Print a warning when translating subscripted functions
[maxima.git] / share / contrib / rand / average.mac
1 /* Filename average.mac
3    ***************************************************************
4    *                                                             *
5    *                     <package name>                          *
6    *                <functionality description>                  *
7    *                                                             *
8    *          from: Perturbation Methods, Bifurcation            *
9    *                Theory and Computer Algebra.                 *
10    *           by Rand & Armbruster (Springer 1987)              *
11    *                Programmed by Richard Rand                   *
12    *      These files are released to the public domain          *
13    *                                                             *
14    ***************************************************************
15 */ 
16 /*program number 7: average(), allows one to perform first and second order
17   averaging. see page 114 in "perturbation methods, bifurcation theory 
18   and computer algebra". */
22 /* program to perform 1st or 2nd order averaging 
23    on an n-dimensional system of nonautonomous ode's */
25 /* averaging is performed by converting trig terms to
26    complex exponentials, then killing exponentials   */
28 average():=block(
29       choice1:read("do you want to enter a new problem? (y/n)"),
30       if choice1 = n then go(jump1),
31       kill(x),
32       print("are you considering a weakly nonlinear oscillator of the form"),
33       choice2:read("z'' + omega0^2 z = eps f(z,zdot,t) ? (y/n)"),
34       if choice2 = n then go(jump2),
36 /* enter data for single oscillator problem */
37       n:2,
38       omega0:read("enter omega0"),
39       f:read("enter f(z,zdot,t)")*eps,
40 /* does f(z,zdot,t) depend explicitly on t? */
41       test:diff(f,t),
42       if test=0 then omega1:omega0 
43             else(
44             omega:read("enter the forcing frequency"),
45             k:read("enter the order of the subharmonic resonance"),
46             omega1:omega/k),
47 /* van der pol transformation */
48       zsub:[z=cos(omega1*t)*x1-sin(omega1*t)*x2,
49                zdot=-omega1*sin(omega1*t)*x1-omega1*cos(omega1*t)*x2],
50 /* substitute zsub into transformed eqs */
51 /* scale time so that averaging occurs over period 2 pi */
52       vf:ev([-1/omega1^2*(eps*kapomega/k^2*z + f)*sin(omega1*t),
53              -1/omega1^2*(eps*kapomega/k^2*z + f)*cos(omega1*t)],
54              zsub,t=tau/omega1,infeval),
55       vf:ev(vf,tau=t),
56       if omega1 # omega0 
57       then print("we write eps*kapomega =",omega^2-k^2*omega0^2)
58             else vf:ev(vf,kapomega=0),
59       vf2:expand(exponentialize(vf)),
60       for i:1 thru 2 do vf2[i]:map(factor,vf2[i]),
61       x:[x1,x2],
62       go(jump1),
65 jump2,
66 /* enter data for general problem of n ode's */
67       n:read("enter number of differential equations"),
68       x:makelist(concat('x,i),i,1,n),    
69       print("the ode's are of the form:"),
70       print("dx/dt = eps f(x,t)"),
71       print("where x =",x),
72       print("scale time t such that averaging occurs over 2 pi"),
73       vf:makelist(read("enter rhs(",i,")=eps*...")*eps,i,1,n),
74       for i:1 thru n do print("d",x[i],"/dt =",vf[i]),
75       vf2:expand(exponentialize(vf)),
76       for i:1 thru n do vf2[i]:map(factor,vf2[i]),
79 jump1,
80 /* averaging */
81       m:read("do you want first or second order averaging?  (1/2)"),
82       coefvfeps1:coeff(vf2,eps),
83       coefvfeps2:coeff(vf2,eps,2),
84       g1bar:demoivre(apply1(coefvfeps1,killexp)),
85       if m=1 then result:eps*g1bar
86                 else(
87                 g1tilde:coefvfeps1-g1bar,
88                 w1:integrate(g1tilde,t),
89       remarray(jacob),
90       jacob[i,j] := diff(g1tilde[i],x[j]),
91       jacg1tilde:genmatrix(jacob,n,n),
92       g2bar:demoivre(apply1(expand(jacg1tilde.w1)+coefvfeps2,killexp)), 
93       result:eps*g1bar+eps^2*g2bar),
94 /* replace x by y */
95       for i:1 thru n do result:subst(concat('y,i),concat('x,i),result),
96       result)$
99 /* auxiliary functions to kill exponential terms */
100       contains_t(exp):= not freeof(t,exp)$
101       matchdeclare(q,contains_t)$
102       defrule(killexp,exp(q),0)$