1 Given(/^I go to the "(.+)" page with content "(.+)"$/) do |page_title, page_content|
2 @wikitext = page_content
3 on(APIPage).create page_title, page_content
4 step "I am on the #{page_title} page"
7 Given(/^I am on the (.+) page$/) do |article|
8 article = article.gsub(/ /, '_')
9 visit(ZtargetPage, :using_params => { :article_name => article })
12 Given(/^I create page "(.*?)" with content "(.*?)"$/) do |page_title, page_content|
13 on(APIPage).create page_title, page_content
16 When(/^I click the Link Target link$/) do
17 on(ZtargetPage).link_target_page_link
20 Then(/^I should be on the Link Target Test Page$/) do
21 @browser.url.should match(/Link_Target_Test_Page/)
24 Then(/^the page content should contain "(.*?)"$/) do |content|
25 on(ZtargetPage).page_content.should match content