Localisation updates from https://translatewiki.net.
[mediawiki.git] / resources / lib / foreign-resources.yaml
1 # ## Format of this file
3 # The top-level keys in this file correspond with directories under resources/lib/.
4 # These in turn are registered as module bundles in Resources.php.
6 # ## How to install a foreign resource
8 # 1. Add or update the url(s) for the upstream module to this YAML file.
10 #    Look at other modules for examples. To install a module from npm,
11 #    we use the tarball distribution from npmjs.org. This is the same as what
12 #    the npm CLI uses. For example, to install jquery-client@9.2.0, use:
13 #    <https://registry.npmjs.org/jquery-client/-/jquery-client-9.2.0.tgz>.
15 # 2. If the upstream maintainers publish an integrity hash, set that as well.
16 #    Otherwise, use manageForeignResources.php to compute the integrity hash.
18 #    Run `php manageForeignResources.php make-sri "my module name"`
20 #    This will download the specified file(s) and print their integrity hashes,
21 #    already formatted in YAML, ready for copying to this file.
23 # 3. Last but not least, decide where files go.
25 #    If you specified a direct url to JavaScript or CSS file, this step is
26 #    optional. See the corresponding documentation section below for more
27 #    information and examples for "dest" keys. Once you've set any "dest" keys,
28 #    run `php manageForeignResources.php update "my module name"`.
30 # ## Package formats
32 # Each top-level key must use one of these types:
34 # - `file`: For a plain file.
35 # - `multi-file`: For multiple plain files.
36 # - `tar`: For a tarball archive (file may be compressed).
37 # - `zip`: For a zipped archive (file may be compressed).
38 # - `doc-only`: For documenting that a package is used, without managing it
40 # ### Shared fields
42 # The following fields are shared by all package types:
43 # * `license` : SPDX license identifier
44 # * `purl` : [optional] package-url specifier ( https://github.com/package-url/purl-spec )
45 # * `homepage` : [optional] Homepage URL of library, to be shown on Special:Version
46 # * `authors` : [optional] Authors string of library, to be shown on Special:Version
47 # * `version` : [optional] Version string of library, to be shown on Special:Version
49 # ### The "file" type
51 # Besides the shared ones, the following fields are used:
52 # * `src`: Full URL to the remote resource.
53 # * `integrity`: Cryptographic hash (integrity metadata format per <https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/>).
54 # * `dest`: [optional] The file name to use in the module directory. Default: Basename of URL.
56 # For example, the following would produce resources/lib/mymodule/x.js:
58 #     mymodule:
59 #       type: file
60 #       src: https://mymodule.example/1.2.3/x.js
61 #       integrity: sha384-Je+NE+saisQuoi
63 # ### The "multi-file" type
65 # Besides the shared ones, the following fields are used:
66 # * `files`: An object mapping destination paths to `src` and `integrity` keys.
68 # For example:
70 #     mymodule:
71 #       type: multi-file
72 #       files:
73 #         x.js:
74 #           src: https://mymodule.example/1.2.3/x.js
75 #           integrity: sha384-Je+NE+saisQuoi
76 #         x.css:
77 #           src: https://mymodule.example/1.2.3/x.css
78 #           integrity: sha384-Je+NE+saisQuoi
80 # ### The "tar" type
82 # Besides the shared ones, the following fields are used:
83 # * `src`: Full URL to the remote resource.
84 # * `integrity`: Cryptographic hash (integrity metadata format per <https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/>).
85 # * `dest`: [optional] The default is to extract all files from the package.
86 #    To only extract some of the files or directories, use "dest" to specify
87 #    files, directories, and/or glob patterns. You can use a site like https://unpkg.com/
88 #    to easily inspect an npm package, like <https://unpkg.com/jquery-client@2.0.2/>.
89 #    This field can also be used to extract files to a subdirectory (by default the files and
90 #    directories listed in "dest" are extracted to the module directory root).
92 # For example:
94 #     mymodule:
95 #       type: tar
96 #       src: https://registry.npmjs.org/jquery-client/-/jquery-client-9.2.0.tgz
97 #       integrity: sha384-Je+NE+saisQuoi
98 #       dest:
99 #         package/dist/x.js:
100 #         package/dist/i18n:
101 #         package/dist/style/*.css: themes
103 # This would extract the "x.js" file, the "i18n" directory (recursive),
104 # and any "*.css" files from the "style" directory. They will end up in mymodule/x.js,
105 # mymodule/i18n and mymodule/themes, respectively.
107 # ### The "doc-only" type
109 # This type can be used for packages which are managed in some custom way (e.g. they require a
110 # manual build step). manageForeignResources.php will ignore these records, but they will still
111 # be shown on Special:Version. Only the shared fields are used.
114 CLDRPluralRuleParser:
115   license: MIT
116   homepage: https://github.com/santhoshtr/CLDRPluralRuleParser
117   authors: Santhosh Thottingal
118   version: 1.3.1-0dda851
119   purl: pkg:github/santhoshtr/CLDRPluralRuleParser@0dda851#src/CLDRPluralRuleParser.js
120   type: file
121   src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/santhoshtr/CLDRPluralRuleParser/0dda851/src/CLDRPluralRuleParser.js
122   integrity: sha384-M4taeYYG2+9Ob1/La16iO+zlRRmBV5lBR3xUKkQT6kfkJ0aLbCi6yc0RYI1BDzdh
124 codex:
125   license: GPL-2.0+
126   homepage: https://doc.wikimedia.org/codex/
127   authors: Design System team, Wikimedia Foundation
128   version: 1.18.0
129   purl: pkg:npm/@wikimedia/codex@1.18.0
130   type: tar
131   src: https://registry.npmjs.org/@wikimedia/codex/-/codex-1.18.0.tgz
132   integrity: sha384-hIHDvtu2GpT8nbSfSNIqTUcK6NLFX1bebg7YmNfY4/AfRihR+DpEDD7TEqAXDs+j
133   dest:
134     package/dist/codex.cjs:
135     package/dist/codex.js:
136     package/dist/codex.umd.cjs:
137     package/dist/codex.*.css:
138     package/dist/modules/*: modules
139     package/dist/mixins/*: mixins
140     package/dist/messageKeys.json:
141     package/LICENSE:
142     package/README.md:
143     package/CHANGELOG.md:
145 codex-design-tokens:
146   license: GPL-2.0+
147   homepage: https://doc.wikimedia.org/codex/
148   authors: Design System team, Wikimedia Foundation
149   version: 1.18.0
150   purl: pkg:npm/@wikimedia/codex-design-tokens@1.18.0
151   type: tar
152   src: https://registry.npmjs.org/@wikimedia/codex-design-tokens/-/codex-design-tokens-1.18.0.tgz
153   integrity: sha384-/9LDUY4xMAkV9y6BXZIHXvQ4Eip29u362ilrcIgLT0qy/UUVxQmuP1YBxCbEuuyH
154   dest:
155     package/dist/theme-*.less:
156     package/dist/theme-wikimedia-ui-root.css:
157     package/dist/theme-wikimedia-ui-mode-dark.css:
158     package/LICENSE:
159     package/README.md:
161 codex-icons:
162   license: MIT
163   homepage: https://doc.wikimedia.org/codex/
164   authors: Design System team, Wikimedia Foundation
165   version: 1.18.0
166   purl: pkg:npm/@wikimedia/codex-icons@1.18.0
167   type: tar
168   src: https://registry.npmjs.org/@wikimedia/codex-icons/-/codex-icons-1.18.0.tgz
169   integrity: sha384-vQcpR6Uudxf1pJD7kkAuFkZy79hAi1d+HkP6VUofRm9np6WBoiMmda1tWtcX/DNU
170   dest:
171     package/dist/codex-icons.json:
172     package/dist/codex-icon-paths.less:
173     package/LICENSE:
174     package/README.md:
176 url:
177   license: MIT
178   homepage: https://github.com/mrhenry/polyfill-library
179   authors: Financial Times
180   version: 3.111.0-0ece79ce32
181   purl: pkg:github/mrhenry/polyfill-library@0ece79ce32
182   type: multi-file
183   files:
184     URL.js:
185       src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrhenry/polyfill-library/0ece79ce32/polyfills/URL/polyfill.js
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187     URL-toJSON.js:
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190     LICENSE.md:
191       src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrhenry/polyfill-library/0ece79ce32/LICENSE.md
192       integrity: sha384-kXXDJ+mVdRawUrEAkIAPr1Lz40TzWjVxllGDCxB9+fHcLXtNsSYrKIvzNgTBF+En
194 fetch-polyfill:
195   license: MIT
196   homepage: https://github.com/github/fetch#readme
197   authors: GitHub, Inc.
198   version: 3.6.2
199   type: tar
200   src: https://registry.npmjs.com/whatwg-fetch/-/whatwg-fetch-3.6.2.tgz
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202   dest:
203     package/dist/fetch.umd.js:
204     package/LICENSE:
205     package/README.md:
207 intersection-observer:
208   license: Apache-2.0
209   homepage: https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/intersection-observer
210   authors: Philip Walton
211   version: 0.12.0
212   purl: pkg:npm/intersection-observer@0.12.0
213   type: tar
214   src: https://registry.npmjs.org/intersection-observer/-/intersection-observer-0.12.0.tgz
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216   dest:
217     package/intersection-observer.js:
218     package/README.md:
220 jquery:
221   license: MIT
222   homepage: https://jquery.com
223   authors: OpenJS Foundation and other contributors
224   version: 3.7.1
225   type: multi-file
226   files:
227     # Integrities from link modals https://code.jquery.com/jquery/
228     jquery.js:
229       src: https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.js
230       integrity: sha256-eKhayi8LEQwp4NKxN+CfCh+3qOVUtJn3QNZ0TciWLP4=
232 jquery.chosen:
233   license: MIT
234   homepage: https://harvesthq.github.io/chosen/
235   authors: Patrick Filler for Harvest, Matthew Lettini, Patrick Filler, Ken Earley, Christophe Coevoet, Koen Punt, and T.J. Schuck.
236   version: 1.8.2
237   purl: pkg:github/harvesthq/chosen@1.8.2
238   type: multi-file
239   files:
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243     README.md:
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260 jquery.client:
261   license: MIT
262   homepage: https://www.npmjs.com/package/jquery-client
263   authors: Trevor Parscal, Timo Tijhof, and Roan Kattouw
264   version: 3.0.0
265   purl: pkg:npm/jquery-client@3.0.0
266   type: tar
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278   authors: Language Engineering team, Wikimedia Foundation
279   version: 1.0.10
280   purl: pkg:github/wikimedia/jquery.i18n@1.0.10
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289     jquery.i18n-*/README.md:
290     jquery.i18n-*/src:
292 # Heavily modified; see the PATCHES file
293 jquery.ui:
294   license: MIT
295   homepage: https://jqueryui.com
296   authors: OpenJS Foundation and other contributors
297   version: 1.9.2
298   type: doc-only
300 moment:
301   license: MIT
302   homepage: https://momentjs.com
303   authors: JS Foundation and other contributors
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316 mustache:
317   license: MIT
318   homepage: https://github.com/janl/mustache.js
319   authors: Michael Jackson, Jan Lehnardt, Phillip Johnsen, and other contributors
320   version: 4.2.0
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329 oojs:
330   license: MIT
331   homepage: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOjs
332   authors: OOjs Team and other contributors
333   version: 7.0.1
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336   src: https://registry.npmjs.org/oojs/-/oojs-7.0.1.tgz
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344 ooui:
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346   homepage: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOUI
347   authors: OOUI Team and other contributors
348   version: 0.51.4
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377     package/dist/README.md:
379 pako:
380   license: MIT AND Zlib
381   homepage: https://github.com/nodeca/pako
382   authors: Andrei Tuputcyn, Vitaly Puzrin, Friedel Ziegelmayer, Kirill Efimov, Jean-loup Gailly, and Mark Adler
383   version: 2.1.0
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400 pinia:
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