MEVALP_TR: return result of MEVALP1_TR instead of unknown
[maxima.git] / src / commac.lisp
1 ;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; ;;;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
5 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
6 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 (in-package :maxima)
10 (defmacro defun-prop (f arg &body body)
11 (assert (listp f))
12 #+gcl (eval-when (eval) (compiler::compiler-def-hook (first f) body))
13 `(setf (get ',(first f) ',(second f)) #'(lambda ,arg ,@body)))
15 ;; Should we give this a different name?
16 (defvar *fortran-print* nil
17 "Tells EXPLODEN we are printing numbers for Fortran so include the exponent marker.")
19 (defun appears (tree var)
20 (cond ((equal tree var)
21 (throw 'appears t))
22 ((atom tree) nil)
23 (t (appears (car tree) var)
24 (appears (cdr tree) var)))
25 nil)
27 (defun appears1 (tree var)
28 (cond ((eq tree var)
29 (throw 'appears t))
30 ((atom tree) nil)
32 (appears (car tree) var)
33 (appears (cdr tree) var)))
34 nil)
36 (defun appears-in (tree var)
37 "Yields t if var appears in tree"
38 (catch 'appears
39 (if (or (symbolp var) (fixnump var))
40 (appears1 tree var)
41 (appears tree var))))
43 ;; A more portable implementation of ml-typep. I (rtoy) think it
44 ;; would probably be better to replace uses of
45 ;; ml-typep with the corresponding Common Lisp typep or type-of or
46 ;; subtypep, as appropriate.
47 (defun ml-typep (x &optional type)
48 (cond (type
49 (cl:let ((pred (get type 'ml-typep)))
50 (if pred
51 (funcall pred x)
52 (typep x type))))
54 (typecase x
55 (cl:cons 'list)
56 (cl:fixnum 'fixnum)
57 (cl:integer 'bignum)
58 (cl:float 'flonum)
59 (cl:number 'number)
60 (cl:array 'array)
61 (cl:hash-table 'hash-table)
63 (type-of x))))))
65 (defprop :extended-number extended-number-p ml-typep)
66 (defprop array arrayp ml-typep)
67 (defprop atom atom ml-typep)
69 #+(or cmu scl)
70 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
71 (shadow '(cl:compiled-function-p) (find-package :maxima))
73 #+(or cmu scl)
74 (defun compiled-function-p (x)
75 (and (functionp x) (not (symbolp x))
76 (not (eval:interpreted-function-p x))))
78 (defprop compiled-function compiled-function-p ml-typep)
79 (defprop extended-number extended-number-p ml-typep)
80 (defprop fixnum fixnump ml-typep)
81 (defprop list consp ml-typep)
82 (defprop number numberp ml-typep)
83 (defprop string stringp ml-typep)
84 (defprop symbol symbolp ml-typep)
87 (defvar *maxima-arrays* nil
88 "Trying to track down any functional arrays in maxima")
90 (defun *array (name maclisp-type &rest dimlist &aux aarray)
91 (cond ((member maclisp-type '(readtable obarray) :test #'eq)
92 (error " bad type ~S" maclisp-type)))
93 (pushnew name *maxima-arrays*) ;for tracking down old ones.
94 (setq aarray (make-array dimlist :initial-element (case maclisp-type
95 (fixnum 0)
96 (flonum 0.0)
97 (otherwise nil))))
98 (cond ((null name) aarray)
99 ((symbolp name)
100 (setf (symbol-array name) aarray)
101 name)
102 (t (error "~S is illegal first arg for *array" name))))
104 ;;; Change maclisp array referencing.
105 ;;; Idea1: Make changes in the code which will allow the code to still run in maclisp,
106 ;;;yet will allow, with the appropriate macro definitions of array,arraycall, etc,
107 ;;;to put the array into the value-cell.
108 ;;; Idea2: Make changes in the array referencing of (a dim1 dim2..) to (arraycall nil (symbol-array a) dim1..)
109 ;;;which would then allow expansion into something which is common lisp compatible, for
110 ;;;the day when (a 2 3) no longer is equivalent to (aref (symbol-function a) 2 3).
111 ;;;I. change (array a typ dim1 dim2..) to expand to (defvar a (make-array (list dim1 dim2 ...) :type typ')
112 ;;;II. change (a dim1 dim2..) to (arraycall nil (symbol-array a) dim1 dim2 ..)
113 ;;;III define
114 ;;(defmacro symbol-array (ar)
115 ;; `(symbol-function ,ar))
116 ;;(defmacro arraycall (ignore ar &rest dims)
117 ;; `(aref ,ar ,@ dims))
118 ;;;IV. change array setting to use (setf (arraycall nil ar dim1.. ) val)
119 ;;;which will generate the correct setting code on the lispm and will
120 ;;;still work in maclisp.
122 (defmacro maxima-error (datum &rest args)
123 `(cerror "without any special action" ,datum ,@args))
125 (defmacro show (&rest l)
126 (loop for v in l
127 collecting `(format t "~%The value of ~A is ~A" ',v ,v) into tem
128 finally (return `(progn ,@ tem))))
130 (defmacro defquote (fn (aa . oth) &body rest &aux help ans)
131 (setq help (intern (format nil "~a-~a" fn '#:aux)))
132 (cond ((eq aa '&rest)
133 (setq ans
134 (list
135 `(defmacro ,fn (&rest ,(car oth))
136 `(,',help ',,(car oth)))
137 `(defun ,help (,(car oth)) ,@rest))))
138 (t (when (member '&rest oth)
139 (error "at present &rest may only occur as first item in a defquote argument"))
140 (setq ans
141 (list
142 `(defmacro ,fn (,aa . other)
143 (setq other (loop for v in other collecting (list 'quote v)))
144 (check-arg other (eql (length other) ,(length oth))
145 ,(format nil "wrong number of args to ~a" fn))
146 `(,',help ',,aa ,@ other))
147 `(defun ,help (,aa ,@ oth) ,@rest)))))
148 `(progn ,@ans))
151 ;;the resulting function will translate to defvar and will behave
152 ;;correctly for the evaluator.
154 ;;(defun gg fexpr (ll)
155 ;; body)
156 ;;(defquote gg (&rest ll)
157 ;; body)
159 ;;(DEFQUOTE GG ( &rest C)
160 ;; (list (car c) (second c) ))
161 ;;the big advantage of using the following over defmspec is that it
162 ;;seems to translate more easily, since it is a fn.
163 ;;New functions which wanted quoted arguments should be defined using
164 ;;defquote
167 (defun onep (x) (eql 1 x))
169 (defun extended-number-p (x)
170 (member (type-of x) '(bignum rational float )))
172 (defvar *scan-string-buffer* nil)
174 (defun macsyma-read-string (a-string &aux answer)
175 (cond ((not (or (search "$" a-string :test #'char-equal)
176 (search ";" a-string :test #'char-equal)))
177 (vector-push-extend #\$ a-string)))
178 (with-input-from-string (stream a-string)
179 (setq answer (third (mread stream)))
180 answer))
182 (defvar *sharp-read-buffer*
183 (make-array 140 :element-type ' #.(array-element-type "a") :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
185 (defmfun $-read-aux (arg stream &aux (meval-flag t) (*mread-prompt* ""))
186 (declare (special *mread-prompt*)
187 (ignore arg))
188 (setf (fill-pointer *sharp-read-buffer*) 0)
189 (cond ((eql #\$ (peek-char t stream))
190 (tyi stream)
191 (setq meval-flag nil)))
192 (with-output-to-string (st *sharp-read-buffer*)
193 (let (char)
194 (loop while (not (eql char #\$))
196 (setq char (tyi stream))
197 (write-char char st))))
198 (if meval-flag
199 (list 'meval* (list 'quote (macsyma-read-string *sharp-read-buffer*)))
200 (list 'quote (macsyma-read-string *sharp-read-buffer*))))
202 (defun x$-cl-macro-read (stream sub-char arg)
203 (declare (ignore arg))
204 ($-read-aux sub-char stream))
206 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\$ #'x$-cl-macro-read)
208 (defvar *macsyma-readtable*)
210 (defun find-lisp-readtable-for-macsyma ()
211 (cond ((and (boundp '*macsyma-readtable*)
212 (readtablep *macsyma-readtable*))
213 *macsyma-readtable*)
214 (t (setq *macsyma-readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
215 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\$ 'x$-cl-macro-read *macsyma-readtable*)
216 *macsyma-readtable*)))
218 (defun set-readtable-for-macsyma ()
219 (setq *readtable* (find-lisp-readtable-for-macsyma)))
221 (defvar *reset-var* t)
223 (defvar *variable-initial-values* (make-hash-table)
224 "Hash table containing all Maxima defmvar variables and their initial
225 values")
227 (defmacro defmvar (var &rest val-and-doc)
228 "If *reset-var* is true then loading or eval'ing will reset value, otherwise like defvar"
229 (cond ((> (length val-and-doc) 2)
230 (setq val-and-doc (list (car val-and-doc) (second val-and-doc)))))
231 `(progn
232 (unless (gethash ',var *variable-initial-values*)
233 (setf (gethash ',var *variable-initial-values*)
234 ,(first val-and-doc)))
235 (defvar ,var ,@val-and-doc)))
237 (defmfun $mkey (variable)
238 "($mkey '$demo)==>:demo"
239 (intern (string-left-trim "$" (string variable)) 'keyword))
241 (defmacro arg (x)
242 `(narg1 ,x narg-rest-argument))
244 (defun narg1 (x l &aux tem)
245 (cond ((null x) (length l))
246 (t (setq tem (nthcdr (1- x) l))
247 (cond ((null tem) (error "arg ~A beyond range ~A " x (length l)))
248 (t (car tem))))))
250 (defmacro listify (x)
251 `(listify1 ,x narg-rest-argument))
253 (defmacro setarg (i val)
254 `(setarg1 ,i ,val narg-rest-argument))
256 (defun setarg1 (i val l)
257 (setf (nth (1- i) l) val)
258 val)
260 (defun listify1 (n narg-rest-argument)
261 (cond ((minusp n) (copy-list (last narg-rest-argument (- n))) )
262 ((zerop n) nil)
263 (t (subseq narg-rest-argument 0 n))))
265 ;; This has been replaced by src/defmfun-check.lisp. I'm leaving this
266 ;; here for now until we finish up fixing everything like using defun
267 ;; for internal functions and updating user-exposed functions to use
268 ;; defmfun instead of defun.
269 #+nil
270 (defmacro defmfun (function &body rest &aux .n.)
271 (cond ((and (car rest) (symbolp (car rest)))
272 ;;old maclisp narg syntax
273 (setq .n. (car rest))
274 (setf (car rest)
275 `(&rest narg-rest-argument &aux (, .n. (length narg-rest-argument))))))
276 `(progn
277 ;; I (rtoy) think we can consider all defmfun's as translated functions.
278 (defprop ,function t translated)
279 (defun ,function . ,rest)))
281 ;;sample usage
282 ;;(defun foo a (show a )(show (listify a)) (show (arg 3)))
284 (defmacro defun-maclisp (function &body body &aux .n.)
285 (when (typep body '(cons symbol))
286 ;;old maclisp narg syntax
287 (setq .n. (car body))
288 (setf body
289 (cons `(&rest narg-rest-argument &aux (, .n. (length narg-rest-argument)))
290 (cdr body))))
291 `(progn
292 ;; I (rtoy) think we can consider all defmfun's as translated functions.
293 (defprop ,function t translated)
294 (defun ,function . ,body)))
296 (defun exploden (symb)
297 (let* (#+(and gcl (not gmp)) (big-chunk-size 120)
298 #+(and gcl (not gmp)) (tentochunksize (expt 10 big-chunk-size))
299 string)
300 (cond ((symbolp symb)
301 (setq string (print-invert-case symb)))
302 ((floatp symb)
303 (setq string (exploden-format-float symb)))
305 ((integerp symb)
306 ;; When obase > 10, prepend leading zero to
307 ;; ensure that output is readable as a number.
308 (let ((leading-digit (if (> *print-base* 10) #\0)))
309 (cond
310 #+(and gcl (not gmp))
311 ((bignump symb)
312 (let* ((big symb)
313 ans rem tem
314 (chunks
315 (loop
316 do (multiple-value-setq (big rem)
317 (floor big tentochunksize))
318 collect rem
319 while (not (eql 0 big)))))
320 (setq chunks (nreverse chunks))
321 (setq ans (coerce (format nil "~d" (car chunks)) 'list))
322 (if (and leading-digit (not (digit-char-p (car ans) 10.)))
323 (setq ans (cons leading-digit ans)))
324 (loop for v in (cdr chunks)
325 do (setq tem (coerce (format nil "~d" v) 'list))
326 (loop for i below (- big-chunk-size (length tem))
327 do (setq tem (cons #\0 tem)))
328 (setq ans (nconc ans tem)))
329 (return-from exploden ans)))
331 (setq string (format nil "~A" symb))
332 (setq string (coerce string 'list))
333 (if (and leading-digit (not (digit-char-p (car string) 10.)))
334 (setq string (cons leading-digit string)))
335 (return-from exploden string)))))
337 (t (setq string (format nil "~A" symb))))
338 (assert (stringp string))
339 (coerce string 'list)))
341 (defvar *exploden-strip-float-zeros* t) ;; NIL => allow trailing zeros
343 (defun exploden-format-float (symb)
344 (declare (special $maxfpprintprec))
345 (let ((a (abs symb))
346 string
347 (effective-printprec (if (or (= $fpprintprec 0)
348 (> $fpprintprec $maxfpprintprec))
349 $maxfpprintprec
350 $fpprintprec)))
351 ;; When printing out something for Fortran, we want to be
352 ;; sure to print the exponent marker so that Fortran
353 ;; knows what kind of number it is. It turns out that
354 ;; Fortran's exponent markers are the same as Lisp's so
355 ;; we just need to make sure the exponent marker is
356 ;; printed.
357 (if *fortran-print*
358 (setq string (cond
359 ;; Strings for non-finite numbers as specified for input in Fortran 2003 spec;
360 ;; they apparently did not exist in earlier versions.
361 ((float-nan-p symb) "NAN")
362 ((float-inf-p symb) (if (< symb 0) "-INF" "INF"))
363 (t (format nil "~e" symb))))
364 (multiple-value-bind (form digits)
365 (cond
366 ((zerop a)
367 (values "~,vf" 1))
368 ;; Work around for GCL bug #47404.
369 ;; Avoid numeric comparisons with NaN, which erroneously return T.
370 #+gcl ((or (float-inf-p symb) (float-nan-p symb))
371 (return-from exploden-format-float (format nil "~a" symb)))
372 ((<= 0.001 a 1e7)
373 (let*
374 ((integer-log10 (floor (/ (log a) #.(log 10.0))))
375 (scale (1+ integer-log10)))
376 (if (< scale effective-printprec)
377 (values "~,vf" (- effective-printprec scale))
378 (values "~,ve" (1- effective-printprec)))))
379 #-gcl ((or (float-inf-p symb) (float-nan-p symb))
380 (return-from exploden-format-float (format nil "~a" symb)))
382 (values "~,ve" (1- effective-printprec))))
384 ;; Call FORMAT using format string chosen above.
385 (setq string (format nil form digits a))
387 ;; EXPLODEN is often called after NFORMAT, so it doesn't
388 ;; usually see a negative argument. I can't guarantee
389 ;; a non-negative argument, so handle negative here.
390 (if (< symb 0)
391 (setq string (concatenate 'string "-" string)))))
393 (if *exploden-strip-float-zeros*
394 (or (strip-float-zeros string) string)
395 string)))
397 (defun trailing-zeros-regex-f-0 (s)
398 (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions '#.(pregexp:pregexp "^(.*\\.[0-9]*[1-9])00*$")
400 (defun trailing-zeros-regex-f-1 (s)
401 (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions '#.(pregexp::pregexp "^(.*\\.0)00*$")
403 (defun trailing-zeros-regex-e-0 (s)
404 (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions '#.(pregexp:pregexp "^(.*\\.[0-9]*[1-9])00*([^0-9][+-][0-9]*)$")
406 (defun trailing-zeros-regex-e-1 (s)
407 (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions '#.(pregexp:pregexp "^(.*\\.0)00*([^0-9][+-][0-9]*)$")
410 ;; Return S with trailing zero digits stripped off, or NIL if there are none.
411 (defun strip-float-zeros (s)
412 (let (matches)
413 (cond
414 ((setq matches (or (trailing-zeros-regex-f-0 s) (trailing-zeros-regex-f-1 s)))
415 (let
416 ((group1 (elt matches 1)))
417 (subseq s (car group1) (cdr group1))))
418 ((setq matches (or (trailing-zeros-regex-e-0 s) (trailing-zeros-regex-e-1 s)))
419 (let*
420 ((group1 (elt matches 1))
421 (s1 (subseq s (car group1) (cdr group1)))
422 (group2 (elt matches 2))
423 (s2 (subseq s (car group2) (cdr group2))))
424 (concatenate 'string s1 s2)))
425 (t nil))))
427 (defun explodec (symb) ;is called for symbols and numbers
428 (loop for v in (coerce (print-invert-case symb) 'list)
429 collect (intern (string v))))
431 ;;; If the 'string is all the same case, invert the case. Otherwise,
432 ;;; do nothing.
433 #-(or scl allegro)
434 (defun maybe-invert-string-case (string)
435 (let ((all-upper t)
436 (all-lower t)
437 (length (length string)))
438 (dotimes (i length)
439 (let ((ch (char string i)))
440 (when (both-case-p ch)
441 (if (upper-case-p ch)
442 (setq all-lower nil)
443 (setq all-upper nil)))))
444 (cond (all-upper
445 (string-downcase string))
446 (all-lower
447 (string-upcase string))
449 string))))
451 #+(or scl allegro)
452 (defun maybe-invert-string-case (string)
453 (cond (#+scl (eq ext:*case-mode* :lower)
454 #+allegro (eq excl:*current-case-mode* :case-sensitive-lower)
455 string)
457 (let ((all-upper t)
458 (all-lower t)
459 (length (length string)))
460 (dotimes (i length)
461 (let ((ch (aref string i)))
462 (when (both-case-p ch)
463 (if (upper-case-p ch)
464 (setq all-lower nil)
465 (setq all-upper nil)))))
466 (cond (all-upper
467 (string-downcase string))
468 (all-lower
469 (string-upcase string))
471 string))))))
473 (defun intern-invert-case (string)
474 ;; Like read-from-string with readtable-case :invert
475 ;; Supply package argument in case this function is called
476 ;; from outside the :maxima package.
477 (intern (maybe-invert-string-case string) :maxima))
480 #-(or gcl scl allegro)
481 (let ((local-table (copy-readtable nil)))
482 (setf (readtable-case local-table) :invert)
483 (defun print-invert-case (sym)
484 (let ((*readtable* local-table)
485 (*print-case* :upcase))
486 (princ-to-string sym))))
488 #+(or scl allegro)
489 (let ((local-table (copy-readtable nil)))
490 (unless #+scl (eq ext:*case-mode* :lower)
491 #+allegro (eq excl:*current-case-mode* :case-sensitive-lower)
492 (setf (readtable-case local-table) :invert))
493 (defun print-invert-case (sym)
494 (cond (#+scl (eq ext:*case-mode* :lower)
495 #+allegro (eq excl:*current-case-mode* :case-sensitive-lower)
496 (let ((*readtable* local-table)
497 (*print-case* :downcase))
498 (princ-to-string sym)))
500 (let ((*readtable* local-table)
501 (*print-case* :upcase))
502 (princ-to-string sym))))))
504 #+gcl
505 (defun print-invert-case (sym)
506 (cond ((symbolp sym)
507 (let* ((str (princ-to-string sym))
508 (have-upper nil)
509 (have-lower nil)
510 (converted-str
511 (map 'string (lambda (c)
512 (cond ((upper-case-p c)
513 (setf have-upper t)
514 (char-downcase c))
515 ((lower-case-p c)
516 (setf have-lower t)
517 (char-upcase c))
518 (t c)))
519 str)))
520 (if (and have-upper have-lower)
522 converted-str)))
523 (t (princ-to-string sym))))
525 (defun implode (list)
526 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
527 (intern-invert-case (map 'string #'(lambda (v)
528 (etypecase v
529 (character v)
530 (symbol (char (symbol-name v) 0))
531 (integer (code-char v))))
532 list)))
534 ;; Note: symb can also be a number, not just a symbol.
535 (defun explode (symb)
536 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
537 (map 'list #'(lambda (v) (intern (string v))) (format nil "~s" symb)))
539 ;;; return the first character of the name of a symbol or a string or char
540 (defun get-first-char (symb)
541 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
542 (char (string symb) 0))
544 (defun getchar (symb i)
545 (let ((str (string symb)))
546 (if (<= 1 i (length str))
547 (intern (string (char str (1- i))))
548 nil)))
550 (defun ascii (n)
551 (intern (string n)))
553 (defun maknam (lis)
554 (loop for v in lis
555 when (symbolp v)
556 collecting (char (symbol-name v) 0) into tem
557 else
558 when (characterp v)
559 collecting v into tem
560 else do (maxima-error "bad entry")
561 finally
562 (return (make-symbol (maybe-invert-string-case (coerce tem 'string))))))
564 ;;for those window labels etc. that are wrong type.
565 ;; is not only called for symbols, but also on numbers
566 (defun flatc (sym)
567 (length (explodec sym)))
569 (defun flatsize (sym &aux (*print-circle* t))
570 (length (exploden sym)))
572 (defmacro safe-zerop (x)
573 (if (symbolp x)
574 `(and (numberp ,x) (zerop ,x))
575 `(let ((.x. ,x))
576 (and (numberp .x.) (zerop .x.)))))
578 (defmacro signp (sym x)
579 (cond ((atom x)
580 (let ((test
581 (case sym
582 (e `(zerop ,x))
583 (l `(< ,x 0))
584 (le `(<= ,x 0))
585 (g `(> ,x 0))
586 (ge `(>= ,x 0))
587 (n `(not (zerop ,x))))))
588 `(and (numberp ,x) ,test)))
589 (t `(let ((.x. ,x))
590 (signp ,sym .x.)))))
592 (defvar *prompt-on-read-hang* nil)
593 (defvar *read-hang-prompt* "")
595 (defun tyi-raw (&optional (stream *standard-input*) eof-option)
596 ;; Adding this extra EOF test, because the testsuite generates
597 ;; unexpected end of input-stream with Windows XP and GCL 2.6.8.
598 #+gcl
599 (when (eql (peek-char nil stream nil eof-option) eof-option)
600 (return-from tyi-raw eof-option))
602 (let ((ch (read-char-no-hang stream nil eof-option)))
603 (if ch
605 (progn
606 (when (and *prompt-on-read-hang* *read-hang-prompt*)
607 (princ *read-hang-prompt*)
608 (finish-output *standard-output*))
609 (read-char stream nil eof-option)))))
611 (defun tyi (&optional (stream *standard-input*) eof-option)
612 (let ((ch (tyi-raw stream eof-option)))
613 (if (eql ch eof-option)
615 (backslash-check ch stream eof-option))))
617 ; The sequences of characters
618 ; <anything-except-backslash>
619 ; (<backslash> <newline> | <backslash> <return> | <backslash> <return> <newline>)+
620 ; <anything>
621 ; are reduced to <anything-except-backslash> <anything> .
622 ; Note that this has no effect on <backslash> <anything-but-newline-or-return> .
624 (let ((previous-tyi #\a))
625 (defun backslash-check (ch stream eof-option)
626 (if (eql previous-tyi #\\ )
627 (progn (setq previous-tyi #\a) ch)
628 (setq previous-tyi
629 (if (eql ch #\\ )
630 (let ((next-char (peek-char nil stream nil eof-option)))
631 (if (or (eql next-char #\newline) (eql next-char #\return))
632 (eat-continuations ch stream eof-option)
633 ch))
634 ch))))
635 ; We have just read <backslash> and we know the next character is <newline> or <return>.
636 ; Eat line continuations until we come to something which doesn't match, or we reach eof.
637 (defun eat-continuations (ch stream eof-option)
638 (setq ch (tyi-raw stream eof-option))
639 (do () ((not (or (eql ch #\newline) (eql ch #\return))))
640 (let ((next-char (peek-char nil stream nil eof-option)))
641 (if (and (eql ch #\return) (eql next-char #\newline))
642 (tyi-raw stream eof-option)))
643 (setq ch (tyi-raw stream eof-option))
644 (let ((next-char (peek-char nil stream nil eof-option)))
645 (if (and (eql ch #\\ ) (or (eql next-char #\return) (eql next-char #\newline)))
646 (setq ch (tyi-raw stream eof-option))
647 (return-from eat-continuations ch))))
648 ch))
650 (defmfun $timedate (&optional (time (get-universal-time)) tz)
651 (cond
652 ((and (consp tz) (eq (caar tz) 'rat))
653 (setq tz (/ (second tz) (third tz))))
654 ((floatp tz)
655 (setq tz (rationalize tz))))
656 (if tz (setq tz (/ (round tz 1/60) 60)))
657 (let*
658 ((time-integer (mfuncall '$floor time))
659 (time-fraction (sub time time-integer))
660 (time-millis (mfuncall '$round (mul 1000 time-fraction))))
661 (when (= time-millis 1000)
662 (setq time-integer (1+ time-integer))
663 (setq time-millis 0))
664 (multiple-value-bind
665 (second minute hour date month year day-of-week dst-p tz)
666 ;; Some Lisps allow TZ to be null but CLHS doesn't explicitly allow it,
667 ;; so work around null TZ here.
668 (if tz (decode-universal-time time-integer (- tz))
669 (decode-universal-time time-integer))
670 (declare (ignore day-of-week #+gcl dst-p))
671 ;; DECODE-UNIVERSAL-TIME might return a timezone offset
672 ;; which is a multiple of 1/3600 but not 1/60.
673 ;; We need a multiple of 1/60 because our formatted
674 ;; timezone offset has only minutes and seconds.
675 (if (/= (mod tz 1/60) 0)
676 ($timedate time-integer (/ (round (- tz) 1/60) 60))
677 (let ((tz-offset
678 #-gcl (if dst-p (- 1 tz) (- tz))
679 #+gcl (- tz) ; bug in gcl
681 (multiple-value-bind
682 (tz-hours tz-hour-fraction)
683 (truncate tz-offset)
684 (let
685 ((tz-sign (if (<= 0 tz-offset) #\+ #\-)))
686 (if (= time-millis 0)
687 (format nil "~4,'0d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d ~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d~a~2,'0d:~2,'0d"
688 year month date hour minute second tz-sign (abs tz-hours) (floor (* 60 (abs tz-hour-fraction))))
689 (format nil "~4,'0d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d ~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d.~3,'0d~a~2,'0d:~2,'0d"
690 year month date hour minute second time-millis tz-sign (abs tz-hours) (floor (* 60 (abs tz-hour-fraction))))))))))))
692 ;; Parse date/time strings in these formats (and only these):
694 ;; YYYY-MM-DD([ T]hh:mm:ss)?([,.]n+)?([+-]hh:mm)?
695 ;; YYYY-MM-DD([ T]hh:mm:ss)?([,.]n+)?([+-]hhmm)?
696 ;; YYYY-MM-DD([ T]hh:mm:ss)?([,.]n+)?([+-]hh)?
697 ;; YYYY-MM-DD([ T]hh:mm:ss)?([,.]n+)?[Z]?
699 ;; where (...)? indicates an optional group (occurs zero or one times)
700 ;; ...+ indicates one or more instances of ...,
701 ;; and [...] indicates literal character alternatives.
703 ;; Trailing unparsed stuff causes the parser to fail (return NIL).
705 ;; Originally, these functions all looked like
707 ;; (defun match-date-yyyy-mm-dd (s)
708 ;; (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions
709 ;; '#.(pregexp:pregexp "^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])")
710 ;; s))
712 ;; However, sbcl produces incorrect results for this. For example,
714 ;; (match-date-yyyy-mm-dd "1900-01-01 16:00:00-08:00")
716 ;; returns ((0 . 10) (0 . 4) (8 . 10) NIL). But the correct answer is
717 ;; ((0 . 10) (0 . 4) (5 . 7) (8 . 10)).
719 ;; But if you replace the '#.(pregexp:pregexp ...) with
720 ;; (pregexp:pregexp ...), sbcl works. But then we end up compiling
721 ;; the the regexp on every call. So we use a closure so the regexp is
722 ;; compiled only once.
723 (let ((pat (pregexp:pregexp "^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])")))
724 (defun match-date-yyyy-mm-dd (s)
725 (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions
727 s)))
729 (let ((pat (pregexp:pregexp "^[ T]([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])")))
730 (defun match-time-hh-mm-ss (s)
731 (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions
733 s)))
735 (let ((pat (pregexp:pregexp "^[,.]([0-9][0-9]*)")))
736 (defun match-fraction-nnn (s)
737 (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions
739 s)))
742 (let ((pat (pregexp:pregexp "^([+-])([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])$")))
743 (defun match-tz-hh-mm (s)
744 (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions
746 s)))
748 (let ((pat (pregexp:pregexp "^([+-])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])$")))
749 (defun match-tz-hhmm (s)
750 (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions
752 s)))
754 (let ((pat (pregexp:pregexp "^([+-])([0-9][0-9])$")))
755 (defun match-tz-hh (s)
756 (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions
758 s)))
760 (let ((pat (pregexp:pregexp "^Z$")))
761 (defun match-tz-Z (s)
762 (pregexp:pregexp-match-positions
764 s)))
766 (defmfun $parse_timedate (s)
767 (setq s (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline #\Return) s))
768 (let (matches
769 year month day
770 (hours 0) (minutes 0) (seconds 0)
771 (seconds-fraction 0) seconds-fraction-numerator tz)
772 (if (setq matches (match-date-yyyy-mm-dd s))
773 (progn
774 (multiple-value-setq (year month day)
775 (pregexp-extract-groups-integers matches s))
776 (setq s (subseq s (cdr (elt matches 0)))))
777 (return-from $parse_timedate nil))
778 (when (setq matches (match-time-hh-mm-ss s))
779 (multiple-value-setq (hours minutes seconds)
780 (pregexp-extract-groups-integers matches s))
781 (setq s (subseq s (cdr (elt matches 0)))))
782 (when (setq matches (match-fraction-nnn s))
783 (multiple-value-setq (seconds-fraction-numerator)
784 (pregexp-extract-groups-integers matches s))
785 (let ((group1 (elt matches 1)))
786 (setq seconds-fraction (div seconds-fraction-numerator (expt 10 (- (cdr group1) (car group1))))))
787 (setq s (subseq s (cdr (elt matches 0)))))
788 (cond
789 ((setq matches (match-tz-hh-mm s))
790 (multiple-value-bind (tz-sign tz-hours tz-minutes)
791 (pregexp-extract-groups-integers matches s)
792 (setq tz (* tz-sign (+ tz-hours (/ tz-minutes 60))))))
793 ((setq matches (match-tz-hhmm s))
794 (multiple-value-bind (tz-sign tz-hours tz-minutes)
795 (pregexp-extract-groups-integers matches s)
796 (setq tz (* tz-sign (+ tz-hours (/ tz-minutes 60))))))
797 ((setq matches (match-tz-hh s))
798 (multiple-value-bind (tz-sign tz-hours)
799 (pregexp-extract-groups-integers matches s)
800 (setq tz (* tz-sign tz-hours))))
801 ((setq matches (match-tz-Z s))
802 (setq tz 0))
804 (if (> (length s) 0)
805 (return-from $parse_timedate nil))))
807 (encode-time-with-all-parts year month day hours minutes seconds seconds-fraction (if tz (- tz)))))
809 (defun pregexp-extract-groups-integers (matches s)
810 (values-list (mapcar #'parse-integer-or-sign
811 (mapcar #'(lambda (ab)
812 (subseq s (car ab) (cdr ab)))
813 (rest matches)))))
815 (defun parse-integer-or-sign (s)
816 (cond
817 ((string= s "+") 1)
818 ((string= s "-") -1)
819 (t (parse-integer s))))
821 ; Clisp (2.49) / Windows does have a problem with dates before 1970-01-01,
822 ; therefore add 400 years in that case and subtract 12622780800
823 ; (= parse_timedate("2300-01-01Z") (Lisp starts with 1900-01-01) in timezone
824 ; GMT) afterwards.
825 ; see discussion on mailing list circa 2015-04-21: "parse_timedate error"
827 ; Nota bene that this approach is correct only if the daylight saving time flag
828 ; is the same for the given date and date + 400 years. That is true for
829 ; dates before 1970-01-01 and after 2038-01-18, for Clisp at least,
830 ; which ignores daylight saving time for all dates in those ranges,
831 ; effectively making them all standard time.
833 #+(and clisp win32)
834 (defun encode-time-with-all-parts (year month day hours minutes seconds-integer seconds-fraction tz)
835 ;; Experimenting with Clisp 2.49 for Windows seems to show that the bug
836 ;; is triggered when local time zone is east of UTC, for times before
837 ;; 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC + the number of hours of the time zone.
838 ;; So apply the bug workaround to all times < 1970-01-02.
839 (if (or (< year 1970) (and (= year 1970) (= day 1)))
840 (sub (encode-time-with-all-parts (add year 400) month day hours minutes seconds-integer seconds-fraction tz) 12622780800)
841 (add seconds-fraction
842 ;; Some Lisps allow TZ to be null but CLHS doesn't explicitly allow it,
843 ;; so work around null TZ here.
844 (if tz
845 (encode-universal-time seconds-integer minutes hours day month year tz)
846 (encode-universal-time seconds-integer minutes hours day month year)))))
848 #-(and clisp win32)
849 (defun encode-time-with-all-parts (year month day hours minutes seconds-integer seconds-fraction tz)
850 (add seconds-fraction
851 ;; Some Lisps allow TZ to be null but CLHS doesn't explicitly allow it,
852 ;; so work around null TZ here.
853 (if tz
854 (encode-universal-time seconds-integer minutes hours day month year tz)
855 (encode-universal-time seconds-integer minutes hours day month year))))
857 (defmfun $encode_time (year month day hours minutes seconds &optional tz-offset)
858 (when tz-offset
859 (setq tz-offset (sub 0 tz-offset))
860 (cond
861 ((and (consp tz-offset) (eq (caar tz-offset) 'rat))
862 (setq tz-offset (/ (second tz-offset) (third tz-offset))))
863 ((floatp tz-offset)
864 (setq tz-offset (rationalize tz-offset))))
865 (setq tz-offset (/ (round tz-offset 1/3600) 3600)))
866 (let*
867 ((seconds-integer (mfuncall '$floor seconds))
868 (seconds-fraction (sub seconds seconds-integer)))
869 (encode-time-with-all-parts year month day hours minutes seconds-integer seconds-fraction tz-offset)))
871 (defmfun $decode_time (seconds &optional tz)
872 (cond
873 ((and (consp tz) (eq (caar tz) 'rat))
874 (setq tz (/ (second tz) (third tz))))
875 ((floatp tz)
876 (setq tz (rationalize tz))))
877 (if tz (setq tz (/ (round tz 1/3600) 3600)))
878 (let*
879 ((seconds-integer (mfuncall '$floor seconds))
880 (seconds-fraction (sub seconds seconds-integer)))
881 (multiple-value-bind
882 (seconds minutes hours day month year day-of-week dst-p tz)
883 ;; Some Lisps allow TZ to be null but CLHS doesn't explicitly allow it,
884 ;; so work around null TZ here.
885 (if tz (decode-universal-time seconds-integer (- tz))
886 (decode-universal-time seconds-integer))
887 (declare (ignore day-of-week #+gcl dst-p))
889 (let ((tz-offset
890 #-gcl (if dst-p (- 1 tz) (- tz))
891 #+gcl (- tz) ; bug in gcl
893 (list '(mlist) year month day hours minutes (add seconds seconds-fraction) ($ratsimp tz-offset))))))
895 ;;Some systems make everything functionp including macros:
896 (defun functionp (x)
897 (cond ((symbolp x)
898 (and (not (macro-function x))
899 (fboundp x) t))
900 ((cl:functionp x))))
902 ;; These symbols are shadowed because we use them also as special
903 ;; variables.
904 (deff break #'cl:break)
905 (deff gcd #'cl:gcd)
907 #+(and sbcl sb-package-locks)
908 (defun makunbound (sym)
909 (sb-ext:without-package-locks
910 (cl:makunbound sym)))