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1 #| Copyright 2007, 2008, 2021 by Barton Willis
3 This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
7 This software has NO WARRANTY, not even the implied warranty of
9 |#
12 (if (not ($get '$to_poly '$version)) ($load '$to_poly))
14 (mfuncall '$declare '$one_to_one '$feature)
15 (mfuncall '$declare '$sinh '$one_to_one)
16 (mfuncall '$declare '$log '$one_to_one)
17 (mfuncall '$declare '$tanh '$one_to_one)
18 (mfuncall '$declare '$log '$increasing)
20 ;; The macro opcons is defined in src; opapply is defined in to_poly. So we
21 ;; no longer define them here.
23 ;; Maybe I should use csign instead of these functions...
24 (defun number-sign (x)
25 (cond ((or (integerp x) (floatp x))
26 (cond ((< x 0) '$neg)
27 ((= x 0) '$zero)
28 ((> x 0) '$pos)))
30 (($ratnump x) (number-sign ($num x)))
31 (($bfloatp x) (number-sign (second x)))
32 ((eq '$minf x) '$neg)
33 ((member x '($inf $%pi $%e $%phi) :test #'eq) '$pos)
34 ((member x '($%i '$infinity) :test #'eq) '$complex)
35 (($constantp x) (constant-expression-sign x))
36 (t nil)))
38 (defun constant-expression-sign (x)
39 (let ((f1) (f2) (f3))
41 ;; I can do better. A big float running error evaluator would be nice.
42 ;; (or interval arithmetic). But for now let's evaluate with 25, 50,
43 ;; and 75 digits. Provided all three agree, and |f3| > 2^-50, return the common sign.
45 ;; I need to check for complex...
47 (setq f1 (bind-fpprec 25 ($bfloat x)))
48 (setq f2 (bind-fpprec 50 ($bfloat x)))
49 (setq f3 (bind-fpprec 75 ($bfloat x)))
51 (if (and ($bfloatp f1) ($bfloatp f2) ($bfloatp f3)
52 (eq (number-sign f1) (number-sign f2))
53 (eq (number-sign f2) (number-sign f3))
54 (> (first (last f3)) -50)) (number-sign f1) nil)))
56 ;; This isn't exactly the same as CARTESIAN-PRODUCT in src/nset.lisp,
57 ;; so give it a different name to avoid name collision.
58 (defun fourier_elim-cartesian-product (b)
59 (cond ((null b)
60 nil)
62 (let ((a) (acc (mapcar #'list (car b))))
63 (setq b (cdr b))
64 (dolist (bi b acc)
65 (setq a nil)
66 (dolist (bij bi (setq acc a))
67 (setq a (append a (mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(,@x ,bij)) acc)))))))))
69 (defun expand-and-over-or (e)
70 (cond (($mapatom e) e)
71 ((op-equalp e 'mand)
72 (setq e (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (if (op-equalp s 'mor) (margs s) (list s))) (margs e)))
73 (setq e (fourier_elim-cartesian-product e))
74 (setq e (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (opapply 'mand s)) e))
75 (opapply 'mor e))
76 (t (opapply (mop e) (mapcar 'expand-and-over-or (margs e))))))
78 (defun make-positive-product (l)
79 (let* ((n (length l)) (m (expt 2 n)) (k) (p) (acc nil))
80 (dotimes (i m)
81 (if (evenp (logcount i))
82 (progn
83 (setq p nil)
84 (setq k 0)
85 (dolist (li l)
86 (push (apply 'fe> (if (logbitp k i) (list 0 li nil) (list li 0 nil))) p)
87 (incf k))
89 (setq p (opapply 'mand p))
90 (push p acc))))
91 (opapply 'mor acc)))
93 (defun in-real-domain (e)
94 (cond ((eq e '$%i) nil)
95 (($mapatom e) t)
97 ((op-equalp e 'mplus 'mtimes '%atan '%cos '%sin '%cosh '%sinh '%asinh)
98 (opapply 'mand (mapcar 'in-real-domain (margs e))))
100 ((op-equalp e '%acos '%asin)
101 (setq e (first (margs e)))
102 (opapply 'mand (list (fe>= e -1) (fe>= 1 e))))
104 ((op-equalp e '%log)
105 (fe> (first (margs e)) 0))
107 ((op-equalp e '%acosh)
108 (fe>= (first (margs e)) 1))
110 ((op-equalp e 'mexpt)
111 (let ((x (first (margs e))) (n (second (margs e))))
112 (cond ((member ($compare n 0) '("<" "<=") :test 'equal)
113 (take '(mand) (m-neq x 0) (in-real-domain x) (in-real-domain n)))
115 (take '(mand) (m-neq x 0) (in-real-domain x) (in-real-domain n))))))
116 (t (m= e (take '($conjugate) e)))))
118 (defun freeof-floats (e)
119 (if ($mapatom e) (not (or (floatp e) ($bfloatp e)))
120 (every 'freeof-floats (margs (ratdisrep e)))))
122 ;; Splitify an expression; this does e -> ((e1, boolean) (e2, boolean), ...). Examples:
124 ;; x --> ((x t)),
125 ;; |x| --> ((-x, x < 0) (x, x >= 0)),
126 ;; max(a,b) --> ((a, a > b) (b, b >= a)),
127 ;; a + |b| --> a + ((-b, b < 0) (b, b >=0)) --> ((a-b, b < 0) (a + b, b >= 0)),
129 (defun $splitify (e)
130 (cons '(mlist) (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (push '(mlist) s)) (splitify e))))
132 (defun splitify (e)
133 (let ((acc nil) (f))
134 (cond (($mapatom e) (list (list e t)))
136 ((op-equalp e '$max)
137 (splitify (max-to-abs (margs e))))
139 ((op-equalp e '$min)
140 (splitify (min-to-abs (margs e))))
142 ((op-equalp e 'mabs)
143 (setq e (first (margs e)))
144 (list (list (neg e) (fe> 0 e)) (list e (fe>= e 0))))
146 ((op-equalp e 'mexpt)
147 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (list (take '(mexpt) (first s) (third e)) (second s))) (splitify (second e))))
149 ((op-equalp e 'mplus 'mtimes)
150 (setq f (if (op-equalp e 'mplus) 'add 'mult))
151 (setq e (mapcar 'splitify (margs e)))
152 (setq e (fourier_elim-cartesian-product e))
153 (dolist (ek e acc)
154 (push
155 (reduce
156 #'(lambda (a b)
157 (list (funcall f (first a) (first b)) (take '(mand) (second a) (second b)))) ek) acc)))
159 (t (list (list e t))))))
161 (defun fe> (a b &optional (expand nil) (use-splitify t))
162 (let* ((z) (sgn) (z-split) (acc nil))
163 (setq a ($ratdisrep a))
164 (setq b ($ratdisrep b))
166 ;; This uses p / q > 0 == q^2 * (p / q) > 0 == p * q > 0. Skip the
167 ;; p / q > 0 --> p * q > 0 transformation when z contains a floating
168 ;; point number.
170 (setq z (sub a b))
171 (setq z (if (freeof-floats z) ($factor (mul ($num z) ($denom z))) z))
172 (setq sgn (compare-using-empty-context a b))
174 (cond ((equal sgn ">") t)
176 ((member sgn '("<" "<=" "=") :test 'equal) nil)
178 ;; Catch four easy cases before we splitify z. Without the checks for the easy cases,
179 ;; we'd get things like |x| > 1 --> (-1 < x & x < 0) or (x = 0) or (x < 1, x > 0).
181 ;; First, |a| > b --> (b < 0) or (a > b, b >= 0) or (-a > b, b >= 0).
183 ((and (op-equalp a 'mabs) ($freeof 'mabs '$min '$max b))
184 (setq a (first (margs a)))
185 (opapply 'mor (list
186 (opapply 'mand (list (fe> 0 b)))
187 (opapply 'mand (list (fe>= b 0) (fe> a b)))
188 (opapply 'mand (list (fe>= b 0) (fe> (neg a) b))))))
190 ;; Second, a > |b| == a > b and a > -b.
192 ((and (op-equalp b 'mabs) ($freeof 'mabs '$min '$max a))
193 (setq b (first (margs b)))
194 (opapply 'mand (list (fe> a b) (fe> a (neg b)))))
196 ;; Third, min(a1,a2,..., an) > b --> a1 > b and a2 > b and .. an > b.
198 ((and (op-equalp a '$min) ($freeof 'mabs '$min '$max b))
199 (opapply 'mand (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (fe> s b)) (margs a))))
201 ;; Fourth, a > max(b1,b2, ..., bn) --> a > b1 and a > b2 and ... and a > bn.
203 ((and (op-equalp b '$max) ($freeof 'mabs '$min '$max a))
204 (opapply 'mand (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (fe> a s)) (margs b))))
206 ;; Do z^n > 0 --> z # 0 n even, z > 0, n odd.
207 ((and (op-equalp z 'mexpt) (integerp (third z)))
208 (if (even (third z)) (m-neq (second z) 0) (fe> (second z) 0)))
210 ;; Do f(a) > f(b), where f is increasing --> a > b.
211 ((and (not ($mapatom a)) (not ($mapatom b)) (eq (mop a) (mop b)) ($featurep (mop a) '$increasing))
212 (opapply 'mand (list
213 (fe> (first (margs a)) (first (margs b)))
214 (in-real-domain a)
215 (in-real-domain b))))
217 ;; Do f(a) > f(b), where f is decreasing --> a < b.
218 ((and (not ($mapatom a)) (not ($mapatom b)) (eq (mop a) (mop b)) ($featurep (mop a) '$decreasing))
219 (fe> (first (margs b)) (first (margs a))))
221 ;; Do a^x > a^y, where a > 1 --> x > y,
222 ((and (not ($mapatom a)) (not ($mapatom b)) (eq (mop a) (mop b))
223 (op-equalp a 'mexpt) (eql (second a) (second b))
224 (equal (compare-using-empty-context (second a) 1) ">"))
225 (fe> (third a) (third b)))
227 ;; Do a * b > 0 --> (a > 0, b > 0) or (a < 0, b < 0). We only do this when
228 ;; z has two or more non-constant factors. This check seems spendy--is there
229 ;; a way to bailout before we get here?
231 ((and (op-equalp z 'mtimes) expand)
232 (make-positive-product (margs z)))
233 ;; Finally, take care of the abs, max, and min cases that the previous
234 ;; four cases miss.
236 ((and use-splitify (op-equalp z '$max '$min 'mabs 'mtimes 'mplus))
237 (setq z-split (splitify z))
238 (dolist (zk z-split)
239 (push `((mand) ,(fe> (first zk) 0 expand nil) ,@(rest zk)) acc))
240 (push '(mor) acc)
241 (simplifya acc nil))
244 (opapply 'mgreaterp (list z 0))))))
246 (defun m= (a b &optional (use-splitify t))
247 (let* ((z (sub a b)) (nz) (acc) (z-split) (sgn (compare-using-empty-context a b)))
248 (setq z (if (freeof-floats z) ($factor z) z))
250 (cond
252 ;; If compare says a = b, return true.
253 ((equal sgn "=") t)
255 ;; If compare says a # b, return false.
256 ((member sgn '("<" ">" "#") :test 'equal) nil)
258 ;; for complex numbers, look at the real and imaginary parts.
259 ((and (complex-number-p a '$numberp) (complex-number-p b '$numberp))
260 (take '(mand) (m= ($realpart a) ($realpart b)) (m= ($imagpart a) ($imagpart b))))
262 ;; z^n = 0 --> false if n <= 0 else z = 0.
263 ((and (op-equalp z 'mexpt) (mnump (third z)))
264 (if (member (number-sign (third z)) '($neg $zero) :test #'eq) nil (m= (second z) 0)))
266 ;; f(a) = f(b), where f is one-to-one --> a = b.
267 ((and (not ($mapatom a)) (not ($mapatom b)) (eq (mop a) (mop b)) ($featurep (mop a) '$one_to_one))
268 (opapply 'mand (append (list (in-real-domain a) (in-real-domain b)) (mapcar #'m= (margs a) (margs b)))))
270 ;; a * b = 0 --> a = 0 or b = 0; also a / b --> a = 0 and b # 0.
271 ((op-equalp z 'mtimes)
272 (setq nz (m-neq ($ratdenom z) 0))
273 (expand-and-over-or
274 (take '(mand) nz (opapply 'mor (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (m= s 0)) (margs z))))))
276 ((and use-splitify (op-equalp z '$max '$min 'mabs 'mtimes 'mplus))
277 (setq z-split (splitify z))
278 (dolist (zk z-split)
279 (push `((mand) ,(m= (first zk) 0 nil) ,@(rest zk)) acc))
280 (push '(mor) acc)
281 (expand-and-over-or (simplifya acc nil)))
283 (t (take '(mequal) z 0)))))
285 (defun m-neq (a b)
286 (let ((save-context $context) (new-context (gensym)) (sgn))
287 (unwind-protect
288 (progn
289 (setq sgn (mnqp a b))
290 (cond ((or (eq sgn t) (eq sgn nil)) sgn)
291 ((eq $domain '$real) (opcons 'mor (fe> a b t) (fe> b a t)))
292 (t (take '(mnot) (m= a b)))))
293 (if ($member new-context $contexts) ($killcontext new-context))
294 (setq $context save-context))))
296 (defun fe>= (a b)
297 (let ((sgn (compare-using-empty-context a b)))
298 (cond ((member sgn '(">=" ">") :test 'equal) t)
299 ((equal sgn "<") nil)
300 (t (opcons 'mor (fe> a b t) (m= a b))))))
302 (defun standardize-inequality (e)
303 (let ((a) (b))
304 (cond ((op-equalp e 'mand)
305 (opapply 'mand (mapcar 'standardize-inequality (margs e))))
307 ((op-equalp e 'mor)
308 (opapply 'mor (mapcar 'standardize-inequality (margs e))))
310 ((or (mrelationp e) (op-equalp e '$equal))
311 (setq a (second e))
312 (setq b (third e))
314 (cond ((op-equalp e 'mlessp) (fe> b a t))
315 ((op-equalp e 'mleqp) (opcons 'mor (fe> b a t) (m= a b )))
316 ((op-equalp e 'mequal '$equal) (m= a b ))
317 ((op-equalp e 'mgreaterp) (fe> a b t))
318 ((op-equalp e 'mgeqp) (fe>= a b))
319 ((op-equalp e 'mnotequal) (m-neq a b))
320 (t e)))
321 (t e))))
323 ;; affine_p(p,vars) returns true iff p is an affine polynomial in vars, that is,
324 ;; that it is a polynomial in vars (a list) whose total degree in vars is no greater than 1.
326 ;; Stavros Macrakis wrote $affine_p and the tests (see rtest_fourier_elim.mac) for this function.
328 (defun $affine_p (p vl)
329 (setq vl (require-list vl "affine_p"))
330 (let* (($ratfac nil)
331 ($ratprint nil)
332 (rat ($rat p)))
333 (and (eq (caar rat) 'mrat) ; don't handle bags etc.
334 (not (memq 'trunc (car rat))) ; don't handle taylor series (even in other vars)
335 (let* (;; in affine poly, only numer can include vars
336 (num ($ratnumer rat))
337 ;; (what vars are actually used; cf. $ratfreeof/$showratvars)
338 (numvars (caddar (minimize-varlist num)))
339 ;; ... and denominator cannot depend on vars at all
340 (den ($ratdenom rat))
341 (denvars (caddar (minimize-varlist den)))
342 (truncnum))
343 (and
344 ;; everything in denvars must be freeof vl
345 (every #'(lambda (term)
346 (every #'(lambda (var) (freeof var term)) vl))
347 denvars)
348 ;; everything in numvars must be either in vl or freeof vl
349 (every #'(lambda (term)
350 (or (memalike term vl)
351 (every #'(lambda (var) (freeof var term)) vl)))
352 numvars)
353 ;; there must be no terms of degree > 1
354 (progn
355 ;; calculate p without terms of degree > 1
356 (let (($ratwtlvl 1)
357 ;; ignore prevailing *ratweights (don't append to new ones)
358 (*ratweights (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons x 1)) vl)))
359 ;; adding ($rat 0) performs the truncation; just ($rat num) does not
360 (setq truncnum (add ($rat 0) num)))
361 ;; subtract out: any terms of degree > 1?
362 (equal 0 (ratdisrep (sub num truncnum)))))))))
364 (defun linear-elimination (l v)
365 (let (($linsolve_params nil) ($backsubst t) ($programmode t)
366 ($linsolvewarn nil) ($globalsolve nil) (subs) (unsolved) (vars))
368 (setq l ($elim l v))
369 (cond (($member 1 ($first l)) '$emptyset)
371 (setq subs ($linsolve ($second l) v))
372 (setq vars (mapcar '$lhs (margs subs)))
373 (setq vars (push '(mlist) vars))
374 (setq unsolved ($first l))
375 (setq unsolved (cons '(mlist) (mapcar #'(lambda (q) (take '(mequal) q 0)) (cdr ($first l)))))
376 (simplifya (list '(mlist) subs unsolved vars) t)))))
378 (defun $fourier_elim (l vars)
380 (let ((eq-list nil) (pos-list nil) (other-list nil) (acc) ($listconstvars nil)
381 ($ratprint nil) ($domain '$real))
383 ;; Check the arguments
385 (setq l (if (op-equalp l 'mand 'mlist) (margs l) (list l)))
386 (require-list-or-set vars "$fourier_elim")
388 ;; Standardize each inequality and simplify. To simplify, apply 'mand. After that,
389 ;; expand 'and' over 'or.'
391 (setq l (opapply 'mand (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (standardize-inequality s)) l)))
392 (setq l (expand-and-over-or l))
394 (cond ((eq t l) '$universalset)
395 ((eq nil l) '$emptyset)
396 ((op-equalp l 'mor)
397 (setq l (margs l))
398 (dolist (li l)
399 (push ($fourier_elim li vars) acc))
401 (setq acc (delete '$emptyset acc))
402 (cond ((null acc) '$emptyset)
403 ((member t acc) '$universalset)
404 (t (opapply 'mor acc))))
407 (setq l (if (op-equalp l 'mand) (margs l) (list l)))
408 (setq l (delete t l))
410 ;; Push all non-affine expressions into other-list; push all equalities
411 ;; into eq-list, push all > equalities into pos-list, and push everything else
412 ;; into other-list.
414 (dolist (li l)
415 (cond ((not ($affine_p ($lhs li) ($listofvars li))) (push li other-list))
416 ((op-equalp li 'mequal) (push li eq-list))
417 ((op-equalp li 'mgreaterp) (push ($lhs li) pos-list))
418 (t (push li other-list))))
420 ;; Using eq-list, eliminate as many variables as possible.
422 (push '(mlist) eq-list)
423 (push '(mlist) pos-list)
424 (push '(mlist) other-list)
425 (setq eq-list (linear-elimination eq-list vars))
427 (cond ((eq '$emptyset eq-list) (setq pos-list '$emptyset))
429 ;;;(setq elim-vars ($third eq-list))
430 (setq other-list (append other-list (margs ($second eq-list))))
431 (setq eq-list ($first eq-list))
432 (setq pos-list ($substitute eq-list pos-list))
433 (setq other-list ($substitute eq-list other-list))))
435 (cond ((eq pos-list '$emptyset) pos-list)
437 (setq pos-list (fourier-elim (margs pos-list) (margs vars)))
438 (if (eq pos-list '$emptyset) pos-list
439 ($append eq-list pos-list other-list))))))))
441 ;; Without the post-fourier-elim-simp, we get
443 ;; (%i2) eqs : [0 < x, x<1, 0 < y, y <1, x+y+z < 4, z > 0]$
444 ;; (%i3) fourier_elim(eqs,[z,y,x]);
445 ;; (%o3) [0<z,z<-y-x+4,0<y,y<min(1,4-x),0<x,x<1]
447 ;; Since 0 < x < 1, Maxima should be able to deduce that min(1,4-x) = 1. So (%o3)
448 ;; should simplify to [0<z,z<-y-x+4,0<y,y<1,0<x,x<1].
449 ;; To do this simplification, it's necessary to set dosimp to true--why, I don't
450 ;; know (alternatively, use ($expand e 0 0)).
452 (defun post-fourier-elim-simp (pos)
453 (let ((save-context $context) (new-context (gensym)))
455 ;; (a) Declare a new context (b) put every member of the CL list
456 ;; pos into the fact database (c) simplify each member of pos
457 ;; (d) kill the new context and restore the old context.
459 (unwind-protect
460 (progn
461 ($newcontext new-context)
462 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (mfuncall '$assume s)) pos)
463 (let ((dosimp t))
464 (setq pos (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (simplifya s nil)) pos))
465 (delete-if #'(lambda (s) (equal t (standardize-inequality s))) pos)))
467 (if ($member new-context $contexts) ($killcontext new-context))
468 (setq $context save-context))))
470 (defun fourier-elim (pos vars)
471 (let ((vi) (acc nil) (w))
472 (while (and (not (eq pos '$emptyset)) (first pos) vars)
473 (setq vi (pop vars))
475 (setq w (fourier-elim-one-variable pos vi))
476 (setq acc (append acc (first w)))
477 (setq pos (second w)))
478 (if (eq '$emptyset pos) '$emptyset
479 (progn
480 (setq pos (delete t (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (fe> s 0)) pos)))
481 (if (consp (member 'nil pos)) '$emptyset
482 (opapply 'mlist (post-fourier-elim-simp (append acc pos))))))))
484 ;; Do Fourier elimination on a list l of inequalities with respect to the
485 ;; indeterminate x. Each member of l is a polynomial, and each polynomial p in
486 ;; in this list implies the inequality p > 0. The function fourier-elim-one-variable
487 ;; returns a list of the form
489 ;; ((lb < x , x < ub), other),
491 ;; where other list of list of the implied inequalities (require that each lower bound is less than
492 ;; each upper bound) and members of p that do not determine a bound on v.
494 ;; Each member of l is a polynomial with real coefficients. Also each member p of l
495 ;; determines an inequality p > 0.
497 (defun simplify-fe-args (pos)
499 ;; (1) Delete all manifestly positive members of pos.
500 ;; (2) If pos has a zero or negative member set pos to (-1).
501 ;; (3) Remove the extremal members of pos (apply min).
503 (cond ((member pos '($inf $minf) :test #'eq) (list pos))
505 (let ((save-context $context) (new-context (gensym)))
506 (unwind-protect
507 (progn
508 ($newcontext new-context)
509 (setq pos (delete-if #'(lambda (s) (eq '$pos (csign s))) pos))
510 (if (some #'(lambda (s) (member (csign s) '($neg $nz $zero) :test #'eq)) pos) (setq pos (list -1)))
511 (setq pos (apply-min pos))
512 (if (op-equalp pos '$min) (margs pos) (list pos)))
513 (if ($member new-context $contexts) ($killcontext new-context))
514 (setq $context save-context))))))
516 (defun fourier-elim-one-variable (pos x &optional (need-simp t))
518 (let ((cf) (acc nil) (lb nil) (ub nil) (lb-args) (ub-args) (sgn) (sol) (bounds nil))
519 (if need-simp (setq pos (simplify-fe-args pos)))
521 ;; Find the lower and upper bounds for x; push the lower bounds into the list 'lb', and the upper
522 ;; bounds into holds 'ub' holds the upper bounds. All polynomials that don't determine a bound get
523 ;; pushed into acc.
525 ;; Example: say 1 - x > 0. The coefficient of x is negative, and solving 1 - x = 0 for
526 ;; x gives an *upper* bound for x (that is x < 1) . Simiarly, say 1 + x > 0. The
527 ;; coefficient of x is positive and solving 1 + x = 0 for x gives a *lower* bound for x
528 ;; (that is x > -1).
530 (dolist (li pos)
531 (setq cf ($ratcoef li x))
532 (setq sgn (number-sign cf))
533 (if (member sgn '($neg $pos) :test #'eq)
534 (progn
535 (setq sol ($expand (div (sub (mul cf x) li) cf)))
536 (if (eq sgn '$neg) (push sol ub) (push sol lb)))
537 (push li acc)))
539 ;; Delete the non-extremal members of lb and ub
541 (setq lb (apply-max lb))
542 (setq ub (apply-min ub))
543 (setq lb-args (if (op-equalp lb '$max) (margs lb) (list lb)))
544 (setq ub-args (if (op-equalp ub '$min) (margs ub) (list ub)))
546 (setq lb-args (delete '$minf lb-args))
547 (setq ub-args (delete '$inf ub-args))
549 ;; Require that each lower bound be smaller than each upper bound. We could use
550 ;; fe> instead of sub here. But I think it's not needed, and fe> is more spendy.
552 (setq acc (append acc (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (sub (second s) (first s)))
553 (fourier_elim-cartesian-product (list lb-args ub-args)))))
555 ;; Return ((lb < x x < ub) acc).
557 (if (not (eq '$inf ub)) (push (opcons 'mlessp x ub) bounds))
558 (if (not (eq '$minf lb)) (push (opcons 'mlessp lb x) bounds))
560 (list
561 ;;(list (opcons 'mlessp lb x) (opcons 'mlessp x ub))
562 bounds
563 (if (some #'(lambda (s) (or (eql 0 s) (eq nil s))) acc) '$emptyset acc))))
565 ;; Apply max and min without looking at the current context; if something goes wrong,
566 ;; cleanup the mess.
568 (defun apply-max (l)
569 (let ((save-context $context) (new-context (gensym)))
570 (unwind-protect
571 (progn
572 ($newcontext new-context)
573 (setq l (mapcar '$expand l))
574 (opapply '$max l))
575 (if ($member new-context $contexts) ($killcontext new-context))
576 (setq $context save-context))))
578 (defun apply-min (l)
579 (let ((save-context $context) (new-context (gensym)))
580 (unwind-protect
581 (progn
582 ($newcontext new-context)
583 (setq l (mapcar '$expand l))
584 (opapply '$min l))
585 (if ($member new-context $contexts) ($killcontext new-context))
586 (setq $context save-context))))
588 (defun compare-using-empty-context (a b)
589 (let ((save-context $context) (new-context (gensym)))
590 (unwind-protect
591 (progn
592 ($newcontext new-context)
593 ($compare a b))
594 (if ($member new-context $contexts) ($killcontext new-context))
595 (setq $context save-context))))