1 ;;; Compiled by f2cl version:
2 ;;; ("f2cl1.l,v 95098eb54f13 2013/04/01 00:45:16 toy $"
3 ;;; "f2cl2.l,v 95098eb54f13 2013/04/01 00:45:16 toy $"
4 ;;; "f2cl3.l,v 96616d88fb7e 2008/02/22 22:19:34 rtoy $"
5 ;;; "f2cl4.l,v 96616d88fb7e 2008/02/22 22:19:34 rtoy $"
6 ;;; "f2cl5.l,v 95098eb54f13 2013/04/01 00:45:16 toy $"
7 ;;; "f2cl6.l,v 1d5cbacbb977 2008/08/24 00:56:27 rtoy $"
8 ;;; "macros.l,v 1409c1352feb 2013/03/24 20:44:50 toy $")
10 ;;; Using Lisp CMU Common Lisp snapshot-2013-11 (20E Unicode)
12 ;;; Options: ((:prune-labels nil) (:auto-save t) (:relaxed-array-decls t)
13 ;;; (:coerce-assigns :as-needed) (:array-type ':array)
14 ;;; (:array-slicing t) (:declare-common nil)
15 ;;; (:float-format single-float))
17 (in-package "ODEPACK")
22 :element-type
23 :initial-contents
'(12 5)))
26 (declare (type (array f2cl-lib
(2)) mord
27 (type (f2cl-lib:integer4
) mxstp0 mxhnl0
29 (f neq y t$ tout itol rtol atol itask istate iopt rwork lrw iwork liw
31 (declare (type (f2cl-lib:integer4
) mf liw lrw iopt istate itask itol
32 (type (double-float) tout t$
33 (type (array double-float
(*)) rwork atol rtol y
34 (type (array f2cl-lib
(*)) iwork neq
36 (symbol-macrolet ((ccmax
37 (aref (dls001-part-0 *dls001-common-block
*) 209))
38 (h (aref (dls001-part-0 *dls001-common-block
*) 211))
39 (hmin (aref (dls001-part-0 *dls001-common-block
*) 212))
40 (hmxi (aref (dls001-part-0 *dls001-common-block
*) 213))
41 (hu (aref (dls001-part-0 *dls001-common-block
*) 214))
42 (tn (aref (dls001-part-0 *dls001-common-block
*) 216))
44 (aref (dls001-part-0 *dls001-common-block
*) 217))
45 (init (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 0))
46 (mxstep (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 1))
47 (mxhnil (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 2))
48 (nhnil (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 3))
49 (nslast (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 4))
50 (nyh (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 5))
52 (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 16))
53 (kflag (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 17))
54 (l (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 18))
55 (lyh (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 19))
56 (lewt (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 20))
57 (lacor (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 21))
58 (lsavf (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 22))
59 (lwm (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 23))
60 (liwm (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 24))
61 (meth (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 25))
62 (miter (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 26))
64 (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 27))
66 (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 28))
67 (msbp (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 29))
68 (mxncf (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 30))
69 (n (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 31))
70 (nq (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 32))
71 (nst (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 33))
72 (nfe (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 34))
73 (nje (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 35))
74 (nqu (aref (dls001-part-1 *dls001-common-block
*) 36))
75 (delt (aref (dlpk01-part-0 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 0))
76 (sqrtn (aref (dlpk01-part-0 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 2))
77 (rsqrtn (aref (dlpk01-part-0 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 3))
78 (jpre (aref (dlpk01-part-1 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 0))
79 (jacflg (aref (dlpk01-part-1 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 1))
80 (locwp (aref (dlpk01-part-1 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 2))
81 (lociwp (aref (dlpk01-part-1 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 3))
82 (lsavx (aref (dlpk01-part-1 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 4))
83 (kmp (aref (dlpk01-part-1 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 5))
84 (maxl (aref (dlpk01-part-1 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 6))
85 (nni (aref (dlpk01-part-1 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 8))
86 (nli (aref (dlpk01-part-1 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 9))
87 (nps (aref (dlpk01-part-1 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 10))
88 (ncfn (aref (dlpk01-part-1 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 11))
89 (ncfl (aref (dlpk01-part-1 *dlpk01-common-block
*) 12)))
90 (f2cl-lib:with-multi-array-data
91 ((neq f2cl-lib
:integer4 neq-%data% neq-%offset%
92 (iwork f2cl-lib
:integer4 iwork-%data% iwork-%offset%
93 (y double-float y-%data% y-%offset%
94 (rtol double-float rtol-%data% rtol-%offset%
95 (atol double-float atol-%data% atol-%offset%
96 (rwork double-float rwork-%data% rwork-%offset%
97 (prog ((nwarn 0) (nstd 0) (nnid 0) (nni0 0) (nli0 0) (ncfl0 0)
98 (ncfn0 0) (lwp 0) (liwp 0) (lenwk 0) (lenwm 0) (lenrw 0)
99 (leniwk 0) (leniw 0) (lf0 0) (kgo 0) (imxer 0) (iflag 0)
100 (i2 0) (i1 0) (i 0) (w0 0.0d0
) (sum 0.0d0
) (size 0.0d0
101 (tp 0.0d0
) (tolsf 0.0d0
) (tol 0.0d0
) (tnext 0.0d0
102 (tdist 0.0d0
) (tcrit 0.0d0
) (rtoli 0.0d0
) (rh 0.0d0
103 (rcfn 0.0d0
) (rcfl 0.0d0
) (hmx 0.0d0
) (hmax 0.0d0
) (h0 0.0d0
104 (ewti 0.0d0
) (big 0.0d0
) (ayi 0.0d0
) (avdim 0.0d0
105 (atoli 0.0d0
) (lwarn nil
) (lcfl nil
) (lcfn nil
) (lavd nil
109 :element-type
110 :initial-element
111 (declare (type (string 60) msg
112 (type f2cl-lib
:logical ihit lavd lcfn lcfl lwarn
113 (type (double-float) atoli avdim ayi big ewti h0 hmax hmx
114 rcfl rcfn rh rtoli tcrit tdist tnext
115 tol tolsf tp size sum w0
116 (type (f2cl-lib:integer4
) i i1 i2 iflag imxer kgo lf0
117 leniw leniwk lenrw lenwm lenwk
118 liwp lwp ncfn0 ncfl0 nli0 nni0
120 (if (or (< istate
1) (> istate
3)) (go label601
121 (if (or (< itask
1) (> itask
5)) (go label602
122 (if (= istate
1) (go label10
123 (if (= init
0) (go label603
124 (if (= istate
2) (go label200
128 (if (= tout t$
) (go end_label
130 (if (<= (f2cl-lib:fref neq-%data%
(1) ((1 *)) neq-%offset%
) 0)
132 (if (= istate
1) (go label25
133 (if (> (f2cl-lib:fref neq-%data%
(1) ((1 *)) neq-%offset%
) n
136 (setf n
(f2cl-lib:fref neq-%data%
(1) ((1 *)) neq-%offset%
137 (if (or (< itol
1) (> itol
4)) (go label606
138 (if (or (< iopt
0) (> iopt
1)) (go label607
139 (setf meth
(the f2cl-lib
(truncate mf
140 (setf miter
(f2cl-lib:int-sub mf
10 meth
141 (if (or (< meth
1) (> meth
2)) (go label608
142 (if (< miter
0) (go label608
143 (if (and (> miter
4) (< miter
9)) (go label608
146 (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
153 (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
157 (if (= iopt
1) (go label40
158 (setf maxord
(f2cl-lib:fref mord
(meth) ((1 2))))
161 (if (= istate
1) (setf h0
165 (min (the f2cl-lib
5) (the f2cl-lib
:integer4 n
171 (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(5) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
172 (if (< maxord
0) (go label611
173 (if (= maxord
0) (setf maxord
175 (min (the f2cl-lib
:integer4 maxord
176 (the f2cl-lib
177 (f2cl-lib:fref mord
(meth) ((1 2))))))
179 (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(6) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
180 (if (< mxstep
0) (go label612
181 (if (= mxstep
0) (setf mxstep mxstp0
183 (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(7) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
184 (if (< mxhnil
0) (go label613
185 (if (= mxhnil
0) (setf mxhnil mxhnl0
186 (if (/= istate
1) (go label50
187 (setf h0
(f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(5) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
188 (if (< (* (- tout t$
) h0
) 0.0d0
) (go label614
191 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(6) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
192 (if (< hmax
) (go label615
194 (if (> hmax
) (setf hmxi
(/ 1.0d0 hmax
196 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(7) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
197 (if (< hmin
) (go label616
199 (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(8) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
200 (if (= maxl
0) (setf maxl
202 (min (the f2cl-lib
:integer4 maxl
203 (the f2cl-lib
:integer4 n
205 (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(9) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
206 (if (or (= kmp
0) (> kmp maxl
)) (setf kmp maxl
208 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(8) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
209 (if (= delt
) (setf delt
212 (if (= istate
1) (setf nyh n
214 (f2cl-lib:int-add lyh
216 (f2cl-lib:int-add maxord
218 (if (= miter
0) (setf lenwk
222 (f2cl-lib:int-mul n
(f2cl-lib:int-add maxl
223 (f2cl-lib:int-mul maxl maxl
228 (f2cl-lib:int-add maxl
239 (f2cl-lib:int-mul
(f2cl-lib:int-add maxl
3) maxl
241 (if (or (= miter
3) (= miter
242 (setf lenwk
5 n
243 (if (= miter
9) (setf lenwk
2 n
247 (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
251 (setf lenwm
(f2cl-lib:int-add lenwk lwp
252 (setf locwp
(f2cl-lib:int-add lenwk
253 (setf lewt
(f2cl-lib:int-add lwm lenwm
254 (setf lsavf
(f2cl-lib:int-add lewt n
255 (setf lsavx
(f2cl-lib:int-add lsavf n
256 (setf lacor
(f2cl-lib:int-add lsavx n
257 (if (= miter
0) (setf lacor
(f2cl-lib:int-add lsavf n
258 (setf lenrw
(f2cl-lib:int-add lacor n
) 1))
259 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(17) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
263 (if (= miter
1) (setf leniwk maxl
267 (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
271 (setf leniw
30 leniwk liwp
272 (setf lociwp
(f2cl-lib:int-add leniwk
273 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(18) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
275 (if (> lenrw lrw
) (go label617
276 (if (> leniw liw
) (go label618
277 (setf rtoli
(f2cl-lib:fref rtol-%data%
(1) ((1 *)) rtol-%offset%
278 (setf atoli
(f2cl-lib:fref atol-%data%
(1) ((1 *)) atol-%offset%
279 (f2cl-lib:fdo
(i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i
284 (f2cl-lib:fref rtol-%data%
288 (if (or (= itol
2) (= itol
290 (f2cl-lib:fref atol-%data%
294 (if (< rtoli
) (go label619
295 (if (< atoli
) (go label620
298 (coerce (f2cl-lib:fsqrt
(f2cl-lib:freal n
)) 'double-float
299 (setf rsqrtn
(/ 1.0d0 sqrtn
300 (if (= istate
1) (go label100
302 (if (<= nq maxord
) (go label90
303 (f2cl-lib:fdo
(i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i
307 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
309 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lsavf
313 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
315 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lwm
320 (if (= n nyh
) (go label200
321 (setf i1
(f2cl-lib:int-add lyh
(f2cl-lib:int-mul l nyh
324 (f2cl-lib:int-add lyh
326 (f2cl-lib:int-add maxord
329 (if (> i1 i2
) (go label200
330 (f2cl-lib:fdo
(i i1
(f2cl-lib:int-add i
334 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(i) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
338 (setf uround
340 (if (and (/= itask
4) (/= itask
5)) (go label110
342 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(1) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
343 (if (< (* (- tcrit tout
) (- tout t$
)) 0.0d0
) (go label625
344 (if (and (/= h0
) (> (* (- (+ t$ h0
) tcrit
) h0
) 0.0d0
345 (setf h0
(- tcrit t$
368 (setf lf0
(f2cl-lib:int-add lyh nyh
369 (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3
374 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
379 (declare (ignore var-0 var-2 var-3
383 (f2cl-lib:fdo
(i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i
387 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
389 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lyh
393 (f2cl-lib:fref y-%data%
(i) ((1 *)) y-%offset%
396 (dewset n itol rtol atol
397 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
402 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
407 (f2cl-lib:fdo
(i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i
412 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
413 ((f2cl-lib:int-sub
(f2cl-lib:int-add i lewt
420 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
422 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lewt
427 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
429 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lewt
433 (if (/= h0
) (go label180
434 (setf tdist
(abs (- tout t$
435 (setf w0
(max (abs t$
) (abs tout
436 (if (< tdist
(* 2.0d0 uround w0
)) (go label622
437 (setf tol
(f2cl-lib:fref rtol-%data%
(1) ((1 *)) rtol-%offset%
438 (if (<= itol
2) (go label140
439 (f2cl-lib:fdo
(i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i
445 (f2cl-lib:fref rtol-%data%
450 (if (> tol
) (go label160
451 (setf atoli
(f2cl-lib:fref atol-%data%
(1) ((1 *)) atol-%offset%
452 (f2cl-lib:fdo
(i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i
455 (if (or (= itol
2) (= itol
457 (f2cl-lib:fref atol-%data%
462 (abs (f2cl-lib:fref y-%data%
(i) ((1 *)) y-%offset%
463 (if (/= ayi
) (setf tol
(max tol
(/ atoli ayi
466 (setf tol
(max tol
(* 100.0d0 uround
467 (setf tol
(min tol
470 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
475 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
480 (setf sum
(+ (/ 1.0d0
(* tol w0 w0
)) (* tol
(expt sum
481 (setf h0
(/ 1.0d0
(f2cl-lib:fsqrt sum
482 (setf h0
(min h0 tdist
483 (setf h0
(f2cl-lib:sign h0
(- tout t$
485 (setf rh
(* (abs h0
) hmxi
486 (if (> rh
) (setf h0
(/ h0 rh
488 (f2cl-lib:fdo
(i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i
492 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
494 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lf0
499 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
501 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lf0
513 (f2cl-lib:computed-goto
514 (label210 label250 label220 label230 label240
517 (if (< (* (- tn tout
) h
) 0.0d0
) (go label250
518 (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5
520 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
526 (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4
528 (if (/= iflag
0) (go label627
532 (setf tp
(- tn
(* hu
(+ 1.0d0
(* 100.0d0 uround
533 (if (> (* (- tp tout
) h
) 0.0d0
) (go label623
534 (if (< (* (- tn tout
) h
) 0.0d0
) (go label250
538 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(1) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
539 (if (> (* (- tn tcrit
) h
) 0.0d0
) (go label624
540 (if (< (* (- tcrit tout
) h
) 0.0d0
) (go label625
541 (if (< (* (- tn tout
) h
) 0.0d0
) (go label245
542 (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5
544 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
550 (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4
552 (if (/= iflag
0) (go label627
557 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(1) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
558 (if (> (* (- tn tcrit
) h
) 0.0d0
) (go label624
560 (setf hmx
(+ (abs tn
) (abs h
561 (setf ihit
(<= (abs (- tn tcrit
)) (* 100.0d0 uround hmx
562 (if ihit
(go label400
563 (setf tnext
(+ tn
(* h
(+ 1.0d0
(* 4.0d0 uround
564 (if (<= (* (- tnext tcrit
) h
) 0.0d0
) (go label250
565 (setf h
(* (- tcrit tn
) (- 1.0d0
(* 4.0d0 uround
566 (if (= istate
2) (setf jstart -
568 (if (>= (f2cl-lib:int-sub nst nslast
) mxstep
) (go label500
569 (setf nstd
(f2cl-lib:int-sub nst nslast
570 (setf nnid
(f2cl-lib:int-sub nni nni0
571 (if (or (< nstd
10) (= nnid
0)) (go label255
574 (/ (f2cl-lib:freal
(f2cl-lib:int-sub nli nli0
575 (f2cl-lib:freal nnid
579 (/ (f2cl-lib:freal
(f2cl-lib:int-sub ncfn ncfn0
580 (f2cl-lib:freal nstd
584 (/ (f2cl-lib:freal
(f2cl-lib:int-sub ncfl ncfl0
585 (f2cl-lib:freal nnid
587 (setf lavd
(> avdim
(- maxl
588 (setf lcfn
(> rcfn
589 (setf lcfl
(> rcfl
590 (setf lwarn
(or lavd lcfn lcfl
591 (if (not lwarn
) (go label255
592 (setf nwarn
(f2cl-lib:int-add nwarn
593 (if (> nwarn
10) (go label255
596 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
597 "DLSODPK- Warning. Poor iterative algorithm performance seen "
599 (xerrwd msg
60 111 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
602 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
603 " at T = R1 by average no. of linear iterations = R2 "
605 (xerrwd msg
60 111 0 0 0 0 2 tn avdim
608 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
609 "DLSODPK- Warning. Poor iterative algorithm performance seen "
611 (xerrwd msg
60 112 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
614 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
615 " at T = R1 by nonlinear convergence failure rate = R2 "
617 (xerrwd msg
60 112 0 0 0 0 2 tn rcfn
620 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
621 "DLSODPK- Warning. Poor iterative algorithm performance seen "
623 (xerrwd msg
60 113 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
626 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
627 " at T = R1 by linear convergence failure rate = R2 "
629 (xerrwd msg
60 113 0 0 0 0 2 tn rcfl
631 (dewset n itol rtol atol
632 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
637 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
642 (f2cl-lib:fdo
(i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i
647 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
648 ((f2cl-lib:int-sub
(f2cl-lib:int-add i lewt
655 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
657 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lewt
662 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
664 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lewt
672 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
677 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
682 (if (<= tolsf
) (go label280
683 (setf tolsf
(* tolsf
684 (if (= nst
0) (go label626
687 (if (/= (+ tn h
) tn
) (go label290
688 (setf nhnil
(f2cl-lib:int-add nhnil
689 (if (> nhnil mxhnil
) (go label290
690 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
691 "DLSODPK- Warning..Internal T(=R1) and H(=R2) are "
693 (xerrwd msg
50 101 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
694 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
695 " such that in the machine, T + H = T on the next step "
697 (xerrwd msg
60 101 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
698 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
699 " (H = step size). Solver will continue anyway."
701 (xerrwd msg
50 101 0 0 0 0 2 tn h
702 (if (< nhnil mxhnil
) (go label290
703 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
704 "DLSODPK- Above warning has been issued I1 times. "
706 (xerrwd msg
50 102 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
707 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
708 " It will not be issued again for this problem."
710 (xerrwd msg
50 102 0 1 mxhnil
0 0 0.0d0
713 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
719 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
724 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
729 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
734 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
739 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
744 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
749 (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data%
755 (setf kgo
1 kflag
756 (f2cl-lib:computed-goto
(label300 label530 label540 label550
) kgo
759 (f2cl-lib:computed-goto
760 (label310 label400 label330 label340 label350
763 (if (< (* (- tn tout
) h
) 0.0d0
) (go label250
764 (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5
766 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
772 (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4
777 (if (>= (* (- tn tout
) h
) 0.0d0
) (go label400
780 (if (< (* (- tn tout
) h
) 0.0d0
) (go label345
781 (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5
783 (f2cl-lib:array-slice rwork-%data%
789 (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4
794 (setf hmx
(+ (abs tn
) (abs h
795 (setf ihit
(<= (abs (- tn tcrit
)) (* 100.0d0 uround hmx
796 (if ihit
(go label400
797 (setf tnext
(+ tn
(* h
(+ 1.0d0
(* 4.0d0 uround
798 (if (<= (* (- tnext tcrit
) h
) 0.0d0
) (go label250
799 (setf h
(* (- tcrit tn
) (- 1.0d0
(* 4.0d0 uround
803 (setf hmx
(+ (abs tn
) (abs h
804 (setf ihit
(<= (abs (- tn tcrit
)) (* 100.0d0 uround hmx
806 (f2cl-lib:fdo
(i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i
810 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref y-%data%
(i) ((1 *)) y-%offset%
811 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
813 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lyh
818 (if (and (/= itask
4) (/= itask
5)) (go label420
819 (if ihit
(setf t$ tcrit
822 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(11) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
824 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(12) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
) h
825 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(13) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
827 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(11) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
829 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(12) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
831 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(13) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
833 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(14) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
835 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(15) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
837 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(19) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
839 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(20) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
841 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(21) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
843 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(22) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
845 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(23) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
849 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
850 "DLSODPK- At current T (=R1), MXSTEP (=I1) steps "
852 (xerrwd msg
50 201 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
853 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
854 " taken on this call before reaching TOUT "
856 (xerrwd msg
50 201 0 1 mxstep
0 1 tn
861 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
862 ((f2cl-lib:int-sub
(f2cl-lib:int-add lewt i
866 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
867 "DLSODPK- At T (=R1), EWT(I1) has become R2 <= 0. "
869 (xerrwd msg
50 202 0 1 i
0 2 tn ewti
873 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
874 "DLSODPK- At T (=R1), too much accuracy requested "
876 (xerrwd msg
50 203 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
877 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
878 " for precision of machine.. See TOLSF (=R2) "
880 (xerrwd msg
50 203 0 0 0 0 2 tn tolsf
881 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(14) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
886 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
887 "DLSODPK- At T(=R1), step size H(=R2), the error "
889 (xerrwd msg
50 204 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
890 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
891 " test failed repeatedly or with ABS(H) = HMIN"
893 (xerrwd msg
50 204 0 0 0 0 2 tn h
897 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
898 "DLSODPK- At T (=R1) and step size H (=R2), the "
900 (xerrwd msg
50 205 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
901 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
902 " corrector convergence failed repeatedly "
904 (xerrwd msg
50 205 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
905 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
906 " or with ABS(H) = HMIN "
908 (xerrwd msg
30 205 0 0 0 0 2 tn h
912 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
913 "DLSODPK- At T (=R1) an unrecoverable error return"
915 (xerrwd msg
50 205 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
916 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
917 " was made from Subroutine PSOL "
919 (xerrwd msg
40 205 0 0 0 0 1 tn
925 (f2cl-lib:fdo
(i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i
931 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
933 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lacor
937 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
939 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lewt
943 (if (>= big size
) (go label570
947 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(16) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
950 (f2cl-lib:fdo
(i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i
954 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref y-%data%
(i) ((1 *)) y-%offset%
955 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
957 (f2cl-lib:int-add i lyh
962 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(11) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
964 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(12) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
) h
965 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(13) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
967 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(11) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
969 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(12) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
971 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(13) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
973 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(14) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
975 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(15) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
977 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(19) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
979 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(20) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
981 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(21) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
983 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(22) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
985 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref iwork-%data%
(23) ((1 liw
)) iwork-%offset%
989 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
990 "DLSODPK- ISTATE(=I1) illegal."
992 (xerrwd msg
30 1 0 1 istate
0 0 0.0d0
993 (if (< istate
0) (go label800
996 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
997 "DLSODPK- ITASK (=I1) illegal."
999 (xerrwd msg
30 2 0 1 itask
0 0 0.0d0
1002 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1003 "DLSODPK- ISTATE > 1 but DLSODPK not initialized."
1005 (xerrwd msg
50 3 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
1008 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1009 "DLSODPK- NEQ (=I1) < 1 "
1011 (xerrwd msg
30 4 0 1
1012 (f2cl-lib:fref neq-%data%
(1) ((1 *)) neq-%offset%
) 0 0 0.0d0
1016 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1017 "DLSODPK- ISTATE = 3 and NEQ increased (I1 to I2)."
1019 (xerrwd msg
50 5 0 2 n
1020 (f2cl-lib:fref neq-%data%
(1) ((1 *)) neq-%offset%
) 0 0.0d0
1023 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1024 "DLSODPK- ITOL (=I1) illegal. "
1026 (xerrwd msg
30 6 0 1 itol
0 0 0.0d0
1029 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1030 "DLSODPK- IOPT (=I1) illegal. "
1032 (xerrwd msg
30 7 0 1 iopt
0 0 0.0d0
1035 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1036 "DLSODPK- MF (=I1) illegal. "
1038 (xerrwd msg
30 8 0 1 mf
0 0 0.0d0
1041 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1042 "DLSODPK- MAXORD (=I1) < 0 "
1044 (xerrwd msg
30 11 0 1 maxord
0 0 0.0d0
1047 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1048 "DLSODPK- MXSTEP (=I1) < 0 "
1050 (xerrwd msg
30 12 0 1 mxstep
0 0 0.0d0
1053 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1054 "DLSODPK- MXHNIL (=I1) < 0 "
1056 (xerrwd msg
30 13 0 1 mxhnil
0 0 0.0d0
1059 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1060 "DLSODPK- TOUT (=R1) behind T (=R2) "
1062 (xerrwd msg
40 14 0 0 0 0 2 tout t$
1063 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1064 " Integration direction is given by H0 (=R1) "
1066 (xerrwd msg
50 14 0 0 0 0 1 h0
1069 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1070 "DLSODPK- HMAX (=R1) < 0.0 "
1072 (xerrwd msg
30 15 0 0 0 0 1 hmax
1075 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1076 "DLSODPK- HMIN (=R1) < 0.0 "
1078 (xerrwd msg
30 16 0 0 0 0 1 hmin
1081 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1082 "DLSODPK- RWORK length needed, LENRW(=I1), exceeds LRW(=I2) "
1084 (xerrwd msg
60 17 0 2 lenrw lrw
0 0.0d0
1087 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1088 "DLSODPK- IWORK length needed, LENIW(=I1), exceeds LIW(=I2) "
1090 (xerrwd msg
60 18 0 2 leniw liw
0 0.0d0
1093 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1094 "DLSODPK- RTOL(I1) is R1 < 0.0 "
1096 (xerrwd msg
40 19 0 1 i
0 1 rtoli
1099 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1100 "DLSODPK- ATOL(I1) is R1 < 0.0 "
1102 (xerrwd msg
40 20 0 1 i
0 1 atoli
1106 (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
1107 ((f2cl-lib:int-sub
(f2cl-lib:int-add lewt i
1111 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1112 "DLSODPK- EWT(I1) is R1 <= 0.0 "
1114 (xerrwd msg
40 21 0 1 i
0 1 ewti
1117 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1118 "DLSODPK- TOUT(=R1) too close to T(=R2) to start integration."
1120 (xerrwd msg
60 22 0 0 0 0 2 tout t$
1123 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1124 "DLSODPK- ITASK = I1 and TOUT (=R1) behind TCUR - HU (= R2) "
1126 (xerrwd msg
60 23 0 1 itask
0 2 tout tp
1129 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1130 "DLSODPK- ITASK = 4 or 5 and TCRIT (=R1) behind TCUR (=R2) "
1132 (xerrwd msg
60 24 0 0 0 0 2 tcrit tn
1135 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1136 "DLSODPK- ITASK = 4 or 5 and TCRIT (=R1) behind TOUT (=R2) "
1138 (xerrwd msg
60 25 0 0 0 0 2 tcrit tout
1141 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1142 "DLSODPK- At start of problem, too much accuracy "
1144 (xerrwd msg
50 26 0 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
1145 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1146 " requested for precision of machine.. See TOLSF (=R1) "
1148 (xerrwd msg
60 26 0 0 0 0 1 tolsf
1149 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rwork-%data%
(14) ((1 lrw
)) rwork-%offset%
1153 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1154 "DLSODPK- Trouble in DINTDY. ITASK = I1, TOUT = R1"
1156 (xerrwd msg
50 27 0 1 itask
0 1 tout
1161 (f2cl-lib:f2cl-set-string msg
1162 "DLSODPK- Run aborted.. apparent infinite loop. "
1164 (xerrwd msg
50 303 2 0 0 0 0 0.0d0
1187 (in-package #:cl-user
1188 #+#.
) '(and) '(or))
1189 (eval-when (:load-toplevel
1190 (setf (gethash 'fortran-to-lisp
1191 fortran-to-lisp
1192 (fortran-to-lisp::make-f2cl-finfo
1193 :arg-types
'(t (array fortran-to-lisp
1194 (array double-float
(*)) (double-float) (double-float)
1195 (fortran-to-lisp::integer4
) (array double-float
1196 (array double-float
(*)) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4
1197 (fortran-to-lisp::integer4
) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4
1198 (array double-float
(*)) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4
1199 (array fortran-to-lisp
1200 (fortran-to-lisp::integer4
) t t
1201 (fortran-to-lisp::integer4
1202 :return-values
'(nil nil nil fortran-to-lisp
::t$ nil nil nil nil nil
1203 fortran-to-lisp
::istate nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
1205 :calls
'(fortran-to-lisp::dstodpk fortran-to-lisp
1206 fortran-to-lisp
::dintdy fortran-to-lisp
1207 fortran-to-lisp