Forgot to load lapack in a few examples
[maxima.git] / share / odepack / fortran / opkdemo8.f
1 program opkdemo8
2 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 c Demonstration program for the DLSOIBT package.
4 c This is the version of 14 June 2001.
6 c This version is in double precision.
8 c This program solves a semi-discretized form of the following system
9 c Of three PDEs (each similar to a Burgers equation):
11 c u(i) = -(u(1)+u(2)+u(3)) u(i) + eta(i) u(i) (i=1,2,3),
12 c t x xx
14 c on the interval -1 .le. x .le. 1, and with time t .ge. 0.
15 c The diffusion coefficients are eta(*) = .1, .02, .01.
16 c The boundary conditions are u(i) = 0 at x = -1 and x = 1 for all i.
17 c The initial profile for each u(i) is a square wave:
18 c u(i) = 0 on 1/2 .lt. abs(x) .le. 1
19 c u(i) = amp(i)/2 on abs(x) = 1/2
20 c u(i) = amp(i) on 0 .le. abs(x) .lt. 1/2
21 c where the amplitudes are amp(*) = .2, .3, .5.
23 c A simplified Galerkin treatment of the spatial variable x is used,
24 c with piecewise linear basis functions on a uniform mesh of 100
25 c intervals. The result is a system of ODEs in the discrete values
26 c u(i,k) approximating u(i) (i=1,2,3) at the interior points
27 c (k = 1,...,99). The ODEs are:
29 c . . .
30 c (u(i,k-1) + 4 u(i,k) + u(i,k+1))/6 =
32 c -(1/6dx) (c(k-1)dul(i) + 2c(k)(dul(i)+dur(i)) + c(k+1)dur(i))
34 c + (eta(i)/dx**2) (dur(i) - dul(i)) (i=1,2,3, k=1,...,99),
36 c where
37 c c(j) = u(1,j)+u(2,j)+u(3,j), dx = .02 = the interval size,
38 c dul(i) = u(i,k) - u(i,k-1), dur(i) = u(i,k+1) - u(i,k).
39 c Terms involving boundary values (subscripts 0 or 100) are dropped
40 c from the equations for k = 1 and k = 99 above.
42 c The problem is run for each of the 4 values of mf, and for two values
43 c of the tolerances. Output is taken at t = .1, .2, .3, .4.
44 c Output is on unit lout, set to 6 in a data statement below.
45 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
46 external res, addabt, jacbt
47 integer ncomp, nip, nm1
48 integer i, io, istate, itol, iwork, jtol, lout, liw, lrw,
49 1 meth, miter, mf, neq, nerr, nint, nout
50 double precision eodsq, r6d
51 double precision abermx, atol, dx, errfac, eta, hun, one,
52 1 rtol, rwork, six, t, tinit, tlast, tout, tols, two, y, ydoti
53 dimension eta(3), y(297), ydoti(297), tout(4), tols(2)
54 dimension rwork(7447), iwork(317)
55 dimension neq(1), rtol(1), atol(1)
56 c Pass problem parameters in the common block par.
57 common /par/ r6d, eodsq(3), ncomp, nip, nm1
59 c Set problem parameters and run parameters
60 data eta/0.1d0,0.02d0,0.01d0/, tinit/0.0d0/, tlast/0.4d0/
61 data one/1.0d0/, two/2.0d0/, six/6.0d0/, hun/100.0d0/
62 data tout/.10d0,.20d0,.30d0,.40d0/
63 data lout/6/, nout/4/, lrw/7447/, liw/317/
64 data itol/1/, tols/1.0d-3, 1.0d-6/
66 c Set mesh parameters nint, dxc etc.
67 nint = 100
68 ncomp = 3
69 dx = two/nint
70 r6d = one/(six*dx)
71 do 10 i = 1,ncomp
72 10 eodsq(i) = eta(i)/dx**2
73 nip = nint - 1
74 neq(1) = ncomp*nip
75 nm1 = nip - 1
76 iwork(1) = ncomp
77 iwork(2) = nip
79 nerr = 0
81 c Set the initial conditions (for output purposes only).
82 call setic (nint, ncomp, y)
84 write (lout,1000)
85 write (lout,1100) (eta(i),i=1,ncomp), tinit, tlast, nint,
86 1 ncomp, nip, neq(1)
87 write (lout,1200)
88 call edit (y, ncomp, nip, lout)
90 c The jtol loop is over error tolerances.
91 do 200 jtol = 1,2
92 rtol(1) = tols(jtol)
93 atol(1) = rtol(1)
95 c The meth/miter loops cover 4 values of method flag mf.
96 do 100 meth = 1,2
97 do 100 miter = 1,2
98 mf = 10*meth + miter
100 c Set the initial conditions.
101 call setic (nint, ncomp, y)
102 t = tinit
103 istate = 0
105 write (lout,1500) rtol(1), atol(1), mf
107 c Loop over output times for each case
108 do 80 io = 1,nout
110 call dlsoibt (res, addabt,jacbt, neq, y, ydoti, t, tout(io),
111 1 itol,rtol,atol, 1, istate, 0, rwork,lrw,iwork,liw, mf)
113 write (lout,2000) t, rwork(11), iwork(14), iwork(11)
114 if (io .eq. nout) call edit (y, ncomp, nip, lout)
116 c If istate is not 2 on return, print message and go to next case.
117 if (istate .ne. 2) then
118 write (lout,4000) mf, t, istate
119 nerr = nerr + 1
120 go to 100
121 endif
123 80 continue
125 c Print final statistics.
126 write (lout,3000) mf, iwork(11), iwork(12), iwork(13),
127 1 iwork(17), iwork(18)
129 c Estimate final error and print result.
130 call maxerr (y, ncomp, nip, abermx)
131 errfac = abermx/tols(jtol)
132 if (errfac .lt. hun) then
133 write (lout,5000) errfac
134 else
135 write (lout,5100) errfac
136 nerr = nerr + 1
137 endif
138 100 continue
139 200 continue
141 write (lout,6000) nerr
142 c stop
144 1000 format(/20x,' Demonstration Problem for DLSOIBT'//
145 1 10x,'Galerkin method solution of system of 3 PDEs:'//
146 2 10x,' u(i) = -(u(1)+u(2)+u(3)) u(i) + eta(i) u(i)',
147 3 5x,'(i=1,2,3)',/16x,'t',27x,'x',16x,'xx'//
148 4 10x,'x interval is -1 to 1, zero boundary conditions'/
149 5 10x,'x discretized using piecewise linear basis functions')
150 1100 format(/10x,'Fixed parameters are as follows:'/
151 1 13x,'Diffusion coefficients are eta =',3d10.2/
152 2 13x,'t0 = ',d12.5/13x,'tlast = ',d12.5/
153 3 13x,'Uniform mesh, number of intervals =',i4/
154 4 13x,'Block size mb =',i2/13x,'Number of blocks nb =',i4/
155 5 13x,'ODE system size neq =',i5//)
157 1200 format(/'Initial profiles:'/)
159 1500 format(////90('*')//'Run with rtol =',d9.1,' atol =',d9.1,
160 1 ' mf =',i3///)
162 2000 format(' At time t =',d12.5,' current h =',d12.5,
163 1 ' current order =',i2,' current nst =',i5/)
165 3000 format(//'Final statistics for mf = ',i2,':',
166 1 i5,' steps,',i6,' res,',i6,' jacobians,'/
167 2 30x, 'rwork size =',i6,', iwork size =',i6)
169 4000 format(//20x,'Final time reached for mf = ',i2,
170 1 ' was t = ',d12.5/25x,'at which istate = ',i2//)
171 5000 format('Final output is correct to within ',d9.2,
172 1 ' times local error tolerance. ')
173 5100 format('Final output is wrong by ',d9.2,
174 1 ' times local error tolerance.')
175 6000 format(//90('*')//'Run completed: ',i3,' errors encountered')
177 c end of main program for the DLSOIBT demonstration problem
180 subroutine setic (nint, mb, y)
181 c This routine loads the y array with initial data based on a
182 c square wave profile for each of the mb PDE variables.
184 integer nint, mb, i, k, nip, n14, n34
185 double precision y, amp, half, zero
186 dimension y(mb,*), amp(3)
187 data zero/0.0d0/, half/0.5d0/, amp/0.2d0,0.3d0,0.5d0/
189 nip = nint - 1
190 n14 = nint/4
191 n34 = 3*n14
193 do 15 k = 1,n14-1
194 do 10 i = 1,mb
195 10 y(i,k) = zero
196 15 continue
198 do 20 i = 1,mb
199 20 y(i,n14) = half*amp(i)
201 do 35 k = n14+1,n34-1
202 do 30 i = 1,mb
203 30 y(i,k) = amp(i)
204 35 continue
206 do 40 i = 1,mb
207 40 y(i,n34) = half*amp(i)
209 do 55 k = n34+1,nip
210 do 50 i = 1,mb
211 50 y(i,k) = zero
212 55 continue
214 return
215 c end of subroutine setic
218 subroutine res (n, t, y, v, r, ires)
219 c This subroutine computes the residual vector
220 c r = g(t,y) - A(t,y)*v
221 c using routines gfun and subav.
222 c If ires = -1, only g(t,y) is returned in r, since A(t,y) does
223 c not depend on y.
224 c No changes need to be made to this routine if nip is changed.
226 integer ires, n, ncomp, nip, nm1
227 double precision t, y, v, r, r6d, eodsq
228 dimension y(*), v(*), r(*)
229 dimension n(*)
230 common /par/ r6d, eodsq(3), ncomp, nip, nm1
232 call gfun (t, y, r, ncomp)
233 if (ires .eq. -1) return
235 call subav (r, v, ncomp)
237 return
238 c end of subroutine res
241 subroutine gfun (t, y, g, mb)
242 c This subroutine computes the right-hand side function g(y,t).
243 c It uses r6d = 1/(6*dx), eodsq(*) = eta(*)/dx**2, nip,
244 c and nm1 = nip - 1 from the Common block par.
246 integer mb, ncomp, nip, nm1, i, k
247 double precision t, y, g, r6d, eodsq, cc, cl, cr, dli, dri, two
248 dimension g(mb,*), y(mb,*)
249 common /par/ r6d, eodsq(3), ncomp, nip, nm1
250 data two/2.0d0/
252 c left-most interior point (k = 1)
253 cc = y(1,1) + y(2,1) + y(3,1)
254 cr = y(1,2) + y(2,2) + y(3,2)
255 do 10 i = 1,mb
256 dri = y(i,2) - y(i,1)
257 g(i,1) = -r6d*(two*cc*y(i,2) + cr*dri)
258 1 + eodsq(i)*(dri - y(i,1))
259 10 continue
261 c interior points k = 2 to nip-1
262 do 20 k = 2,nm1
263 cl = y(1,k-1) + y(2,k-1) + y(3,k-1)
264 cc = y(1,k) + y(2,k) + y(3,k)
265 cr = y(1,k+1) + y(2,k+1) + y(3,k+1)
266 do 15 i = 1,mb
267 dli = y(i,k) - y(i,k-1)
268 dri = y(i,k+1) - y(i,k)
269 g(i,k) = -r6d*(cl*dli + two*cc*(dli + dri) + cr*dri)
270 1 + eodsq(i)*(dri - dli)
271 15 continue
272 20 continue
274 c right-most interior point (k = nip)
275 cl = y(1,nm1) + y(2,nm1) + y(3,nm1)
276 cc = y(1,nip) + y(2,nip) + y(3,nip)
277 do 30 i = 1,mb
278 dli = y(i,nip) - y(i,nm1)
279 g(i,nip) = -r6d*(cl*dli - two*cc*y(i,nm1))
280 1 - eodsq(i)*(y(i,nip) + dli)
281 30 continue
283 t = t
284 return
285 c end of subroutine gfun
288 subroutine subav (r, v, mb)
289 c This routine subtracts the matrix a time the vector v from r,
290 c in order to form the residual vector, stored in r.
292 integer mb, ncomp, nip, nm1, i, k
293 double precision r, v, r6d, eodsq, aa1, aa4, four, one, six
294 dimension r(mb,*), v(mb,*)
295 common /par/ r6d, eodsq(3), ncomp, nip, nm1
296 data one /1.0d0/, four /4.0d0/, six /6.0d0/
298 aa1 = one/six
299 aa4 = four/six
301 do 10 i = 1,mb
302 10 r(i,1) = r(i,1) - (aa4*v(i,1) + aa1*v(i,2))
304 do 20 k = 2,nm1
305 do 15 i = 1,mb
306 15 r(i,k) = r(i,k) - (aa1*v(i,k-1) + aa4*v(i,k) + aa1*v(i,k+1))
307 20 continue
309 do 30 i = 1,mb
310 30 r(i,nip) = r(i,nip) - (aa1*v(i,nm1) + aa4*v(i,nip))
312 return
313 c end of subroutine subav
316 subroutine addabt (n, t, y, mb, nb, pa, pb, pc)
317 c This subroutine computes the elements of the matrix A,
318 c and adds them to pa, pb, and pc in the appropriate manner.
319 c The matrix A is tridiagonal, of order n, with
320 c nonzero elements (reading across) of 1/6, 4/6, 1/6.
322 integer n, mb, nb, i, k
323 double precision pa, pb, pc, t, y, aa1, aa4, four, one, six
324 dimension y(mb,nb),pa(mb,mb,nb),pb(mb,mb,nb),pc(mb,mb,nb)
325 data one/1.0d0/, four/4.0d0/, six/6.0d0/
327 aa1 = one/six
328 aa4 = four/six
329 do 50 k = 1,nb
330 do 10 i = 1,mb
331 10 pa(i,i,k) = pa(i,i,k) + aa4
332 if (k .ne. nb) then
333 do 20 i = 1,mb
334 20 pb(i,i,k) = pb(i,i,k) + aa1
335 endif
336 if (k .ne. 1) then
337 do 30 i = 1,mb
338 30 pc(i,i,k) = pc(i,i,k) + aa1
339 endif
340 50 continue
342 return
343 c end of subroutine addabt
346 subroutine jacbt (n, t, y, s, mb, nb, pa, pb, pc)
347 c This subroutine computes the Jacobian dg/dy = d(g-A*s)/dy
348 c which has block-tridiagonal structure. The main, upper, and
349 c lower diagonals are stored in pa, pb, and pc, respectively.
351 integer n, mb, nb, ncomp, nip, nm1, i, j, k
352 double precision t, y, s, pa, pb, pc, r6d, eodsq, cc, cl, cr,
353 1 dlj, drj, paij, pbij, pcij, terma, termb, termc, two
354 dimension y(mb,nb),s(n),pa(mb,mb,nb),pb(mb,mb,nb),pc(mb,mb,nb)
355 common /par/ r6d, eodsq(3), ncomp, nip, nm1
356 data two/2.0d0/
358 c left-most interior point (k = 1)
359 cc = y(1,1) + y(2,1) + y(3,1)
360 cr = y(1,2) + y(2,2) + y(3,2)
361 terma = r6d*cr
362 termb = -r6d*(two*cc + cr)
363 do 20 j = 1,mb
364 drj = y(j,2) - y(j,1)
365 paij = -r6d*two*y(j,2)
366 pbij = -r6d*drj
367 do 10 i = 1,mb
368 pa(i,j,1) = paij
369 10 pb(i,j,1) = pbij
370 pa(j,j,1) = pa(j,j,1) + terma - two*eodsq(j)
371 pb(j,j,1) = pb(j,j,1) + termb + eodsq(j)
372 20 continue
374 c interior points k = 2 to nip-1
375 do 50 k = 2,nm1
376 cl = y(1,k-1) + y(2,k-1) + y(3,k-1)
377 cc = y(1,k) + y(2,k) + y(3,k)
378 cr = y(1,k+1) + y(2,k+1) + y(3,k+1)
379 terma = r6d*(cr - cl)
380 termb = -r6d*(two*cc + cr)
381 termc = r6d*(two*cc + cl)
382 do 40 j = 1,mb
383 dlj = y(j,k) - y(j,k-1)
384 drj = y(j,k+1) - y(j,k)
385 paij = -r6d*two*(dlj + drj)
386 pbij = -r6d*drj
387 pcij = -r6d*dlj
388 do 30 i = 1,mb
389 pa(i,j,k) = paij
390 pb(i,j,k) = pbij
391 30 pc(i,j,k) = pcij
392 pa(j,j,k) = pa(j,j,k) + terma - two*eodsq(j)
393 pb(j,j,k) = pb(j,j,k) + termb + eodsq(j)
394 pc(j,j,k) = pc(j,j,k) + termc + eodsq(j)
395 40 continue
396 50 continue
398 c right-most interior point (k = nip)
399 cl = y(1,nm1) + y(2,nm1) + y(3,nm1)
400 cc = y(1,nip) + y(2,nip) + y(3,nip)
401 terma = -r6d*cl
402 termc = r6d*(two*cc + cl)
403 do 70 j = 1,mb
404 dlj = y(j,nip) - y(j,nm1)
405 paij = r6d*two*y(j,nm1)
406 pcij = -r6d*dlj
407 do 60 i = 1,mb
408 pa(i,j,nip) = paij
409 60 pc(i,j,nip) = pcij
410 pa(j,j,nip) = pa(j,j,nip) + terma - two*eodsq(j)
411 pc(j,j,nip) = pc(j,j,nip) + termc + eodsq(j)
412 70 continue
414 return
415 c end of subroutine jacbt
418 subroutine edit (y, mb, nip, lout)
419 c This routine prints output. For each of the mb PDE components, the
420 c values at the nip points are printed. All output is on unit lout.
422 integer mb, nip, lout, i, k
423 double precision y
424 dimension y(mb,nip)
426 do 10 i = 1,mb
427 10 write (lout,20) i, (y(i,k),k=1,nip)
429 20 format(' Values of PDE component i =',i3/15(7d12.4/))
431 return
432 c end of subroutine edit
435 subroutine maxerr (y, mb, nb, abermx)
436 c This routine computes the maximum absolute error in the y array,
437 c as a computed solution at t = 0.4, using data-loaded values for
438 c accurate answers (from running with much smaller tolerances).
440 integer mb, nb, k
441 double precision y, abermx, ae1, ae2, ae3, u1, u2, u3, zero
442 c 1 u1a, u1b, u1c, u1d, u1e, u1f, u1g,
443 c 2 u2a, u2b, u2c, u2d, u2e, u2f, u2g,
444 c 3 u3a, u3b, u3c, u3d, u3e, u3f, u3g
445 dimension y(mb,nb), u1(99), u2(99), u3(99)
446 c dimension u1a(16),u1b(16),u1c(16),u1d(16),u1e(16),u1f(16),u1g(3),
447 c 2 u2a(16),u2b(16),u2c(16),u2d(16),u2e(16),u2f(16),u2g(3),
448 c 3 u3a(16),u3b(16),u3c(16),u3d(16),u3e(16),u3f(16),u3g(3)
449 c equivalence (u1a(1),u1(1)), (u1b(1),u1(17)),
450 c 1 (u1c(1),u1(33)), (u1d(1),u1(49)), (u1e(1),u1(65)),
451 c 1 (u1f(1),u1(81)), (u1g(1),u1(97))
452 c equivalence (u2a(1),u2(1)), (u2b(1),u2(17)),
453 c 1 (u2c(1),u2(33)), (u2d(1),u2(49)), (u2e(1),u2(65)),
454 c 1 (u2f(1),u2(81)), (u2g(1),u2(97))
455 c equivalence (u3a(1),u3(1)), (u3b(1),u3(17)),
456 c 1 (u3c(1),u3(33)), (u3d(1),u3(49)), (u3e(1),u3(65)),
457 c 1 (u3f(1),u3(81)), (u3g(1),u3(97))
459 data u1 /
460 1 1.70956682d-03, 3.43398445d-03, 5.18783349d-03, 6.98515842d-03,
461 1 8.83921016d-03, 1.07622016d-02, 1.27650806d-02, 1.48573251d-02,
462 1 1.70467655d-02, 1.93394396d-02, 2.17394852d-02, 2.42490773d-02,
463 1 2.68684152d-02, 2.95957660d-02, 3.24275691d-02, 3.53586054d-02,
464 1 3.83822285d-02, 4.14906520d-02, 4.46752791d-02, 4.79270545d-02,
465 1 5.12368132d-02, 5.45956048d-02, 5.79949684d-02, 6.14271460d-02,
466 1 6.48852271d-02, 6.83632267d-02, 7.18561029d-02, 7.53597274d-02,
467 1 7.88708192d-02, 8.23868545d-02, 8.59059616d-02, 8.94268082d-02,
468 1 9.29484864d-02, 9.64703968d-02, 9.99921344d-02, 1.03513375d-01,
469 1 1.07033760d-01, 1.10552783d-01, 1.14069668d-01, 1.17583246d-01,
470 1 1.21091827d-01, 1.24593066d-01, 1.28083828d-01, 1.31560049d-01,
471 1 1.35016617d-01, 1.38447256d-01, 1.41844451d-01, 1.45199401d-01,
472 1 1.48502033d-01, 1.51741065d-01, 1.54904135d-01, 1.57977973d-01,
473 1 1.60948623d-01, 1.63801670d-01, 1.66522463d-01, 1.69096305d-01,
474 1 1.71508595d-01, 1.73744902d-01, 1.75790974d-01, 1.77632682d-01,
475 1 1.79255895d-01, 1.80646319d-01, 1.81789276d-01, 1.82669470d-01,
476 1 1.83270725d-01, 1.83575716d-01, 1.83565712d-01, 1.83220322d-01,
477 1 1.82517279d-01, 1.81432251d-01, 1.79938706d-01, 1.78007835d-01,
478 1 1.75608540d-01, 1.72707519d-01, 1.69269456d-01, 1.65257378d-01,
479 1 1.60633244d-01, 1.55358941d-01, 1.49398029d-01, 1.42718981d-01,
480 1 1.35301474d-01, 1.27148627d-01, 1.18308730d-01, 1.08905085d-01,
481 1 9.91559295d-02, 8.93515884d-02, 7.97824293d-02, 7.06663514d-02,
482 1 6.21244732d-02, 5.41994827d-02, 4.68848207d-02, 4.01465202d-02,
483 1 3.39357642d-02, 2.81954415d-02, 2.28635569d-02, 1.78750916d-02,
484 1 1.31630892d-02, 8.65933391d-03, 4.29480447d-03/
485 data u2 /
486 1 7.17416019d-06, 1.70782645d-05, 3.31245126d-05, 6.01588363d-05,
487 1 1.05339286d-04, 1.79174771d-04, 2.96719122d-04, 4.78862606d-04,
488 1 7.53598916d-04, 1.15707860d-03, 1.73420412d-03, 2.53849668d-03,
489 1 3.63099110d-03, 5.07800919d-03, 6.94782549d-03, 9.30645443d-03,
490 1 1.22130079d-02, 1.57152366d-02, 1.98459102d-02, 2.46205841d-02,
491 1 3.00370492d-02, 3.60764461d-02, 4.27057301d-02, 4.98809820d-02,
492 1 5.75510102d-02, 6.56607602d-02, 7.41541974d-02, 8.29764928d-02,
493 1 9.20754824d-02, 1.01402468d-01, 1.10912474d-01, 1.20564094d-01,
494 1 1.30319039d-01, 1.40141489d-01, 1.49997326d-01, 1.59853293d-01,
495 1 1.69676126d-01, 1.79431680d-01, 1.89084097d-01, 1.98595037d-01,
496 1 2.07923034d-01, 2.17023055d-01, 2.25846345d-01, 2.34340694d-01,
497 1 2.42451240d-01, 2.50121934d-01, 2.57297724d-01, 2.63927433d-01,
498 1 2.69967170d-01, 2.75383917d-01, 2.80158840d-01, 2.84289739d-01,
499 1 2.87792167d-01, 2.90698875d-01, 2.93057586d-01, 2.94927384d-01,
500 1 2.96374262d-01, 2.97466488d-01, 2.98270390d-01, 2.98847025d-01,
501 1 2.99249945d-01, 2.99524080d-01, 2.99705593d-01, 2.99822450d-01,
502 1 2.99895431d-01, 2.99939301d-01, 2.99963931d-01, 2.99975129d-01,
503 1 2.99974996d-01, 2.99961526d-01, 2.99927041d-01, 2.99854809d-01,
504 1 2.99712769d-01, 2.99442742d-01, 2.98942676d-01, 2.98038511d-01,
505 1 2.96441259d-01, 2.93684573d-01, 2.89040478d-01, 2.81421884d-01,
506 1 2.69315148d-01, 2.50874185d-01, 2.24457680d-01, 1.89885662d-01,
507 1 1.49894358d-01, 1.09927672d-01, 7.54041273d-02, 4.90259517d-02,
508 1 3.06080023d-02, 1.85165524d-02, 1.09104125d-02, 6.27726960d-03,
509 1 3.53002680d-03, 1.94049735d-03, 1.04218859d-03, 5.45964314d-04,
510 1 2.77379128d-04, 1.33343739d-04, 5.32660444d-05/
511 data u3 /
512 1 1.86765383d-10, 1.96772458d-09, 1.19111389d-08, 5.54964761d-08,
513 1 2.18340713d-07, 7.55899524d-07, 2.35604385d-06, 6.70801745d-06,
514 1 1.76224112d-05, 4.30351929d-05, 9.82592148d-05, 2.10736217d-04,
515 1 4.26209304d-04, 8.15657041d-04, 1.48160943d-03, 2.56186555d-03,
516 1 4.22851247d-03, 6.68078970d-03, 1.01317466d-02, 1.47903961d-02,
517 1 2.08424987d-02, 2.84336008d-02, 3.76573037d-02, 4.85502549d-02,
518 1 6.10936693d-02, 7.52198901d-02, 9.08218891d-02, 1.07763660d-01,
519 1 1.25889931d-01, 1.45034247d-01, 1.65025016d-01, 1.85689556d-01,
520 1 2.06856371d-01, 2.28356037d-01, 2.50021072d-01, 2.71685149d-01,
521 1 2.93181998d-01, 3.14344301d-01, 3.35002907d-01, 3.54986687d-01,
522 1 3.74123404d-01, 3.92241969d-01, 4.09176451d-01, 4.24772089d-01,
523 1 4.38893320d-01, 4.51433444d-01, 4.62324969d-01, 4.71549073d-01,
524 1 4.79142163d-01, 4.85197409d-01, 4.89859810d-01, 4.93314543d-01,
525 1 4.95770115d-01, 4.97439231d-01, 4.98520996d-01, 4.99187563d-01,
526 1 4.99576941d-01, 4.99791928d-01, 4.99903753d-01, 4.99958343d-01,
527 1 4.99983239d-01, 4.99993785d-01, 4.99997902d-01, 4.99999367d-01,
528 1 4.99999835d-01, 4.99999965d-01, 4.99999995d-01, 5.00000000d-01,
529 1 5.00000000d-01, 4.99999997d-01, 4.99999976d-01, 4.99999863d-01,
530 1 4.99999315d-01, 4.99996914d-01, 4.99987300d-01, 4.99951740d-01,
531 1 4.99829328d-01, 4.99435130d-01, 4.98245007d-01, 4.94883400d-01,
532 1 4.86081966d-01, 4.65174923d-01, 4.21856650d-01, 3.47885738d-01,
533 1 2.49649938d-01, 1.51648615d-01, 7.80173239d-02, 3.47983164d-02,
534 1 1.38686441d-02, 5.05765688d-03, 1.71052539d-03, 5.38966324d-04,
535 1 1.57923694d-04, 4.27352191d-05, 1.05512005d-05, 2.33068621d-06,
536 1 4.45404604d-07, 6.88336884d-08, 7.23875975d-09/
537 data zero/0.0d0/
539 abermx = zero
540 do 10 k = 1,99
541 ae1 = abs(y(1,k) - u1(k))
542 ae2 = abs(y(2,k) - u2(k))
543 ae3 = abs(y(3,k) - u3(k))
544 abermx = max(abermx, ae1, ae2, ae3)
545 10 continue
547 return
548 c end of subroutine maxerr