4 ;; Maxima string processing
6 ;; Copyright : 2005-2016 Volker van Nek
9 ;; Test file : rteststringproc.mac
10 ;; Documentation : stringproc.texi
14 Strings of length
1 are denoted as a Maxima character.
16 Position indices in strings are
1-indexed like in Maxima lists. This results to
17 the following consistency.
19 charlist
(str)[i] = charat(str, i), i >= 1.
25 (declare-top (special *parse-utf-8-input*))
27 In an application which encodes characters in UTF-8 and the external format of
28 the Lisp reader is set to e.g. cp1252 (or has no format definition like in GCL)
29 a string of length 1 which contains a non-us-ascii character like an umlaut
30 is read as a sequence of two or more octets, e.g. auml -> #(195 164), and
31 misinterpreted as a sequence of two or more characters.
33 When the flag *parse-utf-8-input* is set to true the string processing
34 functions in stringproc.lisp and sregex.lisp decode and restructure octet
35 sequences in a way that octet groups like '(195 164) are coded back into the
36 original string of length 1.
38 In addition to this position indices in strings are fixed accordingly.
40 Functions like $alphacharp which need a Lisp character representation of a
41 Maxima character do not work for non-us-ascii characters, e.g. auml is not
42 recognized as alphabetic.
44 See comments to $adjust_external_format below for a detailed description.
47 ;; adjust the external format where necessary and possible
49 #-gcl (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
51 #+ (and clisp (not unix))
52 (when (boundp 'maxima::$wxplot_size)
53 (setf custom:*terminal-encoding*
54 (ext:make-encoding :charset (symbol-name :utf-8) :line-terminator :dos) ))
57 ;; find the right value for *parse-utf-8-input*
59 (defun init-*parse-utf-8-input* ()
66 #+gcl (boundp 'maxima::$wxplot_size) ;; we are in wxMaxima
69 (and (boundp 'maxima::$wxplot_size) ;; we are in wxMaxima and
70 (not (search "UTF" ;; the external format is not utf-8 (e.g. SBCL)
71 (format nil "~s" (stream-external-format *standard-output*))
72 :test 'string-equal ))) ))
74 (defvar *parse-utf-8-input*
75 (init-*parse-utf-8-input*)
76 "Maxima itself parses the utf-8 input." )
79 ;; when *parse-utf-8-input* is t read raw bytes according to the default external format
81 (defun string-to-raw-bytes (str)
82 (intl::string-to-octets str #+cmucl :iso8859-1 ;; GNU/Linux terminal ;; should not be needed
83 #-cmucl :cp1252 )) ;; wxMaxima on Windows (GCL,SBCL) ;; CLISP: should not be needed
84 ;; and GCL in GNU/Linux (GCL ignores encoding arg)
87 ;; Setting this flag to true saves Maxima from parsing UTF-8 encoding.
88 ;; (If possible adjusting the external format should be preferred.)
90 (defvar $us_ascii_only nil "Promise to use only US-ASCII characters.")
92 (putprop '$us_ascii_only 'set-*parse-utf-8-input* 'assign)
94 (defun set-*parse-utf-8-input* (assign-var arg)
95 (declare (ignore assign-var))
96 (setq *parse-utf-8-input*
97 (if arg nil (init-*parse-utf-8-input*)) ))
100 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
101 ;; frequently used error messages:
103 (defun io-error (name which)
104 (gf-merror (intl:gettext "`~m': ~m argument must be a stream.") name which) )
106 (defun s-error1 (name which)
107 (gf-merror (intl:gettext "`~m': ~m argument must be a string.") name which) )
109 (defun s-error2 (name which)
110 (gf-merror (intl:gettext "`~m': ~m arguments must be strings.") name which) )
112 (defun s-pos-error1 (name pos)
113 (gf-merror (intl:gettext "`~m': unsuitable position index ~m") name pos) )
115 (defun s-pos-error2 (name)
116 (gf-merror (intl:gettext "`~m': unsuitable start or end position.") name) )
117 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
125 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
129 ;; $openw_binary, $opena_binary, $openr_binary
130 ;; are placed in share/numercalio/numercalio.lisp.
133 (defun $openw (file &optional enc)
134 #+gcl (declare (ignore enc))
135 (unless (stringp file) (s-error1 "openw" "the"))
138 #-gcl :external-format #-gcl (get-encoding enc "openw")
139 :if-exists :supersede
140 :if-does-not-exist :create ))
143 (defun $opena (file &optional enc)
144 #+gcl (declare (ignore enc))
145 (unless (stringp file) (s-error1 "opena" "the"))
146 #+gcl (open file :direction :output :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create)
147 #-gcl (let (encoding-to-use inferred-encoding encoding-from-argument)
148 (declare (ignorable inferred-encoding encoding-from-argument))
150 (setq encoding-to-use (setq encoding-from-argument (get-encoding enc "opena")))
152 (setq inferred-encoding (unicode-sniffer file))
153 (if inferred-encoding
154 (let ((checked-encoding (check-encoding inferred-encoding)))
155 (when (null checked-encoding)
156 (merror (intl:gettext "opena: inferred encoding ~M for file ~M is not recognized by this Lisp implementation.") inferred-encoding file))
157 (when (eq checked-encoding 'unknown)
158 (mtell (intl:gettext "opena: warning: I don't know how to verify encoding for this Lisp implementation."))
159 (mtell (intl:gettext "opena: warning: go ahead with inferred encoding ~M and hope for the best.") inferred-encoding))
160 (setq encoding-to-use inferred-encoding))
161 (setq encoding-to-use (setq encoding-from-argument (get-encoding enc "opena"))))))
162 (open file :direction :output :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create :external-format encoding-to-use)))
165 (defun $openr (file &optional enc)
166 #+gcl (declare (ignore enc))
167 (unless (stringp file) (s-error1 "openr" "the"))
168 (unless (probe-file file)
169 (gf-merror (intl:gettext "`openr': file does not exist: ~m") file) )
171 #-gcl (let (encoding-to-use inferred-encoding encoding-from-argument)
172 (declare (ignorable inferred-encoding encoding-from-argument))
174 (setq encoding-to-use (setq encoding-from-argument (get-encoding enc "openr")))
176 (setq inferred-encoding (unicode-sniffer file))
177 (if inferred-encoding
178 (let ((checked-encoding (check-encoding inferred-encoding)))
179 (when (null checked-encoding)
180 (merror (intl:gettext "openr: inferred encoding ~M for file ~M is not recognized by this Lisp implementation.") inferred-encoding file))
181 (when (eq checked-encoding 'unknown)
182 (mtell (intl:gettext "openr: warning: I don't know how to verify encoding for this Lisp implementation."))
183 (mtell (intl:gettext "openr: warning: go ahead with inferred encoding ~M and hope for the best.") inferred-encoding))
184 (setq encoding-to-use inferred-encoding))
185 (setq encoding-to-use (setq encoding-from-argument (get-encoding enc "openr"))))))
186 (let ((s (open file :external-format encoding-to-use)))
187 (when (eql (peek-char nil s nil) #+clisp #\ZERO_WIDTH_NO-BREAK_SPACE
188 #+(or abcl sbcl) #\UFEFF
189 #-(or clisp abcl sbcl) #\U+FEFF)
194 (defun $make_string_input_stream (str &optional (start 1) (end nil)) ;; use 1-indexing
195 (unless (stringp str) (s-error1 "make_string_input_stream" "first"))
197 (when end (decf end))
199 (make-string-input-stream str start end) )
200 (s-pos-error2 "make_string_input_stream") ))
203 (defun $make_string_output_stream ()
204 (make-string-output-stream) )
207 ;; Ignore the :element-type keyword.
208 ;; So we get the default here, namely :element-type character.
210 (defun $get_output_stream_string (stream)
211 (unless (streamp stream) (io-error "get_output_stream_string" "the"))
212 (get-output-stream-string stream) )
215 (defun $close (stream)
216 (unless (streamp stream) (io-error "close" "the"))
220 (defun $flush_output (stream)
221 (unless (streamp stream) (io-error "flush_output" "the"))
222 (not (finish-output stream)) ) ;; so $flush_output and $close both return t
225 (defun $flength (stream)
226 (unless (streamp stream) (io-error "flength" "the"))
227 (file-length stream))
230 (defun $fposition (stream &optional pos)
231 (unless (streamp stream) (io-error "fposition" "first"))
234 (file-position stream (1- pos)) ;; set file-pos, return t (or nil)
236 (setq pos (file-position stream)) ;; get file-pos, return pos (or nil)
237 (when pos (1+ pos)) )))
238 (s-pos-error1 "fposition" pos) ))
241 (defun $readline (stream)
242 (unless (streamp stream) (io-error "readline" "the"))
243 (let ((line (read-line stream nil nil)))
247 (defun $readchar (stream)
248 (unless (streamp stream) (io-error "readchar" "the"))
249 (let ((lc (read-char stream nil nil)))
250 (when lc (string lc)) ))
253 (defun $readbyte (stream)
254 (unless (and (streamp stream)
255 (equal (stream-element-type stream) '(unsigned-byte 8)) )
256 (gf-merror (intl:gettext "`readbyte': argument must be a binary stream.")) )
257 (read-byte stream nil nil) )
260 (defun $writebyte (i stream)
261 (unless (and (streamp stream)
262 (equal (stream-element-type stream) '(unsigned-byte 8)) )
263 (gf-merror (intl:gettext "`writebyte': argument must be a binary stream.")) )
264 (write-byte i stream) )
267 (defun $freshline (&optional (stream))
268 (and stream (not (streamp stream)) (io-error "freshline" "optional"))
272 (defun $newline (&optional (stream))
273 (and stream (not (streamp stream)) (io-error "newline" "optional"))
277 ;; $printf is in printf.lisp
280 ;; -- get or set a suitable encoding (hopefully) ---------------------------- ;;
282 (defun get-encoding (enc name)
284 (enc ;; set encoding:
285 (unless (stringp enc)
286 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
287 "`~m': the optional second argument must be a string." ) name ))
289 ;; All Lisps must recognize :default, per CLHS.
290 (when (string= enc "DEFAULT")
291 (return-from get-encoding :default))
293 (setq enc (intern (string-upcase enc) :keyword))
300 ((boundp 'maxima::$wxplot_size) enc)
301 (t (is-ignored enc name "to get some help")
307 (ext:make-encoding :charset (symbol-name enc) :line-terminator :unix)
309 (let ((ef (stream-external-format *standard-input*)))
311 ((search "UTF" (format nil "~s" ef) :test 'string-equal)
312 (ext:make-encoding :charset (symbol-name enc) :line-terminator :dos) )
313 (t (is-ignored enc name "to enable the encoding argument")
319 (let ((ef (stream-external-format *standard-output*))) ;; input format remains 'default'
321 ((check-encoding enc) enc)
322 (t (is-ignored enc name "to enable the encoding argument")
328 (format t "`~a': GCL ignores the argument ~s.~%" name
329 (string-downcase (symbol-name enc)) )
335 (let ((ef (stream-external-format *standard-input*)))
338 (is-ignored enc name "to enable the encoding argument")
342 #-(or ccl clisp cmucl gcl sbcl)
343 enc) ;; ECL and others
347 :utf-8 ;; ignored by GCL
349 sb-impl::*default-external-format*
351 stream:*default-external-format*
352 #-(or ecl ccl gcl sbcl cmucl)
353 (stream-external-format *standard-output*))))
356 (defun is-ignored (enc name adds)
357 (format t "`~a': The argument ~s is ignored. Enter~%" name
358 (string-downcase (symbol-name enc)) )
359 (format t "adjust_external_format();~%~a.~%" adds) )
362 ;; -- adjust the external format -------------------------------------------- ;;
366 terminal, GUI Lisp reader string_to_octets
367 string_0 ----encode----> UTF-8-octets ----decode----> string_1 ----encode----> octets
369 wMaxima, Xmaxima and commonly used terminals read characters in UTF-8
370 which means the characters are encoded as UTF-8-octets.
372 From the Lisp's point of view this is the external format of the input.
373 Any Lisp reader should read and decode this input in UTF-8 too.
374 Then all characters are read as they are entered in a GUI or terminal.
375 string_0 is equal to string_1. This is necessary for all stringproc functions
376 like e.g. cryptools.lisp/string_to_octets to work properly.
378 UTF-8 is the default external format for SBCL, CLISP, ECL, CCL and CMUCL(GUI).
380 GCL has no format definition and Maxima itself parses the UTF-8 octets.
382 By default CMUCL uses ISO8859-1 in a terminal. The format is changed to UTF-8
383 when loading stringproc.lisp.
385 So in GNU/Linux adjust_external_format prints a message and does nothing.
387 Observations based on Maxima 5.37post from git (Feb 2016).
391 Like in Linux the external format of the Lisp reader should meet the format
392 used by the terminal resp. by the GUI.
394 If the terminal uses cp850 it should be set to cp1252 (or ISO-8859-1).
395 The font should be set to true type. Both changes enable the full range of
396 cp1252 (resp. ISO-8859-1) and are assumed in the following.
398 CCL(terminal) reads UTF-8 and the input from terminal is (assumed to be) ISO-8859-1.
399 The UTF-8 reader misinterprets codepoints > 127. Adjustment needed.
400 Switch to ISO-8859-1 via Lisp option in 'maxima.bat'.
401 (CCL does not support cp1252. Both encodiings should be iso8859-1.)
403 CCL(wxMaxima) reads UTF-8 and the input from wxMaxima is UTF-8. Do nothing.
405 CLISP(terminal) reads cp1252 and the input is (assumed to be) cp1252. Do nothing.
407 CLISP(wxMaxima) reads cp1252 and the input is UTF-8.
408 cp1252 is changed to to UTF-8 when loading stringproc.lisp. Nothing left to do.
410 GCL has no format definition. Input from terminal and wxMaxima is (assumed to be) cp1252. Do nothing.
412 SBCL(terminal) reads UCS-2LE and the input is UCS-2LE. Do nothing.
414 SBCL(wxMaxima) reads cp1252 but the input is UTF-8. Adjustment needed.
415 Switch to UTF-8 via Lisp command in init file.
416 Update (Maxima 5.40.0): SBCL(wxMaxima) reads UTF-8 and the input is UTF-8. Do nothing.
418 Observations based on Maxima 5.36.1(ccl), 5.37.2/5.40.0(clisp), 5.37.3(gcl),
419 5.37.2/5.40.0(sbcl) in Windows 7.
421 TODO: Comments on Xmaxima in Windows.
424 (defun $adjust_external_format ()
428 (format t "The external format is utf-8 and has not been changed.~%")
430 (let ((ef (stream-external-format *standard-input*)))
431 (format t "The external format is ~a and has not been changed.~%" ef)
432 (unless (boundp 'maxima::$wxplot_size)
433 (format t "Command line: The external format is settable by an option in~%~a~%"
434 (combine-path *maxima-prefix* "bin" "maxima.bat") )
435 (format t "Change the line~%set lisp_options=~%to~%")
436 (format t "set lisp_options=-K :iso-8859-1~%")
437 (format t "(cp850 and cp1252 are not supported by CCL.)~%")
438 (use-cp "iso-8859-1" 28591) )))
441 (let ((ef (stream-external-format *standard-input*)))
444 ((search "UTF" (format nil "~s" ef) :test 'string-equal)
445 (format t "The external format is ~a.~%and has not been changed.~%" ef) )
446 ((boundp 'maxima::$wxplot_size)
447 ;; this should not happen
448 ;; format should be adjusted when loading stringproc.lisp
449 (format t "The external format has been changed to ~a~%"
450 (setf custom:*terminal-encoding*
451 (ext:make-encoding :charset (symbol-name :utf-8) :line-terminator :dos) ))
452 (format t "for this session only. For a permanent change put the lines~%")
453 (format t "(setf custom:*terminal-encoding*~%")
454 (format t " (ext:make-encoding :charset (symbol-name :utf-8) :line-terminator :dos) )~%")
455 (format t "into the init file .clisprc in your home directory. ")
456 (format t "The file is probably~%~a~%" (combine-path *maxima-tempdir* ".clisprc"))
457 (setq *parse-utf-8-input* nil)
460 (format t "The external format is ~a~%and has not been changed.~%" ef)
461 (use-cp "cp1252" 1252) ))
463 (format t "The external format is ~a~%and has not been changed.~%" ef) )
466 (let ((ef (stream-external-format *standard-output*))) ;; format of ..
467 (cond ;; .. *standard-input* might be 'default'
469 (format t "The external format is ~a~%and has not been changed.~%" ef) )
470 (t ;; this should not happen
471 ;; format should be adjusted when loading stringproc.lisp
472 (format t "The external format has been changed to utf-8~%")
473 (format t "for this session only. For a permanent change put the line~%")
474 (format t "(stream:set-system-external-format :utf-8)~%")
475 (format t "into the init file .cmucl-init in your home directory. ")
476 (format t "The file is probably~%~a~%" (combine-path *maxima-tempdir* ".cmucl-init"))
477 (setq *parse-utf-8-input* nil)
478 (stream:set-system-external-format :utf-8) ))) ;; returns t
481 (format t "The external format is ~a~%and has not been changed.~%"
482 (stream-external-format *standard-input*) )
486 (format t "There is no settable external format.~%")
488 (use-cp "cp1252" 1252) )
491 (let ((ef (stream-external-format *standard-input*)))
494 (let ((path (sb-impl::userinit-pathname))
495 (cmd "(setf sb-impl::*default-external-format* :utf-8)") )
496 (with-open-file (stream
500 :if-does-not-exist :create )
501 (format stream "~a~%" cmd) )
502 (format t "The external format is cp1252 and has not been changed.~%")
503 (format t "The line~%~a~%has been appended to the init file~%~a~%" cmd path)
504 (format t "Please restart Maxima to change the external format to utf-8.~%") ))
506 (format t "The external format is ~a~%and has not been changed.~%" ef) )))
508 #-(or ccl clisp cmucl ecl gcl sbcl) ;; all others
509 (format t "Please file a report if adjusting the external format seems necessary.~%") )
512 (defun use-cp (name id)
513 (format t "Command line: To change the terminal encoding to ~a insert a line~%" name)
514 (format t "chcp ~a~%immediately below of '@echo off' in~%~s~%"
515 id (combine-path *maxima-prefix* "bin" "maxima.bat") )
516 (format t "and in the properties of the terminal window set the font to a true type font.~%") )
519 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
522 ;; A Maxima character is a string of length 1. (Lisp strings are Maxima strings.)
525 ;; Check if object is a Maxima character.
529 (= 1 (if *parse-utf-8-input* (utf-8-slength obj) (length obj)) )))
532 ;; Convert a string of length 1 into a Lisp character.
534 (defun $lchar (mc) ;; at Maxima level only for testing
538 (unless (and (stringp mc) (= 1 (length mc)))
539 (gf-merror "package stringproc: ~m cannot be converted into a Lisp character." mc) )
543 ;; Convert a Lisp character into a string of length 1.
545 (defun $cunlisp (lc) ;; at Maxima level only for testing
546 (unless (characterp lc)
547 (gf-merror "cunlisp: argument must be a Lisp character") )
551 ;; Check if object is a Lisp character.
553 (defun $lcharp (obj) (characterp obj)) ;; for testing only
556 ;; Tests for Lisp characters at Maxima level (Lisp level functions see below).
558 ;; These functions assume that we know what alphabetic characters are.
559 ;; If mc is a non-US-ASCII character and we don't have Unicode support
560 ;; i.e. *parse-utf-8-input* is t, an error is thrown via l-char.
562 (defun $constituent (mc) (constituent (l-char mc)))
563 (defun $alphanumericp (mc) (alphanumericp (l-char mc)))
564 (defun $alphacharp (mc) (alpha-char-p (l-char mc)))
565 (defun $lowercasep (mc) (lower-case-p (l-char mc)))
566 (defun $uppercasep (mc) (upper-case-p (l-char mc)))
568 (defun $digitcharp (mc)
569 (let ((nr (char-int (l-char mc))))
570 (and (> nr 47.) (< nr 58.)) ))
573 ;; Maxima character <--> code point or character name
575 ;; $cint returns the corresponding unicode code point.
576 ;; $ascii returns a Maxima us-ascii-character for code points < 128.
577 ;; $unicode returns a Maxima character for a given code point or name.
579 ;; The conversion Maxima character to name is possible in clisp, ecl, sbcl
580 ;; via printf(false, "~@c", mc);
583 ;; A non-ASCII-character is encoded in UTF-8 by wxMaxima or a Linux terminal.
584 ;; GCL just passes them through octet by octet. Process these octets.
586 ;; CMUCL (Linux, wxMaxima):
587 ;; $cint recognizes 16 bit characters only.
588 ;; utf8_to_unicode(string_to_octets(mc)); works where $cint fails.
590 ;; SBCL (Windows, wxMaxima):
591 ;; It is assumed that the external format has been adjusted to UTF-8.
595 (gf-merror (intl:gettext "`cint': argument must be a Maxima character.")) )
599 (if *parse-utf-8-input*
600 (ignore-errors ;; arguments larger than 16 bit might cause errors
601 (utf8-to-uc (coerce (string-to-raw-bytes mc) 'list)) )
602 (char-code (character mc)) ))
605 (unless (and (integerp int) (< int 128.))
606 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
607 "`ascii': argument must be a non-negative integer less than 128.
608 Please use `unicode' for code points larger than 127." )))
609 (string (code-char int)) )
611 ;; Code points as arguments are not checked for validity.
612 ;; Names as arguments work in clisp, ecl, sbcl.
613 ;; In allegro, cmuc code points and names are limited to 16 bit.
614 ;; abcl, ccl, gcl, lispworks: unicode(name) returns false.
615 ;; octets_to_string(unicode_to_utf8(code_point)); often works where unicode(code_point) fails.
617 (defun $unicode (arg)
620 (ignore-errors ;; arguments larger than 16 bit might cause errors
621 (if *parse-utf-8-input*
622 (let ((ol (uc-to-utf8 arg)))
623 (utf-8-m-char (length ol) ol) )
624 (string (code-char arg)) )))
626 (setq arg (concatenate 'string "#\\" ($ssubst "_" " " arg)))
627 (let ((*standard-input* (make-string-input-stream arg)))
628 (ignore-errors (string (eval (read)))) ))
630 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
631 "`unicode': argument must be a string or a non-negative integer." )))))
633 ;; Code point conversion utf-8 <--> unicode
635 (defun $utf8_to_unicode (utf8)
636 (unless (listp utf8) (utf8_to_unicode-error))
637 (utf8-to-uc (cdr utf8)) )
639 (defun $unicode_to_utf8 (uc)
640 (unless (integerp uc)
641 (gf-merror (intl:gettext "`unicode_to_utf8': argument must be a non-negative integer.")) )
642 (cons '(mlist simp) (uc-to-utf8 uc)) )
644 (defun utf8_to_unicode-error ()
645 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
646 "`utf8_to_unicode': argument must be a list of octets representing a single character." )))
648 (defun utf8-to-uc (u) ;; u = utf8
649 (let ((l (length u)))
652 (when (logbitp 7 (car u)) (utf8_to_unicode-error))
655 (unless (= (ldb (byte 3 5) (car u)) #b110) (utf8_to_unicode-error)) ;; check the first octet only
656 (logior (ash (ldb (byte 5 0) (car u)) 6)
657 (ldb (byte 6 0) (cadr u)) ))
659 (unless (= (ldb (byte 4 4) (car u)) #b1110) (utf8_to_unicode-error))
660 (logior (ash (ldb (byte 4 0) (car u)) 12.)
661 (ash (ldb (byte 6 0) (cadr u)) 6.)
662 (ldb (byte 6 0) (caddr u)) ))
664 (unless (= (ldb (byte 5 3) (car u)) #b11110) (utf8_to_unicode-error))
665 (logior (ash (ldb (byte 3 0) (car u)) 18.)
666 (ash (ldb (byte 6 0) (cadr u)) 12.)
667 (ash (ldb (byte 6 0) (caddr u)) 6.)
668 (ldb (byte 6 0) (cadddr u)) ))
669 (t (utf8_to_unicode-error)) )))
671 (defun uc-to-utf8 (uc) ;; uc = unicode
677 (push (logior 128. (ldb (byte 6 0) uc)) utf8)
678 (push (logior 192. (ldb (byte 5 6) uc)) utf8) )
681 (push (logior 128. (ldb (byte 6 i) uc)) utf8) )
682 (push (logior 224. (ldb (byte 4 12.) uc)) utf8) )
684 (dolist (i '(0 6 12.))
685 (push (logior 128. (ldb (byte 6 i) uc)) utf8) )
686 (push (logior 240. (ldb (byte 3 18.) uc)) utf8) ))
690 ;; Comparison - test functions - at Maxima level
692 (defun $cequal (mc1 mc2)
693 (if *parse-utf-8-input*
694 (= (mc2int mc1) (mc2int mc2))
695 (char= (l-char mc1) (l-char mc2)) ))
697 (defun $clessp (mc1 mc2)
698 (if *parse-utf-8-input*
699 (< (mc2int mc1) (mc2int mc2))
700 (char< (l-char mc1) (l-char mc2)) ))
702 (defun $cgreaterp (mc1 mc2)
703 (if *parse-utf-8-input*
704 (> (mc2int mc1) (mc2int mc2))
705 (char> (l-char mc1) (l-char mc2)) ))
707 ;; Ignoring case assumes alphabetic characters. But we can't check for
708 ;; non-US-ASCII alphabetic characters when we don't have Unicode support and
709 ;; *parse-utf-8-input* is t. Throw an error via l-char for non-US-ASCII chars.
711 (defun $cequalignore (mc1 mc2) (char-equal (l-char mc1) (l-char mc2)))
712 (defun $clesspignore (mc1 mc2) (char-lessp (l-char mc1) (l-char mc2)))
713 (defun $cgreaterpignore (mc1 mc2) (char-greaterp (l-char mc1) (l-char mc2)))
716 ;; Comparison - test functions - at Lisp level
718 (defun cequal (c1 c2) (char= c1 c2)) ;; Lisp chars assumed
719 (defun clessp (c1 c2) (char< c1 c2))
720 (defun cgreaterp (c1 c2) (char> c1 c2))
722 (defun cequalignore (c1 c2) (char-equal c1 c2))
723 (defun clesspignore (c1 c2) (char-lessp c1 c2))
724 (defun cgreaterpignore (c1 c2) (char-greaterp c1 c2))
727 ;; Special Maxima characters
730 (string #\newline) "Maxima newline character" string)
733 (string #\tab) "Maxima tab character" string)
736 (string #\space) "Maxima space character" string)
739 (defun $tab () $tab) ;; returns Maxima tab character; can be autoloaded
741 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
744 ;; Position indices in strings are 1-indexed, i.e.
746 ;; charlist(str)[i] = charat
(str, i
), i
>= 1.
748 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
749 ;; 3.0 tools for parsing UTF-8 encoded strings
751 ;; Remove the first n octets which form an UTF-8 character from a list of octets.
752 ;; Values: 1. A reference to the rest of the list.
753 ;; 2. The first n octets (we do not always need them).
754 (defun rm-first-utf-8-char (ol) ;; ol is an octet list of utf-8 coded characters
755 (let ((oct (car ol
760 (values (cddddr ol
) (firstn 4 ol
761 (values (cdddr ol
) (firstn 3 ol
)) )
762 (values (cddr ol
) (firstn 2 ol
)) )
763 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
"error while encoding")) )
764 (values (cdr ol
) (firstn 1 ol
)) )))
766 ;; Retrieve an UTF-8 character from a list of octets.
767 (defun utf-8-m-char (len ol
769 (string (code-char (car ol
770 (map-into (make-string len
) #'code-char ol
) ))
773 ;; We want positions in numbers of characters (not just octets) to find the
774 ;; right position in a string.
775 ;; utf-8-pos-dec returns the decrement we need to adjust.
776 ;; (string position = octet position - decrement)
777 (defun utf-8-pos-dec (str pos
778 (do ((ov (string-to-raw-bytes str
782 (when (= (logand (aref ov i
) 192.
) 128.
785 ;; Fix start and end character positions according to given UTF-8 octets.
786 (defun utf-8-fix-start-end (ov args
) ;; args contain start and end positions.
787 (let ((start (cadr args
790 (setq inc
(utf-8-pos-inc ov
0 start
792 (rplaca (cdr args
) start
795 (incf end
(utf-8-pos-inc ov start end
796 (rplaca (cddr args
) end
) )
799 ;; Compute the position increment we need to find the right octet position.
800 ;; (octet position = string position + increment)
801 (defun utf-8-pos-inc (ov off pos
) ;; begin to count at a given offset
805 ((= i pos
) (- pos pos0
806 (setq oct
(aref ov i
807 (when (and (logbitp 7 oct
) (logbitp 6 oct
814 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
815 ;; 3.1 functions for strings
818 (defun $stringp
(obj) (stringp obj
822 (unless (stringp s
) (s-error1 "scopy" ""))
828 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
"`smake': first argument must be an integer.")) )
830 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
"`smake': second argument must be a Maxima character.")) )
831 (if *parse-utf-8-input
832 (reduce #'$sconcat
(make-list n
:initial-element mc
833 (make-string n
(character mc
)) ))
836 (defun $charat
(str pos
837 (unless (stringp str
) (s-error1 "charat" "first"))
841 (when *parse-utf-8-input
842 (let* ((ov (string-to-raw-bytes str
843 (args (utf-8-fix-start-end ov
(list nil pos end
))) )
844 (setq pos
(cadr args
846 (subseq str pos end
) )
847 (s-pos-error1 "charat" (1+ pos
)) )))
850 (defun $charlist
851 (unless (stringp str
) (s-error1 "charlist" ""))
852 (let ((cl (coerce str
854 (if *parse-utf-8-input
* (utf-8-charlist cl
) (mapcar #'string cl
)) )))
856 (defun utf-8-charlist (cl)
857 (do ((ol (mapcar #'char-code cl
859 ((null ol
) (nreverse m-chars
860 (multiple-value-setq (ol ch
) (rm-first-utf-8-char ol
861 (push (utf-8-m-char (length ch
) ch
) m-chars
) ))
864 (putprop '$sexplode
867 ;; $tokens is an interface to `tokens' by Paul Graham.
869 ;; When *parse-utf-8-input* is t
870 ;; then aside from $charp the test functions recognize us-ascii characters only.
872 (defun $tokens
(str &optional
(test '$constituent
873 (unless (stringp str
) (s-error1 "tokens" "first"))
874 (setq test
(stripdollar test
875 (unless (member test
'(constituent alphanumericp alphacharp digitcharp
876 lowercasep uppercasep charp
877 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
"`tokens': optional second argument must be one of ~%
878 constituent, alphanumericp, alphacharp, digitcharp, lowercasep, uppercasep, charp" )))
879 (cons '(mlist simp
) (tokens str test
0)) )
881 (defun tokens (str test start
) ;; this is the original version by Paul Graham
882 ;; (ANSI Common Lisp, 1996, page 67)
883 (let ((pos1 (position-if test str
:start start
885 (let ((pos2 (position-if #'(lambda (ch) (not (funcall test ch
888 (cons (subseq str pos1 pos2
889 (when pos2
(tokens str test pos2
)) )))))
891 ;; test functions for $tokens on Lisp level:
893 (defun constituent (ch) ;; Paul Graham - ANSI Common Lisp, 1996, page 67
894 (and (graphic-char-p ch
895 (not (char= ch
897 (defun alphacharp (ch) (alpha-char-p ch
898 (defun digitcharp (ch) (digit-char-p ch
899 (defun lowercasep (ch) (lower-case-p ch
900 (defun uppercasep (ch) (upper-case-p ch
901 (defun charp (ch) (characterp ch
903 ;; alphanumericp (ch) no renaming needed
906 ;; Split a string at an optional user defined delimiter string.
907 ;; In case of a multiple delimiter string an optional flag may be set.
909 (defun $split
(str &rest args
910 (unless (stringp str
) (s-error1 "split" "first"))
911 (let ((ds " ") ;; delimiter string
912 (multiple? t
) ) ;; treat multiple occurencies of ds as one?
915 ((stringp a
) (setq ds a
916 ((member a
'(t nil
)) (setq multiple? a
917 (t (gf-merror (intl:gettext
"`split': unsuitable optional arguments."))) ))
920 (cons '(mlist simp
) (split str ds multiple?
)) )))
922 (defun split (str ds
(multiple? t
923 (let ((pos1 (search ds str
925 (let ((ss (subseq str
0 pos1
)) lst
926 (unless (and multiple?
(string= ss
928 (do ((pos2 pos1
) off
930 (when (and multiple?
(string= ss
933 (setq off
(+ pos1
(length ds
934 pos2
(search ds str
:start2 off
935 ss
(subseq str off pos2
937 (unless (and multiple?
(string= ss
942 ;; $sconcat for lists
944 ;; optional: insert a user defined delimiter string
946 (defun $simplode
(li &optional
(ds ""))
948 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
"`simplode': first argument must be a list.")) )
950 (s-error1 "simplode" "optional second") )
956 ($sconcat
(car li
)) )
958 (reduce #'$sconcat li
) )
961 (push ($sconcat
(pop li
)) acc
963 (return (reduce #'(lambda (s0 s1
) (concatenate 'string s0 s1
)) (nreverse acc
) :initial-value
967 (defun $slength
968 (unless (stringp str
) (s-error1 "slength" ""))
969 (if *parse-utf-8-input
* (utf-8-slength str
) (length str
)) )
971 ;; if we don't know the number of non-ascii characters, we have to count
972 (defun utf-8-slength (str)
973 (do* ((ov (string-to-raw-bytes str
976 (len (array-dimension ov
0)) )
978 (when (/= (logand (aref ov i
) 192.
) 128.
982 (defun $sposition
(mc str
983 (unless (and (stringp mc
984 (= 1 (if *parse-utf-8-input
* ($slength mc
) (length mc
))) )
985 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
986 "`sposition': first argument must be a Maxima character." )))
987 (unless (stringp str
988 (s-error1 "sposition" "second") )
989 (if *parse-utf-8-input
991 (let ((pos (position (character mc
) str
992 (when pos
(1+ pos
)) )))
995 (defun $sreverse
996 (unless (stringp str
) (s-error1 "sreverse" ""))
997 (if *parse-utf-8-input
* (utf-8-sreverse str
) (reverse str
)) )
999 (defun utf-8-sreverse (str)
1000 (do ((ol (mapcar #'char-code
(coerce str
1003 (reduce #'(lambda (s0 s1
) (concatenate 'string s0 s1
)) m-chars
1004 (multiple-value-setq (ol ch
) (rm-first-utf-8-char ol
1005 (push (utf-8-m-char (length ch
) ch
) m-chars
) ))
1008 (defun $substring
(str start
(end nil
1009 (unless (stringp str
) (s-error1 "substring" "first"))
1011 (when end
(decf end
1013 (when *parse-utf-8-input
1014 (let* ((ov (string-to-raw-bytes str
1015 (args (utf-8-fix-start-end ov
(list nil start end
))) )
1016 (setq start
(cadr args
1017 end
(caddr args
) )))
1018 (subseq str start end
) )
1019 (s-pos-error2 "substring") ))
1022 ;; comparison - test functions - at Maxima and Lisp level
1025 (defun $sequal
(s1 s2
) (string= s1 s2
)) ;; for the sake of efficiency
1026 (defun $sequalignore
(s1 s2
) (string-equal s1 s2
)) ;; omit checkings here
1028 (defun $slessp
(s1 s2
) (scompare s1 s2
"slessp" '$sequal t
1029 (defun $sgreaterp
(s1 s2
) (scompare s1 s2
"sgreaterp" '$sequal nil
1031 (defun $slesspignore
(s1 s2
) (scompare s1 s2
"slesspignore" '$sequalignore t
1032 (defun $sgreaterpignore
(s1 s2
) (scompare s1 s2
"sgreaterpignore" '$sequalignore nil
1034 (defun scompare (s1 s2 name test lessp? ccomp
1035 (unless (and (stringp s1
) (stringp s2
)) (s-error2 name
"the two"))
1036 (let ((pos (mismatch s1 s2
:test test
1038 ((or (not pos
) (>= pos
(length (if lessp? s2 s1
)))) nil
1039 ((>= pos
(length (if lessp? s1 s2
))) t
1040 (t (apply ccomp
(chars-to-compare s1 s2 pos
))) )))
1042 (defun chars-to-compare (s1 s2 pos
1043 (let ((l1 1) (l2 1))
1044 (when *parse-utf-8-input
1045 ;; When mismatch finds a pos somewhere in an utf-8 octet sequence
1046 ;; we have to identify the beginning and the length.
1047 (while (= (logand (char-code (elt (subseq s1 pos
(1+ pos
)) 0)) 192.
) 128.
1048 (decf pos
) ) ;; the beginning
1049 (setq l1
(parse-utf-8-header s1 pos
) ;; the length
1050 l2
(parse-utf-8-header s2 pos
) ))
1051 (list (subseq s1 pos
(+ pos l1
)) (subseq s2 pos
(+ pos l2
))) ))
1053 (defun parse-utf-8-header (str start
1054 ;; The position start is the beginning of an utf-8 octet sequence.
1055 ;; parse-utf-8-header then returns the length of this sequence.
1056 (let ((h (char-code (elt (subseq str start
(1+ start
)) 0))))
1058 ((not (logbitp 7 h
)) 1)
1059 ((= (ldb (byte 3 5) h
) #b110
) 2)
1060 ((= (ldb (byte 4 4) h
) #b1110
) 3)
1061 ((= (ldb (byte 5 3) h
) #b11110
) 4)
1062 (t (gf-merror (intl:gettext
"`parse-utf-8-header': ~m is no utf-8 header") h
)) )))
1065 (defun $smismatch
(s1 s2
(test '$sequal
1066 (unless (and (stringp s1
) (stringp s2
)) (s-error2 "smismatch" "first two"))
1067 (unless (member test
'($sequal $sequalignore
1068 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
1069 "`smismatch': optional third argument must be `sequal' or `sequalignore'." )))
1070 (let ((pos (mismatch s1 s2
:test test
1072 (if *parse-utf-8-input
1074 (utf-8-pos-dec s1
(if (= pos
(length s1
)) pos
(1+ pos
))) )
1080 ;; the optional args are test, start, end (see s-optional-args below)
1082 (defun $ssearch
(seq str
&rest args
1083 (unless (and (stringp seq
) (stringp str
)) (s-error2 "ssearch" "first two"))
1084 (setq args
(s-optional-args "ssearch" str args
1086 (let ((pos (apply #'ssearch
1088 (if *parse-utf-8-input
1089 (- (1+ pos
) (utf-8-pos-dec str pos
1091 (return-from $ssearch nil
) )))
1092 (s-pos-error2 "ssearch") ))
1094 (defun ssearch (seq str
(test '$sequal
) (start 0) (end nil
1095 (search seq str
:test test
:start2 start
:end2 end
) )
1098 ;; allow arbitrary order of the optional args test, start, end
1099 ;; (where start is of course the first integer in sequence)
1101 (defun s-optional-args (name str args
1102 (let ((test '$sequal
1108 ((and (= i
0) (integerp a
)) (setq start a i
1109 ((and (= i
1) (or (integerp a
) (null a
))) (setq end a i
1110 ((member a
'($sequal $sequalignore
)) (setq test a
1111 (t (gf-merror (intl:gettext
"~m: unsuitable optional arguments.") name
)) ))
1112 (setq args
(list test
(1- start
) (if end
(1- end
) nil
1113 (when *parse-utf-8-input
1116 (utf-8-fix-start-end (string-to-raw-bytes str
) args
) ))
1117 (s-pos-error2 name
) ))
1121 ;; functions for string manipulation
1124 (defun $ssubstfirst
(new old str
&rest args
1125 (unless (every #'stringp
1126 (s-error2 "ssubstfirst" "first three") )
1127 (setq args
(s-optional-args "ssubstfirst" str args
1129 (apply #'ssubstfirst
)) )
1130 (s-pos-error2 "ssubstfirst") ))
1132 (defun ssubstfirst (new old str
(test '$sequal
) (start 0) (end nil
) (matched? nil
1133 (let ((len (length old
1134 (pos (if matched? start
(search old str
:test test
:start2 start
:end2 end
1137 (concatenate 'string
(subseq str
0 pos
) new
(subseq str
(+ pos len
))) )))
1140 (defun $ssubst
(new old str
&rest args
1141 (unless (every #'stringp
1142 (s-error2 "ssubst" "first three") )
1143 (setq args
(s-optional-args "ssubst" str args
1145 (apply #'ssubst
1146 (s-pos-error2 "ssubst") ))
1148 (defun ssubst (new old str
(test '$sequal
) (start 0) (end nil
1149 (let ((pos nil
) (n (length new
)) (o (length old
1150 (while (setq pos
(search old str
:test test
:start2 start
:end2 end
1151 (setq str
(ssubstfirst new old str test pos end t
1153 end
(when end
(- (+ end n
) o
1157 (defun $sremovefirst
(seq str
&rest args
1158 (unless (and (stringp seq
) (stringp str
1159 (s-error2 "sremovefirst" "first two") )
1160 (setq args
(s-optional-args "sremovefirst" str args
1162 (apply #'sremovefirst
)) )
1163 (s-pos-error2 "sremovefirst") ))
1165 (defun sremovefirst (seq str
(test '$sequal
) (start 0) (end nil
1166 (let* ((len (length seq
1167 (pos (search seq str
:test test
:start2 start
:end2 end
1168 (sq1 (subseq str
0 pos
1169 (sq2 (if pos
(subseq str
(+ pos len
)) "")) )
1170 (concatenate 'string sq1 sq2
1173 (defun $sremove
(seq str
&rest args
1174 (unless (and (stringp seq
) (stringp str
)) (s-error2 "sremove" "first two"))
1175 (setq args
(s-optional-args "sremove" str args
1177 (apply #'sremove
)) )
1178 (s-pos-error2 "sremove") ))
1180 (defun sremove (seq str
(test '$sequal
) (start 0) (end nil
1181 (let ((pos (search seq str
:test test
:start2 start
:end2 end
1184 (setq str
(sremovefirst seq str test pos end
1185 (when end
(decf end
(length seq
1186 (setq pos
(search seq str
:test test
:start2 pos
:end2 end
)) )))
1189 (defun $sinsert
(seq str pos
1191 (unless (and (stringp seq
) (stringp str
)) (s-error2 "sinsert" "first two"))
1193 (when *parse-utf-8-input
1194 (incf pos
(utf-8-pos-inc (string-to-raw-bytes str
) 0 pos
)) )
1195 (let ((sq1 (subseq str
0 pos
1196 (sq2 (subseq str pos
)) )
1197 (concatenate 'string sq1 seq sq2
) ))
1198 (s-pos-error1 "sinsert" (1+ pos
)) ))
1201 (defun $ssort
(str &optional
(test '$clessp
1202 (unless (stringp str
) (s-error1 "ssort" "first"))
1203 (if *parse-utf-8-input
1204 (unless (member test
'($clessp $cgreaterp
1206 #-gcl
"and the external format is not adjusted to UTF-8" ))
1207 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
1208 "`ssort': when us_ascii_only is false ~a
1209 the optional second argument must be `clessp' or `cgreaterp'." ) alt
1210 (unless (member test
'($clessp $cgreaterp $clesspignore $cgreaterpignore
1211 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
1212 "`ssort': optional second argument must be one of ~%clessp[ignore], cgreaterp[ignore]" ))))
1213 (setq test
(stripdollar test
1214 (let ((copy (copy-seq str
1215 (if *parse-utf-8-input
* (utf-8-ssort copy test
) (stable-sort copy test
)) ))
1217 (defun utf-8-ssort (str &optional
(test 'clessp
1219 (if (equal test
) #'< #'> ))
1220 (do ((ol (coerce (string-to-raw-bytes str
) 'list
1223 (let ((l (mapcar #'(lambda (n) ($unicode n
)) (stable-sort code-pts test
1224 (reduce #'(lambda (s0 s1
) (concatenate 'string s0 s1
)) l
1225 (multiple-value-setq (ol utf8
) (rm-first-utf-8-char ol
1226 (push (utf8-to-uc utf8
) code-pts
) ))
1229 (defun $strim
(seq str
1230 (unless (and (stringp seq
) (stringp str
)) (s-error2 "strim" ""))
1231 (string-trim seq str
) )
1233 (defun $striml
(seq str
1234 (unless (and (stringp seq
) (stringp str
)) (s-error2 "striml" ""))
1235 (string-left-trim seq str
) )
1237 (defun $strimr
(seq str
1238 (unless (and (stringp seq
) (stringp str
)) (s-error2 "strimr" ""))
1239 (string-right-trim seq str
) )
1242 (defun $supcase
(str &optional
(start 1) (end nil
1243 (change-case str
"supcase" #'string-upcase start end
) )
1245 (defun $sdowncase
(str &optional
(start 1) (end nil
1246 (change-case str
"sdowncase" #'string-downcase start end
) )
1248 (defun change-case (str name sfun start end
1249 (unless (stringp str
) (s-error1 name
1251 (when end
(decf end
1253 (if *parse-utf-8-input
1254 (let* ((ov (string-to-raw-bytes str
1255 (args (utf-8-fix-start-end ov
(list nil start end
))) )
1256 (funcall sfun str
(cadr args
) :end
(caddr args
)) )
1257 (funcall sfun str
:start start
:end end
) ))
1258 (s-pos-error2 name
) ))
1261 (defun $sinvertcase
(str &optional
(start 1) (end nil
1262 (unless (stringp str
) (s-error1 "sinvertcase" "first"))
1264 (when end
(decf end
1266 (when *parse-utf-8-input
1267 (let* ((ov (string-to-raw-bytes str
1268 (args (utf-8-fix-start-end ov
(list nil start end
))) )
1269 (setq start
(cadr args
1270 end
(caddr args
) )))
1271 (let ((sq1 (subseq str
0 start
1272 (sq2 (s-invert-case (subseq str start end
1273 (sq3 (if end
(subseq str end
) "")) )
1274 (concatenate 'string sq1 sq2 sq3
) ))
1275 (s-pos-error2 "sinvertcase") ))
1277 (defun s-invert-case (str)
1278 (concatenate 'string
1279 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (c-invert-case (character s
1280 (coerce str
) )))
1282 (defun c-invert-case (ch)
1283 (if (upper-case-p ch
1287 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;