Fixed quoting, added wikisource suffix
[mediawiki.git] / languages / LanguageSk.php
1 <?php
3 require_once("LanguageUtf8.php");
5 # Tu môžete meniť názvy "namespaces" (no proste, rôznych častí encyklopédie),
6 # ale čísla nechajte tak, ako sú! Program to tak vyžaduje...
8 /* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesSk = array(
9 -2 => "Media",
10 -1 => "Špeciálne",
11 0 => "",
12 1 => "Komentár",
13 2 => "Redaktor",
14 3 => "Komentár_k_redaktorovi",
15 4 => "Wikipédia",
16 5 => "Komentár_k_Wikipédii",
17 6 => "Obrázok",
18 7 => "Komentár_k_obrázku",
19 8 => "MediaWiki",
20 9 => "Komentár_k_MediaWiki",
21 10 => "Template",
22 11 => "Template_talk"
24 ) + $wgNamespaceNamesEn;
26 /* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsSk = array(
27 "None", "Fixed left", "Fixed right", "Floating left"
30 /* private */ $wgSkinNamesSk = array(
31 'standard' => "Standard",
32 'nostalgia' => "Nostalgia",
33 'cologneblue' => "Cologne Blue",
34 'smarty' => "Paddington",
35 'montparnasse' => "Montparnasse",
36 'davinci' => "DaVinci",
37 'mono' => "Mono",
38 'monobook' => "MonoBook",
39 "myskin" => "MySkin"
46 # All special pages have to be listed here: a description of ""
47 # will make them not show up on the "Special Pages" page, which
48 # is the right thing for some of them (such as the "targeted" ones).
50 /* private */ $wgValidSpecialPagesSk = array(
51 "Userlogin" => "",
52 "Userlogout" => "",
53 "Preferences" => "Užívateľské nastavenia",
54 "Watchlist" => "Sledované stránky",
55 "Recentchanges" => "Ostatné úpravy",
56 "Upload" => "Ulož obrázky",
57 "Imagelist" => "Zoznam obrázkov",
58 "Listusers" => "Registrovaní užívatelia",
59 "Statistics" => "Štatistika",
60 "Randompage" => "Náhodný článok",
62 "Lonelypages" => "Nezaradené články",
63 "Unusedimages" => "Nezaradené obrázky",
64 "Popularpages" => "Obľúbené články",
65 "Wantedpages" => "Najčítanejšie články",
66 "Shortpages" => "Krátke články",
67 "Longpages" => "Dlhé články",
68 "Newpages" => "Nové články",
69 # "Intl" => "Interlanguage Links",
70 "Allpages" => "Všetky články podľa nadpisu",
72 "Ipblocklist" => "Zablokované IP adresy",
73 "Maintenance" => "Údržba",
74 "Specialpages" => "",
75 "Contributions" => "",
76 "Emailuser" => "",
77 "Whatlinkshere" => "",
78 "Recentchangeslinked" => "",
79 "Movepage" => "",
80 "Booksources" => "Eksterné stránky s knihami",
81 # "Categories" => "Page categories",
82 "Export" => "Export XML",
83 "Version" => "Version",
86 /* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesSk = array(
87 "Blockip" => "Zablokuj IP adresu",
88 "Asksql" => "Dotaz do databázy",
89 "Undelete" => "Zobraz a obnov vymazané stránky"
92 /* private */ $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesSk = array(
93 "Lockdb" => "Zamkni databázu na zápis",
94 "Unlockdb" => "Odomkni databázu na zápis",
97 /* private */ $wgAllMessagesSk = array(
99 # User Toggles
101 "tog-hover" => "Zobrazuj text nad linkami do wiki",
102 "tog-underline" => "Podčiarkuj linky",
103 "tog-highlightbroken" => "Neexistujúce linky zobrazuj červenou.",
104 "tog-justify" => "Zarovnávaj odstavce",
105 "tog-hideminor" => "V posledných úpravách neukazuj drobné úpravy",
106 "tog-usenewrc" => "Špeciálne zobrazenie posledných úprav (vyžaduje JavaScript)",
107 "tog-numberheadings" => "Automaticky čísluj odstavce",
108 "tog-showtoolbar" => "Show edit toolbar",
109 "tog-rememberpassword" => "Pamätaj si heslo aj nabudúce",
110 "tog-editwidth" => "Maximálna šírka editovacieho okna",
111 "tog-editondblclick" => "Edituj stránky po dvojkliku (JavaScript)",
112 "tog-watchdefault" => "Upozorňuj na nové a novu upravené stránky",
113 "tog-minordefault" => "Označ všetky zmeny ako drobné",
114 "tog-previewontop" => "Zobrazuj ukážku pred editovacím oknom, a nie až za ním",
116 # Dates
119 'sunday' => 'Nedeľa',
120 'monday' => 'Pondelok',
121 'tuesday' => 'Utorok',
122 'wednesday' => 'Streda',
123 'thursday' => "Štvrtok",
124 'friday' => 'Piatok',
125 'saturday' => 'Sobota',
126 'january' => 'Január',
127 'february' => 'Február',
128 'march' => 'Marec',
129 'april' => 'Apríl',
130 'may_long' => 'Máj',
131 'june' => 'Jún',
132 'july' => 'Júl',
133 'august' => 'August',
134 'september' => 'September',
135 'october' => 'Október',
136 'november' => 'November',
137 'december' => 'December',
138 'jan' => 'Jan',
139 'feb' => 'Feb',
140 'mar' => 'Mar',
141 'apr' => 'Apr',
142 'may' => 'Máj',
143 'jun' => 'Jún',
144 'jul' => 'Júl',
145 'aug' => 'Aug',
146 'sep' => 'Sep',
147 'oct' => 'Okt',
148 'nov' => 'Nov',
149 'dec' => 'Dec',
151 # Bits of text used by many pages:
153 "linktrail" => "/^([a-z]+)(.*)\$/sD",
154 "mainpage" => "Hlavná stránka",
155 "about" => "Úvod",
156 "aboutwikipedia" => "O Wikipédii",
157 "aboutpage" => "Wikipédia:Úvod",
158 "help" => "Pomoc",
159 "helppage" => "Wikipédia:Pomoc",
160 "wikititlesuffix" => "Wikipédia",
161 "bugreports" => "Známe_chyby",
162 "bugreportspage" => "Wikipédia:Známe_chyby",
163 "faq" => "FAQ",
164 "faqpage" => "Wikipédia:FAQ",
165 "edithelp" => "Informácie pre redaktorov",
166 "edithelppage" => "Wikipédia:Ako_editovať_stránku",
167 "cancel" => "Storno",
168 "qbfind" => "Nájdi",
169 "qbbrowse" => "Listuj",
170 "qbedit" => "Edituj",
171 "qbpageoptions" => "Možnosti stránky",
172 "qbpageinfo" => "Informácie o stránke",
173 "qbmyoptions" => "Moje nastavenia",
174 "mypage" => "Moja stránka",
175 "mytalk" => "Moje komentáre",
176 "currentevents" => "Aktuality",
177 "errorpagetitle" => "Chyba",
178 "returnto" => "Späť na $1.",
179 "fromwikipedia" => "Z Wikipédie, slobodnej encyklopédie.",
180 "whatlinkshere" => "Sem ukazujú stránky",
181 "help" => "Pomoc",
182 "search" => "Hľadaj",
183 "go" => "Choď",
184 "history" => "Staršie verzie",
185 "printableversion" => "Veria na tlač",
186 "editthispage" => "Edituj stránku",
187 "deletethispage" => "Vymaž stránku",
188 "protectthispage" => "Zamkni stránku",
189 "unprotectthispage" => "Odomkni stránku",
190 "newpage" => "Nová stránka",
191 "talkpage" => "Komentuj stránku",
192 "articlepage" => "Zobraz článok",
193 "subjectpage" => "Zobraz tému", # For compatibility
194 "userpage" => "Zobraz užívateľovu stránku",
195 "wikipediapage" => "Zobraz metastránku",
196 "imagepage" => "Zobraz stránku s obrázkom",
197 "viewtalkpage" => "Zobraz komentáre",
198 "otherlanguages" => "Iné jazyky",
199 "redirectedfrom" => "(Presmerované z $1)",
200 "lastmodified" => "Posledné úpravy $1.",
201 "viewcount" => "Táto stránka bola zobrazená $1-krát.",
202 "gnunote" => "Celý text je dostupný pod podmienkami <a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU Free Documentation License</a>.",
203 "printsubtitle" => "(Zdroj:",
204 "protectedpage" => "Zamknutá stránka",
205 "administrators" => "Wikipédia:Správcovia",
206 "sysoptitle" => "Potrebné oprávnenie: sysop",
207 "sysoptext" => "Požadovanú akciu môžu vykonať iba užívatelia s oprávnením \"sysop\".
208 Viď $1.",
209 "developertitle" => "Potrebné oprávnenie: vývojár",
210 "developertext" => "Požadovanú akciu môžu vykonať iba užívatelia s oprávnením \"developer\".
211 Viď $1.",
212 "nbytes" => "$1 bajtov",
213 "go" => "Choď",
214 "ok" => "OK",
215 "sitetitle" => "Wikipédia",
216 "sitesubtitle" => "The Free Encyclopedia",
217 "retrievedfrom" => "Zdroj: \"$1\"",
218 "newmessages" => "Máš $1.",
219 "newmessageslink" => "nových správ",
222 # Main script and global functions
224 "nosuchaction" => "Neznáma akcia",
225 "nosuchactiontext" => "Softvér Wikipédie nepozná akciu, ktorú vyžadujete URL",
226 "nosuchspecialpage" => "Neznáma špeciálna stránka",
227 "nospecialpagetext" => "Softvér Wikipédie nepozná takúto špeciálnu stránku.",
229 # General errors
231 "error" => "Chyba",
232 "databaseerror" => "Chyba v databáze",
233 "dberrortext" => "Nastala syntaktická chyba v dotaze do databázy.
234 Znamená to chybnú dotaz (viď $5),
235 alebo chybu v softvéri.
236 Posledný pokus o dotaz bol:
237 <blockquote><tt>$1</tt></blockquote>
238 z funkcie \"<tt>$2</tt>\".
239 MySQL vrátil chybu \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\".",
240 "noconnect" => "Neviem sa pripojiť k databáze na $1",
241 "nodb" => "Neviem otvoriť databázu $1",
242 "readonly" => "Databáza je zamknutá",
243 "enterlockreason" => "Zadajte dôvod zamknutia vrátane odhadu, kedy očakávate odomknutie",
244 "readonlytext" => "Databáza Wikipédie je momentálne zamknutá, nové články a úpravy sú zablokované, pravdepodobne kvôli údržbe databázy. Po skončení tejto údržby bude Wikipédia opäť fungovať normálne.
245 Správca, ktorý nariadil uazmknutie, uvádza tento dôvod:
246 <p>$1",
247 "missingarticle" => "Databáza nenašla text stránky, ktorú by mala nájsť, menovite \"$1\".
248 Toto najskôr nie je chyba v databáze, ale v softvéri.
249 Prosím ohláste túto chybu správcovi, uveďte aj linku (URL).",
250 "internalerror" => "Vnútorná chyba",
251 "filecopyerror" => "Neviem skopírovať súbor \"$1\" na \"$2\".",
252 "filerenameerror" => "Neviem premenovať súbor \"$1\" na \"$2\".",
253 "filedeleteerror" => "Neviem vymazať súbor \"$1\".",
254 "filenotfound" => "Neviem nájsť súbor \"$1\".",
255 "unexpected" => "Nečakaná hodnota: \"$1\"=\"$2\".",
256 "formerror" => "Chyba: neviem odoslať formulár",
257 "badarticleerror" => "Na tejto stránke túto akciu vykonať nemožno.",
258 "cannotdelete" => "Neviem vymazať danú stránku alebo obrázok. (Možno to už vymazal niekto iný.)",
259 "badtitle" => "Zlý nadpis",
260 "badtitletext" => "Požadovaný nadpis bol neplatný, nezadaný, alebo nesprávne linkovaný.",
261 "perfdisabled" => "Prepáčte! Táto funkcia je počas špičky dočasne vypnutá kvôli veľkej záťaži; prosím vráťte sa medzi 02:00 a 14:00 UTC.",
263 # Login and logout pages
265 "logouttitle" => "Odhlásiť užívateľa",
266 "logouttext" => "Práve ste sa odhlásili.
267 Môžete naďalej používať Wikipédiu anonymne,
268 alebo sa môžete opäť prihlásiť pod rovnakým alebo odlišným užívateľským menom.\n",
270 "welcomecreation" => "<h2>Vitaj, $1!</h2><p>Vaše konto je vytvorené.
271 Nezabudnite si nastaviť užívateľské nastavenia.",
273 "loginpagetitle" => "Prihlásiť užívateľa",
274 "yourname" => "Vaše užívateľské meno",
275 "yourpassword" => "Vaše heslo",
276 "yourpasswordagain" => "Zopakujte heslo",
277 "newusersonly" => " (iba noví užívatelia)",
278 "remembermypassword" => "Pamätať si heslo aj po vypnutí počítača.",
279 "loginproblem" => "<b>Nastal problém pri prihlasovaní.</b><br>Skúste znova!",
280 "alreadyloggedin" => "<font color=red><b>Užívateľ $1, vy už ste prihlásený!</b></font><br>\n",
282 "login" => "Log in",
283 "userlogin" => "Log in",
284 "logout" => "Log out",
285 "userlogout" => "Log out",
286 "createaccount" => "Create new account",
287 "badretype" => "The passwords you entered do not match.",
288 "userexists" => "The user name you entered is already in use. Please choosea different name.",
289 "youremail" => "Your e-mail",
290 "yournick" => "Your nickname (for signatures)",
291 "emailforlost" => "If you forget your password, you can have a new one mailed to your e-mail address.",
292 "loginerror" => "Login error",
293 "noname" => "You have not specified a valid user name.",
294 "loginsuccesstitle" => "Login successful",
295 "loginsuccess" => "You are now logged in to Wikipedia as \"$1\".",
296 "nosuchuser" => "There is no user by the name \"$1\".
297 Check your spelling, or use the form below to create a new user account.",
298 "wrongpassword" => "The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.",
299 "mailmypassword" => "Mail me a new password",
300 "passwordremindertitle" => "Password reminder from Wikipedia",
301 "passwordremindertext" => "Someone (probably you, from IP address $1)
302 requested that we send you a new Wikipedia login password.
303 The password for user \"$2\" is now \"$3\".
304 You should log in and change your password now.",
305 "noemail" => "There is no e-mail address recorded for user \"$1\".",
306 "passwordsent" => "A new password has been sent to the e-mail address
307 registered for \"$1\".
308 Please log in again after you receive it.",
310 # Edit pages
312 "summary" => "Summary",
313 "minoredit" => "This is a minor edit",
314 "watchthis" => "Watch this article",
315 "savearticle" => "Save page",
316 "preview" => "Preview",
317 "showpreview" => "Show preview",
318 "blockedtitle" => "User is blocked",
319 "blockedtext" => "Your user name or IP address has been blocked by $1.
320 The reason given is this:<br>''$2''<p>You may contact $1 or one of the other
321 [[Wikipedia:administrators|administrators]] to discuss the block.",
322 "newarticle" => "(New)",
323 "newarticletext" =>
324 "You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist yet.
325 To create the page, start typing in the box below
326 (see the [[Wikipedia:Help|help page]] for more info).
327 If you are here by mistake, just click your browser's '''back''' button.",
328 "anontalkpagetext" => "---- ''This is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet or who does not use it. We therefore have to use the numerical [[IP address]] to identify him/her. Such an IP address can be shared by several users. If you are an anonymous user and feel that irrelevant comments have been directed at you, please [[Special:Userlogin|create an account or log in]] to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users.'' ",
329 "noarticletext" => "(There is currently no text in this page)",
330 "updated" => "(Updated)",
331 "note" => "<strong>Note:</strong> ",
332 "previewnote" => "Remember that this is only a preview, and has not yet been saved!",
333 "previewconflict" => "This preview reflects the text in the upper
334 text editing area as it will appear if you choose to save.",
335 "editing" => "Editing $1",
336 "editconflict" => "Edit conflict: $1",
337 "explainconflict" => "Someone else has changed this page since you
338 started editing it.
339 The upper text area contains the page text as it currently exists.
340 Your changes are shown in the lower text area.
341 You will have to merge your changes into the existing text.
342 <b>Only</b> the text in the upper text area will be saved when you
343 press \"Save page\".\n<p>",
344 "yourtext" => "Your text",
345 "storedversion" => "Stored version",
346 "editingold" => "<strong>WARNING: You are editing an out-of-date
347 revision of this page.
348 If you save it, any changes made since this revision will be lost.</strong>\n",
349 "yourdiff" => "Differences",
350 "copyrightwarning" => "Please note that all contributions to Wikipedia are
351 considered to be released under the GNU Free Documentation License
352 (see $1 for details).
353 If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed
354 at will, then don't submit it here.<br>
355 You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a
356 public domain or similar free resource.
358 "longpagewarning" => "WARNING: This page is $1 kilobytes long; some
359 browsers may have problems editing pages approaching or longer than 32kb.
360 Please consider breaking the page into smaller sections.",
362 # History pages
364 "revhistory" => "Revision history",
365 "nohistory" => "There is no edit history for this page.",
366 "revnotfound" => "Revision not found",
367 "revnotfoundtext" => "The old revision of the page you asked for could not be found.
368 Please check the URL you used to access this page.\n",
369 "loadhist" => "Loading page history",
370 "currentrev" => "Current revision",
371 "revisionasof" => "Revision as of $1",
372 "cur" => "cur",
373 "next" => "next",
374 "last" => "last",
375 "orig" => "orig",
376 "histlegend" => "Legend: (cur) = difference with current version,
377 (last) = difference with preceding version, M = minor edit",
379 # Diffs
381 "difference" => "(Difference between revisions)",
382 "loadingrev" => "loading revision for diff",
383 "lineno" => "Line $1:",
384 "editcurrent" => "Edit the current version of this page",
386 # Search results
388 "searchresults" => "Search results",
389 "searchhelppage" => "Wikipedia:Searching",
390 "searchingwikipedia" => "Searching Wikipedia",
391 "searchresulttext" => "For more information about searching Wikipedia, see $1.",
392 "searchquery" => "For query \"$1\"",
393 "badquery" => "Badly formed search query",
394 "badquerytext" => "We could not process your query.
395 This is probably because you have attempted to search for a
396 word fewer than three letters long, which is not yet supported.
397 It could also be that you have mistyped the expression, for
398 example \"fish and and scales\".
399 Please try another query.",
400 "matchtotals" => "The query \"$1\" matched $2 article titles
401 and the text of $3 articles.",
402 "nogomatch" => "No page with this exact title exists, trying full text search. ",
403 "titlematches" => "Article title matches",
404 "notitlematches" => "No article title matches",
405 "textmatches" => "Article text matches",
406 "notextmatches" => "No article text matches",
407 "prevn" => "previous $1",
408 "nextn" => "next $1",
409 "viewprevnext" => "View ($1) ($2) ($3).",
410 "showingresults" => "Showing below <b>$1</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>.",
411 "nonefound" => "<strong>Note</strong>: unsuccessful searches are
412 often caused by searching for common words like \"have\" and \"from\",
413 which are not indexed, or by specifying more than one search term (only pages
414 containing all of the search terms will appear in the result).",
415 "powersearch" => "Search",
416 "powersearchtext" => "
417 Search in namespaces :<br>
418 $1<br>
419 $2 List redirects &nbsp; Search for $3 $9",
422 # Preferences page
424 "preferences" => "Preferences",
425 "prefsnologin" => "Not logged in",
426 "prefsnologintext" => "You must be <a href=\"" .
427 wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
428 to set user preferences.",
429 "prefslogintext" => "You are logged in as \"$1\".
430 Your internal ID number is $2.",
431 "prefsreset" => "Preferences have been reset from storage.",
432 "qbsettings" => "Quickbar settings",
433 "changepassword" => "Change password",
434 "skin" => "Skin",
435 "math" => "Rendering math",
436 "math_failure" => "Failed to parse",
437 "math_unknown_error" => "unknown error",
438 "math_unknown_function" => "unknown function ",
439 "math_lexing_error" => "lexing error",
440 "math_syntax_error" => "syntax error",
441 "saveprefs" => "Save preferences",
442 "resetprefs" => "Reset preferences",
443 "oldpassword" => "Old password",
444 "newpassword" => "New password",
445 "retypenew" => "Retype new password",
446 "textboxsize" => "Editing",
447 "rows" => "Rows",
448 "columns" => "Columns",
449 "searchresultshead" => "Search result settings",
450 "resultsperpage" => "Hits to show per page",
451 "contextlines" => "Lines to show per hit",
452 "contextchars" => "Characters of context per line",
453 "stubthreshold" => "Threshold for stub display",
454 "recentchangescount" => "Number of titles in recent changes",
455 "savedprefs" => "Your preferences have been saved.",
456 "timezonetext" => "Enter number of hours your local time differs
457 from server time (UTC).",
458 "localtime" => "Local time",
459 "timezoneoffset" => "Offset",
460 "emailflag" => "Disable e-mail from other users",
462 # Recent changes
464 "changes" => "changes",
465 "recentchanges" => "Recent changes",
466 "recentchangestext" => "Track the most recent changes to Wikipedia on this page.
467 [[Wikipedia:Welcome,_newcomers|Welcome, newcomers]]!
468 Please have a look at these pages: [[wikipedia:FAQ|Wikipedia FAQ]],
469 [[Wikipedia:Policies and guidelines|Wikipedia policy]]
470 (especially [[wikipedia:Naming conventions|naming conventions]],
471 [[wikipedia:Neutral point of view|neutral point of view]]),
472 and [[wikipedia:Most common Wikipedia faux pas|most common Wikipedia faux pas]].
474 If you want to see Wikipedia succeed, it's very important that you don't add
475 material restricted by others' [[wikipedia:Copyrights|copyrights]].
476 The legal liability could really hurt the project, so please don't do it.
477 See also the [ recent meta discussion].",
478 "rcloaderr" => "Loading recent changes",
479 "rcnote" => "Below are the last <strong>$1</strong> changes in last <strong>$2</strong> days.",
480 "rcnotefrom" => "Below are the changes since <b>$2</b> (up to <b>$1</b> shown).",
481 "rclistfrom" => "Show new changes starting from $1",
482 # "rclinks" => "Show last $1 changes in last $2 hours / last $3 days",
483 "rclinks" => "Show last $1 changes in last $2 days.",
484 "rchide" => "in $4 form; $1 minor edits; $2 secondary namespaces; $3 multiple edits.",
485 "diff" => "diff",
486 "hist" => "hist",
487 "hide" => "hide",
488 "show" => "show",
489 "tableform" => "table",
490 "listform" => "list",
491 "nchanges" => "$1 changes",
492 "minoreditletter" => "M",
493 "newpageletter" => "N",
495 # Upload
497 "upload" => "Upload file",
498 "uploadbtn" => "Upload file",
499 "uploadlink" => "Upload images",
500 "reupload" => "Re-upload",
501 "reuploaddesc" => "Return to the upload form.",
502 "uploadnologin" => "Not logged in",
503 "uploadnologintext" => "You must be <a href=\"" .
504 wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
505 to upload files.",
506 "uploadfile" => "Upload file",
507 "uploaderror" => "Upload error",
508 "uploadtext" => "<strong>STOP!</strong> Before you upload here,
509 make sure to read and follow Wikipedia's <a href=\"" .
510 wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Image_use_policy" ) . "\">image use policy</a>.
511 <p>To view or search previously uploaded images,
512 go to the <a href=\"" . wfLocalUrlE( "Special:Imagelist" ) .
513 "\">list of uploaded images</a>.
514 Uploads and deletions are logged on the <a href=\"" .
515 wfLocalUrlE( "Wikipedia:Upload_log" ) . "\">upload log</a>.
516 <p>Use the form below to upload new image files for use in
517 illustrating your articles.
518 On most browsers, you will see a \"Browse...\" button, which will
519 bring up your operating system's standard file open dialog.
520 Choosing a file will fill the name of that file into the text
521 field next to the button.
522 You must also check the box affirming that you are not
523 violating any copyrights by uploading the file.
524 Press the \"Upload\" button to finish the upload.
525 This may take some time if you have a slow internet connection.
526 <p>The preferred formats are JPEG for photographic images, PNG
527 for drawings and other iconic images, and OGG for sounds.
528 Please name your files descriptively to avoid confusion.
529 To include the image in an article, use a link in the form
530 <b>[[image:file.jpg]]</b> or <b>[[image:file.png|alt text]]</b>
531 or <b>[[media:file.ogg]]</b> for sounds.
532 <p>Please note that as with Wikipedia pages, others may edit or
533 delete your uploads if they think it serves the encyclopedia, and
534 you may be blocked from uploading if you abuse the system.",
535 "uploadlog" => "upload log",
536 "uploadlogpage" => "Upload_log",
537 "uploadlogpagetext" => "Below is a list of the most recent file uploads.
538 All times shown are server time (UTC).
539 <ul>
540 </ul>
542 "filename" => "Filename",
543 "filedesc" => "Summary",
544 "affirmation" => "I affirm that the copyright holder of this file
545 agrees to license it under the terms of the $1.",
546 "copyrightpage" => "Wikipedia:Copyrights",
547 "copyrightpagename" => "Wikipedia copyright",
548 "uploadedfiles" => "Uploaded files",
549 "noaffirmation" => "You must affirm that your upload does not violate
550 any copyrights.",
551 "ignorewarning" => "Ignore warning and save file anyway.",
552 "minlength" => "Image names must be at least three letters.",
553 "badfilename" => "Image name has been changed to \"$1\".",
554 "badfiletype" => "\".$1\" is not a recommended image file format.",
555 "largefile" => "It is recommended that images not exceed 100k in size.",
556 "successfulupload" => "Successful upload",
557 "fileuploaded" => "File \"$1\" uploaded successfully.
558 Please follow this link: ($2) to the description page and fill
559 in information about the file, such as where it came from, when it was
560 created and by whom, and anything else you may know about it.",
561 "uploadwarning" => "Upload warning",
562 "savefile" => "Save file",
563 "uploadedimage" => "uploaded \"$1\"",
565 # Image list
567 "imagelist" => "Image list",
568 "imagelisttext" => "Below is a list of $1 images sorted $2.",
569 "getimagelist" => "fetching image list",
570 "ilshowmatch" => "Show all images with names matching",
571 "ilsubmit" => "Search",
572 "showlast" => "Show last $1 images sorted $2.",
573 "all" => "all",
574 "byname" => "by name",
575 "bydate" => "by date",
576 "bysize" => "by size",
577 "imgdelete" => "del",
578 "imgdesc" => "desc",
579 "imglegend" => "Legend: (desc) = show/edit image description.",
580 "imghistory" => "Image history",
581 "revertimg" => "rev",
582 "deleteimg" => "del",
583 "imghistlegend" => "Legend: (cur) = this is the current image, (del) = delete
584 this old version, (rev) = revert to this old version.
585 <br><i>Click on date to see image uploaded on that date</i>.",
586 "imagelinks" => "Image links",
587 "linkstoimage" => "The following pages link to this image:",
588 "nolinkstoimage" => "There are no pages that link to this image.",
590 # Statistics
592 "statistics" => "Statistics",
593 "sitestats" => "Site statistics",
594 "userstats" => "User statistics",
595 "sitestatstext" => "There are <b>$1</b> total pages in the database.
596 This includes \"talk\" pages, pages about Wikipedia, minimal \"stub\"
597 pages, redirects, and others that probably don't qualify as articles.
598 Excluding those, there are <b>$2</b> pages that are probably legitimate
599 articles.<p>
600 There have been a total of <b>$3</b> page views, and <b>$4</b> page edits
601 since the software was upgraded (July 20, 2002).
602 That comes to <b>$5</b> average edits per page, and <b>$6</b> views per edit.",
603 "userstatstext" => "There are <b>$1</b> registered users.
604 <b>$2</b> of these are administrators (see $3).",
606 # Maintenance Page
608 "maintenance" => "Maintenance page",
609 "maintnancepagetext" => "This page includes several handy tools for everyday maintenance. Some of these functions tend to stress the database, so please do not hit reload after every item you fixed ;-)",
610 "maintenancebacklink" => "Back to Maintenance Page",
611 "disambiguations" => "Disambiguation pages",
612 "disambiguationspage" => "Wikipedia:Links_to_disambiguating_pages",
613 "disambiguationstext" => "The following articles link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br>A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br>Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here.",
614 "doubleredirects" => "Double Redirects",
615 "doubleredirectstext" => "<b>Attention:</b> This list may contain false positives. That usually means there is additional text with links below the first #REDIRECT.<br>\nEach row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the \"real\" taget article, which the first redirect should point to.",
616 "brokenredirects" => "Broken Redirects",
617 "brokenredirectstext" => "The following redirects link to a non-existing article.",
618 "selflinks" => "Pages with Self Links",
619 "selflinkstext" => "The following pages contain a link to themselves, which they should not.",
620 "mispeelings" => "Pages with misspellings",
621 "mispeelingstext" => "The following pages contain a common misspelling, which are listed on $1. The correct spelling might be given (like this).",
622 "mispeelingspage" => "List of common misspellings",
623 "missinglanguagelinks" => "Missing Language Links",
624 "missinglanguagelinksbutton" => "Find missing language links for",
625 "missinglanguagelinkstext" => "These articles do <i>not</i> link to their counterpart in $1. Redirects and subpages are <i>not</i> shown.",
628 # Miscellaneous special pages
630 "orphans" => "Orphaned pages",
631 "lonelypages" => "Orphaned pages",
632 "unusedimages" => "Unused images",
633 "popularpages" => "Popular pages",
634 "nviews" => "$1 views",
635 "wantedpages" => "Wanted pages",
636 "nlinks" => "$1 links",
637 "allpages" => "All pages",
638 "randompage" => "Random page",
639 "shortpages" => "Short pages",
640 "longpages" => "Long pages",
641 "listusers" => "User list",
642 "specialpages" => "Special pages",
643 "spheading" => "Special pages",
644 "sysopspheading" => "Special pages for sysop use",
645 "developerspheading" => "Special pages for developer use",
646 "protectpage" => "Protect page",
647 "recentchangeslinked" => "Related changes",
648 "rclsub" => "(to pages linked from \"$1\")",
649 "debug" => "Debug",
650 "newpages" => "New pages",
651 "movethispage" => "Move this page",
652 "unusedimagestext" => "<p>Please note that other web sites
653 such as the international Wikipedias may link to an image with
654 a direct URL, and so may still be listed here despite being
655 in active use.",
656 "booksources" => "Book sources",
657 "booksourcetext" => "Below is a list of links to other sites that
658 sell new and used books, and may also have further information
659 about books you are looking for.
660 Wikipedia is not affiliated with any of these businesses, and
661 this list should not be construed as an endorsement.",
663 # Email this user
665 "mailnologin" => "No send address",
666 "mailnologintext" => "You must be <a href=\"" .
667 wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
668 and have a valid e-mail address in your <a href=\"" .
669 wfLocalUrl( "Special:Preferences" ) . "\">preferences</a>
670 to send e-mail to other users.",
671 "emailuser" => "E-mail this user",
672 "emailpage" => "E-mail user",
673 "emailpagetext" => "If this user has entered a valid e-mail address in
674 his or her user preferences, the form below will send a single message.
675 The e-mail address you entered in your user preferences will appear
676 as the \"From\" address of the mail, so the recipient will be able
677 to reply.",
678 "noemailtitle" => "No e-mail address",
679 "noemailtext" => "This user has not specified a valid e-mail address,
680 or has chosen not to receive e-mail from other users.",
681 "emailfrom" => "From",
682 "emailto" => "To",
683 "emailsubject" => "Subject",
684 "emailmessage" => "Message",
685 "emailsend" => "Send",
686 "emailsent" => "E-mail sent",
687 "emailsenttext" => "Your e-mail message has been sent.",
689 # Watchlist
691 "watchlist" => "My watchlist",
692 "watchlistsub" => "(for user \"$1\")",
693 "nowatchlist" => "You have no items on your watchlist.",
694 "watchnologin" => "Not logged in",
695 "watchnologintext" => "You must be <a href=\"" .
696 wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
697 to modify your watchlist.",
698 "addedwatch" => "Added to watchlist",
699 "addedwatchtext" => "The page \"$1\" has been added to your <a href=\"" .
700 wfLocalUrl( "Special:Watchlist" ) . "\">watchlist</a>.
701 Future changes to this page and its associated Talk page will be listed there,
702 and the page will appear <b>bolded</b> in the <a href=\"" .
703 wfLocalUrl( "Special:Recentchanges" ) . "\">list of recent changes</a> to
704 make it easier to pick out.</p>
706 <p>If you want to remove the page from your watchlist later, click \"Stop watching\" in the sidebar.",
707 "removedwatch" => "Removed from watchlist",
708 "removedwatchtext" => "The page \"$1\" has been removed from your watchlist.",
709 "watchthispage" => "Watch this page",
710 "unwatchthispage" => "Stop watching",
711 "notanarticle" => "Not an article",
713 # Delete/protect/revert
715 "deletepage" => "Delete page",
716 "confirm" => "Confirm",
717 "confirmdelete" => "Confirm delete",
718 "deletesub" => "(Deleting \"$1\")",
719 "confirmdeletetext" => "You are about to permanently delete a page
720 or image along with all of its history from the database.
721 Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the
722 consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with
723 [[Wikipedia:Policy]].",
724 "confirmcheck" => "Yes, I really want to delete this.",
725 "actioncomplete" => "Action complete",
726 "deletedtext" => "\"$1\" has been deleted.
727 See $2 for a record of recent deletions.",
728 "deletedarticle" => "deleted \"$1\"",
729 "dellogpage" => "Deletion_log",
730 "dellogpagetext" => "Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
731 All times shown are server time (UTC).
732 <ul>
733 </ul>
735 "deletionlog" => "deletion log",
736 "reverted" => "Reverted to earlier revision",
737 "deletecomment" => "Reason for deletion",
738 "imagereverted" => "Revert to earlier version was successful.",
739 "rollback" => "Roll back edits",
740 "rollbacklink" => "rollback",
741 "cantrollback" => "Can't revert edit; last contributor is only author of this article.",
742 "revertpage" => "Reverted to last edit by $1",
744 # Undelete
745 "undelete" => "Restore deleted page",
746 "undeletepage" => "View and restore deleted pages",
747 "undeletepagetext" => "The following pages have been deleted but are still in the archive and
748 can be restored. The archive may be periodically cleaned out.",
749 "undeletearticle" => "Restore deleted article",
750 "undeleterevisions" => "$1 revisions archived",
751 "undeletehistory" => "If you restore the page, all revisions will be restored to the history.
752 If a new page with the same name has been created since the deletion, the restored
753 revisions will appear in the prior history, and the current revision of the live page
754 will not be automatically replaced.",
755 "undeleterevision" => "Deleted revision as of $1",
756 "undeletebtn" => "Restore!",
757 "undeletedarticle" => "restored \"$1\"",
758 "undeletedtext" => "The article [[$1]] has been successfully restored.
759 See [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
761 # Contributions
763 "contributions" => "User contributions",
764 "mycontris" => "My contributions",
765 "contribsub" => "For $1",
766 "nocontribs" => "No changes were found matching these criteria.",
767 "ucnote" => "Below are this user's last <b>$1</b> changes in the last <b>$2</b> days.",
768 "uclinks" => "View the last $1 changes; view the last $2 days.",
769 "uctop" => " (top)" ,
771 # What links here
773 "whatlinkshere" => "What links here",
774 "notargettitle" => "No target",
775 "notargettext" => "You have not specified a target page or user
776 to perform this function on.",
777 "linklistsub" => "(List of links)",
778 "linkshere" => "The following pages link to here:",
779 "nolinkshere" => "No pages link to here.",
780 "isredirect" => "redirect page",
782 # Block/unblock IP
784 "blockip" => "Block IP address",
785 "blockiptext" => "Use the form below to block write access
786 from a specific IP address.
787 This should be done only only to prevent vandalism, and in
788 accordance with [[Wikipedia:Policy|Wikipedia policy]].
789 Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular
790 pages that were vandalized).",
791 "ipaddress" => "IP Address",
792 "ipbreason" => "Reason",
793 "ipbsubmit" => "Block this address",
794 "badipaddress" => "The IP address is badly formed.",
795 "noblockreason" => "You must supply a reason for the block.",
796 "blockipsuccesssub" => "Block succeeded",
797 "blockipsuccesstext" => "The IP address \"$1\" has been blocked.
798 <br>See [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] to review blocks.",
799 "unblockip" => "Unblock IP address",
800 "unblockiptext" => "Use the form below to restore write access
801 to a previously blocked IP address.",
802 "ipusubmit" => "Unblock this address",
803 "ipusuccess" => "IP address \"$1\" unblocked",
804 "ipblocklist" => "List of blocked IP addresses",
805 "blocklistline" => "$1, $2 blocked $3",
806 "blocklink" => "block",
807 "unblocklink" => "unblock",
808 "contribslink" => "contribs",
810 # Developer tools
812 "lockdb" => "Lock database",
813 "unlockdb" => "Unlock database",
814 "lockdbtext" => "Locking the database will suspend the ability of all
815 users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
816 other things requiring changes in the database.
817 Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will
818 unlock the database when your maintenance is done.",
819 "unlockdbtext" => "Unlocking the database will restore the ability of all
820 users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and
821 other things requiring changes in the database.
822 Please confirm that this is what you intend to do.",
823 "lockconfirm" => "Yes, I really want to lock the database.",
824 "unlockconfirm" => "Yes, I really want to unlock the database.",
825 "lockbtn" => "Lock database",
826 "unlockbtn" => "Unlock database",
827 "locknoconfirm" => "You did not check the confirmation box.",
828 "lockdbsuccesssub" => "Database lock succeeded",
829 "unlockdbsuccesssub" => "Database lock removed",
830 "lockdbsuccesstext" => "The Wikipedia database has been locked.
831 <br>Remember to remove the lock after your maintenance is complete.",
832 "unlockdbsuccesstext" => "The Wikipedia database has been unlocked.",
834 # SQL query
836 "asksql" => "SQL query",
837 "asksqltext" => "Use the form below to make a direct query of the
838 Wikipedia database.
839 Use single quotes ('like this') to delimit string literals.
840 This can often add considerable load to the server, so please use
841 this function sparingly.",
842 "sqlquery" => "Enter query",
843 "querybtn" => "Submit query",
844 "selectonly" => "Queries other than \"SELECT\" are restricted to
845 Wikipedia developers.",
846 "querysuccessful" => "Query successful",
848 # Move page
850 "movepage" => "Move page",
851 "movepagetext" => "Using the form below will rename a page, moving all
852 of its history to the new name.
853 The old title will become a redirect page to the new title.
854 Links to the old page title will not be changed; be sure to
855 [[Special:Maintenance|check]] for double or broken redirects.
856 You are responsible for making sure that links continue to
857 point where they are supposed to go.
859 Note that the page will '''not''' be moved if there is already
860 a page at the new title, unless it is empty or a redirect and has no
861 past edit history. This means that you can rename a page back to where
862 it was just renamed from if you make a mistake, and you cannot overwrite
863 an existing page.
865 <b>WARNING!</b>
866 This can be a drastic and unexpected change for a popular page;
867 please be sure you understand the consequences of this before
868 proceeding.",
869 "movepagetalktext" => "The associated talk page, if any, will be automatically moved along with it '''unless:'''
870 *You are moving the page across namespaces,
871 *A non-empty talk page already exists under the new name, or
872 *You uncheck the box below.
874 In those cases, you will have to move or merge the page manually if desired.",
875 "movearticle" => "Move page",
876 "movenologin" => "Not logged in",
877 "movenologintext" => "You must be a registered user and <a href=\"" .
878 wfLocalUrl( "Special:Userlogin" ) . "\">logged in</a>
879 to move a page.",
880 "newtitle" => "To new title",
881 "movepagebtn" => "Move page",
882 "pagemovedsub" => "Move succeeded",
883 "pagemovedtext" => "Page \"[[$1]]\" moved to \"[[$2]]\".",
884 "articleexists" => "A page of that name already exists, or the
885 name you have chosen is not valid.
886 Please choose another name.",
887 "talkexists" => "The page itself was moved successfully, but the
888 talk page could not be moved because one already exists at the new
889 title. Please merge them manually.",
890 "movedto" => "moved to",
891 "movetalk" => "Move \"talk\" page as well, if applicable.",
892 "talkpagemoved" => "The corresponding talk page was also moved.",
893 "talkpagenotmoved" => "The corresponding talk page was <strong>not</strong> moved.",
894 # Math
895 'mw_math_png' => "Vždy vytvor PNG",
896 'mw_math_simple' => "Na jednoduché použi HTML, inak PNG",
897 'mw_math_html' => "Ak sa dá, použi HTML, inak PNG",
898 'mw_math_source' => "Ponechaj TeX (pre textové prehliadače)",
899 'mw_math_modern' => "Odporúčame pre moderné prehliadače",
900 'mw_math_mathml' => 'MathML',
904 class LanguageSk extends LanguageUtf8 {
906 function getNamespaces() {
907 global $wgNamespaceNamesSk;
908 return $wgNamespaceNamesSk;
911 function getNsText( $index ) {
912 global $wgNamespaceNamesSk;
913 return $wgNamespaceNamesSk[$index];
916 function getNsIndex( $text ) {
917 global $wgNamespaceNamesSk;
919 foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesSk as $i => $n ) {
920 if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
922 if( 0 == strcasecmp( "Special", $text ) ) return -1;
923 if( 0 == strcasecmp( "Wikipedia", $text ) ) return 4;
924 return false;
927 function getQuickbarSettings() {
928 global $wgQuickbarSettingsSk;
929 return $wgQuickbarSettingsSk;
932 function getSkinNames() {
933 global $wgSkinNamesSk;
934 return $wgSkinNamesSk;
937 function getValidSpecialPages()
939 global $wgValidSpecialPagesSk;
940 return $wgValidSpecialPagesSk;
943 function getSysopSpecialPages()
945 global $wgSysopSpecialPagesSk;
946 return $wgSysopSpecialPagesSk;
949 function getDeveloperSpecialPages()
951 global $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesSk;
952 return $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesSk;
955 function getMessage( $key )
957 global $wgAllMessagesSk;
958 if($wgAllMessagesSk[$key])
959 return $wgAllMessagesSk[$key];
960 return Language::getMessage( $key );
963 function fallback8bitEncoding() {
964 return "iso-8859-2"; #?