Fix bug #4018: defint(foo,,0,inf) lisp error when denom(foo) contains %i
[maxima.git] / src / suprv1.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancements. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
9 (in-package :maxima)
11 ;; ** (c) Copyright 1982 Massachusetts Institute of Technology **
13 ;;note in converting this file (originally suprv.lisp) to common lisp
14 ;;for the lisp machine, I removed a lot of the old stuff which did not
15 ;;apply, and tried to eliminate any / quoting. Most of the relevant
16 ;;stuff is in system.lisp for the lispm and nil friends.--wfs
18 (eval-when
19 #+gcl (compile eval)
20 #-gcl (:compile-toplevel :execute)
21 (setq old-ibase *read-base* old-base *print-base*)
22 (setq *read-base* 10. *print-base* 10.))
24 (declare-top (special bindlist loclist errset *mopl*
25 $values $functions $arrays $gradefs $dependencies
26 $rules $props $ratvars
27 varlist genvar
28 $gensumnum checkfactors $features featurel
29 tellratlist $dontfactor
30 dispflag savefile $%% $error
31 opers *ratweights $ratweights
32 $stringdisp $lispdisp
33 transp $contexts $setcheck $macros autoload))
35 (defvar thistime 0)
36 (defvar *refchkl* nil)
37 (defvar *mdebug* nil)
38 (defvar errcatch nil)
39 (defvar mcatch nil)
40 (defvar brklvl -1)
41 (defvar allbutl nil)
42 (defvar lessorder nil)
43 (defvar greatorder nil)
44 (defvar *in-translate-file* nil)
45 (defvar *linelabel* nil)
47 (defmvar $disptime nil)
48 (defmvar $strdisp t)
49 (defmvar $grind nil)
50 (defmvar $backtrace '$backtrace)
51 (defmvar $debugmode nil)
52 (defmvar $poislim 5)
53 (defmvar $loadprint nil)
54 (defmvar $nolabels nil)
55 (defmvar $aliases '((mlist simp)))
57 (defmvar $infolists
58 '((mlist simp) $labels $values $functions $macros $arrays
59 $myoptions $props $aliases $rules $gradefs
60 $dependencies $let_rule_packages $structures))
62 (defmvar $labels (list '(mlist simp)))
63 (defmvar $dispflag t)
65 (defmvar $% '$% "The last out-line computed, corresponds to lisp *"
66 no-reset)
68 (defmvar $inchar '$%i
69 "The alphabetic prefix of the names of expressions typed by the user.")
71 (defmvar $outchar '$%o
72 "The alphabetic prefix of the names of expressions returned by the system.")
74 (defmvar $linechar '$%t
75 "The alphabetic prefix of the names of intermediate displayed expressions.")
77 (defmvar $linenum 1 "the line number of the last expression."
78 fixnum no-reset)
80 (defmvar $file_output_append nil
81 "Flag to tell file-writing functions whether to append or clobber the output file.")
83 ;; This version of meval* makes sure, that the facts from the global variable
84 ;; *local-signs* are cleared with a call to clearsign. The facts are added by
85 ;; asksign and friends. The function meval* is only used for top level
86 ;; evaluations. For other cases the function meval can be used.
88 (defmvar $ratvarswitch t) ; If T, start an evaluation with a fresh list VARLIST.
90 (defun meval* (expr)
91 ;; Make sure that clearsign is called after the evaluation.
92 (unwind-protect
93 (let (*refchkl* checkfactors)
94 (if $ratvarswitch (setq varlist (cdr $ratvars)))
95 (meval expr))
96 ;; Clear the facts from asksign and friends.
97 (clearsign)))
99 (defun makelabel10 (x)
100 (let (*print-radix*
101 (*print-base* 10.))
102 ($concat '|| x $linenum)))
103 (defun makelabel (x)
104 (setq *linelabel* (makelabel10 x))
105 (unless $nolabels
106 (when (or (null (cdr $labels))
107 (when (member *linelabel* (cddr $labels) :test #'equal)
108 (setf $labels (delete *linelabel* $labels :count 1 :test #'eq)) t)
109 (not (eq *linelabel* (cadr $labels))))
110 (setq $labels (cons (car $labels) (cons *linelabel* (cdr $labels))))))
111 *linelabel*)
113 (defun printlabel ()
114 (mtell-open "(~A) " (subseq (print-invert-case *linelabel*) 1)))
116 (defun mexploden (x)
117 (let (*print-radix*
118 (*print-base* 10))
119 (exploden x)))
121 (defun addlabel (label)
122 (setq $labels (cons (car $labels) (cons label (delete label (cdr $labels) :count 1 :test #'eq)))))
124 (defun tyi* ()
125 (clear-input)
126 (do ((n (tyi) (tyi))) (nil)
127 (cond ((or (char= n #\newline) (and (> (char-code n) 31) (char/= n #\rubout)))
128 (return n))
129 ((char= n #\page) (format t "~|") (throw 'retry nil)))))
131 (defun continuep ()
132 (loop
133 (catch 'retry
134 (unwind-protect
135 (progn
136 (fresh-line)
137 (princ (break-prompt))
138 (finish-output)
139 (return (char= (tyi*) #\newline)))
140 (clear-input)))))
142 (defun checklabel (x) ; CHECKLABEL returns T iff label is not in use
143 (not (or $nolabels
144 (= $linenum 0)
145 (boundp (makelabel10 x)))))
147 (defun gctimep (timep tim)
148 (cond ((and (eq timep '$all) (not (zerop tim))) (princ (intl:gettext "Total time = ")) t)
149 (t (princ (intl:gettext "Time = ")) nil)))
151 ; Following GENERIC-AUTOLOAD is copied from orthopoly/orthopoly-init.lisp.
152 ; Previous version didn't take Clisp, CMUCL, or SBCL into account.
154 (defvar *autoloaded-files* ())
156 (defun generic-autoload (file &aux type)
157 (unless (member file *autoloaded-files* :test #'equal)
158 (push file *autoloaded-files*)
159 (setq file (pathname (cdr file)))
160 (setq type (pathname-type file))
161 (let ((bin-ext #+gcl "o"
162 #+cmu (c::backend-fasl-file-type c::*target-backend*)
163 #+clisp "fas"
164 #+allegro "fasl"
165 #+openmcl (pathname-type ccl::*.fasl-pathname*)
166 #+lispworks (pathname-type (compile-file-pathname "foo.lisp"))
167 #-(or gcl cmu clisp allegro openmcl lispworks) ""))
168 (if (member type (list bin-ext "lisp" "lsp") :test 'equalp)
169 (let ((*read-base* 10.)) #-sbcl (load file) #+sbcl (with-compilation-unit nil (load file)))
170 ($load file)))))
172 (defvar autoload 'generic-autoload)
174 (defun load-function (func mexprp) ; The dynamic loader
175 (declare (ignore mexprp))
176 (let ((file (get func 'autoload)))
177 (if file (funcall autoload (cons func file)))))
179 (defmspec $loadfile (form)
180 (loadfile (namestring (maxima-string (meval (cadr form)))) nil
181 (not (member $loadprint '(nil $autoload) :test #'equal))))
183 (defmfun $setup_autoload (filename &rest functions)
184 (let ((file ($file_search filename)))
185 (dolist (func functions)
186 (nonsymchk func '$setup_autoload)
187 (putprop (setq func ($verbify func)) file 'autoload)
188 (add2lnc func $props)))
189 '$done)
191 (defun dollarify (l)
192 (let ((errset t))
193 (cons '(mlist simp)
194 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
195 (let (y)
196 (cond ((numberp x) x)
197 ((numberp (setq y (car (errset (readlist (mexploden x))))))
199 (t (makealias x)))))
200 l))))
202 (defun mfboundp (func)
203 (or (mgetl func '(mexpr mmacro))
204 (getl func '(translated-mmacro mfexpr* mfexpr*s))))
206 (defun loadfile (file findp printp)
207 (and findp (member $loadprint '(nil $loadfile) :test #'equal) (setq printp nil))
208 ;; Should really get the truename of FILE.
209 (if printp (format t (intl:gettext "loadfile: loading ~A.~%") file))
210 (let* ((path (pathname file))
211 (*package* (find-package :maxima))
212 ($load_pathname path)
213 (*read-base* 10.)
214 (tem (errset #-sbcl (load (pathname file)) #+sbcl (with-compilation-unit nil (load (pathname file))))))
215 (or tem (merror (intl:gettext "loadfile: failed to load ~A") (namestring path)))
216 (namestring path)))
218 (defmfun $directory (path)
219 (cons '(mlist) (mapcar 'namestring (directory ($filename_merge path)))))
221 (defmspec $kill (form)
222 (clear) ;; get assume db into consistent state
223 (mapc #'kill1 (cdr form))
224 '$done)
226 ;;; The following *builtin- variables are used to keep/restore builtin
227 ;;; symbols and values during kill operations. Their values are set at
228 ;;; the end of init-cl.lisp, after all symbols have been defined.
230 (defvar *builtin-symbols* nil)
231 (defvar *builtin-symbol-props* (make-hash-table))
232 (defvar *builtin-$props* nil)
233 (defvar *builtin-$rules* nil)
234 (defvar *builtin-symbols-with-values* nil)
235 (defvar *builtin-symbol-values* (make-hash-table))
236 (defvar *builtin-numeric-constants* '($%e $%pi $%phi $%gamma))
238 (defun kill1-atom (x)
239 (let ((z (or (and (member x (cdr $aliases) :test #'equal) (get x 'noun)) (get x 'verb))))
240 (when (or (null allbutl) (not (member z allbutl :test #'equal)))
241 (remvalue x '$kill)
242 (mget x 'array)
243 (remcompary x)
244 (when (member x (cdr $contexts) :test #'equal)
245 ($killcontext x))
246 (when (mget x '$rule)
247 (let ((y (ruleof x)))
248 (cond (y ($remrule y x))
249 (t (when (not (member x *builtin-$rules* :test #'equal))
250 (fmakunbound x)
251 (setf $rules (delete x $rules :count 1 :test #'eq)))))))
252 (when (and (get x 'operators) (rulechk x))
253 ($remrule x '$all))
254 (when (mget x 'trace)
255 (macsyma-untrace x))
256 (when (get x 'translated)
257 (when (not (member x *builtin-symbols* :test #'equal))
258 (remove-transl-fun-props x)
259 (remove-transl-array-fun-props x)))
260 (when (not (get x 'sysconst))
261 (remprop x 'lineinfo)
262 (remprop x 'mprops))
263 (dolist (u '(bindtest nonarray evfun evflag opers special mode))
264 (remprop x u))
265 (dolist (u opers)
266 (when (and (remprop x u)
267 (let ((xopval (get x 'operators)))
268 (or (eq xopval 'simpargs1) (eq xopval nil))))
269 (remprop x 'operators)))
270 (when (member x (cdr $props) :test #'equal)
271 (remprop x 'sp2)
272 (killframe x)
273 (i-$remove (list x $features)))
274 (let ((y (get x 'op)))
275 (when (and y
276 (not (member y *mopl* :test #'equal))
277 (member y (cdr $props) :test #'equal))
278 (kill-operator x)))
279 (remalias x nil)
280 (setf $arrays (delete x $arrays :count 1 :test #'eq))
281 (rempropchk x)
282 (setf *autoloaded-files*
283 (delete (assoc x *autoloaded-files* :test #'eq) *autoloaded-files* :count 1 :test #'equal))
284 (setf $functions
285 (delete (assoc (ncons x) $functions :test #'equal) $functions :count 1 :test #'equal))
286 (setf $macros
287 (delete (assoc (ncons x) $macros :test #'equal) $macros :count 1 :test #'equal))
288 (let ((y (assoc (ncons x) $gradefs :test #'equal)))
289 (when y
290 (remprop x 'grad)
291 (setf $gradefs (delete y $gradefs :count 1 :test #'equal))))
292 (setf $dependencies
293 (delete (assoc (ncons x) $dependencies :test #'equal) $dependencies :count 1 :test #'equal))
294 (let ((y (assoc-if #'(lambda (e) (equal x (car e))) (cdr $structures))))
295 (when y
296 (remprop x 'dimension)
297 (remprop x 'defstruct-template)
298 (remprop x 'defstruct-default)
299 (remprop x 'translate)
300 (setf $structures (delete y $structures :count 1 :test #'equal))))
301 (when (and (member x *builtin-symbols* :test #'equal)
302 (gethash x *builtin-symbol-props*))
303 (setf (symbol-plist x)
304 (copy-tree (gethash x *builtin-symbol-props*))))
305 (when (member x *builtin-numeric-constants*)
306 (initialize-numeric-constant x)) ;; reset db value for $%pi, $%e, etc
307 (if z (kill1 z)))))
309 (defun kill1 (x)
310 (if (and (stringp x) (not (getopr0 x))) (return-from kill1 nil))
311 (funcall
312 #'(lambda (z)
313 (cond ((and allbutl (member x allbutl :test #'equal)))
314 ((eq (setq x (getopr x)) '$labels)
315 (dolist (u (cdr $labels))
316 (cond ((and allbutl (member u allbutl :test #'equal))
317 (setq z (nconc z (ncons u))))
318 (t (makunbound u) (remprop u 'time)
319 (remprop u 'nodisp))))
320 (setq $labels (cons '(mlist simp) z) $linenum 0))
321 ((member x '($values $arrays $aliases $rules $props
322 $let_rule_packages) :test #'equal)
323 (mapc #'kill1 (cdr (symbol-value x))))
324 ((member x '($functions $macros $gradefs $dependencies $structures) :test #'equal)
325 (mapc #'(lambda (y) (kill1 (caar y))) (cdr (symbol-value x))))
326 ((eq x '$myoptions))
327 ((eq x '$tellrats) (setq tellratlist nil))
328 ((eq x '$ratvars) (setq $ratvars '((mlist simp)) varlist nil))
329 ((eq x '$ratweights) (setq *ratweights nil
330 $ratweights '((mlist simp))))
331 ((eq x '$features)
332 (cond ((not (equal (cdr $features) featurel))
333 (setq $features (cons '(mlist simp) (copy-list featurel))))))
334 ((or (eq x t) (eq x '$all))
335 (mapc #'kill1 (cdr $infolists))
336 (setq $ratvars '((mlist simp)) varlist nil genvar nil
337 checkfactors nil greatorder nil lessorder nil $gensumnum 0
338 *ratweights nil $ratweights
339 '((mlist simp))
340 tellratlist nil $dontfactor '((mlist)) $setcheck nil)
341 (killallcontexts))
342 ((setq z (assoc x '(($inlabels . $inchar) ($outlabels . $outchar) ($linelabels . $linechar)) :test #'eq))
343 (mapc #'(lambda (y) (remvalue y '$kill))
344 (getlabels* (eval (cdr z)) nil)))
345 ((and (fixnump x) (>= x 0)) (remlabels x))
346 ((atom x) (kill1-atom x))
347 ((and (eq (caar x) 'mlist) (fixnump (cadr x))
348 (or (and (null (cddr x))
349 (setq x (append x (ncons (cadr x)))))
350 (and (fixnump (caddr x))
351 (not (> (cadr x) (caddr x))))))
352 (let (($linenum (caddr x))) (remlabels (- (caddr x) (cadr x)))))
353 ((setq z (mgetl (caar x) '(hashar array))) (remarrelem z x))
354 ((and ($subvarp x)
355 (boundp (caar x))
356 (hash-table-p (setq z (symbol-value (caar x)))))
357 ; Evaluate the subscripts (as is done in ARRSTORE)
358 (let ((indices (mevalargs (cdr x))))
359 (if (gethash 'dim1 z)
360 (remhash (car indices) z)
361 (remhash indices z))))
362 ((eq (caar x) '$@) (mrecord-kill x))
363 ((and (eq (caar x) '$allbut)
364 (not (dolist (u (cdr x))
365 (if (not (symbolp u)) (return t)))))
366 (let ((allbutl (cdr x))) (kill1 t)))
367 (t (improper-arg-err x '$kill))))
368 nil))
371 (defun remlabels (n)
372 (prog (l x)
373 (setq l (list (exploden $inchar)
374 (exploden $outchar)
375 (exploden $linechar)))
376 loop (setq x (mexploden $linenum))
377 (do ((l l (cdr l)))
378 ((null l))
379 (remvalue (implode (append (car l) x)) '$kill))
380 (if (or (minusp (setq n (1- n))) (= $linenum 0)) (return nil))
381 (decf $linenum)
382 (go loop)))
384 (defun remvalue (x fn)
385 (cond ((not (symbolp x)) (improper-arg-err x fn))
386 ((boundp x)
387 (let (y)
388 (cond ((or (setq y (member x (cdr $values) :test #'equal))
389 (member x (cdr $labels) :test #'equal))
390 (cond (y (setf $values (delete x $values :count 1 :test #'eq)))
391 (t (setf $labels (delete x $labels :count 1 :test #'eq))
392 (remprop x 'time) (remprop x 'nodisp)))
393 (makunbound x)
394 (when (member x *builtin-symbols-with-values* :test #'equal)
395 (setf (symbol-value x)
396 (gethash x *builtin-symbol-values*)))
398 ((get x 'special)
399 (makunbound x)
400 (when (member x *builtin-symbols-with-values* :test #'equal)
401 (setf (symbol-value x)
402 (gethash x *builtin-symbol-values*)))
404 (transp (setf (symbol-value x) x) t)
405 ((eq x '$default_let_rule_package) t)
406 ;; Next case: X is bound to itself but X is not on values list.
407 ;; Translation code does that; I don't know why.
408 ;; Silently let it stand and hope it doesn't cause trouble.
409 ((eq (symbol-value x) x) t)
411 (mtell (intl:gettext "remvalue: ~M doesn't appear to be a known variable; just unbind it anyway.~%") x)
412 (makunbound x)
413 t))))))
415 (defun ruleof (rule)
416 (or (mget rule 'ruleof)
417 (let* ((pattern (cadr (mget rule '$rule)))
418 (op (if (atom pattern) nil (caar pattern))) l)
419 (and (setq l (get op 'rules))
420 (member rule l :test #'equal) op))))
422 (defmfun $debugmode (x)
423 (setq $debugmode x)
424 (debugmode1 nil x))
426 (defun debugmode1 (assign-var y)
427 (declare (ignore assign-var))
428 (setq *mdebug* y))
430 (defun errlfun1 (mpdls)
431 (do ((l bindlist (cdr l))
432 (l1))
433 ((eq l (car mpdls)) (munbind l1))
434 (setq l1 (cons (car l) l1)))
435 (do ()
436 ((eq loclist (cdr mpdls)))
437 (munlocal)))
439 (defun getalias (x)
440 (cond ((get x 'alias))
441 ((eq x '$false) nil)
442 (t x)))
444 (defun makealias (x)
445 (implode (cons #\$ (exploden x))))
448 ;; makes sure that F was called with exactly one argument and
449 ;; returns that argument.
451 (defun fexprcheck (form)
452 (if (or (null (cdr form)) (cddr form))
453 (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: expected just one argument; found: ~M") (caar form) form)
454 (cadr form)))
456 (defun nonsymchk (x fn)
457 (unless (symbolp x)
458 (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: argument must be a symbol; found: ~M") fn x)))
460 (defmfun $print (&rest args)
461 (if (null args)
462 '((mlist simp))
463 (let ((l args) $stringdisp) ;; Don't print out strings with quotation marks!
464 (do ((l l (cddr l)))
465 ((null l))
466 (rplacd l (cons " " (cdr l))))
467 (displa (cons '(mtext) l))
468 (cadr (reverse l)))))
470 (defmspec $playback (x)
471 (declare (special $showtime))
472 (setq x (cdr x))
473 (prog (l l1 l2 numbp slowp nostringp inputp timep grindp inchar largp)
474 (setq inchar (getlabcharn $inchar)) ; Only the 1st alphabetic char. of $INCHAR is tested
475 (setq timep $showtime grindp $grind)
476 (do ((x x (cdr x)))( (null x))
477 (cond ((fixnump (car x)) (setq numbp (car x)))
478 ((eq (car x) '$all))
479 ((eq (car x) '$slow) (setq slowp t))
480 ((eq (car x) '$nostring) (setq nostringp t))
481 ((eq (car x) '$grind) (setq grindp t))
482 ((eq (car x) '$input) (setq inputp t))
483 ((member (car x) '($showtime $time) :test #'equal) (setq timep (or timep t)))
484 ((member (car x) '($gctime $totaltime) :test #'equal) (setq timep '$all))
485 ((setq l2 (listargp (car x)))
486 (setq l1 (nconc l1 (getlabels (car l2) (cdr l2) nil)) largp t))
487 (t (improper-arg-err (car x) '$playback))))
488 (cond ((and largp (null numbp)) (go loop))
489 ((and (setq l (cdr $labels)) (not $nolabels)) (setq l (cdr l))))
490 (when (or (null numbp) (< (length l) numbp))
491 (setq l1 (reverse l)) (go loop))
492 (do ((i numbp (1- i)) (l2)) ((zerop i) (setq l1 (nconc l1 l2)))
493 (setq l2 (cons (car l) l2) l (cdr l)))
494 loop (if (null l1) (return '$done))
495 (let ((errset t)
496 (incharp (char= (getlabcharn (car l1)) inchar)))
497 (errset
498 (cond ((and (not nostringp) incharp)
499 (let ((*linelabel* (car l1))) (mterpri) (printlabel))
500 (if grindp
501 (mgrind (meval1 (car l1)) nil)
502 (mapc #'(lambda (x) (write-char x)) (mstring (meval1 (car l1))))) ;gcl doesn't like a
503 ; simple write-char, therefore wrapped it up in a lambda - are_muc
504 (if (get (car l1) 'nodisp) (princ "$") (princ ";"))
505 (mterpri))
506 ((or incharp
507 (prog2 (when (and timep (setq l (get (car l1) 'time)))
508 (setq x (gctimep timep (cdr l)))
509 (mtell (intl:gettext "~A seconds") (car l))
510 (if x (mtell (intl:gettext " GC time = ~A seconds") (cdr l)))
511 (mterpri))
512 (not (or inputp (get (car l1) 'nodisp)))))
513 (mterpri) (displa (list '(mlabel) (car l1) (meval1 (car l1)))))
514 (t (go a)))))
515 (when (and slowp (cdr l1) (not (continuep)))
516 (return '$terminated))
517 a (setq l1 (cdr l1))
518 (go loop)))
520 (defun listargp (x)
521 (let (high)
522 (if (and ($listp x) (fixnump (cadr x))
523 (or (and (null (cddr x)) (setq high (cadr x)))
524 (and (fixnump (setq high (caddr x)))
525 (not (> (cadr x) high)))))
526 (cons (cadr x) high))))
528 (defmspec $alias (form)
529 (if (oddp (length (setq form (cdr form))))
530 (merror (intl:gettext "alias: expected an even number of arguments.")))
531 (do ((l nil (cons (alias (pop form) (pop form))
532 l)))
533 ((null form)
534 `((mlist simp),@(nreverse l)))))
536 (defun alias (x y)
537 (cond ((nonsymchk x '$alias))
538 ((nonsymchk y '$alias))
539 ((eq x y) y) ; x is already the alias of y
540 ((get x 'reversealias)
541 (merror (intl:gettext "alias: ~M already has an alias.") x))
542 (t (putprop x y'alias)
543 (putprop y x 'reversealias)
544 (add2lnc y $aliases)
545 y)))
547 (defun remalias (x &optional remp)
548 (let ((y (and (or remp (member x (cdr $aliases) :test #'equal)) (get x 'reversealias))))
549 (cond ((and y (eq x '%derivative))
550 (remprop x 'reversealias)
551 (setf $aliases (delete x $aliases :count 1 :test #'eq))
552 (remprop '$diff 'alias) '$diff)
553 (y (remprop x 'reversealias)
554 (remprop x 'noun)
555 (setf $aliases (delete x $aliases :count 1 :test #'eq))
556 (remprop (setq x y) 'alias) (remprop x 'verb) x))))
558 (defun stripdollar (x)
559 (cond ((not (atom x))
560 (cond ((and (eq (caar x) 'bigfloat) (not (minusp (cadr x)))) (implode (fpformat x)))
561 (t (merror (intl:gettext "STRIPDOLLAR: argument must be an atom; found: ~M") x))))
562 ((numberp x) x)
563 ((null x) 'false)
564 ((eq x t) 'true)
565 ((member (get-first-char x) '(#\$ #\%) :test #'char=)
566 (intern (subseq (string x) 1)))
567 (t x)))
569 (defun fullstrip (x)
570 (mapcar #'fullstrip1 x))
572 (defun fullstrip1 (x)
573 (or (and (numberp x) x)
574 (let ((y (get x 'reversealias))) (if y (stripdollar y)))
575 (stripdollar x)))
577 (defun string* (x)
578 (or (and (numberp x) (exploden x))
579 (string*1 x)))
581 (defun string*1 (x)
582 (let ($stringdisp $lispdisp)
583 (makestring x)))
585 ;;; Note that this function had originally stripped a prefix of '|M|. This
586 ;;; was intended for operators such as 'MABS, but with the case flipping
587 ;;; performed by explodec this test would always fail. Dependent code has
588 ;;; been written assuming the '|M| prefix is not stripped so this test has
589 ;;; been disabled for now.
591 (defmfun $nounify (x)
592 (if (not (or (symbolp x) (stringp x)))
593 (merror (intl:gettext "nounify: argument must be a symbol or a string; found: ~M") x))
594 (setq x (amperchk x))
595 (cond ((get x 'verb))
596 ((get x 'noun) x)
598 (let* ((y (explodec x))
599 (u #+nil (member (car y) '($ |M| |m|) :test 'eq)
600 (eq (car y) '$)))
601 (cond ((or u (not (eq (car y) '%)))
602 (setq y (implode (cons '% (if u (cdr y) y))))
603 (putprop y x 'noun) (putprop x y 'verb))
604 (t x))))))
606 (defmfun $verbify (x)
607 (if (not (or (symbolp x) (stringp x)))
608 (merror (intl:gettext "verbify: argument must be a symbol or a string; found: ~M") x))
609 (setq x (amperchk x))
610 (cond ((get x 'noun))
611 ((eq x '||) x)
612 ((and (char= (char (symbol-name x) 0) #\%)
613 (prog2
614 ($nounify (implode (cons #\$ (cdr (exploden x)))))
615 (get x 'noun))))
616 (t x)))
618 (defmspec $string (form)
619 (let (($lispdisp t))
620 (setq form (strmeval (fexprcheck form)))
621 (setq form (if $grind (strgrind form) (mstring form)))
622 (coerce form 'string)))
624 (defun makstring (x)
625 (setq x (mstring x))
626 (do ((l x (cdr l)))
627 ((null l))
628 (rplaca l (ascii (car l))))
631 (defun strmeval (x)
632 (cond ((atom x) (meval1 x))
633 ((member (caar x) '(msetq mdefine mdefmacro) :test #'equal) x)
634 (t (meval x))))
637 (mapc #'(lambda (x) (putprop (car x) (cadr x) 'alias)
638 (putprop (cadr x) (car x) 'reversealias))
639 '(($block mprog) ($lambda lambda)
640 ($subst $substitute)
641 ($go mgo) ($signum %signum)
642 ($return mreturn) ($factorial mfactorial)
643 ($ibase *read-base*) ($obase *print-base*)
644 ($modulus modulus)
645 ($mode_declare $modedeclare)))
647 (mapc #'(lambda (x) (putprop (car x) (cadr x) 'alias))
648 '(($ratcoeff $ratcoef) ($ratnum $ratnumer) ($true t)
649 ($derivative $diff) ($prod $product)
650 ($bothcoeff $bothcoef)))
652 (defun amperchk (name)
653 (cond
654 ((symbolp name) name)
655 ((stringp name)
656 (getalias (or (getopr0 name) (implode (cons #\$ (coerce name 'list))))))
657 (t name)))
659 (defmspec $stringout (x)
660 (setq x (cdr x))
661 (let*
662 ((file (namestring (maxima-string (meval (car x)))))
663 (filespec (if (or (eq $file_output_append '$true) (eq $file_output_append t))
664 `(savefile ,file :direction :output :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create)
665 `(savefile ,file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create))))
666 (setq x (cdr x))
667 (eval
668 `(let (maxima-error l1 truename)
669 (declare (special $grind $strdisp))
670 (with-open-file ,filespec
671 (cond ((null
672 (errset
673 (do ((l ',x (cdr l)))( (null l))
674 (cond ((member (car l) '($all $input) :test #'equal)
675 (setq l (nconc (getlabels* $inchar t) (cdr l))))
676 ((eq (car l) '$values)
677 (setq l (nconc (mapcan
678 #'(lambda (x)
679 (if (boundp x)
680 (ncons (list '(msetq) x (symbol-value x)))))
681 (cdr $values))
682 (cdr l))))
683 ((eq (car l) '$functions)
684 (setq l (nconc (mapcar
685 #'(lambda (x) (consfundef (caar x) nil nil))
686 (cdr $functions))
687 (mapcan
688 #'(lambda (x)
689 (if (mget x 'aexpr)
690 (ncons (consfundef x t nil))))
691 (cdr $arrays))
692 (mapcar
693 #'(lambda (x) (consfundef (caar x) nil nil))
694 (cdr $macros))
695 (cdr l))))
696 ((setq l1 (listargp (car l)))
697 (setq l (nconc (getlabels (car l1) (cdr l1) t) (cdr l)))))
698 (if (null l) (return nil))
699 (terpri savefile)
700 (if $grind (mgrind (strmeval (car l)) savefile)
701 (princ (print-invert-case (maknam (mstring (strmeval (car l)))))
702 savefile))
703 (if (or (and (symbolp (car l)) (get (car l) 'nodisp)) (not $strdisp))
704 (write-char #\$ savefile)
705 (write-char #\; savefile)))))
706 (setq maxima-error t)))
707 (setq truename (truename savefile))
708 (terpri savefile))
709 (if maxima-error (merror (intl:gettext "stringout: unspecified error.")))
710 (cl:namestring truename)))))
712 (defmfun $labels (label-prefix)
713 (nonsymchk label-prefix '$labels)
714 (cons '(mlist simp) (nreverse (getlabels* label-prefix nil))))
716 (defmfun $%th (x)
717 (prog (l outchar)
718 (if (or (not (fixnump x)) (zerop x))
719 (improper-arg-err x '$%th))
720 (if (> x 0) (setq x (- x)))
721 (if (cdr $labels)
722 (setq l (cddr $labels) outchar (getlabcharn $outchar)))
723 loop (if (null l) (merror (intl:gettext "%th: no such previous output: ~M") x))
724 (if (and (char= (getlabcharn (car l)) outchar) (= (setq x (1+ x)) 0))
725 ; Only the 1st alphabetic character of $OUTCHAR is tested.
726 (return (meval (car l))))
727 (setq l (cdr l))
728 (go loop)))
730 (defun getlabels (n1 n2 flag) ; FLAG = T for STRINGOUT, = NIL for PLAYBACK and SAVE.
731 (do ((i n1 (1+ i)) (l1)
732 (l (if flag (list (exploden $inchar))
733 (list (exploden $inchar) (exploden $linechar)
734 (exploden $outchar)))))
735 ((> i n2) (nreverse l1))
736 (do ((l l (cdr l)) (x (mexploden i)) (z)) ((null l))
737 (if (boundp (setq z (implode (append (car l) x))))
738 (setq l1 (cons z l1))))))
740 (defun getlabels* (label-prefix flag) ; FLAG = T only for STRINGOUT
741 (let*
742 ((label-prefix-name (symbol-name label-prefix))
743 (label-prefix-length (length label-prefix-name)))
744 (do ((l (if flag (cddr $labels) (cdr $labels)) (cdr l)) (l1))
745 ((null l) l1)
746 (let ((label-name-1 (symbol-name (car l))))
748 (and
749 (<= label-prefix-length (length label-name-1))
750 (string= label-name-1 label-prefix-name :end1 label-prefix-length))
751 (setq l1 (cons (car l) l1)))))))
753 (defun getlabcharn (label)
754 (let ((c (char (symbol-name label) 1)))
755 (if (char= c #\%)
756 (char (symbol-name label) 2)
757 c)))
759 ; Evaluate form while catching throws to some specific tags (called
760 ; "errcatch tags"). If no throw to an errcatch tag is caught, then
761 ; the values from form are returned. If a throw to an errcatch tag
762 ; is caught, then a Maxima error is signaled.
764 ; The errcatch tags are ERRORSW, MACSYMA-QUIT and RAT-ERR.
765 (defmacro with-errcatch-tag-$errors (form)
766 (let ((block-name (gensym)))
767 `(block ,block-name
768 ; RAT-ERROR-TO-MERROR will catch any throws to RAT-ERR and
769 ; call merror with a specific error message.
770 (catch 'macsyma-quit
771 (catch 'errorsw
772 (rat-error-to-merror
773 (return-from ,block-name ,form))))
774 ; If we're here, then we don't know any information about the
775 ; error, so just call MERROR with a vague error message. This
776 ; message will not be printed by MERROR, but it will be stored
777 ; in Maxima's error variable.
778 (with-$error
779 (merror (intl:gettext "An error was caught by errcatch."))))))
781 ; This is similar to the classic errset, but errcatch handles lisp and
782 ; Maxima errors.
783 (defmacro errcatch (form)
784 `(let ((errcatch (cons bindlist loclist))
785 (*mdebug* nil))
786 (declare (special errcatch *mdebug*))
787 (handler-case (list (with-errcatch-tag-$errors ,form))
788 (maxima-$error ()
789 ; If this was signaled by MERROR, then it has already handled
790 ; the setting of the error variable and the printing of any error
791 ; messages (as applicable).
793 ; If for some reason this wasn't signaled by MERROR, then it's the
794 ; signaler's responsibility to handle error messages.
796 ; Either way, we just need to clean up here.
797 (errlfun1 errcatch)
798 nil)
799 (error (e)
800 ; We store the error report message in the error variable and
801 ; print the message if errormsg is true. Then we clean up.
802 (setq $error (list '(mlist simp) (princ-to-string e)))
803 (when $errormsg
804 ($errormsg))
805 (errlfun1 errcatch)
806 nil))))
808 (defmspec $errcatch (form)
809 (cons '(mlist) (errcatch (mevaln (cdr form)))))
811 (defmacro mcatch (form)
812 `(let ((mcatch (cons bindlist loclist)))
813 (unwind-protect
814 (catch 'mcatch (rat-error-to-merror ,form))
815 (errlfun1 mcatch))))
817 (defmspec $catch (form)
818 (mcatch (mevaln (cdr form))))
820 (defmfun $throw (exp)
821 (if (null mcatch) (merror (intl:gettext "throw: not within 'catch'; expression: ~M") exp))
822 (throw 'mcatch exp))
824 (defmspec $time (l)
825 (setq l (cdr l))
826 (cons '(mlist simp)
827 (mapcar
828 #'(lambda (x)
829 (or (and (symbolp x)
830 (setq x (get x 'time))
831 (if (= (cdr x) 0)
832 (car x)
833 (list '(mlist simp) (car x) (cdr x))))
834 '$unknown))
835 l)))
837 (defun timeorg (tim)
838 (if (> thistime 0)
839 (incf thistime (- (get-internal-run-time) tim))))
842 (defmfun $quit ()
843 (princ *maxima-epilog*)
844 (bye)
845 (mtell (intl:gettext "quit: No known quit function for this Lisp.~%")))
847 ;; File-processing stuff.
849 (defun mterpri ()
850 (terpri)
851 (finish-output))
853 (defmspec $status (form)
854 (setq form (cdr form))
855 (let* ((keyword (car form))
856 (feature (cadr form)))
857 (when (not (symbolp keyword))
858 (merror (intl:gettext "status: first argument must be a symbol; found: ~M") keyword))
859 (when (not (or (stringp feature) (symbolp feature)))
860 (merror
861 (intl:gettext "status: second argument must be symbol or a string; found: ~M") feature))
862 (case keyword
863 ($feature (cond ((null feature) (dollarify *features*))
864 ((member (intern (if (stringp feature)
865 (maybe-invert-string-case feature)
866 (symbol-name (fullstrip1 feature)))
867 'keyword)
868 *features* :test #'equal) t)))
869 (t (merror (intl:gettext "status: unknown argument: ~M") keyword)))))
871 (defquote $sstatus (keyword item)
872 (cond ((equal keyword '$feature)
873 (pushnew ($mkey item) *features*) t)
874 ((equal keyword '$nofeature)
875 (setq *features* (delete ($mkey item) *features*)) t)
877 (merror (intl:gettext "sstatus: unknown argument: ~M") keyword))))
879 (dolist (l '($sin $cos $tan $log $plog $sec $csc $cot $sinh $cosh
880 $tanh $sech $csch $coth $asin $acos $atan $acot $acsc $asec $asinh
881 $acosh $atanh $acsch $asech $acoth $binomial $gamma $genfact $del))
882 (let ((x ($nounify l)))
883 (putprop l x 'alias)
884 (putprop x l 'reversealias)))
886 ($nounify '$sum)
887 ($nounify '$lsum)
888 ($nounify '$product)
889 ($nounify '$integrate)
890 ($nounify '$limit)
892 (defprop $diff %derivative verb)
893 (defprop %derivative $diff noun)
895 (mapc #'(lambda (x) (putprop (car x) (cadr x) 'assign))
896 '(($debugmode debugmode1)
897 ($fpprec fpprec1) ($poislim poislim1)
898 ($default_let_rule_package let-rule-setter)
899 ($current_let_rule_package let-rule-setter)
900 ($let_rule_packages let-rule-setter)))
902 (mapc #'(lambda (x) (putprop x 'neverset 'assign)) (cdr $infolists))
904 (defprop $contexts neverset assign)
906 (eval-when
907 #+gcl (compile eval)
908 #-gcl (:compile-toplevel :execute)
909 (setq *print-base* old-base *read-base* old-ibase))