Fix bug #4018: defint(foo,,0,inf) lisp error when denom(foo) contains %i
[maxima.git] / share / affine / polyb.lisp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp; package: cl-maxima; syntax: common-lisp -*-
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; ;;;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
5 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
6 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 (in-package :maxima)
10 (defun $circle_times (&rest l)
11 (case (length l)
12 (0 1)
13 (1 (car l))
14 (2 (let (firs sec (u (car l)) (v (second l)))
15 (setq firs (sub* (mul* (nth 1 u) (nth 1 v))
16 (mul* (nth 2 u) (nth 2 v))))
17 (setq sec (add* (mul* (nth 1 u) (nth 2 v))
18 (mul* (nth 2 u) (nth 1 v))))
19 (list '(mlist simp) firs sec)))
20 (otherwise
21 ($circle_times (car l) (apply '$circle_times (cdr l))))))
23 (defun sort-grouped-list (a-list group-size pred &aux if-necessary answer tem (prev (car a-list)))
24 (loop for v in a-list
25 for i from 0
26 when (zerop (mod i group-size))
27 do (cond ((funcall pred v prev)
28 (setq if-necessary t)
29 (return t)))
30 (setq prev v))
31 (cond (if-necessary
32 (loop with v = a-list
33 while v
34 collect v into all
35 do (setf v (nthcdr group-size v))
36 finally
37 (setq all (sort all pred :key 'car ))
38 (return
39 (loop for v in all
40 nconc
41 (loop for w in v for i below group-size
42 collect w)))))
43 (t a-list)))
45 (defun $sort_dot_simplifications (&optional (pred $order_function) &aux rev-pred)
46 (cond ((eq pred '$monomial_alphalessp)(setq rev-pred '$monomial_alphagreatp))
47 (t (setq rev-pred #'(lambda (x y)
48 (and (not (funcall pred x y))(not (equal x y)))))))
49 (rplacd $dot_simplifications
50 (sort-grouped-list (cdr $dot_simplifications) 2 rev-pred)))
52 ;see polyd.lisp for current def
53 ;(defun $simplify_dot_simplifications (&optional (from-degree 0) &aux temp1 repl temp2 temp3
54 ; relat
55 ; (dot-simps $dot_simplifications))
57 ; ($sort_dot_simplifications)
58 ; (loop for term in (cdr $dot_simplifications)
59 ; for i from 0
60 ; when (evenp i)
61 ; do
62 ; (let (($dot_simplifications
63 ; (append (firstn (1+ i) dot-simps)
64 ; (nthcdr (+ 3 i) dot-simps))))
65 ; (cond (($must_replacep term)
66 ; (setq repl (nth (1+ i) (cdr dot-simps)))
68 ; (setq relat
69 ; (cond ($new_fast_dotsimp
70 ; (header-poly (n- repl term)))
71 ; (t (vsub* repl term))))
72 ; (setq dot-simps $dot_simplifications)
73 ; (return 'start-over))))
74 ; when (oddp i)
75 ; do
76 ; (setq temp2 term)
77 ; (show temp2)
78 ;;;; (cond ((and
79 ;;;;; (>= ($nc_degree temp2) from-degree)
80 ;;;; ($must_replacep temp2))
82 ; (loop until (null ($must_replacep temp2))
83 ; do
84 ; (break 'here)(setq temp1 temp2)
85 ; (cond ($free_dot (setq temp2 ($dotsimp temp2)))
86 ; (t
87 ; (setq temp3 (meval* temp1))
88 ; (cond ((not (equal temp1 temp3))
89 ; (setq temp2 ($ratsimp temp3))))))
90 ; finally
91 ; (setf (nth (1+ i) $dot_simplifications) temp2)))
92 ; (cond (relat (setq $dot_simplifications dot-simps)
93 ; (convert-relation-to-dot-simp ($dotsimp relat)))
94 ; (t
95 ; $dot_simplifications))
96 ; (cond ($fast_dotsimp ($rat_the_dot_simplifications))
97 ; (t $dot_simplifications)))
99 ;;;second The above definition worked for not fast_dotsimp
102 ;(defun $simplify_dot_simplifications (&optional (from-degree 0) &aux
103 ; relat
104 ; (dot-simps $dot_simplifications))
105 ; ($sort_dot_simplifications)
106 ; (loop for v on (cdr $dot_simplifications) by #'cddr
107 ; for i from 1 by 2
108 ; do
109 ; (setq dot-simps $dot_simplifications)
110 ; (setq $dot_simplifications (append (firstn i $dot_simplifications) (cddr v)))
111 ; (cond ((and (not ($zerop (second v)))
112 ; (or ($must_replacep (car v))($must_replacep (second v))))
113 ; (setq relat (cond ($new_fast_dotsimp
114 ; (header-poly (n- (car v) (second v))))
115 ; (t (vsub* (car v) (second v)))))
116 ; (setq relat ($dotsimp relat))
117 ; (cond (($zerop relat))
118 ; (t (convert-relation-to-dot-simp relat ))) ;; ;(copy-tree relat))))
119 ; ($simplify_dot_simplifications from-degree)
120 ; (return 'start-over))
121 ; (t (setq $dot_simplifications dot-simps))))
122 ; $dot_simplifications)
126 (defmfun ncmul2* (x y)
127 (simplifya `((mnctimes) ,x ,y) nil))
129 (defun contains-a-zero-replacement (form &aux u)
130 (or (in-nth-power-radical form $radical_nilpotent_of_order)
131 (cond ((atom form)
132 (loop for v on (cdr $dot_simplifications) by #'cddr
133 when (and (eql 0 (second v)) (eq (car v) form))
134 do (return t)))
135 (t (loop for v on (cdr $dot_simplifications) by #'cddr
136 when (eql 0 (second v))
137 do (cond ((atom (setq u (car v)))
138 (cond ((member u form :test #'equal) (return t))))
139 (t (cond ((ordered-sublist (cdr u) form)(return t))))))))))
141 (defun contains-a-replacement (form &aux tem1 u)
142 "returns t if (ncmuln form nil) would cause a replacement when simplified (form is
143 not a product"
144 (setq tem1 (cdr $dot_simplifications))
145 (cond ((atom form)
146 (loop for u in tem1
147 for i from 1
148 when (and (oddp i)(eq u form))
149 do(return t)))
151 (loop while tem1
152 do (setq u (car tem1))
153 (setq tem1 (cddr tem1))
154 (cond ((atom u)(cond ((member u form :test #'equal) (return t))))
155 (t (cond ((ordered-sublist (cdr u) form )(return t)))))))))
159 (defvar *already-found* nil)
161 (defun $must_replacep (expression &aux(ptype (poly-type expression)) poly)
162 (setq *already-found* nil)
163 (case ptype
164 (:rational-function (setq poly (num expression)))
165 (:polynomial (setq poly expression))
166 (:$rat (cond ($new_fast_dotsimp (setq poly (num (cdr expression)))))))
167 (cond (poly
168 (cond ((numberp poly) nil)
170 (loop while poly
171 when ($must_replacep (get (car poly) 'disrep))
172 do (return t)
173 when (numberp (setq poly (fifth poly)))
174 do (return nil)))))
175 (($ratp expression)
176 (cond ((member (caadr expression) *genvar* :test #'eq)
177 ($must_replacep (cadr expression)))
179 (fsignal "this cre form should not be here, since its leading monom is not in *genvar*"))))
181 (catch 'must-replace (must-replacep1 expression)))))
183 (defun must-replacep1-by-zero ( expression)
184 (cond (*already-found* nil)
185 ((atom expression) (cond ((contains-a-zero-replacement expression)
186 (throw 'must-replace t))))
187 ((atom (car expression))(must-replacep1-by-zero (cdr expression)))
188 ((eq (caar expression) 'mnctimes)(cond ((contains-a-zero-replacement (cdr expression))
189 (setq *already-found* t)
190 (throw 'must-replace t) )))
191 (t (must-replacep1-by-zero (car expression))(must-replacep1-by-zero
192 (cdr expression)))))
194 (defun must-replacep1 ( expression)
195 (cond (*already-found* nil)
196 ((atom expression) (cond ((contains-a-replacement expression)
197 (throw 'must-replace t))))
198 ((atom (car expression))(must-replacep1 (cdr expression)))
199 ((eq (caar expression) 'mnctimes)(cond ((contains-a-replacement (cdr expression))
200 (setq *already-found* t)
201 (throw 'must-replace t) )))
202 (t (must-replacep1 (car expression))(must-replacep1 (cdr expression)))))
204 ;(defun $check_associative (a b c &aux tem)
205 ; (setq tem (sub* ($ratsimp (ncmul* (ncmul* a b) c)) ($ratsimp (ncmul* a (ncmul* b c))))))
206 ;(defun $check_associative (a b c &aux tem)
207 ; (setq tem ($ratsimp (sub* ($simp_ncmul
208 ; ($simp_ncmul a b) c)
209 ; ($simp_ncmul a ($simp_ncmul b c))))))
211 ;(defun mread-noprompt (&rest read-args)
212 ; (let ((*mread-prompt* ""))
213 ; (caddr (apply #'mread read-args))))
215 (defun remove-header (x)
216 (cond ((numberp x) x)
217 (t (cdr x))))
219 (defun new-rat-ncmul1 (a b c &aux tem)
220 (cond ((numberp b)
221 (cond (($zerop (setq tem (ncmul* a b c))) 0)
222 (t (new-rat tem))))
223 ((affine-polynomialp b)(poly-ncmul1 a b c))
224 ((rational-functionp b)(cons (poly-ncmul1 a (num b) c) (denom b)))
225 (($ratp b)(new-rat-ncmul1 a (cdr b) c))
226 (t (new-rat-ncmul a (new-rat b) c))))
227 ;(defun $check_associative (a b c &aux tem term1 term2 answer)
228 ; (cond ($free_dot
229 ; (cond ($fast_dotsimp
230 ; (cond
231 ; ($new_fast_dotsimp
232 ; (setq term1 (new-rat-ncmul1 1 (remove-header ($dotsimp (ncmul* a b))) c))
233 ; (setq term2 (new-rat-ncmul1 a (remove-header ($dotsimp (ncmul* b c))) 1))
234 ; (setq tem (n- term1 term2))
235 ;; (check-rat-order tem)
236 ; (setq answer ($dotsimp (header-poly tem)))
237 ; (format t "~%Here is the associator")
238 ; (displa answer)
239 ; answer)
240 ; (t
242 ; (setq term1 (ncmul1 1 ($dotsimp ($vrat (ncmul* a b))) c))
243 ; (setq term2 (ncmul1 a ($dotsimp ($vrat (ncmul* b c))) 1))
244 ; (setq tem (vsub* term1 term2))
245 ; (check-rat-order tem)
246 ; ($dotsimp tem))))))
248 ; (t
249 ; (setq tem ($ratsimp
250 ; ($dotsimp ($ratsimp
251 ; (sub* (ncmul*
252 ; ($simp_ncmul a b) c)
253 ; (ncmul* a ($simp_ncmul b c))))))))))
255 ;;;works out a little simpler in the new notation. ;;see new-dotsimp.lisp
256 ;(defun $check_associative (a b c &aux tem tem1 tem2)
257 ;; (show (dotsimp (n. a b)))
258 ;; (show (dotsimp (n. b c)))
259 ;; (show (n. a (dotsimp (n. b c))))
260 ;; (show (setq hee(n. (dotsimp (n. a b)) c)))
261 ; (setq tem1 (dotsimp(n. (dotsimp (n. a b)) c)))
262 ; (setq tem2 (dotsimp(n. a (dotsimp (n. b c)))))
263 ;; (show tem1 tem2)
264 ; (setq tem (n- tem1 tem2))
265 ; (cond ((pzerop tem) tem)
266 ; (t (header-poly tem))))
268 ;(defmacro simp-zerop (n )
269 ; `(cond ((numberp ,n) (zerop ,n))
270 ; ((atom ,n) nil)
271 ; (t (cond ((member (caar ,n) '(mrat rat) :test #'eq)
272 ; (cond ((eq (second (car ,n)) 'simp)
273 ; (equal (cdr ,n) (rzero)))
274 ; (t (zerop (setq ,n ($ratsimp ,n)))
275 ; (format t "~having to Ratsimp ~A" ,n))))
276 ; (t (and (numberp (setq ,n ($ratsimp ,n)))(zerop ,n)))))))
278 (defvar *previously-checked-pairs* nil)
279 (defvar $global_dimension_three nil)
280 (defvar $rank_function nil)
282 (defun two-times-n (n) (cond ((> n 4) (* 2 n))
283 (t 0)))
284 (defun rank-dimension-three-modulo-cubic (n)
285 (cond ((< n 4) 0)
286 (t (- (rank-dimension-three n) (rank-dimension-three (- n 3))))))
288 (defun rank-1-1-1-9 (n)
289 (cond ((< n 9) (polynomial-ring-1-1-1 n))
291 (- (* n 9) 27))))
293 (defvar *all-rank-functions* '($global_dimension_3
294 rank-dimension-three
295 two-times-n rank-dimension-three-modulo-cubic
296 polynomial-ring-1-1-1 three-times-n
297 $standard_gorenstein rank-1-1-1-9 ))
299 (defun $check_overlaps (up-to-degree &optional (add-to-simps nil)
300 (maybe-reset t) (from-degree nil)
301 &aux tem to-replace test-list tem2 bef-overlap
302 lowest-degree deg
303 tem1 assoc-list (ok t)
304 list-of-degrees-to-mod-out
305 dim reset-monomials)
306 (or *previously-checked-pairs*
307 (setq *previously-checked-pairs*
308 (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
309 (cond (maybe-reset
310 (cond ((y-or-n-p "Reset *previously-checked-pairs* ?")
311 (or *previously-checked-pairs*
312 (setq *previously-checked-pairs*
313 (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
314 (clrhash *previously-checked-pairs*)
316 (cond ((y-or-n-p "use Hilbert for rank function")
317 (user-supply list-of-degrees-to-mod-out)
318 (setq $rank_function (hilbert-modulo list-of-degrees-to-mod-out)))
319 ((y-or-n-p "Set the $Rank_function to a non nil value?")
320 (loop for v in *all-rank-functions*
322 (format t "~%Use ~A ?" v)
324 (cond ((y-or-n-p ) (setq $rank_function v)(return 'done))
325 (t nil))
326 finally (format t
327 "~%Enter a value for $rank_function:")
328 (setq $rank_function (read))))
329 (t (setq $rank_function nil)))
330 (format t "~%~%The current variables are:")(displa $current_variables)
331 (cond ((not (y-or-n-p "Keep the current variables?"))
332 (setq reset-monomials t)(format t "~%Enter a Macsyma list:")
333 (setq $current_variables (mread-noprompt *standard-input*)))))
335 (t (format t "
336 ~%Starting to check overlaps without resetting *previously-checked-pairs*")))
337 (show $rank_function)
338 (setq to-replace
339 (loop for mon in $dot_simplifications
340 for i from 0
341 when (and (oddp i) (not (atom mon)))
342 collecting mon))
343 (loop for mon in to-replace
344 minimize (setq deg ($nc_degree mon)) into the-min
345 maximize deg into the-max
346 finally (setq lowest-degree the-min)
347 (cond ((not (numberp up-to-degree))
348 (setq up-to-degree (1- (* 2 the-max))))))
350 (cond (from-degree (setq lowest-degree from-degree)))
351 (setq deg lowest-degree)
354 (loop named angela
355 while (<= deg up-to-degree)
356 for deg from (1+ lowest-degree) to up-to-degree
359 (cond ($rank_function
360 (format t "~%current variables are")
361 (displa $current_variables)
362 (loop while (< deg (1+ up-to-degree))
364 (setq dim (1- (length
365 ($mono $current_variables deg reset-monomials))))
366 (format t
367 "~%There are ~A independent monomials in degree ~A and rank function is ~A" dim deg (funcall $rank_function deg))
368 (cond ((<= dim (funcall $rank_function deg))
369 (setq lowest-degree (min up-to-degree deg)) (setq deg (1+ deg)))
370 (t (return 'done))))))
371 (cond ((<= deg up-to-degree)
372 (loop
373 for right1 in to-replace
375 (setq bef-overlap (- deg ($nc_degree right1)))
376 (loop
377 for left in to-replace
379 (loop while (< deg-so-far bef-overlap)
380 for v in (cdr left)
381 for ii from 2
382 summing ($nc_degree v) into deg-so-far
384 (cond ((and (= deg-so-far bef-overlap)
385 (setq tem2 (nthcdr ii left))
386 (initial-equal tem2 (cdr right1)))
387 (setq tem (nthcdr (- (length left)
388 ii) (cdr right1)))
389 (setq test-list (append (cddr left) tem))
390 (cond ((or
391 (contains-a-replacement
392 (cddr (butlast test-list)))
393 (ordered-pair-in-list left right1
394 *previously-checked-pairs* ))
395 nil )
396 (t (setf (gethash
397 (list left right1) *previously-checked-pairs*)
399 (setq assoc-list
400 (list (ncmuln (cdr (subseq left 0 ii)) t)
401 (ncmuln (nthcdr ii left) t)
402 (ncmuln tem t)))
403 (format t "~%Checking the overlap for")
404 (displa (list '(mlist simp) left right1))
405 (setq tem1 (apply '$check_associative
406 assoc-list))
407 (cond (($zerop tem1)
408 (format t "~%The overlap was associative."))
410 (setq ok nil)
411 (format t "~%The overlap was not associative.")
412 (displa (cons '(mlist simp) assoc-list))
413 (cond (add-to-simps
414 (convert-relation-to-dot-simp tem1)))
415 (cond ($fast_dotsimp ($rat_the_dot_simplifications)))
416 ($check_overlaps
417 up-to-degree
418 add-to-simps nil lowest-degree)
419 (return-from angela 'done)))))))))))))
420 $dot_simplifications)
422 (defun rank-dimension-three (n)
423 (cond ((oddp n)(div* (* (1+ n) (+ n 3)) 4))
424 (t (div* (* (+ 2 n) (+ 2 n)) 4))))
426 ; (cond ((null ok)
427 ; (cond ((y-or-n-p "Would you like to try again?")
428 ; (format t "~%Up to what degree would you like to test?
429 ; ~%Enter a number: ")
430 ; (setq up-to-degree (read))
431 ; ($check_overlaps up-to-degree t)))))
433 (defvar *temp-pair* (list nil nil))
435 (defun ordered-pair-in-list (a b a-list-of-pairs)
436 (let ((lis *temp-pair*))
437 (setf (car lis) a (second lis) b)
438 (gethash lis a-list-of-pairs)))
440 (defmacro spsafe (&rest ll)
441 (loop for u in ll
443 (cond ((get u 'special)(format t "~%Warning: ~A is a special" u))
444 (t (format t "~%~A is not special" u)))))
446 ;;used &quote before but since never use old method of relations now.
448 (defun $set_up_dot_simplifications ( relations &optional check-thru-deg
449 (ordering $order_function))
450 (setq $dot_simplifications '((mlist simp)))
451 (show $order_function)
452 (cond (($listp (setq relations (meval* relations)))(setq relations (cdr relations))))
453 (loop for relat in relations
455 (convert-relation-to-dot-simp relat ordering))
456 (format t "~%The new dot simplifications are set up")
457 (cond (check-thru-deg
458 (displa $dot_simplifications)
459 ($check_overlaps check-thru-deg t)))
460 $dot_simplifications)
462 (defun $tes (relat) (convert-relation-to-dot-simp relat))
468 (defun convert-relation-to-dot-simp (relat &optional (ordering $order_function) &aux
469 cof worst )
470 ordering
471 (cond ($fast_dotsimp (setq relat ($dotsimp relat ))) ;;($vrat relat))))
472 ((null $free_dot)(setq relat (meval* relat)))
473 (t (setq relat ($dotsimp relat))))
474 (cond
475 (($zerop relat ) nil)
476 ((numberp relat) (merror "Adding a constant relation will result in the trivial algebra"))
478 (cond
479 ($new_fast_dotsimp
480 (setq relat (num (cdr relat)))
481 (setq worst (get (car relat) 'disrep)
482 cof (third relat))
483 (setq relat (nred relat cof))
484 (setq relat (n- worst relat)) ;;; should take cdddr etc. not subtractt
486 (setq relat (header-poly relat)))
487 ;;;; (setq relat (vsub* worst relat)))
489 (multiple-value (worst cof )(find-worst-nc-monomial relat))
490 (cond ((null $fast_dotsimp)
491 (setq relat (div* relat cof))
492 (setq relat
493 ($ratsimp (sub* worst relat))))
495 (setq relat (vdiv* relat cof))
496 (setq relat (vsub* ($vrat worst) relat))
497 ;;; (setq relat (check-rat-order relat))
498 (setq relat (minimize-varlist relat))))))
499 (format t "~%Adding ")
500 (displa (cons '(mlist simp) (list worst relat)))
501 (format t " to dot_simplifications")
502 ($add_to_simps (list worst relat))))) ;;;;(copy-tree relat))))))
504 (defvar $all_dotsimp_denoms nil)
506 (defun convert-relation-to-dot-simp (relat &optional (ordering $order_function) &aux
507 tem tem1)
508 ordering
509 (cond ((or (null $fast_dotsimp) (null $free_dot))
510 (fsignal "old code")))
511 (setq relat ($dotsimp relat))
512 (cond (($zerop relat) nil)
513 (t (setq relat (cdr relat))
514 (and (consp (num relat))
515 (consp (setq tem (third (num relat))))
516 (progn (format t "~%Denom : ")
517 (displa (setq tem1 (new-disrep tem)))
518 (if $all_dotsimp_denoms
519 (nconc $all_dotsimp_denoms (list tem1)))))
520 ($add_to_simps (setq tem (make-simp (num relat))))
521 (format t "~%Adding to simps: ")(displa (cons '(mlist) tem)))))
525 ;; ;;;Cre form examples;;;
527 ;; The global variables varlis and genvar are the third and fourth
528 ;;items in the the (car expr) of expr if expr is in cre form. The (cdr expr)
529 ;;contains the actual information with its numerator being the car and
530 ;;the denominator the cdr. When you add two expressions expr1 and expr2 using add* the
531 ;;current value of varlist and genvar are used. If you put varlist equal to
532 ;;nil then, ratrep* and its friend newvar will splice together the lists of
533 ;;variables and set them up. Prep1 does the actual calling of ratplus on the
534 ;;cdr of the new expr1 and expr2. They will have a common varlist which,
535 ;;if the global varlist was nil, would be just the alphabetical splicing of
536 ;;the two varlists. Otherwise the global varlist would form the end of the
537 ;;new varlist. Since we usually just want to splice them, we introduce vadd*,etc.
538 ;;which locally put the varlist to nil. This method involves no ratdisrepping,
539 ;;and so is quite fast. The elements of genvar get reused again and again, unless
540 ;;you specify genvar nil say, or somehow hide the old elements of genvar.
542 ;; The elements of genvar sometimes get a 'disrep property, after disrepping.
543 ;;This will not happen if you were not displaying intermediate results etc.
544 ;;The elements of genvar get assigned the numerical values 1,2 ,3,4,... as shown
545 ;;below.
547 ;; $gcd does not cause disrepping and can be used to find the common factor
548 ;;of a numerator and denominator, so as to have the same effect as ratsimp
549 ;;but without disrepping.
551 ;; The order of varlist when splicing is alphabetical. Thus if you want
552 ;;to have zeta before a use %zeta or @zeta. Otherwise you would have to add
553 ;;a to varlist first, and that would give it precedence over b etc. Note
554 ;;that lists come after any atom in alphalessp order.
556 ;; I add v to the name if we let varlist be nil. Thus ($vrat '$a) will cause
557 ;;the result to have only a varlist of ($a) . The genvar will be the global
558 ;;genvar.
560 ;; The function minimize-varlist removes all elements from varlist and genvar
561 ;;which don't appear in the expression.
565 ;; numerator denominator:
566 ;;((MRAT SIMP ($B) (#:G0558 #:G0557 #:G0556 #:G0555)) (#:G0558 1 1) . 1) the cdr is 1
568 ;; B
570 ;; varlist genvar numerator starts
571 ;((MRAT SIMP ($A $B $C $D) (#:G0558 #:G0557 #:G0556 #:G0555))(#:G0556 1
572 ;; (#:G0557 1
573 ;; 1
574 ;; 0
575 ;; (#:G0558 1 1))
576 ;; 0
577 ;; 2)
578 ;; #:G0555 <--denominator starts
579 ;; 2 and is cdr
580 ;; 1
581 ;; 0
582 ;; 1)
584 ;; (B + A) C + 2
585 ;; -------------
586 ;; 2
587 ;; D + 1
590 ;; G0558 disreps $B value 1
591 ;; G0557 disreps $B value 2
592 ;; G0556 disreps $C value 3
593 ;; G0555 disreps $D value 4
596 ;; If one is going to do a lot of computations with entries of a matrix
597 ;;say which all have more or less the same variables occurring one could
598 ;;prepare them all to have the same varlist and genvar as follows. Go
599 ;;through them collecting the total varlist and sorting it into the right
600 ;;order. Call it new-varlist. You could at the same time collect
601 ;;genvar's. Now let varlist be the new collected one and genvar be the
602 ;;collected one. Then do (setq expr (cons (standard) (prep1 expr))) for
603 ;;each entry expr, where standard is (list 'mrat simp new-varlist
604 ;;new-genvar). Then outside everything put a (let ((genvar new-genvar))
606 ;; Prep1 does not disrep expr if the global varlist contains all
607 ;;(varlist expr) in the right order, and if the global genvar
608 ;;is as long as the varlist. Note that rattimes will not automatically
609 ;;simplifying such things as %i^2, so one may still want to just use vmul*.
610 ;;Prep1 does not alter (cdr expr) if the varlist and genvar of expr are equal to
611 ;;the global genvar and varlist.
613 ;(defun vadd* (&rest llist)
614 ; (let ((varlist))
615 ; (apply 'add* llist)))
616 ;(defun vsub* (a b )
617 ; (setq b (vmul* -1 b))
618 ; (vadd* a b))
619 ;(defun vsub* (a b )
620 ; (vadd* a (vminus* b)))
623 ;(defun vmul* (&rest a-list))
628 ;;;the following convert all to rat form using $new_rat unless given a affine-polynomialp or $ratp
632 ;(setq $new_fast_dotsimp t)
633 (defun vadd* (&rest a-list)
634 (cond ((null a-list) 0)
635 ((eql (length a-list) 1) (car a-list))
636 (t (header-poly (n+ (car a-list) (apply 'vadd* (cdr a-list)))))))
637 (defun vmul* (&rest a-list)
638 (cond ((null a-list) 1)
639 ((eql (length a-list) 1) (car a-list))
640 (t (header-poly (n* (car a-list) (apply 'vadd* (cdr a-list)))))))
641 (defun vsub* (a b) (header-poly (n- a b)))
642 (defun vdiv* (a b) (header-poly (nred a b)))
643 (defun vminus* (a)(header-poly (n- 0 a)))
644 (defun $vrat (&rest a-list)
645 (apply '$new_rat a-list))
650 ;;second
651 ;(setq $new_fast_dotsimp nil)
654 (defun $vrat (&rest a-list)
655 (let ((varlist))
656 (apply '$rat a-list)))
657 (defun vadd* (&rest a-list)
658 (let ((varlist ))
659 (cond ((< (length a-list) 3)(apply 'add* a-list))
660 (t (vadd* (car a-list) (apply 'vadd* (cdr a-list)))))))
661 (defun vmul* (&rest a-list)
662 (let ((varlist ))
663 (cond ((< (length a-list) 3)(apply 'mul* a-list))
664 (t (vmul* (car a-list) (apply 'vmul* (cdr a-list)))))))
665 (defun vsub* (a b)
666 (let ((varlist))
667 (sub* a b)))
668 (defun vdiv* (a b)
669 "This needs to be fixed. It still allows ratdisrep"
670 (let ((varlist))
671 (simplifya (list '(mquotient) a b) nil)))
672 (defun vminus* (a)
673 (let ((varlist))
674 (simplifya (list '(mminus) a) nil)))
676 ;(defun $add_relation_to_dot_simplifications( relat &optional (ordering $order_function))
677 ; (convert-relation-to-dot-simp relat ordering))
678 (defun $add_to_simps (a-list &optional(ordering $order_function) )
679 (cond (($listp a-list)(setq a-list (cdr a-list))))
680 (cond ((and (zerop $expop)(null $fast_dotsimp))
681 (setf (second a-list) ($multthru (second a-list)))))
682 (loop for u in $dot_simplifications
683 for i from 0
684 when (and (oddp i) (not (funcall ordering (car a-list) u)))
685 do (setq $dot_simplifications (append (subseq $dot_simplifications 0 i)
686 a-list
687 (nthcdr i $dot_simplifications)))
688 (return 'done)
689 finally (setq $dot_simplifications (append $dot_simplifications a-list)))
690 ($simplify_dot_simplifications ($nc_degree (car a-list))))
692 (defmacro $with_no_simp (form)
693 (let (($dot_simplifications nil))
694 `(progn ' ,(meval* form))))
696 (defun $inverse_modulo (n modulo-p)
697 "The inverse of any number n modulo-p. ok if n negative, but n=0 gives 0
698 and modulo-p not prime gives false answer"
699 (mod (expt n (- modulo-p 2)) modulo-p))
701 (defun $nu (i llist &aux
702 (p1 (length llist)))
703 (let ((fact ($inverse_modulo i p1)))
704 (loop for ii from 1 below p1
705 collecting
706 (nth (mod (* ii fact) p1) llist) into tem
707 do (show tem ii)
708 finally (return (cons '(mlist simp) tem)))))
709 (defun $phi (l )
710 (check-arg l '$listp "macsyma list")
711 (setq l (cdr l))
712 (let ((p0 (length l)))
713 (show p0)
714 (add* (mul* p0 (loop for i from 1 to (1- p0)
715 collecting (mul* (nth i l) (power '$sig (mod (- i) p0)))
716 into tem
717 finally (return (meval* (cons '(mplus) tem))))
718 (car l)
719 (mul* (- p0) (loop for i from 1 to (1- p0)
720 collecting (nth i l) into tem
721 finally (return (meval* (cons '(mplus) tem)))))))))
724 (defvar $prime_order nil)
726 (defun $sig (n &optional (p0 $prime_order))
727 (power '$sig (mod n p0)))
729 (defun $nu_poly (i poly)
730 ($ratsimp (subst ($sig i $prime_order) '$sig poly)))
732 (defun $scalar_concat (&rest l)
733 (let ((tem (apply '$concat l)))
734 (putprop tem '(nil $scalar t) 'mprops)
735 tem))
737 (defun $rel (i j)
738 (let ((ii (max i j)) ans (jj (min i j)))
739 (cond ((not (equal i j))
740 (setq ans (list (ncmul* ($concat '$e ii) ($concat '$e jj))
741 (sub* ($scalar_concat '$a jj ii)
742 (ncmul* ($concat '$e jj) ($concat '$e ii))))))
743 (t (setq ans (list (ncmul* ($concat '$e ii) ($concat '$e jj))
744 ($scalar_concat '$a jj ii)))))
745 (cons '(mlist simp) ans)))
747 (defun $clifford_dot_simplifications (n )
748 (loop for i from 1 to n
749 appending
750 (loop for j from 1 to i
751 appending (cdr ($rel i j)))
752 into tem
753 finally (return (cons '(mlist simp) tem))))
756 (defun $replacements (&aux (tem (cdr $dot_simplifications)))
757 (loop while tem
758 collecting (car tem) into a-list
759 do (setq tem (cddr tem))
760 finally (return (cons '(mlist simp) a-list))))
763 (defvar $list_of_zeroes nil)
765 (defun $earlier_mono (monom &optional (variables $current_variables) &aux answer)
766 (setq answer ($mono variables ($nc_degree monom)))
767 (loop for v in (cdr answer)
768 when (funcall $order_function v monom)
769 collecting v into tem
770 finally (return (cons '(mlist simp) (sort tem $order_function)))))
772 (defun parse-string (a-string)
773 (cond ((null (or (search "$" a-string :test #'char-equal) (search ";" a-string :test #'char-equal)))
774 (setq a-string (string-append a-string "$"))))
775 (with-input-from-string (stream a-string)
776 (let ((*standard-input* stream) answer)
777 (setq answer (caddr (mread)))
778 answer)))
779 (defmacro mac (a-string )
780 "Parses a Macsyma string but does not call meval*"
781 (list 'quote (parse-string a-string)))
783 (defmacro mac-eval-after (a-string )
784 "Parses a Macsyma string but evaluates it at run time"
785 (list 'quote `(meval* ,(parse-string a-string))))
786 (defmacro mac-eval (a-string )
787 "Reads a macsyma string and evaluates it at compile time returning the quoted form"
788 (list 'quote (meval* (parse-string a-string))))
790 (defun $hh (a)
791 (cond ((atom a) nil)
792 (t (equal (caar a) 'mtimes))))
794 (defun $monomial_dimensions (n &optional (order-weight nil) &aux j the-count)
795 (cond ($current_variables
796 (format t "~%The current variables are")
797 (displa $current_variables)
798 (cond ((y-or-n-p "Use them?"))
799 (t (setq $current_variables nil)))))
800 (cond ($current_variables nil)
801 (t (format t "~%Enter Macsyma list of variables to use:") (setq $current_variables
802 (caddr (mread-raw *standard-input*)))))
803 (cond (order-weight
804 (loop for j from 1 to n
805 do (setq the-count 0)
806 (loop for i from 1 to n
808 (loop for v in (cdr ($mono $current_variables i))
809 when (eq ($nc_degree v :order-weight) j)
810 do (incf the-count)))
811 (format t "~%There are ~A monomials of order weight ~A and of degree less than ~A"
812 the-count j n)
813 summing the-count into tem
814 finally (format t "~%The total number of monomials of weight and degree less than ~A is ~A." n (1+ tem)))))
816 (loop for i from 1 to n
818 (format t "~%There are ~A independent monomials in degree ~A."
819 (setq j (length (cdr ($mono $current_variables i)))) i)
820 collecting (list '(mlist) i j ) into tem
821 summing j into the-sum
822 finally (format t "~%The sum of the dimensions from dimension 0 through dimension ~A is ~A"
823 n (+ the-sum 1)) (return (cons '(mlist simp) tem))))
826 (defun $mono_weighted (n &aux the-list)
827 (loop for i from 1 to n
829 (loop for v in (cdr ($mono $current_variables i))
830 when (eq ($nc_degree v :order-weight) n)
831 do (setq the-list (cons v the-list)))
832 finally (return (cons '(mlist) the-list))))
834 (defmacro subscript (d i)
835 `((,d :array) ,i))
836 (defvar $last_equations nil)
837 (defvar $last_solutions nil)
838 (defun $find_relations_among (a-list &optional (dotsimp-first nil) (term-names nil)&aux eqns gen-sum answers)
839 (check-arg a-list '$listp "macsyma list")
840 (cond (dotsimp-first (setq a-list
841 (loop for v in (cdr a-list)
842 collecting ($dotsimp v) into tem
843 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem))))))
844 (setq gen-sum ($general_sum a-list $aaaa))
845 (cond ((null dotsimp-first) (setq gen-sum ($dotsimp gen-sum))))
846 (setq $last_equations (setq eqns ($nc_coefficients ($ratsimp `((mlist) , gen-sum)))))
847 (setq answers (apply '$fast_linsolve (cdr eqns)))
848 (setq $last_solutions answers)
849 (cond ((null term-names)(setq term-names (loop for i from 1 to (length (cdr a-list))
850 collecting ($concat '$term i) into tem
851 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem))))))
852 ($sublis answers ($general_sum term-names
853 $aaaa)))
858 (deff $te #'$power_series_monomial_alphalessp)
860 (defun $check_skew_relations (&optional(variables $current_variables) &aux tem answer)
861 (loop for u in (cdr variables)
862 unless ($must_replacep u)
864 (loop for v in (cdr variables)
865 when (and (funcall $order_function u v) (not (equal u v)))
867 (cond (($must_replacep (setq tem (ncmul* v u))) nil)
868 (t (format t "~%no replacement for ~A" tem)
869 (setq answer (cons tem answer)))))
870 finally (cond ((null answer)(return t))
871 (t (cons '(mlist) answer)))))
873 (defun get-alt (item a-list)
874 (loop while a-list
875 when (equal item (car a-list))
876 do(return (second a-list))
877 else do (setq a-list (cddr a-list))))
879 (defun $collect_skew_relations (&optional(variables $current_variables) &aux tem tem2)
880 (loop for u in (cdr variables) ;a
881 unless ($must_replacep u)
882 appending
883 (loop for v in (cdr variables)
884 when (and (funcall $order_function u v) (not (equal u v))
885 (setq tem2 (get-alt (setq tem (ncmul* v u)) (cdr $dot_simplifications))))
886 collecting tem
888 collecting tem2 )
889 into a-list
890 finally (return (cons '(mlist simp) a-list))))
892 (defun $relations_from_dot_simps(&optional (dot-simps $dot_simplifications))
893 (let ((a-list (cdr dot-simps)))
894 (loop
895 while a-list
896 collecting (sub* (first a-list) ($totaldisrep (second a-list))) into tem
898 (setq a-list (cddr a-list))
899 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem)))))
900 (defun repl-deg ()
901 (sort (mapcar '$nc_degree (cdr ($replacements))) 'alphalessp))
903 (defun $pb (n)
904 (mfuncall '$playback (list '(mlist) n 1000)))
906 (defvar $centrals_so_far nil)
908 (defun $find_central_thru_deg (begin to-n &aux tem)
909 (displa $current_variables)
910 (setq $centrals_so_far nil)
911 (loop for i from begin to to-n
913 ($check_overlaps (1+ i) t nil i)
914 (setq $centrals_so_far
915 (cons (list '(mlist) i
916 (setq tem (mfuncall '$central_elements $current_variables i)))
917 (cdr $centrals_so_far)))
918 (maclist $centrals_so_far)
919 (format t "~%Central in degree ~A " i)
920 (displa tem))
921 $centrals_so_far)
923 (defmacro maclist (x)
924 `(setq ,x (cons '(mlist) ,x)))
926 (defmacro rat-variable-info (cre-form)
927 `(car ,cre-form))
929 (defun fast-scalarp (x)
930 (cond ((atom x)
931 (cond ((numberp x) t)
932 ((symbolp x) (mget x '$scalar))
933 (t ($scalarp x))))
935 (case (caar x)
936 (mnctimes nil)
937 (mrat
938 (let ((gen-vars (fourth (rat-variable-info x))))
939 (loop for vv in gen-vars
940 when (not (fast-scalarp (get vv 'disrep)))
942 (cond ((appears-in (cdr x) vv) (return nil)))
943 finally (return t))))
944 (otherwise ($scalarp x))))))
946 (defun my-ratcoeff (expr monom &optional (deg 1) &aux answer )
947 (setq answer
948 (catch 'bad-variable-order
949 (cond ((atom expr)(cond ((eq expr monom) 1)
950 (t 0)))
951 ((and (equal( caar expr) 'mrat) (eq (second (car expr)) 'simp))
952 (my-ratcoeff1 expr monom deg))
953 (t ($ratcoef expr monom)))))
954 (cond ((eq answer 'bad-order)(format t "~%Variable ~A is out of order so using $ratcoef."
955 monom)
956 ($ratcoef expr monom deg))
957 (t answer)))
959 (defun my-ratcoeff1 (expr monom &optional (deg 1))
960 (let ((var-list (varlist expr))
961 (gen-vars (genvar expr)))
962 (loop for v in var-list
963 for w in gen-vars
964 when (equal v monom) ;
966 (cond ((not (appears-in (num (cdr expr)) w)) (return 0))
968 (return (cons (rat-variable-info expr) (cons (my-ratcoeff2 (num (cdr expr))
970 deg)
971 (denom (cdr expr)))))))
972 finally (return 0))))
974 ;(defun my-ratcoeff2(rat-expr gen-var &optional (deg 1))
975 ; (cond ((atom rat-expr) (rzero))
977 ; (t (let ((rat-num rat-expr))
978 ; ; (gshow rat-num)
979 ; (cond ((eql (car rat-num) gen-var)
980 ; (setq rat-num (cdr rat-num))
981 ; (loop while rat-num
982 ; when (eql (car rat-num) deg)
983 ; do
984 ; (return (second rat-num) )
985 ; when (eql (car rat-num) 0)
986 ; do
987 ; (return (my-ratcoeff2 (second rat-expr) gen-var))
988 ; else
990 ; do
991 ; (setq rat-num (cddr rat-num))))
992 ; (t (setq rat-num (cdr rat-num))
993 ;; (break t)
994 ; (loop while rat-num
995 ; when (eql (car rat-num) 0)
996 ; do
997 ; (return (my-ratcoeff2 (second rat-num) gen-var))
998 ; else
1000 ; do (setq rat-num (cddr rat-num))
1001 ;; (gshow rat-num)
1002 ; )))))))
1005 (defun my-ratcoeff2(rat-expr gen-var &optional (deg 1))
1006 (cond ((atom rat-expr) (rzero))
1008 (t (let ((rat-num rat-expr))
1009 ; (gshow rat-num)
1010 (cond ((eq (car rat-num) gen-var)
1011 (setq rat-num (cdr rat-num))
1012 (loop while rat-num
1013 when (eql (car rat-num) deg)
1015 (return (second rat-num) )
1016 when (eql (car rat-num) 0)
1018 (return (my-ratcoeff2 (second rat-expr) gen-var))
1019 else
1022 (setq rat-num (cddr rat-num))))
1023 (t (setq rat-num (cdr rat-num))
1024 ; (break t)
1025 (loop while rat-num
1026 when (eql (car rat-num) 0)
1028 (return (my-ratcoeff2 (second rat-num) gen-var))
1029 else
1031 (cond ((appears-in (cadr rat-num) gen-var)
1032 (throw 'bad-variable-order 'bad-order))
1033 (t(setq rat-num (cddr rat-num))))
1034 ; (gshow rat-num)
1035 )))))))
1037 ;(defun $numerator (expr)
1038 ;; (check-arg expr '$ratp "macsyma cre form")
1040 ; (cond
1041 ; ((numberp expr) expr)
1042 ; ((mbagp expr)(cons (car expr) (mapcar '$numerator (cdr expr))))
1043 ; (($ratp expr) (cons (car expr)(cons (cadr expr) 1)))
1044 ; ((equal (caar expr) 'mtimes)
1045 ; (loop for v in (cdr expr)
1046 ; unless (and (not (atom v))
1047 ; (equal (caar v) 'mexpt)
1048 ;; (show (third v))
1049 ; (< (third v) 0))
1050 ; collecting v into tem
1051 ; finally (return (cons '(mtimes) tem))))
1052 ; (t ($numerator ($vrat expr)))))
1055 (defun $denominator (expr &aux tem1)
1056 (cond (($ratp expr)
1057 (cons (car expr)(cons (cddr expr) 1)))
1058 ((equal (caar expr) 'mtimes)
1059 (loop for v in (cdr expr)
1060 when (and (not (atom v))
1061 (equal (caar v) 'mexpt)
1062 ; (show (third v))
1063 (< (third v) 0))
1064 collecting (progn
1065 (setq tem1 (copy-list v))
1066 (setf (third tem1) (- (third v)))
1067 tem1)
1068 into tem
1069 finally (return (simplifya (cons '(mtimes) tem) nil))))
1070 (t ($denominator ($vrat expr)))))
1071 (defun $te (x y)(my-ratcoeff x y))
1072 (defun variables-same-divide (f g)
1073 (cons (car f) (car (ratdivide (cdr f) (cdr g)))))
1074 (defun variables-same-divide (f g)
1075 (vdiv* f g))
1076 (defun simplify-rational-quotient (expr &aux the-gcd )
1077 "Divides top and bottom of a cre expression by their gcd"
1078 (check-arg expr '$ratp "Cre form")
1079 (let ((the-num ($numerator expr))
1080 (the-denom ($denominator expr)))
1081 (cond ((equal (cdr the-denom) (cons 1 1))
1082 expr)
1083 (t (setq the-gcd ($gcd the-num the-denom))
1084 (setq the-num (variables-same-divide the-num the-gcd))
1085 (setq the-denom (variables-same-divide the-denom the-gcd))
1086 (append (list (car expr) (num (cdr the-num))) (num (cdr the-denom)))))))
1090 (defun two (x) x 2)
1092 (defmvar $skew3_conditions)
1093 (defvar $bbbb)
1094 (defvar $cccc)
1096 (defun $check_skew3_conditions ( relations &aux monoms3 ($expop 100))
1098 (setq relations
1099 (list '(mlist) (div* (nth 1 relations)
1100 ($coeff (nth 1 relations) (ncmul* '$y '$x '$x)))
1101 (div* (nth 2 relations)
1102 ($coeff (nth 2 relations) (ncmul* '$y '$y '$x)))))
1103 (displa relations)
1104 (let (($dot_simplifications nil)(result t) coeff-values answer )
1105 (setq monoms3 ($mono '((mlist) $x $y) 3))
1106 (setq coeff-values
1107 (loop for relat in (cdr relations)
1108 for coeff-names in (list $bbbb $cccc)
1109 appending
1110 (loop for u in (cdr monoms3)
1111 for j from 1
1112 collecting `((mequal) ,(nth j coeff-names) ,($coeff relat u)))
1113 into tem
1114 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem))))
1115 (setq answer ($sublis coeff-values $skew3_conditions))
1116 (loop for v in (cdr answer)
1117 when (not ($zerop (sub* (nth 1 v) (nth 2 v))))
1118 do (format t "~%Inconsistent condition ")
1119 (displa v)
1120 (setq result nil))
1121 (cond ((null result)(format t "~%Trying to interchange f and g...")
1123 ($check_skew3_conditions (list '(mlist) (reverse (cdr relations)))))
1124 (t result))))
1125 (defun $list_variables (expr &rest key-strings &aux string-v tem)
1126 (cond ((null key-strings) ($listofvars expr))
1128 (loop for v in key-strings
1129 collecting (string-trim "&" v) into tem
1130 finally (setq key-strings tem))
1131 (loop for v in (cdr (setq tem ($listofvars expr)))
1132 do (setq string-v (string v))
1133 when (not (loop for key in key-strings
1134 when (search key string-v :test #'char-equal)
1135 do (return t)))
1136 do (setq tem (delete v tem :test #'equal))
1137 finally (return tem)))))
1138 (defun $socle (variables deg &aux f unknowns eqns tem1 parameters answer )
1139 (setq variables (cons '(mlist) (sort (cdr variables) $order_function)))
1140 (let* ((monoms ($mono variables deg))
1141 (monoms-higher ($mono variables (1+ deg))))
1143 (setq f ($general_sum monoms $aaaa))
1144 (loop for v in (cdr variables)
1146 (setq unknowns ($list_variables f "aa" "par"))
1147 (setq parameters (loop for vv in (cdr unknowns)
1148 when (search "par" (string vv) :test #'char-equal)
1149 collecting vv))
1150 (setq tem1 (cdr $aaaa))
1151 (loop for vv in parameters
1152 do (loop while tem1
1153 when (not (member (car tem1) unknowns :test #'eq))
1154 do (setq f (subst (car tem1) vv f))
1155 (setq unknowns (subst (car tem1) vv unknowns))
1156 (format t "~%Replacing ~A by ~A in f." vv (car tem1))
1157 (setq tem1 (cdr tem1)) (return 'done)
1158 do (setq tem1 (cdr tem1))))
1159 (setq tem1 (list '(mlist) (ncmul* f v) (ncmul* v f)))
1160 (setq eqns ($extract_linear_equations tem1 monoms-higher))
1161 (show unknowns)
1162 (setq answer ($fast_linsolve eqns unknowns))
1163 (setq f (meval* ($sublis answer f)))
1164 (displa f)
1165 finally (return f))))
1169 (defvar $commutators '((mlist)))
1171 (defvar $centralizers '((mlist)))
1173 (defun $fast_normal_elements (deg &key (variables $current_variables) up_to_deg
1174 auto &aux f unknowns eqns tem1 parameters answer tem )
1175 "Returns elements F in degree DEG in variables, which satisfy u.F=F.phi(u)
1176 where phi is the auto which defaults to the identity and can be specified by
1177 the list of images of VARIABLES"
1178 (cond ((null auto) (setq auto variables)))
1179 (setq tem (sort (pairlis (cdr variables) (cdr auto)) #'$order_function :key #'car))
1180 (setq variables (cons '(mlist) (mapcar 'car tem)) auto (cons'(mlist)
1181 (mapcar 'cdr tem)))
1182 (setq $commutators nil $centralizers nil)
1183 (let* ((monoms (cond (up_to_deg (cons '(mlist) (loop for i from 1 to deg appending (cdr ($mono variables i)))))
1184 (t ($mono variables deg))))
1185 ; (monoms-higher ($mono variables (1+ deg)))
1187 (setq f ($general_sum monoms $aaaa))
1188 (loop for v in (cdr variables)
1189 for im in (cdr auto)
1191 (setq unknowns ($list_variables f "aa" "par"))
1192 (setq parameters (loop for vv in (cdr unknowns)
1193 when (search "par" (string vv) :test #'char-equal)
1194 collecting vv))
1195 (setq tem1 (cdr $aaaa))
1196 (loop for vv in parameters
1197 do (loop while tem1
1198 when (not (member (car tem1) unknowns :test #'eq))
1199 do (setq f (subst (car tem1) vv f))
1200 (setq unknowns (subst (car tem1) vv unknowns))
1201 (format t "~%Replacing ~A by ~A in f." vv (car tem1))
1202 (setq tem1 (cdr tem1)) (return 'done)
1203 do (setq tem1 (cdr tem1))))
1204 (setq tem1 (list '(mlist)($totaldisrep ($dotsimp (sub* (ncmul* v f) (ncmul* f im))))))
1205 (setq $commutators (append `((mlist) ,v ,(second tem1)) (cdr $commutators)))
1206 ; (setq eqns ($extract_linear_equations tem1 monoms-higher))
1207 (setq eqns ($extract_linear_equations tem1 ($list_nc_monomials tem1)))
1208 (show unknowns)
1209 (setq answer ($fast_linsolve eqns unknowns))
1210 (setq f ($ratsimp ($sublis answer f)))
1211 (setq $centralizers (append `((mlist) ,v ,f) (cdr $centralizers)))
1212 (displa f)
1213 finally (return ($separate_parameters f)))))
1214 (defun $fast_central_elements (variables deg &aux f unknowns eqns tem1 parameters answer )
1215 (setq variables (cons '(mlist) (sort (cdr variables) $order_function)))
1216 (setq $commutators nil $centralizers nil)
1217 (let* ((monoms ($mono variables deg))
1218 ; (monoms-higher ($mono variables (1+ deg)))
1221 (setq f ($general_sum monoms $aaaa))
1222 (loop for v in (cdr variables)
1224 (setq unknowns ($list_variables f "aa" "par"))
1225 (setq parameters (loop for vv in (cdr unknowns)
1226 when (search "par" (string vv) :test #'char-equal)
1227 collecting vv))
1228 (setq tem1 (cdr $aaaa))
1229 (loop for vv in parameters
1230 do (loop while tem1
1231 when (not (member (car tem1) unknowns :test #'eq))
1232 do (setq f (subst (car tem1) vv f))
1233 (setq unknowns (subst (car tem1) vv unknowns))
1234 (format t "~%Replacing ~A by ~A in f." vv (car tem1))
1235 (setq tem1 (cdr tem1)) (return 'done)
1236 do (setq tem1 (cdr tem1))))
1237 (setq tem1 (list '(mlist) ($com f v)))
1238 (setq $commutators (append `((mlist) ,v ,(second tem1)) (cdr $commutators)))
1239 ; (setq eqns ($extract_linear_equations tem1 monoms-higher))
1240 (setq eqns ($extract_linear_equations tem1 ($list_nc_monomials tem1)))
1241 (show unknowns)
1242 (setq answer ($fast_linsolve eqns unknowns))
1243 (setq f ($ratsimp ($sublis answer f)))
1244 (setq $centralizers (append `((mlist) ,v ,f) (cdr $centralizers)))
1245 (displa f)
1246 finally (return ($separate_parameters f)))))
1248 (defun $central_elements_in_degrees (&rest degrees &aux $centrals_so_far)
1249 (loop for i in degrees do
1250 ($check_overlaps (1+ i) t nil)
1251 (push ($fast_central_elements $current_variables i)
1252 $centrals_so_far)
1253 (mapcar 'displa $centrals_so_far))
1254 (cons '(mlist) $centrals_so_far))
1257 (defun $pbi (n &aux tem)
1258 (let ((linel (- linel 10)))
1259 (loop for i from n below $linenum
1260 do (format t "~% ~4A: ~A" (string-trim "$" (string (setq tem ($concat '$c i))))
1261 (string-grind (meval* tem))))))
1263 (defvar *pbi-string* (make-array '(64) :element-type 'standard-char
1264 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
1266 (defun new-concat (a &rest b &aux me)
1267 (loop for v in b collecting
1268 (format nil "~A" v) into tem
1269 finally (setq me (apply 'string-append tem))
1270 (return (intern (format nil "~A~A" a me) 'maxima))))
1273 (defun $list_sublis (a-list b-list expr)
1274 (cond (($listp a-list) (setq a-list (cdr a-list))))
1275 (cond ( ($listp b-list )(setq b-list (cdr b-list))))
1276 (loop for v in a-list
1277 for w in b-list
1278 collecting (cons v w) into tem
1279 finally (return (sublis tem expr))))
1282 (defun string-grind (x &key ($display2d) stream &aux answ)
1283 (setq answ(with-output-to-string (st)
1284 (cond ((null $display2d) (mgrind x st))
1285 (t (let ((*standard-output* st))
1286 (displa x))))))
1287 (setq answ (string-trim '(#\newline #\space #\$) answ))
1288 (cond (stream (format stream "~A" answ)) ;
1289 (t answ)))
1291 (defun macsyma-typep (x)
1292 "acceptable to displa"
1293 (or (numberp x)
1294 (and (consp x)(consp (car x))(get (caar x) 'dimension))))
1296 ;If foo is (#:X2 1 1 0 (#:X1 1 1)) for instance, then
1297 ;(format t "The functions ~VQ are the inverses" foo 'fsh)
1298 ;(format t "~%The functions ~VQ are inverses" (st-rat #$[x1+1,1/ (x1+1)]$) 'fsh)
1299 ;The functions X1+1 and 1/(X1+1) are inverses
1301 (defun fsh ( x &optional (stream *standard-output*))
1302 (let ($display2d)
1303 (cond
1304 ((macsyma-typep x)(string-grind x :stream stream))
1305 ((or (affine-polynomialp x) (rational-functionp x))
1306 (string-grind (header-poly x) :stream stream))
1307 ((and ( listp x)(or (affine-polynomialp (car x)) (rational-functionp (car x))))
1308 (case (length x)
1309 (1 (fsh x stream))
1310 (2 (fsh (first x) stream) (format stream " and ") (fsh (second x) stream))
1312 (loop for v in x
1313 for i from 1 below (length x)
1314 do (fsh v stream) (format stream ",")
1315 finally (format stream " and ") (fsh (car (last x)) stream)))))
1316 ((and (listp x) (macsyma-typep (car x)))
1317 (format stream "(")
1318 (loop for v in x do (fsh v) (format t " ")
1319 finally (format t ")")))
1320 (t (des x)))))