Fix typo in display-html-help
[maxima.git] / share / contrib / mcclim / formula.lisp
1 ;; A simple proof-of-concept CLIM formatter for math formulae.
2 ;; Magic fudge factors abound.
4 ;; FIXME: This is all a big hack.
6 (defparameter *text-size* 75)
8 (defgeneric display-formula (stream form))
9 (defgeneric display-function (stream name))
10 (defgeneric display-compound-form (form operator operands))
13 (defmethod display-formula (stream form)
14 (princ form stream))
16 (defmethod display-formula (stream (form list))
17 (display-compound-form stream (first form) (rest form)))
19 (defmethod display-function (stream name)
20 (princ name stream))
22 (defmethod display-compound-form (stream operator operands)
23 (display-function stream operator)
24 (write-char #\( stream)
25 (loop for exp in operands and idx from 0 by 1 do
26 (progn
27 (unless (zerop idx)
28 (write-string ", " stream))
29 (display-formula stream exp)))
30 (write-char #\) stream))
32 (defun connect-addition-operands (a b stream)
33 "Print connecting operator between A and B, and present B (A should already have been printed)"
34 (unless (and (listp b)
35 (eq (first b) '-)
36 (= (length b) 2))
37 (write-string "+" stream))
38 (display-formula stream b))
40 (defun print-in-parens (stream fn)
41 (write-string "(" stream)
42 (funcall fn)
43 (write-string ")" stream))
45 (defmacro with-parens ((stream) &body body)
46 `(print-in-parens ,stream (lambda () ,@body)))
49 (defun connect-subtraction-operands (a b stream)
50 "Print connecting operator between A and B, and present B (A should already have been printed)"
51 (let ((outer (if (and (listp b)
52 (eq (first b) '-)
53 (= (length b) 2))
54 #'print-in-parens
55 #'funcall)))
56 (write-string "-" stream)
57 (funcall outer (lambda () (display-formula stream b)))))
59 (defun dopairs (fn list args)
60 (when (and list (> (length list) 1))
61 (apply fn (first list) (second list) args)
62 (dopairs fn (rest list) args)))
66 (defmethod display-compound-form (stream (operator (eql '+)) operands)
67 (when operands
68 (display-formula stream (first operands))
69 (dopairs #'connect-addition-operands operands (list stream))))
71 (defmethod display-compound-form (stream (operator (eql '-)) operands)
72 (cond ((zerop (length operands))
73 (error "No arguments to subtraction operator"))
74 ((= 1 (length operands))
75 (write-string "-" stream)
76 (display-formula stream (first operands)))
77 (t (display-formula stream (first operands))
78 (dopairs #'connect-subtraction-operands operands (list stream)))))
80 (defun connect-multiplication-operands (a b stream)
81 (write-string "*" stream)
82 (display-formula stream b))
84 (defmethod display-compound-form (stream (operator (eql '*)) operands)
85 (cond ((zerop (length operands))
86 (error "No arguments to multiplication operator"))
87 (t (display-formula stream (first operands))
88 (dopairs #'connect-multiplication-operands operands (list stream)))))
90 (defun connect-division-operands (a b stream)
91 (write-string "/" stream)
92 (display-formula stream b))
94 (defmethod display-compound-form (stream (operator (eql '/)) operands)
95 (cond ((zerop (length operands))
96 (error "No arguments to division operator"))
97 ((= 1 (length operands))
98 (write-string "1/" stream)
99 (display-formula stream (first operands)))
100 (t (display-formula stream (first operands))
101 (dopairs #'connect-division-operands operands (list stream)))))
103 (defmethod display-compound-form (stream (operator (eql 'expt)) operands)
104 (display-formula stream (first operands))
105 (write-string "^" stream)
106 (display-formula stream (second operands)))
108 ;; Magic CLIM bits
110 (defmethod display-compound-form ((stream clim:extended-output-stream) (operator (eql '/)) operands)
111 (cond ((zerop (length operands))
112 (error "No arguments to division operator"))
113 ((= 1 (length operands)) ;; FIXME
114 (write-string "1/" stream)
115 (display-formula stream (first operands)))
116 ((= 2 (length operands)) ;; This is the pretty case which we should normalize toward.
117 (multiple-value-bind (cx cy) (clim:stream-cursor-position stream)
118 (let* ((dividend-or (clim:with-output-to-output-record (stream)
119 (display-formula stream (first operands))))
120 (divisor-or (clim:with-output-to-output-record (stream)
121 (display-formula stream (second operands))))
122 (width (* 1.15 (max (clim:bounding-rectangle-width dividend-or)
123 (clim:bounding-rectangle-width divisor-or))))
124 (sum-height (+ (clim:bounding-rectangle-height dividend-or)
125 (clim:bounding-rectangle-height divisor-or)))
126 (split 1/4)
127 (thickness-ratio 0.65)
128 (size (* 0.04 sum-height))
129 (thickness (* thickness-ratio size))
130 (y0 (clim:bounding-rectangle-height dividend-or))
131 (y1 (+ y0 (* split size)))
132 (y2 (+ y0 size))
133 (combined-or (clim:with-output-to-output-record (stream)
134 (setf (clim:output-record-position dividend-or)
135 (values (/ (- width (clim:bounding-rectangle-width dividend-or)) 2)
137 (clim:output-record-position divisor-or)
138 (values (/ (- width (clim:bounding-rectangle-width divisor-or)) 2)
139 y2))
140 (clim:stream-add-output-record stream dividend-or)
141 (clim:draw-line* stream 0 y1 width y1
142 :line-thickness thickness
143 :line-cap-shape :round)
144 (clim:stream-add-output-record stream divisor-or))))
145 (setf (clim:output-record-position combined-or)
146 (values cx
147 (- cy 3 (clim:bounding-rectangle-height dividend-or)
148 (- (/ (clim:text-style-height (clim:medium-text-style stream) stream) 2))))
149 #+NIL (clim:stream-cursor-position stream) #+NIL
150 (values (+ cx (clim:bounding-rectangle-width combined-or))
151 cy))
152 (clim:stream-add-output-record stream combined-or)
153 (clim:stream-close-text-output-record stream)
154 #+NIL (clim:replay-output-record combined-or stream))))
155 (t (display-formula stream (first operands))
156 (dopairs #'connect-division-operands operands (list stream)))))
158 (defun superscript-text-size (size)
159 (assert (numberp size))
160 (max 10 (round (* 0.6 size)))) ;; FIXME stream
162 (defmethod display-compound-form ((stream clim:extended-output-stream) (operator (eql 'expt)) operands)
163 (unless (= (length operands) 2)
164 (error "EXPT requires 2 operands"))
165 (let ((base-or (clim:with-new-output-record (stream)
166 (display-formula stream (first operands)))))
167 (multiple-value-bind (cx cy) (clim:stream-cursor-position stream)
168 (let* ((*text-size* (superscript-text-size (clim:text-style-size (clim:medium-text-style stream))))
169 (exponent-or (clim:with-output-to-output-record (stream)
170 (display-formula stream (second operands))))
171 (h0 (clim:bounding-rectangle-height exponent-or))
172 (h1 (clim:bounding-rectangle-height base-or))
173 (dy (max 0.0 (- h0 (* 0.4 h1)))))
174 (setf (clim:output-record-position exponent-or)
175 (values cx (- cy dy)))
176 (clim:stream-add-output-record stream exponent-or)
177 (clim:stream-close-text-output-record stream)))))
180 ;; This :around method is where most of the CLIM magic occurs (output is captured into
181 ;; presentations, and some formatting kludgery occurs)
182 (defmethod display-formula :around ((stream clim:extended-output-stream) form)
183 (clim:with-text-size (stream *text-size*)
184 (multiple-value-bind (cx cy) (clim:stream-cursor-position stream)
185 (let ((record (clim:with-output-to-output-record (stream) ;; FIXME why are forms seemingly not presented?
186 (clim:with-output-as-presentation (stream form (if (listp form) 'form (clim:presentation-type-of form))) ;; this is suspect..
187 (call-next-method stream form)))))
188 (clim:with-bounding-rectangle* (x0 y0 x1 y1) record
189 (setf (clim:output-record-position record) (values (+ x0 1 cx) (+ y0 cy))))
190 (clim:stream-add-output-record stream record)
191 (clim:stream-close-text-output-record stream)
192 (multiple-value-bind (nx ny) (clim:stream-cursor-position stream)
193 (setf (clim:stream-cursor-position stream)
194 (values (+ cx 3 (clim:bounding-rectangle-width record)) cy)))
195 #+NIL
196 (clim:with-bounding-rectangle* (x0 y0 x1 y1) record
197 (hef:debugf x0 y0 x1 y1)
198 (clim:draw-rectangle* stream x0 y0 x1 y1 :filled nil :ink clim:+blue+))
199 (when (clim:stream-drawing-p stream)
200 (clim:replay-output-record record stream))))))
202 (defun foof ()
203 (display-formula *standard-output*
204 '(+ 12.3 (* 2 pi) (- 2) (- 4 5) (/ (* 3 a b) (* 2 x)) (log 2) (fn 2 a b) (expt 2 x))))
206 (defun bar ()
207 (display-formula *standard-output*
208 '(/ 1 (expt 2 (+ 1 (expt 3 (expt x x)))))))
210 (defun baz ()
211 (display-formula *standard-output*
212 '(/ (/ (expt 2 (expt 2 x)) (/ (+ 1 (expt 2 x)) x))
213 (+ (expt 2 (expt 2 x)) (/ (+ 1 (expt 2 x)) x)))))
216 (with-open-file (out "/home/hefner/"
217 :direction :output
218 :if-exists :supersede)
219 (CLIM:WITH-OUTPUT-TO-POSTSCRIPT-STREAM (*standard-output* out
220 :multi-page t
221 :scale-to-fit nil)
222 (clim:with-room-for-graphics (*standard-output* :first-quadrant nil)
223 (clim:with-text-family (*standard-output* :serif)
224 (dotimes (i 10) (terpri))
225 (baz) ))))