Fix the bogus translations of <= and >=
[maxima.git] / src / trpred.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;; (c) Copyright 1981 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 (in-package :maxima)
13 (macsyma-module trpred)
15 ; $is or $maybe
16 (defvar wrap-a-pred '$is)
18 (defun wrap-pred (form &optional (evalp t))
19 (let ((boole-fun (get wrap-a-pred
20 (if evalp
21 'tr-boole-eval
22 'tr-boole-verify))))
23 (cons '$any `(,boole-fun ,form))))
25 (defun tr-is/maybe (wrap-type form)
26 (let* ((wrap-a-pred wrap-type)
27 (tr (translate-predicate form)))
28 (destructuring-bind (mode . tr-form) tr
29 (if (eq mode '$boolean)
31 (cons '$any tr-form)))))
33 (def%tr $is (form)
34 (tr-is/maybe '$is (cadr form)))
36 (def%tr $maybe (form)
37 (tr-is/maybe '$maybe (cadr form)))
39 ;;; these don't have an imperitive predicate semantics outside of
40 ;;; being used in MNOT, MAND, MOR, MCOND, $IS.
42 (def%tr mnotequal (form)
43 `($any . (simplify (list '(,(caar form)) ,@(tr-args (cdr form))))))
45 (def-same%tr mequal mnotequal)
46 (def-same%tr $equal mnotequal)
47 (def-same%tr $notequal mnotequal)
48 (def-same%tr mgreaterp mnotequal)
49 (def-same%tr mgeqp mnotequal)
50 (def-same%tr mlessp mnotequal)
51 (def-same%tr mleqp mnotequal)
53 ;;; It looks like it was copied from MRG;COMPAR > with
54 ;;; TRP- substituted for MEVALP. What a crockish way to dispatch,
55 ;;; and in a system with a limited address space too!
56 ;;; NOTE: See code for IS-BOOLE-CHECK, also duplication of MRG;COMPAR.
58 ;;; Note: This TRANSLATE-PREDICATE and TRANSLATE should be combinded
59 ;;; to a single function which takes a second argument of the
60 ;;; TARGET (mode). Targeting is a pretty basic concept in compilation
61 ;;; so its surprising this was done. In order to make this change all
62 ;;; special-forms need to do targeting.
64 (defun translate-predicate (form)
65 (cond ((atom form) (trp-with-boolean-convert form))
66 ((eq 'mnot (caar form)) (trp-mnot form))
67 ((eq 'mand (caar form)) (trp-mand form))
68 ((eq 'mor (caar form)) (trp-mor form))
69 ((eq 'mnotequal (caar form)) (trp-mnotequal form))
70 ((eq 'mequal (caar form)) (trp-mequal form))
71 ((eq '$equal (caar form)) (trp-$equal form))
72 ((eq '$notequal (caar form)) (trp-$notequal form))
73 ((eq 'mgreaterp (caar form)) (trp-mgreaterp form))
74 ((eq 'mgeqp (caar form)) (trp-mgeqp form))
75 ((eq 'mlessp (caar form)) (trp-mlessp form))
76 ((eq 'mleqp (caar form)) (trp-mleqp form))
77 ((eq 'mprogn (caar form))
78 ;; it was a pain not to have this case working, so I just
79 ;; patched it in. Lets try not to lazily patch in every
80 ;; special form in macsyma!
81 (let ((exprs (cdr form)))
82 (destructuring-bind (mode . last)
83 (translate-predicate (car (last exprs)))
84 (cons mode
85 `(progn
86 ,@(tr-args (butlast exprs))
87 ,last)))))
88 (t (trp-with-boolean-convert form))))
90 (defun trp-with-boolean-convert (form)
91 (let ((tr (translate form)))
92 (destructuring-bind (mode . exp) tr
93 (if (eq mode '$boolean)
95 (wrap-pred exp)))))
97 (defmacro mnot_tr (operand)
98 `(is-mnot #'identity ,operand))
100 (defun trp-mnot (form)
101 (let ((exp (cadr form)))
102 (cond ((not exp)
103 (cons '$boolean t))
104 ((eq t exp)
105 (cons '$boolean nil))
106 ((and (not (atom exp)) (eq (caar exp) 'mnot))
107 (translate-predicate (cadr exp)))
109 (destructuring-bind (mode . operand) (translate-predicate exp)
110 (if (eq mode '$boolean)
111 (cons mode (list 'not operand))
112 (wrap-pred (list 'mnot_tr operand) nil)))))))
114 (defun mand/mor_tr (mop operands top bot)
115 (let ((val (tr-gensym))
116 (ext (tr-gensym)))
117 `(let ((,val nil)
118 (,ext '()))
119 ,(reduce (lambda (x acc)
120 `(cond ((eq (setq ,val ,x) ,bot)
121 ,bot)
123 (unless (eq ,val ,top)
124 (push ,val ,ext))
125 ,acc)))
126 operands
127 :from-end t
128 :initial-value
129 `(cond ((null ,ext)
130 ,top)
131 ((null (cdr ,ext))
132 (car ,ext))
134 (cons '(,mop) (nreverse ,ext))))))))
136 (defmacro mand_tr (&rest operands)
137 (mand/mor_tr 'mand operands t nil))
139 (defmacro mor_tr (&rest operands)
140 (mand/mor_tr 'mor operands nil t))
142 (defun simplify-mand/mor-operands_tr (operands top bot)
143 (loop for o in operands unless (eq o top) collect o until (eq o bot)))
145 (defun map-trp (l)
146 (reduce (lambda (x a)
147 (destructuring-bind (mode . body) (translate-predicate x)
148 (cons (*union-mode (car a) mode) (cons body (cdr a)))))
150 :from-end t
151 :initial-value (cons nil '())))
153 (defun trp-mand/mor (operands lisp-op max-op top bot)
154 (let ((operands (simplify-mand/mor-operands_tr operands top bot)))
155 (cond ((null operands)
156 (cons '$boolean top))
157 ((null (cdr operands))
158 (trp-with-boolean-convert (car operands)))
160 (destructuring-bind (mode . tr-operands) (map-trp operands)
161 (if (eq mode '$boolean)
162 (cons mode (cons lisp-op tr-operands))
163 (wrap-pred (cons max-op tr-operands) nil)))))))
165 (defun trp-mand (form)
166 (trp-mand/mor (cdr form) 'and 'mand_tr t nil))
168 (defun trp-mor (form)
169 (trp-mand/mor (cdr form) 'or 'mor_tr nil t))
171 (defvar *number-types* '($float $number $fixnum ))
173 (defun trp-inequality (args lisp-op max-op)
174 (let* ((arg1 (translate (car args)))
175 (arg2 (translate (cadr args)))
176 (mode (*union-mode (car arg1) (car arg2))))
177 (cond ((or (member mode '($fixnum $float) :test #'eq)
178 (and (member (car arg1) *number-types* :test #'eq)
179 (member (car arg2) *number-types* :test #'eq)))
180 `($boolean . (,lisp-op ,(dconv arg1 mode) ,(dconv arg2 mode))))
181 ((eq '$number mode)
182 `($boolean . (,lisp-op ,(cdr arg1) ,(cdr arg2))))
184 (wrap-pred `(,max-op ,(dconvx arg1) ,(dconvx arg2)) nil)))))
186 (defun trp-mlessp (form)
187 (trp-inequality (cdr form) '< 'mlsp))
189 (defun trp-mgreaterp (form)
190 (trp-inequality (cdr form) '> 'mgrp))
192 (defun trp-mgeqp (form)
193 (trp-inequality (cdr form) '>= 'mgqp))
195 (defun trp-mleqp (form)
196 ; No mlqp in sight
197 (translate-predicate `((mgeqp) ,@(reverse (cdr form)))))
199 (defun trp-mequal (form)
200 (destructuring-let (((mode1 . arg1) (translate (cadr form)))
201 ((mode2 . arg2) (translate (caddr form))))
202 (cons '$boolean
203 (if (and (covers '$number mode1) (covers '$number mode2))
204 `(eql ,arg1 ,arg2)
205 `(like ,arg1 ,arg2)))))
207 (defun trp-$equal (form)
208 (let (mode arg1 arg2)
209 (setq arg1 (translate (cadr form)) arg2 (translate (caddr form))
210 mode (*union-mode (car arg1) (car arg2)))
211 (cond ((or (eq '$fixnum mode) (eq '$float mode))
212 `($boolean . (= ,(dconv arg1 mode) ,(dconv arg2 mode))))
213 ((eq '$number mode)
214 `($any . (meqp ,(cdr arg1) ,(cdr arg2))))
215 ('else
216 (wrap-pred `(meqp ,(dconvx arg1) ,(dconvx arg2)) nil)))))
218 ;; Logical not for predicates. Do the expected thing, except return
219 (defun trp-not (val)
220 (case val
221 ((t) nil)
222 ((nil) t)
223 (otherwise val)))
225 (defun trp-$notequal (form)
226 (cons '$any (list 'trp-not (cdr (trp-$equal form)))))
228 (defun trp-mnotequal (form)
229 (cons '$any (list 'trp-not (cdr (trp-mequal form)))))
231 ;;; sigh, i have to copy a lot of the $assume function too.
233 (def%tr $assume (form)
234 (let ((x (cdr form)))
235 (do ((nl))
236 ((null x)
237 `($any . (simplify (list '(mlist) ,@(nreverse nl)))))
238 (cond ((atom (car x))
239 (setq nl (cons `(assume ,(dtranslate (car x))) nl)))
240 ((eq 'mand (caaar x))
241 (mapc #'(lambda (l) (setq nl (cons `(assume ,(dtranslate l)) nl)))
242 (cdar x)))
243 ((eq 'mnot (caaar x))
244 (setq nl (cons `(assume ,(dtranslate (pred-reverse (cadar x)))) nl)))
245 ((eq 'mor (caaar x))
246 (merror (intl:gettext "assume: argument cannot be an 'or' expression; found ~M") (car x)))
247 ((eq (caaar x) 'mequal)
248 (merror (intl:gettext "assume: argument cannot be an '=' expression; found ~M~%assume: maybe you want 'equal'.") (car x)))
249 ((eq (caaar x) 'mnotequal)
250 (merror (intl:gettext "assume: argument cannot be a '#' expression; found ~M~%assume: maybe you want 'not equal'.") (car x)))
251 ('else
252 (setq nl (cons `(assume ,(dtranslate (car x))) nl))))
253 (setq x (cdr x)))))