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[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / Tkmaxima / Matrix.tcl
1 ###### Matrix.tcl #################################################
3 # Copyright (C) 2024 Jaime E. Villate
4 # Time-stamp: "2024-03-20 14:40:38 villate
6 # For distribution under GNU public License. See COPYING.tcl
7 # (Based on William F. Schelter's work, Copyright (C) 1998)
9 ###################################################################
11 # In this file a matrix is represented as in Maxima.
12 # Namely, as a list of rows, where each row is itself a list.
13 # {{1 0} {0 1}} would then be the two by two identity.
14 # vectors are represented by lists.
16 # mkMultLeftExpr
17 # Given a matrix {{a00 a01} {a10 a11}} and a constant vector {k0 k1},
18 # it returns the symbolic expression:
19 # {prefix0 prefix1} {[expr {a00*$prefix0+a01*$prefix1+k0}]
20 # [expr {a10*$prefix0+a11*$prefix1+k1}]}
21 # which will be used by mkMultLeft to define a procedure with input
22 # parameters {prefix0 prefix1}
24 proc mkMultLeftExpr {mat prefix {constant ""}} {
25 set vars ""
26 set ans ""
27 set n [llength [lindex $mat 0]]
28 for { set i 0} { $i < $n} {incr i} { append vars " $prefix$i" }
29 foreach row $mat c $constant {
30 set prod ""
31 set op ""
32 foreach a $row v $vars {
33 append prod "$op$a*\$$v"
34 set op "+"}
35 if {$c ne ""} {append prod "+$c"}
36 append ans [concat \[expr [list $prod]\]]
37 append ans " "}
38 return [list $vars $ans]}
40 # mkMultLeftFun
41 # Creates a procedure named "name" with as many input parameters as
42 # the number of columns o matrix mat.
43 # That procedure will return a vector with as many components as
44 # the number of rows of mat.
45 # If given, constant is a vector with as many components as the number
46 # of rows of mat. Each component on the returned vector is the linear
47 # combination of the input parameters with the corresponding row of mat,
48 # plus the corresponding component of "constant" if it is given.
50 proc mkMultLeftFun {mat name {constant ""} } {
51 set expr [mkMultLeftExpr $mat _a $constant]
52 set bod1 [string trim [lindex $expr 1] " "]
53 set bod [concat list [lindex $expr 1]]
54 proc $name [lindex $expr 0] $bod}
56 # rotationMatrix
57 # Computes the matrix of the rotation by azimuth th, and elevation ph
58 # matrix([cos(th),sin(th),0], [-cos(ph)*sin(th),cos(ph)*cos(th),sin(ph)],
59 # [sin(ph)*sin(th),-sin(ph)*cos(th),cos(ph)]);
60 proc rotationMatrix {th ph {ignore {} } } {
61 set cph [expr {cos($ph)}]
62 set sph [expr {sin($ph)}]
63 set cth [expr {cos($th)}]
64 set sth [expr {sin($th)}]
65 return [list [list $cth $sth 0] \
66 [list [expr {-$cph*$sth}] [expr {$cph*$cth}] $sph] \
67 [list [expr {$sph*$sth}] [expr {-$sph*$cth}] $cph]]}
69 # matMul
70 # Returns the product of matrices mat1 and mat2
71 proc matMul {mat1 mat2} {
72 set rows [llength $mat1]
73 set cols [llength [lindex $mat2 0]]
74 foreach r $mat2 {
75 for {set j 0} {$j < $cols} {incr j} {
76 lappend col$j [lindex $r $j]}}
77 for {set i 0} {$i < $rows} {incr i} {
78 for {set j 0} {$j < $cols} {incr j} {
79 lappend row$i [vectDot [lindex $mat1 $i] [set col$j]]}
80 lappend mat3 [set row$i]}
81 return $mat3}
83 # vectDot
84 # Returns the dot product of vectors vec1 and vec2
85 proc vectDot {vec1 vec2} {
86 set prod 0
87 foreach c1 $vec1 c2 $vec2 {
88 set prod [expr {$prod + $c1*$c2}]}
89 return $prod}
91 # vectorOp
92 # Returns the vector obtained by applying the infix operator "op"
93 # between vectors vec1 and vec2
94 proc vectorOp {vec1 op vec2} {
95 set ans ""
96 foreach ai $vec1 bi $vec2 {lappend ans [expr [list $ai $op $bi]]}
97 return $ans}
99 # scalarTimesVector
100 # Returns the vector obtained by multiplying vector by scalar
101 proc scalarTimesVector {scalar vector} {
102 foreach coord $vector {lappend ans [expr {$scalar*$coord}]}
103 return $ans}
105 ## endsource matrix.tcl