2 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 c Demonstration program for DLSODPK.
4 c ODE system from ns-species interaction pde in 2 dimensions.
5 c This is the version of 14 June 2001.
7 c This version is in double precision.
8 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
9 c This program solves a stiff ODE system that arises from a system
10 c of partial differential equations. The PDE system is a food web
11 c population model, with predator-prey interaction and diffusion on
12 c the unit square in two dimensions. The dependent variable vector is
15 c c = (c , c , ..., c )
17 c and the PDEs are as follows:
20 c dc /dt = d(i)*(c + c ) + f (x,y,c) (i=1,...,ns)
25 c f (x,y,c) = c *(b(i) + sum a(i,j)*c )
28 c The number of species is ns = 2*np, with the first np being prey and
29 c the last np being predators. The coefficients a(i,j), b(i), d(i) are:
32 c a(i,j) = -g (i .le. np, j .gt. np)
33 c a(i,j) = e (i .gt. np, j .le. np)
34 c b(i) = b*(1 + alpha*x*y) (i .le. np)
35 c b(i) = -b*(1 + alpha*x*y) (i .gt. np)
36 c d(i) = dprey (i .le. np)
37 c d(i) = dpred (i .gt. np)
39 c The various scalar parameters are set in subroutine setpar.
41 c The boundary conditions are: normal derivative = 0.
42 c A polynomial in x and y is used to set the initial conditions.
44 c The PDEs are discretized by central differencing on a mx by my mesh.
46 c The ODE system is solved by DLSODPK using method flag values
47 c mf = 10, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29. The final time is tmax = 10, except
48 c that for mf = 10 it is tmax = 1.0d-3 because the problem is stiff,
49 c and for mf = 23 and 24 it is tmax = 2 because the lack of symmetry
50 c in the problem makes these methods more costly.
52 c Two preconditioner matrices are used. One uses a fixed number of
53 c Gauss-Seidel iterations based on the diffusion terms only.
54 c The other preconditioner is a block-diagonal matrix based on
55 c the partial derivatives of the interaction terms f only, using
56 c block-grouping (computing only a subset of the ns by ns blocks).
57 c For mf = 21 and 22, these two preconditioners are applied on
58 c the left and right, respectively, and for mf = 23 and 24 the product
59 c of the two is used as the one preconditioner matrix.
60 c For mf = 29, the inverse of the product is applied.
62 c Two output files are written: one with the problem description and
63 c and performance statistics on unit 6, and one with solution profiles
64 c at selected output times (for mf = 22 only) on unit 8.
65 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
66 c Note: In addition to the main program and 10 subroutines
67 c given below, this program requires the LINPACK subroutines
68 c DGEFA and DGESL, and the BLAS routine DAXPY.
69 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
71 c Peter N. Brown and Alan C. Hindmarsh,
72 c Reduced Storage Matrix Methods in Stiff ODE Systems,
73 c J. Appl. Math. & Comp., 31 (1989), pp. 40-91;
74 c Also LLNL Report UCRL-95088, Rev. 1, June 1987.
75 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
76 external fweb
, jacbg
, solsbg
77 integer ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
78 1 mp
, mq
, mpsq
, itmax
79 2 meshx
80 integer i
, imod3
, iopt
, iout
, istate
, itask
, itol
, iwork
81 1 jacflg
, jpre
, leniw
, lenrw
, liw
, lrw
, mf
82 2 ncfl
, ncfn
, neq
, nfe
, nfldif
, nfndif
, nli
, nlidif
, nni
, nnidif
83 3 nout
, npe
, nps
, nqu
, nsdif
, nst
84 double precision aa
, ee
, gg
, bb
, dprey
, dpred
85 1 ax
, ay
, acoef
, bcoef
, dx
, dy
, alph
, diff
, cox
, coy
87 double precision avdim
, atol
, cc
, hu
, rcfl
, rcfn
, dumach
88 1 rtol
, rwork
, t
, tout
89 dimension neq
(1), atol
(1), rtol
91 c The problem Common blocks below allow for up to 20 species,
92 c up to a 50x50 mesh, and up to a 20x20 group structure.
93 common /pcom0
/ aa
, ee
, gg
, bb
, dprey
, dpred
94 common /pcom1
/ ax
, ay
, acoef
(20,20), bcoef
(20), dx
, dy
, alph
95 1 diff
(20), cox
(20), coy
(20), ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
96 common /pcom2
/ uround
, srur
, mp
, mq
, mpsq
, itmax
97 common /pcom3
/ meshx
, meshy
, ngx
, ngy
, ngrp
, mxmp
98 2 jgx
(21), jgy
(21), jigx
(50), jigy
(50), jxr
(20), jyr
100 c The dimension of cc below must be .ge. 2*neq, where neq = ns*mx*my.
101 c The dimension lrw of rwork must be .ge. 17*neq + ns*ns*ngrp + 61,
102 c and the dimension liw of iwork must be .ge. 35 + ns*ngrp.
103 dimension cc
(576), rwork
(5213), iwork
104 data lrw
/5213/, liw
106 open
=6, file
='demout', status
107 open
=8, file
='ccout', status
112 c Call setpar to set problem parameters.
115 c Set remaining problem parameters.
121 cox
) = diff
122 10 coy
) = diff
125 write(6,20)ns
, mx
126 20 format(' Demonstration program for DLSODPK package'//
127 1 ' Food web problem with ns species, ns =',i4
128 2 ' Predator-prey interaction and diffusion on a 2-d square'//
129 3 ' Mesh dimensions (mx,my) =',2i4
130 4 ' Total system size is neq =',i7
131 write(6,25) aa
132 25 format(' Matrix parameters: a =',d12
,' e =',d12
133 1 ' g =',d12
,' b =',d12
134 2 ' Diffusion coefficients: dprey =',d12
,' dpred =',d12
135 3 ' Rate parameter alpha =',d12
137 c Set remaining method parameters.
154 call gset
, ngx
, jgx
, jigx
, jxr
155 call gset
, ngy
, jgy
, jigy
, jyr
163 write(6,30)ngrp
164 30 format(' Preconditioning uses interaction-only block-diagonal',
165 1 ' matrix'/' with block-grouping, and Gauss-Seidel iterations'//
166 2 ' Number of diagonal block groups = ngrp =',i4
167 3 ' (ngx by ngy, ngx =',i2
,' ngy =',i2
,' )'//
168 4 ' G-S preconditioner uses itmax iterations, itmax =',i3
169 5 ' Tolerance parameters: rtol =',d10
,' atol =',d10
172 c Loop over mf values 10, 21, ..., 24, 29.
175 if (mf
. 10 .and
. mf
. 21) go to 90
176 if (mf
. 24 .and
. mf
. 29) go to 90
178 40 format(//80('-')//' Solution with mf =',i3
179 1 ' t nstep nfe nni nli npe nq',
180 2 4x
,'h avdim ncf rate lcf rate')
185 if (mf
. 10) nout
= 6
186 if (mf
. 23 .or
. mf
. 24) nout
= 10
188 if (mf
. 22) call outweb
, cc
, ns
, mx
, my
, 8)
196 c Loop over output times and call DLSODPK.
199 call dlsodpk
, neq
, cc
, t
, tout
, itol
, rtol
, atol
, itask
200 1 istate
, iopt
, rwork
, lrw
, iwork
, liw
, jacbg
, solsbg
, mf
201 nsdif
= iwork
(11) - nst
205 nnidif
= iwork
(19) - nni
207 nlidif
= iwork
(20) - nli
209 nfndif
= iwork
(22) - ncfn
211 nfldif
= iwork
(23) - ncfl
218 if (nnidif
. 0) avdim
= real(nlidif
219 if (nsdif
. 0) rcfn
= real(nfndif
220 if (nnidif
. 0) rcfl
= real(nfldif
221 write(6,50)t
222 50 format(d10
223 imod3
= iout
- 3*(iout
224 if (mf
. 22 .and
. imod3
. 0) call outweb
225 if (istate
. 2) go to 65
227 60 format(//' final time reached =',d12
230 if (tout
. 0.9d0
) tout
= tout
+ 1.0d0
231 if (tout
. 0.9d0
) tout
= tout*10
243 if (nni
. 0) avdim
= real(nli
246 write (6,80) lenrw
248 80 format(//' Final statistics for this run:'/
249 1 ' rwork size =',i8
,' iwork size =',i6
250 2 ' number of time steps =',i5
251 3 ' number of f evaluations =',i5
252 4 ' number of preconditioner evals. =',i5
253 4 ' number of preconditioner solves =',i5
254 5 ' number of nonlinear iterations =',i5
255 5 ' number of linear iterations =',i5
256 6 ' average subspace dimension =',f8
257 7 i5
,' nonlinear conv. failures,',i5
,' linear conv. failures')
261 c------ end of main program for DLSODPK demonstration program ----------
265 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
266 c This routine sets the problem parameters.
267 c It set ns, mx, my, and problem coefficients acoef, bcoef, diff, alph,
268 c using parameters np, aa, ee, gg, bb, dprey, dpred.
269 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
270 integer ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
272 double precision aa
, ee
, gg
, bb
, dprey
, dpred
273 1 ax
, ay
, acoef
, bcoef
, dx
, dy
, alph
, diff
, cox
, coy
274 common /pcom0
/ aa
, ee
, gg
, bb
, dprey
, dpred
275 common /pcom1
/ ax
, ay
, acoef
(20,20), bcoef
(20), dx
, dy
, alph
276 1 diff
(20), cox
(20), coy
(20), ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
295 acoef
) = -aa
303 c------------ end of subroutine setpar -------------------------------
306 subroutine gset
, ng
, jg
, jig
, jr
307 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
308 c This routine sets arrays jg, jig, and jr describing
309 c a uniform partition of (1,2,...,m) into ng groups.
310 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
311 integer m
, ng
, jg
, jig
, jr
312 dimension jg
(*), jig
(*), jr
313 integer ig
, j
, len1
, mper
, ngm1
317 10 jg
) = 1 + (ig
- 1)*mper
323 20 jig
) = 1 + (j
329 30 jr
) = 0.5d0
+ (ig
- 0.5d0
330 jr
) = 0.5d0*
(1 + ngm1*mper
+ m
333 c------------ end of subroutine gset ---------------------------------
336 subroutine cinit
337 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
338 c This routine computes and loads the vector of initial values.
339 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
342 integer ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
343 integer i
, ici
, ioff
, iyoff
, jx
, jy
344 double precision ax
345 double precision argx
, argy
, x
, y
346 common /pcom1
/ ax
, ay
, acoef
(20,20), bcoef
(20), dx
, dy
, alph
347 1 diff
(20), cox
(20), coy
(20), ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
351 argy
= 16.0d0*y*y*
355 argx
= 16.0d0*x*x*
356 ioff
= iyoff
+ ns*
359 cc
) = 10.0d0
+ i*argx*argy
364 c------------ end of subroutine cinit --------------------------------
367 subroutine outweb
, c
, ns
, mx
, my
, lun
368 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
369 c This routine prints the values of the individual species densities
370 c at the current time t. The write statements use unit lun.
371 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
372 integer ns
, mx
, my
, lun
373 double precision t
, c
374 dimension c
378 10 format(/80('-')/30x
,'At time t = ',d16
/80('-') )
382 20 format(' the species c(',i2
,') values are:')
384 write(lun
,25) (c
385 25 format(6(1x
392 c------------ end of subroutine outweb -------------------------------
395 subroutine fweb
, t
, cc
, cdot
396 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
397 c This routine computes the derivative of cc and returns it in cdot.
398 c The interaction rates are computed by calls to webr, and these are
399 c saved in cc(neq+1),...,cc(2*neq) for use in preconditioning.
400 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
402 double precision t
, cc
, cdot
403 dimension cc
(*), cdot
404 integer ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
405 integer i
, ic
, ici
, idxl
, idxu
, idyl
, idyu
, iyoff
, jx
, jy
406 double precision ax
407 double precision dcxli
, dcxui
, dcyli
, dcyui
, x
, y
408 common /pcom1
/ ax
, ay
, acoef
(20,20), bcoef
(20), dx
, dy
, alph
409 1 diff
(20), cox
(20), coy
(20), ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
415 if (jy
. my
) idyu
= -mxns
417 if (jy
. 1) idyl
= -mxns
420 ic
= iyoff
+ ns*
-1) + 1
421 c Get interaction rates at one point (x,y).
422 call webr
, y
, t
, cc
), cc
424 if (jx
. mx
) idxu
= -ns
426 if (jx
. 1) idxl
= -ns
429 c Do differencing in y.
430 dcyli
= cc
) - cc
431 dcyui
= cc
) - cc
432 c Do differencing in x.
433 dcxli
= cc
) - cc
434 dcxui
= cc
) - cc
435 c Collect terms and load cdot elements.
436 cdot
) = coy
- dcyli
) + cox
- dcxli
442 c------------ end of subroutine fweb ---------------------------------
445 subroutine webr
, y
, t
, c
, rate
446 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
447 c This routine computes the interaction rates for the species
448 c c(1),...,c(ns), at one spatial point and at time t.
449 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
450 double precision x
, y
, t
, c
, rate
451 dimension c
(*), rate
452 integer ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
454 double precision ax
456 common /pcom1
/ ax
, ay
, acoef
(20,20), bcoef
(20), dx
, dy
, alph
457 1 diff
(20), cox
(20), coy
(20), ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
462 call daxpy
, c
), acoef
), 1, rate
, 1)
464 fac
= 1.0d0
+ alph*x*y
466 20 rate
) = c
+ rate
468 c------------ end of subroutine webr ---------------------------------
471 subroutine jacbg
, neq
, t
, cc
, ccsv
, rewt
, f0
, f1
, hl0
473 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
474 c This routine generates part of the block-diagonal part of the
475 c Jacobian, multiplies by -hl0, adds the identity matrix,
476 c and calls DGEFA to do LU decomposition of each diagonal block.
477 c The computation of the diagonal blocks uses the block and grouping
478 c information in /pcom1/ and /pcom2/. One block per group is computed.
479 c The Jacobian elements are generated by difference quotients
480 c using calls to the routine fbg.
481 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
482 c The two Common blocks below are used for internal communication.
483 c The variables used are:
484 c mp = size of blocks in block-diagonal preconditioning matrix.
485 c mq = number of blocks in each direction (neq = mp*mq).
487 c uround = unit roundoff, generated by a call uround = dumach().
488 c srur = sqrt(uround).
489 c meshx = x mesh size
490 c meshy = y mesh size (mesh is meshx by meshy)
491 c ngx = no. groups in x direction in block-grouping scheme.
492 c ngy = no. groups in y direction in block-grouping scheme.
493 c ngrp = total number of groups = ngx*ngy.
495 c jgx = length ngx+1 array of group boundaries in x direction.
496 c group igx has x indices jx = jgx(igx),...,jgx(igx+1)-1.
497 c jigx = length meshx array of x group indices vs x node index.
498 c x node index jx is in x group jigx(jx).
499 c jxr = length ngx array of x indices representing the x groups.
500 c the index for x group igx is jx = jxr(igx).
501 c jgy, jigy, jyr = analogous arrays for grouping in y direction.
502 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
504 integer neq
, ipbd
, ier
505 double precision t
, cc
, ccsv
, rewt
, f0
, f1
, hl0
, bd
506 dimension cc
(*), ccsv
(*), rewt
(*), f0
(*), f1
509 integer mp
, mq
, mpsq
, itmax
510 2 meshx
511 integer i
, ibd
, idiag
, if0
, if00
, ig
, igx
, igy
, iip
513 double precision uround
, srur
514 double precision fac
, r
, r0
, dvnorm
516 common /pcom2
/ uround
, srur
, mp
, mq
, mpsq
, itmax
517 common /pcom3
/ meshx
, meshy
, ngx
, ngy
, ngrp
, mxmp
518 1 jgx
(21), jgy
(21), jigx
(50), jigy
(50), jxr
(20), jyr
522 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
523 c Make mp calls to fbg to approximate each diagonal block of Jacobian.
524 c Here cc(neq+1),...,cc(2*neq) contains the base fb value.
525 c r0 is a minimum increment factor for the difference quotient.
526 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
527 200 fac
= dvnorm
, f0
, rewt
528 r0
= 1000.0d0*abs
529 if (r0
. 0.0d0
) r0
= 1.0d0
536 if0
= if00
+ (jx
- 1)*mp
539 r
= max
542 call fbg
, t
, cc
, jx
, jy
, f1
544 210 bd
) = (f1
) - cc
551 c Add identity matrix and do LU decompositions on blocks. --------------
558 bd
) = bd
) + 1.0d0
559 270 idiag
= idiag
+ (mp
+ 1)
560 call dgefa
), mp
, mp
, ipbd
), ier
561 if (ier
. 0) go to 290
566 c------------ end of subroutine jacbg --------------------------------
569 subroutine fbg
, t
, cc
, jx
, jy
, cdot
570 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
571 c This routine computes one block of the interaction terms of the
572 c system, namely block (jx,jy), for use in preconditioning.
573 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
575 double precision t
, cc
, cdot
576 dimension cc
), cdot
577 integer ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
579 double precision ax
580 double precision x
, y
582 common /pcom1
/ ax
, ay
, acoef
(20,20), bcoef
(20), dx
, dy
, alph
583 1 diff
(20), cox
(20), coy
(20), ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
585 iblok
= jx
+ (jy
588 ic
= ns*
-1) + 1
589 call webr
, y
, t
, cc
), cdot
591 c------------ end of subroutine fbg ----------------------------------
594 subroutine solsbg
, t
, cc
, f0
, wk
, hl0
, bd
, ipbd
, v
, lr
, ier
595 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
596 c This routine applies one or two inverse preconditioner matrices
597 c to the array v, using the interaction-only block-diagonal Jacobian
598 c with block-grouping, and Gauss-Seidel applied to the diffusion terms.
599 c When lr = 1 or 3, it calls gs for a Gauss-Seidel approximation
600 c to ((I-hl0*Jd)-inverse)*v, and stores the result in v.
601 c When lr = 2 or 3, it computes ((I-hl0*dg/dc)-inverse)*v, using LU
602 c factors of the blocks in bd, and pivot information in ipbd.
603 c In both cases, the array v is overwritten with the solution.
604 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
605 integer n
, ipbd
, lr
, ier
606 double precision t
, cc
, f0
, wk
, hl0
, bd
, v
607 dimension cc
(*), f0
(*), wk
(*), bd
(*), ipbd
(*), v
609 integer mp
, mq
, mpsq
, itmax
610 2 meshx
611 integer ibd
, ig0
, igm1
, igx
, igy
, iip
, iv
, jx
, jy
612 double precision uround
, srur
614 common /pcom2
/ uround
, srur
, mp
, mq
, mpsq
, itmax
615 common /pcom3
/ meshx
, meshy
, ngx
, ngy
, ngrp
, mxmp
616 1 jgx
(21), jgy
(21), jigx
(50), jigy
(50), jxr
(20), jyr
620 if (lr
.0 .or
. lr
.1 .or
. lr
.3) call gs
, hl0
, v
, wk
621 if (lr
.0 .or
. lr
.2 .or
. lr
.3) then
631 call dgesl
), mp
, mp
, ipbd
), v
), 0)
638 c------------ end of subroutine solsbg -------------------------------
641 subroutine gs
, hl0
, z
, x
642 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
643 c This routine performs itmax Gauss-Seidel iterations
644 c to compute an approximation to P-inverse*z, where P = I - hl0*Jd, and
645 c Jd represents the diffusion contributions to the Jacobian.
646 c z contains the answer on return.
647 c The dimensions below assume ns .le. 20.
648 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
650 double precision hl0
, z
, x
653 integer ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
654 1 mp
, mq
, mpsq
, itmax
655 integer i
, ic
, ici
, iter
, iyoff
, jx
, jy
656 double precision ax
658 double precision beta
659 dimension beta
(20), gamma
(20), beta2
(20), gamma2
(20), cof1
660 common /pcom1
/ ax
, ay
, acoef
(20,20), bcoef
(20), dx
, dy
, alph
661 1 diff
(20), cox
(20), coy
(20), ns
, mx
, my
, mxns
662 common /pcom2
/ uround
, srur
, mp
, mq
, mpsq
, itmax
664 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
665 c Write matrix as P = D - L - U.
666 c Load local arrays beta, beta2, gamma, gamma2, and cof1.
667 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
669 elamda
= 1.d0
+ 2.d0*hl0*
) + coy
670 beta
) = hl0*cox
671 beta2
) = 2.d0*beta
672 gamma
) = hl0*coy
673 gamma2
) = 2.d0*gamma
676 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
677 c Begin iteration loop.
678 c Load array x with (D-inverse)*z for first iteration.
679 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
685 ic
= iyoff
+ ns*
688 x
) = cof1
694 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
695 c Calculate (D-inverse)*U*x.
696 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
704 75 x
) = beta2
) + gamma2
709 80 x
) = beta
) + gamma2
715 90 x
) = gamma2
722 95 x
) = beta2
) + gamma
724 ic
= iyoff
+ ns*
727 100 x
) = beta
) + gamma
730 ic
= iyoff
+ ns*
733 110 x
) = gamma
741 120 x
) = beta2
743 ic
= iyoff
+ ns*
746 125 x
) = beta
749 ic
= iyoff
+ ns*
753 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
754 c Calculate (I - (D-inverse)*L)-inverse * x.
755 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
762 170 x
) = x
) + beta
768 180 x
) = x
) + beta2
775 185 x
) = x
) + gamma
777 ic
= iyoff
+ ns*
780 x
) = (x
) + beta
781 1 + gamma
785 ic
= iyoff
+ ns*
788 x
) = (x
) + beta2
789 1 + gamma
798 215 x
) = x
) + gamma2
800 ic
= iyoff
+ ns*
803 x
) = (x
) + beta
804 1 + gamma2
808 ic
= iyoff
+ ns*
811 x
) = (x
) + beta2
812 1 + gamma2
814 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
815 c Add increment x to z.
816 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
818 300 z
) = z
) + x
820 if (iter
. itmax
) go to 70
822 c------------ end of subroutine gs -----------------------------------