3 Copyright (C) 2006 Jose Ramirez Labrador
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute
6 it and/or modify it under the terms of the
7 GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 This program is distributed in the hope that it
12 will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
13 without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
15 GNU General Public License for more details at
16 http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
24 This package defines some well known fractals:
26 - with random IFS: the Sierpinsky triangle, a Tree and a Fern
27 - Complex Fractals: the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets
28 - the Koch snowflake sets
29 - Peano maps: the Sierpinski and Hilbert maps
32 For questions, suggestions and bugs, please feel free
35 pepe DOT ramirez AAATTT uca DOT es
37 2006, december: first release
42 /* Some fractals can be generated by iterative applications
43 of contractive affine transformations in a random way; see
45 Hoggar S. G., "Mathematics for computer graphics", Cambridge University Press 1994.
47 We define a list with several contractive affine transformations,
48 and we randomly select the transformation in a recursive way.
49 The probability of the choice of a transformation must be related
50 with the contraction ratio.
52 You can change the transformations and find another fractal */
55 /* Sierpinski Triangle: 3 contractive maps; .5 contraction constant and translations;
56 all maps have the same contraction ratio
59 plot2d([discrete,sierpinskiale(n)],[gnuplot_curve_styles,["with points pointsize .05"]])$
61 where n is great enougth, n=10000 or greater */
63 trian(xx):=block([x:xx[1],y:xx[2]],[[.5*x,.5*y],[.5*x+1,.5*y],[.5*x,.5*y+1]])$
64 sierpinskiale(n):=block([sal:[],var:[random(1.0),random(1.0)] ],
65 thru n do ( var:trian(var)[1+floor(random(3.0))],sal:append([var],sal) ), rest(sal,-1))$
66 compile(trian,sierpinskiale)$
68 /* Tree - 3 contractive maps all with the same contraction ratio
71 plot2d([discrete,treefale(n)],[gnuplot_curve_styles,["with points pointsize .05"]])$
73 with n great enougth; n=10000 or greater */
76 /* c30, s30 are the values corresponding to cos(30) and sin(30) and .75 contraction*/
78 treef(xx):=block([x:xx[1],y:xx[2],c30:float(.75*cos(%pi/6.)),s30:float(.75*sin(%pi/6))],[[0.,.75*y],[c30*x-s30*y,s30*x+c30*y+1],
79 [c30*x+s30*y,-s30*x+c30*y+1]])$
81 treefale(n):=block([sal:[],var:[random(1.0),random(1.0)] ],
82 thru n do ( var:treef(var)[1+floor(random(3.0))],sal:append([var],sal) ), rest(sal,-1))$
83 compile(treef,treefale)$
87 /* Fern - 4 contractive maps,
88 the probability to choice a transformation must be related
89 with the contraction ratio
93 plot2d([discrete,fernfale(n)],[gnuplot_curve_styles,["with points pointsize .05"]])$
95 with n great enougth; n=10000 or greater */
98 fernf(xx):=block([x:xx[1],y:xx[2]],[[0.,.16*y],[.85*x+.04*y,-.04*x+.85*y+1.6],
99 [.2*x-.26*y,.23*x+.22*y+1.6],[-.15*x+.28*y,.26*x+.24*y+.44]])$
100 randomchoice():=block([ale:random(1.0)],if ale<.02 then 1 else (if ale<.75 then 2 else
101 (if ale<.87 then 3 else 4)))$
102 fernfale(n):=block([sal:[],var:[random(1.0),random(1.0)] ],
103 thru n do ( var:fernf(var)[randomchoice()],sal:append([var],sal) ), rest(sal,-1))$
104 compile(fernf,randomchoice,fernfale)$
107 /*complex fractals */
112 plot3d (mandelbrot_set, [x, x0, x1], [y, y0, y1], [gnuplot_preamble, "set view map; unset surface"],[gnuplot_pm3d, true],
115 select x0,x1,y0,y1; we suggest the initial values -2.5, 1, -1.5, 1.5. You can also change the grid values.
117 You can change the upper bound of zz (abs(zz)<100).
118 If you change the upper bound of the number of iterations (nn<30) by putting (nn<50) or (nn<100)
119 the fractal will have more resolution but the time of computing increases.
121 Remark: This program is time consuming because it must make a lot of operations;
122 the computing time is also related with the number of grid points.
124 You can define a function like
125 plotmandel(x0,x1,y0,y1):=plot3d (mandelbrot_set, [x, x0, x1], [y, y0, y1], [gnuplot_preamble, "set view map; unset surface"],[gnuplot_pm3d, true],[grid, 150, 150])$
126 for an easy move in the fractal or use a program like Fractint - Winfract
129 mandelbrot_set(x,y):=block([zz:x+%i*y,nn:1], while (nn<30 and abs(zz)<100)
130 do (zz:rectform(zz*zz+x+%i*y),nn:nn+1),nn )$
131 compile(mandelbrot_set)$
137 plot3d (julia_set, [x, x0, x1], [y, y0, y1], [gnuplot_preamble, "set view map; unset surface"],[gnuplot_pm3d, true],[grid, 150, 150])$
139 Select x0,x1,y0,y1 suggested initial values -2,1,-1.5,1.5; you can also change the grid values.
141 You can change the complex parameter named julia_parameter. Its initial value is %i; we suggest the values -.745+%i*.113002,
142 -.39054-%i*.58679, -.15652+%i*1.03225, -.194+%i*.6557 and .011031-%i*.67037
145 If you change the upper bound of the number of iterations (nn<30) by putting (nn<50) or (nn<100)
146 the fractal will have more resolution but the time of computing increases.
148 Remark: This program is time consuming because it must make a lot of operations;
149 the computing time is also related with the number of grid points.
154 julia_set(x,y):=block([zz:x+%i*y,nn:1], while (nn<30 and abs(zz)<100) do (zz:rectform(zz*zz+julia_parameter),nn:nn+1),nn ) $
157 /* you can freely change the transformation; here we use julia_parameter*sin(z) instead of julia_parameter+z^2.
158 This program runs slowly because it calculates a lot of sines. You can change the values of julia_parameter;
159 we suggest the value 1+.1*%i;
162 plot3d (julia_sin, [x, x0, x1], [y, y0, y1], [gnuplot_preamble, "set view map; unset surface"],[gnuplot_pm3d, true],[grid, 150, 150])$
166 julia_sin(x,y):=block([zz:x+%i*y,nn:1], while (nn<30 and abs(zz)<100) do (zz:rectform(julia_parameter*sin(zz)),nn:nn+1),nn ) $
170 /* Koch snowflake sets
171 we plot the snow Koch map over the vertex of an initial closed polygonal, in the complex plane. Here
172 the orientation of the polygon is important,
174 recursive applications of Koch transformation; nn must be small (n=5 or n=6).
176 usage: plot2d([discrete,snowmap(ent,nn)])$
178 examples (equilateral triangles):
179 plot2d([discrete,snowmap([1,exp(%i*%pi*2/3),exp(-%i*%pi*2/3),1],4)])$
181 plot2d([discrete,snowmap([1,exp(-%i*%pi*2/3),exp(%i*%pi*2/3),1],4)])$
183 you can check the squares [0,1,1+%i,%i,0] and [0,%i,1+%i,1,0] and so
187 /* we define an auxiliary function to simplify the MAXIMA use of recursivity; example nest(lambda([xx],xx^2),2,3);*/
189 nest(f,x0,n):=block([sal:x0], thru n do sal:f(sal) ,sal)$
191 cnbasic(z1,z2):=block([in3:(z2-z1)/3],map('rectform,[z1,z1+in3,z1+in3*(1+exp(%i*%pi/3)),z1+2*in3]))$
193 koch(li):=block([sal:[]],for i:1 thru length(li)-1 do sal:append(sal,cnbasic(li[i],li[i+1])) ,sal:append(sal,[last(li)]) )$
195 snowmap(ent,nn):=float(map(lambda([xx],[realpart(xx),imagpart(xx)]),nest(koch,ent,nn)))$
196 compile(nest,cnbasic,koch)$
201 continuous curves that cover an area. Warning: the number of points exponentially grows with n */
206 plot2d([discrete,hilbertmap(nn)]);
208 nn must be small. We suggest the value 5. MAXIMA could crash if nn is 7 or greater*/
210 hilini:float([(-1+%i)/2,(-1-%i)/2,(1-%i)/2,(1+%i)/2])$
211 hilmap(li):=block([tem:li/2],rectform(append((-1+%i)/2+reverse(%i*tem),(-1-%i)/2+tem,(1-%i)/2+tem,(1+%i)/2+reverse(-%i*tem))))$
212 hilbertmap(nn):=float(map(lambda([xx],[realpart(xx),imagpart(xx)]),nest(hilmap,hilini,nn)))$
217 plot2d([discrete,sierpinskimap(nn)]);
219 nn must be small. We suggest the value 5. MAXIMA could crash if nn is 7 or greater*/
221 /* we define an auxiliary function to rotate lists */
222 rotleft(lis,n):=block([le:length(lis)],makelist(lis[mod(n-1+i,le)+1],i,1,le))$
225 sierini:float([%i/2,-1/2,-%i/2,1/2])$
226 siermap(li):=block([tem:li/2,nrot:length(li)/2],
227 rectform(rotleft(append((-1+%i)/2-%i*tem,(-1-%i)/2+tem,(1-%i)/2+%i*tem,(1+%i)/2-tem),-nrot)) )$
229 sierpinskimap(nn):=float(map(lambda([xx],[realpart(xx),imagpart(xx)]),nest(siermap,sierini,nn)))$
230 compile(rotleft,siermap)$