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[maxima.git] / share / numeric / fft-interface.lisp
1 ;; -*- Lisp -*-
3 ;; Maxima interface to the FFT routines and some various related
4 ;; utilities.
6 (in-package :maxima)
8 ;; These functions perhaps need revision if they are
9 ;; needed at all. Output ignores the type of input.
10 (defun $recttopolar (rary iary)
11 (let ((fast-rary (maxima-fft:fft-arg-check '$recttopolar rary))
12 (fast-iary (maxima-fft:fft-arg-check '$recttopolar iary)))
13 (maxima-fft:complex-to-polar fast-rary fast-iary)
14 (list '(mlist) rary iary)))
16 (defun $polartorect (rary iary)
17 (let ((fast-rary (maxima-fft:fft-arg-check '$polartorect rary))
18 (fast-iary (maxima-fft:fft-arg-check '$polartorect iary)))
19 (maxima-fft:polar-to-complex fast-rary fast-iary)
20 (list '(mlist) rary iary)))
22 ;; Maxima's forward FFT routine.
23 (defun $fft (input)
24 (multiple-value-bind (z from-lisp)
25 (maxima-fft:find-complex-fft-converters input)
26 (let* ((size (length z))
27 (order (maxima-fft:log-base2 size)))
28 (unless (= size (ash 1 order))
29 (merror "fft: size of input must be a power of 2, not ~M" size))
30 (when (> (length z) 1)
31 (setf z (maxima-fft:fft-r2-nn z)))
32 (funcall from-lisp z))))
34 ;; Maxima's inverse FFT routine.
35 (defun $inverse_fft (input)
36 (multiple-value-bind (z from-lisp)
37 (maxima-fft:find-complex-fft-converters input "inverse_fft")
38 (let* ((size (length z))
39 (order (maxima-fft:log-base2 size)))
40 (unless (= size (ash 1 order))
41 (merror "inverse_fft: size of input must be a power of 2, not ~M" size))
42 (when (> (length z) 1)
43 (setf z (maxima-fft:fft-r2-nn z :inverse-fft-p t)))
44 (funcall from-lisp z))))
46 ;;; Maxima's RFFT function.
47 ;;;
48 ;;; The input is assumed to consist of objects that can be converted
49 ;;; to a real-valued float. If the input has length N, then the
50 ;;; output is a complex reuslt of length N/2 + 1 because of the
51 ;;; symmetry of the FFT for real inputs.
52 (defun $real_fft (input)
53 (multiple-value-bind (z from-lisp input-length)
54 (maxima-fft:find-rfft-converters input)
55 (declare (type (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) z))
56 (unless (= input-length (ash 1 (maxima-fft:log-base2 input-length)))
57 (merror "real_fft: size of input must be a power of 2, not ~M" input-length))
58 (let* ((n (ash (length z) 1))
59 (result (make-array (1+ (length z)) :element-type '(complex double-float))))
60 ;; This declaration causes CCL to generate incorrect code for at
61 ;; least version 1.11 DarwinX8664 on OSX 10.11.3. Disable it.
62 #-ccl
63 (declare (type (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) result))
65 ;; We don't handle input of length 4 or less. Use the complex
66 ;; FFT routine to produce the desired (correct) output.
67 (when (< n 3)
68 (return-from $real_fft ($fft input)))
69 (locally
70 ;; Setting safety to 0 causes an internal compiler error with CCL 1.11.
71 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety #-ccl 0 #+ccl 1)))
72 ;; Compute FFT of shorter complex vector.
73 (setf z (maxima-fft:fft-r2-nn z))
75 ;; Reconstruct the FFT of the original from the parts
76 (setf (aref result 0)
77 (complex (* 0.5
78 (+ (realpart (aref z 0))
79 (imagpart (aref z 0))))))
81 (let ((sincos (maxima-fft:sincos-table (maxima-fft:log-base2 n)))
82 (n/2 (length z)))
83 (declare (type (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) sincos))
85 ;;(format t "n/2 = ~A~%" n/2)
86 (loop for k of-type fixnum from 1 below (length z) do
87 (setf (aref result k)
88 (* 0.25 (+ (+ (aref z k)
89 (conjugate (aref z (- n/2 k))))
90 (* #c(0 -1d0)
91 (aref sincos k)
92 (- (aref z k)
93 (conjugate (aref z (- n/2 k)))))))))
94 (setf (aref result (length z))
95 (complex
96 (* 0.5
97 (- (realpart (aref z 0))
98 (imagpart (aref z 0))))))))
99 (funcall from-lisp result))))
101 ;;; Maxima's inverse RFFT routine.
103 ;;; The input is assumed to consist of objects that can be converted
104 ;;; to a complex-valued floats. The input MUST have a length that is
105 ;;; one more than a power of two, as is returned by RFFT.
106 (defun $inverse_real_fft (input)
107 (multiple-value-bind (ft from-lisp)
108 (maxima-fft:find-irfft-converters input)
109 ;; declarations + (SPEED 3) tickles bug:
110 #-sbcl (declare (type (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) ft))
111 (let* ((n (1- (length ft))))
112 (when (< n 2)
113 ;; Just use the regular inverse fft to compute these values
114 ;; because inverse_real_fft below doesn't work for these cases.
115 (return-from $inverse_real_fft ($inverse_fft input)))
116 (let* ((order (maxima-fft:log-base2 n))
117 (sincos (maxima-fft:sincos-table (1+ order)))
118 (z (make-array n :element-type '(complex double-float))))
119 #-sbcl (declare (type (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) sincos))
121 (unless (= n (ash 1 order))
122 (merror "inverse_real_fft: input length must be one more than a power of two, not ~M" (1+ n)))
124 (locally
125 #+sbcl nil #-sbcl (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
126 (loop for k from 0 below n
128 (let ((evenpart (+ (aref ft k)
129 (conjugate (aref ft (- n k)))))
130 (oddpart (* (- (aref ft k)
131 (conjugate (aref ft (- n k))))
132 (conjugate (aref sincos k)))))
133 (setf (aref z k) (+ evenpart
134 (* #c(0 1d0) oddpart)))))
136 (setf z (maxima-fft:fft-r2-nn z :inverse-fft-p t)))
137 (funcall from-lisp z)))))
139 ;; Bigfloat forward and inverse FFTs. Length of the input must be a
140 ;; power of 2.
141 (defun $bf_fft (input)
142 (multiple-value-bind (z from-lisp)
143 (maxima-fft:find-bf-fft-converter input)
144 (let ((n (length z)))
145 (unless (= n (ash 1 (maxima-fft:log-base2 n)))
146 (merror "bf_fft: size of input must be a power of 2, not ~M" n))
147 (if (> n 1)
148 (funcall from-lisp (bigfloat::fft-r2-nn z))
149 (funcall from-lisp z)))))
151 (defun $bf_inverse_fft (input)
152 (multiple-value-bind (x unconvert)
153 (maxima-fft:find-bf-fft-converter input "bf_inverse_fft")
154 (let ((n (length x)))
155 (unless (= n (ash 1 (maxima-fft:log-base2 n)))
156 (merror "bf_inverse_fft: size of input must be a power of 2, not ~M" n))
157 (if (> n 1)
158 (funcall unconvert (bigfloat::fft-r2-nn x :inverse-fft-p t))
159 (funcall unconvert x)))))
161 (defun $bf_real_fft (input)
162 (multiple-value-bind (z from-lisp)
163 (maxima-fft:find-bf-rfft-converters input)
164 (let* ((n (ash (length z) 1))
165 (result (make-array (1+ (length z)))))
167 (when (< n 3)
168 (return-from $bf_real_fft ($bf_fft input)))
170 ;; Compute FFT of shorter complex vector. NOTE: the result
171 ;; returned by bigfloat:fft has scaled the output by the length of
172 ;; z. That is, divided by n/2. For our final result, we want to
173 ;; divide by n, so in the following bits of code, we have an
174 ;; extra factor of 2 to divide by.
175 (setf z (bigfloat::fft-r2-nn z))
177 ;;(format t "z = ~A~%" z)
178 ;; Reconstruct the FFT of the original from the parts
179 (setf (aref result 0)
180 (bigfloat:* 0.5
181 (bigfloat:+ (bigfloat:realpart (aref z 0))
182 (bigfloat:imagpart (aref z 0)))))
184 (let ((sincos (bigfloat::sincos-table (maxima-fft:log-base2 n)))
185 (n/2 (length z)))
186 ;;(format t "n/2 = ~A~%" n/2)
187 (loop for k from 1 below (length z) do
188 (setf (aref result k)
189 (bigfloat:* 0.25 (bigfloat:+ (bigfloat:+ (aref z k)
190 (bigfloat:conjugate (aref z (- n/2 k))))
191 (bigfloat:* #c(0 -1)
192 (aref sincos k)
193 (bigfloat:- (aref z k)
194 (bigfloat:conjugate (aref z (- n/2 k)))))))))
195 (setf (aref result (length z))
196 (bigfloat:* 0.5
197 (bigfloat:- (bigfloat:realpart (aref z 0))
198 (bigfloat:imagpart (aref z 0)))))
199 (funcall from-lisp result)))))
201 (defun $bf_inverse_real_fft (input)
202 (multiple-value-bind (ft from-lisp)
203 (maxima-fft:find-bf-irfft-converters input)
204 (let* ((n (1- (length ft))))
205 (when (< n 2)
206 ;; Just use the regular inverse fft to compute these values
207 ;; because inverse_real_fft below doesn't work for these cases.
208 (return-from $bf_inverse_real_fft ($bf_inverse_fft input)))
210 (let* ((z (make-array n))
211 (order (maxima-fft:log-base2 n))
212 (sincos (bigfloat::sincos-table (1+ order))))
214 (unless (= n (ash 1 order))
215 (merror "bf_inverse_real_fft: input length must be one more than a power of two, not ~M" (1+ n)))
217 (loop for k from 0 below n
219 (let ((evenpart (bigfloat:+ (aref ft k)
220 (bigfloat:conjugate (aref ft (- n k)))))
221 (oddpart (bigfloat:* (bigfloat:- (aref ft k)
222 (bigfloat:conjugate (aref ft (- n k))))
223 (bigfloat:conjugate (aref sincos k)))))
224 (setf (aref z k)
225 (bigfloat:+ evenpart
226 (bigfloat:* #c(0 1) oddpart)))))
228 ;;(format t "z = ~A~%" z)
229 (let ((inverse (bigfloat::fft-r2-nn z :inverse-fft-p t)))
230 ;;(format t "inverse = ~A~%" inverse)
231 (funcall from-lisp inverse))))))