Rename *ll* and *ul* to ll and ul in strictly-in-interval
[maxima.git] / share / graphs / wiener_index.lisp
1 ;;;
2 ;;; GRAPHS - graph theory package for Maxima
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (C) 2008 Andrej Vodopivec <>
5 ;;;
6 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
10 ;;;
11 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 ;;;
16 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 ;;;
22 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
23 ;;;
24 ;;; This file contains programs for computing the
25 ;;; Wiener index of a graph. It includes the algorithms for
26 ;;; ordinary and weighted Wiener index computation.
27 ;;;
28 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
30 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
31 ;;;
32 ;;; FLOYD-WARSHALL algorithm for all-pairs shortest paths
33 ;;;
34 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
36 (in-package :maxima)
38 (defun find-option (opt options &optional default)
39 (dolist (o options)
40 (cond ((eq o opt) (return-from find-option t))
41 ((and (listp o) (eq (cadr o) opt))
42 (return-from find-option (caddr o)))))
43 default)
45 (defmfun $floyd_warshall (g &rest options)
46 (require-graph-or-digraph 1 'floyd_warshall g)
47 (let* ((n (graph-order g))
48 (m (make-array (list n n)))
49 (my-inf 1)
50 (options (cons '((mlist simp)) options))
51 (weighted (find-option '$weighted options t))
52 (vertices (cdr (find-option '$vertices options)))
53 (mat ($zeromatrix n n)))
55 (unless vertices
56 (setq vertices (vertices g)))
58 (if weighted
59 (dolist (e (cdr ($edges g)))
60 (setq my-inf (m+ my-inf ($abs ($get_edge_weight e g 1)))))
61 (setq my-inf (1+ (graph-order g))))
63 ;; setup the array
64 (dotimes (i n)
65 (dotimes (j n)
66 (if (/= i j)
67 (setf (aref m i j)
68 (if weighted
69 ($get_edge_weight `((mlist simp) ,(nth i vertices) ,(nth j vertices)) g
70 1 my-inf)
71 (if (member (nth i vertices) (neighbors (nth j vertices) g)) 1 my-inf)))
72 (setf (aref m i j) 0))))
74 ;; compute the distances
75 (dotimes (k n)
76 (dotimes (i n)
77 (dotimes (j n)
78 (when (eq (mlsp (m+ (aref m i k) (aref m k j)) (aref m i j)) t)
79 (setf (aref m i j) (m+ (aref m i k) (aref m k j)))))))
81 ;; check for negative cycles
82 (dotimes (k n)
83 (when (eq (mlsp (aref m k k) 0) t)
84 ($error "Graph contains a negative cycle.")))
86 ;; fill the matrix
87 (dotimes (i n)
88 (dotimes (j n)
89 (setf (nth (1+ j) (nth (1+ i) mat))
90 (if (equal (aref m i j) my-inf) '$inf (aref m i j)))))
92 mat))
94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
95 ;;;
96 ;;; JOHNSON's algorithm for all pairs shortest path
97 ;;;
98 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
100 (defun bellman-ford (s g)
101 (let ((d (make-hash-table))
102 (edges (if (graph-p g) (append (edges g) (mapcar #'reverse (edges g))) (edges g)))
103 (my-inf 1)
104 (prev (make-hash-table)))
106 (dolist (e (cdr ($edges g)))
107 (setf my-inf (m+ my-inf ($abs ($get_edge_weight e g 1)))))
109 ;; initialize distances
110 (dolist (v (vertices g))
111 (if (= s v)
112 (setf (gethash v d) 0)
113 (setf (gethash v d) my-inf)))
115 ;; relax edges
116 (dotimes (i (1- (length (vertices g))))
117 (dolist (e edges)
118 (let* ((u (first e))
119 (v (second e))
120 (nd (m+ (gethash u d) ($get_edge_weight `((mlist simp) ,@e) g))))
121 (when (and (not (equal (gethash u d) my-inf))
122 (eq (mgrp (gethash v d) nd) t))
123 (setf (gethash v d) nd)
124 (setf (gethash v prev) u)))))
126 ;; check for negative cycles
127 (dolist (e edges)
128 (let ((u (first e))
129 (v (second e)))
130 (when (eq (mgrp (gethash v d)
131 (m+ (gethash u d) ($get_edge_weight `((mlist simp) ,@e) g)))
133 ($error "Graph contains a negative cycle."))))
135 (values d prev)))
137 (defmfun $johnson (g &rest options)
138 (let* ((h ($copy_graph g))
139 (n (graph-order g))
140 (options (cons '((mlist simp)) options))
141 (weighted (find-option '$weighted options t))
142 (vertices (cdr (find-option '$vertices options)))
143 (m ($zeromatrix n n))
146 (unless vertices
147 (setq vertices (vertices g)))
148 (setq nv (1+ (apply #'max vertices)))
150 (when weighted
151 (dolist (e (cdr ($edges g)))
152 ($set_edge_weight e ($get_edge_weight e g) h)))
154 ;; add a new vertex
155 ($add_vertex nv h)
156 (dolist (v vertices)
157 ($add_edge `((mlist simp) ,nv ,v) h)
158 ($set_edge_weight `((mlist simp) ,nv ,v) 0 h))
160 ;; run the bellman-ford algorithm
161 (multiple-value-bind (d prev)
162 (bellman-ford nv h)
163 (declare (ignore prev))
165 ;; re-weight the edges
166 (dolist (e (cdr ($edges g)))
167 (let ((nw (m+ (if weighted ($get_edge_weight e g) 1)
168 (gethash ($first e) d)
169 (m- (gethash ($second e) d)))))
170 ($set_edge_weight e nw h)))
171 ($remove_vertex nv h)
173 ;; run the dijkstra's algorithm for each vertex
174 (dotimes (i n)
175 (multiple-value-bind (dd pd)
176 (dijkstra (nth i vertices) nv h)
177 (declare (ignore pd))
178 (dotimes (j n)
179 (when (/= i j)
180 (setf (nth (1+ j) (nth (1+ i) m))
181 (if (eq '$inf (gethash (nth j vertices) dd))
182 '$inf
183 (m+ (gethash (nth j vertices) dd)
184 (m- (gethash (nth i vertices) d))
185 (gethash (nth j vertices) d))))))))
187 ;; return the matrix m
188 m)))
190 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
192 ;;; JUVAN-MOHAR algorithm
194 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
196 (defun wiener-index (g)
197 (let ((n (length (vertices g)))
198 (q (make-hash-table))
199 (j 0) (k 1) (w 0)
200 (visited (make-hash-table))
201 (d (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
202 (s (make-hash-table))
203 (c (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
204 (we (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
205 (wi 0))
207 ;; initialize array we
208 (dolist (e (edges g))
209 (setf (gethash e we) 0))
211 ;; initialize arrays c and d
212 (dolist (v (vertices g))
213 (dolist (u (vertices g))
214 (setf (gethash (list v u) c) 0)
215 (setf (gethash (list v u) d) 0)))
217 ;; For each vertex i
218 (dolist (v (vertices g))
220 ;; initialize c
221 (setf (gethash (list v v) c) 1)
223 ;; we do a bfs search
224 (dolist (i (vertices g))
225 (setf (gethash i visited) nil))
226 (setf (gethash 1 q) v
227 (gethash v visited) t)
228 (setq j 0 k 1)
229 (loop while (< j k) do
230 (incf j)
231 (setq w (gethash j q))
232 (dolist (u (neighbors w g))
233 (unless (gethash u visited)
234 (setf (gethash (list v u) d) (1+ (gethash (list v w) d)))
235 (setf (gethash u visited) t)
236 (incf k)
237 (setf (gethash k q) u))
238 (when (> (gethash (list v u) d) (gethash (list v w) d))
239 (incf (gethash (list v u) c) (gethash (list v w) c)))))
241 ;; and visit vertices in reverse order
242 (loop for j from n downto 1 do
243 (let ((w (gethash j q)))
244 (setf (gethash w s) 0)
245 (dolist (u (neighbors w g))
246 (when (< (gethash (list v w) d)
247 (gethash (list v u) d))
248 (let ((x (* (/ (gethash (list v w) c)
249 (gethash (list v u) c))
250 (1+ (gethash u s)))))
251 (incf (gethash (list (min u w) (max u w)) we) (/ x 2))
252 (incf (gethash w s) x)))))) )
254 ;; Compute the Wiener index
255 (dolist (e (edges g))
256 (incf wi (gethash e we)))
258 wi))
260 (defmfun $wiener_index (g &rest options)
261 (require-graph 1 'wiener_index g)
262 (unless ($is_connected g)
263 ($error "`wiener_index': input graph is not connected"))
264 (let* ((weighted (find-option '$weighted options nil))
265 (algorithm (find-option '$algorithm options (if weighted '$floyd_warshall '$juvan_mohar))))
266 (case algorithm
267 ($juvan_mohar (wiener-index g))
268 ($johnson
269 (m// ($xreduce "+" ($flatten ($args ($johnson g `((mlist simp) $weighted ,weighted))))) 2))
270 ($floyd_warshall
271 (m// ($xreduce "+" ($flatten ($args ($floyd_warshall g `((mlist simp) $weighted ,weighted))))) 2))
272 (t ($error "Unknown algorithm for WIENER_INDEX")))))