Remove Special:Asksql; moving it out to an extension.
[mediawiki.git] / languages / LanguageLa.php
1 <?php
3 # NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
4 # set "currentevents" => "-"
6 # The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
7 # are magical, so don't change or move them! The Namespace class
8 # encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
10 /* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesLa = array(
11 -2 => "Media",
12 -1 => "Specialis",
13 0 => "",
14 1 => "Disputatio",
15 2 => "Usor",
16 3 => "Disputatio_Usoris",
17 4 => "Wikipedia",
18 5 => "Disputatio_Wikipedia",
19 6 => "Imago",
20 7 => "Disputatio_Imaginis",
21 8 => "MediaWiki",
22 9 => "Disputatio_MediaWiki",
23 10 => "Template",
24 11 => "Template_talk"
27 ) + $wgNamespaceNamesEn;
29 /* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsLa = array(
30 "Nullus", "Constituere a sinistra", "Constituere a dextra", "Innens a sinistra"
33 /* private */ $wgSkinNamesLa = array(
34 'standard' => "Norma",
35 'nostalgia' => "Nostalgia",
36 'cologneblue' => "Caerulus Colonia",
37 'smarty' => "Paddington",
38 'montparnasse' => "Montparnasse",
39 'davinci' => "DaVinci",
40 'mono' => "Mono",
41 'monobook' => "MonoBook",
42 "myskin" => "MySkin"
46 /* private */ $wgBookstoreListLa = array(
47 "AddALL" => "$1&type=ISBN",
48 "PriceSCAN" => "$1",
49 "Barnes & Noble" => "$1",
50 "" => "$1"
54 # All special pages have to be listed here: a description of ""
55 # will make them not show up on the "Special Pages" page, which
56 # is the right thing for some of them (such as the "targeted" ones).
58 /* private */ $wgValidSpecialPagesLa = array(
59 "Userlogin" => "",
60 "Userlogout" => "",
61 "Preferences" => "Praeferentiae usoris",
62 "Watchlist" => "Paginae custoditae",
63 "Recentchanges" => "Mutationes recentes",
64 "Upload" => "Onerare fascicula",
65 "Imagelist" => "Index imaginum",
66 "Listusers" => "Usores perscripti",
67 "Statistics" => "Statisticas",
68 "Randompage" => "Pagina fortuita",
70 "Lonelypages" => "Paginae orbatae",
71 "Unusedimages" => "Imagines orbatae",
72 "Popularpages" => "Res populares",
73 "Wantedpages" => "Res desideratissimae",
74 "Shortpages" => "Res breves",
75 "Longpages" => "Res longae",
76 "Newpages" => "Res novae",
77 # "Intl" => "Interlanguage Links",
78 "Allpages" => "Totae paginae (ex indice)",
80 "Ipblocklist" => "Loci IP obstructi",
81 "Maintenance" => "Pagina alimentori",
82 "Specialpages" => "", # "Paginae specialiae",
83 "Contributions" => "", # "Conlationes",
84 "Emailuser" => "", # "Mittere litteras electronicas ad usorum(?)",
85 "Whatlinkshere" => "", # "Nexi ad hanc paginam",
86 "Recentchangeslinked" => "", # "Mutationes conlata (?)",
87 "Movepage" => "", # "Motare hanc paginam",
88 "Booksources" => "Fontes externi (libri)",
89 # "Categories" => "Page categories",
90 "Export" => "Exportare in XML",
91 "Version" => "Version",
94 /* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesLa = array(
95 "Blockip" => "Obstruere locum IP",
96 "Asksql" => "Quaerere basem dati",
97 "Undelete" => "Videre et restituere paginas deletas"
100 /* private */ $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesLa = array(
101 "Lockdb" => "Suspendere mutationes",
102 "Unlockdb" => "Permittere mutationes",
103 "Debug" => "Nuntii de refectis"
106 $wgAllMessagesLa = array(
107 'special_version_prefix' => '',
108 'special_version_postfix' => '',
110 # User Toggles
112 "tog-hover" => "Monstrare capsam impensam super wikinexos",
113 "tog-underline" => "Subscribere nexi",
114 "tog-highlightbroken" => "Formare nexos fractos <a href=\"\" class=\"new\">sici</a> (alioqui: sic<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>).",
115 "tog-justify" => "Saepire capites",
116 "tog-hideminor" => "Celare mutationes recentes minores",
117 "tog-usenewrc" => "Mutationes recentes amplificatae (non efficit in tota navigatra)",
118 "tog-numberheadings" => "Numerare indices necessario",
119 "tog-rememberpassword" => "Recordari tesserae inter conventa (uti cookies)",
120 "tog-editwidth" => "Capsa recensitorum totam latitudinem habet",
121 "tog-editondblclick" => "Premere bis ut paginam recensere (uti JavaScript)",
122 "tog-watchdefault" => "Custodire res novas et mutatas",
123 "tog-minordefault" => "Notare totas mutations ut minor",
124 "tog-previewontop" => "Monstrare praevisus ante capsam recensiti, non post ipsam",
126 # Dates
128 'sunday' => 'dies Solis',
129 'monday' => 'dies Lunae',
130 'tuesday' => 'dies Martis',
131 'wednesday' => 'dies Mercuri',
132 'thursday' => 'dies Iovis',
133 'friday' => 'dies Veneris',
134 'saturday' => 'dies Saturni',
135 'january' => 'Ianuarii',
136 'february' => 'Februarii',
137 'march' => 'Martii',
138 'april' => 'Aprilis',
139 'may_long' => 'Maii',
140 'june' => 'Iunii',
141 'july' => 'Iulii',
142 'august' => 'Augusti',
143 'september' => 'Septembri',
144 'october' => 'Octobri',
145 'november' => 'Novembri',
146 'december' => 'Decembri',
147 'jan' => 'ian',
148 'feb' => 'feb',
149 'mar' => 'mar',
150 'apr' => 'apr',
151 'may' => 'mai',
152 'jun' => 'iun',
153 'jul' => 'iul',
154 'aug' => 'aug',
155 'sep' => 'sep',
156 'oct' => 'oct',
157 'nov' => 'nov',
158 'dec' => 'dec',
160 # Math
161 'mw_math_png' => "Semper vertere PNG",
162 'mw_math_simple' => "HTML si admodum simplex, alioqui PNG",
163 'mw_math_html' => "HTML si fieri potest, alioqui PNG",
164 'mw_math_source' => "Stet ut TeX (pro navigatri texti)",
165 'mw_math_modern' => "Commendatum pro navigatri recentes",
166 'mw_math_mathml' => 'MathML',
169 require_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );
171 class LanguageLa extends LanguageUtf8 {
173 function getNamespaces() {
174 global $wgNamespaceNamesLa;
175 return $wgNamespaceNamesLa;
178 function getNsText( $index ) {
179 global $wgNamespaceNamesLa;
180 return $wgNamespaceNamesLa[$index];
183 function getNsIndex( $text ) {
184 global $wgNamespaceNamesLa;
186 foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesLa as $i => $n ) {
187 if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
189 return false;
192 function getQuickbarSettings() {
193 global $wgQuickbarSettingsLa;
194 return $wgQuickbarSettingsLa;
197 function getSkinNames() {
198 global $wgSkinNamesLa;
199 return $wgSkinNamesLa;
202 function date( $ts, $adj = false )
204 if ( $adj ) { $ts = $this->userAdjust( $ts ); }
206 $d = $this->getMonthAbbreviation( substr( $ts, 4, 2 ) ) .
207 " " . (0 + substr( $ts, 6, 2 )) . ", " .
208 substr( $ts, 0, 4 );
209 return $d;
212 function timeanddate( $ts, $adj = false )
214 return $this->time( $ts, $adj ) . " " . $this->date( $ts, $adj );
217 function getValidSpecialPages()
219 global $wgValidSpecialPagesLa;
220 return $wgValidSpecialPagesLa;
223 function getSysopSpecialPages()
225 global $wgSysopSpecialPagesLa;
226 return $wgSysopSpecialPagesLa;
229 function getDeveloperSpecialPages()
231 global $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesLa;
232 return $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesLa;
235 function getMessage( $key )
237 global $wgAllMessagesLa, $wgAllMessagesEn;
238 $m = $wgAllMessagesLa[$key];
240 if ( "" == $m ) { return $wgAllMessagesEn[$key]; }
241 else return $m;