1 # @wikimedia/codex-design-tokens
3 Codex is the design system for Wikimedia.
5 This package contains design tokens that express the visual style of the Codex design system. Tokens are exported as style variables, and are available in CSS, Less and SASS.
7 See the [design tokens overview documentation](https://doc.wikimedia.org/codex/latest/design-tokens/overview.html) for links to a complete list of tokens with demos and guidelines.
11 See the [installation](https://doc.wikimedia.org/codex/main/using-codex/usage.html#installation) and [using design tokens](https://doc.wikimedia.org/codex/main/using-codex/usage.html#using-design-tokens) documentation for information about how to use Codex design tokens in your application.
13 ## Building from source
15 For information about building design tokens from the source code, see [BUILDING.md](./BUILDING.md).