Print a warning when translating subscripted functions
[maxima.git] / share / contrib / gentran / man /
1 .SH
3 .DS L
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5 User Level Syntax               | LISP Level Syntax
6 --------------------------------+----------------------------------------------
7 .ft
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11 Functions:                      | Functions:
12                                 |
13   \fIgentran(\fRstmt1,stmt2,...,stmtn |   (\fIgentran '(\fRstmt1 stmt2 ...
14           {,[f1,f2,...,fm]});   |                          stmtn)
15                            [16] |            '(f1 f2 ... fm))[16]
16   \fIgentranin(\fRf1,f2,...,fn        |   (\fIgentranin '(\fRf1 f2 ... fn)
17             {,[f1,f2,...,fm]}); |              '(f1 f2 ... fm))
18   \fIgentranout(\fRf1,f2,...,fn);     |   \fI(gentranout '(\fRf1 f2 ... fn))
19   \fIgentranpop(\fRf1,f2,...,fn);     |   \fI(gentranpop '(\fRf1 f2 ... fn))
20   \fIgentranpush(\fRf1,f2,...,fn);    |   \fI(gentranpush '(\fRf1 f2 ... fn))
21   \fIgentranshut(\fRf1,f2,...,fn);    |   \fI(gentranshut '(\fRf1 f2 ... fn))
22 .ft
23 .DE
24 .FS
25 [16] In addition to the subset of translatable VAXIMA
26 statements given in Appendix A, the following special functions
27 and arguments can also be given as arguments to the
28 \fIgentran\fR function:
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31   \fIbegin_group\fR                   |   \fI$begin_group\fR
32   \fIbody(\fRstmt1,stmt2,...,stmtn)   |   \fI(($body) \fRstmt1 stmt2 ...
33                                 |                          stmtn)
34   \fIbreak()\fR                       |   \fI(($break))\fR
35   \fIcprocedure({\fRtype,}            |   \fI(($cprocedure) {\fRtype}
36              name(p1,p2,...,pn))|                  ((name) p1 p2
37                                 |                        ... pn))
38   \fIend()\fR                         |   \fI(($end))\fR
39   \fIend_group\fR                     |   \fI$end_group\fR
40   \fIeval(\fRexp)                     |   \fI(($eval) \fRexp)
41   \fIfunction({\fRtype,}              |   \fI(($function) {\fRtype}
42            name(p1,p2,...,pn))  |                ((name) p1 p2
43                                 |                        ... pn))
44   \fIliteral(\fRarg1,arg2,...,argn)   |   \fI(($literal) \fRarg1 arg2 ...
45                                 |                           argn)
46   \fIlrsetq(\fRvar,exp)               |   \fI(($lrsetq) \fRvar exp)
47   \fIlsetq(\fRvar,exp)                |   \fI(($lsetq) \fRvar exp)
48   \fIrsetq(\fRvar,exp)                |   \fI(($rsetq) \fRvar exp)
49   \fIstop()\fR                        |   \fI(($stop))\fR
50   \fIsubroutine(\fRname(p1,p2,...,pn))|   \fI(($subroutine) ((\fRname) p1 p2
51                                 |                        ... pn))
52   \fItype(\fRtype, v1,v2,...,vn)      |   \fI(($type) \fRtype v1 v2 ... vn)
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58   \fIoff(\fRflag1,flag2,...,flagn);   |   \fI(off '(\fRflag1 flag2 ...
59                                 |                         flagn))
60   \fIon(\fRflag1,flag2,...,flagn);    |   \fI(on '(\fRflag1 flag2 ... flagn))
61 .ft
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65   \fIgendecs(\fRname);                |   \fI(gendecs \fR'name)
66   \fIgenstmtno();\fR                  |   \fI(genstmtno)\fR
67   \fImarkedvarp(\fRvar);              |   \fI(markedvarp \fR'var)
68   \fImarkvar(\fRvar);                 |   \fI(markvar \fR'var)
69   \fIrecurunmark(\fRexp);             |   \fI(recurunmark \fR'exp)
70   \fItempvar(\fRtype);                |   \fI(tempvar \fR'type)
71   \fIunmarkvar(\fRvar);               |   \fI(unmarkvar \fR'var)
72 .ft
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76 Flags & Mode Switches:          | Flags & Mode Switches:
77                                 |
78   \fIc\fR                             |   \fIc\fR
79   \fIfloat\fR                         |   \fIfloat\fR
80   \fIfortran\fR                       |   \fIfortran\fR
81   \fIgendecs\fR                       |   \fIgendecs\fR
82   \fIgentranopt\fR                    |   \fIgentranopt\fR
83   \fIgentranparser\fR                 |   \fIgentranparser\fR
84   \fIgentranseg\fR                    |   \fIgentranseg\fR
85   \fIratfor\fR                        |   \fIratfor\fR
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90 Global Variables:               | Global Variables:
91                                 |
92   \fI?ccurrind\e*\fR                   |   \fIccurrind*\fR
93   \fI?clinelen\e*\fR                   |   \fIclinelen*\fR
94   \fI?fortcurrind\e*\fR                |   \fIfortcurrind*\fR
95   \fI?fortlinelen\e*\fR                |   \fIfortlinelen*\fR
96   \fI?genstmtincr\e*\fR                |   \fIgenstmtincr*\fR
97   \fI?genstmtno\e*\fR                  |   \fIgenstmtno*\fR
98   \fI?gentranlang\e*\fR                |   \fIgentranlang*\fR
99   \fI?gentranopt\e*\fR                 |   \fIgentranopt*\fR
100   \fI?maxexpprintlen\e*\fR             |   \fImaxexpprintlen*\fR
101   \fI?ratcurrind\e*\fR                 |   \fIratcurrind*\fR
102   \fI?ratlinelen\e*\fR                 |   \fIratlinelen*\fR
103   \fI?tablen\e*\fR                     |   \fItablen*\fR
104   \fI?tempvarname\e*\fR                |   \fItempvarname*\fR
105   \fI?tempvarnum\e*\fR                 |   \fItempvarnum*\fR
106   \fI?tempvartype\e*\fR                |   \fItempvartype*\fR