Forgot to load lapack in a few examples
[maxima.git] / share / odepack / fortran / sro.f
1 subroutine sro
2 * (n, ip, ia,ja,a, q, r, dflag)
3 c***********************************************************************
4 c sro -- symmetric reordering of sparse symmetric matrix
5 c***********************************************************************
7 c description
9 c the nonzero entries of the matrix m are assumed to be stored
10 c symmetrically in (ia,ja,a) format (i.e., not both m(i,j) and m(j,i)
11 c are stored if i ne j).
13 c sro does not rearrange the order of the rows, but does move
14 c nonzeroes from one row to another to ensure that if m(i,j) will be
15 c in the upper triangle of m with respect to the new ordering, then
16 c m(i,j) is stored in row i (and thus m(j,i) is not stored), whereas
17 c if m(i,j) will be in the strict lower triangle of m, then m(j,i) is
18 c stored in row j (and thus m(i,j) is not stored).
21 c additional parameters
23 c q - integer one-dimensional work array. dimension = n
25 c r - integer one-dimensional work array. dimension = number of
26 c nonzero entries in the upper triangle of m
28 c dflag - logical variable. if dflag = .true., then store nonzero
29 c diagonal elements at the beginning of the row
31 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
33 integer ip(*), ia(*), ja(*), q(*), r(*)
34 c... real a(*), ak
35 double precision a(*), ak
36 logical dflag
39 c--phase 1 -- find row in which to store each nonzero
40 c----initialize count of nonzeroes to be stored in each row
41 do 1 i=1,n
42 1 q(i) = 0
44 c----for each nonzero element a(j)
45 do 3 i=1,n
46 jmin = ia(i)
47 jmax = ia(i+1) - 1
48 if ( go to 3
49 do 2 j=jmin,jmax
51 c--------find row (=r(j)) and column (=ja(j)) in which to store a(j) ...
52 k = ja(j)
53 if (ip(k).lt.ip(i)) ja(j) = i
54 if (ip(k).ge.ip(i)) k = i
55 r(j) = k
57 c--------... and increment count of nonzeroes (=q(r(j)) in that row
58 2 q(k) = q(k) + 1
59 3 continue
62 c--phase 2 -- find new ia and permutation to apply to (ja,a)
63 c----determine pointers to delimit rows in permuted (ja,a)
64 do 4 i=1,n
65 ia(i+1) = ia(i) + q(i)
66 4 q(i) = ia(i+1)
68 c----determine where each (ja(j),a(j)) is stored in permuted (ja,a)
69 c----for each nonzero element (in reverse order)
70 ilast = 0
71 jmin = ia(1)
72 jmax = ia(n+1) - 1
73 j = jmax
74 do 6 jdummy=jmin,jmax
75 i = r(j)
76 if (.not.dflag .or. ja(j).ne.i .or. i.eq.ilast) go to 5
78 c------if dflag, then put diagonal nonzero at beginning of row
79 r(j) = ia(i)
80 ilast = i
81 go to 6
83 c------put (off-diagonal) nonzero in last unused location in row
84 5 q(i) = q(i) - 1
85 r(j) = q(i)
87 6 j = j-1
90 c--phase 3 -- permute (ja,a) to upper triangular form (wrt new ordering)
91 do 8 j=jmin,jmax
92 7 if (r(j).eq.j) go to 8
93 k = r(j)
94 r(j) = r(k)
95 r(k) = k
96 jak = ja(k)
97 ja(k) = ja(j)
98 ja(j) = jak
99 ak = a(k)
100 a(k) = a(j)
101 a(j) = ak
102 go to 7
103 8 continue
105 return