Remove references to the obsolete srrat function
[maxima.git] / share / graphs / matching.lisp
1 ;;;
2 ;;; GRAPHS - graph theory package for Maxima
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (C) 2007 Andrej Vodopivec <>
5 ;;;
6 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
10 ;;;
11 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 ;;;
16 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 ;;;
21 (in-package :maxima)
23 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
24 ;;;
25 ;;; matching algorithms
26 ;;;
27 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
30 (defmfun $max_matching (gr)
31 (require-graph 'maximum_matching 1 gr)
32 (let ((partition (cdr ($bipartition gr))))
33 (if (null partition)
34 (maximum-matching-general gr)
35 (maximum-matching-bipartite gr (cdr (car partition)) (cdr (cadr partition))))))
37 ;;;;;;;;;;
39 ;; the bipartite case
42 (defun maximum-matching-bipartite (gr a b &optional cover)
43 (let ((matching (make-hash-table))
44 (done))
46 ;; greedy matching
47 (loop for e in (edges gr) do
48 (let ((u (first e))
49 (v (second e)))
50 (when (and (null (gethash u matching))
51 (null (gethash v matching)))
52 (setf (gethash u matching) v)
53 (setf (gethash v matching) u))))
55 ;; augment the matching
56 (loop while (not done) do
57 (setq done t)
58 (let ((au) (bu))
60 ;; find unmatched vertices
61 (loop for u in a do
62 (when (null (gethash u matching))
63 (push u au)))
64 (loop for u in b do
65 (when (null (gethash u matching))
66 (push u bu)))
68 ;; find augmenting path
69 (when (not (or (null au)
70 (null bu)))
71 (let ((prev (make-hash-table))
72 (new1 au) (new2) (x))
73 (loop while (not (null new1)) do
75 ;; add edges in M^c
76 (setq new2 ())
77 (loop for u in new1 do
78 (loop for v in (neighbors u gr) do
79 (when (and (null (gethash v prev))
80 (or (null (gethash v matching))
81 (not (= (gethash v matching) u))))
82 (setf (gethash v prev) u)
83 (push v new2))))
84 (setq new1 ())
86 ;; add edges in M
87 (loop for v in new2 do
88 (let ((u (gethash v matching)))
89 (unless (null u)
90 (push u new1)
91 (setf (gethash u prev) v)))))
93 ;; chech for augmenting path
94 (loop for v in bu while (null x) do
95 (unless (null (gethash v prev))
96 (setq x v)))
98 ;; extend the matching
99 (unless (null x)
100 (setq done nil)
101 (loop while (not (null x)) do
102 (let ((u x)
103 (v (gethash x prev)))
104 (setf (gethash u matching) v)
105 (setf (gethash v matching) u)
106 (setq x (gethash v prev))))) )) ))
107 (if (null cover)
108 ;; we want the matching
109 (let ((mmatching ()))
110 (maphash #'(lambda (u v) (if (< u v)
111 (setq mmatching (cons `((mlist simp) ,u ,v) mmatching))))
112 matching)
113 (cons '(mlist simp) mmatching))
114 ;; we want the vertex cover
115 (get-cover-from-matching gr a matching)) ))
117 (defun get-cover-from-matching (gr a matching)
118 (let ((au) (cov))
119 (loop for x in (cdr a) do
120 (when (null (gethash x matching))
121 (push x au)))
122 (if (null au)
123 `((mlist simp) ,@(sort (cdr a) #'<))
125 ;; construct the Hungarian tree
126 (let ((prev (make-hash-table))
127 (new1 au) (new2))
128 (loop while (not (null new1)) do
129 ;; add edges in M^c
130 (setq new2 ())
131 (loop for u in new1 do
132 (loop for v in (neighbors u gr) do
133 (when (and (null (gethash v prev))
134 (or (null (gethash v matching))
135 (not (= (gethash v matching) u))))
136 (setf (gethash v prev) u)
137 (push v new2))))
138 (setq new1 ())
140 ;; add edges in M
141 (loop for v in new2 do
142 (let ((u (gethash v matching)))
143 (unless (null u)
144 (push u new1)
145 (setf (gethash u prev) v)))))
146 (maphash #'(lambda (u v)
147 (when (member v a)
148 (if (null (gethash v prev))
149 (push v cov)
150 (push u cov))))
151 matching)
152 `((mlist simp) ,@(sort cov #'<))))))
154 ;;;;;;;;;;;
156 ;; set partiton using hash-tales
159 (defun main-vertex (v sp)
160 (let ((m v))
161 (loop while (not (= m (gethash m sp))) do
162 (setq m (gethash m sp)))
163 (setf (gethash v sp) m)
166 (defun join-sets (v u sp)
167 (setf (gethash (main-vertex u sp) sp)
168 (main-vertex v sp)))
170 (defun set-main-vertex (m v sp)
171 (setf (gethash (main-vertex v sp) sp) m)
172 (setf (gethash m sp) m))
174 ;;;;;;;;;;;
176 ;; the general case
179 (defvar *matching-state*)
180 (defvar *matching-matching*)
181 (defvar *matching-bridge*)
182 (defvar *matching-prev*)
183 (defvar *matching-path*)
185 (defun maximum-matching-general (gr)
186 (let ((*matching-matching* (make-hash-table))
187 (done))
189 ;; greedy matching
190 (loop for e in (edges gr) do
191 (let ((u (first e))
192 (v (second e)))
193 (when (and (null (gethash u *matching-matching*))
194 (null (gethash v *matching-matching*)))
195 (setf (gethash u *matching-matching*) v)
196 (setf (gethash v *matching-matching*) u))))
198 ;; augment the matching
199 (loop while (not done) do
200 (setq done t)
201 (let ((unmatched-vertices)
202 (dfsnum)
203 (dfsnum-curr)
204 (vertex-partition)
205 (*matching-state*)
206 (*matching-bridge* (make-hash-table))
207 (active-edges)
208 (*matching-prev* (make-hash-table))
209 (x))
211 ;; find unmatched vertices
212 (loop for v in (vertices gr) do
213 (when (null (gethash v *matching-matching*))
214 (push v unmatched-vertices)))
216 (loop for first-vertex in unmatched-vertices while (null x) do
217 (setq dfsnum (make-hash-table))
218 (setq dfsnum-curr 0)
219 (setq *matching-state* (make-hash-table))
220 (setq *matching-bridge* (make-hash-table))
221 (setq vertex-partition (make-hash-table))
222 (setq *matching-state* (make-hash-table))
223 (setf (gethash first-vertex *matching-state*) 'A)
224 (setq active-edges ())
226 (loop for v in (vertices gr) do
227 (setf (gethash v vertex-partition) v))
228 (loop for u in (neighbors first-vertex gr) do
229 (push (list first-vertex u) active-edges))
232 ;; find augmenting path
233 (loop while (and (not (null active-edges)) (null x)) do
234 (let* ((e (pop active-edges))
235 (v (first e))
236 (w (second e))
237 (v-main (main-vertex v vertex-partition))
238 (w-main (main-vertex w vertex-partition)))
240 (when (null (gethash v-main dfsnum))
241 (setf (gethash v-main dfsnum) dfsnum-curr)
242 (incf dfsnum-curr))
244 (cond
246 ;; we found an agugmented path
247 ((and (member w-main unmatched-vertices)
248 (not (= w-main first-vertex)))
249 (setf (gethash w-main *matching-prev*) v)
250 (setq x w-main))
252 ;; we didn't visit w yet
253 ((null (gethash w-main *matching-state*))
254 (setf (gethash w-main *matching-state*) 'B)
255 (let ((z (gethash w-main *matching-matching*)))
256 (setf (gethash z *matching-state*) 'A)
257 (loop for x in (neighbors z gr) do
258 (unless (= x w-main)
259 (push (list z x) active-edges))))
260 (setf (gethash w-main *matching-prev*) v))
262 ;; found a blossom
263 ((and (not (= w-main v-main)) ;; in the same blossom already
264 (eql (gethash w-main *matching-state*) 'A))
266 (let ((fst) (lst) (b))
267 (if (> (gethash w-main dfsnum)
268 (gethash v-main dfsnum))
269 (setq fst w-main
270 lst v-main
271 b (list w v))
272 (setq fst v-main
273 lst w-main
274 b (list v w)))
276 (let ((tmp-vrt fst))
277 (loop while (not (= tmp-vrt lst)) do
278 (setf (gethash tmp-vrt *matching-bridge*) b)
279 (join-sets lst tmp-vrt vertex-partition)
280 (if (eql (gethash tmp-vrt *matching-state*) 'A)
282 (progn
283 (setq tmp-vrt (main-vertex (gethash tmp-vrt *matching-matching*)
284 vertex-partition))
285 (loop for u in (neighbors tmp-vrt gr) do
286 (setq u (main-vertex u vertex-partition))
287 (push (list tmp-vrt u) active-edges)))
289 (progn
290 (setq tmp-vrt (main-vertex (gethash tmp-vrt *matching-prev*)
291 vertex-partition))))))) )
294 ;; augment the path
295 (unless (null x)
296 (setq done nil)
297 (let ((*matching-path* (list x)))
298 (find-augmenting-path first-vertex (gethash x *matching-prev*))
299 (loop while *matching-path* do
300 (let ((a (car *matching-path*))
301 (b (cadr *matching-path*)))
302 (setf (gethash a *matching-matching*) b)
303 (setf (gethash b *matching-matching*) a)
304 (setf *matching-path* (cddr *matching-path*))))
305 ))) ))
308 (let ((matching ()))
309 (maphash #'(lambda (u v) (if (< u v) (setq matching (cons `((mlist simp) ,u ,v) matching))))
310 *matching-matching*)
311 (cons '(mlist simp) matching))))
313 ;; returns the path from b to a
314 (defun find-augmenting-path (a b)
315 (cond
316 ((= a b)
317 (push a *matching-path*))
319 ((eql (gethash b *matching-state*) 'A)
320 (push b *matching-path*)
321 (push (gethash b *matching-matching*) *matching-path*)
322 (find-augmenting-path a (gethash (gethash b *matching-matching*) *matching-prev*)))
325 (push b *matching-path*)
326 (find-augmenting-path-1 (gethash b *matching-matching*) (first (gethash b *matching-bridge*)))
327 (find-augmenting-path a (second (gethash b *matching-bridge*)))) ))
329 (defun find-augmenting-path-1 (a b)
330 (cond
331 ((= a b)
332 (push a *matching-path*))
334 ((eql (gethash b *matching-state*) 'A)
335 (find-augmenting-path-1 a (gethash (gethash b *matching-matching*) *matching-prev*))
336 (push (gethash b *matching-matching*) *matching-path*)
337 (push b *matching-path*))
340 (find-augmenting-path-1 a (second (gethash b *matching-bridge*)))
341 (find-augmenting-path (gethash b *matching-matching*) (first (gethash b *matching-bridge*)))
342 (push b *matching-path*)) ))