Fix typo in display-html-help
[maxima.git] / share / colnew / colnew-if.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: lisp; Package: CL-USER -*-
3 (in-package :maxima)
5 ;; Raw interface to colnew where essentially all of the parameters for
6 ;; colnew are exposed. The f, df, g, dg, and init-guess parameters
7 ;; must be functions.
8 (defun $colnew_expert (ncomp m aleft aright zeta ipar ltol tol fixpnt ispace fspace
9 iflag f df g dg init-guess)
10 (flet ((convert-to-array (mlist atype)
11 ;; Convert the Maxima lists to arrays
12 (make-array (length (cdr mlist)) :element-type atype
13 :initial-contents (cdr mlist)))
14 (convert-to-mlist (v)
15 (list* '(mlist) (coerce v 'list))))
16 (let ((a-m (convert-to-array m 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
17 (a-zeta (convert-to-array zeta 'double-float))
18 (a-ipar (convert-to-array ipar 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
19 (a-ltol (convert-to-array ltol 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
20 (a-tol (convert-to-array tol 'double-float))
21 (a-fixpnt (convert-to-array fixpnt 'double-float))
22 (a-ispace (convert-to-array ispace 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
23 (a-fspace (convert-to-array fspace 'double-float))
24 (f (coerce-float-fun f))
25 (df (coerce-float-fun df))
26 (g (coerce-float-fun g))
27 (dg (coerce-float-fun dg))
28 (nz (reduce #'+ (cdr m))))
29 (flet ((fsub (x z f-array)
30 (declare (type (cl:array double-float (*)) z f-array)
31 (double-float x))
32 (let ((res (apply f x (coerce (subseq z 0 nz) 'list))))
33 (when (listp res)
34 (loop for k from 0
35 for ff in (cdr res)
37 (setf (aref f-array k) ($float ff)))))
38 (values nil nil f-array))
39 (dfsub (x z df-array)
40 (declare (type (cl:array double-float (*)) z df-array)
41 (double-float x))
42 (let ((res (apply df x (coerce (subseq z 0 nz) 'list))))
43 ;; res is a Maxima matrix.
44 (when (listp res)
45 (loop for row from 1
46 for row-list in (cdr res)
48 (loop for col from 1
49 for element in (cdr row-list)
51 (setf (f2cl-lib::fref df-array (row col) ((1 ncomp) (1 *))) ($float element))))))
52 (values nil nil df-array))
53 (gsub (i z dummy)
54 (declare (type (cl:array double-float (*)) z)
55 (type f2cl-lib:integer4 i))
56 (declare (ignore dummy))
57 (let ((res (apply g i (coerce (subseq z 0 nz) 'list))))
58 (values nil nil res)))
59 (dgsub (i z dg-array)
60 (declare (type (cl:array double-float (*)) z dg-array)
61 (type f2cl-lib:integer4 i))
62 (let ((res (apply dg i (coerce (subseq z 0 nz) 'list))))
63 (loop for k from 0
64 for ff in (cdr res)
66 (setf (aref dg-array k) ($float ff))))
67 (values nil nil dg-array))
68 (guess (x z dmval)
69 (declare (double-float x)
70 (type (cl:array double-float (*)) z dmval))
71 (let* ((res ($float (mcall init-guess x)))
72 (new-z (second res))
73 (new-d (third res)))
74 (loop for k from 0
75 for ff in (cdr new-d)
76 do (setf (aref dmval k) ($float ff)))
77 (loop for k from 0
78 for ff in (cdr new-z)
79 do (setf (aref z k) ($float ff))))
80 (values nil z dmval)))
81 (multiple-value-bind (z-ncomp z-m z-aleft z-aright z-zeta z-ipar z-ltol z-tol
82 z-fixpnt z-ispace z-fspace o-iflag)
83 (colnew:colnew ncomp
84 a-m
85 ($float aleft)
86 ($float aright)
87 a-zeta
88 a-ipar
89 a-ltol
90 a-tol
91 a-fixpnt
92 a-ispace
93 a-fspace
94 iflag
95 #'fsub
96 #'dfsub
97 #'gsub
98 #'dgsub
99 #'guess)
100 (declare (ignore z-ncomp z-m z-aleft z-aright z-zeta z-ipar z-ltol z-tol
101 z-fixpnt z-ispace z-fspace))
102 (list '(mlist)
103 o-iflag
104 (convert-to-mlist a-fspace)
105 (convert-to-mlist a-ispace)))))))
107 ;; This is a slight extension of the actual APPSLN function. The X
108 ;; must be a list. The output is then a list of the z values for each
109 ;; x. The z values themselves are lists.
110 (defun $colnew_appsln (x zlen fspace ispace)
111 (flet ((convert-to-array (mlist atype)
112 (make-array (length (cdr mlist)) :element-type atype
113 :initial-contents (cdr mlist)))
114 (convert-to-mlist (v)
115 (list* '(mlist) (coerce v 'list))))
116 (let ((a-fspace (convert-to-array fspace 'double-float))
117 (a-ispace (convert-to-array ispace 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
118 (z (make-array zlen :element-type 'double-float))
119 (result nil))
120 (dolist (pnt (cdr x))
121 (colnew:appsln ($float pnt) z a-fspace a-ispace)
122 (push (convert-to-mlist z) result))
123 (list* '(mlist) (nreverse result)))))