Add support for external html docs
[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / Tkmaxima / scene.tcl
1 # $Id: scene.tcl,v 1.2 2011-03-19 23:13:04 villate Exp $
3 ###### scene.tcl ######
4 # Copyright (c) 2011, Jaime E. Villate <>
6 # Interface to the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) for Xmaxima
7 # (the license information can be found in COPYING.tcl)
9 global sceneOptions
10 set sceneOptions {
11 {background {0 0 0} {red green and blue values for the background}}
12 {width 500 {Rendering screen width in pixels}}
13 {height 500 {Rendering screen height in pixels}}
14 {windowname {.scene} {Window name}}
15 {windowtitle {Xmaxima: scene} {Window title}}
16 {azimuth 135 {Azimuth angle}}
17 {elevation 30 {Elevation angle}}
18 {tstep 10 {Time interval between iterations, in milliseconds}}
19 {restart 0 {If different from zero, the animation will loop forever.}}
20 {objects {} {A list of Objects of the form {{Class {options}} ...}}}
24 proc PlayStep {frame} {
25 linkLocal $frame playing iteration prev_iteration maxiter trackers \
26 restart animate tstep renwin
27 if { $iteration<0 } {
28 foreach obj $trackers {
29 set name [lindex $obj 0]
30 "$name:points" Initialize
31 "$name:points" Modified
32 "$name:lines" Initialize
33 "$name:lines" Modified
36 if {$iteration < $maxiter } {
37 incr iteration
38 uplevel $ configure -image ::img::pause
39 foreach anim_obj $animate {
40 set name [lindex $anim_obj 0]
41 set prop [lindex $anim_obj 1]
42 set values [lindex $anim_obj 3]
43 if { $iteration < [llength $values] } {
44 eval "$name:actor" "Set$prop" [lindex $values $iteration]
45 } elseif { $prev_iteration < [llength $values] } {
46 eval "$name:actor" "Set$prop" [lindex $values end]
49 foreach obj $trackers {
50 set name [lindex $obj 0]
51 if { $iteration <= [lindex $obj 1] } {
52 eval "$name:points" InsertPoint $iteration ["$name:actor" GetPosition]
53 "$name:points" Modified
54 if { $iteration<1 } {
55 "$name:lines" InsertNextCell 1
56 "$name:lines" InsertCellPoint $iteration
57 } else {
58 "$name:lines" InsertNextCell 2
59 "$name:lines" InsertCellPoint $prev_iteration
60 "$name:lines" InsertCellPoint $iteration
61 "$name:lines" Modified
63 } elseif { $prev_iteration < [lindex $obj 1] } {
64 eval "$name:points" InsertPoint [lindex $obj 1] ["$name:actor" GetPosition]
65 "$name:points" Modified
66 "$name:lines" InsertNextCell 2
67 "$name:lines" InsertCellPoint $prev_iteration
68 "$name:lines" InsertCellPoint [lindex $obj 1]
69 "$name:lines" Modified
72 if { $iteration<1 } {
73 set prev_iteration 0
74 } else {
75 set prev_iteration [expr $iteration-1]
77 $renwin Render
79 if {$iteration < $maxiter } {
80 if {$playing == 1} {
81 after $tstep PlayStep $frame
83 } else {
84 if {$restart} {
85 set iteration -1
86 set trackers {}
87 after $tstep PlayStep $frame
88 } else {
89 uplevel stopAnimation $frame
94 proc playAnimation {frame} {
95 linkLocal $frame playing
96 if {$playing == 0} {
97 set playing 1
98 uplevel PlayStep $frame
99 } else {
100 uplevel stopAnimation $frame
103 proc stopAnimation {frame} {
104 linkLocal $frame iteration playing
105 after cancel PlayStep $frame
106 set playing 0
107 uplevel $ configure -image ::img::play
109 proc startAnimation {frame} {
110 linkLocal $frame iteration prev_iteration playing
111 after cancel PlayStep $frame
112 set playing 0
113 set iteration -1
114 set prev_iteration 0
115 uplevel PlayStep $frame
116 uplevel $ configure -image ::img::play
118 proc endAnimation {frame} {
119 linkLocal $frame maxiter iteration prev_iteration
120 after cancel PlayStep $frame
121 set prev_iteration $iteration
122 set iteration [expr $maxiter-1]
123 uplevel PlayStep $frame
126 proc makeVTKFrame { w type } {
127 global doExit fontSize buttonfont maxima_priv
128 linkLocal $w width height restart renwin windowtitle
129 set win $w
130 if { "$w" == "." } {
131 set w ""
132 } else {
133 catch { destroy $w}
134 frame $w
136 set dismiss "destroy [winfo toplevel $win]"
137 if { "$doExit" != "" } {set dismiss $doExit }
138 oset $w type $type
140 set top $w
141 catch { set top [winfo parent $w]}
142 catch {
143 wm title $top $windowtitle
144 wm iconname $top "scene"
147 set buttonFont $buttonfont
148 oset $win buttonFont $buttonfont
149 set mb [frame $w.menubar]
150 pack $mb -fill x
152 set dismiss [concat "vtkCommand DeleteAllObjects;" \
153 "after cancel PlayStep $;" $dismiss \
154 "; clearLocal $win"]
155 # define exit command fot the scene window
156 wm protocol $top WM_DELETE_WINDOW \
157 "after cancel PlayStep $; vtkCommand DeleteAllObjects; destroy $top; clearLocal $win"
159 button $ -image ::img::play -text [mc "Play"] \
160 -command "playAnimation $w"
161 button $mb.start -image ::img::start -text [mc "Start"] \
162 -command "startAnimation $w"
163 button $mb.end -image ::img::end -text [mc "End"] \
164 -command "endAnimation $w"
165 button $mb.config -image ::img::config -text [mc "Config"]
166 button $mb.close -image ::img::close -text [mc "Close"] -command $dismiss
167 if {$restart} {
168 $mb.end configure -state disabled
170 set c $w.c
171 oset $win c $c
172 canvas $c -borderwidth 2 -scrollregion {-1200 -1200 1200 1200}
174 # Create a Tk widget that we can render into.
175 set vtkw [vtkTkRenderWidget $ -width $width -height $height -rw $renwin]
176 # Setup Tk bindings and VTK observers for that widget.
177 ::vtk::bind_tk_render_widget $vtkw
179 pack $vtkw -side left -fill both -expand 1
180 pack $ $mb.start $mb.end -side left
181 pack $mb.close $mb.config -side right
182 # FIX ME: these bindings do not work inside the VTK frame, because it
183 # has its own bindings.
184 bind $c <Control-w> $dismiss
185 bind $c <p> "playAnimation $w"
186 pack $c -side right -expand 1 -fill both
187 pack $w
188 focus $w
189 return $w
192 proc scene { args } {
193 if {[catch {package require vtk; package require vtkinteraction}]} {
194 bgerror [mc "VTK is not installed, which is required for Scene"]
195 return
197 global sceneOptions
198 set win [assoc -windowname $args]
199 if { "$win" == "" } {set win [getOptionDefault windowname $sceneOptions] }
200 global [oarray $win]
201 getOptions $sceneOptions $args -usearray [oarray $win]
202 set renderer [set win]:renderer
203 set renwin [set win]:renwin
204 set iren [set win]:iren
205 oset $win maxiter 0
206 oset $win trackers ""
207 oset $win playing 0
208 oset $win iteration 0
209 oset $win prev_iteration 0
210 oset $win animate ""
211 oset $win renderer $renderer
212 oset $win renwin $renwin
214 vtkRenderer $renderer
216 # Create the render window and put the renderer in it
217 vtkRenderWindow $renwin
218 $renwin AddRenderer $renderer
219 # Change from the default interaction style to Trackball
220 vtkRenderWindowInteractor $iren
221 $iren SetRenderWindow $renwin
222 vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera style
223 $iren SetInteractorStyle style
224 # create the frame with the buttons and the rendering widget
225 makeVTKFrame $win scene
226 # put the objects into the widget
227 updateScene $win
230 proc updateScene { win } {
231 linkLocal $win background azimuth elevation objects maxiter trackers \
232 animate renwin renderer
233 set objcount 0
234 foreach obj $objects {
235 incr objcount
236 set name "object$objcount"
237 set class [lindex $obj 0]
238 set anim_obj [lindex $obj 4]
239 "vtk$class\Source" $name
240 foreach prop [lindex $obj 1] {
241 eval $name "Set$prop"
243 vtkPolyDataMapper "$name:mapper"
244 "$name:mapper" SetInputConnection [$name GetOutputPort]
245 vtkLODActor "$name:actor"
246 "$name:actor" SetMapper "$name:mapper"
247 foreach prop [lindex $obj 2] {
248 eval ["$name:actor" GetProperty] "Set$prop"
250 foreach prop [lindex $obj 3] {
251 eval "$name:actor" "Set$prop"
253 $renderer AddActor "$name:actor"
254 if { [llength $anim_obj] > 2 } {
255 lappend animate [linsert $anim_obj 0 $name]
256 set n [expr [llength [lindex $anim_obj 2]] - 1]
257 if { $n > $maxiter } {
258 set maxiter $n
260 if { [lindex $anim_obj 1] } {
261 lappend trackers "$name [llength [lindex $anim_obj 2]]"
262 vtkPoints "$name:points"
263 eval "$name:points" InsertPoint 0 [lindex [lindex $anim_obj 2] 0]
264 vtkCellArray "$name:lines"
265 "$name:lines" InsertNextCell 1
266 "$name:lines" InsertCellPoint 0
267 vtkPolyData "$name:track"
268 "$name:track" SetPoints "$name:points"
269 "$name:track" SetLines "$name:lines"
270 vtkPolyDataMapper "$name:track:mapper"
271 "$name:track:mapper" SetInput "$name:track"
272 vtkActor "$name:track:actor"
273 "$name:track:actor" SetMapper "$name:track:mapper"
274 eval ["$name:track:actor" GetProperty] SetColor [["$name:actor" GetProperty] GetColor]
275 $renderer AddActor "$name:track:actor"
279 eval "$renderer SetBackground $background"
281 # Rotate the camera so the axis are in the position familiar to Physicists
282 [$renderer GetActiveCamera] Elevation -90
283 [$renderer GetActiveCamera] SetViewUp 0.0 0.0 1.0
285 # Set azimuth and elevation
286 [$renderer GetActiveCamera] Azimuth $azimuth
287 [$renderer GetActiveCamera] Elevation $elevation
288 $renderer ResetCamera
289 $renwin Render
293 ## endsource scene.tcl