Fix bug #3998: Lisp error when parser encounters eof in a comment
[maxima.git] / archive / src / buffer.lisp
1 ;;;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Package: zwei; Base: 8; Syntax: Zetalisp -*-;;;;;;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;; (c) Copyright 1976, 1983 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
12 (import '(sloop::SLOOP lisp::multiple-value-setq) 'zwei)
15 ;;note in zwei *standard-output* for the moment *standard-output* replace later.
16 #+ti
17 (defflavor macsyma-mode nil nil )
19 ;;the (KM) is so that the region will be marked.
20 (defcom com-forward-macsyma-expression "Forward over one expression"
21 (KM -R)
22 (move-bp (point) (forward-macsyma-expression (point) 1))
23 dis-bps)
25 ;;until get zwei into cl.
27 (defmacro lisp-eval (form &optional nohook)
28 nohook
29 `(#+ti cli:eval #-ti eval ,form))
31 (defun get-maxima-package ()
32 #+cl (#+symbolics cl:find-package #-symbolics find-package 'maxima)
33 #-cl (pkg-find-package 'macsyma))
35 (defcom com-backward-macsyma-expression "backward over one expression"
36 (KM -R)
37 (let ((point (point)))
38 (move-bp point (forward-macsyma-expression point -1))
39 dis-bps))
41 (defun forward-macsyma-expression
42 (bp &optional (times 1)
43 fixup-p (level 0) stop-bp (move-over-singlequotes-p t) n-up-p (signal-error t)
44 &aux bp1 new-line ;(region? (window-mark-p *window*))
46 (setq bp (copy-bp bp))
47 (sloop for i from 0 below (abs times)
48 do (cond ((and (> times 0) (member (bp-char bp) *maxima-form-delimiters*))
49 (setq bp (forward-char bp times t))))
50 (cond ((zerop times) (copy-bp bp))
52 (setq bp1 (macsyma-skip-comments bp (< times 0) stop-bp))
53 (setq new-line (forward-sexp
54 bp1 (signum times)
55 fixup-p level stop-bp
56 move-over-singlequotes-p n-up-p))
57 (cond (new-line
58 (setq bp1 (setq bp1 new-line)))
60 (and signal-error(barf)) (return bp1)))))
61 finally (return bp1))
65 (defun macsyma-skip-comments (bp &optional reversep stop-bp &aux (found-comment t))
66 (sloop while found-comment
67 do (multiple-value-setq
68 (bp found-comment)
69 (macsyma-skip-comment bp reversep stop-bp)))
70 bp)
72 ;;a terrible kludge, which won't work if strings are half in comments etc.
73 (defun in-macsyma-string (bp)
76 in-string))
79 (defmacro show (&rest l)
80 (sloop for x in l
81 collecting
82 `(format *typein-window* "~%Value of ~A is ~A." ',x ,x)
83 into bod
84 finally (return `(prog ((default-cons-area working-storage-area))
85 ,@ bod))))
86 #+ti
87 (defmacro with-common-lisp (&body body)
90 (si:*lisp-mode* :common-lisp))
91 ,@ body))
93 #-ti ;;what should be done here??
94 (defmacro with-common-lisp (&body body)
95 `(progn ,@ body))
97 ;for release 5 we need to use setf to assign the symbol-macro *default-major-mode*
99 (defmacro with-marked-region (&body body)
100 `(let ((bp1 ())
101 (bp2 ()))
102 (cond ((window-mark-p *window*)
103 (setq bp1 (mark) bp2 (point)))
104 ((mark-current-macsyma-form)
105 (setq bp1 (copy-bp (mark)) bp2 (copy-bp (point))))
106 ; (setq bp1 (mark) bp2 (point)))
107 (t (barf "~&~a" "No region")))
108 ,@ body))
111 (defcom com-macsyma-evaluate-region
112 "Call the Macsyma evaluator on a region in the buffer. With a
113 numeric arg different from 2 let the region be from the beginning of the current
114 line to the next $ or ;, otherwise a region that has been marked,
115 or if no region then between the last and next $ or ;. Thus without a numeric arg
116 of 2 one one need not have a $ after the previous form, but parsing will begin
117 at the beginning of the current line and continue to the next $."
120 (let ((bp1 ())
121 (bp2 ()))
122 (cond ((not (eql *numeric-arg* 1))
123 (setq bp1 (copy-bp (point)))
124 (setf (bp-index bp1) 0)
125 (setq bp2 (zwei::search-set bp1 *maxima-form-delimiters*
126 nil))
127 (zwei::move-bp (point) bp2))
128 ((window-mark-p *window*)
129 (setq bp1 (mark) bp2 (point)))
130 ((mark-current-macsyma-form)
131 (setq bp1 (mark) bp2 (point)))
132 (t (barf "~&~a" "No region")))
133 (macsyma-evaluate-for-editor bp1 bp2 "Region"))
134 dis-text)
136 (defcom com-macsyma-compile-region
137 "Call the Macsyma evaluator on a region in the buffer and~
138 then translate and compile the result."
140 (with-marked-region (macsyma-compile-for-editor bp1 bp2 "Region"))
141 dis-all)
143 (defcom com-macsyma-translate-region
144 "Call the Macsyma evaluator on a region in the buffer and and translate the result. ~
145 with a numeric argument bigger than 1 it displays the translated result
146 and less than 1 it grinds it into the buffer"
148 (with-marked-region (macsyma-translate-for-editor bp1 bp2 "Region"))
149 dis-all)
151 (defcom com-macsyma-evaluate-buffer
152 "Call the Macsyma evaluator on the entire buffer"
154 (macsyma-evaluate-for-editor (interval-first-bp *interval*)
155 (interval-last-bp *interval*)
156 "Buffer")
157 dis-none)
159 (defcom com-macsyma-compile-buffer
160 "Call the Macsyma evaluator on the entire buffer"
162 (macsyma-compile-for-editor (interval-first-bp *interval*)
163 (interval-last-bp *interval*)
164 "Buffer")
165 dis-none)
167 (defcom com-macsyma-translate-buffer
168 "Call the Macsyma evaluator on the entire buffer"
170 (macsyma-translate-for-editor (interval-first-bp *interval*)
171 (interval-last-bp *interval*)
172 "Buffer")
173 dis-none)
178 (defmacro move-on-read-error (str &body body)
179 #+ti
180 (condition-case (condit)
181 `(progn ,@ body)
182 (fs:parse-error (beep)
183 (format *typein-window* (send condit :format-string))))
184 #+symbolics
185 `(move-point-on-read-error #+genera (,str) ,@ body))
188 #+ti
189 (defmacro with-possible-read-error ( body what-am-i-evaluating)
190 `(let (read-error)
191 (funcall 'prompt-line "~&Evaluating ~A" ,what-am-i-evaluating)
192 (condition-case (condit)
193 ,body
194 (fs:parse-error (beep) (setq read-error t)
195 ; (point-pdl-push (send editor-stream :read-bp) *window*)
196 ; (move-bp bp2 (setq li (send editor-stream :read-bp)))
197 (format *typein-window* (send condit :format-string))))
198 (cond ((null read-error)
199 (funcall 'typein-line "~&~A Evaluated" ,what-am-i-evaluating)))))
201 #+ti
202 (defun macsyma-evaluate-for-editor (bp2 bp1 what-am-i-evaluating)
203 (let ((package (get-maxima-package))
204 (editor-stream
205 (INTERVAL-STREAM bp2 bp1 ()))
206 (eof (list nil)))
207 (with-possible-read-error
208 (sloop for expr = (cl-macsyma::mread editor-stream eof)
209 while (not (equal expr eof))
210 do (cl-macsyma::meval* (caddr expr))) what-am-i-evaluating)
212 #-ti
213 (defun macsyma-evaluate-for-editor (bp2 bp1 what-am-i-evaluating)
215 (funcall 'prompt-line "~&Evaluating ~A" what-am-i-evaluating)
216 (let ((package(get-maxima-package)
218 (editor-stream
219 (INTERVAL-STREAM bp2 bp1 ()))
220 (eof (list nil)))
221 (or (eql package (cl:find-package 'cl-maxima))
222 (error "Set package to maxima package"))
223 (move-on-read-error editor-stream
224 (sloop for expr = (cl-macsyma::mread editor-stream eof)
225 while (not (equal expr eof))
226 do (cl-macsyma::meval* (caddr expr))))
227 (funcall 'typein-line "~&~A Evaluated" what-am-i-evaluating)
230 (defcom com-macsyma-display-on-typeout
231 "Displays current expression or region in scroll down window (standard-output)"
233 (with-marked-region
234 (let ((stream (interval-stream bp2 bp1 nil))
235 (eof (list nil)))
236 (sloop for expr = (cl-macsyma::mread stream eof)
237 while (not (equal expr eof))
238 do (cl-macsyma::displa (setq cl-macsyma::$% (cl-macsyma::meval* (third expr))))
239 finally (com-down-real-line))))
240 dis-none)
243 (defmacro macsyma-apply-into-buffer (bp2 bp1 what-am-i-evaluating expr &rest body)
244 "The expr will run thru the cl-macsyma::mread of things in the region bp2
245 to bp1. Usually you want the (caddr expr) to get the actual macsyma
246 expression minus the cl-macsyma::displa output etc."
247 `(let ((window (car (send current-process :run-reasons))))
248 (setq cl-macsyma::linel (- (send window :size-in-characters) 3))
250 (funcall #'prompt-line "~&Evaluating ~A" ,what-am-i-evaluating)
251 (let ((package (get-maxima-package))
252 (stream
253 (interval-stream ,bp2 ,bp1 ()))
254 (eof (list nil)))
255 (move-on-read-error
256 stream
257 (sloop for ,expr = (cl-macsyma::mread stream eof)
258 while (not (eq ,expr eof))
260 (with-editor-stream (standard-output :window *window*
261 :start :point)
262 ,@ body)
263 (funcall #'typein-line "~&~A Evaluated" ,what-am-i-evaluating))))))
265 (defcom com-macsyma-display-into-buffer
266 "Displays current expression or region into buffer"
268 (let ((cl-maxima::$linedisp nil)(cl-maxima::$cursordisp nil)(cl-maxima::^w t)
269 (cl-maxima::^r t )(cl-maxima::$display2d t) to-display
270 (package (get-maxima-package)))
271 (with-marked-region
272 (let ((stream (interval-stream bp2 bp1 nil)))
273 (sloop with eof = (list nil)
274 for expr = (cl-maxima::mread stream eof)
275 until (equal expr eof)
276 collecting (third expr) into for-display
277 finally (setq to-display for-display))))
278 (with-editor-stream
279 (standard-output :window *window*
280 :start :point)
281 (sloop for v in to-display
282 do (format t "~%")
283 (cl-maxima::displa (cl-maxima::meval* v))
284 (format t "$"))))
285 dis-all)
288 (defun zdel (&optional n)
289 (let ((*numeric-arg* n))
290 (com-delete-forward)))
292 (defun zfor (&optional ( n 1))
293 (let ((*numeric-arg* n))
294 (com-forward)))
296 (defun zbac (&optional (n 1))
297 (let ((*numeric-arg* n))
298 (com-backward)))
300 (defun zrub (&optional ( n 1))
301 (let ((*numeric-arg* n))
302 (com-tab-hacking-rubout)))
304 (defun zsearch (sstring &optional (reverse nil) (how-many 1) &aux point)
305 "searches forward and moves to end of sstring (or back if reverse is t )"
306 (sloop for i below how-many
308 (setq point (search (point) sstring reverse ))
309 (move-bp (point) point)))
311 ;(defun kill-return ()
312 ; (zsearch (string 215) nil)
313 ; (zrub 1))
315 (defun macsyma-evaluate-with-arrow (bp2 bp1 what-am-i-evaluating &aux me label (dollars 1))
316 (macsyma-apply-into-buffer
317 bp2 bp1 what-am-i-evaluating expres
318 (setq me (caddr expres))
319 (cond ((symbolp me)
320 (format standard-output ":")
321 (cond ((member me cl-macsyma::$labels)
322 (cond ((string-search "c" (string me))
323 (incf dollars)
324 (cl-maxima::i-$grind me )
326 (incf cl-maxima::$edlinenum)
327 (setq label (cl-maxima::$new_concat '$ed cl-maxima::$edlinenum))
328 (format standard-output " ==>~80T $")
329 (format standard-output "~%ED~A:" cl-maxima::$edlinenum)))))
330 (cl-maxima::i-$grind (cl-maxima::meval* me) ))
331 (t (format standard-output " ==> ~80T $")
332 (incf cl-maxima::$edlinenum)
333 (setq label (cl-maxima::$new_concat '$ed cl-maxima::$edlinenum))
334 (format standard-output "~%ED~A:" cl-maxima::$edlinenum)
335 (cl-maxima::i-$grind (cl-maxima::meval* me)) nil))
336 (cond (label (set label me) (incf dollars)))
337 (zrub 1)
338 ;(zsearch (string 215) )
339 ;(zrub 1)
340 (zsearch "$" nil dollars)
341 (format t "~%~% ")))
344 ;(defvar *my-stream* (make-array 200 :type 'art-string :fill-pointer 0))
346 (defcom com-macsyma-parse-string-into-buffer
347 "parses string and inserts into buffer"
350 (let ( expr (stream (interval-stream (mark) (point) ())))
351 (move-on-read-error
352 stream
353 (setq expr (caddr (cl-macsyma::mread stream)))
354 (with-editor-stream (standard-output :window *window*
355 :start :point)
356 (format t "`~A" expr))))
357 dis-text)
361 (defcom com-macsyma-parse-region-into-buffer
362 "parses region string and inserts into buffer"
364 (let ( expr (stream (interval-stream (mark) (point) ())))
365 (move-on-read-error
366 stream
367 (setf (fill-pointer *my-stream*) 0)
368 (with-output-to-string (st *my-stream* )
370 (stream-copy-until-eof stream st))
371 (with-editor-stream (standard-output :window *window*
372 :start :mark)
373 (setq expr (cl-maxima::parse-string *my-stream*))
374 (format t "`~A ; " expr ))))
376 dis-text)
379 (defcom com-evaluate-with-arrow
380 "Evaluates into buffer with arrow"
382 (with-marked-region (macsyma-evaluate-with-arrow bp1 bp2 "region"))
383 dis-all)
386 (defun kill-region (bp1 bp2 ignore)
387 (kill-interval bp1 bp2 t t t))
389 (defcom com-macsyma-grind-expression
390 "Grinds current expression or region into buffer"
392 (with-marked-region (macsyma-evaluate-into-buffer1 bp1 bp2 "region"))
393 (with-marked-region (kill-region bp1 bp2 'ignore))
394 dis-all)
396 ;;;the following work but have abbreviations elsewhere
398 (defcom com-macsyma-evaluate-into-buffer
399 "Evaluates the current Macsyma expression or region into the end of buffer
400 With a numeric arg > 1 it puts any output during the evaluation into the buffer as well"
402 (let ((bp1 ()) cl-macsyma::$display2d
403 (bp2 ()))
404 (cond ((window-mark-p *window*)
405 (setq bp1 (mark) bp2 (point)))
406 ((mark-current-macsyma-form)
407 (setq bp1 (mark) bp2 (point)))
408 (t (barf "~&~a" "No region")))
409 (macsyma-evaluate-into-buffer1 bp1 bp2 "Region"))
410 dis-text)
412 (defun macsyma-evaluate-into-buffer1 (bp2 bp1 what-am-i-evaluating &aux val)
413 (funcall #'prompt-line "~&Evaluating ~A" what-am-i-evaluating)
414 (let ((package (get-maxima-package))
415 (stream
416 (INTERVAL-STREAM bp2 bp1 ()))
417 (eof (list nil)))
418 (move-on-read-error
419 stream
420 (sloop for expr = (cl-macsyma::mread stream eof)
421 while (not (equal expr eof))
423 (with-editor-stream (str :window *window*
424 :start :point)
425 (format str "~%")
426 (cond ((and (boundp '*numeric-arg*)
427 (> *numeric-arg* 1))
428 (let ((standard-output str))
429 (setq val (cl-macsyma::meval* (caddr expr)))))
430 (t (setq val (cl-macsyma::meval* (caddr expr)))))
431 (cl-macsyma::mgrind val str )
432 (format str "$")
434 (funcall #'typein-line "~&~A Evaluated" what-am-i-evaluating)))
436 (defvar *grind-definition-only* t)
438 (defmacro bind-and-translate-form (to-transl)
439 `(let (( cl-maxima::*translation-msgs-files* *typein-window*))
440 (cl-maxima::bind-transl-state
441 (setq cl-maxima::*in-translate-file* t)
442 (cond(function-to-translate (cl-maxima::tr-mdefine-toplevel ,to-transl))
443 (t (cl-maxima::translate-macexpr-toplevel ,to-transl))))))
446 (defun macsyma-translate-for-editor (bp2 bp1 what-am-i-evaluating
447 &aux transl to-transl function-to-translate)
448 (with-common-lisp
449 (funcall #'prompt-line "~&Evaluating ~A" what-am-i-evaluating)
450 (let ((package (get-maxima-package))
451 (stream (INTERVAL-STREAM bp2 bp1 ()))
452 (eof (list nil)))
453 (move-on-read-error
454 stream
455 (sloop for expr = (cl-maxima::mread stream eof)
456 while (not (equal expr eof))
458 (setq function-to-translate nil)
459 ;(cl-maxima::meval* (caddr expr))
460 ; (show (third expr))
461 (setq to-transl (third expr))
462 (cond ((member (caar to-transl) '(cl-maxima::mdefine cl-maxima::mdefmacro))
463 (setq function-to-translate (caar (second to-transl)))))
464 (and function-to-translate
465 (funcall #'prompt-line "~&translating ~A" function-to-translate))
466 (setq transl (bind-and-translate-form to-transl))
468 (lisp-eval transl)
469 (cond ((and *grind-definition-only*
470 function-to-translate)
471 (setq transl (fifth transl))))
472 (cond ((> *numeric-arg* 1)
473 (pprint transl))
474 ((< *numeric-arg* 1)
475 (terpri stream)
476 (pprint transl nil stream)
477 (princ '$ stream)
478 (return nil)))
479 (funcall #'prompt-line "~&Translated ~A" function-to-translate))))))
481 (defun macsyma-compile-for-editor (bp2 bp1 what-am-i-evaluating
482 &aux function-to-translate to-transl transl
483 rule-to-translate)
484 (funcall #'prompt-line "~&Evaluating ~A" what-am-i-evaluating)
485 (let ((package(get-maxima-package))
486 ; (package (send *interval* :get ':package);(get-maxima-package)
488 (stream (INTERVAL-STREAM bp2 bp1 ()))
489 (eof (list nil)))
490 (move-on-read-error
491 stream
492 (sloop for expr = (cl-macsyma::mread stream eof)
493 while (not (equal expr eof))
494 do (setq function-to-translate nil)
495 (setq to-transl (third expr))
496 (cond ((member (caar to-transl) '(cl-maxima::mdefine ))
497 (setq function-to-translate (caar (second to-transl)) ))
498 ((member (caar to-transl) '(cl-maxima::$defrule ))
499 (setq rule-to-translate (second to-transl)) ))
500 (setq transl (bind-and-translate-form to-transl))
501 (lisp-eval transl)
502 (cond (function-to-translate
503 (funcall #'prompt-line "~&compiling ~A" function-to-translate)
504 (compiler:compile function-to-translate)
505 (and function-to-translate
506 (prompt-line "~&Compiled ~A" function-to-translate))))
507 (cond (rule-to-translate (compiler:compile rule-to-translate)))
508 ; (show cl-maxima::forms-to-compile-queue)
509 (compile-forms cl-maxima::forms-to-compile-queue)
510 (setq cl-maxima::forms-to-compile-queue nil)))))
512 (defun compile-forms (list)
513 (sloop for v in list
514 when (and v (listp v))
516 (#+symbolics
517 cl:case #-symbolics case
518 (car v)
519 (defun (compile (second v) v))
520 (deprop (eval v))
521 (defmacro (compile (second v) v))
522 (macro (compile (second v) v))
523 (t (lisp-eval v)))))
525 (defcom com-macsyma-translate-region-to-buffer
526 "Call the Macsyma evaluator on a region in the buffer and and translate the result and grind."
528 (let ((bp1 ())
529 (bp2 ()))
530 (cond ((window-mark-p *window*)
531 (setq bp1 (mark) bp2 (point)))
532 ((mark-current-macsyma-form)
533 (setq bp1 (mark) bp2 (point)))
534 (t (barf "~&~a" "No region")))
535 (macsyma-translate-to-buffer bp1 bp2 "Region"))
536 dis-all)
538 (defun macsyma-translate-to-buffer (bp2 bp1 what-am-i-evaluating
539 &aux function-to-translate)
540 (funcall #'prompt-line "~&Evaluating ~A" what-am-i-evaluating)
541 (let ((package (get-maxima-package))
542 (stream (INTERVAL-STREAM bp2 bp1 ()))
543 (eof (list nil))
544 (temp *default-major-mode*))
545 (move-on-read-error stream
547 (setf *default-major-mode* :lisp)
548 (with-editor-stream (standard-output ':buffer-name "Translated")
550 (sloop for expr = (cl-macsyma::mread stream eof)
551 while (not (equal expr eof))
552 do (cl-macsyma::meval* (caddr expr)) (SETQ FUNCTION-TO-TRANSLATE
554 (funcall #'prompt-line "~&translating ~A" function-to-translate)
556 (pprint `(defprop ,function-to-translate ,t translated))
557 (pprint `(add2lnc ,`(,function-to-translate ) $props))
558 (let ((fdef (symbol-function function-to-translate)))
559 (pprint
560 (append `(defmtrfun ,`(,function-to-translate
561 $any mdefine nil nil))
562 (cddr fdef))))
563 (format t "~&")))
564 (funcall #'prompt-line
565 "&~Translated ~A in buffer: Translated" function-to-translate)
566 (setf *default-major-mode* temp))))
568 (defun skip-back-over-whitespace ()
569 (sloop for char = (bp-char (point))
570 until (not (member char *whitespace-chars*))
571 do (dbp (point))))
573 ;;in release 5 at the beginning we needed the mode-settable-p property
574 ;;but now in release 6 since some of these are symbol macros that is not necessary
576 (eval-when (load eval compile)
577 (sloop for u in
580 *atom-word-syntax-table*
581 *SPACE-INDENT-FLAG* ;;these two are symbol-macros
587 when (null (get u 'si:symbol-macro))
588 do (putprop u t 'mode-settable-p)
589 else do (remprop u 'mode-settable-p)))
591 (defun reset-comtab-for-lisp ()
592 "In case the comtab gets mucked by macsyma buffer eval this function
593 to get going again in lisp buffer"
594 (set-comtab *comtab* (list #\c-sh-e 'com-evaluate-region
595 #\c-sh-c 'com-compile-region)))
599 ;si:
600 ;(define-ie-command rh-macsyma-arglist (#\control-meta-a)
601 ; (cl-macsyma::macsyma-print-arglist tv:rubout-handler-buffer))
603 ;;these need work for release 6 since the interactive-stream flavor is now
604 ;;used.
609 ; (:CONC-NAME IEB-))
610 ; (FILL-POINTER 0)
611 ; (SCAN-POINTER 0)
615 ;; Input Editor Commands
617 ;;Use define-input-editor-command to define and add a function which will be
618 ;;on the main rubout handler command table used by macsyma listener. The
619 ;;name of the buffer is tv:rubout-handler-buffer and tv:(rhb-typein-pointer)
620 ;;yields the current position. Symbolics changed the names from "rubout-handler-"
621 ;;to "input-editor-" and "rhb" to "ieb" and the package from tv to si. How
622 ;;helpful.
624 #+symbolics
625 (defmacro define-input-editor-command (&rest l)
626 (cond ((fboundp 'si:define-ie-command)
627 (setq l(subst 'sI:input-editor-buffer 'tv:rubout-handler-buffer l))
628 `(si:define-ie-command ,@ l))
629 (t `(tv:define-rh-command ,@ l))))
631 #+ti
632 (defmacro define-input-editor-command (name keys &body body)
633 `(progn 'compile
634 (defun ,name (ignore)
635 ,@ body)
636 (ucl:add-command ',name
637 '(:keys ,keys
638 :names ,(string name)
639 :command-flavor tv:rh-command)
640 'tv:rh-command-table t)))
643 (define-input-editor-command com-macsyma-arglist (#\control-meta-a)
644 (macsyma-print-arglist tv:rubout-handler-buffer) )
646 (define-input-editor-command com-macsyma-documentation (#\control-meta-d)
647 (macsyma-print-documentation tv:rubout-handler-buffer))
649 #+ti ;;definition ok for symbolics but would a zetalisp string be a sequence??
650 (defun string-reverse-search-some (set strg &optional start)
651 "set and strg are sequences and this gives the element position of the first (coming in reverse
652 from star) occurence of and element of set in strg"
653 (cond (start
654 (position-if #'(lambda (x) (position x set)) strg :from-end t
655 :end start))
656 (t (position-if #'(lambda (x) (position x set)) strg :from-end t))))
658 #-ti
659 (deff string-reverse-search-some #'string-reverse-search-set)
661 (defun macsyma-print-arglist (a-string &aux start fun end ignore)
662 #+ti (setq a-string (coerce a-string 'string)) ;; until rubout-handler-buffer is a string..
663 (setq end (string-reverse-search-some "([" a-string #+ti (tv:rhb-typein-pointer ) #-ti (si:ieb-typein-pointer )))
664 (setq start (string-reverse-search-some " (*+.-[" a-string end))
665 (cond ((null start)(setq start 0))
666 (t (setq start (add1 start))))
667 (send standard-input :fresh-line)
668 (setq me (list start end a-string a-string #+ti (tv:rhb-typein-pointer ) #-ti (si:ieb-typein-pointer )))
669 (setq fun (intern (string-upcase
670 (string-append "$"
671 (substring a-string start end))) 'cl-maxima))
673 ( #-ti si:ie-display-info
674 #+ti tv:rh-display-info #-ti (ignore ignore si:*numeric-arg-p* fun)
675 (let ((arg))
676 (cond ((and (sys:validate-function-spec fun)
677 (or (fdefinedp fun)
678 (and (symbolp fun)
679 (get fun 'compiled-only-arglist))))
680 (print-arglist fun standard-output))
681 ((setq arg (macsyma-arglist fun))
682 (format t "~A : ~A" fun (macsyma-arglist fun)))
683 (t (format t "Can't seem to find definition of ~A" fun))))))
687 (defun macsyma-print-documentation (a-string &aux start fun end)
688 (declare (special tv:rubout-handler-buffer))
689 #+ti (setq a-string (coerce a-string 'string))
690 (setq end (string-reverse-search-some"([" a-string (tv:rhb-typein-pointer )))
691 (setq start (string-reverse-search-some " (*+.-[" a-string end))
692 (cond ((null start)(setq start 0))
693 (t (setq start (add1 start))))
694 (send standard-input :fresh-line)
695 (setq fun (intern (string-upcase
696 (string-append "$"
697 (substring a-string start end))) 'macsyma))
698 ( #-ti si:ie-display-info
699 #+ti tv:rh-display-info #-ti (ignore ignore tv:rh-numeric-arg-p fun)
700 (let ((arg))
701 (cond ((and (sys:validate-function-spec fun)
702 (or (fdefinedp fun)
703 (and (symbolp fun)
704 (get fun 'compiled-only-arglist))))
705 (format standard-output (function-documentation fun)))
706 ((setq arg (macsyma-arglist fun))
707 (format t "~A : ~A" fun (macsyma-arglist fun)))
708 (t (format t "Can't seem to MAXIMA-FIND definition of ~A" fun))))))
718 (NOT (OR IN-STRING SLASHIFIED IN-COMMENT (in-macsyma-comment bp) )))
719 ;;don't signal error if have to return nil
720 (FORWARD-macsyma-expression BP -1 NIL 0 LIMIT-BP t nil nil)))
727 (defvar *Macsyma-MATCHING-DELIMITERS* "()[]{}")
730 FOR I FROM 1 BELOW (length (the string STRING)) BY 2
733 FINALLY (ERROR "~C has no tex matching delimiter" CHAR)))
737 (defcom com-macsyma-describe
738 "Searches the documentation for keys containing a given string
739 with a numeric argument different from 1 it puts the result in the current buffer."
741 (let ((str (zwei::typein-line-read "String to describe")))
742 (cl-macsyma::$describe str :editor (not (eql *numeric-arg* 1)))
743 (cond ((not (eql *numeric-arg* 1))
744 (format t "~%Type a space to see return to the documentation in the buffer:"))))
745 dis-all)
747 (defun non-trivial-lines (point &optional ( n 1) reversep
748 &aux (str ""))
749 (let* ((nex (cond (reversep #'line-previous)
750 (t #'line-next)))
751 (line (car point)))
752 (cond ((null reversep) (setq line (line-previous line))))
753 (sloop while (setq line (funcall nex line))
754 collecting line into lines
755 when (not(eq 0 (length (the string line))))
756 count 1 into m
757 while (< m n)
758 finally (cond (reversep (setq lines(nreverse lines))))
759 (sloop for v in lines
760 do (setq str (string-append str (format nil "~A~%" v)))))
761 str))
764 (defvar *record-changes* nil)
766 (defun get-record-changes-buffer ()
767 (cond (*record-changes*)
768 (t (with-editor-stream (str :buffer-name "Record Changes")
769 (format str ";;;*-changes - ~A" (time:print-current-time nil)))
770 (sloop for v in zwei::*zmacs-buffer-list*
771 when (string-search "record changes" v)
772 do (return (setq *record-changes* v))))))
774 ;;at present you must manually make *record-changes* by
775 ;;going to a buffer and setq *record-changes* to it.
778 (defvar *buffer-changes-recorded* nil)
780 #+symbolics
782 (defun record-changes (&optional bp1 bp2 &aux (m 3) an an2 an3)
783 "Puts the current region into the buffer *record-changes* and records the surrounding information. "
784 (get-record-changes-buffer)
785 (let((bp (copy-bp (interval-last-bp *record-changes*)))
786 (name (or (and (send *interval* :pathname)
787 (send (send *interval* :pathname) :truename))
788 (string *interval*))))
789 (cond ((fboundp 'user:push-new) (user:push-new *interval* *buffer-changes-recorded*)))
790 (cond ((bp-< bp1 bp2) nil)
791 (t (swapf bp1 bp2)))
793 (setq an
794 (insert-moving bp (format nil
795 "~%;;****************~%~%;;From file ~A~%~%~
796 ;;****preceding ~A lines***~%#|~A|#~%;;**BEGIN REPLACEMENT TEXT:~%"
797 name m
798 (non-trivial-lines bp1 M t)
801 (setq an2 (insert-interval-moving an bp1 bp2 t))
803 (setq an3 (insert-moving an2 (format nil "~%;;**END REPLACEMENT.~%;;****subsequent ~A lines***~
804 ~%#|~A|#~%~%" m
805 (non-trivial-lines bp2 m nil))))
807 (let ((*interval* *record-changes*)) (move-bp bp an3)
810 #+symbolics
812 (defcom com-record-changes
813 "Records changes of the current region into a buffer called record changes"
815 (let (bp1 bp2 error-p definition-name node)
816 (COND ((WINDOW-REGION-P) (format t "hi")
817 ;; there is a region, use it.
819 (cond ((BP-< BP1 BP2) nil)
820 (t(swapf BP1 BP2)))
821 (SETQ DEFINITION-NAME "the region"))
823 (BARF "The region is empty"))
824 (T ;No region, get relevant definition
828 (POINT) T))
832 (record-changes bp1 bp2))
833 dis-mark-goes)