Fix for r47482: put the RELEASE-NOTES entry in the "bug fixes" section and not the...
[mediawiki.git] / math /
1 open Tex
2 open Render_info
4 type t = TREE_MN of string | TREE_MO of string | TREE_MI of string
6 let rec make_mathml_tree = function
7 TREE_MN a::otr,TEX_LITERAL(MHTMLABLEC(_,_,_,MN,b))::itr -> make_mathml_tree(TREE_MN (a^b)::otr,itr)
8 | otr,TEX_LITERAL(MHTMLABLEC(_,_,_,MN,a))::itr -> make_mathml_tree(TREE_MN a::otr,itr)
9 | otr,TEX_LITERAL(MHTMLABLEC(_,_,_,MO,a))::itr -> make_mathml_tree(TREE_MO a::otr,itr)
10 | otr,TEX_LITERAL(MHTMLABLEC(_,_,_,MI,a))::itr -> make_mathml_tree(TREE_MI a::otr,itr)
11 | otr,TEX_CURLY(crl)::itr -> make_mathml_tree(otr,crl@itr)
12 | otr,[] -> List.rev otr
13 | _ -> failwith "failed to render mathml"
15 let render_mathml_tree = function
16 TREE_MN s -> "<mn>"^s^"</mn>"
17 | TREE_MI s -> "<mi>"^s^"</mi>"
18 | TREE_MO s -> "<mo>"^s^"</mo>"
20 let render tree = try Some (Util.mapjoin render_mathml_tree (make_mathml_tree ([],tree))) with _ -> None