Add more dgemm tests
[maxima.git] / src / logarc.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancements. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;; (c) Copyright 1982 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 (in-package :maxima)
12 (macsyma-module logarc)
14 ;;; Logarc and Halfangles
16 (defmfun $logarc (exp)
17 (cond ((atom exp) exp)
18 ((arcp (caar exp)) (logarc (caar exp) ($logarc (cadr exp))))
19 ((eq (caar exp) '%atan2)
20 (logarc '%atan2 (list ($logarc (second exp)) ($logarc (third exp)))))
21 (t (recur-apply #'$logarc exp))))
23 (defun logarc (f x)
24 ;; Gives the logarithmic form of arc trig and hyperbolic functions
25 (cond ((eq f '%acos)
26 ;; -%i * log(x + %i*sqrt(1-x^2))
27 (mul -1 '$%i (take '(%log) (add x (mul '$%i (root (sub 1 (power x 2)) 2))))))
28 ((eq f '%asin)
29 ;; -%i * log(sqrt(1-x^2)+%i*x)
30 (mul -1 '$%i (take '(%log) (add (mul '$%i x) (root (sub 1 (power x 2)) 2)))))
31 ((eq f '%atan)
32 ;; (log(1 + %i*x) - log(1 - %i*x)) /(2 %i)
33 (div (sub (take '(%log) (add 1 (mul '$%i x))) (take '(%log) (sub 1 (mul '$%i x))))
34 (mul 2 '$%i)))
35 ((eq f '%atan2)
36 ;; atan2(y,x) = -%i*log((x + %i*y)/sqrt(x^2+y^2))
37 (destructuring-bind (y x)
39 (mul -1 '$%i
40 (take '(%log) (div (add x (mul '$%i y))
41 (root (add (mul x x) (mul y y)) 2))))))
42 ((eq f '%asinh)
43 ;; log(sqrt(x^2+1)+x)
44 (take '(%log) (add x (root (add 1 (power x 2)) 2))))
45 ((eq f '%acosh)
46 ;; log(x+sqrt(x-1)*sqrt(x+1))
47 (take '(%log) (add x (mul (root (add x -1) 2) (root (add x 1) 2)))))
48 ((eq f '%atanh)
49 ;; (log(x+1)-log(1-x))/2
50 (div (sub (take '(%log) (add 1 x)) (take '(%log) (sub 1 x))) 2))
51 ((member f '(%asec %acsc %acot %asech %acsch %acoth) :test #'eq)
52 ;; asec(x) = acos(1/x), and etc.
53 (logarc (zl-get (zl-get (get f '$inverse) 'recip) '$inverse) (inv x)))
54 (t (merror "LOGARC: unrecognized argument: ~M" f))))
56 ;; Conditionally apply a logarc transformation to operators that either have the
57 ;; arcp property or that are %atan2 expressions but are *not* members of the list `l`.
58 ;; We could blend this functionality into $logarc, but I'm not sure there is much
59 ;; demand for it.
60 (defun partial-logarc (e l)
61 (cond ((atom e) e)
62 ((and (arcp (caar e)) (not (member (caar e) l)))
63 (logarc (caar e) (partial-logarc (cadr e) l)))
64 ((eq (caar e) '%atan2)
65 (logarc '%atan2 (list (partial-logarc (second e) l)
66 (partial-logarc (third e) l))))
67 (t (recur-apply #'(lambda (q) (partial-logarc q l)) e))))
69 (defun halfangle (f a)
70 (and (mtimesp a)
71 (ratnump (cadr a))
72 (equal (caddr (cadr a)) 2)
73 (halfangleaux f (mul 2 a))))
75 (defun halfangleaux (f a) ;; f=function; a=twice argument
76 (let ((sw (member f '(%cos %cot %coth %cosh) :test #'eq)))
77 (cond ((member f '(%sin %cos) :test #'eq)
78 (mul (halfangleaux-factor f a)
79 (power (div (add 1 (porm sw (take '(%cos) a))) 2) 1//2)))
80 ((member f '(%tan %cot) :test #'eq)
81 (div (add 1 (porm sw (take '(%cos) a))) (take '(%sin) a)))
82 ((member f '(%sinh %cosh) :test #'eq)
83 (mul (halfangleaux-factor f a)
84 (power (div (add (take '(%cosh) a) (porm sw 1)) 2) 1//2)))
85 ((member f '(%tanh %coth) :test #'eq)
86 (div (add (take '(%cosh) a) (porm sw 1)) (take '(%sinh) a)))
87 ((member f '(%sec %csc %sech %csch) :test #'eq)
88 (inv (halfangleaux (get f 'recip) a))))))
90 (defun halfangleaux-factor (f a)
91 (cond
92 ((member f '(%sin %cos))
93 (let ((arg (div (if (eq f '%sin)
94 ($realpart a)
95 (add ($realpart a) '$%pi))
96 (mul 2 '$%pi))))
97 (mul
98 (power -1 (simplify (list '($floor) arg)))
99 (sub 1
100 (mul
101 (add 1
102 (power -1 (add (simplify (list '($floor) arg))
103 (simplify (list '($floor) (mul -1 arg))))))
104 (simplify (list '($unit_step) (mul -1 ($imagpart a)))))))))
105 ((member f '(%sinh %cosh))
106 (let ((arg (div (add ($imagpart a) '$%pi) (mul 2 '$%pi)))
107 (fac (if (eq f '%sinh)
108 (div (power (power a 2) (div 1 2)) a)
109 1)))
110 (mul fac
111 (power -1 (simplify (list '($floor) arg)))
112 (sub 1
113 (mul
114 (add 1
115 (power -1 (add (simplify (list '($floor) arg))
116 (simplify (list '($floor) (mul -1 arg))))))
117 (simplify (list '($unit_step) ($realpart a))))))))
118 (t 1)))