Improve the translation of notequal
[maxima.git] / share / lapack / dgemm.lisp
1 ;;; Simple raw interface to LAPACK dgemm, general real matrix
2 ;;; multiplication.
3 (in-package :maxima)
5 (defmfun $dgemm (a b &key (c nil cp) transpose_a transpose_b (alpha 1e0) (beta 0e0 betap))
6 (flet ((maybe-transpose-dims (transp row col)
7 (if transp
8 (values col row)
9 (values row col))))
10 (multiple-value-bind (a-nrows a-ncols)
11 (maxima-matrix-dims a)
12 (multiple-value-bind (at-nrows at-ncols)
13 (maybe-transpose-dims transpose_a a-nrows a-ncols)
14 (multiple-value-bind (b-nrows b-ncols)
15 (maxima-matrix-dims b)
16 (multiple-value-bind (bt-nrows bt-ncols)
17 (maybe-transpose-dims transpose_b b-nrows b-ncols)
18 ;; Compute the dimensions of C. If C is not given, we
19 ;; need to create a space of the correct dimension to hold
20 ;; the result.
21 (multiple-value-bind (c-nrows c-ncols)
22 (if c
23 (maxima-matrix-dims c)
24 (values at-nrows bt-ncols))
25 ;; Do something nice if C is given but beta is not. We
26 ;; take this to mean that we just want to add C,
27 ;; implying that beta = 1.
28 (when (and cp (not betap))
29 (setf beta 0e0))
30 ;; Now for some error checking. This is a bit redundant
31 ;; since dgemm does some error checking, but I think we
32 ;; prefer not to see messages from dgemm. It's better
33 ;; to have the messages come from maxima.
35 (unless (= at-ncols bt-nrows)
36 (merror "Cannot multiply a ~m by ~m matrix by a ~m by ~m matrix"
37 at-nrows at-ncols bt-nrows bt-ncols))
38 (when (and c
39 (or (/= at-nrows c-nrows)
40 (/= bt-ncols c-ncols)))
41 (merror "Cannot add a ~m by ~m matrix to a ~m by ~m C matrix"
42 at-nrows bt-ncols c-nrows c-ncols))
44 ;; But it doesn't make sense to supply beta without C.
45 ;; (Well, we could assume that C is zero, but then why
46 ;; bother specifying beta?)
47 (when (and betap (not cp))
48 (merror "beta given, but no C matrix supplied?"))
49 (let ((alpha ($float alpha))
50 (beta ($float beta))
51 (matrix-a (lapack-lispify-matrix a a-nrows a-ncols))
52 (matrix-b (lapack-lispify-matrix b b-nrows b-ncols))
53 (matrix-c (cond ((and c (not (zerop beta)))
54 (lapack-lispify-matrix c a-nrows b-ncols))
56 ;; No C matrix given, or beta is zero.
57 ;; Force beta to be zero to tell LAPACK
58 ;; not to add C. But we still need to
59 ;; create a matrix.
60 (setf beta 0e0)
61 (make-array (* c-nrows c-ncols) :element-type 'flonum))))
62 (trans-a (if transpose_a "t" "n"))
63 (trans-b (if transpose_b "t" "n")))
64 (blas::dgemm trans-a trans-b
65 at-nrows bt-ncols at-ncols
66 alpha
67 matrix-a a-nrows
68 matrix-b b-nrows
69 beta
70 matrix-c c-nrows)
71 ;; matrix-c contains the desired result.
72 (lapack-maxify-matrix c-nrows c-ncols matrix-c)))))))))