1 '******************************************************
3 '* set_lang.vbs -- sets LANG environment variable *
4 '* according to current locale *
6 '* > cscript //nologo set_lang.vbs *
8 '******************************************************
16 Case 1033, 2057, 3081, 10249, 4105, 9225, 15369, 16393, 14345, _
17 6153, 8201, 17417, 5129, 13321, 18441, 7177, 11273, 12297
21 Case 1034, 3082, 11274, 16394, 13322, 9226, 5130, 7178, 12298, _
22 17418, 4106, 18442, 58378, 2058, 19466, 6154, 15370, 10250, _
23 20490, 21514, 14346, 8202
31 Case 1031, 3079, 5127, 4103, 2055
35 Case 1036, 2060, 11276, 3084, 9228, 12300, 15372, 5132, 13324, 6156, _
36 14348, 58380, 8204, 10252, 4108, 7180, 1122
49 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 ' Types of environment:
53 ' SYSTEM - Applies to all users of the computer and is saved between logoffs and restarts
54 ' HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
56 ' USER - Applies to the user currently logged on to the computer and is saved between logoffs and restarts
59 ' VOLATILE - Applies to current logon session and is not saved between logoffs and restarts
60 ' HKCU\VolatileEnvironment
62 ' PROCESS - Applies to current process and might be passed to child processes
63 ' Not stored in the registry
65 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 Set WS
= CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
69 Set WPE
= WS