Fix bug #3998: Lisp error when parser encounters eof in a comment
[maxima.git] / share / dynamics / plotdf.lisp
1 ;; plotdf.mac - Adds a function plotdf() to Maxima, which draws a Direction
2 ;; Field for an ordinary 1st order differential equation,
3 ;; or for a system of two autonomous 1st order equations.
4 ;;
5 ;; Copyright (C) 2004, 2008, 2011 Jaime E. Villate <>
6 ;;
7 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 ;; (at your option) any later version.
12 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
17 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 ;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
20 ;; MA 02110-1301, USA.
22 ;; See plotdf.usg (which should come together with this program) for
23 ;; a usage summary
25 ;; $Id: plotdf.lisp,v 1.12 2011-03-09 11:33:46 villate Exp $
27 (in-package :maxima)
29 ;; parses a plotdf option into a command-line option for tcl scripts
30 (defun plotdf-option-to-tcl (value s1 s2)
31 (let (v vv)
32 (unless (and ($listp value)
33 (symbolp (setq name (second value))))
34 (merror
35 (intl:gettext
36 "plotdf-option-to-tcl: Expecting a symbol for the option name, found: \"~M\"") value))
37 (case name
38 (($xradius $yradius $xcenter $ycenter $tinitial $tstep)
39 (setq v (check-option (cdr value) #'realp "a real number" 1))
40 (setq value (list '(mlist) name v)))
41 (($width $height $nsteps $versus_t)
42 (setq v (check-option (cdr value) #'naturalp "a natural number" 1))
43 (setq value (list '(mlist) name v)))
44 ($trajectory_at
45 (setq v (check-option (cdr value) #'realp "a real number" 2))
46 (setq value (cons '(mlist) (cons name v))))
47 ($bbox
48 (setq v (check-option (cdr value) #'realp "a real number" 4))
49 (setq value (cons '(mlist) (cons name v))))
50 (($xfun $parameters $sliders $vectors $fieldlines $curves
51 $windowtitle $xaxislabel $yaxislabel $psfile)
52 (setq v (check-option (cdr value) #'stringp "a string" 1))
53 (setq value (list '(mlist) name v)))
54 ($axes
55 (if (not (third value))
56 (setq value '((mlist) $axes 0))
57 (case (third value)
58 ($x (setq value '((mlist) $axes "x")))
59 ($y (setq value '((mlist) $axes "y")))
60 (t (setq value '((mlist) $axes "xy"))))))
61 ($box
62 (if (not (third value))
63 (setq value '((mlist) $nobox 1))
64 (setq value '((mlist) $nobox 0))))
65 ($direction
66 (or
67 (member (ensure-string (third value)) '("forward" "backward" "both") :test #'equal)
68 (merror
69 (intl:gettext
70 "plotdf-option-to-tcl: direction should be forward, backward or both."))))
71 (t (cond
72 ((eql name s1)
73 (setq value (cons '(mlist) (cons '$x (cddr (check-range value))))))
74 ((eql name s2)
75 (setq value (cons '(mlist) (cons '$y (cddr (check-range value))))))
76 (t (merror (intl:gettext "plotdf-option-to-tcl: unknown option ~M") name)))))
77 (setq vv (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (if (symbolp a) (ensure-string a) a)) (cdr value)))
78 (with-output-to-string (st)
79 (cond ((or (equal (first vv) "x") (equal (first vv) "y"))
80 (format st "-~(~a~)center " (first vv))
81 (format st "{~a} " (/ (+ (third vv) (second vv)) 2))
82 (format st "-~(~a~)radius " (first vv))
83 (format st "{~a}" (/ (- (third vv) (second vv)) 2)))
85 (format st "-~(~a~) " (first vv))
86 (format st "{~{~a~^ ~}}" (rest vv)))))))
88 ;; applies float(ev(expression, numer)) to an expression, and returns a string
90 (defun expr_to_str (fun)
91 (mstring (mfuncall '$float (mfuncall '$ev fun '$numer))))
93 ;; plots the direction field for an ODE dy/dx = f(x,y), or for an autonomous
94 ;; system of 2 equations dx/dt = f(x,y), dy/dt = g(x,y)
96 (defun $plotdf (ode &rest options)
97 (let (file cmd (opts " ") (s1 '$x) (s2 '$y) vars)
98 (unless ($listp ode) (setf ode `((mlist) ,ode)))
100 ;; if the variables are not x and y, their names must be given right
101 ;; after the expression for the ode's
102 (when
103 (and (listp (car options)) (= (length (car options)) 3)
104 (or (symbolp (cadar options)) ($subvarp (cadar options)))
105 (or (symbolp (caddar options)) ($subvarp (caddar options))))
106 (setq s1 (cadar options))
107 (setq s2 (caddar options))
108 (setq options (cdr options)))
110 ;; parse options and copy them to string opts
111 (cond (options
112 (dolist (v options)
113 (setq opts (concatenate 'string opts " "
114 (plotdf-option-to-tcl v s1 s2))))))
116 (unless (search "-xaxislabel " opts)
117 (setq opts (concatenate 'string opts " -xaxislabel " (ensure-string s1))))
118 (unless (search "-yaxislabel " opts)
119 (setq opts (concatenate 'string opts " -yaxislabel " (ensure-string s2))))
121 ;; check that the expressions given contain only the axis variables
122 (setq vars (cdr (mfuncall '$listofvars ode)))
123 (unless (search "-parameters " opts)
124 (dolist (var vars)
125 (unless (or (eq var s1) (eq var s2))
126 (merror
127 (intl:gettext "plotdf: expression(s) given can only depend on ~M and ~M~%Found extra variable ~M") s1 s2 var))))
129 ;; substitute $x by s1 and $y by s2
130 (defun subxy (expr)
131 (if (listp expr)
132 (mapcar #'subxy expr)
133 (cond ((eq expr s1) '$x) ((eq expr s2) '$y) (t expr))))
134 (setf ode (mapcar #'subxy ode))
136 ;; parse the differential equation expressions
137 (case (length ode)
138 (3 (setq cmd (concatenate 'string " -dxdt \""
139 (expr_to_str (second ode)) "\" -dydt \""
140 (expr_to_str (third ode)) "\"")))
141 (2 (setq cmd (concatenate 'string " -dydx \""
142 (expr_to_str (second ode)) "\"")))
143 (t (merror
144 (intl:gettext "plotdf: first argument must be either an expression or a list with two expressions."))))
145 (setq file (plot-temp-file (format nil "maxout~d.xmaxima" (getpid))))
146 (show-open-plot
147 (with-output-to-string
148 (st)
149 (cond
150 ($show_openplot (format st "plotdf ~a ~a~%" cmd opts))
151 (t (format st "{plotdf ~a ~a} " cmd opts))))
152 file)
153 file))
155 ;; plot equipotential curves for a scalar field f(x,y)
156 (defun $ploteq (fun &rest options)
158 (let (file cmd mfun (opts " ") (s1 '$x) (s2 '$y))
159 (setf mfun `((mtimes) -1 ,fun))
160 ;; if the variables are not x and y, their names must be given right
161 ;; after the expression for the ode's
162 (when
163 (and (listp (car options)) (= (length (car options)) 3)
164 (or (symbolp (cadar options)) ($subvarp (cadar options)))
165 (or (symbolp (caddar options)) ($subvarp (caddar options))))
166 (setq s1 (cadar options))
167 (setq s2 (caddar options))
168 (setq options (cdr options)))
169 (defun subxy (expr)
170 (if (listp expr)
171 (mapcar #'subxy expr)
172 (cond ((eq expr s1) '$x) ((eq expr s2) '$y) (t expr))))
173 (setf mfun (mapcar #'subxy mfun))
174 ;; the next two lines should take into account parameters given in the options
175 ;; (if (delete '$y (delete '$x (rest (mfuncall '$listofvars ode))))
176 ;; (merror "The equation(s) can depend only on 2 variable which must be specified!"))
177 (setq cmd (concatenate 'string " -dxdt \""
178 (expr_to_str (mfuncall '$diff mfun '$x))
179 "\" -dydt \""
180 (expr_to_str (mfuncall '$diff mfun '$y))
181 "\" "))
183 ;; parse options and copy them to string opts
184 (cond (options
185 (dolist (v options)
186 (setq opts (concatenate 'string opts " "
187 (plotdf-option-to-tcl v s1 s2))))))
189 (unless (search "-vectors " opts)
190 (setq opts (concatenate 'string opts " -vectors {}")))
191 (unless (search "-fieldlines " opts)
192 (setq opts (concatenate 'string opts " -fieldlines {}")))
193 (unless (search "-curves " opts)
194 (setq opts (concatenate 'string opts " -curves {red}")))
195 (unless (search "-windowtitle " opts)
196 (setq opts (concatenate 'string opts " -windowtitle {Ploteq}")))
197 (unless (search "-xaxislabel " opts)
198 (setq opts (concatenate 'string opts " -xaxislabel " (ensure-string s1))))
199 (unless (search "-yaxislabel " opts)
200 (setq opts (concatenate 'string opts " -yaxislabel " (ensure-string s2))))
202 (setq file (plot-temp-file (format nil "maxout~d.xmaxima" (getpid))))
203 (show-open-plot
204 (with-output-to-string
205 (st)
206 (cond ($show_openplot (format st "plotdf ~a ~a~%" cmd opts))
207 (t (format st "{plotdf ~a ~a}" cmd opts))))
208 file)
209 file))