4 * HTML form generation and submission handling.
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19 * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
24 namespace MediaWiki\HTMLForm
27 use InvalidArgumentException
29 use MediaWiki\Context\ContextSource
30 use MediaWiki\Context\IContextSource
31 use MediaWiki\Debug\MWDebug
32 use MediaWiki\HookContainer\ProtectedHookAccessorTrait
33 use MediaWiki\Html\Html
34 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLApiField
35 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLAutoCompleteSelectField
36 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLCheckField
37 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLCheckMatrix
38 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLComboboxField
39 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLDateTimeField
40 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLEditTools
41 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLExpiryField
42 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLFileField
43 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLFloatField
44 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLFormFieldCloner
45 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLHiddenField
46 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLInfoField
47 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLIntField
48 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLMultiSelectField
49 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLNamespacesMultiselectField
50 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLRadioField
51 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLSelectAndOtherField
52 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLSelectField
53 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLSelectLanguageField
54 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLSelectLimitField
55 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLSelectNamespace
56 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLSelectNamespaceWithButton
57 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLSelectOrOtherField
58 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLSizeFilterField
59 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLSubmitField
60 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLTagFilter
61 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLTagMultiselectField
62 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLTextAreaField
63 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLTextField
64 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLTextFieldWithButton
65 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLTimezoneField
66 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLTitlesMultiselectField
67 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLTitleTextField
68 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLUsersMultiselectField
69 use MediaWiki\HTMLForm\Field\HTMLUserTextField
70 use MediaWiki\Linker\Linker
71 use MediaWiki\Linker\LinkTarget
72 use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames
73 use MediaWiki\Message\Message
74 use MediaWiki\Page\PageReference
75 use MediaWiki\Parser\Sanitizer
76 use MediaWiki\Status\Status
77 use MediaWiki\Title\Title
78 use MediaWiki\Title\TitleValue
79 use MediaWiki\Xml\Xml
82 use Wikimedia\Message\MessageParam
83 use Wikimedia\Message\MessageSpecifier
86 * Object handling generic submission, CSRF protection, layout and
87 * other logic for UI forms in a reusable manner.
89 * In order to generate the form, the HTMLForm object takes an array
90 * structure detailing the form fields available. Each element of the
91 * array is a basic property-list, including the type of field, the
92 * label it is to be given in the form, callbacks for validation and
93 * 'filtering', and other pertinent information.
95 * Field types are implemented as subclasses of the generic HTMLFormField
96 * object, and typically implement at least getInputHTML, which generates
97 * the HTML for the input field to be placed in the table.
99 * You can find extensive documentation on the www.mediawiki.org wiki:
100 * - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/HTMLForm
101 * - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/HTMLForm/tutorial
103 * The constructor input is an associative array of $fieldname => $info,
104 * where $info is an Associative Array with any of the following:
106 * 'class' -- the subclass of HTMLFormField that will be used
107 * to create the object. *NOT* the CSS class!
108 * 'type' -- roughly translates into the <select> type attribute.
109 * if 'class' is not specified, this is used as a map
110 * through HTMLForm::$typeMappings to get the class name.
111 * 'default' -- default value when the form is displayed
112 * 'nodata' -- if set (to any value, which casts to true), the data
113 * for this field will not be loaded from the actual request. Instead,
114 * always the default data is set as the value of this field.
115 * 'id' -- HTML id attribute
116 * 'cssclass' -- CSS class
117 * 'csshelpclass' -- CSS class used to style help text
118 * 'dir' -- Direction of the element.
119 * 'options' -- associative array mapping raw HTML labels to values.
120 * Some field types support multi-level arrays.
121 * Overwrites 'options-message'.
122 * 'options-messages' -- associative array mapping message keys to values.
123 * Some field types support multi-level arrays.
124 * Overwrites 'options' and 'options-message'.
125 * 'options-messages-parse' -- Flag to parse the messages in 'options-messages'.
126 * 'options-message' -- message key or object to be parsed to extract the list of
127 * options (like 'ipbreason-dropdown').
128 * 'label-message' -- message key or object for a message to use as the label.
129 * can be an array of msg key and then parameters to
131 * 'label' -- alternatively, a raw text message. Overridden by
133 * 'help-raw' -- message text for a message to use as a help text.
134 * 'help-message' -- message key or object for a message to use as a help text.
135 * can be an array of msg key and then parameters to
137 * Overwrites 'help-messages' and 'help-raw'.
138 * 'help-messages' -- array of message keys/objects. As above, each item can
139 * be an array of msg key and then parameters.
140 * Overwrites 'help-raw'.
141 * 'help-inline' -- Whether help text (defined using options above) will be shown
142 * inline after the input field, rather than in a popup.
143 * Defaults to true. Only used by OOUI form fields.
144 * 'notices' -- Array of plain text notices to display below the input field.
145 * Only used by OOUI form fields.
146 * 'required' -- passed through to the object, indicating that it
147 * is a required field.
148 * 'size' -- the length of text fields
149 * 'filter-callback' -- a function name to give you the chance to
150 * massage the inputted value before it's processed.
151 * @see HTMLFormField::filter()
152 * 'validation-callback' -- a function name to give you the chance
153 * to impose extra validation on the field input. The signature should be
154 * as documented in {@see HTMLFormField::$mValidationCallback}.
155 * @see HTMLFormField::validate()
156 * 'name' -- By default, the 'name' attribute of the input field
157 * is "wp{$fieldname}". If you want a different name
158 * (eg one without the "wp" prefix), specify it here and
159 * it will be used without modification.
160 * 'hide-if' -- expression given as an array stating when the field
161 * should be hidden. The first array value has to be the
162 * expression's logic operator. Supported expressions:
164 * [ 'NOT', array $expression ]
165 * To hide a field if a given expression is not true.
167 * [ '===', string $fieldName, string $value ]
168 * To hide a field if another field identified by
169 * $field has the value $value.
171 * [ '!==', string $fieldName, string $value ]
172 * Same as [ 'NOT', [ '===', $fieldName, $value ]
173 * 'OR', 'AND', 'NOR', 'NAND'
174 * [ 'XXX', array $expression1, ..., array $expressionN ]
175 * To hide a field if one or more (OR), all (AND),
176 * neither (NOR) or not all (NAND) given expressions
177 * are evaluated as true.
178 * The expressions will be given to a JavaScript frontend
179 * module which will continually update the field's
181 * 'disable-if' -- expression given as an array stating when the field
182 * should be disabled. See 'hide-if' for supported expressions.
183 * The 'hide-if' logic would also disable fields, you don't need
184 * to set this attribute with the same condition manually.
185 * You can pass both 'disabled' and this attribute to omit extra
186 * check, but this would function only for not 'disabled' fields.
187 * 'section' -- A string name for the section of the form to which the field
188 * belongs. Subsections may be added using the separator '/', e.g.:
189 * 'section' => 'section1/subsection1'
190 * More levels may be added, e.g.:
191 * 'section' => 'section1/subsection2/subsubsection1'
192 * The message key for a section or subsection header is built from
193 * its name and the form's message prefix (if present).
195 * Since 1.20, you can chain mutators to ease the form generation:
198 * $form = new HTMLForm( $someFields, $this->getContext() );
199 * $form->setMethod( 'get' )
200 * ->setWrapperLegendMsg( 'message-key' )
202 * ->displayForm( '' );
204 * Note that you will have prepareForm and displayForm at the end. Other
205 * method calls done after that would simply not be part of the form :(
209 class HTMLForm
extends ContextSource
210 use ProtectedHookAccessorTrait
212 /** @var string[] A mapping of 'type' inputs onto standard HTMLFormField subclasses */
213 public static $typeMappings = [
214 'api' => HTMLApiField
215 'text' => HTMLTextField
216 'textwithbutton' => HTMLTextFieldWithButton
217 'textarea' => HTMLTextAreaField
218 'select' => HTMLSelectField
219 'combobox' => HTMLComboboxField
220 'radio' => HTMLRadioField
221 'multiselect' => HTMLMultiSelectField
222 'limitselect' => HTMLSelectLimitField
223 'check' => HTMLCheckField
224 'toggle' => HTMLCheckField
225 'int' => HTMLIntField
226 'file' => HTMLFileField
227 'float' => HTMLFloatField
228 'info' => HTMLInfoField
229 'selectorother' => HTMLSelectOrOtherField
230 'selectandother' => HTMLSelectAndOtherField
231 'namespaceselect' => HTMLSelectNamespace
232 'namespaceselectwithbutton' => HTMLSelectNamespaceWithButton
233 'tagfilter' => HTMLTagFilter
234 'sizefilter' => HTMLSizeFilterField
235 'submit' => HTMLSubmitField
236 'hidden' => HTMLHiddenField
237 'edittools' => HTMLEditTools
238 'checkmatrix' => HTMLCheckMatrix
239 'cloner' => HTMLFormFieldCloner
240 'autocompleteselect' => HTMLAutoCompleteSelectField
241 'language' => HTMLSelectLanguageField
242 'date' => HTMLDateTimeField
243 'time' => HTMLDateTimeField
244 'datetime' => HTMLDateTimeField
245 'expiry' => HTMLExpiryField
246 'timezone' => HTMLTimezoneField
247 // HTMLTextField will output the correct type="" attribute automagically.
248 // There are about four zillion other HTML5 input types, like range, but
249 // we don't use those at the moment, so no point in adding all of them.
250 'email' => HTMLTextField
251 'password' => HTMLTextField
252 'url' => HTMLTextField
253 'title' => HTMLTitleTextField
254 'user' => HTMLUserTextField
255 'tagmultiselect' => HTMLTagMultiselectField
256 'usersmultiselect' => HTMLUsersMultiselectField
257 'titlesmultiselect' => HTMLTitlesMultiselectField
258 'namespacesmultiselect' => HTMLNamespacesMultiselectField
265 protected $mMessagePrefix;
267 /** @var HTMLFormField[] */
268 protected $mFlatFields = [];
270 protected $mFieldTree = [];
272 protected $mShowSubmit = true;
274 protected $mSubmitFlags = [ 'primary', 'progressive' ];
276 protected $mShowCancel = false;
277 /** @var LinkTarget|string|null */
278 protected $mCancelTarget;
280 /** @var callable|null */
281 protected $mSubmitCallback;
284 * @phan-var non-empty-array[]
286 protected $mValidationErrorMessage;
289 protected $mPre = '';
291 protected $mHeader = '';
293 protected $mFooter = '';
295 protected $mSectionHeaders = [];
297 protected $mSectionFooters = [];
299 protected $mPost = '';
300 /** @var string|null */
302 /** @var string|null */
305 protected $mTableId = '';
307 /** @var string|null */
308 protected $mSubmitID;
309 /** @var string|null */
310 protected $mSubmitName;
311 /** @var string|null */
312 protected $mSubmitText;
313 /** @var string|null */
314 protected $mSubmitTooltip;
316 /** @var string|null */
317 protected $mFormIdentifier;
319 protected $mSingleForm = false;
321 /** @var Title|null */
324 protected $mMethod = 'post';
326 protected $mWasSubmitted = false;
329 * Form action URL. false means we will use the URL to set Title
333 protected $mAction = false;
336 * Whether the form can be collapsed
340 protected $mCollapsible = false;
343 * Whether the form is collapsed by default
347 protected $mCollapsed = false;
350 * Form attribute autocomplete. A typical value is "off". null does not set the attribute
354 protected $mAutocomplete = null;
357 protected $mUseMultipart = false;
360 * @phan-var array<int,array{0:string,1:array}>
362 protected $mHiddenFields = [];
365 * @phan-var array<array{name:string,value:string,label-message?:string|array<string|MessageParam>|MessageSpecifier,label?:string,label-raw?:string,id?:string,attribs?:array,flags?:string|string[],framed?:bool}>
367 protected $mButtons = [];
369 /** @var string|false */
370 protected $mWrapperLegend = false;
372 protected $mWrapperAttributes = [];
375 * Salt for the edit token.
378 protected $mTokenSalt = '';
381 * Additional information about form sections. Only supported by CodexHTMLForm.
383 * Array is keyed on section name. Options per section include:
384 * 'description' -- Description text placed below the section label.
385 * 'description-message' -- The same, but a message key.
386 * 'description-message-parse' -- Whether to parse the 'description-message'
387 * 'optional' -- Whether the section should be marked as optional.
392 protected $mSections = [];
395 * If true, sections that contain both fields and subsections will
396 * render their subsections before their fields.
398 * Subclasses may set this to false to render subsections after fields
402 protected $mSubSectionBeforeFields = true;
405 * Format in which to display form. For viable options,
406 * @see $availableDisplayFormats
409 protected $displayFormat = 'table';
412 * Available formats in which to display the form
415 protected $availableDisplayFormats = [
423 * Available formats in which to display the form
426 protected $availableSubclassDisplayFormats = [
433 * Whether a hidden title field has been added to the form
436 private $hiddenTitleAddedToForm = false;
439 * Construct a HTMLForm object for given display type. May return a HTMLForm subclass.
443 * @param string $displayFormat
444 * @param array $descriptor Array of Field constructs, as described
445 * in the class documentation
446 * @param IContextSource $context Context used to fetch submitted form fields and
447 * generate localisation messages
448 * @param string $messagePrefix A prefix to go in front of default messages
451 public static function factory(
452 $displayFormat, $descriptor, IContextSource
$context, $messagePrefix = ''
454 switch ( $displayFormat ) {
456 return new CodexHTMLForm( $descriptor, $context, $messagePrefix );
458 return new VFormHTMLForm( $descriptor, $context, $messagePrefix );
460 return new OOUIHTMLForm( $descriptor, $context, $messagePrefix );
462 $form = new self( $descriptor, $context, $messagePrefix );
463 $form->setDisplayFormat( $displayFormat );
469 * Build a new HTMLForm from an array of field attributes
473 * @param array $descriptor Array of Field constructs, as described
474 * in the class documentation
475 * @param IContextSource $context Context used to fetch submitted form fields and
476 * generate localisation messages
477 * @param string $messagePrefix A prefix to go in front of default messages
479 public function __construct(
480 $descriptor, IContextSource
$context, $messagePrefix = ''
482 $this->setContext( $context );
483 $this->mMessagePrefix
= $messagePrefix;
484 $this->addFields( $descriptor );
488 * Add fields to the form
492 * @param array $descriptor Array of Field constructs, as described
493 * in the class documentation
496 public function addFields( $descriptor ) {
497 $loadedDescriptor = [];
499 foreach ( $descriptor as $fieldname => $info ) {
500 $section = $info['section'] ??
502 if ( isset( $info['type'] ) && $info['type'] === 'file' ) {
503 $this->mUseMultipart
= true;
506 $field = static::loadInputFromParameters( $fieldname, $info, $this );
508 $setSection =& $loadedDescriptor;
510 foreach ( explode( '/', $section ) as $newName ) {
511 $setSection[$newName] ??
= [];
512 $setSection =& $setSection[$newName];
516 $setSection[$fieldname] = $field;
517 $this->mFlatFields
[$fieldname] = $field;
520 $this->mFieldTree
= array_merge_recursive( $this->mFieldTree
, $loadedDescriptor );
526 * @param string $fieldname
529 public function hasField( $fieldname ) {
530 return isset( $this->mFlatFields
[$fieldname] );
534 * @param string $fieldname
535 * @return HTMLFormField
536 * @throws DomainException on invalid field name
538 public function getField( $fieldname ) {
539 if ( !$this->hasField( $fieldname ) ) {
540 throw new DomainException( __METHOD__
. ': no field named ' . $fieldname );
542 return $this->mFlatFields
546 * Set format in which to display the form
548 * @param string $format The name of the format to use, must be one of
549 * $this->availableDisplayFormats
552 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
554 public function setDisplayFormat( $format ) {
556 in_array( $format, $this->availableSubclassDisplayFormats
, true ) ||
557 in_array( $this->displayFormat
, $this->availableSubclassDisplayFormats
, true )
559 throw new LogicException( 'Cannot change display format after creation, ' .
560 'use HTMLForm::factory() instead' );
563 if ( !in_array( $format, $this->availableDisplayFormats
, true ) ) {
564 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Display format must be one of ' .
567 $this->availableDisplayFormats
568 $this->availableSubclassDisplayFormats
574 $this->displayFormat
= $format;
580 * Getter for displayFormat
584 public function getDisplayFormat() {
585 return $this->displayFormat
589 * Get the HTMLFormField subclass for this descriptor.
591 * The descriptor can be passed either 'class' which is the name of
592 * a HTMLFormField subclass, or a shorter 'type' which is an alias.
593 * This makes sure the 'class' is always set, and also is returned by
594 * this function for ease.
598 * @param string $fieldname Name of the field
599 * @param array &$descriptor Input Descriptor, as described
600 * in the class documentation
602 * @return string Name of a HTMLFormField subclass
604 public static function getClassFromDescriptor( $fieldname, &$descriptor ) {
605 if ( isset( $descriptor['class'] ) ) {
606 $class = $descriptor['class'];
607 } elseif ( isset( $descriptor['type'] ) ) {
608 $class = static::$typeMappings[$descriptor['type']];
609 $descriptor['class'] = $class;
615 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Descriptor with no class for $fieldname: "
616 . print_r( $descriptor, true ) );
623 * Initialise a new Object for the field
624 * @stable to override
626 * @param string $fieldname Name of the field
627 * @param array $descriptor Input Descriptor, as described
628 * in the class documentation
629 * @param HTMLForm|null $parent Parent instance of HTMLForm
631 * @warning Not passing (or passing null) for $parent is deprecated as of 1.40
632 * @return HTMLFormField Instance of a subclass of HTMLFormField
634 public static function loadInputFromParameters( $fieldname, $descriptor,
635 ?HTMLForm
$parent = null
637 $class = static::getClassFromDescriptor( $fieldname, $descriptor );
639 $descriptor['fieldname'] = $fieldname;
641 $descriptor['parent'] = $parent;
644 # @todo This will throw a fatal error whenever someone try to use
645 # 'class' to feed a CSS class instead of 'cssclass'. Would be
646 # great to avoid the fatal error and show a nice error.
647 return new $class( $descriptor );
651 * Prepare form for submission.
653 * @warning When doing method chaining, that should be the very last
654 * method call before displayForm().
656 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
658 public function prepareForm() {
659 # Load data from the request.
661 $this->mFormIdentifier
=== null ||
662 $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'wpFormIdentifier' ) === $this->mFormIdentifier ||
663 ( $this->mSingleForm
&& $this->getMethod() === 'get' )
665 $this->loadFieldData();
667 $this->mFieldData
= [];
674 * Try submitting, with edit token check first
675 * @return bool|string|array|Status As documented for HTMLForm::trySubmit
677 public function tryAuthorizedSubmit() {
680 if ( $this->mFormIdentifier
=== null ) {
683 $identOkay = $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'wpFormIdentifier' ) === $this->mFormIdentifier
687 if ( $this->getMethod() !== 'post' ) {
688 $tokenOkay = true; // no session check needed
689 } elseif ( $this->getRequest()->wasPosted() ) {
690 $editToken = $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'wpEditToken' );
691 if ( $this->getUser()->isRegistered() ||
$editToken !== null ) {
692 // Session tokens for logged-out users have no security value.
693 // However, if the user gave one, check it in order to give a nice
694 // "session expired" error instead of "permission denied" or such.
695 $tokenOkay = $this->getUser()->matchEditToken( $editToken, $this->mTokenSalt
701 if ( $tokenOkay && $identOkay ) {
702 $this->mWasSubmitted
= true;
703 $result = $this->trySubmit();
710 * The here's-one-I-made-earlier option: do the submission if
711 * posted, or display the form with or without funky validation
713 * @stable to override
714 * @return bool|Status Whether submission was successful.
716 public function show() {
717 $this->prepareForm();
719 $result = $this->tryAuthorizedSubmit();
720 if ( $result === true ||
( $result instanceof Status
&& $result->isGood() ) ) {
724 $this->displayForm( $result );
730 * Same as self::show with the difference, that the form will be
731 * added to the output, no matter, if the validation was good or not.
732 * @return bool|Status Whether submission was successful.
734 public function showAlways() {
735 $this->prepareForm();
737 $result = $this->tryAuthorizedSubmit();
739 $this->displayForm( $result );
745 * Validate all the fields, and call the submission callback
746 * function if everything is kosher.
747 * @stable to override
748 * @return bool|string|array|Status
749 * - Bool true or a good Status object indicates success,
750 * - Bool false indicates no submission was attempted,
751 * - Anything else indicates failure. The value may be a fatal Status
752 * object, an HTML string, or an array of arrays (message keys and
753 * params) or strings (message keys)
755 public function trySubmit() {
757 $hoistedErrors = Status
758 if ( $this->mValidationErrorMessage
) {
759 foreach ( $this->mValidationErrorMessage
as $error ) {
760 $hoistedErrors->fatal( ...$error );
763 $hoistedErrors->fatal( 'htmlform-invalid-input' );
766 $this->mWasSubmitted
= true;
768 # Check for cancelled submission
769 foreach ( $this->mFlatFields
as $fieldname => $field ) {
770 if ( !array_key_exists( $fieldname, $this->mFieldData
) ) {
773 if ( $field->cancelSubmit( $this->mFieldData
[$fieldname], $this->mFieldData
) ) {
774 $this->mWasSubmitted
= false;
779 # Check for validation
780 $hasNonDefault = false;
781 foreach ( $this->mFlatFields
as $fieldname => $field ) {
782 if ( !array_key_exists( $fieldname, $this->mFieldData
) ) {
785 $hasNonDefault = $hasNonDefault ||
[$fieldname] !== $field->getDefault();
786 if ( $field->isDisabled( $this->mFieldData
) ) {
789 $res = $field->validate( $this->mFieldData
[$fieldname], $this->mFieldData
790 if ( $res !== true ) {
792 if ( $res !== false && !$field->canDisplayErrors() ) {
793 if ( is_string( $res ) ) {
794 $hoistedErrors->fatal( 'rawmessage', $res );
796 $hoistedErrors->fatal( $res );
803 // Treat as not submitted if got nothing from the user on GET forms.
804 if ( !$hasNonDefault && $this->getMethod() === 'get' &&
805 ( $this->mFormIdentifier
=== null ||
806 $this->getRequest()->getCheck( 'wpFormIdentifier' ) )
808 $this->mWasSubmitted
= false;
811 return $hoistedErrors;
814 $callback = $this->mSubmitCallback
815 if ( !is_callable( $callback ) ) {
816 throw new LogicException( 'HTMLForm: no submit callback provided. Use ' .
817 'setSubmitCallback() to set one.' );
820 $data = $this->filterDataForSubmit( $this->mFieldData
822 $res = call_user_func( $callback, $data, $this );
823 if ( $res === false ) {
824 $this->mWasSubmitted
= false;
825 } elseif ( $res instanceof StatusValue
) {
826 // DWIM - callbacks are not supposed to return a StatusValue but it's easy to mix up.
827 $res = Status
::wrap( $res );
834 * Test whether the form was considered to have been submitted or not, i.e.
835 * whether the last call to tryAuthorizedSubmit or trySubmit returned
838 * This will return false until HTMLForm::tryAuthorizedSubmit or
839 * HTMLForm::trySubmit is called.
844 public function wasSubmitted() {
845 return $this->mWasSubmitted
849 * Set a callback to a function to do something with the form
850 * once it's been successfully validated.
852 * @param callable $cb The function will be passed the output from
853 * HTMLForm::filterDataForSubmit and this HTMLForm object, and must
854 * return as documented for HTMLForm::trySubmit
856 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
858 public function setSubmitCallback( $cb ) {
859 $this->mSubmitCallback
= $cb;
865 * Set a message to display on a validation error.
867 * @param array[] $msg Array of valid inputs to wfMessage()
868 * (so each entry must itself be an array of arguments)
869 * @phan-param non-empty-array[] $msg
871 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
873 public function setValidationErrorMessage( $msg ) {
874 $this->mValidationErrorMessage
= $msg;
880 * Set the introductory message, overwriting any existing message.
882 * @param string $msg Complete text of message to display
884 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
885 * @deprecated since 1.38, use setPreHtml() instead, hard-deprecated since 1.43
887 public function setIntro( $msg ) {
888 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__
, '1.38' );
889 return $this->setPreHtml( $msg );
893 * Set the introductory message HTML, overwriting any existing message.
895 * @param string $html Complete HTML of message to display
898 * @return $this for chaining calls
900 public function setPreHtml( $html ) {
907 * Add HTML to introductory message.
909 * @param string $html Complete HTML of message to display
912 * @return $this for chaining calls
914 public function addPreHtml( $html ) {
915 $this->mPre
.= $html;
921 * Get the introductory message HTML.
926 public function getPreHtml() {
931 * Set the introductory message HTML, overwriting any existing message.
933 * @param string $msg Complete HTML of message to display
935 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
936 * @deprecated since 1.38, use setPreHtml() instead, hard-deprecated since 1.43
938 public function setPreText( $msg ) {
939 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__
, '1.38' );
940 return $this->setPreHtml( $msg );
944 * Add HTML to introductory message.
946 * @param string $msg Complete HTML of message to display
948 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
949 * @deprecated since 1.38, use addPreHtml() instead, hard-deprecated since 1.43
951 public function addPreText( $msg ) {
952 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__
, '1.38' );
953 return $this->addPreHtml( $msg );
957 * Get the introductory message HTML.
961 * @deprecated since 1.38, use getPreHtml() instead, hard-deprecated since 1.43
963 public function getPreText() {
964 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__
, '1.38' );
965 return $this->getPreHtml();
969 * Add HTML to the header, inside the form.
971 * @param string $html Additional HTML to display in header
972 * @param string|null $section The section to add the header to
975 * @return $this for chaining calls
977 public function addHeaderHtml( $html, $section = null ) {
978 if ( $section === null ) {
979 $this->mHeader
.= $html;
981 $this->mSectionHeaders
[$section] ??
= '';
982 $this->mSectionHeaders
[$section] .= $html;
989 * Set header HTML, inside the form.
991 * @param string $html Complete HTML of header to display
992 * @param string|null $section The section to add the header to
995 * @return $this for chaining calls
997 public function setHeaderHtml( $html, $section = null ) {
998 if ( $section === null ) {
999 $this->mHeader
= $html;
1001 $this->mSectionHeaders
[$section] = $html;
1009 * @stable to override
1011 * @param string|null $section The section to get the header text for
1013 * @return string HTML
1015 public function getHeaderHtml( $section = null ) {
1016 return $section ?
[$section] ??
'' : $this->mHeader
1020 * Add HTML to the header, inside the form.
1022 * @param string $msg Additional HTML to display in header
1023 * @param string|null $section The section to add the header to
1025 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1026 * @deprecated since 1.38, use addHeaderHtml() instead, hard-deprecated since 1.43
1028 public function addHeaderText( $msg, $section = null ) {
1029 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__
, '1.38' );
1030 return $this->addHeaderHtml( $msg, $section );
1034 * Set header text, inside the form.
1036 * @param string $msg Complete HTML of header to display
1037 * @param string|null $section The section to add the header to
1040 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1041 * @deprecated since 1.38, use setHeaderHtml() instead, hard-deprecated since 1.43
1043 public function setHeaderText( $msg, $section = null ) {
1044 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__
, '1.38' );
1045 return $this->setHeaderHtml( $msg, $section );
1050 * @stable to override
1052 * @param string|null $section The section to get the header text for
1054 * @return string HTML
1055 * @deprecated since 1.38, use getHeaderHtml() instead, hard-deprecated since 1.43
1057 public function getHeaderText( $section = null ) {
1058 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__
, '1.38' );
1059 return $this->getHeaderHtml( $section );
1063 * Add footer HTML, inside the form.
1065 * @param string $html Complete text of message to display
1066 * @param string|null $section The section to add the footer text to
1069 * @return $this for chaining calls
1071 public function addFooterHtml( $html, $section = null ) {
1072 if ( $section === null ) {
1073 $this->mFooter
.= $html;
1075 $this->mSectionFooters
[$section] ??
= '';
1076 $this->mSectionFooters
[$section] .= $html;
1083 * Set footer HTML, inside the form.
1085 * @param string $html Complete text of message to display
1086 * @param string|null $section The section to add the footer text to
1089 * @return $this for chaining calls
1091 public function setFooterHtml( $html, $section = null ) {
1092 if ( $section === null ) {
1093 $this->mFooter
= $html;
1095 $this->mSectionFooters
[$section] = $html;
1104 * @param string|null $section The section to get the footer text for
1108 public function getFooterHtml( $section = null ) {
1109 return $section ?
[$section] ??
'' : $this->mFooter
1113 * Add footer text, inside the form.
1115 * @param string $msg Complete text of message to display
1116 * @param string|null $section The section to add the footer text to
1118 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1119 * @deprecated since 1.38, use addFooterHtml() instead, hard-deprecated since 1.43
1121 public function addFooterText( $msg, $section = null ) {
1122 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__
, '1.38' );
1123 return $this->addFooterHtml( $msg, $section );
1127 * Set footer text, inside the form.
1130 * @param string $msg Complete text of message to display
1131 * @param string|null $section The section to add the footer text to
1133 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1134 * @deprecated since 1.38, use setFooterHtml() instead, hard-deprecated since 1.43
1136 public function setFooterText( $msg, $section = null ) {
1137 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__
, '1.38' );
1138 return $this->setFooterHtml( $msg, $section );
1144 * @param string|null $section The section to get the footer text for
1147 * @deprecated since 1.38, use getFooterHtml() instead, hard-deprecated since 1.43
1149 public function getFooterText( $section = null ) {
1150 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__
, '1.38' );
1151 return $this->getFooterHtml( $section );
1155 * Add HTML to the end of the display.
1157 * @param string $html Complete text of message to display
1160 * @return $this for chaining calls
1162 public function addPostHtml( $html ) {
1163 $this->mPost
.= $html;
1169 * Set HTML at the end of the display.
1171 * @param string $html Complete text of message to display
1174 * @return $this for chaining calls
1176 public function setPostHtml( $html ) {
1177 $this->mPost
= $html;
1183 * Get HTML at the end of the display.
1186 * @return string HTML
1188 public function getPostHtml() {
1189 return $this->mPost
1193 * Add text to the end of the display.
1195 * @param string $msg Complete text of message to display
1197 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1198 * @deprecated since 1.38, use addPostHtml() instead, hard-deprecated since 1.43
1200 public function addPostText( $msg ) {
1201 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__
, '1.38' );
1202 return $this->addPostHtml( $msg );
1206 * Set text at the end of the display.
1208 * @param string $msg Complete text of message to display
1210 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1211 * @deprecated since 1.38, use setPostHtml() instead, hard-deprecated since 1.43
1213 public function setPostText( $msg ) {
1214 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__
, '1.38' );
1215 return $this->setPostHtml( $msg );
1219 * Set an array of information about sections.
1223 * @param array[] $sections Array of section information, keyed on section name.
1225 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls
1227 public function setSections( $sections ) {
1228 if ( $this->getDisplayFormat() !== 'codex' ) {
1229 throw new \
1230 "Non-Codex HTMLForms do not support additional section information."
1234 $this->mSections
= $sections;
1240 * Add a hidden field to the output
1241 * Array values are discarded for security reasons (per WebRequest::getVal)
1243 * @param string $name Field name. This will be used exactly as entered
1244 * @param mixed $value Field value
1245 * @param array $attribs
1247 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1249 public function addHiddenField( $name, $value, array $attribs = [] ) {
1250 if ( !is_array( $value ) ) {
1251 // Per WebRequest::getVal: Array values are discarded for security reasons.
1252 $attribs +
= [ 'name' => $name ];
1253 $this->mHiddenFields
[] = [ $value, $attribs ];
1260 * Add an array of hidden fields to the output
1261 * Array values are discarded for security reasons (per WebRequest::getVal)
1265 * @param array $fields Associative array of fields to add;
1266 * mapping names to their values
1268 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls
1270 public function addHiddenFields( array $fields ) {
1271 foreach ( $fields as $name => $value ) {
1272 if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
1273 // Per WebRequest::getVal: Array values are discarded for security reasons.
1276 $this->mHiddenFields
[] = [ $value, [ 'name' => $name ] ];
1283 * Add a button to the form
1285 * @since 1.27 takes an array as shown. Earlier versions accepted
1286 * 'name', 'value', 'id', and 'attribs' as separate parameters in that
1288 * @param array $data Data to define the button:
1289 * - name: (string) Button name.
1290 * - value: (string) Button value.
1291 * - label-message: (string|array<string|array>|MessageSpecifier, optional) Button label
1292 * message key to use instead of 'value'. Overrides 'label' and 'label-raw'.
1293 * - label: (string, optional) Button label text to use instead of
1294 * 'value'. Overrides 'label-raw'.
1295 * - label-raw: (string, optional) Button label HTML to use instead of
1297 * - id: (string, optional) DOM id for the button.
1298 * - attribs: (array, optional) Additional HTML attributes.
1299 * - flags: (string|string[], optional) OOUI flags.
1300 * - framed: (boolean=true, optional) OOUI framed attribute.
1301 * @phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength
1302 * @phan-param array{name:string,value:string,label-message?:string|array<string|MessageParam>|MessageSpecifier,label?:string,label-raw?:string,id?:string,attribs?:array,flags?:string|string[],framed?:bool} $data
1303 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1305 public function addButton( $data ) {
1306 if ( !is_array( $data ) ) {
1307 $args = func_get_args();
1308 if ( count( $args ) < 2 ||
count( $args ) > 4 ) {
1309 throw new InvalidArgumentException(
1310 'Incorrect number of arguments for deprecated calling style'
1315 'value' => $args[1],
1316 'id' => $args[2] ??
1317 'attribs' => $args[3] ??
1320 if ( !isset( $data['name'] ) ) {
1321 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'A name is required' );
1323 if ( !isset( $data['value'] ) ) {
1324 throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'A value is required' );
1327 $this->mButtons
[] = $data +
1338 * Set the salt for the edit token.
1340 * Only useful when the method is "post".
1343 * @param string|array $salt Salt to use
1344 * @return HTMLForm $this For chaining calls
1346 public function setTokenSalt( $salt ) {
1347 $this->mTokenSalt
= $salt;
1353 * Display the form (sending to the context's OutputPage object), with an
1354 * appropriate error message or stack of messages, and any validation errors, etc.
1356 * @warning You should call prepareForm() before calling this function.
1357 * Moreover, when doing method chaining this should be the very last method
1358 * call just after prepareForm().
1360 * @stable to override
1362 * @param bool|string|array|Status $submitResult Output from HTMLForm::trySubmit()
1364 * @return void Nothing, should be last call
1366 public function displayForm( $submitResult ) {
1367 $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $this->getHTML( $submitResult ) );
1371 * Get a hidden field for the title of the page if necessary (empty string otherwise)
1374 private function getHiddenTitle(): string {
1375 if ( $this->hiddenTitleAddedToForm
) {
1380 if ( $this->getMethod() === 'post' ||
1381 $this->getAction() === $this->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames
1383 $html .= Html
::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() ) . "\n";
1385 $this->hiddenTitleAddedToForm
= true;
1390 * Returns the raw HTML generated by the form
1392 * @stable to override
1394 * @param bool|string|array|Status $submitResult Output from HTMLForm::trySubmit()
1396 * @return string HTML
1397 * @return-taint escaped
1399 public function getHTML( $submitResult ) {
1400 # For good measure (it is the default)
1401 $this->getOutput()->getMetadata()->setPreventClickjacking( true );
1402 $this->getOutput()->addModules( 'mediawiki.htmlform' );
1403 $this->getOutput()->addModuleStyles( 'mediawiki.htmlform.styles' );
1405 if ( $this->mCollapsible
) {
1406 // Preload jquery.makeCollapsible for mediawiki.htmlform
1407 $this->getOutput()->addModules( 'jquery.makeCollapsible' );
1410 $headerHtml = MWDebug
::detectDeprecatedOverride( $this, __CLASS__
, 'getHeaderText', '1.38' )
1411 ?
1412 : $this->getHeaderHtml();
1413 $footerHtml = MWDebug
::detectDeprecatedOverride( $this, __CLASS__
, 'getFooterText', '1.38' )
1414 ?
1415 : $this->getFooterHtml();
1416 $html = $this->getErrorsOrWarnings( $submitResult, 'error' )
1417 . $this->getErrorsOrWarnings( $submitResult, 'warning' )
1419 . $this->getHiddenTitle()
1421 . $this->getHiddenFields()
1422 . $this->getButtons()
1425 return $this->mPre
. $this->wrapForm( $html ) . $this->mPost
1429 * Enable collapsible mode, and set whether the form is collapsed by default.
1432 * @param bool $collapsedByDefault Whether the form is collapsed by default (optional).
1433 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls
1435 public function setCollapsibleOptions( $collapsedByDefault = false ) {
1436 $this->mCollapsible
= true;
1437 $this->mCollapsed
= $collapsedByDefault;
1442 * Get HTML attributes for the `<form>` tag.
1443 * @stable to override
1446 protected function getFormAttributes() {
1447 # Use multipart/form-data
1448 $encType = $this->mUseMultipart
1449 ?
1450 : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
1453 'class' => 'mw-htmlform',
1454 'action' => $this->getAction(),
1455 'method' => $this->getMethod(),
1456 'enctype' => $encType,
1459 $attribs['id'] = $this->mId
1461 if ( is_string( $this->mAutocomplete
) ) {
1462 $attribs['autocomplete'] = $this->mAutocomplete
1464 if ( $this->mName
) {
1465 $attribs['name'] = $this->mName
1467 if ( $this->needsJSForHtml5FormValidation() ) {
1468 $attribs['novalidate'] = true;
1474 * Wrap the form innards in an actual "<form>" element
1476 * @stable to override
1477 * @param string $html HTML contents to wrap.
1478 * @return string|\OOUI\Tag Wrapped HTML.
1480 public function wrapForm( $html ) {
1481 # Include a <fieldset> wrapper for style, if requested.
1482 if ( $this->mWrapperLegend
!== false ) {
1483 $legend = is_string( $this->mWrapperLegend
) ?
: false;
1484 $html = Xml
::fieldset( $legend, $html, $this->mWrapperAttributes
1487 return Html
1489 $this->getFormAttributes(),
1495 * Get the hidden fields that should go inside the form.
1496 * @return string HTML.
1498 public function getHiddenFields() {
1501 // add the title as a hidden file if it hasn't been added yet and if it is necessary
1502 // added for backward compatibility with the previous version of this public method
1503 $html .= $this->getHiddenTitle();
1505 if ( $this->mFormIdentifier
!== null ) {
1506 $html .= Html
1508 $this->mFormIdentifier
1511 if ( $this->getMethod() === 'post' ) {
1512 $html .= Html
1514 $this->getUser()->getEditToken( $this->mTokenSalt
1515 [ 'id' => 'wpEditToken' ]
1519 foreach ( $this->mHiddenFields
as [ $value, $attribs ] ) {
1520 $html .= Html
::hidden( $attribs['name'], $value, $attribs ) . "\n";
1527 * Get the submit and (potentially) reset buttons.
1528 * @stable to override
1529 * @return string HTML.
1531 public function getButtons() {
1534 if ( $this->mShowSubmit
) {
1537 if ( $this->mSubmitID
!== null ) {
1538 $attribs['id'] = $this->mSubmitID
1541 if ( $this->mSubmitName
!== null ) {
1542 $attribs['name'] = $this->mSubmitName
1545 if ( $this->mSubmitTooltip
!== null ) {
1546 $attribs +
= Linker
::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( $this->mSubmitTooltip
1549 $attribs['class'] = [ 'mw-htmlform-submit' ];
1551 $buttons .= Xml
::submitButton( $this->getSubmitText(), $attribs ) . "\n";
1554 if ( $this->mShowCancel
) {
1555 $target = $this->getCancelTargetURL();
1556 $buttons .= Html
1561 $this->msg( 'cancel' )->text()
1565 foreach ( $this->mButtons
as $button ) {
1568 'name' => $button['name'],
1569 'value' => $button['value']
1572 if ( isset( $button['label-message'] ) ) {
1573 $label = $this->getMessage( $button['label-message'] )->parse();
1574 } elseif ( isset( $button['label'] ) ) {
1575 $label = htmlspecialchars( $button['label'] );
1576 } elseif ( isset( $button['label-raw'] ) ) {
1577 $label = $button['label-raw'];
1579 $label = htmlspecialchars( $button['value'] );
1582 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset Always set in self::addButton
1583 if ( $button['attribs'] ) {
1584 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset Always set in self::addButton
1585 $attrs +
= $button['attribs'];
1588 if ( isset( $button['id'] ) ) {
1589 $attrs['id'] = $button['id'];
1592 $buttons .= Html
::rawElement( 'button', $attrs, $label ) . "\n";
1599 return Html
::rawElement( 'span',
1600 [ 'class' => 'mw-htmlform-submit-buttons' ], "\n$buttons" ) . "\n";
1604 * Get the whole body of the form.
1605 * @stable to override
1608 public function getBody() {
1609 return $this->displaySection( $this->mFieldTree
, $this->mTableId
1613 * Returns a formatted list of errors or warnings from the given elements.
1614 * @stable to override
1616 * @param string|array|Status $elements The set of errors/warnings to process.
1617 * @param string $elementsType Should warnings or errors be returned. This is meant
1618 * for Status objects, all other valid types are always considered as errors.
1621 public function getErrorsOrWarnings( $elements, $elementsType ) {
1622 if ( !in_array( $elementsType, [ 'error', 'warning' ], true ) ) {
1623 throw new DomainException( $elementsType . ' is not a valid type.' );
1625 $elementstr = false;
1626 if ( $elements instanceof Status
) {
1627 [ $errorStatus, $warningStatus ] = $elements->splitByErrorType();
1628 $status = $elementsType === 'error' ?
$errorStatus : $warningStatus;
1629 if ( $status->isGood() ) {
1632 $elementstr = $status
1634 ->setContext( $this )
1635 ->setInterfaceMessageFlag( true )
1638 } elseif ( $elementsType === 'error' ) {
1639 if ( is_array( $elements ) ) {
1640 $elementstr = $this->formatErrors( $elements );
1641 } elseif ( $elements && $elements !== true ) {
1642 $elementstr = (string)$elements;
1646 if ( !$elementstr ) {
1648 } elseif ( $elementsType === 'error' ) {
1649 return Html
::errorBox( $elementstr );
1650 } else { // $elementsType can only be 'warning'
1651 return Html
::warningBox( $elementstr );
1656 * Format a stack of error messages into a single HTML string
1658 * @param array $errors Array of message keys/values
1660 * @return string HTML, a "<ul>" list of errors
1662 public function formatErrors( $errors ) {
1665 foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
1666 $errorstr .= Html
1669 $this->getMessage( $error )->parse()
1673 return Html
::rawElement( 'ul', [], $errorstr );
1677 * Set the text for the submit button
1679 * @param string $t Plaintext
1681 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1683 public function setSubmitText( $t ) {
1684 $this->mSubmitText
= $t;
1690 * Identify that the submit button in the form has a destructive action
1693 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.28)
1695 public function setSubmitDestructive() {
1696 $this->mSubmitFlags
= [ 'destructive', 'primary' ];
1702 * Set the text for the submit button to a message
1705 * @param string|Message $msg Message key or Message object
1707 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1709 public function setSubmitTextMsg( $msg ) {
1710 if ( !$msg instanceof Message
) {
1711 $msg = $this->msg( $msg );
1713 $this->setSubmitText( $msg->text() );
1719 * Get the text for the submit button, either customised or a default.
1722 public function getSubmitText() {
1723 return $this->mSubmitText ?
: $this->msg( 'htmlform-submit' )->text();
1727 * @param string $name Submit button name
1729 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1731 public function setSubmitName( $name ) {
1732 $this->mSubmitName
= $name;
1738 * @param string $name Tooltip for the submit button
1740 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1742 public function setSubmitTooltip( $name ) {
1743 $this->mSubmitTooltip
= $name;
1749 * Set the id for the submit button.
1753 * @todo FIXME: Integrity of $t is *not* validated
1754 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1756 public function setSubmitID( $t ) {
1757 $this->mSubmitID
= $t;
1763 * Set an internal identifier for this form. It will be submitted as a hidden form field, allowing
1764 * HTMLForm to determine whether the form was submitted (or merely viewed). Setting this serves
1767 * - If you use two or more forms on one page with the same submit target, it allows HTMLForm
1768 * to identify which of the forms was submitted, and not attempt to validate the other ones.
1769 * - If you use checkbox or multiselect fields inside a form using the GET method, it allows
1770 * HTMLForm to distinguish between the initial page view and a form submission with all
1771 * checkboxes or select options unchecked. Set the second parameter to true if you are sure
1772 * this is the only form on the page, which allows form fields to be prefilled with query
1776 * @param string $ident
1777 * @param bool $single Only work with GET form, see above. (since 1.41)
1780 public function setFormIdentifier( string $ident, bool $single = false ) {
1781 $this->mFormIdentifier
= $ident;
1782 $this->mSingleForm
= $single;
1788 * Stop a default submit button being shown for this form. This implies that an
1789 * alternate submit method must be provided manually.
1793 * @param bool $suppressSubmit Set to false to re-enable the button again
1795 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls
1797 public function suppressDefaultSubmit( $suppressSubmit = true ) {
1798 $this->mShowSubmit
= !$suppressSubmit;
1804 * Show a cancel button (or prevent it). The button is not shown by default.
1806 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls
1809 public function showCancel( $show = true ) {
1810 $this->mShowCancel
= $show;
1815 * Sets the target where the user is redirected to after clicking cancel.
1816 * @param LinkTarget|PageReference|string $target Target as an object or an URL
1817 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls
1820 public function setCancelTarget( $target ) {
1821 if ( $target instanceof PageReference
) {
1822 $target = TitleValue
::castPageToLinkTarget( $target );
1825 $this->mCancelTarget
= $target;
1833 protected function getCancelTargetURL() {
1834 if ( is_string( $this->mCancelTarget
) ) {
1835 return $this->mCancelTarget
1837 // TODO: use a service to get the local URL for a LinkTarget, see T282283
1838 $target = Title
::castFromLinkTarget( $this->mCancelTarget
) ?
: Title
1839 return $target->getLocalURL();
1844 * Set the id of the \<table\> or outermost \<div\> element.
1848 * @param string $id New value of the id attribute, or "" to remove
1850 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls
1852 public function setTableId( $id ) {
1853 $this->mTableId
= $id;
1859 * @param string $id DOM id for the form
1861 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1863 public function setId( $id ) {
1870 * @param string $name 'name' attribute for the form
1871 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls
1873 public function setName( $name ) {
1874 $this->mName
= $name;
1880 * Prompt the whole form to be wrapped in a "<fieldset>", with
1881 * this text as its "<legend>" element.
1883 * @param string|bool $legend If false, no wrapper or legend will be displayed.
1884 * If true, a wrapper will be displayed, but no legend.
1885 * If a string, a wrapper will be displayed with that string as a legend.
1886 * The string will be escaped before being output (this doesn't support HTML).
1888 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1890 public function setWrapperLegend( $legend ) {
1891 $this->mWrapperLegend
= $legend;
1897 * For internal use only. Use is discouraged, and should only be used where
1898 * support for gadgets/user scripts is warranted.
1899 * @param array $attributes
1901 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls
1903 public function setWrapperAttributes( $attributes ) {
1904 $this->mWrapperAttributes
= $attributes;
1910 * Prompt the whole form to be wrapped in a "<fieldset>", with
1911 * this message as its "<legend>" element.
1914 * @param string|Message $msg Message key or Message object
1916 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1918 public function setWrapperLegendMsg( $msg ) {
1919 if ( !$msg instanceof Message
) {
1920 $msg = $this->msg( $msg );
1922 $this->setWrapperLegend( $msg->text() );
1928 * Set the prefix for various default messages
1929 * @todo Currently only used for the "<fieldset>" legend on forms
1930 * with multiple sections; should be used elsewhere?
1934 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1936 public function setMessagePrefix( $p ) {
1937 $this->mMessagePrefix
= $p;
1943 * Set the title for form submission
1945 * @param PageReference $t The page the form is on/should be posted to
1947 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1949 public function setTitle( $t ) {
1950 // TODO: make mTitle a PageReference when we have a better way to get URLs, see T282283.
1951 $this->mTitle
= Title
::castFromPageReference( $t );
1959 public function getTitle() {
1960 return $this->mTitle ?
: $this->getContext()->getTitle();
1964 * Set the method used to submit the form
1966 * @param string $method
1968 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
1970 public function setMethod( $method = 'post' ) {
1971 $this->mMethod
= strtolower( $method );
1977 * @return string Always lowercase
1979 public function getMethod() {
1980 return $this->mMethod
1984 * Wraps the given $section into a user-visible fieldset.
1985 * @stable to override
1987 * @param string $legend Legend text for the fieldset
1988 * @param string $section The section content in plain Html
1989 * @param array $attributes Additional attributes for the fieldset
1990 * @param bool $isRoot Section is at the root of the tree
1991 * @return string The fieldset's Html
1993 protected function wrapFieldSetSection( $legend, $section, $attributes, $isRoot ) {
1994 return Xml
::fieldset( $legend, $section, $attributes ) . "\n";
1999 * @stable to override
2001 * Throws an exception when called on uninitialized field data, e.g. when
2002 * HTMLForm::displayForm was called without calling HTMLForm::prepareForm
2005 * @param array[]|HTMLFormField[] $fields Array of fields (either arrays or
2007 * @param string $sectionName ID attribute of the "<table>" tag for this
2008 * section, ignored if empty.
2009 * @param string $fieldsetIDPrefix ID prefix for the "<fieldset>" tag of
2010 * each subsection, ignored if empty.
2011 * @param bool &$hasUserVisibleFields Whether the section had user-visible fields.
2015 public function displaySection( $fields,
2017 $fieldsetIDPrefix = '',
2018 &$hasUserVisibleFields = false
2020 if ( $this->mFieldData
=== null ) {
2021 throw new LogicException( 'HTMLForm::displaySection() called on uninitialized field data. '
2022 . 'You probably called displayForm() without calling prepareForm() first.' );
2026 $subsectionHtml = '';
2029 foreach ( $fields as $key => $value ) {
2030 if ( $value instanceof HTMLFormField
) {
2031 $v = array_key_exists( $key, $this->mFieldData
2032 ?
2033 : $value->getDefault();
2035 $retval = $this->formatField( $value, $v ??
'' );
2037 // check, if the form field should be added to
2039 if ( $value->hasVisibleOutput() ) {
2042 $labelValue = trim( $value->getLabel() );
2043 if ( $labelValue !== "\u{00A0}" && $labelValue !== ' ' && $labelValue !== '' ) {
2047 $hasUserVisibleFields = true;
2049 } elseif ( is_array( $value ) ) {
2050 $subsectionHasVisibleFields = false;
2052 $this->displaySection( $value,
2054 "$fieldsetIDPrefix$key-",
2055 $subsectionHasVisibleFields );
2057 if ( $subsectionHasVisibleFields === true ) {
2058 // Display the section with various niceties.
2059 $hasUserVisibleFields = true;
2061 $legend = $this->getLegend( $key );
2063 $headerHtml = MWDebug
::detectDeprecatedOverride( $this, __CLASS__
, 'getHeaderText', '1.38' )
2064 ?
$this->getHeaderText( $key )
2065 : $this->getHeaderHtml( $key );
2066 $footerHtml = MWDebug
::detectDeprecatedOverride( $this, __CLASS__
, 'getFooterText', '1.38' )
2067 ?
$this->getFooterText( $key )
2068 : $this->getFooterHtml( $key );
2069 $section = $headerHtml .
2074 if ( $fieldsetIDPrefix ) {
2075 $attributes['id'] = Sanitizer
::escapeIdForAttribute( "$fieldsetIDPrefix$key" );
2077 $subsectionHtml .= $this->wrapFieldSetSection(
2078 $legend, $section, $attributes, $fields === $this->mFieldTree
2081 // Just return the inputs, nothing fancy.
2082 $subsectionHtml .= $section;
2087 $html = $this->formatSection( $html, $sectionName, $hasLabel );
2089 if ( $subsectionHtml ) {
2090 if ( $this->mSubSectionBeforeFields
) {
2091 return $subsectionHtml . "\n" . $html;
2093 return $html . "\n" . $subsectionHtml;
2101 * Generate the HTML for an individual field in the current display format.
2103 * @stable to override
2104 * @param HTMLFormField $field
2105 * @param mixed $value
2106 * @return string|Stringable HTML
2108 protected function formatField( HTMLFormField
$field, $value ) {
2109 $displayFormat = $this->getDisplayFormat();
2110 switch ( $displayFormat ) {
2112 return $field->getTableRow( $value );
2114 return $field->getDiv( $value );
2116 return $field->getRaw( $value );
2118 return $field->getInline( $value );
2120 throw new LogicException( 'Not implemented' );
2125 * Put a form section together from the individual fields' HTML, merging it and wrapping.
2126 * @stable to override
2127 * @param array $fieldsHtml Array of outputs from formatField()
2128 * @param string $sectionName
2129 * @param bool $anyFieldHasLabel
2130 * @return string HTML
2132 protected function formatSection( array $fieldsHtml, $sectionName, $anyFieldHasLabel ) {
2133 if ( !$fieldsHtml ) {
2134 // Do not generate any wrappers for empty sections. Sections may be empty if they only have
2135 // subsections, but no fields. A legend will still be added in wrapFieldSetSection().
2139 $displayFormat = $this->getDisplayFormat();
2140 $html = implode( '', $fieldsHtml );
2142 if ( $displayFormat === 'raw' ) {
2146 // Avoid strange spacing when no labels exist
2147 $attribs = $anyFieldHasLabel ?
[] : [ 'class' => 'mw-htmlform-nolabel' ];
2149 if ( $sectionName ) {
2150 $attribs['id'] = Sanitizer
::escapeIdForAttribute( $sectionName );
2153 if ( $displayFormat === 'table' ) {
2154 return Html
::rawElement( 'table',
2156 Html
::rawElement( 'tbody', [], "\n$html\n" ) ) . "\n";
2157 } elseif ( $displayFormat === 'inline' ) {
2158 return Html
::rawElement( 'span', $attribs, "\n$html\n" );
2160 return Html
::rawElement( 'div', $attribs, "\n$html\n" );
2165 * @deprecated since 1.39, Use prepareForm() instead.
2167 public function loadData() {
2168 $this->prepareForm();
2172 * Load data of form fields from the request
2174 protected function loadFieldData() {
2176 $request = $this->getRequest();
2178 foreach ( $this->mFlatFields
as $fieldname => $field ) {
2179 if ( $field->skipLoadData( $request ) ) {
2182 if ( $field->mParams
['disabled'] ??
false ) {
2183 $fieldData[$fieldname] = $field->getDefault();
2185 $fieldData[$fieldname] = $field->loadDataFromRequest( $request );
2189 // Reset to default for fields that are supposed to be disabled.
2190 // FIXME: Handle dependency chains, fields that a field checks on may need a reset too.
2191 foreach ( $fieldData as $name => &$value ) {
2192 $field = $this->mFlatFields
2193 if ( $field->isDisabled( $fieldData ) ) {
2194 $value = $field->getDefault();
2199 foreach ( $fieldData as $name => &$value ) {
2200 $field = $this->mFlatFields
2201 $value = $field->filter( $value, $fieldData );
2204 $this->mFieldData
= $fieldData;
2208 * Overload this if you want to apply special filtration routines
2209 * to the form as a whole, after it's submitted but before it's
2211 * @stable to override
2213 * @param array $data
2217 public function filterDataForSubmit( $data ) {
2222 * Get a string to go in the "<legend>" of a section fieldset.
2223 * Override this if you want something more complicated.
2224 * @stable to override
2226 * @param string $key
2228 * @return string Plain text (not HTML-escaped)
2230 public function getLegend( $key ) {
2231 return $this->msg( $this->mMessagePrefix ?
"{$this->mMessagePrefix}-$key" : $key )->text();
2235 * Set the value for the action attribute of the form.
2236 * When set to false (which is the default state), the set title is used.
2240 * @param string|bool $action
2242 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls (since 1.20)
2244 public function setAction( $action ) {
2245 $this->mAction
= $action;
2251 * Get the value for the action attribute of the form.
2257 public function getAction() {
2258 // If an action is already provided, return it
2259 if ( $this->mAction
!== false ) {
2260 return $this->mAction
2263 $articlePath = $this->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames
2264 // Check whether we are in GET mode and the ArticlePath contains a "?"
2265 // meaning that getLocalURL() would return something like "index.php?title=...".
2266 // As browser remove the query string before submitting GET forms,
2267 // it means that the title would be lost. In such case use script path instead
2268 // and put title in a hidden field (see getHiddenFields()).
2269 if ( str_contains( $articlePath, '?' ) && $this->getMethod() === 'get' ) {
2270 return $this->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames
2273 return $this->getTitle()->getLocalURL();
2277 * Set the value for the autocomplete attribute of the form. A typical value is "off".
2278 * When set to null (which is the default state), the attribute get not set.
2282 * @param string|null $autocomplete
2284 * @return HTMLForm $this for chaining calls
2286 public function setAutocomplete( $autocomplete ) {
2287 $this->mAutocomplete
= $autocomplete;
2293 * Turns a *-message parameter (which could be a MessageSpecifier, or a message name, or a
2294 * name + parameters array) into a Message.
2295 * @param mixed $value
2298 protected function getMessage( $value ) {
2299 return Message
::newFromSpecifier( $value )->setContext( $this );
2303 * Whether this form, with its current fields, requires the user agent to have JavaScript enabled
2304 * for the client-side HTML5 form validation to work correctly. If this function returns true, a
2305 * 'novalidate' attribute will be added on the `<form>` element. It will be removed if the user
2306 * agent has JavaScript support, in htmlform.js.
2311 public function needsJSForHtml5FormValidation() {
2312 foreach ( $this->mFlatFields
as $field ) {
2313 if ( $field->needsJSForHtml5FormValidation() ) {
2321 /** @deprecated class alias since 1.42 */
2322 class_alias( HTMLForm
::class, 'HTMLForm' );