-be-sep-ch #\|) '$\|)
561 ((eq would-be-sep-ch #\;) '$\;)
563 (format t "numericalio: separator flag ~S not recognized; assume ``space''.~%" would-be-sep-ch)
564 #\space)))))
565 ((null sep-ch-flag)
566 (cond
567 ((ignore-errors (equal (pathname-type (truename my-stream)) "csv"))
568 '$\,)
569 (t #\space)))
571 (format t "numericalio: separator flag ~S not recognized; assume ``space''.~%" (stripdollar sep-ch-flag))
572 #\space)))
574 (defun require-string (s)
575 (cond
576 ((stringp s)
579 (merror "numericalio: expected a string, instead found a ~:M" (type-of s)))))