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1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
3 (in-package :maxima)
5 ;; TeX-printing
6 ;; (c) copyright 1987, Richard J. Fateman
7 ;; small corrections and additions: Andrey Grozin, 2001
8 ;; additional additions: Judah Milgram (JM), September 2001
9 ;; additional corrections: Barton Willis (BLW), October 2001
11 ;; Usage: tex(d8,"/tmp/foo.tex"); tex(d10,"/tmp/foo.tex"); ..
12 ;; to append lines d8 and d10 to the tex file. If given only
13 ;; one argument the result goes to standard output.
15 ;; Extract from permission letter to wfs:
16 ;; Date: Sat, 2 Apr 88 18:06:16 PST
17 ;; From: fateman%vangogh.Berkeley.EDU@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Richard Fateman)
18 ;; To: wfs@rascal.ics.UTEXAS.EDU
19 ;; Subject: about tex...
20 ;; You have my permission to put it in NESC or give it to anyone
21 ;; else who might be interested in it....
23 ;; source language:
24 ;; There are changes by wfs to allow use inside MAXIMA which runs
25 ;; in COMMON LISP. For original FRANZ LISP version contact rfw.
27 ;; intended environment: vaxima (Vax or Sun). Parser should be
28 ;; equivalent (in lbp/rbp data) to 1986 NESC Vaxima.
29 ;;;(provide 'tex)
30 ;;;(in-package 'tex)
31 ;;;(export '($tex $texinit))
32 ;;;;; we'd like to just
33 ;;;(import '(user::$bothcases user::lbp user::rbp user::nformat))
34 ;;;(use-package 'user)
36 ;; March, 1987
38 ;; Method:
40 ;; Producing TeX from a macsyma internal expression is done by
41 ;; a reversal of the parsing process. Fundamentally, a
42 ;; traversal of the expression tree is produced by the tex programs,
43 ;; with appropriate substitutions and recognition of the
44 ;; infix / prefix / postfix / matchfix relations on symbols. Various
45 ;; changes are made to this so that TeX will like the results.
46 ;; It is important to understand the binding powers of the operators
47 ;; in Macsyma, in mathematics, and in TeX so that parentheses will
48 ;; be inserted when necessary. Because TeX has different kinds of
49 ;; groupings (e.g. in superscripts, within sqrts), not all
50 ;; parentheses are explicitly need.
52 ;; Instructions:
53 ;; in macsyma, type tex(<expression>); or tex(<label>); or
54 ;; tex(<expr-or-label>, <file-name>); In the case of a label,
55 ;; a left-equation-number will be produced.
56 ;; in case a file-name is supplied, the output will be sent
57 ;; (perhaps appended) to that file.
59 (declare-top (special lop rop $labels $inchar))
61 (defvar *tex-environment-default* '("$$" . "$$"))
63 (defmfun $set_tex_environment_default (env-open env-close)
64 (setq env-open ($sconcat env-open))
65 (setq env-close ($sconcat env-close))
66 (setq *tex-environment-default* `(,env-open . ,env-close))
67 ($get_tex_environment_default))
69 (defmfun $get_tex_environment_default ()
70 `((mlist) ,(car *tex-environment-default*) ,(cdr *tex-environment-default*)))
72 (defmfun $set_tex_environment (x env-open env-close)
73 (setq env-open ($sconcat env-open))
74 (setq env-close ($sconcat env-close))
75 (if (getopr x) (setq x (getopr x)))
76 (setf (get x 'tex-environment) `(,env-open . ,env-close))
77 ($get_tex_environment x))
79 (defmfun $get_tex_environment (x)
80 (if (getopr x) (setq x (getopr x)))
81 (let ((e (get-tex-environment x)))
82 `((mlist) ,(car e) ,(cdr e))))
84 (defun get-tex-environment (x)
85 (cond
86 ((symbolp x)
87 (or (get x 'tex-environment) *tex-environment-default*))
88 ((atom x)
89 *tex-environment-default*)
91 (get-tex-environment (caar x)))))
93 (setf (get 'mdefine 'tex-environment)
94 `(,(format nil "~%\\begin{verbatim}~%") . ,(format nil ";~%\\end{verbatim}~%")))
96 (setf (get 'mdefmacro 'tex-environment)
97 `(,(format nil "~%\\begin{verbatim}~%") . ,(format nil ";~%\\end{verbatim}~%")))
99 (setf (get 'mlabel 'tex-environment)
100 `(,(format nil "~%\\begin{verbatim}~%") . ,(format nil ";~%\\end{verbatim}~%")))
102 ;; top level command the result of tex'ing the expression x.
103 ;; Lots of messing around here to get C-labels verbatim printed
104 ;; and function definitions verbatim "ground"
106 (defmspec $tex(l) ;; mexplabel, and optional filename or stream
107 ;;if filename or stream supplied but 'nil' then return a string
108 (let ((args (cdr l)))
109 (unless (member (length args) '(1 2))
110 (wna-err '$tex))
111 (cond ((and (cdr args) (null (cadr args)))
112 (let ((*standard-output* (make-string-output-stream)))
113 (apply 'tex1 args)
114 (get-output-stream-string *standard-output*)
117 (t (apply 'tex1 args)))))
119 (defun quote-chars (sym ch-str)
120 (let* ((strsym (string sym))
121 (pos (position-if #'(lambda (c) (find c ch-str)) strsym)))
122 (if pos
123 (concatenate 'string (subseq strsym 0 pos) "\\" (subseq strsym pos (1+ pos))
124 (quote-chars (subseq strsym (1+ pos)) ch-str))
125 strsym)))
127 (defun quote-% (sym)
128 (quote-chars sym "$%&_"))
130 (defun tex1 (mexplabel &optional filename-or-stream) ;; mexplabel, and optional filename or stream
131 (prog (mexp texport x y itsalabel need-to-close-texport)
132 (reset-ccol)
133 ;; collect the file-name, if any, and open a port if needed
134 (setq filename-or-stream (meval filename-or-stream))
135 (setq texport
136 (cond
137 ((null filename-or-stream) *standard-output*)
138 ((eq filename-or-stream t) *standard-output*)
139 ((streamp filename-or-stream) filename-or-stream)
141 (setq need-to-close-texport t)
142 (open (namestring (maxima-string filename-or-stream))
143 :direction :output
144 :if-exists :append
145 :if-does-not-exist :create))))
146 ;; go back and analyze the first arg more thoroughly now.
147 ;; do a normal evaluation of the expression in macsyma
148 (setq mexp (meval mexplabel))
149 (cond ((member mexplabel $labels :test #'eq) ; leave it if it is a label
150 (setq mexplabel (concatenate 'string "(" (print-invert-case (stripdollar mexplabel))
151 ")"))
152 (setq itsalabel t))
153 (t (setq mexplabel nil))) ;flush it otherwise
155 ;; maybe it is a function?
156 (cond((symbolp (setq x mexp)) ;;exclude strings, numbers
157 (setq x ($verbify x))
158 (cond ((setq y (mget x 'mexpr))
159 (setq mexp (list '(mdefine) (cons (list x) (cdadr y)) (caddr y))))
160 ((setq y (mget x 'mmacro))
161 (setq mexp (list '(mdefmacro) (cons (list x) (cdadr y)) (caddr y))))
162 ((setq y (mget x 'aexpr))
163 (setq mexp (list '(mdefine) (cons (list x 'array) (cdadr y)) (caddr y)))))))
164 (cond ((and (null(atom mexp))
165 (member (caar mexp) '(mdefine mdefmacro) :test #'eq))
166 (format texport (car (get-tex-environment (caar mexp))))
167 (cond (mexplabel (format texport "~a " mexplabel)))
168 (mgrind mexp texport) ;write expression as string
169 (format texport (cdr (get-tex-environment (caar mexp)))))
170 ((and
171 itsalabel ;; but is it a user-command-label?
175 (<= (length (string $inchar)) (length (string mexplabel)))
176 (string= (subseq (maybe-invert-string-case (string $inchar)) 1 (length (string $inchar)))
177 (subseq (string mexplabel) 1 (length (string $inchar))))
178 ;; Check to make sure it isn't an outchar in disguise
179 (not
180 (and
181 (<= (length (string $outchar)) (length (string mexplabel)))
182 (string= (subseq (maybe-invert-string-case (string $outchar)) 1 (length (string $outchar)))
183 (subseq (string mexplabel) 1 (length (string $outchar)))))))
184 ;; aha, this is a C-line: do the grinding:
185 (format texport (car (get-tex-environment 'mlabel)))
186 (format texport "~a" mexplabel)
187 (mgrind mexp texport) ;write expression as string
188 (format texport (cdr (get-tex-environment 'mlabel))))
190 (if mexplabel (setq mexplabel (quote-% mexplabel)))
191 ; display the expression for TeX now:
192 (myprinc (car (get-tex-environment mexp)) texport)
193 (mapc #'(lambda (x) (myprinc x texport))
194 ;;initially the left and right contexts are
195 ;; empty lists, and there are implicit parens
196 ;; around the whole expression
197 (tex mexp nil nil 'mparen 'mparen))
198 (cond (mexplabel
199 (format texport "\\leqno{\\tt ~a}" mexplabel)))
200 (format texport (cdr (get-tex-environment mexp)))))
201 (terpri texport)
202 (if need-to-close-texport
203 (close texport))
204 (return mexplabel)))
206 ;;; myprinc is an intelligent low level printing routine. it keeps track of
207 ;;; the size of the output for purposes of allowing the TeX file to
208 ;;; have a reasonable line-line. myprinc will break it at a space
209 ;;; once it crosses a threshold.
210 ;;; this has nothign to do with breaking the resulting equations.
212 ;;- arg: chstr - string or number to princ
213 ;;- scheme: This function keeps track of the current location
214 ;;- on the line of the cursor and makes sure
215 ;;- that a value is all printed on one line (and not divided
216 ;;- by the crazy top level os routines)
218 (let ((ccol 1))
219 (defun reset-ccol () (setq ccol 1))
221 (defun myprinc (chstr &optional (texport nil))
222 (prog (chlst)
223 (cond ((and (> (+ (length (setq chlst (exploden chstr))) ccol) 70.)
224 (or (stringp chstr) (equal chstr '| |)))
225 (terpri texport) ;would have exceeded the line length
226 (setq ccol 1.)
227 (myprinc " " texport))) ; lead off with a space for safetyso we split it up.
228 (do ((ch chlst (cdr ch))
229 (colc ccol (1+ colc)))
230 ((null ch) (setq ccol colc))
231 (write-char (car ch) texport)))))
233 (defun tex (x l r lop rop)
234 ;; x is the expression of interest; l is the list of strings to its
235 ;; left, r to its right. lop and rop are the operators on the left
236 ;; and right of x in the tree, and will determine if parens must
237 ;; be inserted
238 (setq x (nformat x))
239 (cond ((atom x) (tex-atom x l r))
240 ((or (<= (tex-lbp (caar x)) (tex-rbp lop)) (> (tex-lbp rop) (tex-rbp (caar x))))
241 (tex-paren x l r))
242 ;; special check needed because macsyma notates arrays peculiarly
243 ((member 'array (cdar x) :test #'eq) (tex-array x l r))
244 ;; dispatch for object-oriented tex-ifiying
245 ((get (caar x) 'tex) (funcall (get (caar x) 'tex) x l r))
246 (t (tex-function x l r nil))))
248 (defun tex-atom (x l r) ;; atoms: note: can we lose by leaving out {}s ?
249 (append l
250 (list (cond ((numberp x) (texnumformat x))
251 ((and (symbolp x) (or (get x 'texword) (get (get x 'reversealias) 'texword))))
252 ((stringp x)
253 (tex-string (quote-% (if $stringdisp (concatenate 'string "``" x "''") x))))
254 ((characterp x) (tex-char x))
255 ((not ($mapatom x))
256 (let ((x (if (member (marray-type x) '(array hash-table $functional))
257 ($sconcat x)
258 (format nil "~A" x))))
259 (tex-string (quote-chars (if $stringdisp (concatenate 'string "``" x "''") x)
260 "#$%&_"))))
262 (t (tex-stripdollar (or (get x 'reversealias) x)))))
265 (defun tex-string (x)
266 (cond ((equal x "") "")
267 ((eql (elt x 0) #\\) x)
268 (t (concatenate 'string "\\mbox{ " x " }"))))
270 (defun tex-char (x)
271 (if (eql x #\|) "\\mbox{\\verb/|/}"
272 (concatenate 'string "\\mbox{\\verb|" (string x) "|}")))
274 ;; Read forms from file F1 and output them to F2
275 (defun tex-forms (f1 f2 &aux tem (eof *mread-eof-obj*))
276 (with-open-file (st f1)
277 (loop while (not (eq (setq tem (mread-raw st eof)) eof))
278 do (tex1 (third tem) f2))))
280 ;; Detect and extract groups of trailing digits, e.g. foo_mm_nn.
281 ;; and then punt foo[mm, nn] to TEX-ARRAY.
282 ;; Otherwise, treat SYM as a simple symbol.
284 (defun tex-stripdollar (sym)
285 (let
286 ((nn-list (extract-trailing-digits (symbol-name sym))))
287 (if nn-list
288 ;; SYM matches foo_mm_nn.
289 (apply #'concatenate 'string (tex-array `((,(intern (first nn-list)) 'array) ,@(rest nn-list)) nil nil))
290 ;; SYM is a simple symbol.
291 (let ((s (maybe-invert-string-case (quote-% (stripdollar sym)))))
292 (if (> (length s) 1)
293 (concatenate 'string "{\\it " s "}")
294 s)))))
296 ;; Given a string foo_mm_nn, return foo, mm, and nn,
297 ;; where mm and nn are integers (not strings of digits).
298 ;; Return NIL if argument doesn't have trailing digits.
300 (defun extract-trailing-digits (s)
301 (let (nn-list)
302 ;; OK (loop while (funcall #.(maxima-nregex::regex-compile "[^_](__*)([0-9][0-9]*)$") s)
303 ;; NOPE (loop while (funcall #.(maxima-nregex::regex-compile "[^0-9_](_*)([0-9][0-9]*)$") s)
304 (loop with nn-string while
305 (or (and
306 (funcall #.(maxima-nregex::regex-compile "[^_](__*)([0-9][0-9]*)$") s)
307 (let*
308 ((group-_ (aref maxima-nregex::*regex-groups* 1))
309 (group-nn (aref maxima-nregex::*regex-groups* 2)))
310 (setq nn-string (subseq s (first group-nn) (second group-nn)))
311 (setq s (subseq s 0 (first group-_)))))
312 (and
313 (funcall #.(maxima-nregex::regex-compile "[^_]([0-9][0-9]*)$") s)
314 (let* ((group-nn (aref maxima-nregex::*regex-groups* 1)))
315 (setq nn-string (subseq s (first group-nn) (second group-nn)))
316 (setq s (subseq s 0 (first group-nn))))))
317 do (push (parse-integer nn-string) nn-list))
318 (and nn-list (cons s nn-list))))
320 (defun strcat (&rest args)
321 (apply #'concatenate 'string (mapcar #'string args)))
323 ;; 10/14/87 RJF convert 1.2e20 to 1.2 \cdot 10^{20}
324 ;; 03/30/01 RLT make that 1.2 \times 10^{20}
325 (defun texnumformat(atom)
326 (let (r firstpart exponent)
327 (cond ((integerp atom)
328 (coerce (exploden atom) 'string))
330 (setq r (exploden atom))
331 (setq exponent (member 'e r :test #'string-equal)) ;; is it ddd.ddde+EE
332 (cond
333 ((null exponent)
334 (coerce r 'string))
336 (setq firstpart
337 (nreverse (cdr (member 'e (reverse r) :test #'string-equal))))
338 (strcat (apply #'strcat firstpart )
339 " \\times 10^{"
340 (apply #'strcat (cdr exponent))
341 "}")))))))
343 (defun tex-paren (x l r)
344 (tex x (append l '("\\left(")) (cons "\\right)" r) 'mparen 'mparen))
346 (defun tex-array (x l r)
347 (let ((f))
348 (if (eq 'mqapply (caar x))
349 (setq f (cadr x)
350 x (cdr x)
351 l (tex f (append l (list "\\left(")) (list "\\right)") 'mparen 'mparen))
352 (setq f (caar x)
353 l (tex f l nil lop 'mfunction)))
354 (setq
355 r (nconc (tex-list (cdr x) nil (list "}") ",") r))
356 (nconc l (list "_{") r )))
358 ;; we could patch this so sin x rather than sin(x), but instead we made sin a prefix
359 ;; operator
361 (defun tex-function (x l r op) op
362 (setq l (tex (caar x) l nil 'mparen 'mparen)
363 r (tex (cons '(mprogn) (cdr x)) nil r 'mparen 'mparen))
364 (nconc l r))
366 ;; set up a list , separated by symbols (, * ...) and then tack on the
367 ;; ending item (e.g. "]" or perhaps ")"
369 (defun tex-list (x l r sym)
370 (if (null x) r
371 (do ((nl))
372 ((null (cdr x))
373 (setq nl (nconc nl (tex (car x) l r 'mparen 'mparen)))
375 (setq nl (nconc nl (tex (car x) l (list sym) 'mparen 'mparen))
376 x (cdr x)
377 l nil))))
379 (defun tex-prefix (x l r)
380 (tex (cadr x) (append l (texsym (caar x))) r (caar x) rop))
382 (defun tex-infix (x l r)
383 (twoargcheck x)
384 (setq l (tex (cadr x) l nil lop (caar x)))
385 (tex (caddr x) (append l (texsym (caar x))) r (caar x) rop))
387 (defun tex-postfix (x l r)
388 (tex (cadr x) l (append (texsym (caar x)) r) lop (caar x)))
390 (defun tex-nary (x l r)
391 (let* ((op (caar x)) (sym (texsym op)) (y (cdr x)) (ext-lop lop) (ext-rop rop))
392 (cond ((null y) (tex-function x l r t)) ; this should not happen
393 ((null (cdr y)) (tex-function x l r t)) ; this should not happen, too
394 (t (do ((nl) (lop ext-lop op) (rop op (if (null (cdr y)) ext-rop op)))
395 ((null (cdr y)) (setq nl (append nl (tex (car y) l r lop rop))) nl)
396 (setq nl (append nl (tex (car y) l sym lop rop))
397 y (cdr y)
398 l nil))))))
400 (defun tex-nofix (x l r) (tex (car (texsym (caar x))) l r (caar x) rop))
402 (defun tex-matchfix (x l r)
403 (setq l (append l (car (texsym (caar x))))
404 ;; car of texsym of a matchfix operator is the lead op
405 r (append (list (nth 1 (texsym (caar x)))) r)
406 ;; cdr is the trailing op
407 x (tex-list (cdr x) nil r (or (nth 2 (texsym (caar x))) " , ")))
408 (append l x))
410 (defun texsym (x)
411 (or (get x 'texsym) (get x 'strsym)
412 (get x 'dissym)
413 (stripdollar x)))
415 (defun texword (x)
416 (or (get x 'texword)
417 (stripdollar x)))
419 (defprop bigfloat tex-bigfloat tex)
421 ; For 1.2345b678, generate TeX output 1.2345_B \times 10^{678} .
422 ; If the exponent is 0, then ... \times 10^{0} is generated
423 ; (no attempt to strip off zero exponent).
425 (defun tex-bigfloat (x l r)
426 (let ((formatted (fpformat x)))
427 ; There should always be a '|b| or '|B| in the FPFORMAT output.
428 ; Play it safe -- check anyway.
429 (if (or (find '|b| formatted) (find '|B| formatted))
430 (let*
431 ((spell-out-expt
432 (append
433 (apply #'append
434 (mapcar
435 #'(lambda (e) (if (or (eq e '|b|) (eq e '|B|))
436 '("_B" | | "\\times" | | "10^{")
437 (list e)))
438 formatted))
439 '(|}|))))
440 (append l spell-out-expt r))
441 (append l formatted r))))
443 (defprop mprog "\\mathbf{block}\\;" texword)
444 (defprop %erf "\\mathrm{erf}" texword)
445 (defprop $erf "\\mathrm{erf}" texword) ;; etc for multicharacter names
446 (defprop $true "\\mathbf{true}" texword)
447 (defprop $false "\\mathbf{false}" texword)
448 (defprop $done "\\mathbf{done}" texword)
450 (defprop mprogn tex-matchfix tex) ;; mprogn is (<progstmnt>, ...)
451 (defprop mprogn (("\\left(") "\\right)") texsym)
453 (defprop mlist tex-matchfix tex)
454 (defprop mlist (("\\left[ ")" \\right] ") texsym)
455 (setf (get '%mlist 'tex) (get 'mlist 'tex))
456 (setf (get '%mlist 'texsym) (get 'mlist 'texsym))
458 ;;absolute value
459 (defprop mabs tex-matchfix tex)
460 (defprop mabs (("\\left| ")"\\right| ") texsym)
462 (defprop mqapply tex-mqapply tex)
464 (defun tex-mqapply (x l r)
465 (setq l (tex (cadr x) l (list "(" ) lop 'mfunction)
466 r (tex-list (cddr x) nil (cons ")" r) ","))
467 (append l r)) ;; fixed 9/24/87 RJF
469 (defprop $%i "i" texword)
470 (defprop $%e "e" texword)
471 (defprop $inf "\\infty " texword)
472 (defprop $minf " -\\infty " texword)
473 (defprop %laplace "\\mathcal{L}" texword)
475 (defprop $alpha "\\alpha" texword)
476 (defprop $beta "\\beta" texword)
477 (defprop $gamma "\\gamma" texword)
478 (defprop %gamma "\\gamma" texword)
480 (defprop %gamma tex-gamma tex)
481 (defun tex-gamma (x l r)
482 (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\Gamma\\left(")) (append '("\\right)") r) 'mparen 'mparen))
484 (defprop $%gamma "\\gamma" texword)
485 (defprop %gamma_incomplete "\\Gamma" texword)
486 (defprop %gamma_incomplete_regularized "Q" texword)
487 (defprop %gamma_incomplete_generalized "\\Gamma" texword)
488 (defprop $gamma_incomplete_lower "\\gamma" texword)
489 (defprop $delta "\\delta" texword)
490 (defprop $epsilon "\\varepsilon" texword)
491 (defprop $zeta "\\zeta" texword)
492 (defprop $eta "\\eta" texword)
493 (defprop $theta "\\vartheta" texword)
494 (defprop $iota "\\iota" texword)
495 (defprop $kappa "\\kappa" texword)
496 (defprop lambda "\\lambda" texword)
497 (defprop $lambda "\\lambda" texword)
498 (defprop $mu "\\mu" texword)
499 (defprop $nu "\\nu" texword)
500 (defprop $xi "\\xi" texword)
501 (defprop $omicron " o" texword)
502 (defprop $%pi "\\pi" texword)
503 (defprop $pi "\\pi" texword)
504 (defprop $rho "\\rho" texword)
505 (defprop $sigma "\\sigma" texword)
506 (defprop $tau "\\tau" texword)
507 (defprop $upsilon "\\upsilon" texword)
508 (defprop $phi "\\varphi" texword)
509 (defprop $chi "\\chi" texword)
510 (defprop $psi "\\psi" texword)
511 (defprop $omega "\\omega" texword)
513 (defprop |$Alpha| "{\\rm A}" texword)
514 (defprop |$Beta| "{\\rm B}" texword)
515 (defprop |$Gamma| "\\Gamma" texword)
516 (defprop |$Delta| "\\Delta" texword)
517 (defprop |$Epsilon| "{\\rm E}" texword)
518 (defprop |$Zeta| "{\\rm Z}" texword)
519 (defprop |$Eta| "{\\rm H}" texword)
520 (defprop |$Theta| "\\Theta" texword)
521 (defprop |$Iota| "{\\rm I}" texword)
522 (defprop |$Kappa| "{\\rm K}" texword)
523 (defprop |$Lambda| "\\Lambda" texword)
524 (defprop |$Mu| "{\\rm M}" texword)
525 (defprop |$Nu| "{\\rm N}" texword)
526 (defprop |$Xi| "\\Xi" texword)
527 (defprop |$Omicron| "{\\rm O}" texword)
528 (defprop |$Pi| "\\Pi" texword)
529 (defprop |$Rho| "{\\rm P}" texword)
530 (defprop |$Sigma| "\\Sigma" texword)
531 (defprop |$Tau| "{\\rm T}" texword)
532 (defprop |$Upsilon| "\\Upsilon" texword)
533 (defprop |$Phi| "\\Phi" texword)
534 (defprop |$Chi| "{\\rm X}" texword)
535 (defprop |$Psi| "\\Psi" texword)
536 (defprop |$Omega| "\\Omega" texword)
538 (defprop mquote tex-prefix tex)
539 (defprop mquote ("\\mbox{{}'{}}") texsym)
541 (defprop msetq tex-infix tex)
542 (defprop msetq (":") texsym)
544 (defprop mset tex-infix tex)
545 (defprop mset ("::") texsym)
547 (defprop mdefine tex-infix tex)
548 (defprop mdefine (":=") texsym)
550 (defprop mdefmacro tex-infix tex)
551 (defprop mdefmacro ("::=") texsym)
553 (defprop marrow tex-infix tex)
554 (defprop marrow ("\\rightarrow ") texsym)
556 (defprop mfactorial tex-postfix tex)
557 (defprop mfactorial ("!") texsym)
559 (defprop mexpt tex-mexpt tex)
561 (defprop %sum 110. tex-rbp) ;; added by BLW, 1 Oct 2001
562 (defprop %product 115. tex-rbp) ;; added by BLW, 1 Oct 2001
564 ;; If the number contains a exponent marker when printed, we need to
565 ;; put parens around it.
566 (defun numneedsparen (number)
567 (unless (integerp number)
568 (let ((r (exploden number)))
569 (member 'e r :test #'string-equal))))
571 (defvar *tex-mexpt-trig-like-fns* '(%sin %cos %tan %sinh %cosh %tanh %asin %acos %atan %asinh %acosh %atanh))
572 (defun tex-mexpt-trig-like-fn-p (f)
573 (member f *tex-mexpt-trig-like-fns*))
574 (defun maybe-tex-mexpt-trig-like (x l r)
575 ;; here is where we have to check for f(x)^b to be displayed
576 ;; as f^b(x), as is the case for sin(x)^2 .
577 ;; which should be sin^2 x rather than (sin x)^2 or (sin(x))^2.
578 ;; yet we must not display (a+b)^2 as +^2(a,b)...
579 ;; or (sin(x))^(-1) as sin^(-1)x, which would be arcsine x
580 (let*
581 ((fx (cadr x)) ; this is f(x)
582 (f (and (not (atom fx)) (atom (caar fx)) (caar fx))) ; this is f [or nil]
583 (bascdr (and f (cdr fx))) ; this is (x) [maybe (x,y..), or nil]
584 (expon (caddr x)) ;; this is the exponent
585 (doit (and
586 f ; there is such a function
587 (tex-mexpt-trig-like-fn-p f) ; f is trig-like
588 (member (get-first-char f) '(#\% #\$) :test #'char=) ;; insist it is a % or $ function
589 (not (member 'array (cdar fx) :test #'eq)) ; fix for x[i]^2
590 (or (and (atom expon) (not (numberp expon))) ; f(x)^y is ok
591 (and (atom expon) (numberp expon) (> expon 0))))))
592 ; f(x)^3 is ok, but not f(x)^-1, which could
593 ; inverse of f, if written f^-1 x
594 ; what else? f(x)^(1/2) is sqrt(f(x)), ??
595 (cond (doit
596 (setq l (tex `((mexpt) ,f ,expon) l nil 'mparen 'mparen))
597 (if (and (null (cdr bascdr))
598 (eq (get f 'tex) 'tex-prefix))
599 (setq r (tex (car bascdr) nil r f 'mparen))
600 (setq r (tex (cons '(mprogn) bascdr) nil r 'mparen 'mparen)))
601 (append l r))
602 (t nil))) ; won't doit. fall through
605 ;; insert left-angle-brackets for mncexpt. a^<n> is how a^^n looks.
606 (defun tex-mexpt (x l r)
607 (let((nc (eq (caar x) 'mncexpt))) ; true if a^^b rather than a^b
608 (cond ;; this whole clause
609 ;; should be deleted if this hack is unwanted and/or the
610 ;; time it takes is of concern.
611 ;; it shouldn't be too expensive.
612 ((and (eq (caar x) 'mexpt) ; don't do this hack for mncexpt
613 (maybe-tex-mexpt-trig-like x l r))) ; fall through if f is not trig-like
614 (t (setq l (cond ((or ($bfloatp (cadr x))
615 (and (numberp (cadr x)) (numneedsparen (cadr x))))
617 (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\left(")) '("\\right)") lop (caar x)))
618 (t (tex (cadr x) l nil lop (caar x))))
619 r (if (mmminusp (setq x (nformat (caddr x))))
620 ;; the change in base-line makes parens unnecessary
621 (if nc
622 (tex (cadr x) '("^ {-\\langle ") (cons "\\rangle }" r) 'mparen 'mparen)
623 (tex (cadr x) '("^ {- ") (cons " }" r) 'mminus 'mparen))
624 (if nc
625 (tex x (list "^{\\langle ") (cons "\\rangle}" r) 'mparen 'mparen)
626 (if (and (integerp x) (< x 10))
627 (tex x (list "^")(cons "" r) 'mparen 'mparen)
628 (tex x (list "^{")(cons "}" r) 'mparen 'mparen)))))
629 (append l r)))))
631 (defprop mncexpt tex-mexpt tex)
633 (defprop mnctimes tex-nary tex)
634 (defprop mnctimes ("\\cdot ") texsym)
636 (defprop mtimes tex-nary tex)
637 (defprop mtimes ("\\,") texsym)
639 (defprop %sqrt tex-sqrt tex)
641 (defun tex-sqrt(x l r)
642 ;; format as \\sqrt { } assuming implicit parens for sqr grouping
643 (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\sqrt{")) (append '("}") r) 'mparen 'mparen))
645 ;; macsyma doesn't know about cube (or nth) roots,
646 ;; but if it did, this is what it would look like.
647 (defprop $cubrt tex-cubrt tex)
649 (defun tex-cubrt (x l r)
650 (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\root 3 \\of{")) (append '("}") r) 'mparen 'mparen))
652 (defprop mquotient tex-mquotient tex)
653 (defprop mquotient ("\\over") texsym)
655 (defun tex-mquotient (x l r)
656 (twoargcheck x)
657 (setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("{{")) nil 'mparen 'mparen)
658 ;the divide bar groups things
659 r (tex (caddr x) (list "}\\over{") (append '("}}")r) 'mparen 'mparen))
660 (append l r))
662 (defprop $matrix tex-matrix tex)
664 ;; Tex dialects either offer a \pmatrix command or a pmatrix environment
665 ;; so we let the TeX decide which one to use.
666 (defun tex-matrix(x l r) ;;matrix looks like ((mmatrix)((mlist) a b) ...)
667 (append l `("\\ifx\\endpmatrix\\undefined\\pmatrix{\\else\\begin{pmatrix}\\fi ")
668 (mapcan #'(lambda(y)
669 (tex-list (cdr y) nil (list "\\cr ") "&"))
670 (cdr x))
671 '("\\ifx\\endpmatrix\\undefined}\\else\\end{pmatrix}\\fi ") r))
673 ;; macsyma sum or prod is over integer range, not low <= index <= high
674 ;; TeX is lots more flexible .. but
676 (defprop %sum tex-sum tex)
677 (defprop %lsum tex-lsum tex)
678 (defprop %product tex-sum tex)
680 ;; easily extended to union, intersect, otherops
682 (defun tex-lsum(x l r)
683 (let ((op (cond ((eq (caar x) '%lsum) "\\sum_{")
684 ;; extend here
686 ;; gotta be one of those above
687 ;; 4th arg of tex is changed from mparen to (caar x)
688 ;; to reflect the operator preceedance correctly.
689 ;; This change improves the how to put paren.
690 (s1 (tex (cadr x) nil nil (caar x) rop)) ;; summand
691 (index ;; "index = lowerlimit"
692 (tex `((min simp) , (caddr x), (cadddr x)) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)))
693 (append l `( ,op ,@index "}}{" ,@s1 "}") r)))
695 (defun tex-sum(x l r)
696 (let ((op (cond ((eq (caar x) '%sum) "\\sum_{")
697 ((eq (caar x) '%product) "\\prod_{")
698 ;; extend here
700 ;; gotta be one of those above
701 ;; 4th arg of tex is changed from mparen to (caar x)
702 ;; to reflect the operator preceedance correctly.
703 ;; This change improves the how to put paren.
704 (s1 (tex (cadr x) nil nil (caar x) rop)) ;; summand
705 (index ;; "index = lowerlimit"
706 (tex `((mequal simp) ,(caddr x),(cadddr x)) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen))
707 (toplim (tex (car(cddddr x)) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)))
708 (append l `( ,op ,@index "}^{" ,@toplim "}{" ,@s1 "}") r)))
710 (defprop %integrate tex-int tex)
711 (defun tex-int (x l r)
712 (let ((s1 (tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)) ;;integrand delims / & d
713 (var (tex (caddr x) nil nil 'mparen rop))) ;; variable
714 (cond((= (length x) 3)
715 (append l `("\\int {" ,@s1 "}{\\;d" ,@var "}") r))
716 (t ;; presumably length 5
717 (let ((low (tex (nth 3 x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen))
718 ;; 1st item is 0
719 (hi (tex (nth 4 x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)))
720 (append l `("\\int_{" ,@low "}^{" ,@hi "}{" ,@s1 "\\;d" ,@var "}") r))))))
722 (defprop %limit tex-limit tex)
724 (defun tex-limit (x l r)
725 (let*
726 ;; limit function
727 ((s1 (tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen rop))
728 (direction (fifth x))
729 ;; the thing underneath "limit"
730 (subfun
731 (subst (or (and (eq direction '$plus) "\\downarrow ")
732 (and (eq direction '$minus) "\\uparrow ")
733 "\\rightarrow ")
735 (tex `((mequal simp) ,(caddr x),(cadddr x))
736 nil nil 'mparen 'mparen))))
737 (append l `("\\lim_{" ,@subfun "}{" ,@s1 "}") r)))
739 (defprop %at tex-at tex)
741 ;; e.g. at(diff(f(x)),x=a)
742 (defun tex-at (x l r)
743 (let ((s1 (tex (cadr x) nil nil lop rop))
744 (sub (tex (caddr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)))
745 (append l '("\\left.") s1 '("\\right|_{") sub '("}") r)))
747 (defprop mbox tex-mbox tex)
749 ;; \boxed is defined in amsmath.sty,
750 ;; \newcommand{\boxed}[1]{\fbox{\m@th$\displaystyle#1$}}
752 (defun tex-mbox (x l r)
753 (append l '("\\boxed{") (tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen) '("}") r))
755 (defprop mlabox tex-mlabox tex)
757 (defun tex-mlabox (x l r)
758 (append l '("\\stackrel{") (tex (caddr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)
759 '("}{\\boxed{") (tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen) '("}}") r))
761 ;;binomial coefficients
763 (defprop %binomial tex-choose tex)
765 (defun tex-choose (x l r)
766 (append l
767 '("{{")
768 (tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)
769 '("}\\choose{")
770 (tex (caddr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)
771 '("}}")
774 (defprop rat tex-rat tex)
775 (defun tex-rat(x l r) (tex-mquotient x l r))
777 (defprop mplus tex-mplus tex)
779 (defun tex-mplus (x l r)
780 ;(declare (fixnum w))
781 (cond ((member 'trunc (car x) :test #'eq) (setq r (cons "+\\cdots " r))))
782 (cond ((null (cddr x))
783 (if (null (cdr x))
784 (tex-function x l r t)
785 (tex (cadr x) (cons "+" l) r 'mplus rop)))
786 (t (setq l (tex (cadr x) l nil lop 'mplus)
787 x (cddr x))
788 (do ((nl l) (dissym))
789 ((null (cdr x))
790 (if (mmminusp (car x)) (setq l (cadar x) dissym (list "-"))
791 (setq l (car x) dissym (list "+")))
792 (setq r (tex l dissym r 'mplus rop))
793 (append nl r))
794 (if (mmminusp (car x)) (setq l (cadar x) dissym (list "-"))
795 (setq l (car x) dissym (list "+")))
796 (setq nl (append nl (tex l dissym nil 'mplus 'mplus))
797 x (cdr x))))))
799 (defprop mminus tex-prefix tex)
800 (defprop mminus ("-") texsym)
802 ;; MIN = "Maxima in", apparently -- not to be confused with the least value of a set.
803 ;; MIN is not known to the parser, although it seems stuff like "x in S" could make use of MIN.
805 (defprop min tex-infix tex)
806 (defprop min ("\\in{") texsym)
807 (defprop min 80. tex-lbp)
808 (defprop min 80. tex-rbp)
810 (defprop mequal tex-infix tex)
811 (defprop mequal (=) texsym)
813 (defprop mnotequal tex-infix tex)
814 (defprop mnotequal ("\\neq ") texsym)
816 (defprop mgreaterp tex-infix tex)
817 (defprop mgreaterp (>) texsym)
819 (defprop mgeqp tex-infix tex)
820 (defprop mgeqp ("\\geq ") texsym)
822 (defprop mlessp tex-infix tex)
823 (defprop mlessp (<) texsym)
825 (defprop mleqp tex-infix tex)
826 (defprop mleqp ("\\leq ") texsym)
828 (defprop mnot tex-prefix tex)
829 (defprop mnot ("\\neg ") texsym)
831 (defprop mand tex-nary tex)
832 (defprop mand ("\\land ") texsym)
834 (defprop mor tex-nary tex)
835 (defprop mor ("\\lor ") texsym)
837 ;; make sin(x) display as sin x , but sin(x+y) as sin(x+y)
838 ;; etc
840 (defun tex-setup (x)
841 (let((a (car x))
842 (b (cadr x)))
843 (setf (get a 'tex) 'tex-prefix)
844 (setf (get a 'texword) b) ;This means "sin" will always be roman
845 (setf (get a 'texsym) (list b))
846 (setf (get a 'tex-rbp) 130)))
850 (defprop $atan2 "{\\rm atan2}" texword)
852 ;; JM 09/01 expand and re-order to follow table of "log-like" functions,
853 ;; see table in Lamport, 2nd edition, 1994, p. 44, table 3.9.
854 ;; I don't know if these are Latex-specific so you may have to define
855 ;; them if you use plain Tex.
857 (mapc #'tex-setup
859 (%acos "\\arccos ")
860 (%asin "\\arcsin ")
861 (%atan "\\arctan ")
863 ; Latex's arg(x) is ... ?
864 (%cos "\\cos ")
865 (%cosh "\\cosh ")
866 (%cot "\\cot ")
867 (%coth "\\coth ")
868 (%csc "\\csc ")
869 ; Latex's "deg" is ... ?
870 (%determinant "\\det ")
871 (%dim "\\dim ")
872 (%exp "\\exp ")
873 (%gcd "\\gcd ")
874 ; Latex's "hom" is ... ?
875 (%inf "\\inf ") ; many will prefer "\\infty". Hmmm.
876 ; Latex's "ker" is ... ?
877 ; Latex's "lg" is ... ?
878 ; lim is handled by tex-limit.
879 ; Latex's "liminf" ... ?
880 ; Latex's "limsup" ... ?
881 (%ln "\\ln ")
882 (%log "\\log ")
883 (%max "\\max ")
884 (%min "\\min ")
885 ; Latex's "Pr" ... ?
886 (%sec "\\sec ")
887 (%sin "\\sin ")
888 (%sinh "\\sinh ")
889 ; Latex's "sup" ... ?
890 (%tan "\\tan ")
891 (%tanh "\\tanh ")
892 ;; (%erf "{\\rm erf}") this would tend to set erf(x) as erf x. Unusual
893 ;(%laplace "{\\cal L}")
895 ; Maxima built-in functions which do not have corresponding TeX symbols.
897 (%asec "{\\rm arcsec}\\; ")
898 (%acsc "{\\rm arccsc}\\; ")
899 (%acot "{\\rm arccot}\\; ")
901 (%sech "{\\rm sech}\\; ")
902 (%csch "{\\rm csch}\\; ")
904 (%asinh "{\\rm asinh}\\; ")
905 (%acosh "{\\rm acosh}\\; ")
906 (%atanh "{\\rm atanh}\\; ")
908 (%asech "{\\rm asech}\\; ")
909 (%acsch "{\\rm acsch}\\; ")
910 (%acoth "{\\rm acoth}\\; ")
912 )) ;; etc
914 (defprop mcond tex-mcond tex)
915 (defprop %mcond tex-mcond tex)
917 (defprop %del tex-prefix tex)
918 (defprop %del ("d") texsym)
920 (defprop %derivative tex-derivative tex)
921 (defun tex-derivative (x l r)
922 (tex (if $derivabbrev
923 (tex-dabbrev x)
924 (tex-d x '$d)) l r lop rop ))
926 (defun tex-d(x dsym) ;dsym should be $d or "$\\partial"
927 ;; format the macsyma derivative form so it looks
928 ;; sort of like a quotient times the deriva-dand.
929 (let*
930 ((arg (cadr x)) ;; the function being differentiated
931 (difflist (cddr x)) ;; list of derivs e.g. (x 1 y 2)
932 (ords (odds difflist 0)) ;; e.g. (1 2)
933 (vars (odds difflist 1)) ;; e.g. (x y)
934 (numer `((mexpt) ,dsym ((mplus) ,@ords))) ; d^n numerator
935 (denom (cons '(mtimes)
936 (mapcan #'(lambda(b e)
937 `(,dsym ,(simplifya `((mexpt) ,b ,e) nil)))
938 vars ords))))
939 `((mtimes)
940 ((mquotient) ,(simplifya numer nil) ,denom)
941 ,arg)))
943 (defun tex-dabbrev (x)
944 ;; Format diff(f,x,1,y,1) so that it looks like
945 ;; f
946 ;; x y
947 (let*
948 ((arg (cadr x)) ;; the function being differentiated
949 (difflist (cddr x)) ;; list of derivs e.g. (x 1 y 2)
950 (ords (odds difflist 0)) ;; e.g. (1 2)
951 (vars (odds difflist 1))) ;; e.g. (x y)
952 (append
953 (if (symbolp arg)
954 `((,arg array))
955 `((mqapply array) ,arg))
956 (if (and (= (length vars) 1)
957 (= (car ords) 1))
958 vars
959 `(((mtimes) ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (var ord)
960 (make-list ord :initial-element var))
961 vars ords)))))))
963 (defun odds (list c)
964 (ecase c
965 (1 (loop for e in list by #'cddr collect e)) ;; get the odd terms (first, third...)
966 (0 (loop for e in (cdr list) by #'cddr collect e)))) ;; get the (second, fourth ... ) element
968 ;; The format of MCOND expressions is documented above the definition
969 ;; of DIM-MCOND in displa.lisp. Here are some examples:
971 ;; ((%mcond) $a $b t nil) <==> 'if a then b
972 ;; ((%mcond) $a $b t $d) <==> 'if a then b else d
973 ;; ((%mcond) $a $b $c nil t nil) <==> 'if a then b elseif c then false
974 ;; ((%mcond) $a $b $c $d t nil) <==> 'if a then b elseif c then d
975 ;; ((%mcond) $a $b $c $d t $f) <==> 'if a then b elseif c then d else f
977 ;; Note that DIM-MCOND omits display of the final "else" in three
978 ;; cases illustrated below, so we do the same here:
980 ;; ((%mcond) $a $b $c $d t $false) <==> '(if a then b elseif c then d)
981 ;; ((%mcond) $a $b $c $d t nil) <==> 'if a then b elseif c then d
982 ;; ((%mcond) $a $b $c $d) ==> 'if a then b elseif c then d
984 ;; The first two cases occur in practice, as can be seen by evaluating
985 ;; ?print('(if a then b)) and ?print(if a then b). The parser
986 ;; produces the first case, which is transformed into the second case
987 ;; during evaluation. The third case is handled equivalently by the
988 ;; evaluator and DIM-MCOND, and might plausibly be created by some
989 ;; code, so we handle it here as well.
991 ;; The use of '$false (instead of nil) may be a hack that is no longer
992 ;; needed. For more information on this, search for $false in
993 ;; PARSE-CONDITION of nparse.lisp and DIM-MCOND of displa.lisp. Also
994 ;; see the mailing list thread with subject "Bugs in tex-mcond" which
995 ;; took place in January 2011. -MHW
997 (defun tex-mcond (x l r)
998 (labels
999 ((recurse (x l)
1000 (append
1001 (tex (car x) l '("\\;\\mathbf{then}\\;") 'mparen 'mparen)
1002 (cond ((member (cddr x) '(() (t nil) (t $false)) :test #'equal)
1003 (tex (second x) nil r 'mcond rop))
1004 ((and (eq (third x) t) (null (nthcdr 4 x)))
1005 (append
1006 (tex (second x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)
1007 (tex (fourth x) '("\\;\\mathbf{else}\\;") r 'mcond rop)))
1008 (t (append
1009 (tex (second x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)
1010 (recurse (cddr x) '("\\;\\mathbf{elseif}\\;"))))))))
1011 (append l (recurse (cdr x) '("\\mathbf{if}\\;")))))
1013 (defprop mdo tex-mdo tex)
1014 (defprop mdoin tex-mdoin tex)
1016 (defprop %mdo tex-mdo tex)
1017 (defprop %mdoin tex-mdoin tex)
1019 (defun tex-lbp(x)(cond((get x 'tex-lbp))(t(lbp x))))
1020 (defun tex-rbp(x)(cond((get x 'tex-rbp))(t(rbp x))))
1022 ;; these aren't quite right
1024 (defun tex-mdo (x l r)
1025 (tex-list (texmdo x) l r "\\;"))
1027 (defun tex-mdoin (x l r)
1028 (tex-list (texmdoin x) l r "\\;"))
1030 (defun texmdo (x)
1031 (nconc (cond ((second x) `("\\mathbf{for}" ,(second x))))
1032 (cond ((equal 1 (third x)) nil)
1033 ((third x) `("\\mathbf{from}" ,(third x))))
1034 (cond ((equal 1 (fourth x)) nil)
1035 ((fourth x) `("\\mathbf{step}" ,(fourth x)))
1036 ((fifth x) `("\\mathbf{next}" ,(fifth x))))
1037 (cond ((sixth x) `("\\mathbf{thru}" ,(sixth x))))
1038 (cond ((null (seventh x)) nil)
1039 ((eq 'mnot (caar (seventh x)))
1040 `("\\mathbf{while}" ,(cadr (seventh x))))
1041 (t `("\\mathbf{unless}" ,(seventh x))))
1042 `("\\mathbf{do}" ,(eighth x))))
1044 (defun texmdoin (x)
1045 (nconc `("\\mathbf{for}" ,(second x) "\\mathbf{in}" ,(third x))
1046 (cond ((sixth x) `("\\mathbf{thru}" ,(sixth x))))
1047 (cond ((null (seventh x)) nil)
1048 ((eq 'mnot (caar (seventh x)))
1049 `("\\mathbf{while}" ,(cadr (seventh x))))
1050 (t `("\\mathbf{unless}" ,(seventh x))))
1051 `("\\mathbf{do}" ,(eighth x))))
1053 (defprop mtext tex-mtext tex)
1054 (defprop text-string tex-mtext tex)
1055 (defprop mlabel tex-mlabel tex)
1056 (defprop spaceout tex-spaceout tex)
1058 ;; Additions by Marek Rychlik (
1059 ;; This stuff handles setting of LET rules
1061 (defprop | --> | "\\longrightarrow " texsym)
1062 (defprop #.(intern (format nil " ~A " 'where)) "\\;\\mathbf{where}\\;" texsym)
1064 ;; end of additions by Marek Rychlik
1066 (defun tex-try-sym (x)
1067 (if (symbolp x)
1068 (let ((tx (get x 'texsym))) (if tx tx x))
1071 (defun tex-mtext (x l r)
1072 (tex-list (map 'list #'tex-try-sym (cdr x)) l r ""))
1074 (defun tex-mlabel (x l r)
1075 (tex (caddr x)
1076 (append l
1077 (if (cadr x)
1078 (list (format nil "\\mbox{\\tt\\red(~A) \\black}" (tex-stripdollar (cadr x))))
1079 nil))
1080 r 'mparen 'mparen))
1082 (defun tex-spaceout (x l r)
1083 (append l (cons (format nil "\\hspace{~dmm}" (* 3 (cadr x))) r)))
1085 ;; run some code initialize file before $tex is run
1086 (defmfun $texinit(file)
1087 (declare (ignore file))
1088 '$done)
1090 ;; this just prints a \\end on the file; this is something a TeXnician would
1091 ;; probably have no trouble spotting, and will generally be unnecessary, since
1092 ;; we anticipate almost all use of tex would be involved in inserting this
1093 ;; stuff into larger files that would have their own \\end or equivalent.
1094 (defmfun $texend(filename)
1095 (with-open-file (st (stripdollar filename) :direction :output
1096 :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create)
1097 (format st "\\end~%"))
1098 '$done)
1100 ;; Construct a Lisp function and attach it to the TEX property of
1101 ;; operator OP. The constructed function calls a Maxima function F
1102 ;; to generate TeX output for OP.
1103 ;; F must take 1 argument (an expression which has operator OP)
1104 ;; and must return a string (the TeX output).
1106 (defun make-maxima-tex-glue (op f)
1107 (let
1108 ((glue-f (gensym))
1109 (f-body `(append l
1110 (list
1111 (let ((f-x (mfuncall ',f x)))
1112 (if (stringp f-x) f-x
1113 (merror (intl:gettext "tex: function ~s did not return a string.~%") ($sconcat ',f)))))
1114 r)))
1115 (setf (symbol-function glue-f) (coerce `(lambda (x l r) ,f-body) 'function))
1116 (setf (get op 'tex) glue-f))
1119 ;; Convenience function to allow user to process expression X
1120 ;; and get a string (TeX output for X) in return.
1122 (defmfun $tex1 (x) (reduce #'strcat (tex x nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)))
1124 ;; Undone and trickier:
1125 ;; handle reserved symbols stuff, just in case someone
1126 ;; has a macsyma variable named (yuck!!) \over or has a name with
1127 ;; {} in it.
1128 ;; Maybe do some special hacking for standard notations for
1129 ;; hypergeometric fns, alternative summation notations 0<=n<=inf, etc.
1131 ;;Undone and really pretty hard: line breaking
1133 ;; The texput function was written by Barton Willis.
1135 (defmfun $texput (e s &optional tx)
1137 (cond
1138 ((stringp e)
1139 (setq e ($verbify e)))
1140 ((not (symbolp e))
1141 (merror (intl:gettext "texput: first argument must be a string or a symbol; found: ~M") e)))
1143 (setq s (if ($listp s) (margs s) (list s)))
1145 (cond
1146 ((null tx)
1147 ;; texput was called as texput(op, foo) where foo is a string
1148 ;; or a symbol; when foo is a string, assign TEXWORD property,
1149 ;; when foo is a symbol, construct glue function to call
1150 ;; the Maxima function named by foo.
1151 (let ((s0 (nth 0 s)))
1152 (if (stringp s0)
1153 (putprop e s0 'texword)
1154 (make-maxima-tex-glue e s0)))) ;; assigns TEX property
1155 ((eq tx '$matchfix)
1156 (putprop e 'tex-matchfix 'tex)
1157 (cond ((< (length s) 2)
1158 (merror (intl:gettext "texput: expected a list of two items for matchfix operator.")))
1159 ((= (length s) 2)
1160 (putprop e (list (list (first s)) (second s)) 'texsym))
1162 (putprop e (list (list (first s)) (second s) (third s)) 'texsym)))
1163 `((mlist) ,@s))
1165 ((eq tx '$nofix)
1166 (putprop e 'tex-nofix 'tex)
1167 (putprop e s 'texsym)
1168 (car s))
1170 ((eq tx '$prefix)
1171 (putprop e 'tex-prefix 'tex)
1172 (when (null (get e 'grind))
1173 (putprop e 180 'tex-rbp))
1174 (putprop e s 'texsym)
1175 (car s))
1177 ((eq tx '$infix)
1178 (putprop e 'tex-infix 'tex)
1179 (when (null (get e 'grind))
1180 (putprop e 180 'tex-lbp)
1181 (putprop e 180 'tex-rbp))
1182 (putprop e s 'texsym)
1183 (car s))
1185 ((eq tx '$nary)
1186 (putprop e 'tex-nary 'tex)
1187 (when (null (get e 'grind))
1188 (putprop e 180 'tex-lbp)
1189 (putprop e 180 'tex-rbp))
1190 (putprop e s 'texsym)
1191 (car s))
1193 ((eq tx '$postfix)
1194 (putprop e 'tex-postfix 'tex)
1195 (when (null (get e 'grind))
1196 (putprop e 180 'tex-lbp))
1197 (putprop e s 'texsym)
1198 (car s))))