Forgot to load lapack in a few examples
[maxima.git] / share / odepack / fortran / opkdemo5.f
1 program opkdemo5
2 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 c Demonstration program for DLSODPK.
4 c ODE system from ns-species interaction pde in 2 dimensions.
5 c This is the version of 14 June 2001.
7 c This version is in double precision.
8 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
9 c This program solves a stiff ODE system that arises from a system
10 c of partial differential equations. The PDE system is a food web
11 c population model, with predator-prey interaction and diffusion on
12 c the unit square in two dimensions. The dependent variable vector is
14 c 1 2 ns
15 c c = (c , c , ..., c )
17 c and the PDEs are as follows:
19 c i i i
20 c dc /dt = d(i)*(c + c ) + f (x,y,c) (i=1,...,ns)
21 c xx yy i
23 c where
24 c i ns j
25 c f (x,y,c) = c *(b(i) + sum a(i,j)*c )
26 c i j=1
28 c The number of species is ns = 2*np, with the first np being prey and
29 c the last np being predators. The coefficients a(i,j), b(i), d(i) are:
31 c a(i,i) = -a (all i)
32 c a(i,j) = -g (i .le. np, j .gt. np)
33 c a(i,j) = e (i .gt. np, j .le. np)
34 c b(i) = b*(1 + alpha*x*y) (i .le. np)
35 c b(i) = -b*(1 + alpha*x*y) (i .gt. np)
36 c d(i) = dprey (i .le. np)
37 c d(i) = dpred (i .gt. np)
39 c The various scalar parameters are set in subroutine setpar.
41 c The boundary conditions are: normal derivative = 0.
42 c A polynomial in x and y is used to set the initial conditions.
44 c The PDEs are discretized by central differencing on a mx by my mesh.
46 c The ODE system is solved by DLSODPK using method flag values
47 c mf = 10, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29. The final time is tmax = 10, except
48 c that for mf = 10 it is tmax = 1.0d-3 because the problem is stiff,
49 c and for mf = 23 and 24 it is tmax = 2 because the lack of symmetry
50 c in the problem makes these methods more costly.
52 c Two preconditioner matrices are used. One uses a fixed number of
53 c Gauss-Seidel iterations based on the diffusion terms only.
54 c The other preconditioner is a block-diagonal matrix based on
55 c the partial derivatives of the interaction terms f only, using
56 c block-grouping (computing only a subset of the ns by ns blocks).
57 c For mf = 21 and 22, these two preconditioners are applied on
58 c the left and right, respectively, and for mf = 23 and 24 the product
59 c of the two is used as the one preconditioner matrix.
60 c For mf = 29, the inverse of the product is applied.
62 c Two output files are written: one with the problem description and
63 c and performance statistics on unit 6, and one with solution profiles
64 c at selected output times (for mf = 22 only) on unit 8.
65 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
66 c Note: In addition to the main program and 10 subroutines
67 c given below, this program requires the LINPACK subroutines
68 c DGEFA and DGESL, and the BLAS routine DAXPY.
69 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
70 c Reference:
71 c Peter N. Brown and Alan C. Hindmarsh,
72 c Reduced Storage Matrix Methods in Stiff ODE Systems,
73 c J. Appl. Math. & Comp., 31 (1989), pp. 40-91;
74 c Also LLNL Report UCRL-95088, Rev. 1, June 1987.
75 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
76 external fweb, jacbg, solsbg
77 integer ns, mx, my, mxns,
78 1 mp, mq, mpsq, itmax,
79 2 meshx,meshy,ngx,ngy,ngrp,mxmp,jgx,jgy,jigx,jigy,jxr,jyr
80 integer i, imod3, iopt, iout, istate, itask, itol, iwork,
81 1 jacflg, jpre, leniw, lenrw, liw, lrw, mf,
82 2 ncfl, ncfn, neq, nfe, nfldif, nfndif, nli, nlidif, nni, nnidif,
83 3 nout, npe, nps, nqu, nsdif, nst
84 double precision aa, ee, gg, bb, dprey, dpred,
85 1 ax, ay, acoef, bcoef, dx, dy, alph, diff, cox, coy,
86 2 uround, srur
87 double precision avdim, atol, cc, hu, rcfl, rcfn, dumach,
88 1 rtol, rwork, t, tout
89 dimension neq(1), atol(1), rtol(1)
91 c The problem Common blocks below allow for up to 20 species,
92 c up to a 50x50 mesh, and up to a 20x20 group structure.
93 common /pcom0/ aa, ee, gg, bb, dprey, dpred
94 common /pcom1/ ax, ay, acoef(20,20), bcoef(20), dx, dy, alph,
95 1 diff(20), cox(20), coy(20), ns, mx, my, mxns
96 common /pcom2/ uround, srur, mp, mq, mpsq, itmax
97 common /pcom3/ meshx, meshy, ngx, ngy, ngrp, mxmp,
98 2 jgx(21), jgy(21), jigx(50), jigy(50), jxr(20), jyr(20)
100 c The dimension of cc below must be .ge. 2*neq, where neq = ns*mx*my.
101 c The dimension lrw of rwork must be .ge. 17*neq + ns*ns*ngrp + 61,
102 c and the dimension liw of iwork must be .ge. 35 + ns*ngrp.
103 dimension cc(576), rwork(5213), iwork(67)
104 data lrw/5213/, liw/67/
106 open (unit=6, file='demout', status='new')
107 open (unit=8, file='ccout', status='new')
109 ax = 1.0d0
110 ay = 1.0d0
112 c Call setpar to set problem parameters.
113 call setpar
115 c Set remaining problem parameters.
116 neq(1) = ns*mx*my
117 mxns = mx*ns
118 dx = ax/(mx-1)
119 dy = ay/(my-1)
120 do 10 i = 1,ns
121 cox(i) = diff(i)/dx**2
122 10 coy(i) = diff(i)/dy**2
124 c Write heading.
125 write(6,20)ns, mx,my,neq(1)
126 20 format(' Demonstration program for DLSODPK package'//
127 1 ' Food web problem with ns species, ns =',i4/
128 2 ' Predator-prey interaction and diffusion on a 2-d square'//
129 3 ' Mesh dimensions (mx,my) =',2i4/
130 4 ' Total system size is neq =',i7//)
131 write(6,25) aa,ee,gg,bb,dprey,dpred,alph
132 25 format(' Matrix parameters: a =',d12.4,' e =',d12.4,
133 1 ' g =',d12.4/20x,' b =',d12.4//
134 2 ' Diffusion coefficients: dprey =',d12.4,' dpred =',d12.4/
135 3 ' Rate parameter alpha =',d12.4//)
137 c Set remaining method parameters.
138 jpre = 3
139 jacflg = 1
140 iwork(3) = jpre
141 iwork(4) = jacflg
142 iopt = 0
143 mp = ns
144 mq = mx*my
145 mpsq = ns*ns
146 uround = dumach()
147 srur = sqrt(uround)
148 meshx = mx
149 meshy = my
150 mxmp = meshx*mp
151 ngx = 2
152 ngy = 2
153 ngrp = ngx*ngy
154 call gset (meshx, ngx, jgx, jigx, jxr)
155 call gset (meshy, ngy, jgy, jigy, jyr)
156 iwork(1) = mpsq*ngrp
157 iwork(2) = mp*ngrp
158 itmax = 5
159 itol = 1
160 rtol(1) = 1.0d-5
161 atol(1) = rtol(1)
162 itask = 1
163 write(6,30)ngrp,ngx,ngy,itmax,rtol(1),atol(1)
164 30 format(' Preconditioning uses interaction-only block-diagonal',
165 1 ' matrix'/' with block-grouping, and Gauss-Seidel iterations'//
166 2 ' Number of diagonal block groups = ngrp =',i4,
167 3 ' (ngx by ngy, ngx =',i2,' ngy =',i2,' )'//
168 4 ' G-S preconditioner uses itmax iterations, itmax =',i3//
169 5 ' Tolerance parameters: rtol =',d10.2,' atol =',d10.2)
172 c Loop over mf values 10, 21, ..., 24, 29.
174 do 90 mf = 10,29
175 if (mf .gt. 10 .and. mf .lt. 21) go to 90
176 if (mf .gt. 24 .and. mf .lt. 29) go to 90
177 write(6,40)mf
178 40 format(//80('-')//' Solution with mf =',i3//
179 1 ' t nstep nfe nni nli npe nq',
180 2 4x,'h avdim ncf rate lcf rate')
182 t = 0.0d0
183 tout = 1.0d-8
184 nout = 18
185 if (mf .eq. 10) nout = 6
186 if (mf .eq. 23 .or. mf .eq. 24) nout = 10
187 call cinit (cc)
188 if (mf .eq. 22) call outweb (t, cc, ns, mx, my, 8)
189 istate = 1
190 nli = 0
191 nni = 0
192 ncfn = 0
193 ncfl = 0
194 nst = 0
196 c Loop over output times and call DLSODPK.
198 do 70 iout = 1,nout
199 call dlsodpk (fweb, neq, cc, t, tout, itol, rtol, atol, itask,
200 1 istate, iopt, rwork, lrw, iwork, liw, jacbg, solsbg, mf)
201 nsdif = iwork(11) - nst
202 nst = iwork(11)
203 nfe = iwork(12)
204 npe = iwork(13)
205 nnidif = iwork(19) - nni
206 nni = iwork(19)
207 nlidif = iwork(20) - nli
208 nli = iwork(20)
209 nfndif = iwork(22) - ncfn
210 ncfn = iwork(22)
211 nfldif = iwork(23) - ncfl
212 ncfl = iwork(23)
213 nqu = iwork(14)
214 hu = rwork(11)
215 avdim = 0.0d0
216 rcfn = 0.0d0
217 rcfl = 0.0d0
218 if (nnidif .gt. 0) avdim = real(nlidif)/real(nnidif)
219 if (nsdif .gt. 0) rcfn = real(nfndif)/real(nsdif)
220 if (nnidif .gt. 0) rcfl = real(nfldif)/real(nnidif)
221 write(6,50)t,nst,nfe,nni,nli,npe,nqu,hu,avdim,rcfn,rcfl
222 50 format(d10.2,i5,i6,3i5,i4,2d11.2,d10.2,d12.2)
223 imod3 = iout - 3*(iout/3)
224 if (mf .eq. 22 .and. imod3 .eq. 0) call outweb (t,cc,ns,mx,my,8)
225 if (istate .eq. 2) go to 65
226 write(6,60)t
227 60 format(//' final time reached =',d12.4//)
228 go to 75
229 65 continue
230 if (tout .gt. 0.9d0) tout = tout + 1.0d0
231 if (tout .lt. 0.9d0) tout = tout*10.0d0
232 70 continue
234 75 continue
235 nst = iwork(11)
236 nfe = iwork(12)
237 npe = iwork(13)
238 lenrw = iwork(17)
239 leniw = iwork(18)
240 nni = iwork(19)
241 nli = iwork(20)
242 nps = iwork(21)
243 if (nni .gt. 0) avdim = real(nli)/real(nni)
244 ncfn = iwork(22)
245 ncfl = iwork(23)
246 write (6,80) lenrw,leniw,nst,nfe,npe,nps,nni,nli,avdim,
247 1 ncfn,ncfl
248 80 format(//' Final statistics for this run:'/
249 1 ' rwork size =',i8,' iwork size =',i6/
250 2 ' number of time steps =',i5/
251 3 ' number of f evaluations =',i5/
252 4 ' number of preconditioner evals. =',i5/
253 4 ' number of preconditioner solves =',i5/
254 5 ' number of nonlinear iterations =',i5/
255 5 ' number of linear iterations =',i5/
256 6 ' average subspace dimension =',f8.4/
257 7 i5,' nonlinear conv. failures,',i5,' linear conv. failures')
259 90 continue
260 c stop
261 c------ end of main program for DLSODPK demonstration program ----------
264 subroutine setpar
265 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
266 c This routine sets the problem parameters.
267 c It set ns, mx, my, and problem coefficients acoef, bcoef, diff, alph,
268 c using parameters np, aa, ee, gg, bb, dprey, dpred.
269 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
270 integer ns, mx, my, mxns
271 integer i, j, np
272 double precision aa, ee, gg, bb, dprey, dpred,
273 1 ax, ay, acoef, bcoef, dx, dy, alph, diff, cox, coy
274 common /pcom0/ aa, ee, gg, bb, dprey, dpred
275 common /pcom1/ ax, ay, acoef(20,20), bcoef(20), dx, dy, alph,
276 1 diff(20), cox(20), coy(20), ns, mx, my, mxns
278 np = 3
279 mx = 6
280 my = 6
281 aa = 1.0d0
282 ee = 1.0d4
283 gg = 0.5d-6
284 bb = 1.0d0
285 dprey = 1.0d0
286 dpred = 0.5d0
287 alph = 1.0d0
288 ns = 2*np
289 do 70 j = 1,np
290 do 60 i = 1,np
291 acoef(np+i,j) = ee
292 acoef(i,np+j) = -gg
293 60 continue
294 acoef(j,j) = -aa
295 acoef(np+j,np+j) = -aa
296 bcoef(j) = bb
297 bcoef(np+j) = -bb
298 diff(j) = dprey
299 diff(np+j) = dpred
300 70 continue
302 return
303 c------------ end of subroutine setpar -------------------------------
306 subroutine gset (m, ng, jg, jig, jr)
307 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
308 c This routine sets arrays jg, jig, and jr describing
309 c a uniform partition of (1,2,...,m) into ng groups.
310 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
311 integer m, ng, jg, jig, jr
312 dimension jg(*), jig(*), jr(*)
313 integer ig, j, len1, mper, ngm1
315 mper = m/ng
316 do 10 ig = 1,ng
317 10 jg(ig) = 1 + (ig - 1)*mper
318 jg(ng+1) = m + 1
320 ngm1 = ng - 1
321 len1 = ngm1*mper
322 do 20 j = 1,len1
323 20 jig(j) = 1 + (j-1)/mper
324 len1 = len1 + 1
325 do 25 j = len1,m
326 25 jig(j) = ng
328 do 30 ig = 1,ngm1
329 30 jr(ig) = 0.5d0 + (ig - 0.5d0)*mper
330 jr(ng) = 0.5d0*(1 + ngm1*mper + m)
332 return
333 c------------ end of subroutine gset ---------------------------------
336 subroutine cinit (cc)
337 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
338 c This routine computes and loads the vector of initial values.
339 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
340 double precision cc
341 dimension cc(*)
342 integer ns, mx, my, mxns
343 integer i, ici, ioff, iyoff, jx, jy
344 double precision ax,ay,acoef,bcoef,dx,dy,alph,diff,cox,coy
345 double precision argx, argy, x, y
346 common /pcom1/ ax, ay, acoef(20,20), bcoef(20), dx, dy, alph,
347 1 diff(20), cox(20), coy(20), ns, mx, my, mxns
349 do 20 jy = 1,my
350 y = (jy-1)*dy
351 argy = 16.0d0*y*y*(ay-y)*(ay-y)
352 iyoff = mxns*(jy-1)
353 do 10 jx = 1,mx
354 x = (jx-1)*dx
355 argx = 16.0d0*x*x*(ax-x)*(ax-x)
356 ioff = iyoff + ns*(jx-1)
357 do 5 i = 1,ns
358 ici = ioff + i
359 cc(ici) = 10.0d0 + i*argx*argy
360 5 continue
361 10 continue
362 20 continue
363 return
364 c------------ end of subroutine cinit --------------------------------
367 subroutine outweb (t, c, ns, mx, my, lun)
368 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
369 c This routine prints the values of the individual species densities
370 c at the current time t. The write statements use unit lun.
371 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
372 integer ns, mx, my, lun
373 double precision t, c
374 dimension c(ns,mx,my)
375 integer i, jx, jy
377 write(lun,10) t
378 10 format(/80('-')/30x,'At time t = ',d16.8/80('-') )
380 do 40 i = 1,ns
381 write(lun,20) i
382 20 format(' the species c(',i2,') values are:')
383 do 30 jy = my,1,-1
384 write(lun,25) (c(i,jx,jy),jx=1,mx)
385 25 format(6(1x,g12.6))
386 30 continue
387 write(lun,35)
388 35 format(80('-'),/)
389 40 continue
391 return
392 c------------ end of subroutine outweb -------------------------------
395 subroutine fweb (neq, t, cc, cdot)
396 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
397 c This routine computes the derivative of cc and returns it in cdot.
398 c The interaction rates are computed by calls to webr, and these are
399 c saved in cc(neq+1),...,cc(2*neq) for use in preconditioning.
400 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
401 integer neq(1)
402 double precision t, cc, cdot
403 dimension cc(*), cdot(*)
404 integer ns, mx, my, mxns
405 integer i, ic, ici, idxl, idxu, idyl, idyu, iyoff, jx, jy
406 double precision ax,ay,acoef,bcoef,dx,dy,alph,diff,cox,coy
407 double precision dcxli, dcxui, dcyli, dcyui, x, y
408 common /pcom1/ ax, ay, acoef(20,20), bcoef(20), dx, dy, alph,
409 1 diff(20), cox(20), coy(20), ns, mx, my, mxns
411 do 100 jy = 1,my
412 y = (jy-1)*dy
413 iyoff = mxns*(jy-1)
414 idyu = mxns
415 if (jy .eq. my) idyu = -mxns
416 idyl = mxns
417 if (jy .eq. 1) idyl = -mxns
418 do 90 jx = 1,mx
419 x = (jx-1)*dx
420 ic = iyoff + ns*(jx-1) + 1
421 c Get interaction rates at one point (x,y).
422 call webr (x, y, t, cc(ic), cc(neq(1)+ic))
423 idxu = ns
424 if (jx .eq. mx) idxu = -ns
425 idxl = ns
426 if (jx .eq. 1) idxl = -ns
427 do 80 i = 1,ns
428 ici = ic + i - 1
429 c Do differencing in y.
430 dcyli = cc(ici) - cc(ici-idyl)
431 dcyui = cc(ici+idyu) - cc(ici)
432 c Do differencing in x.
433 dcxli = cc(ici) - cc(ici-idxl)
434 dcxui = cc(ici+idxu) - cc(ici)
435 c Collect terms and load cdot elements.
436 cdot(ici) = coy(i)*(dcyui - dcyli) + cox(i)*(dcxui - dcxli)
437 1 + cc(neq(1)+ici)
438 80 continue
439 90 continue
440 100 continue
441 return
442 c------------ end of subroutine fweb ---------------------------------
445 subroutine webr (x, y, t, c, rate)
446 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
447 c This routine computes the interaction rates for the species
448 c c(1),...,c(ns), at one spatial point and at time t.
449 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
450 double precision x, y, t, c, rate
451 dimension c(*), rate(*)
452 integer ns, mx, my, mxns
453 integer i
454 double precision ax,ay,acoef,bcoef,dx,dy,alph,diff,cox,coy
455 double precision fac
456 common /pcom1/ ax, ay, acoef(20,20), bcoef(20), dx, dy, alph,
457 1 diff(20), cox(20), coy(20), ns, mx, my, mxns
459 do 10 i = 1,ns
460 10 rate(i) = 0.0d0
461 do 15 i = 1,ns
462 call daxpy (ns, c(i), acoef(1,i), 1, rate, 1)
463 15 continue
464 fac = 1.0d0 + alph*x*y
465 do 20 i = 1,ns
466 20 rate(i) = c(i)*(bcoef(i)*fac + rate(i))
467 return
468 c------------ end of subroutine webr ---------------------------------
471 subroutine jacbg (f, neq, t, cc, ccsv, rewt, f0, f1, hl0,
472 1 bd, ipbd, ier)
473 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
474 c This routine generates part of the block-diagonal part of the
475 c Jacobian, multiplies by -hl0, adds the identity matrix,
476 c and calls DGEFA to do LU decomposition of each diagonal block.
477 c The computation of the diagonal blocks uses the block and grouping
478 c information in /pcom1/ and /pcom2/. One block per group is computed.
479 c The Jacobian elements are generated by difference quotients
480 c using calls to the routine fbg.
481 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
482 c The two Common blocks below are used for internal communication.
483 c The variables used are:
484 c mp = size of blocks in block-diagonal preconditioning matrix.
485 c mq = number of blocks in each direction (neq = mp*mq).
486 c mpsq = mp*mp.
487 c uround = unit roundoff, generated by a call uround = dumach().
488 c srur = sqrt(uround).
489 c meshx = x mesh size
490 c meshy = y mesh size (mesh is meshx by meshy)
491 c ngx = no. groups in x direction in block-grouping scheme.
492 c ngy = no. groups in y direction in block-grouping scheme.
493 c ngrp = total number of groups = ngx*ngy.
494 c mxmp = meshx*mp.
495 c jgx = length ngx+1 array of group boundaries in x direction.
496 c group igx has x indices jx = jgx(igx),...,jgx(igx+1)-1.
497 c jigx = length meshx array of x group indices vs x node index.
498 c x node index jx is in x group jigx(jx).
499 c jxr = length ngx array of x indices representing the x groups.
500 c the index for x group igx is jx = jxr(igx).
501 c jgy, jigy, jyr = analogous arrays for grouping in y direction.
502 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
503 external f
504 integer neq, ipbd, ier
505 double precision t, cc, ccsv, rewt, f0, f1, hl0, bd
506 dimension cc(*), ccsv(*), rewt(*), f0(*), f1(*),
507 1 bd(*), ipbd(*)
508 dimension neq(1)
509 integer mp, mq, mpsq, itmax,
510 2 meshx,meshy,ngx,ngy,ngrp,mxmp,jgx,jgy,jigx,jigy,jxr,jyr
511 integer i, ibd, idiag, if0, if00, ig, igx, igy, iip,
512 1 j, jj, jx, jy, n
513 double precision uround, srur
514 double precision fac, r, r0, dvnorm
516 common /pcom2/ uround, srur, mp, mq, mpsq, itmax
517 common /pcom3/ meshx, meshy, ngx, ngy, ngrp, mxmp,
518 1 jgx(21), jgy(21), jigx(50), jigy(50), jxr(20), jyr(20)
520 n = neq(1)
522 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
523 c Make mp calls to fbg to approximate each diagonal block of Jacobian.
524 c Here cc(neq+1),...,cc(2*neq) contains the base fb value.
525 c r0 is a minimum increment factor for the difference quotient.
526 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
527 200 fac = dvnorm (n, f0, rewt)
528 r0 = 1000.0d0*abs(hl0)*uround*n*fac
529 if (r0 .eq. 0.0d0) r0 = 1.0d0
530 ibd = 0
531 do 240 igy = 1,ngy
532 jy = jyr(igy)
533 if00 = (jy - 1)*mxmp
534 do 230 igx = 1,ngx
535 jx = jxr(igx)
536 if0 = if00 + (jx - 1)*mp
537 do 220 j = 1,mp
538 jj = if0 + j
539 r = max(srur*abs(cc(jj)),r0/rewt(jj))
540 cc(jj) = cc(jj) + r
541 fac = -hl0/r
542 call fbg (neq, t, cc, jx, jy, f1)
543 do 210 i = 1,mp
544 210 bd(ibd+i) = (f1(i) - cc(neq(1)+if0+i))*fac
545 cc(jj) = ccsv(jj)
546 ibd = ibd + mp
547 220 continue
548 230 continue
549 240 continue
551 c Add identity matrix and do LU decompositions on blocks. --------------
552 260 continue
553 ibd = 1
554 iip = 1
555 do 280 ig = 1,ngrp
556 idiag = ibd
557 do 270 i = 1,mp
558 bd(idiag) = bd(idiag) + 1.0d0
559 270 idiag = idiag + (mp + 1)
560 call dgefa (bd(ibd), mp, mp, ipbd(iip), ier)
561 if (ier .ne. 0) go to 290
562 ibd = ibd + mpsq
563 iip = iip + mp
564 280 continue
565 290 return
566 c------------ end of subroutine jacbg --------------------------------
569 subroutine fbg (neq, t, cc, jx, jy, cdot)
570 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
571 c This routine computes one block of the interaction terms of the
572 c system, namely block (jx,jy), for use in preconditioning.
573 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
574 integer neq, jx, jy
575 double precision t, cc, cdot
576 dimension cc(neq), cdot(neq)
577 integer ns, mx, my, mxns
578 integer iblok, ic
579 double precision ax,ay,acoef,bcoef,dx,dy,alph,diff,cox,coy
580 double precision x, y
582 common /pcom1/ ax, ay, acoef(20,20), bcoef(20), dx, dy, alph,
583 1 diff(20), cox(20), coy(20), ns, mx, my, mxns
585 iblok = jx + (jy-1)*mx
586 y = (jy-1)*dy
587 x = (jx-1)*dx
588 ic = ns*(iblok-1) + 1
589 call webr (x, y, t, cc(ic), cdot)
590 return
591 c------------ end of subroutine fbg ----------------------------------
594 subroutine solsbg (n, t, cc, f0, wk, hl0, bd, ipbd, v, lr, ier)
595 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
596 c This routine applies one or two inverse preconditioner matrices
597 c to the array v, using the interaction-only block-diagonal Jacobian
598 c with block-grouping, and Gauss-Seidel applied to the diffusion terms.
599 c When lr = 1 or 3, it calls gs for a Gauss-Seidel approximation
600 c to ((I-hl0*Jd)-inverse)*v, and stores the result in v.
601 c When lr = 2 or 3, it computes ((I-hl0*dg/dc)-inverse)*v, using LU
602 c factors of the blocks in bd, and pivot information in ipbd.
603 c In both cases, the array v is overwritten with the solution.
604 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
605 integer n, ipbd, lr, ier
606 double precision t, cc, f0, wk, hl0, bd, v
607 dimension cc(*), f0(*), wk(*), bd(*), ipbd(*), v(*)
608 dimension n(1)
609 integer mp, mq, mpsq, itmax,
610 2 meshx,meshy,ngx,ngy,ngrp,mxmp,jgx,jgy,jigx,jigy,jxr,jyr
611 integer ibd, ig0, igm1, igx, igy, iip, iv, jx, jy
612 double precision uround, srur
614 common /pcom2/ uround, srur, mp, mq, mpsq, itmax
615 common /pcom3/ meshx, meshy, ngx, ngy, ngrp, mxmp,
616 1 jgx(21), jgy(21), jigx(50), jigy(50), jxr(20), jyr(20)
618 ier = 0
620 if (lr.eq.0 .or. lr.eq.1 .or. lr.eq.3) call gs (n, hl0, v, wk)
621 if (lr.eq.0 .or. lr.eq.2 .or. lr.eq.3) then
622 iv = 1
623 do 20 jy = 1,meshy
624 igy = jigy(jy)
625 ig0 = (igy - 1)*ngx
626 do 10 jx = 1,meshx
627 igx = jigx(jx)
628 igm1 = igx - 1 + ig0
629 ibd = 1 + igm1*mpsq
630 iip = 1 + igm1*mp
631 call dgesl (bd(ibd), mp, mp, ipbd(iip), v(iv), 0)
632 iv = iv + mp
633 10 continue
634 20 continue
635 endif
637 return
638 c------------ end of subroutine solsbg -------------------------------
641 subroutine gs (n, hl0, z, x)
642 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
643 c This routine performs itmax Gauss-Seidel iterations
644 c to compute an approximation to P-inverse*z, where P = I - hl0*Jd, and
645 c Jd represents the diffusion contributions to the Jacobian.
646 c z contains the answer on return.
647 c The dimensions below assume ns .le. 20.
648 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
649 integer n
650 double precision hl0, z, x
651 dimension z(*), x(*)
652 dimension n(1)
653 integer ns, mx, my, mxns,
654 1 mp, mq, mpsq, itmax
655 integer i, ic, ici, iter, iyoff, jx, jy
656 double precision ax,ay,acoef,bcoef,dx,dy,alph,diff,cox,coy,
657 2 uround, srur
658 double precision beta,beta2,cof1,elamda,gamma,gamma2
659 dimension beta(20), gamma(20), beta2(20), gamma2(20), cof1(20)
660 common /pcom1/ ax, ay, acoef(20,20), bcoef(20), dx, dy, alph,
661 1 diff(20), cox(20), coy(20), ns, mx, my, mxns
662 common /pcom2/ uround, srur, mp, mq, mpsq, itmax
664 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
665 c Write matrix as P = D - L - U.
666 c Load local arrays beta, beta2, gamma, gamma2, and cof1.
667 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
668 do 10 i = 1,ns
669 elamda = 1.d0/(1.d0 + 2.d0*hl0*(cox(i) + coy(i)))
670 beta(i) = hl0*cox(i)*elamda
671 beta2(i) = 2.d0*beta(i)
672 gamma(i) = hl0*coy(i)*elamda
673 gamma2(i) = 2.d0*gamma(i)
674 cof1(i) = elamda
675 10 continue
676 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
677 c Begin iteration loop.
678 c Load array x with (D-inverse)*z for first iteration.
679 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
680 iter = 1
682 do 50 jy = 1,my
683 iyoff = mxns*(jy-1)
684 do 40 jx = 1,mx
685 ic = iyoff + ns*(jx-1)
686 do 30 i = 1,ns
687 ici = ic + i
688 x(ici) = cof1(i)*z(ici)
689 z(ici) = 0.d0
690 30 continue
691 40 continue
692 50 continue
693 go to 160
694 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
695 c Calculate (D-inverse)*U*x.
696 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
697 70 continue
698 iter = iter + 1
699 jy = 1
700 jx = 1
701 ic = ns*(jx-1)
702 do 75 i = 1,ns
703 ici = ic + i
704 75 x(ici) = beta2(i)*x(ici+ns) + gamma2(i)*x(ici+mxns)
705 do 85 jx = 2,mx-1
706 ic = ns*(jx-1)
707 do 80 i = 1,ns
708 ici = ic + i
709 80 x(ici) = beta(i)*x(ici+ns) + gamma2(i)*x(ici+mxns)
710 85 continue
711 jx = mx
712 ic = ns*(jx-1)
713 do 90 i = 1,ns
714 ici = ic + i
715 90 x(ici) = gamma2(i)*x(ici+mxns)
716 do 115 jy = 2,my-1
717 iyoff = mxns*(jy-1)
718 jx = 1
719 ic = iyoff
720 do 95 i = 1,ns
721 ici = ic + i
722 95 x(ici) = beta2(i)*x(ici+ns) + gamma(i)*x(ici+mxns)
723 do 105 jx = 2,mx-1
724 ic = iyoff + ns*(jx-1)
725 do 100 i = 1,ns
726 ici = ic + i
727 100 x(ici) = beta(i)*x(ici+ns) + gamma(i)*x(ici+mxns)
728 105 continue
729 jx = mx
730 ic = iyoff + ns*(jx-1)
731 do 110 i = 1,ns
732 ici = ic + i
733 110 x(ici) = gamma(i)*x(ici+mxns)
734 115 continue
735 jy = my
736 iyoff = mxns*(jy-1)
737 jx = 1
738 ic = iyoff
739 do 120 i = 1,ns
740 ici = ic + i
741 120 x(ici) = beta2(i)*x(ici+ns)
742 do 130 jx = 2,mx-1
743 ic = iyoff + ns*(jx-1)
744 do 125 i = 1,ns
745 ici = ic + i
746 125 x(ici) = beta(i)*x(ici+ns)
747 130 continue
748 jx = mx
749 ic = iyoff + ns*(jx-1)
750 do 135 i = 1,ns
751 ici = ic + i
752 135 x(ici) = 0.0d0
753 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
754 c Calculate (I - (D-inverse)*L)-inverse * x.
755 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
756 160 continue
757 jy = 1
758 do 175 jx = 2,mx-1
759 ic = ns*(jx-1)
760 do 170 i = 1,ns
761 ici = ic + i
762 170 x(ici) = x(ici) + beta(i)*x(ici-ns)
763 175 continue
764 jx = mx
765 ic = ns*(jx-1)
766 do 180 i = 1,ns
767 ici = ic + i
768 180 x(ici) = x(ici) + beta2(i)*x(ici-ns)
769 do 210 jy = 2,my-1
770 iyoff = mxns*(jy-1)
771 jx = 1
772 ic = iyoff
773 do 185 i = 1,ns
774 ici = ic + i
775 185 x(ici) = x(ici) + gamma(i)*x(ici-mxns)
776 do 200 jx = 2,mx-1
777 ic = iyoff + ns*(jx-1)
778 do 195 i = 1,ns
779 ici = ic + i
780 x(ici) = (x(ici) + beta(i)*x(ici-ns))
781 1 + gamma(i)*x(ici-mxns)
782 195 continue
783 200 continue
784 jx = mx
785 ic = iyoff + ns*(jx-1)
786 do 205 i = 1,ns
787 ici = ic + i
788 x(ici) = (x(ici) + beta2(i)*x(ici-ns))
789 1 + gamma(i)*x(ici-mxns)
790 205 continue
791 210 continue
792 jy = my
793 iyoff = mxns*(jy-1)
794 jx = 1
795 ic = iyoff
796 do 215 i = 1,ns
797 ici = ic + i
798 215 x(ici) = x(ici) + gamma2(i)*x(ici-mxns)
799 do 225 jx = 2,mx-1
800 ic = iyoff + ns*(jx-1)
801 do 220 i = 1,ns
802 ici = ic + i
803 x(ici) = (x(ici) + beta(i)*x(ici-ns))
804 1 + gamma2(i)*x(ici-mxns)
805 220 continue
806 225 continue
807 jx = mx
808 ic = iyoff + ns*(jx-1)
809 do 230 i = 1,ns
810 ici = ic + i
811 x(ici) = (x(ici) + beta2(i)*x(ici-ns))
812 1 + gamma2(i)*x(ici-mxns)
813 230 continue
814 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
815 c Add increment x to z.
816 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
817 do 300 i = 1,n(1)
818 300 z(i) = z(i) + x(i)
820 if (iter .lt. itmax) go to 70
821 return
822 c------------ end of subroutine gs -----------------------------------