MEVALP_TR: return result of MEVALP1_TR instead of unknown
[maxima.git] / src / acall.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;; (c) Copyright 1981 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 (in-package :maxima)
13 ;;; Run-time support for translated code.
15 ;;; GJC: Experimental macsyma array lisp level support for translated code.
16 ;;; To quickly handle the array reference and setting syntax in macsyma,
18 ;;; In macsyma arrays go by an atomic name. Lists and matrices
19 ;;; may be hacked with the array syntax, which is convient.
21 ;;; additions for handling arrays in value cell on cl --wfs
23 (macsyma-module acall)
25 (defun interval-error (fun low high)
26 (merror (intl:gettext "~@:M: lower bound ~M is greater than upper bound ~M") fun low high))
28 (defun mfuncall (f &rest l)
29 (cond ((functionp f)
30 (apply f l))
31 ((and (symbolp f) (or (macro-function f) (special-operator-p f)))
32 (eval (cons f l)))
34 (mapply f l f))))
36 ;;; ((MQAPPLY ARRAY) X Y) is a strange form, meaning (X)[Y].
38 (defun marrayref (aarray ind1 &rest inds)
39 (declare (special fixunbound flounbound))
40 (typecase aarray
41 (cl:array
42 (case (array-element-type aarray)
43 ((flonum fixnum t)
44 (apply #'aref aarray ind1 inds))
46 (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYREF: encountered array ~M of unknown type.") aarray))))
47 (cl:hash-table
48 (gethash (if inds (cons ind1 inds) ind1) aarray))
49 (cl:symbol
50 (if $use_fast_arrays
51 (let ((tem (and (boundp aarray) (symbol-value aarray))))
52 (simplify (cond ((arrayp tem)
53 (apply #'aref tem ind1 inds))
54 ((hash-table-p tem)
55 (gethash (if inds (cons ind1 inds) ind1) tem))
56 ((eq aarray 'mqapply)
57 (apply #'marrayref ind1 inds))
58 ((mget aarray 'hashar)
59 (harrfind `((,aarray array) ,ind1 ,@inds)))
60 ((symbolp tem)
61 `((,tem array) ,ind1 ,@inds))
63 (error "unknown type of array for use_fast_arrays. ~
64 the value cell should have the array or hash table")))))
65 (let (ap) ; no fast arrays
66 (simplify (cond ((setq ap (get aarray 'array))
67 (let ((val (if (null inds)
68 (aref ap ind1)
69 (apply #'aref (append (list ap ind1) inds)))))
70 ;; Check for KLUDGING array function implementation.
71 (if (case (array-element-type ap)
72 ((flonum) (= val flounbound))
73 ((fixnum) (= val fixunbound))
74 ((t) (eq val munbound))
75 (t (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYREF: encountered array pointer ~S of unknown type.") ap)))
76 (arrfind `((,aarray array) ,ind1 ,@inds))
77 val)))
78 ((setq ap (mget aarray 'array))
79 (arrfind `((,aarray array) ,ind1 ,@inds)))
80 ((setq ap (mget aarray 'hashar))
81 (harrfind `((,aarray array) ,ind1 ,@inds)))
82 ((eq aarray 'mqapply)
83 (apply #'marrayref ind1 inds))
85 `((,aarray array) ,ind1 ,@inds)))))))
86 (cl:list
87 (simplify (if (member (caar aarray) '(mlist $matrix) :test #'eq)
88 (list-ref aarray (cons ind1 inds))
89 `((mqapply array) ,aarray ,ind1 ,@inds))))
91 (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYREF: cannot retrieve an element of ~M") aarray))))
93 (defmfun $arrayapply (ar inds)
94 (unless ($listp inds)
95 (merror (intl:gettext "arrayapply: second argument must be a list; found ~M") inds))
96 (apply #'marrayref ar (cdr inds)))
98 (defmfun $arraysetapply (ar inds val)
99 (unless ($listp inds)
100 (merror (intl:gettext "arraysetapply: second argument must be a list; found ~M") inds))
101 (apply #'marrayset val ar (cdr inds)))
103 (defun marrayset (val aarray &rest all-inds)
104 (let ((ind1 (first all-inds))
105 (inds (rest all-inds)))
106 (typecase aarray
107 (cl:array
108 (case (array-element-type aarray)
109 ((fixnum flonum t)
110 (setf (apply #'aref aarray ind1 inds) val))
112 (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYSET: encountered array ~M of unknown type.") aarray))))
113 (cl:hash-table
114 (setf (gethash (if (cdr all-inds)
115 (copy-list all-inds)
116 (car all-inds))
117 aarray) val))
118 (cl:symbol
119 (let (ap)
120 (cond ((setq ap (get aarray 'array))
121 (if (null inds)
122 (setf (aref ap ind1) val)
123 (setf (apply #'aref ap all-inds) val)))
124 ((setq ap (mget aarray 'array))
125 ;; the macsyma ARRAY frob is NOT an array pointer, it
126 ;; is a GENSYM with a lisp array property, don't
127 ;; ask me why.
128 (if (null inds)
129 (setf (aref (symbol-array ap) ind1) val)
130 (setf (apply #'aref (symbol-array ap) all-inds) val)))
131 ((setq ap (mget aarray 'hashar))
132 (arrstore `((,aarray ,'array)
133 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (u) `((mquote simp) ,u)) all-inds))
134 val))
135 ((eq aarray 'mqapply)
136 (apply #'marrayset val ind1 inds))
138 (arrstore `((,aarray ,'array)
139 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (u) `((mquote simp) ,u)) all-inds))
140 val)))))
141 (cl:list (if (member (caar aarray) '(mlist $matrix) :test #'eq)
142 (list-ref aarray all-inds t val)
143 (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYSET: cannot assign to an element of ~M") aarray)))
145 (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYSET: ~M is not an array.") aarray))) )
146 val)
148 ;;; Note that all these have HEADERS on the list. The CAR of a list I
149 ;;; will call element 0. So [1,2][1] => 1
151 (defun list-ref (l indexl &optional set-flag val)
152 (cond ((atom l)
153 (merror (intl:gettext "LIST-REF: argument must be a list; found ~M") l))
154 ((null (cdr indexl))
155 (let ((n (car indexl)))
156 (cond ((and (integerp n) (plusp n)
157 (or (eq (caar l) 'mlist)
158 (eq (caar l) '$matrix)))
159 (let ((ret (do ((j 1 (1+ j))
160 (l (cdr l) (cdr l)))
161 ((or (null l) (= j n))
162 (cond ((null l)
163 (merror (intl:gettext "LIST-REF: invalid subscript: ~M") n))
164 (set-flag
165 (rplaca l val))
167 (car l)))))))
168 (if set-flag l ret)))
170 (merror (intl:gettext "LIST-REF: invalid subscript: ~M") n)))))
171 (set-flag
172 (list-ref (list-ref l `(,(car indexl))) (cdr indexl) set-flag val)
175 (list-ref (list-ref l `(,(car indexl))) (cdr indexl)))))
177 (declare-top (special $dispflag))
179 (defun display-for-tr (labelsp equationsp &rest argl)
180 (declare (special *linelabel*))
181 (do ((argl argl (cdr argl))
182 (lablist nil)
183 (tim 0))
184 ((null argl) (if labelsp `((mlist) ,@(nreverse lablist)) '$done))
185 (let ((ans (car argl)))
186 (cond ((and equationsp
187 ;; ((MEQUAL) FOO BAR)
188 (not (atom (caddr ans)))
189 (eq (caar (caddr ans)) 'mequal))
190 ;; if the ANS evaluats to something with an "="
191 ;; already then of course he really meant to use
192 ;; DISP, but we might as well do what he means right?
193 (setq ans (caddr ans))))
194 (when labelsp
195 (unless (checklabel $linechar)
196 (incf $linenum))
197 (makelabel $linechar)
198 ;; setqs the free variable *LINELABEL*, what a win,
199 ;; how convenient, now I don't need to use LET !
200 (push *linelabel* lablist)
201 (unless $nolabels
202 (setf (symbol-value *linelabel*) ans)))
203 (setq tim (get-internal-run-time))
204 (let ((*display-labels-p* (not (null lablist))))
205 (declare (special *display-labels-p*))
206 (displa `((mlabel) ,(cond (labelsp *linelabel*)) ,ans)))
207 (mterpri)
208 (timeorg tim))))
211 (defun insure-array-props (fnname ignore-mode number-of-args &aux ary)
212 (declare (ignore ignore-mode))
213 ;; called during load or eval time by the defining forms
214 ;; for translated array-functions.
215 ;; this duplicates code in JPG;MLISP (however, the code in MLISP
216 ;; is not callable because it is in a big piece of so-called
217 ;; multi-purpose code).
219 ;; This code is incredibly kludgy. For example, what if
220 ;; the function FOO[J] had a lisp array property gotten
221 ;; by ARRAY(FOO,FIXNUM,33), how is *THAT* detected by this code?
222 ;; Well, it is because that will also put an MPROP ARRAY of $FOO,
223 ;; and (ARRAYDIMS '$FOO) works! (Also checks the array property).
224 ;; Isn't that something. Shit, I never knew that ARRAYDIMS worked
225 ;; on symbols. What a crock.
226 (cond ((prog2
227 (add2lnc fnname $arrays)
228 (setq ary (mgetl fnname '(hashar array))))
229 (unless (= (if (eq (car ary) 'hashar)
230 (aref (symbol-array (cadr ary)) 2)
231 (length (cdr (arraydims (cadr ary)))))
232 number-of-args)
233 (merror (intl:gettext "INSURE-ARRAY-PROPS: array ~:@M already defined with different dimensions.") fnname)))
235 (setq ary (gensym))
236 (mputprop fnname ary 'hashar)
237 (setf (symbol-array ary) (make-array 7 :initial-element nil))
238 (setf (aref (symbol-array ary) 0) 4)
239 (setf (aref (symbol-array ary) 1) 0)
240 (setf (aref (symbol-array ary) 2) number-of-args))))
242 ;;; An entry point to $APPLY for translated code.
244 (defun mapply-tr (fun list)
245 (unless ($listp list)
246 (merror (intl:gettext "apply: second argument must be a list; found ~M") list))
247 (mapply1 fun (cdr list) '|the first arg to a translated `apply'| list))
249 (defun assign-check (var val)
250 (let ((a (get var 'assign)))
251 (if a (funcall a var val))))
253 (declare-top (special maplp))
255 (defun maplist_tr (fun l1 &rest l)
256 (setq l (cons l1 (copy-list l)))
257 (simplify (let ((maplp t) res)
258 (setq res (apply #'map1 (getopr fun) l))
259 (cond ((atom res) (list '(mlist) res))
260 ((eq (caar res) 'mlist) res)
261 (t (cons '(mlist) (margs res)))))))
263 ;;; Entry point into DB for translated code. The main point here
264 ;;; is that evaluation of a form takes place first, (using the lisp
265 ;;; evaluator), and then the trueness is checked. It is not correct
266 ;;; to call the function IS because double-evaluation will then
267 ;;; result, which is wrong, not to mention being incompatible with
268 ;;; the interpreter.
270 ;;; This code is taken from the COMPAR module, and altered such that calls to
271 ;;; the macsyma evaluator do not take place. It would be a lot
272 ;;; better to simply modify the code in COMPAR! However, mumble...
273 ;;; Anyway, be careful of changes to COMPAR that break this code.
275 (defun boole-check (form error?)
276 ; We check for booleans quickly, otherwise go for the database.
277 (if (typep form 'boolean)
278 form
279 (let ((ans (mevalp_tr form error?)))
280 (if (typep ans 'boolean)
282 '$unknown))))
284 (defun is-boole-check (form)
285 (boole-check form $prederror))
287 (defun maybe-boole-check (form)
288 (boole-check form nil))
290 (defun mevalp_tr (pat error?)
291 (let ((ans (mevalp1_tr pat error?)))
292 (cond ((typep ans 'boolean) ans)
293 (error?
294 (pre-err pat))
295 (t ans))))
297 (defun mevalp1_tr (pat error?)
298 (cond ((atom pat) pat)
299 ((member (caar pat) '(mnot mand mor) :test #'eq)
300 (cond ((eq 'mnot (caar pat)) (is-mnot_tr (cadr pat) error?))
301 ((eq 'mand (caar pat)) (is-mand_tr (cdr pat) error?))
302 (t (is-mor_tr (cdr pat) error?))))
304 (let ((ans (mevalp2 pat (caar pat) (cadr pat) (caddr pat))))
305 (if (typep ans 'boolean)
307 pat)))))
309 (defun is-mnot_tr (pred error?)
310 (setq pred (mevalp_tr pred error?))
311 (cond ((eq t pred) nil)
312 ((not pred))
313 (t (pred-reverse pred))))
315 (defun is-mand_tr (pl error?)
316 (do ((dummy) (npl))
317 ((null pl) (cond ((null npl))
318 ((null (cdr npl)) (car npl))
319 (t (cons '(mand) (nreverse npl)))))
320 (setq dummy (mevalp_tr (car pl) error?)
321 pl (cdr pl))
322 (cond ((eq t dummy))
323 ((null dummy) (return nil))
324 (t (setq npl (cons dummy npl))))))
326 (defun is-mor_tr (pl error?)
327 (do ((dummy) (npl))
328 ((null pl) (cond ((null npl) nil)
329 ((null (cdr npl)) (car npl))
330 (t (cons '(mor) (nreverse npl)))))
331 (setq dummy (mevalp_tr (car pl) error?)
332 pl (cdr pl))
333 (cond ((eq t dummy) (return t))
334 ((null dummy))
335 (t (setq npl (cons dummy npl))))))
337 ;; Some functions for even faster calling of arrays.
339 (defun marrayref1$ (aarray index)
340 (typecase aarray
341 (cl:array
342 (case (array-element-type aarray)
343 ((flonum) (aref aarray index))
344 (t (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYREF1$: array must be an array of floats; found ~M") aarray))))
346 (marrayref aarray index))))
348 (defun marrayset1$ (value aarray index)
349 (typecase aarray
350 (cl:array
351 (case (array-element-type aarray)
352 ((flonum) (setf (aref aarray index) value))
353 (t (merror (intl:gettext "MARRAYSET1$: array must be an array of floats; found ~M") aarray))))
355 (marrayset value aarray index))))
358 (defun application-operator (form &rest ign)
359 (declare (ignore ign))
360 (apply (caar form) (cdr form)))
362 ;; more efficient operators calls.
364 (defun *mminus (x)
365 (if (numberp x)
366 (- x)
367 (simplify (list '(mminus) x))))
369 (defun retlist_tr (&rest args)
370 (do ((j (- (length args) 2) (- j 2))
371 (l () (cons (list '(mequal simp) (nth j args) (nth (1+ j) args)) l)))
372 ((< j 0) (cons '(mlist simp) l))))