Rename specvar integer-info to *integer-info*
[maxima.git] / share / contrib / maximaMathML / mathml-maxima.lisp
1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; File: mathml-maxima.lsp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; Purpose: Enabling maxima to receive mathml contentent-coded input
3 ;;
4 ;; Usage: compile this file with UNIX command
5 ;; %mc maxima-mp.lsp
6 ;; which produces mathml-maxima.o
7 ;;
8 ;; load into MAXIMA by MAXIMA top-level command
9 ;; loadfile("mathml-maxima.lsp");
11 ;; Author: Paul S. Wang
12 ;; Date: 3/06/2000
14 ; Authors: Paul S. Wang, Kent State University
15 ; This work was supported by NSF/USA.
16 ; Permission to use this work for any purpose is granted provided that
17 ; the copyright notice, author and support credits above are retained.
19 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
21 (in-package :maxima)
23 (declaim (special *tag* *special-proc* *parse-stream* *in* parse-tyipeek))
25 (defvar *in* *parse-stream* "input stream to read")
27 (setq parse-tyipeek nil) ;; look-ahead in nparse.lisp
29 (defvar *tag* nil "tag of element returned by ml2ma")
32 ;;;;; mltoma is the top-level mathml input function
34 (defun $mathml()
35 (meval (mltoma *parse-stream*)))
37 (defun mltoma(&optional *in*)
38 (prog(ans)
39 (if (null *in*) (setq *in* t))
40 (setq g (get-tag))
41 (if (not (eq g 'math)) (return nil))
42 (setq ans (ml2ma))
43 (setq g (get-tag)) ;; this should be </math>
44 (return ans)))
46 (defun ml2ma ()
47 (multiple-value-bind (tag attributes) (get-tag)
48 (setq *tag* tag)
49 (cond
50 ((eq tag 'ci) (ml-ci attributes))
51 ((eq tag 'cn) (ml-cn attributes))
52 ((eq tag 'apply) (ml-apply))
53 ((member tag '(bvar lowlimit uplimit) :test #'eq)
54 (setq ans (ml2ma)) (get-tag) ans)
55 ((eq tag '/apply) nil)
56 (t (merror "unknown or invalid mathml tag: ~A" tag)))))
58 (defun ml-apply()
59 (prog(op *special-proc* ans)
60 (setq op (get-op))
61 (cond ((null op)
62 (if *special-proc* (return (apply *special-proc* nil))
63 (merror "internal error: null mct-proc"))
65 (do ((operand (ml2ma) (ml2ma))) ;; returns nil after seeing </apply>
66 ((null operand) (setq ans (cons op (nreverse ans)))) ;; done
67 (setq ans (cons operand ans))
69 (return ans)))
71 ;; <apply>
72 ;; <diff/> <apply> <fn>G</fn><ci>X</ci> </apply>
73 ;; <bvar><ci>X</ci><degree><cn type="integer">2</cn></degree></bvar>
74 ;; </apply>
75 ;;(($DIFF) (($F) $X) $X 2)
77 (defun mctdiff()
78 (let ((fn (ml2ma)) (var-deg (diff-bvar)))
79 (get-tag) ;; lose </apply>
80 (cons (list '$diff) (cons fn var-deg))))
82 (defun mctintegrate()
83 (prog(var nt ll up grand)
84 (setq var (get-bvar))
85 (setq nt (ml2ma))
86 (cond ((eq *tag* 'lowlimit)
87 (setq ll nt)
88 (setq up (ml2ma))
89 (cond ((eq *tag* 'uplimit)
90 (setq grand (ml2ma))
91 (get-tag) ;; lose </apply> for <int\>
92 (return (list '($integrate) grand var ll up)))
93 (t (merror "definite intergral error"))
96 ;; indefinte integral
97 (setq grand nt)
98 (get-tag) ;; lose </apply>
99 (return (list '($integrate) grand var))))
101 (defun get-bvar()
102 (prog(tag v)
103 (setq tag (get-tag))
104 (if (not (eq tag 'bvar)) (merror "Expecting bvar but got ~A" tag))
105 (setq v (ml2ma))
106 (get-tag) ;; lose </bvar>
107 (return v)
110 (defun diff-bvar()
111 (prog(tag v d)
112 (setq tag (get-tag))
113 (if (not (eq tag 'bvar)) (merror "Expecting bvar but got ~A" tag))
114 (setq v (ml2ma))
115 (setq tag (get-tag))
116 (if (not (eq tag 'degree)) (merror "Expecting degree but got ~A" tag))
117 (setq d (ml2ma))
118 (get-tag)(get-tag) ;; skip closing tags
119 (return (list v d))
122 (defun ml-cn (attributes)
123 (prog(type number)
124 (setq type (find-attribute "type" attributes)) ;; always has type
125 (cond
126 ((or (equal type "integer") (equal type "float"))
127 (setq number (get-number)))
128 ((equal type "constant")
129 (setq number (coerce (get-token) 'string))
130 (setq number (mathml-constant-to-maxima-constant number)))
132 ;; Dunno what we could do here to handle an arbitrary type.
133 ;; For now, just raise an error.
134 (merror "Unrecognized type ``%a'' in <cn> tag.~%" type)))
135 (get-token) ;; skip to >
136 (return number)))
138 (defun ml-ci (attributes)
139 (prog(parse-tyipeek a *parse-stream* type)
140 (setq type (find-attribute "type" attributes)) ;; may or may not have type
141 (cond
142 ((equal type "constant") ;; math constants
143 (setq a (coerce (get-token) 'string))
144 (setq a (mathml-constant-to-maxima-constant a)))
146 ;; normal identifier
147 (setq a (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "$" (get-token))))))
148 (get-token) ;; skip to >
149 (return a)))
151 (defun mathml-constant-to-maxima-constant (name-string)
152 (cond
153 ((equal name-string "&pi;") '$%pi)
154 ((equal name-string "&ee;") '$%e)
155 ((equal name-string "&ii;") '$%i)
156 ((equal name-string "&gamma;") '$%gamma)
158 (let
159 ((bare-name (string-left-trim "&" (string-right-trim ";" name-string))))
160 (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "$" bare-name))))))
162 (defun get-number()
163 (let ((s (get-str #\<)))
164 (if s (read-from-string s))))
166 ;; returns next non-white non #\> char (or -1?)
167 (defun next-char ()
168 (do (c) (nil) ; Gobble whitespace
169 (if (member (setq c (tyi *in* -1))
170 '(#\> #\tab #\space #\linefeed #\return #\page))
172 (return c)
176 (defun get-tag(&optional (endc #\>))
177 (prog(tag c)
178 (setq c (next-char))
179 (if (not (char= c #\<)) (return nil))
180 (return (get-atag endc))
183 (defun get-atag(&optional endc)
184 (prog(str)
185 (setq str (get-str endc))
186 (if (null str) (return nil))
187 (return
188 (let*
189 ((tag+attributes
190 (split-string str '(#\tab #\space #\linefeed #\return #\page)))
191 (tag (car tag+attributes))
192 (attributes (mapcar #'split-attribute (cdr tag+attributes))))
193 (values (read-from-string tag) attributes)))))
195 ;; Split "FOO=\"BAR\"" into ("FOO" . "BAR")
196 (defun split-attribute (attr-string)
197 (let ((i (position #\= attr-string)))
198 (if (null i)
199 (list attr-string)
200 (let
201 ((name (subseq attr-string 0 i))
202 (value (dequotify (subseq attr-string (+ i 1)))))
203 `(,name . ,value)))))
205 ;; Remove first character and last characters if the first character
206 ;; is a single or double quote and last character is the same as the first.
207 ;; (Do not call STRING-TRIM, because might strip off multiple characters.)
209 (defun dequotify (s)
210 (if (or (null s) (< (length s) 2))
212 (let
213 ((first-char (aref s 0))
214 (last-char (aref s (1- (length s)))))
216 (and
217 (or (eql first-char #\") (eql first-char #\'))
218 (eql last-char first-char))
219 (subseq (subseq s 1) 0 (- (length s) 2))
220 s))))
222 (defun find-attribute (attr attrs-list)
223 (cdr (assoc attr attrs-list :test #'equal)))
225 (defun get-str(&optional endc)
226 (prog(str)
227 (setq str (get-token endc))
228 (if str
229 (return (coerce str 'string))
230 (return nil)
234 ;; returns list of chars for next token
235 (defun get-token (&optional endc)
236 ; Read at least one char ...
237 (do ((c (tyi *in* -1) (tyi *in* -1))
238 (l () (cons c l)))
239 ((or
240 (equal c -1)
241 (and endc (char= c endc))
242 (and (not endc) (member c '(#\< #\> #\tab #\space #\linefeed #\return #\page))))
243 (nreverse (or l (ncons (tyi *in* -1)))))))
245 (defun get-op ()
246 (prog(op mop opa)
247 (setq op (get-tag))
248 (cond ((eq op 'fn)
249 (setq op (get-str))
250 (cond ((null op)
251 (merror "get-op: invalid null function")
253 (setq opa (read-from-string op))
254 (setq opa (get opa 'mmfun))
255 (get-token)
256 (if opa (return (list opa)))
257 (return (list (read-from-string
258 (concatenate 'string "$" op))))
260 ((setq proc (get op 'mct-proc))
261 (setq *special-proc* proc)
262 (return nil)
265 (setq mop (get op 'mmfun))
266 (if mop (return (list mop))
267 (return (list op)) ;; should not reach here
271 ;;;(defmacro upcase (operator)
272 ;;;`(setq operator (intern (string-upcase (string ,operator)))))
274 (defun set-table (arg)
275 (prog(a b)
276 (cond ((equal (length arg) 2)
277 (setq a (cadadr arg))
278 (setq b (caadr arg))
279 (if (stringp a) (setq a (read-from-string a)))
280 (setf (get a b) (car arg))
282 ((equal (length arg) 3)
283 (setq arg (cdr arg))
284 (setq b (car arg) a (cadr arg))
285 (setq a (cadr a))
286 (if (stringp a) (setq a (read-from-string a)))
287 (setf (get a (car b)) (cadr b))
292 ;;;;;;;;;;; tables ;;;;;;;;;;;;
293 ;;(set-table '(%sin (mmfun "sin/")))
294 ;;(set-table '(%cos (mmfun "cos/")))
295 ;;(set-table '(%tan (mmfun "tan/")))
296 ;;(set-table '(%cot (mmfun "cot/")))
297 ;;(set-table '(%sec (mmfun "sec/")))
298 ;;(set-table '(%csc (mmfun "csc/")))
300 ;;(set-table '(%asin (mmfun "arcsin/")))
301 ;;(set-table '(%acos (mmfun "arccos/")))
302 ;;(set-table '(%atan (mmfun "arctan/")))
303 ;;(set-table '(%acot (mmfun "acot/")))
304 ;;(set-table '(%asec (mmfun "asec/")))
305 ;;(set-table '(%acsc (mmfun "acsc/")))
306 ;;(set-table '(%sinh (mmfun "sinh/")))
307 ;;(set-table '(%cosh (mmfun "cosh/")))
308 ;;(set-table '(%tanh (mmfun "tanh/")))
309 ;;(set-table '(%coth (mmfun "coth/")))
310 ;;(set-table '(%sech (mmfun "sec/")))
311 ;;(set-table '(%csch (mmfun "csch/")))
314 ;;(set-table '(%asinh (mmfun "asinh/")))
315 ;;(set-table '(%acosh (mmfun "acosh/")))
316 ;;(set-table '(%atanh (mmfun "atanh/")))
317 ;;(set-table '(%acoth (mmfun "acoth/")))
318 ;;(set-table '(%asech (mmfun "asec/")))
319 ;;(set-table '(%acsch (mmfun "acsch/")))
321 (set-table '(%ln (mmfun "ln/")))
322 (set-table '(%log (mmfun "log/")))
324 (set-table '($sin (mmfun "sin/")))
325 (set-table '($cos (mmfun "cos/")))
326 (set-table '($tan (mmfun "tan/")))
327 (set-table '($cot (mmfun "cot/")))
328 (set-table '($sec (mmfun "sec/")))
329 (set-table '($csc (mmfun "csc/")))
331 (set-table '($asin (mmfun "arcsin/")))
332 (set-table '($acos (mmfun "arccos/")))
333 (set-table '($atan (mmfun "arctan/")))
334 (set-table '($acot (mmfun "acot/")))
335 (set-table '($asec (mmfun "asec/")))
336 (set-table '($acsc (mmfun "acsc/")))
338 (set-table '($sinh (mmfun "sinh/")))
339 (set-table '($cosh (mmfun "cosh/")))
340 (set-table '($tanh (mmfun "tanh/")))
341 (set-table '($coth (mmfun "coth/")))
342 (set-table '($sech (mmfun "sec/")))
343 (set-table '($csch (mmfun "csch/")))
345 (set-table '($asinh (mmfun "asinh/")))
346 (set-table '($acosh (mmfun "acosh/")))
347 (set-table '($atanh (mmfun "atanh/")))
348 (set-table '($acoth (mmfun "acoth/")))
349 (set-table '($asech (mmfun "asec/")))
350 (set-table '($acsch (mmfun "acsch/")))
351 (set-table '($ln (mmfun "ln/")))
352 (set-table '($log (mmfun "log/")))
355 ;;;;; containers
356 ;;(set-table '(mlist (mct-proc mctlist)))
357 ;;(set-table '($matrix (mct-proc mctmatrix)))
358 ;;(set-table '($vector (mct-proc mctvector)))
360 ;;;;;;; Operators and functions
361 (set-table '(mand (mmfun "and/")))
362 (set-table '(mor (mmfun "or/")))
363 (set-table '(mnot (mmfun "not/")))
364 (set-table '($xor (mmfun "xor/")))
366 (set-table '(mplus (mmfun "plus/")))
367 (set-table '(mminus (mmfun "minus/")))
368 ;;(set-table '($minus (mmfun "minus/")))
369 ;;(set-table '(mdif (mmfun "minus/")))
370 (set-table '($remainder (mmfun "rem/")))
371 (set-table '($max (mmfun "max/")))
372 (set-table '($min (mmfun "min/")))
373 (set-table '(mfactorial (mmfun "factorial/")))
374 (set-table '(mabs (mmfun "abs/")))
375 (set-table '(%abs (mct-proc abs)))
376 ;;(set-table '(mnctimes (mmfun "times/ type=\"noncommutative\"")))
377 (set-table '(mtimes (mmfun "times/")))
378 (set-table '(mexpt (mmfun "power/")))
379 (set-table '(mquotient (mmfun "quotient/")))
380 (set-table '(%sqrt (mmfun "sqrt/")))
381 (set-table '(mquote (mmfun "quote/")))
383 (set-table '(mgreaterp (mct-proc relation) (mmfun "gt/")))
384 (set-table '(mgeqp (mct-proc relation) (mmfun "geq/")))
385 (set-table '(mequal (mct-proc relation) (mmfun "eq/")))
386 (set-table '(mnotequal (mct-proc relation) (mmfun "neq/")))
387 (set-table '(mleqp (mct-proc relation) (mmfun "leq/")))
388 (set-table '(mlessp (mct-proc relation) (mmfun "lt/")))
390 (set-table '(mdefine (mct-proc def-fun)))
392 (set-table '(msetq (mmfun "&Assign;")))
393 ;;(set-table '(mset (mmfun "&Assign;"))) ;;; This is not math
394 ;;(set-table '(marrow (mmfun "&RightArrow;")))
395 ;;(set-table '(mrarrow (mmfun "&RightArrow;")))
396 ;;(set-table '(%at (mct-proc mPr-at)))
397 ;;(set-table '($at (mct-proc mPr-at)))
398 ;;(set-table '($det (mct-proc mPr-det)))
399 ;;(set-table '(%determinant (mct-proc det)))
400 ;;(set-table '($binomial (mct-proc binomial)))
401 ;;(set-table '(%binomial (mct-proc binomial)))
403 (set-table '(%sum (mct-proc sumprod)(mmfun "sum/")))
404 ;;(set-table '($sum (mct-proc sumprod)(mmfun "sum/")))
405 ;;(set-table '($product (mct-proc sumprod)(mmfun "product/")))
406 (set-table '(%product (mct-proc sumprod)(mmfun "product/")))
407 ;;(set-table '($integrate (mct-proc mctintegrate)(mmfun "int/")))
408 (set-table '(%integrate (mct-proc mctintegrate)(mmfun "int/")))
409 (set-table '($diff (mct-proc mctdiff)(mmfun "diff/")))
410 ;;(set-table '(%derivative (mct-proc mctdiff)(mmfun "diff/")))
411 (set-table '($limit (mct-proc mctlimit)(mmfun "limit/")))
412 ;;(set-table '(%limit (mct-proc mctlimit)(mmfun "limit/")))
414 ;;(set-table '(mprog (mmfun "block")))
415 ;;(set-table '($block (mmfun "block")))
416 ;;(set-table '($$boldif (mmfun "if/")))
417 ;;(set-table '($$boldthen (mmfun "then/")))
418 ;;(set-table '($$boldelse (mmfun "else/")))