1 Maxima 5.45-post change log
2 ===========================
12 * new code to commute conjugate of derivative (Commit [565fcf])
13 * Gnuplot's plot window title is now "plot2d" or "plot3d" (Commit [3ad574])
21 Changes in the Windows installer:
22 ---------------------------------
23 * Update SBCL, wxMaxima, TCL/TK, Gnuplot
24 * Use the HTML manual (not the PDF version) in the start menu.
25 * Strip included C programs (saves some space).
27 Bug fixes for numbered bugs:
28 ----------------------------
29 * \#380: algsys a*b=c*d grossly incomplete
30 * \#484: limit(x=0,x,0) wrong
31 * \#1097: pattern variable appears in letsimp result
33 * \#2709: `letsimp' is wrong if `ratexpand' is called
34 * \#2837: ev causes bogus WNA checks for sum, product, define and ":"
35 * \#2876: Error simplifying infix operators declared l/rassociative
36 * \#2921: errcatch fails to catch various errors
37 * \#2953: limit loops endlessly
38 * \#3068: taylor of CRE fails
39 * \#3483: limit apparently causes infinite loop
40 * \#3736: Quoting either min or max inhibits simplification
41 * \#3764: limit of min works with assume but not with asksign
42 * \#3765: min(und,...) gives error with trylevel > 1
43 * \#3769: max or min called on CRE expressions
44 * \#3793: plot2d fails on small x-range
45 * \#3796: plot3d doesn't support rotation in 5.45
46 * \#3797: plot2d(0, ...) gives "can't plot with empty y range" -- regression
47 * \#3801: error sourcing .xmaximarc on Windows
48 * \#3805: plot2d should give a clean user error for undefined functions
49 * \#3807: plot2d heuristic to detect unbound variables excludes valid cases
50 * \#3819: Implicit plot2d calculating 1/0 gives Lisp error
51 * \#3820: testsuite with display_all = true
52 * \#3838: limit(atan(sin(x)),x,inf,plus) --> atan(ind)
53 * \#3844: Wrong limit involving gamma function
54 * \#3883: plot creates invalid gnuplot command
55 * \#3907: gnuplot_postamble not actually the last Gnuplot output before plot
56 * \#3936: plot2d sends invalid file to gnuplot
58 Unnumbered bugs fixed: