Fix typo in display-html-help
[maxima.git] / share / vector / vector_rebuild.lisp
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
4 ;; Some utilities for working with vectors.
6 ;; Copyright (C) Nov. 2008 Volker van Nek
8 ;; modified 08-12-03: vector_factor factors lists and matrices
9 ;; 08-12-05: vector_eval: $ratprint set to false
10 ;; 08-12-10: rename stardisp to stardisp1, assign property of $stardisp
11 ;; 08-12-14: vector_eval: cut out sratsimp, rename it to vector_simp
12 ;; $vector_rebuild: evaluate mnctimes, bugfix case mdefine
13 ;; 20-02-27: TeX-support added
15 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
18 ;; (at your option) any later version.
20 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
25 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 ;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
27 ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
28 ;; MA 02110-1301, USA.
30 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
32 ;; Functions at Maxima level:
33 ;; vector_rebuild(x), vector_rebuild(x,[param_list])
34 ;; vector_simp(x), has evfun property
35 ;; vector_factor(x), has evfun property
36 ;; extract_equations(x)
38 ;; Operators at Maxima level:
39 ;; |x| vector length
40 ;; x~y cross product (lbp=134, rbp=133)
42 ;; Option variable at Maxima level:
43 ;; vector_factor_minus
45 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
47 ;; mtimesq
49 ;; In combination with setting listarith & friends to false
50 ;; mtimesq allows to suppress automatic arithmetrics
51 ;; and to bypass the displa function dim-mquotient:
52 ;; 1 1 [ 2 ]
53 ;; 1/r*[2,3]; --> - [2, 3] or 1/r*matrix([2],[3]);--> - [ ]
54 ;; r r [ 3 ]
55 ;; mtimesq display symbol is "*" and is settable by stardisp.
56 ;; One evaluation steps from mtimesq to mtimes and vice versa.
58 (meval `(($infix) mtimesq 120 119))
59 (defprop mtimesq simp-mtimesq operators)
61 (defun simp-mtimesq (a tmp z)
62 (declare (ignore tmp))
63 `((mtimesq simp) ,(simplifya (cadr a) z) ,(simplifya (caddr a) z)))
65 (defmfun mtimesq (a b) `((mtimes simp) ,a ,b))
67 (putprop 'mtimesq (get 'mtimes 'dissym) 'dissym)
69 ;; extend stardisp in displa.lisp :
70 (defun stardisp1 (symbol val)
71 (declare (ignore symbol))
72 (putprop 'mtimes (if val '(#\*) '(#\space)) 'dissym)
73 (putprop 'mtimesq (get 'mtimes 'dissym) 'dissym) )
75 (defprop $stardisp stardisp1 assign)
77 (defun mtimesqp (expr)
78 (and (not (atom expr)) (eq 'mtimesq (caar expr))) )
80 ;; TeX-support:
81 (putprop 'mtimesq 'tex-mtimesq 'tex)
83 (defun tex-mtimesq (x l r)
84 (append l
85 (tex (cadr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)
86 `("\\,")
87 ; `("\\cdot") ; if preferred
88 (tex (caddr x) nil nil 'mparen 'mparen)
89 r ))
91 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
93 ;; $vector_simp
95 (defun $vector_simp (expre$$ion)
96 (let (($listarith t) ($doallmxops t))
97 ($expand (meval `(($ev) ,expre$$ion $infeval))) ))
98 ;; mtimesq needs an extra evaluation here
100 (putprop '$vector_simp t 'evfun)
102 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
104 ;; $vector_rebuild
106 (defun $vector_rebuild (expr &optional (params '((mlist))) )
107 (when (or (not ($listp params))
108 (some #'(lambda (p) (or ($constantp p)
109 (not (or ($symbolp p) ($subvarp p)))))
110 (cdr params)))
111 (merror
112 (format nil "The optional second argument to `vector_rebuild'~%~
113 must be a list of symbols or subscripted variables.")))
114 (if (or (atom expr) ($scalarp expr))
115 expr
116 (let ((op (mop expr))
117 (args (margs expr)) )
118 (if (not (car args)) (return-from $vector_rebuild expr)) ;; noarg-op
119 (cond
120 ((eq op 'mequal)
121 (cons `(mequal simp)
122 (mapcar #'(lambda (arg) ($vector_rebuild arg params)) args) ))
123 ((eq op 'mdefine)
124 (meval `((mdefine simp)
125 ,(cadr expr)
126 ,($vector_rebuild (caddr expr) params)) ))
128 (vector-rebuild expr (cdr params)) )))))
130 (defun vector-rebuild (expr params)
131 (let (coef-matrix col-flag tmp-vec col
132 (res '((mplus) 0))
133 (n 0)
134 (vec ($vector_simp expr)) )
135 (when (not (vector-p vec)) (return-from vector-rebuild expr))
136 (when (zero-vector-p vec) (return-from vector-rebuild vec))
137 (when (column-vector-p vec) (setq col-flag t))
138 (dolist (a (cdr vec))
139 (when col-flag (setq a (cadr a)))
140 (setq coef-matrix
141 (append coef-matrix (list (coef-list a params)))) )
142 (setq params (append params '(1)))
143 (dolist (p params)
144 (setq col (mapcar #'(lambda (row) (nth n row)) coef-matrix))
145 (incf n)
146 (when (some #'(lambda (e) (not (zerop1 e))) col)
147 (progn
148 (setq tmp-vec `((mlist simp) ,@col) )
149 (when col-flag
150 (setq tmp-vec (row-to-column tmp-vec)))
151 (setq res
152 (append res `(((mtimes) ,p ,tmp-vec)) ))) ))
153 (meval res) ))
155 ;; e.g. expr=4-2*t+3*s, params=(s t) --> (3 -2 4)
156 (defun coef-list (expr params)
157 (let (res c)
158 (dolist (p params)
159 (setq c (meval `(($coeff) ,expr ,p)))
160 (push c res)
161 (setq expr
162 (meval `((mplus) ,expr ((mtimes) ((mminus) ,c) ,p))) ))
163 (reverse (cons expr res)) ))
165 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
167 ;; $extract_equations
169 (defun $extract_equations (equation)
170 (let ((err-msg "Argument to `extract_equations' is not a vector equation.")
171 args left right)
172 (and (not (atom equation))
173 (not (eq (mop equation) 'mequal))
174 (merror err-msg))
175 (setq args (cdr equation))
176 (setq left ($vector_simp (car args)))
177 (setq right ($vector_simp (cadr args)))
178 (cond
179 ((and (vector-p left) (vector-p right))) ;; OK
180 ;; due to a bug in Maxima allow left or right to be zero:
181 ((and (eql 0 left) (vector-p right))
182 (setq left
183 (cons '(mlist simp)
184 (make-list (vector-dim right) :initial-element 0))) )
185 ((and (eql 0 right) (vector-p left))
186 (setq right
187 (cons '(mlist simp)
188 (make-list (vector-dim left) :initial-element 0))) )
190 (merror err-msg) ))
191 (when (not ($listp left)) (setq left (column-to-row left)))
192 (when (not ($listp right)) (setq right (column-to-row right)))
193 (meval `(($map) "=" ,left ,right)) ))
195 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
197 ;; $vector_factor
199 (defun $vector_factor (expr)
200 (if (atom expr)
201 expr
202 (let ((op (mop expr)))
203 (cond
204 ((eq op 'mequal)
205 `((mequal simp) ,@(mapcar #'$vector_factor (cdr expr))) )
206 ((eq op 'mdefine)
207 (meval `((mdefine simp)
208 ,(cadr expr)
209 ,($vector_factor (caddr expr))) ))
210 ((member op '(mplus mnctimes crossq) :test #'eq)
211 `((,op simp) ,@(mapcar #'$vector_factor (cdr expr))) )
213 (vector-extract-gcd expr) ))))) ;; incl. op=mtimes,mminus
215 (putprop '$vector_factor t 'evfun)
217 ;; if you wish to factor out a minus sign, set this to true
218 (defmvar $vector_factor_minus nil)
220 (defun vector-extract-gcd (expr)
221 (let (fac vec args minus-flag $ratprint)
222 (setq vec ($vector_simp expr))
223 (cond
224 ((or (zero-vector-p vec) (zero-$matrix-p vec))
225 vec)
226 ((or ($listp vec) ($matrixp vec))
227 (setq args
228 (if ($listp vec)
229 (cdr vec)
230 (apply #'append (mapcar #'cdr (cdr vec))) ))
231 (setq fac
232 (reduce #'(lambda (a b) ($gcd a b)) (cons (car args) args)))
233 (setq vec
234 (meval
235 `(($fullmapl)
236 ((lambda) ((mlist) e) (($ratsimp) ((mquotient) e ,fac)))
237 ,vec )))
238 (and
239 $vector_factor_minus
240 (every
241 #'(lambda (a) (eq t (meval `(($is) ((mlessp) ,a 0)))))
242 args)
243 (setq minus-flag t)
244 (setq vec
245 (meval
246 `(($fullmapl) ((lambda) ((mlist) e) ((mminus) e)) ,vec) )))
247 (if minus-flag
248 (if (eql 1 fac)
249 `((mminus) ,vec)
250 `((mminus) ((mtimesq) ,fac ,vec)) )
251 (if (eql 1 fac)
253 `((mtimesq) ,fac ,vec) )))
255 expr ))))
257 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
259 ;; vector length
261 (meval `(($matchfix) $\| $\|))
263 (defprop $\| simp-vector-length operators)
265 (defun simp-vector-length (a tmp z)
266 (declare (ignore tmp) (ignore z))
267 (oneargcheck a)
268 (setq a ($vector_simp (cadr a)))
269 (cond
270 (($scalarp a)
271 (meval `((mabs simp) ,a)) )
272 ((vector-p a)
273 (let (args)
274 (setq args
275 (if ($listp a)
276 (cdr a)
277 (mapcar #'cadr (cdr a)) ))
278 (setq args (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (meval `((mexpt) ,a 2))) args))
279 (meval `(($sqrt simp) ((mplus simp) ,@args))) ))
281 `(($\|) ,a) )))
283 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
285 ;; cross product
287 (meval `(($infix) $\~ 134 133)) ;; lbp and rbp copied from vect.mac
289 (defprop $\~ simp-vector-cross operators)
291 ;; if it seems fit we can suppress automatic simplification
292 ;; by using an alias:
294 ;; (meval `(($infix) crossq 134 133))
295 ;; (putprop 'crossq '(#\~) 'dissym)
297 ;; (defun simp-vector-cross (a tmp z)
298 ;; (declare (ignore tmp) (ignore z))
299 ;; (twoargcheck a)
300 ;; `((crossq simp) ,(cadr a) ,(caddr a)) )
301 ;; ;; again, here is one more step of evaluation needed
303 ;; (defmfun crossq (a b)
304 ;; (let ((v ($vector_simp a))
305 ;; (w ($vector_simp b))
306 ;; cross col-flag dim-v dim-w) ;;))
308 (defun simp-vector-cross (a tmp z)
309 (declare (ignore tmp) (ignore z))
310 (twoargcheck a)
311 (let ((v ($vector_simp (cadr a)))
312 (w ($vector_simp (caddr a)))
313 cross col-flag dim-v dim-w)
314 (if (and (vector-p v) (vector-p w))
315 (progn
316 (when (column-vector-p v)
317 (setq v (column-to-row v) col-flag t))
318 (when (column-vector-p w)
319 (setq w (column-to-row w) col-flag t))
320 (setq dim-v (1- (length v)) dim-w (1- (length w)))
321 (cond
322 ((and (= 2 dim-v) (= 2 dim-w))
323 ;; v[1]*w[2]-v[2]*w[1]
324 (meval `((mplus simp)
325 ((mtimes simp) ,(cadr v) ,(caddr w))
326 ((mminus) ((mtimes simp) ,(caddr v) ,(cadr w))) )))
327 ((and (= 3 dim-v) (= 3 dim-w))
328 ;; [ v[2]*w[3]-v[3]*w[2],
329 ;; v[3]*w[1]-v[1]*w[3],
330 ;; v[1]*w[2]-v[2]*w[1] ]
331 (setq cross
332 `((mlist simp)
333 ,(meval `((mplus simp)
334 ((mtimes simp) ,(caddr v) ,(cadddr w))
335 ((mminus) ((mtimes simp) ,(cadddr v) ,(caddr w))) ))
336 ,(meval `((mplus simp)
337 ((mtimes simp) ,(cadddr v) ,(cadr w))
338 ((mminus) ((mtimes simp) ,(cadr v) ,(cadddr w))) ))
339 ,(meval `((mplus simp)
340 ((mtimes simp) ,(cadr v) ,(caddr w))
341 ((mminus) ((mtimes simp) ,(caddr v) ,(cadr w))) )) ))
342 (if col-flag
343 (row-to-column cross)
344 cross ))
346 `(($\~) ,v ,w) ) ))
347 `(($\~) ,v ,w) )))
349 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
351 ;; some small helpers
353 (defun column-to-row (col) ;; assume col to be a column vector (a $matrix)
354 (cons '(mlist simp)
355 (mapcar #'cadr (cdr col)) ))
357 (defun row-to-column (row) ;; assume row to be a row vector (a mlist)
358 (cons '($matrix simp)
359 (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (list '(mlist simp) e))
360 (cdr row) )))
362 (defun vector-dim (vec) ;; assume vec to be a row or column vector
363 (length (cdr vec)) )
365 (defun column-vector-p (obj)
366 (and ($matrixp obj)
367 (= 2 (length (cadr obj))) ))
369 (defun vector-p (obj)
370 (or ($listp obj) (column-vector-p obj)))
372 (defun zero-vector-p (obj)
373 (or (zero-mlist-p obj)
374 (and (zero-$matrix-p obj) (= 2 (length (cadr obj)))) ))
376 (defun zero-mlist-p (obj)
377 (and ($listp obj) (every #'zerop1 (cdr obj)) ))
379 (defun zero-$matrix-p (obj)
380 (and ($matrixp obj) (every #'zero-mlist-p (cdr obj)) ))
382 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;