7 "preferences": "Preferences",
8 "preferences-summary": "",
9 "prefsnologintext2": "Please log in to change your preferences.",
10 "prefsnologintext2-for-temp-user": "Please create an account to change preferences.",
11 "searchprefs": "Search preferences",
12 "searchprefs-noresults": "No results",
13 "searchprefs-results": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|result|results}}",
15 "tooltip-preferences-save": "Save preferences",
16 "savedprefs": "Your preferences have been saved.",
17 "prefs-back-title": "Back to preferences",
18 "prefs-tabs-navigation-hint": "Tip: You can use the left and right arrow keys to navigate between the tabs in the tabs list.",
19 "prefs-sections-navigation-hint": "Tip: You can use the Tab and Shift + Tab keys to navigate between the preference sections.",
20 "prefs-personal": "User profile",
21 "prefs-description-personal": "Control how you appear, connect, and communicate.",
22 "prefs-info": "Basic information",
23 "username": "{{GENDER:$1|Username}}:",
24 "prefs-memberingroups": "{{GENDER:$2|Member}} of {{PLURAL:$1|group|groups}}:",
25 "prefs-memberingroups-type": "$1",
26 "group-membership-link-with-expiry": "$1 (until $2)",
27 "prefs-edits": "Number of edits:",
28 "prefs-registration": "Registration time:",
29 "prefs-registration-date-time": "$1",
30 "yourrealname": "Real name:",
31 "prefs-help-realname": "Real name is optional.\nIf provided, it may be used to give you attribution for your work.",
32 "yourpassword": "Password:",
33 "prefs-resetpass": "Change password",
34 "passwordtooshort": "Passwords must be at least {{PLURAL:$1|1 character|$1 characters}}.",
35 "passwordtoolong": "Passwords cannot be longer than {{PLURAL:$1|1 character|$1 characters}}.",
36 "password-substring-username-match": "Your password must not appear within your username.",
37 "password-name-match": "Your password must be different from your username.",
38 "password-login-forbidden": "The use of this username and password has been forbidden.",
39 "passwordincommonlist": "The password entered is in a list of very commonly used passwords. Please choose a more unique password.",
40 "prefs-help-yourpassword": "Account recovery is enabled. See $1 for more settings.",
41 "tog-prefershttps": "Always use a secure connection while logged in",
42 "prefs-help-prefershttps": "This preference will take effect on your next login.",
43 "prefs-user-downloaddata-label": "Access account data:",
44 "prefs-user-downloaddata-help-message": "",
45 "prefs-user-downloaddata-info": "My account data from this project",
46 "prefs-user-restoreprefs-label": "Reset settings:",
47 "prefs-user-restoreprefs-info": "Restore all default preferences (in all sections)",
48 "prefs-i18n": "Internationalisation",
49 "yourlanguage": "Language:",
50 "yourgender": "How do you prefer to be described?",
51 "gender-notknown": "They edit wiki pages",
52 "gender-unknown": "When mentioning you, the software will use gender neutral words whenever possible",
53 "gender-female": "She edits wiki pages",
54 "gender-male": "He edits wiki pages",
55 "prefs-help-gender": "Setting this preference is optional.\nThe software uses its value to address you and to mention you to others using the appropriate grammatical gender.\nThis information will be public.",
56 "yourvariant": "Content language variant:",
57 "prefs-help-variant": "Your preferred variant or orthography to display the content pages of this wiki in.",
58 "prefs-signature": "Signature",
59 "tog-oldsig": "Your existing signature:",
60 "yournick": "New signature:",
61 "tog-fancysig": "Treat signature as wikitext (without an automatic link to your user page)",
62 "prefs-help-signature": "Comments on talk pages should be signed with \"<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>\", which will be converted into your signature and a timestamp.",
63 "prefs-signature-invalid-warning": "Your signature may cause problems with some tools.",
64 "prefs-signature-invalid-new": "Your current signature is invalid. Although you can still use it, you won't be able to change it until you correct it.",
65 "prefs-signature-invalid-disallow": "Your current signature is invalid. Until you correct it, the default signature will be used when signing your comments.",
66 "prefs-signature-highlight-error": "Show error location",
67 "prefs-signature-error-details": "Learn more",
68 "badsig": "Invalid raw signature.\nCheck HTML tags.",
69 "badsiglength": "Your signature is too long.\nIt must not be more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}} long.",
70 "badsigsubst": "Your signature contains nested substitution (e.g. <code>subst:</code> or <code><nowiki>~~~~</nowiki></code>).",
71 "badsightml": "Your signature contains invalid or deprecated HTML syntax:",
72 "badsiglinks": "Your signature must include a link to your user page, talk page or contributions on this wiki. Please add it, for example: <code>$1</code>.",
73 "badsiglinebreak": "Your signature must consist of a single line of wikitext.",
74 "prefs-email": "Email options",
75 "youremail": "Email:",
76 "prefs-setemail": "Set an email address",
77 "prefs-changeemail": "Change or remove email address",
78 "prefs-help-email": "Email address is optional, but is needed for password resets, should you forget your password.",
79 "prefs-help-email-required": "Email address is required.",
80 "prefs-help-email-others": "You can also choose to let others contact you by email through a link on your user or talk page.\nYour email address is not revealed when other users contact you.",
81 "tog-requireemail": "Send password reset emails only when both email address and username are provided",
82 "prefs-help-requireemail": "This improves privacy and helps prevent unsolicited emails.",
83 "noemailprefs": "Specify an email address in your preferences for these features to work.",
84 "emailnotauthenticated": "Your email address is not yet confirmed.\nNo email will be sent for any of the following features.",
85 "emailconfirmlink": "Confirm your email address",
86 "prefs-emailconfirm-label": "Email confirmation:",
87 "emailauthenticated": "Your email address was confirmed on $2 at $3.",
88 "allowemail": "Allow other users to email me",
89 "email-allow-new-users-label": "Allow emails from brand-new users",
90 "tog-ccmeonemails": "Send me copies of emails I send to other users",
91 "email-mutelist-label": "Prohibit these users from emailing me:",
92 "tog-enotifwatchlistpages": "Email me when a page or a file on my watchlist is changed",
93 "tog-enotifusertalkpages": "Email me when my user talk page is changed",
94 "tog-enotifminoredits": "Email me also for minor edits of pages and files",
95 "tog-enotifrevealaddr": "Reveal my email address in notification emails",
96 "prefs-user-pages": "User pages",
97 "prefs-rendering": "Appearance",
98 "prefs-description-rendering": "Configure skin, size, and reading options.",
100 "skin-preview": "Preview",
101 "prefs-common-config": "Shared CSS/JavaScript for all skins:",
102 "prefs-custom-css": "Custom CSS",
103 "prefs-custom-js": "Custom JavaScript",
104 "prefs-custom-cssjs-safemode": "Custom CSS/JavaScript are currently unavailable as safe mode has been enabled. Please [[#mw-input-wpforcesafemode|disable safe mode]] to use custom CSS/JavaScript.",
105 "prefs-skin-prefs": "Skin preferences",
106 "prefs-skin-responsive": "Enable responsive mode",
107 "prefs-help-skin-responsive": "Adapt layout to screen size on mobile.",
108 "prefs-dateformat": "Date format",
109 "datedefault": "No preference",
110 "prefs-timeoffset": "Time offset",
111 "servertime": "Server time:",
112 "localtime": "Local time:",
113 "timezonelegend": "Time zone:",
114 "timezoneuseserverdefault": "Use wiki default ($1)",
115 "timezoneuseoffset": "Other (time offset from UTC)",
116 "timezone-useoffset-placeholder": "Example values: \"-07:00\" or \"01:00\"",
117 "timezone-invalid": "Invalid time zone or time offset.",
118 "guesstimezone": "Fill in from browser",
119 "timezoneregion-africa": "Africa",
120 "timezoneregion-america": "America",
121 "timezoneregion-antarctica": "Antarctica",
122 "timezoneregion-arctic": "Arctic",
123 "timezoneregion-asia": "Asia",
124 "timezoneregion-atlantic": "Atlantic Ocean",
125 "timezoneregion-australia": "Australia",
126 "timezoneregion-europe": "Europe",
127 "timezoneregion-indian": "Indian Ocean",
128 "timezoneregion-pacific": "Pacific Ocean",
129 "prefs-files": "Files",
130 "imagemaxsize": "Image size limit on file description pages:",
131 "thumbsize": "Thumbnail size:",
132 "prefs-diffs": "Diffs",
133 "tog-diffonly": "Don't show page content below diffs",
134 "tog-norollbackdiff": "Don't show diff after performing a rollback",
135 "prefs-advancedrendering": "Advanced options",
136 "tog-underline": "Link underlining:",
137 "underline-default": "Skin or browser default",
138 "underline-never": "Never",
139 "underline-always": "Always",
140 "tog-showhiddencats": "Show hidden categories",
141 "tog-showrollbackconfirmation": "Show a confirmation prompt when clicking on a rollback link",
142 "tog-forcesafemode": "Always enable [[mw:Manual:Safemode|safe mode]]",
143 "prefs-help-forcesafemode": "Disable on-wiki scripts and stylesheets.",
144 "prefs-editing": "Editing",
145 "prefs-description-editing": "Customize how you make, track, and review edits.",
146 "prefs-advancedediting": "General options",
147 "tog-editsectiononrightclick": "Enable section editing by right clicking on section titles",
148 "tog-editondblclick": "Edit pages on double click",
149 "prefs-editor": "Editor",
150 "editfont-style": "Edit area font style:",
151 "editfont-monospace": "Monospaced font",
152 "editfont-sansserif": "Sans-serif font",
153 "editfont-serif": "Serif font",
154 "tog-minordefault": "Mark all edits minor by default",
155 "tog-forceeditsummary": "Prompt me when entering a blank edit summary (or the default undo summary)",
156 "tog-editrecovery": "Enable the [[Special:EditRecovery|{{int:editrecovery}}]] feature",
157 "tog-editrecovery-help": "You can give feedback on the [$1 project's talk page].",
158 "tog-useeditwarning": "Warn me when I leave an edit page with unsaved changes",
159 "prefs-preview": "Preview",
160 "tog-previewonfirst": "Show preview when starting to edit",
161 "tog-previewontop": "Show preview before edit box",
162 "tog-uselivepreview": "Show preview without reloading the page",
163 "prefs-discussion": "Discussion pages",
164 "prefs-developertools": "Developer tools",
165 "prefs-rc": "Recent changes",
166 "prefs-description-rc": "Customise the recent changes feed.",
167 "prefs-displayrc": "Display options",
168 "recentchangesdays": "Days to show in recent changes:",
169 "recentchangesdays-max": "Maximum $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}}",
170 "recentchangescount": "Number of edits to show in recent changes, page histories, and in logs, by default:",
171 "prefs-help-recentchangescount": "Maximum number: 1000",
172 "prefs-advancedrc": "Advanced options",
173 "tog-usenewrc": "Group changes by page in recent changes and watchlist",
174 "rcfilters-preference-label": "Use non-JavaScript interface",
175 "rcfilters-preference-help": "Loads [[{{#special:RecentChanges}}|recent changes]] and [[{{#special:RecentChangesLinked}}|related changes]] without the filtered search or the highlighting functionality.",
176 "prefs-changesrc": "Changes shown",
177 "tog-hideminor": "Hide minor edits from recent changes",
178 "tog-hidecategorization": "Hide categorization of pages",
179 "tog-hidepatrolled": "Hide patrolled edits from recent changes",
180 "tog-newpageshidepatrolled": "Hide patrolled pages from new page list",
181 "tog-shownumberswatching": "Show the number of watching users",
182 "prefs-watchlist": "Watchlist",
183 "prefs-description-watchlist": "Manage and personalize the list of pages you track.",
184 "prefs-editwatchlist": "Edit watchlist",
185 "prefs-editwatchlist-label": "Edit entries on your watchlist:",
186 "prefs-editwatchlist-edit": "View and remove titles on your watchlist",
187 "prefs-editwatchlist-raw": "Edit raw watchlist",
188 "prefs-editwatchlist-clear": "Clear your watchlist",
189 "prefs-displaywatchlist": "Display options",
190 "prefs-watchlist-days": "Days to show in watchlist:",
191 "prefs-watchlist-days-max": "Maximum $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}}",
192 "prefs-watchlist-edits": "Maximum number of changes to show in watchlist:",
193 "prefs-watchlist-edits-max": "Maximum number: 1000",
194 "prefs-advancedwatchlist": "Advanced options",
195 "tog-extendwatchlist": "Expand watchlist to show all changes, not just the most recent",
196 "tog-watchlistunwatchlinks": "Add direct unwatch/watch markers ({{int:Watchlist-unwatch}}/{{int:Watchlist-unwatch-undo}}) to watched pages with changes (JavaScript required for toggle functionality)",
197 "rcfilters-watchlist-preference-label": "Use non-JavaScript interface",
198 "rcfilters-watchlist-preference-help": "Loads [[{{#special:Watchlist}}|watchlist]] without filters search or highlighting functionality.",
199 "prefs-changeswatchlist": "Changes shown",
200 "tog-watchlisthideminor": "Hide minor edits from the watchlist",
201 "tog-watchlisthidebots": "Hide bot edits from the watchlist",
202 "tog-watchlisthideown": "Hide my edits from the watchlist",
203 "tog-watchlisthideanons": "Hide edits by anonymous users from the watchlist",
204 "tog-watchlisthideliu": "Hide edits by logged in users from the watchlist",
205 "tog-watchlistreloadautomatically": "Reload the watchlist automatically whenever a filter is changed (JavaScript required)",
206 "tog-watchlisthidecategorization": "Hide categorization of pages",
207 "tog-watchlisthidepatrolled": "Hide patrolled edits from the watchlist",
208 "prefs-pageswatchlist": "Watched pages",
209 "tog-watchdefault": "Add pages and files I edit to my watchlist",
210 "tog-watchmoves": "Add pages and files I move to my watchlist",
211 "tog-watchdeletion": "Add pages and files I delete to my watchlist",
212 "tog-watchcreations": "Add pages I create and files I upload to my watchlist",
213 "tog-watchuploads": "Add new files I upload to my watchlist",
214 "tog-watchrollback": "Add pages where I have performed a rollback to my watchlist",
215 "prefs-tokenwatchlist": "Token",
216 "prefs-watchlist-token": "Watchlist token:",
217 "prefs-watchlist-managetokens": "Manage tokens",
218 "prefs-help-tokenmanagement": "You can see and reset the secret key for your account that can access the Web feed of your watchlist. Anyone who knows the key will be able to read your watchlist, so do not share it.",
219 "prefs-searchoptions": "Search",
220 "prefs-description-searchoptions": "Choose how autocomplete and results work.",
221 "prefs-searchmisc": "General",
222 "searchlimit-label": "Number of search results to show on each page:",
223 "searchlimit-help": "Maximum number: $1",
224 "search-thumbnail-extra-namespaces-label": "Show thumbnails in Special:Search on Desktop",
225 "search-thumbnail-extra-namespaces-message": "Displays thumbnails for $1 {{PLURAL:$2|namespace|namespaces}} results on the {{#special:search}} page",
226 "prefs-advancedsearchoptions": "Advanced options",
227 "prefs-reset-intro": "You can use this page to reset your preferences to the site defaults.\nThis cannot be undone.",
228 "prefs-reset-confirm": "Yes, I want to reset my preferences.",
229 "restoreprefs": "Restore all default settings"